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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

The conservative views I post are equal time, that deconstruct the liberal narrative spread across 80%-plus of the media. They point out with facts why the completely manufactured liberal narrative is blatantly untrue.

Oh please, it allows you to hold onto a false narrative. You bitch about bias and than wallow in it.

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There's nothing I said that is not factual. As I've said often, every poll for 50 years, reporters themselves self-identify as 80% liberal. And I would wager since 2009, it's even higher than that. And that outside of Fox News and National Review, it would be a career ender for reporters in most newsrooms to even admit that they're Republican. As I've quoted Tim Groseclose, he cited that 93% of Washington DC based reporters voted for Obama in 2008. A higher ratio of Democrat support than such liberal hubs as Boston, Massachusetts and Berkeley, CA, that even those Democrat populations have a lower ratio of Democrat support than the Washington media does.

The false narrative is obviously the DEMOCRAT narrative. How many times has the media been busted and had to retract stories, or even fire reporters and news producers for blatantly false stories about Trump? ALMOST WEEKLY!
CNN and MSNBC are crashing in the ratings because NO ONE outside liberal Democrat zombies believe the narrative those networks are selling. As I've also said, even Harvard has released studies that quantify the unprecedented bias. CNN and NBC top the list with 93% negative coverage of Trump.

Even in Tucker Carlson's more "editorial" program, he cites a lot of facts. That the average person convicted of tax evasion gets a jail sentence of 1 year and 3 months. Whereas Manafort has charges in front of him that stack up to 305 years. You accuse Carlson of being a false narrative, but he cites the facts that prove YOUR SIDE are Jacobinist fanatics who are abusing power and weaponizing government against their Republican opposition. And that the extremist rhetoric, fanaticism and violence of your party are building toward a Kristallnacht on Republicans.

If Manafort were a Democrat serving Hillary, he would have gotten blanket immunity and the freedom to destroy all evidence, and he wouldn't even be facing a trial let alone jail time. Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin and several aides who helped her destroy cel phones and computer files should all be in jail. But because they're Democrats and their buddies in DOJ and FBI helped them destroy the evidence and absolutely refuse to prosecute them, they don't even have to defend themselves in court.
It's obscene.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Just a reminder: Everything Manafort is accused of was investigated over 12 yeaqrs ago by the FBI, and FBI/DOJ ultimately decided that it didn't warrant prosecution. They ONLY re-opened the case as a way to smear "the Trump administration" with criminal allegations, that anyone aware of the true facts knows has absolutely nothing to do with Trump, all the allegations precede Manafort's period with the Trump campaign.
And exactly how long was Manafort the campaign manager for Trump? Exactly 48 days. In other consultant and supportive roles, maybe 5 months with the campaign. And that warrants charges to keep Manafort in jail for 305 years, a life sentence.

What enrages me about this is not just that the Mueller investigators are 100% Democrat, and many with conflicts of interest up the wazoo 9 of the 17 are huge DNC/Obama/Hillary donors, one(Jeannie Rhee) used to represent the Clinton Foundation squashing FOIA requests the EXACT OPPOSITE of what she is assigned to do as a Mueller investigator.

What enrages me most is also not just that the Meuller investigators are clear partisans who are vindictively trying to prosecute and unseat Trump with any malicious contrivance they can manufacture.

What REALLY enrages me is how the Meuller team, FBI and DOJ have ignored far more blatant and expansive evidence that points to Hillary Clinton, and to officials of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Where FBI/DOJ made midnight raids and jailed Manafort and Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen to "prevent them from destroying evidence", they almost simultaneously did >>>>>NOT<<<< do the same with Hillary Clinton officials, and actually LET THEM DESTROY EVIDENCE. And gave them WEEKS unmonitored, un-arrested time to destroy it!
Was there ever any evidence destroyed by Manafort, Flynn or Cohen? NO!
Was there evidence destroyed by Hillary Clinton officials? FUCK YES!

Why aren't Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, the guys smashing Hillary Clinton's incriminating cel phones, and the bleach-bit guy up on charges?

Clearly, there is an infuriating double-standard.

DOJ and FBI are corrupted. And the Mueller investigation is so corrupt that NO MATTER WHAT they eventually conclude, no one will believe it.
At the very least, Mueller should recuse himself, the 9 large DNC donors should recuse themselves and Jeannie Rhee should recuse herself. Or be removed by others above them. The fact that they continue on the investigation as the blatant Democrat partisans they are just manifests their shameless bias. It's this kind of arrogance and smug elitism that caused us to have a Revolutionary War.

Manafort and Flynn have demonstrated a lack of good judgement if not crimes, but that clearly preceded their time in the Trump campaign. All the others are entrapment by either Fusion GPS (NAtalia Veselnitskaya), or contracted Russians hired by the FBI to act as bait to other Trump officials. Entrapment. Or perjury traps. Or mountains of manufactured charges to force them to take plea bargains despite that they never committed an actual crime in their interactions with Russians. It's a shakedown.

