I sound radical... by citing the
sourced facts about
Democrat radicalism?
Yeah, that makes sense...
http://archive.discoverthenetworks.org/summary.asp?object=Persons&category=In this list of Democrat leftists, look up Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Frank Marshall Davis (Obama's Mentor), Bill Ayers (Obama's mentor), Rev. Jeremiah Wright (Obama's Mentor), or even Michelle Obama. Lunatic marxist radicals, every single one.
Likewise Joseph Biden (the most moderate, but still corrupt), Cory Booker, Elizabet Warren, Kamala Harris and the other Left-lurching 2020 Democrats.
Also pick up the book
The Shadow Party by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Yours is not just a party that wants to enact liberal policy, yours is a party of radicals who barely hide their goal to destroy our national sovereignty and overthrow our Constitutional republic, to hand what's left of the nation over to globalist domination, or otherwise to rogue nations who are our enemies.
Bernie Sanders is a guy who had a Soviet flag on the wall in his Burlington, VT mayor's office for a decade. This is a guy who spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, who endlessly praised the Soviets, the Castro government in Cuba, the Sandanista regime in Nicaragua, the communist Chinese government. Overlooking their genocide and brutality to heap praise on their "system". The only government Bernie Sanders unrelentingly railed on as inherently evil was... the United States.
Likewise Obama and Hillary have been openly insurrectionist marxists their entire lives, with a contempt for the capitalist free-market system, for police and our military, and for the rule of law.
How ideologically blinded are you, M E M ?
The facts are right in front of you, if you would only
read them.
Trump is an "awful man" according to the liberal/leftist Newspeak you feed on,, despite that they are proven wrong almost weekly (and I've cited examples many times).
Again, even Bob Woodward has said what I have about the liberal media's venomous Kool-Aid fed lack of objectivity.
Likewise said by Alan Dershowitz, a Hillary-voting Democrat.
Likewise legal scholar Jonathan Turley.
Likewise Doug Schoen, a Democrat who served in the Carter administration.
Plus a number of other Democrats who respectfully express concern that your party has gone off the deep end and is destroying itself.
The stats I linked of
93% negative coverage [for CNN and NBC] are quantified by a Harvard Study, not some right-wing propaganda site. That I've quoted and linked multiple times in exact context.
I'm a "loyal soldier" ?
Who is consistently critical of the campaign-finance-bought RINO "Republican establishment". The problem is that many in the Republican party are bought off by the same corporate globalists who have even more so bought off the Democrats.
If you watched Lou Dobbs for a week, you would see that there is widespread contempt within the GOP for these Republican sellouts who have more in common with the Democrats than with Trump and the conservative voters who elected them (RINOs such as Boehner, Paul Ryan, McCain (while alive), Mitch McConnell, Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney and others who enrich themselves off those corporate globalists and their lobby money, destroying our sovereignty in exchange for those lobbyist dollars.
It is a pure and simple fact that across multiple elections, their Republican voters have elected them to do one thing, and then they betrayed their voters and pursued another agenda. Such as border security. Such as repealing Obamacare. Only when Trump has put faith in these Republicans has he failed.
Trump's "Batshit crazy and hysterical tweets" is not an objective look at them. Amid some snark, Trump's Twitter posts cite many facts that the overwhelmingly Anti-Trump media refuses to report, that his tweets force the media to answer and acknowledge.
"Batshit crazy" is just the meme your spoonfed Media Matters propaganda tries to contain it with.
And you really are delusional if you believe the media is balanced. As I've said many times, (starting with the book BIAS by Bernard Goldberg, a 30-year veteran journalist for CBS News and
self-identified liberal. Who used to be an anchor for
60 Minutes until he was ostracised for saying in a Wall Street Journal opinion editorial (reprinted in the book) that any bias is bad, whether conservative bias and liberal bias, and that we liberals have to be on guard for bias in our own ranks as well. For simply stating that truth, he was taken off the air by CBS and marginalized from that point until he retired from CBS.
Likewise Sharyl Atkisson. She was widely praised as a journalist and won awards at CBS for her investigative reporting on the W. Bush administration.
When she attempted to do the same investigative reporting on the Obama administration, her news stories were blunted and heaavily edited, and delayed from airing, until she finally politely broke her contract and resigned from CBS. She also had her computer hacked into and files deleted by intelligence agencies under the Obama administration.
My facts are not "fake", they are sourced and linked.
And as Goldberg cited back in 2001, the media in poll after poll dating back 50 years when asked if they are "very liberal", "liberal", "middle of the road", "conservative" or "very Conservative"
in every poll for 50 years consistently identify at a rati of 80% as "liberal" or "very Liberal", and as I said, only 7% identify as "conservative" of "very conservative". And I doubt many would dispute to even reveal you're conservative in most news rooms would be a career ender. Just as it would deny you tenure as a university professor.
A trick liberal journalists are increasingly using to hide their liberal bias is to register as "independent" or "Republican" (yeah, like how Comey and Rosenstein are "Republican").
But looking at their campaign donations reveals how they truly align and vote,
96% for Hillary Clinton.
You will again note that is not a right-wing poll or news report.
In all, people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis.
Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton: About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee, the Center for Public Integrity’s analysis indicates.
And as I've often cited from multiple polls of journalists, over decades:
https://www.mrc.org/media-bias-101But yeah, just keep drinking the Media Matters Kool-Aid and lying to yourself, M E M.
I attack the mainstream media because they have consistently been wrong like never before over the last 3 years. It is obvious they are lying, and you keep on believing the lies because you just don't want to know the truth.