Anyone who is not a brainwashed liberal zealot knows this was an attempt to discredit William Barr before he investigates and indicts the likes of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, James Baker, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, and elements of the Obama administration (STRZOK AND PAGE TEXT: "POTUS wants to see everything we have." ), and Clinton campaign and DNC, who directly funded the Russia Dossier (directly paying Russian state agents for information, the real "Russia collusion").
These Democrat/Deep State agents in FBI and DOJ have obstructed investigations, deliberately sabotaged the evidence against Hillary Clinton, gave immunity to Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills in exchange for no prosecution or other logical reason, and illegally signed off on a FISA warrant to do surveillance (that's spying by any other name) on Carter Page and other Trump officials. Submitting false evidence to a federal judge(FISA court judge) is a criminal offfense, as are obstruction of justice, witness tampering, destruction of evidence, and malicious prosecution. All of which the above named are involved in.
Democrats are attacking Barr's credibility now, to either 1) prevent Barr's investigation and enforcement of the law, or 2) to cast illegitimacy on Barr if he succeeds in prosecuting these criminals. They will not stop him, he will prosecute them. And resurrect equal justice under the law, that Democrats tried to twist into a partisan weapon in the Obama years. Democrat control has become a threat to the republic.