And meanwhile, everything that Trump officials are accused of doing, officials of the Hillary Clinton campaign ACTUALLY DID.
And UNSOLICITED, not baited as Trump officials were.
The Clinton campaign using a fronting law firm to hire a former British intelligence agent (who despises Trump) to create a "Russia Dossier" filled with knowingly false information, obtained FROM RUSSIAN OFFICIALS, and no one in FBI/DOJ or the Meuller commission think this warrants investigation.
Also the fact that this Russia Dossier was illicitly smuggled into the FBI by unusual channels through Bruce Ohr (who hates Trump) and his wife (Fusion GPS employee, who hates Trump). And then used by James Comey and Andrew McCabe (who both hate Trump) as the sole "evidence" (THAT THEY KNEW TO BE FRAUDULENT WHEN THEY SUBMITTED IT) for a FISA court judge, for the FIRST FISA SURVEILLANCE WARRANT, and knew it was false evidence for every warrant after.

How is there still an investigation?
Everything obtained from that point forward is "fruit of the poisoned tree".
Manafort's case should be thrown out.
Flynn's guilty plea bargain should be thrown out. Even more so because Rusdolf Contreras, the judge who tried Flynn's case, recused himself suspiciously AFTER the conviction of Flyn. And the text messages revealed between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page discussing Contreras as a like-minded anti-Trump friend, and how they would meet with Contreras to discuss their plot in an ex-parte meeting hidden inside a dinner party. Peter Strzok in particular I'd like to see go down hard and do lengthy prison time for his malicious actions. No Democrat even blinks at the fact that the FBI's own inspector General has condemned the actions of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, on and on. And many have left the FBI, in advance of being fired.

M E M, seriously, how blind are you to the facts? Anything that simply points out these facts you dismiss as "right wing propaganda".
Is the FBI's inspector general's report just "propaganda"?

Democrats have no interest in justice, or equal justice under the law.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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No mention of Rick Gates testimony today WB? I've been actually following the trial and I think Mueller's got Manafort pretty much nailed. His biggest defense was that he wasn't aware he was breaking the law and now that really isn't credible.

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"As part of a plea deal..."
Which begs the question: is he "singing" or "composing", to get the lightest sentence he can get?

In any case, it is about him helping Paul Manafort cheat on his taxes, and how Gates himself embezzled several thousand from Manafort as his employer, through several hundred thousand dollars in falsified expense reports. All of which is independent of the Trump campaign. The Democrat-partisan Mueller investigation still has nothing on Trump himself. Or for that matter "Trump officials." This is just two guys embezzling and cheating on their taxes.
This is still a witch-hunt in search of an actual crime, desperately clawing at manufactured peripheral charges, because in truth they have nothing related to the thesis of the Meuller investigation's formation. (i.e., it's true purpose is as a smear campaign against the Trump administration, to damage him in the 2018 and 2020 elections, and even longer if they can stretch it.)

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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But the ironies just pile up.
Senator Diane Feinstein employed a Chinese spy on her staff FOR TWENTY YEARS, and even after she knew about him, was reluctant to do much about it.

This is Senator Diane Feinstein, the same Senator who has led the charge for investigating Donald Trump for "Russia collusion" and being negligent of U.S. national security.
WHO IS HERSELF negligent of national security and enabling foreign spies.

This reminds me of the IT people hired by Debbi Wasserman-Schultz who managed the internet security (and government information) for 80 Democrat Congress members. Who, AGAIN, they were reluctant to expose, prosecute, or even fire.

And how Democrats wailed about the Russians hacking their DNC computer systems. But they neglect to say that the Russians tried to hack the Republican RNC systems too, but were unable to, because Republicans has a better security system that the Russian hackers could not penetrate. BECAUSE REPUBLICANS TAKE NATIONAL SECURITY SERIOUSLY.

Again, Natalia Veselnitskaya was a Russian national contracted by Fusion GPS (i.e., the Clinton campaign) and the day she baited Donald Trump Jr and met him at Trump tower, for a grand total of about 20 minutes, where no transaction occurred, she met with Fusion GPS BEFORE AND AFTER the meeting, so it's clear where the puppet-strings that moved the offer came from.
Likewise, all the meetings with other Trump officials like Carter Page, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Sam Clovis and Michael Caputo were Russian nationals hired as bait by the FBI (i.e., Hillary loyalist deep state operatives) to entrap and smear the Trump campaign, to make Trump lose in Nov 2016, or in the event he won "As an insurance policy"[in the words of Peter Strzok], to cripple Trump's presidency after the election.

There's also the "Russia collusion" involving James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr (and wife Nellie Ohr employed by Fusion GPS, again, contrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign) who pipelined the "Russia Dossier" into the FBI through unusual backchannels, and used falsified information (information they KNEW to be false) taken directly from Russian officials to manufacture as "evidence" to request FISA warrants, to spy on Trump officials.

Once again, ALL the dealings with the Russians were by the Hillary Clinton campaign. All the payments for the Russia Dossier, all the bait offered to Trump officials, all the illegal falsified evidence submitted to judges to request FISA warrants. ALL OF IT. Hillary Clinton and her staff are the ones who should be facing imprisonment, and the corrupt FBI and DOJ have refused to, handed out immunity for no logical reason, and actually allowed the destruction of evidence that incriminates the Hillary campaign.
The double-standard that protects Dems and aggressively and falsely prosecutes Republicans enrages me, and millions of other Americans.

