One example of the "lying to the FBI" crimes Roger Stone allegedly committed is where they interviewed him (and he was fully cooperating with no clue they would try to trick him):

Roger Stone was asked if he communicated with someone by phone. He said yes.
The FBI created a process crime by saying he failed to disclose he communicated by e-mail and text with the same person.

Compare with Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, where they destroyed tens of thousands of e-mails, bleach-bitted the memory of computers, and smashed 3 cel phones to conceal evidence. Never arrested by a SWAT team armed to the teeth, never investigated, never charged. Quite the contrary, they bent over backward to avoid charging Clinton officials, despite overwhelming evidence. And actually, incredibly, each given full immunity.
Just the slightest difference in treatment by FBI of Trump officials, vs. Clinton officials.