Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Still reading the report but it's pretty clear Trump tried obstructing the investigation but couldn't get his toadies to cross that line. And Sarah Sanders lying about Comey should have some consequences beyond her losing her job. The bar is so low now though I doubt she'll even lose that.

Trump contemplated firing Mueller and others, but ultimately did not. He was fucking pissed off at being portrayed as a Russian asset by the liars undermining him at DOJ, FBI, DNI (James Clapper), and CIA (Brennan), and very much wanted to fire them, but ultimately followed the advice of his legal counsel, despite his not being able to traitorusly insubordinate and incompetent employees.

It is a lying cocksmoker's argument of the liberal media, in collaboration with vicious partisans like Representatives Swallwell, Schiff and Nadler, to keep the narrative going with the faintest vestiges left of the "Russia collaboration" false narrative.
Ultimately, the report 4 weeks ago (as summarized in 4 pages by Attorney General Barr) found 1) no evidence of Russia collussion, and 2) no evidence of obstruction of justice in the Russia investigation, despite Trump being frustrated the Russia hoax and false narrative to almost act several times.

The impetus of the Mueller investigation and other House investigations was alleged illicit Trump activities with Russia. That has been absolutely disproven. So now Democrats and the lying DNC-PR-wing media are desperately trying to save face by clinging to the very last fading vapors of the former Russia conspiracy false narrative, widened by Mueller to include an "obstruction of justice" false narative, despite that even that was disproven by his partisan investigation by 19 Democrat and DNC donating, and Clinton foundation Hillary loyalist lawyers. EVEN THESE rabid Democrat partisans with an unlimited investigative budget could find nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to support that false narrative. And ultimately, finally had to release a report disclosing that, after dragging it unnecessarily past the Nov 2018 mid-term election, so as to benefit their Democrat brethren.

The committees in the House, despite moving forward at this point on nothing but fumes and lies, will no doubt continue their investigation and false narrative sometime past Nov 2020. Your party has absolutely no ethics, M E M.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.