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In the "it's about fucking time" department, Peter Strzok has finally been fired from the FBI, it was announced yesterday. Although apparently he was officially fired Friday.

My impression is that the Deep State apparatus in the FBI that continues without him did everything they could to prevent and slow-walk his dismissal, and if it wasn't for public accountability, Peter Strzok would still be in the FBI to rig future investigations.

I'm not at all confident of the FBI after his dismissal, precisely because of their reluctance to dismiss him, new Director Christopher Wray's dismissal of the notion that there is corruption in the FBI or a Deep State, and the lack of re-opening cases like Lois Lerner and the Hillary e-mail investigation. And the disproportionate aggressiveness with which they STILL pursue the Mueller investigation. Based on the number of FBI and DOJ officials related to these cases, ALL these cases should be dismissed, or at least re-started with neutral players from outside the preceding DOJ/FBI corruption. The players who have either been fired or resigned are just the tip of the iceberg. Even the FBI inspector general's reports were soft on the level of visible corruption of Strzok, Page and the Bruce Ohr/Nellie Ohr/Fusion GPS/FISA warrant corruption.

The fact that no one in the vast FBI reported or complained about abuses of leadership that abused FISA surveillance on false evidence to spy on the Trump administration and attempted to remove him from office with agents sent to trick and bait them by the FBI itself, the FBI remains corrupt and untrustworthy, even without Strzok , Page and other players. They are gone, the corrupt DNC-subservient FBI machine still lives.

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"It is not only indicative of a biased state of mind, but even more seriously, implies a willingness to take official action to impact the candidate's electoral prospects."
--the FBI Inspector General's report, regarding Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's texts.

TEXT by PETER STRZOK: Hillary should win by 100,000,000 to 0

Texts by Strzok and Page, August 8, 2016:
PAGE: [Trump's] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!
STRZOK: No. No he's not. We'll stop it.

What more proof does anyone need of Peter Strzok's zealous willingness to rig the FBI's multiple investigations, and deliberately influence the 2016 election. What continues to amaze me is the enormous forces aligned against Trump, and how he still miraculously overcame them and won the election.

What also continues to amaze me is the Democrats' defense of this corruption, and their attempts to sweep it under the rug and obstruct investigation and reporting of it. This is more devastating and corrupt than Watergate. It is weaponizing the branches of government to attack a presidential candidate, and attack the elected President himself, in an ongoing attempt to cripple and depose him, and reverse the election.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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CNN strains to say it is because most think Trump is guilty, but provide no evidence to back that opinion. The truth is, after so many corrupt officials in FBI and DOJ exposed, and the fact that all 17 lawyers on the Mueller investigation are partisan Democrats, 9 of them large DNC donors, 1 of them just previously employed by the Clinton Foundation who have produced nothing in 18 months, the electorate is tired of the blatant bias. If there were evidence against Trump, the slightest whiff of it would have surfaced by now.

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How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals - and How They LOST!

A 10-minute video that gives an overview of all the vile stuff done by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, to attempt to win the 2016 election using every dirty trick in the book, and still, gloriously, lost.

I think over time, we tend to forget just how evil these people are. And that they are still mounting a coup against the elected Trump administration, weaponizing government agencies against U.S. citizens (both conservatives, and even Bernie Sanders and anyone else on even the Democrat side who gets in their way), and ultimately against their elected president. That is truly frightening. The Democrats are now truly the party of Alinsky, Ayers, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Che.
God help us if these bastards ever regain power.

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To Understand Christine Blasey Ford, Take a look at Palo Alto University

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the ONE INCRIMINATING Thing Blasey-Ford Forgot To Erase From the Internet

CHRISTINE FORD'S YEARBOOK EXPOSED: All night co-ed parties, male strippers, Drinking blackout games

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This shows prosecutor Rachel Mitchell's memo to Senate Republicans after she deposed Christine Blasey Ford for a few hours, her legal conclusions. She objectively summarizes the multitude of inconsistencies in Ford's tesimony. I still find it mind-bending that anyone on the Democrat side can deny the inconsistencies, and still condemn Brett Kavanaugh, in light of these facts.
And the two other disproven allegations.
And the last minute orchestrated Democrat attacks, led by Senator Feinstein.

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About an hour ago, they arrested the guy who has been mailing pipe-bombs to Democrat leaders nationwide including Soros, Obama, the Clintons, Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, John Brennan/CNN, Eric Holder/Debbie Wasserman-Schultz,and Robert Deniro.

A U.S. attorney prosecuting says that the suspect in custody faces "up to 58 years" in prison for his actions.

That's a lot less time than Manafort was facing in jail for doing far, far less.
Just sayin'.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Since it appears the Russia/Trump thing isn't going away probably past time for a thread dedicated to it. The latest news is that Trump tried to influence a FBI investigation. How do we feel about that?

Roughly a year later, it has been revealed that:

1) Rosenstein wrote a report that called for James Comey to be fired to restore public and internal confidence in the FBI. Trump fired Comey on Rosenstein's recommendation not out of any corruption, or for Trump to hide any dealings he had with the Russians.

2) Comey leaked confidential FBI information through a college professor friend that set up the circumstances to call for a special investigation. And Deep State brethren Rosenstein (again at the center) was the one who appointed Meuller as special investigator. Who appointed 9 attorneys who were all huge donors to the DNC, Obama and Hillary, and therefore clearly not neutral investigators.

