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1 Colorado school-shooting suspect hated Christians, Trump

One of the suspects in Tuesday’s shooting that killed one person and injured eight others at a Colorado school has been identified not by name but as a juvenile in “the midst of transitioning from female to male,” according to sources of a Denver television station.

The other suspect was identified by the Douglas County sheriff’s office as Devon Erickson, 18.
The K-12 school, STEM School Highlands Ranch, is only a few miles from the site of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting.

“Sources said the motive of the alleged shooters went beyond bullying and involved revenge and anger toward others at the school and that at least one of the suspects was involved in legal and illegal drug use and had been in therapy,” Denver’s KMGH-TV reported.

Authorities on Wednesday said their investigation was continuing with more interviews.
The Twitter news aggregator Twitchy noted that, according to news reports, Erickson was angry about anti-gay comments made by Christians.

The Washington Times reported Erickson, citing, said on social media he hated Christians for their teaching on homosexuality. And he apparently was not a fan of President Trump.

“‘You know what I hate? All these Christians who hate gays, yet in the bible, it says in Deuteronomy 17:12-13, if someone doesn’t do what their priest tells them to do, they are supposed to die. It has plenty of crazy stuff like that. But all they get out of it is ‘ewwwwww gays,’ he wrote on Facebook in 2016. said his account shared a video of comedian and TV host Seth Meyers attacking President Trump.
In 2015, he shared an Occupy Democrats post praising then President Barack Obama. reported the student who was killed was identified as Kendrick Castillo, 18.

The shooting spree by fired L.A. police officer Christopher Dorner a few years ago likewise was motivated by the liberal-indoctrinated hate he was immersed in, that the mainstream media bent over backward to avoid reporting. I recall looking at the Wikipedia listing for the incident, and being disgusted at the verbal gymnastics they twisted themselves in to avoid mentioning the guy had a long maanifesto, and specifically referred to pundits of CNN and MSNBC that he highly praised for shaping his ideology.

Similarly this transgender wack job filled with hate by the Democrat/Left.

Another I can recall is Floyd Corkins, the guy who broke into a Washington DC office of Family Research Council, and wanted to shoot as many Christians there as possible, and further make his Leftist point purchasing Chic-Fil-A food on his way there, and planned to stuff their food in the mouths of every person in the office he killed. Fortunately, he was prevented from doing so by the office's security guard.

Not to mention the many other incidents of violence motivated both by liberal idealogues in the media, and by Democrat political leaders such as Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and the like.
The media often blames incidents on Tea Party or Religious conservatives, or even blames Trump or Palin or other Republicans directly for violence and shootings, and then has to retract the story later (George Zimmerman for example was portrayed as a Tea Party right-wing white racist, and later turned out to be an Ecuadoran black/hispanic registered Democrat who tutored black kids. Or the Aurora, Colorado movie shooter who was aalleged to be a Tea Party member, but was sourced from a Facebook account of someone with the same name, not the shooter, and the shooter was, again, actually a liberal. Likewise the Sandy Hook shooter, likewise the Re. Gabby Giffords shooter.)

Just amazing, how all this ideological hate from the Democrat/Left and liberal media actually does motivate violence and shootings, and yet never seems to be reported in the mainstream media. Fortunately less mainstream media offer disclosure of the true facts, and some degree of counterweight.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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By all appearances, CNN and most of the liberal media selectively ignored this aspect.

In the Bradley Manning thept and disclosure of military records, many of them revealing the identity of soldiers in the field for enemies such as Al Qaida to target, the liberal media similarly selectively omitted the transgender identity crisis that played into his/her/its/whatever betrayal and espionage of the United States' classified files.

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Stephen Jimenez, the producer of the 2004 20/20 segment, went on to write a book, The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths About the Murder of Matthew Shepard, which was published in September 2013. The book said that Shepard and McKinney—the killer who inflicted the injuries—had been occasional sex partners and that Shepard was a methamphetamine dealer.[39][40][41] Jimenez wrote that Fritzen told an interviewer "Matthew Shepard's sexual preference or sexual orientation certainly wasn't the motive in the homicide...".[42]

Many commentators have criticized Jimenez's views on the attack as being sensational and misleading; those views were shared by gay advocacy organizations and cultural critics.[43][44][45][46][39] Some commentators, however, have spoken up to defend it.[47] Some police who were involved in the investigation have criticized Jimenez' conclusions,[48][49] while other police said that there was evidence that drugs were at least one factor that led to the murder.[10]

As G-man pointed out in a previous topic at the time. That the media and broader gay and pro-gay-liberal community want to demonize anyone who offers facts that don't firt their martyrdom narrative for gays, that show Shepard might have had drug trafficking and other illicit relationships that contributed to his death, beyond the "homophobia" narrative , and anything outside that narrative is slandered and intimidated into silence.
Nothing that reflects badly on gays is permitted to be reported. Any story that reflects badly on gays is given selective omission from network coverage.

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A 13-year-old boy who was repeatedly raped and tortured by 2 gay men in their 30's until he died from the abuse. Selectively omitted from national media coverage, because again, it didn't fit the gay victim narrative, and displayed overtly predatory gay behavior.

A guy from my church I met (circa 1989-1990) years ago was similarly grabbed and raped by 2 gay men at a Miami zoo. And this messed him up and put him on a gay path till his college years. At least they didn't kill him, but they did mess up his mind for many years. He was finally living as a heterosexual again for about a year when we became friends. He described to me a promiscuous life before that at gay night clubs.