3) Andrew McCabe (and wife whose campaign was funded $700,000 by Terry MacAuliffe, a Hillary operative), Bruce Ohr (whose wife worked for Fusion GPS and gave McCabe Russian information from Fusion GPS), the 9 lawyers on the Meuller commission, including Jeannie Rhee who previously worked for the Clinton Foundation suppressing/obstructing FOIA requests for Clinton Foundation donation records. Top FBI investigators Peter Strzok and Lisa Page who exchanged messages about how much they loathe Trump, how much Trump needed to be stopped, and how they needed to put in place an "insurance plan" and "secret society" to either prevent Trump from being elected, or make sure Trump was crippled politically and thus prevented from acting as president. Loretta Lynch who met Bill Clinton on an airplane secretly, days before Loretta Lynch exonerated Hillary of criminal charges. Comey usurped his authority to similarly exonerate Hillary, something he had no authority as FBI director to do. Comey and other FBI officials also gave amnesty to Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, in exchange for nothing. AND authorized the destruction of evidence that would have convicted them and Hillary.
>>>ALL<<<< of these manifest corruption at the highest level, and what amounts to a "Deep State" political coup to remove president Trump, by whatever corrupt means available. ALL these DOJ and FBI should have recused themselves for their lack of impartiality, ALL should face criminal charges for not doing so, and at the very least be removed from their jobs.

3) The FISA request that began this whole "Russian collusion" false narrative was based entirely on a "Russia dossier" that was known by Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and other higher-ups at the DOJ and FBI to be fraudulent and unreliable, AND YET THEY PUSHED IT ANYWAY on a FISA judge for a surveillance request, to do illegal surveillance on Carter Page, General Flynn and others in the Trump campaign. And post election, STILL did FISA surveillance on the incoming Trump administration.
It was done as opposition research to share confidential Trump campaign information with the Hillary campaign, and to manufacture a fake case against Trump officials. In Flynn's case, to threaten his son with imprisonment, and despite that there was no Russia collusion on his part or Trump's, to manufacture perjury charges against Flynn to leverage Flynn to support the false narrative of "Russian collusion" on Trump's part. TO THIS DAY, A YEAR LATER, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF THAT TRUMP OR HIS CAMPAIGN/INCOMING ADMINISTRATION DID ANYTHING WRONG.
But ironically, there is clear proof that Hillary Clinton, the Obama administration, and FBI/DOJ officials >>>>DID<<<< collude with the Russians through Christopher Steele/FusionGPS/an insulating law firm/the Hillary Clinton campaign. In nothing less than a coup of slander, based entirely on Steele's "Russia dossier". Which Deep State officials in DOJ and FBI falsely represented as legitimate, and falsely represented as verified by an independent 2nd source. THAT last one alone should throw out all the FISA surveillance as "fruit of the poisonous tree", and result in charges for the FBI and DOJ officials who pushed it for malicious prosecution based on false evidence.

How do "we" feel about THAT ?

Almost another year later, with Jeff Sessions resigning as Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein is still assistant A G, despite that he drafted some of the illegal FISA warrants used to illegally spy on Trump officials. Rosenstein is both supervisor of the Meuller probe, a witness to what occurred leading up to it, and an unindicted defendant for his part in knowingly falsifying the FISA request to do surveillance on Trump officials, with "Russia Dossier" information he knew at the time to be unreliable, and to be directly funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

And by the way, all this hysteria to investigate Trump for allegedly scheming with the Russians is being investigated on complete specualtion, not a shred of evidence.
While siimultaneously there are mountains of evidence that Hillary Clinton and her campaign ACTUALLY DID both get information directly from Russian officials, and PAID the Russians for the information in her "Russia Dossier".
And the FBI and DOJ officials (Comey and Rosenstein) likewise knew where that information came from and fraudulently used Russia-provided information to submit their FISA warrants. Yet none of that is being investigated or indicted.

What really scares me is that knowing all this, a majority of Democrats would still elect Hillary Clinton, and try to sweep all this under a rug. But still, despite no evidence, believe the demonstrably false conspiracy theory that Trump collaborated with the Russians to rig the 2016 election.
Just incredible.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I saw a report recently that a majority of Democrats, against all evidence over the last 2 years, still believe the liberal-media false narrative conspiracy theory that the Russians somehow rigged the election so Trump could win.

If you repeat a lie enough times, the low-information human cattle who vote Democrat begin to believe it. Despite that no evidence has surfaced in 2 years, and despite that everyone investigating, from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Weissmann, on down, are all Hillary Clinton loyalists doing their damnedest to indict Trump, while simultaneously ignoring the evidence of Hillary Clinton campaign's overwhelming guilt on the same criteria.

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I guess we look at people from the other party differently WB.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I guess we look at people from the other party differently WB.

I look at the Democrat leadership as the deceitful cultural marxist demagogue liars that they are. Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joseph Biden, Kirsten Gillibrans, Cory Booker, Kamalah Harris, Keith Ellison, Dick Durbin on down. And in the last election Kyrsten Sinema, Claire McCaskill, Andrew Gillum, Tracey Abrams, Phil Bredeson, Bill Nelson, all exposed as liars and demagogues who will say absolutely anything, splinter the nation, just to win an election, or when losing, poison the well for the next election out of pure spite. Or more likely, Alinsky tactics.
But either way, dividing the nation.

And then they have the audacity to demogogue Trump as the divider. Trump, who's actually trying to negotiate actual solutions that have been stalemated for decades! The same way they demagogued Reagan, Bush Sr, George W., McCain and Romney before him. The last two about as moderate and non-polarizing as any Democrat could ask for from the opposing party. But demonized as "right wing" anyway.
Whereas your Democrat party has turned far-left and radicalized, and adopted the scorched-earth tactics of the Bolsheviks.

I wish I could say that grassroots Democrats can't be swept in the same radical category. But that they know all the incredible abuses of power by Hillary Clinton (using FBI, DOJ and fraudelently obtained FISA warrants to spy on, offer bait, frame and shake down the Trump administration) and they would still select Hillary as president, and would eagerly allow their party to lynch Trump by whatever unlawful means, they are lawless human cattle who endanger our Democracy. It absolutely terrifies me these maniacs could EVER regain power, and yet inevitably at some point they will.

I'd hoped that the current Democrat leadership would suffer a humiliating across-the-board defeat on Nov 6th, that would make the Democrats abandon the maniacs, but they actually achieved a partial narrow victory mixed with some narrow losses, that if anything has emboldened them going into 2020. And I fear what damage they can do, when the cattle that vote Democrat have no regard for their party leadership's abuses of the law and federal power, and give them a rubber stamp to do whatever they want.

We've already seen the weaponization of the IRS in 2010-2013 with no punishment or consequences, which emboldened them to weaponize the DOJ and FBI and FISA court in 2016. Emboldened by this further abuse and getting away with it, I wouldn't be surprised if Republicans were forbidden to work and put in concentration camps if your party won.
Your party has abandoned any semblance of law, and what terrifies me is that not one Democrat I've spoken to has said this is the train to crazytown and this is where I get off. They're all aboard.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

On the testimony of Cohen, a proven liar.
His credibility is shattered by the age-old opening cross examination question: "Were you lying then... or are you lying now?"

Cohen is composing, not just singing, to tell the Mueller investigators whatever will give him the minimum sentence.

Just pointing out: None of the "crimes" of Flynn, Cohen, Pappadapoulos, Manafort, Stone or Corsi are accused of, are crimes from actions as Trump officials.
Virtually all are manufactured "perjury traps" where they did absolutely nothing wrong, but they were forced to take a plea to avoid imprisonment for manufactured perjury that wasn't even real.

The remainder are charges for unethical things that no one in FBI even considered worth pursuing, except as leverage to make them "sing" or "compose" false charges against Trump.

In the case of Manafort, the crimes they convicted him for were investigated in 2005 and were dropped by the FBI as not worth pursuing. Resurrected only as leverage to get Trump any way they can, even though they know the charges are bogus. So basically, for the same crimes anywhere else, Manafort could live out his life without fear of further investigation, but because he was Trump's campaign manager for 40 days, and committed no crimes during that time, he will spend the rest of his life in jail.

Likewise Pappadapoulos. He was entrapped by FBI-employed foreign "assets", and despite the great attempts to make him "compose" about Trump, he did not, and spent a grand total of two weeks in jail.

In the case of Flynn, everything Flynn did was during his time as an Obama official. He was a consultant to the Turkish government and did some questionable things to advocate in favor of his Turkish employers, but again, not as a Trump official.
And again, Flynn was put in a perjury trap and overcharged with essentially a life sentence, and bankrupted, forced to sell his home, and with the threat of further convicting Flynn's son as well, Flynn finally with no options took the plea deal. A situation worthy of a Kafka novel.

The part that really makes me want to rip someone's jugular open with a dull rusty knife is the scorched-earth aggressiveness with which Trump officials are being prosecuted, vs. the kid gloves with which the same investigators treated Hillary Clinton officials.
There is so much more that the Hillary campaign is clearly guilty of. Through insulated covered-up channels, the Hillary campaaign hired a law firm (Perkins Cole), who hired Fusion GPS, who hired Christopher Steele for $2 million, to gather scandalous dirt on Donald Trump of highly questionable reliability, much of which information was purchased directly from Russian government officials. The Hillary campaign officials who contracted this, on much more clear evidence than against any of the above Trump officials should be convicted. But are not even being investigated.

Likewise, the lack of investigation of James Comey, Rod Rosenstein and other officials who falsified the evidence for FISA warrants to spy on Trump officials. They belong in jail. And with the FISA warrants exposed as fraudfulent, all the fruit of those poisoned trees becomes inadmissible as evidence, and the case falls apart.

Likewise the Obama officials who unmasked the names of Trump officials exposed but unnamed in those FISA warrant surveillaance reports. Until they illegally unmasked them and exposed the names. In an attempt to prevent Trump from winning the election.