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All examples of a media bias in favor of gays, that do their damnedest to hide the truth, to project the false narrative they want to pretend is reality, and in doing so, hide the actual reality.

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GAY LAWMAKERS TO CHRISTIANS: "We'll take your children."


Aug. 27, 2013 ( - Few people doubt that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie hopes to become president in 2016. Unfortunately for him, he may have just signed away any chance of that.

On Monday, Christie signed A3371, a draconian piece of legislation that bars licensed [psych] therapists from helping children overcome unwanted same-sex attractions, behavior or identity. This law bans help for minors even when – as is so often the case – those same-sex attractions arise from childhood sexual abuse by the likes of a Jerry Sandusky.

This law will prohibit minors and their parents from receiving counseling they desire and will force counselors to violate ethical codes because they will not be able to help clients reach their own counseling goals. This law would enslave children – whether abused or not – to a subjectively determined sexual identity that they reject.

The connection between homosexual abuse and “gay identity” is undeniable. Consider this: Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that homosexual men are “at least three times more likely to report CSA (childhood sexual abuse)” than heterosexual men.

Moreover, the Archives of Sexual Behavior – no bastion of conservatism – determined in a 2001 study that nearly half of all gay-identified men were molested by a homosexual pedophile: “46 percent of homosexual men and 22 percent of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender. This contrasts to only 7 percent of heterosexual men and 1 percent of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender” noted the study.

For obvious reasons, this politically motivated law has been dubbed the “Jerry Sandusky Victimization Act.”
Liberty Counsel, one of the fastest growing civil rights law firms in the country, has stepped in to protect New Jersey children, parents and licensed therapists. We’ve filed suit to block the law, as we’ve already blocked a similar law in California.

In his signing statement, Gov. Christie wrote: “Government should tread carefully into this area and I do so here reluctantly. I have scrutinized this piece of legislation with that concern in mind. However, I also believe that on issues of medical treatment for children we must look to experts in the field to determine the relative risks and rewards.”

Beyond the fact that Christie and the New Jersey Legislature have just violated the First Amendment rights of New Jersey parents, children and counselors, there remains another problem with his assertion. It’s not true. As with any form of therapy, the “experts” are all over the board on the issue of change therapy.

For instance, both New Jersey Democrats and Christie cited the American Psychological Association, or APA, as justification for this gross infringement on the right of self-determination. Although, no doubt, the highly liberal APA supports this and similar Sandusky Laws for political reasons, the group’s own task force on change therapy – led entirely by members who themselves are “gay”-identified or known political activists – has had to admit, nonetheless, that homosexuality itself “refers to feelings and self-concept.”

The [APA] taskforce confessed that such therapy has shown “varying degrees of satisfaction and varying perceptions of success.” It acknowledged within its own skewed, very limited “study” that some people had “altered their sexual orientation. … [P]articipants had multiple endpoints, including LGB identity, ex-gay identity, no sexual orientation identity, and a unique self-identity. … Individuals report a range of effects from their efforts to change their sexual orientation, including both benefits and harm.”

Reports of “both benefits and harm”? Exactly what might be expected from any form of therapy.

But that’s for adults.

Here’s the kicker: The APA also acknowledged that there is no evidence whatsoever that change therapy harms minors. Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, addressed this, the most outrageous aspect of the law: “The very report that the governor cited for signing this law also admitted that there is absolutely zero research – none – regarding the effect of change therapy with minors.”

Get that? Gov. Christie just signed into law a bill purporting to prevent harm to minors from change therapy, citing, as the reason, an APA report that admits there is neither research nor empirical evidence to suggest that change therapy harms minors.

Is your head swimming? It should be.

The governor is one of three things. He is either: 1) ill-informed, 2) politically motivated or 3) stupid.

I don’t know, I guess he could be 4) all of the above.

Meanwhile, there are many experts outraged over this gross overreach by Christie and other New Jersey liberals.

Dr. Nicholas Cummings, former president of the APA, wrote in USA Today: “Contending that all same-sex attraction is immutable is a distortion of reality. Attempting to characterize all sexual reorientation therapy as ‘unethical’ violates patient choice and gives an outside party a veto over patients’ goals for their own treatment. A political agenda shouldn’t prevent gays and lesbians who desire to change from making their own decisions.”

Dr. Cummings has testified to personally helping hundreds of formerly homosexual clients achieve the change they desired.

Things get more sinister yet. On Wednesday, New Jersey Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly homosexual, bombastically compared change therapy to “beating a child” and suggested that the government take children seeking change away from their parents. He told Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, “What this does is prevent things that are harmful to people. If a parent were beating their child on a regular basis we would step in and remove that child from the house. If you pay somebody to beat your child or abuse your child, what’s the difference?”

Mat Staver responded on the same program: “It is shocking to hear the law’s sponsor threaten parents that the state will remove their children from them if they provide the counsel they need and which helps them. This is the ultimate nanny state,” he said.

I’ll take it a step further, and I think I speak for many Christian fathers. None of my three children suffer from unwanted same-sex attraction, but if any of them did and they decided to seek change therapy to reconcile their feelings with their faith, Mr. Eustace and the rest of his Gaystapo would be extremely ill-advised to crest my front porch with designs on taking my children.

Is this George Washington’s America, or Joseph Stalin’s Russia?

Matt Barber (@jmattbarber on Twitter) is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He serves as Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action

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