Likewise, the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play, where donations to the Clinton Foundation by foreign governments, some of them very bad players, each resulted in a phone call to Hillary Clinton's state department, and gave each access to State Department officials and cooperation.
But Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Jennifer Palmieri were all given blanket immunity in exchange for no information, no perjury traps or potential charges, so they will never reveal anything about Hillary Clinton/Clinton Foundation crimes. And FBI authorized the destruction of evidence that would incriminate Hillary on computers, files, and cel phones.

Likewise Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server, that compromised U.S. national security and internal white house communication ripe for the hacking by the Russians and Chinese every single day Hiollary Clinton was secretary of state.

And Benghazi.

It's infuriating.
The FBI/DOJ and Meuller investigation manufacture crimes to try and destroy the Trump campaign and Trump administration, and destroy the lives of innocent people.
While simultaneously obstructing and sabotaging the far greater evidence that would convict Hillary Clinton and her inner circle.

And the Democrat politburo is set to be inaugrated in January and further obstruct what's left of the investigation against Demcorats. Just sweep it all under the rug.

The Bolshevik party. Weaponizing government against its political opponents, with no interest in the facts and actual justice.

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

One more thing...

The documents offer a scathing portrait of his former lawyer as a criminal who deserves little sympathy or mercy because he held back from telling the FBI everything he knew. For that reason, prosecutors said, he should be sentenced to “substantial” prison time, suggesting possibly 3½ years.

Knowing what I know now about the dishonorable way the FBI treats cooperating witnesses, ensnaring innocent people with perjury traps, I would lawyer up and not reveal anything.
And I think tens of millions of Americans, having observed this, feel likewise now about the FBI.

Like Flynn, I previously was naive thinking that as an innocent person I would cooperate fully with nothing to hide.
Now millions of us know better, that they will create a perjury trap with your cooperation and prosecute you anyway, just to get you to say whatever it is they want you to say.

That is not justice.

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One day after former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's legal team made the bombshell allegation that the FBI had pushed him not to bring a lawyer to his fateful Jan. 24, 2017 interview with agents at the White House, the federal judge overseeing Flynn's criminal case is demanding answers from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Mueller late Wednesday to turn over all of the government's documents and "memoranda" related to Flynn's questioning.
The extraordinary demand puts Mueller under the microscope, and sets a 3:00 p.m. EST Friday deadline for the special counsel's office to produce the sensitive FBI documents.

Sullivan -- who overturned the 2008 conviction of former U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens after government misconduct came to light -- is weighing how to sentence Flynn, who pleaded guilty to one count of lying to federal authorities during the 2017 interview in the West Wing. Flynn faced mounting legal bills that forced him to sell his home amid the prosecution, and Mueller has already recommended he receive no prison time.

The judge's brief order states that Mueller can choose to file the materials under seal if necessary.

Sullivan also ordered the Flynn team to turn over the documents backing up its assertions. The judge could determine why the FBI apparently took a significantly more aggressive tack in handling the Flynn interview than it did during other similar matters, including the agency's sit-downs with Hillary Clinton and ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos.

Flynn is set to be sentenced next Tuesday -- but Sullivan's move might delay that date, or lead to other dramatic and unexpected changes in the case. Sullivan even has the authority to toss Flynn's guilty plea and the charge against him if he concludes that the FBI interfered with Flynn's constitutional right to counsel, although he has given no indications that he intends to do so.

Federal authorities undertaking a national security probe are ordinarily under no obligation to inform interviewees of their right to an attorney unless they are in custody, as long as agents do not act coercively. Flynn's lawyers claimed in Tuesday's filing that FBI brass had threatened to escalate the matter to involve the Justice Department if Flynn sought the advice of the White House Counsel before talking with agents.

Sullivan, first appointed a judge by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and then to the D.C. federal bench by Bill Clinton in 1994, could also assess why the two FBI agents who interviewed Flynn -- including fired anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok -- would have provided an Aug. 22, 2017 date on their so-called "302" report documenting what Flynn told them during their conversation at the White House.

The August date on the FBI 302 cited by the Flynn team is nearly seven months after the Flynn interview took place, and about a week after reports surfaced that Strzok had been summarily removed from Mueller's Russia probe because his persistent anti-Trump communications had surfaced.

So-called 302 reports are ostensibly contemporaneous accounts by agents of what is said during their interviews with witnesses and subjects, as well as other critical details like interviewees' demeanor and descriptions of where the interview took place. They are often critical pieces of evidence in false statements cases where, as in the Flynn case, the FBI typically does not audio- or video-record interviews.

In June, Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C, charged that the FBI may have "edited and changed" key witness reports in the Hillary Clinton and Russia investigations. Meadows also raised the possibility that the FBI misled the Department of Justice watchdog in an attempt to hide the identities of FBI employees who were caught sending anti-Trump messages along with Strzok.

Flynn "clearly saw the FBI agents as allies," according to the 302 prepared by Strzok and another agent.

In a lengthy court filing Tuesday, Flynn's attorneys alleged that then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe pushed Flynn not to have an attorney present during the questioning that ultimately led to his guilty plea on a single charge of lying to federal authorities.

The document outlines, with striking new details, the rapid sequence of events that led to Flynn's sudden fall from the Trump administration.

While Flynn is among several Trump associates to have been charged with making false statements as part of the Russia probe, no one interviewed during the FBI’s Clinton email investigation was hit with false statement charges – though investigators believed some witnesses, including Clinton herself, were untruthful.

Much more at the link, but there's everything you need to know, right there.

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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In the Flynn case the FBI knew he was lying about his russia contacts because they listened in on the calls if I recall correctly. Why would he lie WB?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
In the Flynn case the FBI knew he was lying about his russia contacts because they listened in on the calls if I recall correctly. Why would he lie WB?

With an illegal FISA warrant applied for with falsified evidence by James Comey and Andrew McCabe. Who should both be in jain for falsifying evidence given to a judge.

Flynn was tricked in what appeared to be a casual meeting with FBI officials (one of them Peter Strzok) with no warning that his statements could be used to manufacture perjury charges. He was even discouraged to bring an attorny to advise him. In contrast in a similar meeting Hillary Clinton had NINE attorneys to advise her.

Even the FBI ageents who interviewed Flynn said they did not think he was lying. And then despite his cooperation, turned it around and threatened him with a long perjury sentence, to shake him down into accepting a plea bargain.
The same trick they did to Pappadapoulos.
The same trick they did to Manafort.
The same trick they attempted on Jerome Corsi (who said they offered him no jail time, if he would testify to the false script they gave him to read.)

The officials running the investigation are the ones committing the crimes, not the ones they are shaking plea bargain confessions out of. They should be convicted and in jail.

Mueller, Weissmann and Comey have a history of shaking down people and convicting innocent people. Just ask the executives at Arthur Anderson and the 10,000 people they employed, who lost their jobs because of them. Ask the higher court who overturned the conviction, but not before two of the executives died in prison. And after the conviction was overturned years later, it wasn't possible to recreate the company and the 10,000 jobs lost.

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I don't understand how you think Flynn was tricked into lying about his Russian contacts. It's pretty obvious he chose to lie. Do you see it like a Miranda type thing where a crook can still get away with committing a crime because an officer didn't read him his rights?

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Flynn was in a casual conversation with two FBI agents who he somewhat informally invited to his then-White House office, and even gave them a friendly office tour.

Flynn committed no crimes. He was charged with perjury regarding discussion of a conversation with the Russian ambassador Flynn was legally allowed to have. The only crime was the manufactured perjury. And even the two FBI agents who manufactured the perjury said that Flynn appeared to be not be lying, or at least unaware that anything he said was untruthful.
It is a manufactured "process crime", not an actual crime, used to extort Flynn to either "sing" or "compose" something incriminating about Trump. And Jerome Corsi in the last week said the Meueller team gave Corsi a scripted lie to testify to, and he would rather spend the rest of his life in jail than take the offered plea deal to lie. The partisan Mueller investigation is a house of cards, ready to collaapse.

Tucker Carlson had an exceptional overview of the manufactured case against Flynn last night (Friday, Dec 14, 2018)

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They didn't force Flynn to lie about his Russian contacts nor did Pence when he told the same lie to him. And that type of a lie is a crime.

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Watch the Tucker Carlson program I linked, or at least the first 10 minutes.

Judge Jeanine tonight (herself a former prosecutor, a former District Attorney, and a former Judge) on her program also laid out how the FBI interview of Flynn was highly irregular, and calculated to entrap him in a mis-statement.

Alan Dershowitz also lays out how Flynn's interrogation was misleading and improper. I've also seen multiple former FBI officials say this was improper. And Comey even brageed in the last two days about how he got away with these deceptions.

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I think that still doesn't make Flynn's intentional lies okay and not a crime. You realize because he lied Russia than already had something on him right? And there is the question of why he lied. At best Flynn lied because he thought he was doing something illegal that may not have been.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think that still doesn't make Flynn's intentional lies okay and not a crime. You realize because he lied Russia than already had something on him right? And there is the question of why he lied. At best Flynn lied because he thought he was doing something illegal that may not have been.

The FBI and the two agents who intervieewed him in his White House office as National Security Advisor (one of them Peter Strzok, one of them *REDACTED* and undisclosed, Strzok alone makes it suspicious, let alone the second interviewer being undisclosed).

1) The FBI did not disclose to Flynn that he was a suspect of anything or that he could be aggressively pursued for his answers, in a very suspicious meeting, where the FBI/McCabe encouraged Flynn not to include a lawyer. Hillary Clinton in the same situation had NINE lawyers.
2) Even Peter Strzok and the other suspiciously unnamed attorney who interviewed Flynn said in their minutes that Flynn appeared to be very open and not consciously lying or witholding any information, and thus fully cooperative.
3) Undisclosed to Flynn, an illegal FISA warrant based on falsified and misrepresented evidence from the "Steele Dossier" allowed the FBI to listen in on Flynn's perfectly legal conversations with the Russian ambassador, that were essentially a normal establishment of diplomatic relations for the then-incoming Trump administration. So the FBI knew every word in advance of the FBI's Flynn interview that he had said to the Russian ambassador. Legal authority Allan Dershowitz said that it's highly irregular for the FBI to ask questions of someone that they already know the answers to, particularly when he was encouraged not to bring a lawyer. That stinks to high heaven of being a perjury trap, whose only purpose was to entrap Flynn.
4) The "lie" you speak of is likely him being asked "Did you speak to the Russian ambassador about x and y" and Flynn saying "No." And that either Flynn simply forgot that detail was discussed, that the KGB at the FBI alread had a transcript and knew every word of. They never discussed the FISA transcript with Flynn or tried to partly disclose what they knew he had said to refresh his memory, so that Flynn could say "Oh yeah, x and y too, now I remember." No. Its sole purpose was to entrap him on a technicality.

Like everything else about the FBI, DOJ and Mueller investigators, it reeks of political bias and corruption. The corrupt acts to destroy evidence agaainst Hillary and her aides. The corrupt acts to vindictively and selectively manufacture evidence and prosecute Trump and his officials, just to politically bury the Trump administration in false allegations.

How do you get around the fact that all of the Mueller investigators are Democrats, ZERO are Republicans?
9 of the 16 are Democrat campaign donors, at least one of them who donated more than my annual disposable income!
Another one (Rhee) who was an attorney immediately prior employed by the Clinton Foundation, squashing FOIA requests for Clinton records, now essentially still protecting Clinton and attacking her political opposition legally from within the Mueller investigation.

To not see the bias and corruption, one has to be a Democrat partisan who would cheer any criminal act that advanced their Bolshevik party.

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    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Glad the judge at least understands Flynn's lies are a serious crime.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Glad the judge at least understands Flynn's lies are a serious crime.

The judge acted in a bizarre and unprofessional way yesterday, and said something about Flynn being guilty of treason. Which was so astonishingly inappropriate that it could have been mistaken for a joke. Even the prosecution uncomfortably advised the judge that treason was never even a charge in the case, to which the Judge Emmett Sullivan said there's so many conspiracy theories related to the case that he just thought he'd throw it out there. WHAT?!?
Completely unprofessional.

Then today he ranted some crazy stuff that all the illegal immigrants caught who were deported should all be brought back to the U.S. and given refugee consideration hearings.
Apparently he doesn't know that there is a backlog of 800,000 refugees awaiting hearings (three times the backlog that existed in 2009, a direct result of Barack Obaama's policy, and Democrat obstruction of attempts to secure the border). And that they were already given consideration and review by border patrol and ICE before being deported.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Another humiliating defeat for Democrats and the liberal media:


Over the weekend, Buzzfeed reported that Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen (who had already lied to Congress and been convicted of related crimes) newly alleged without evidence that Trump had instructed him to pursue a real estate deal with the Russians in 2016.

The 92% anti-Trump liberal media went absolutely wild with speculation that "if true" this meant Trump was headed for resignation or impeachment. But not one of these networks, in their zeal to smear and bring down Trump, vetted the allegations to see if they WERE true.
And within 24 hours yesterday, Robert Mueller came forward to say that the Mueller investigators had no information or evidence to that effect.
So Buzzfeed is wrong.
And the entire liberal media is wrong, and that much less believable in the future. It blew up in their faces.

How many times has this happened, where the media alleged something, and within 48 hours the latest allegations about Trump are yet again proven to be completely false?
On a few occasions, reporters and network producers have been fired for these glaring errors. The liberal media has zero credibility at this point, and it is clear to the public that the liberal media are part of the conspiracy to bring down Trump, by any deceitful or unlawful means.

Jay Sekulow said that the only reason Mueller came forward to dispell Buzzfeed's false narrative is because if he didn't, DOJ in the coming weeks would be investigating the leaks to the media coming from Mueller investigation officials. Mueller made a statement ending the cointroversy to prevent investigation, of his own investigation.
Just a reminder, 12 of the 17 lawyers on the Mueller investigation are not just Democrats, but highly committed Democrat campaign donors. Not one lawyer on the investigation is a Republican. And one lawyer, Jeannie Rhee, came straight from the Clinton Foundation where her job was suppressing FOIA requests for Clinton records. Wow, what a neutral, trustworthy objective investigation. NOT AT ALL a witchhunt, no sir.

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The reporting I saw on this outside of Buzzfeed stressed that they could not verify the story. Because the Buzzfeed reporters have broken some news on Trump previously that has been confirmed I understand how this was catching a lot of attention.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

On manufactured "process crimes", not actual crimes. Manufactured perjury traps, to try to shake Stone down to either "sing or compose".

The inquisition goes on.

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Lying to the FBI is an actual crime WB as is is witness tampering. And reading the indictment he lied about things that you would expect an investigation into collusion would be asking. Also point out that the indictment has a part in it about a senior campaign official being told to direct Stone into getting in touch with Wikileaks. Who could that have been?

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One example of the "lying to the FBI" crimes Roger Stone allegedly committed is where they interviewed him (and he was fully cooperating with no clue they would try to trick him):

Roger Stone was asked if he communicated with someone by phone. He said yes.
The FBI created a process crime by saying he failed to disclose he communicated by e-mail and text with the same person.

Compare with Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, where they destroyed tens of thousands of e-mails, bleach-bitted the memory of computers, and smashed 3 cel phones to conceal evidence. Never arrested by a SWAT team armed to the teeth, never investigated, never charged. Quite the contrary, they bent over backward to avoid charging Clinton officials, despite overwhelming evidence. And actually, incredibly, each given full immunity.
Just the slightest difference in treatment by FBI of Trump officials, vs. Clinton officials.

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