Relative to a news story I read yesterday, about an Antifa activist trying to chain the doors shut of a university campus meeting room, and trap a group of campus conservatives in the room.


Deplatforming, also known as no-platforming, is a form of political activism or prior restraint by an individual, group, or organization with the goal of shutting down controversial speakers or speech, or denying them access to a venue in which to express their opinion.
Tactics used to achieve this goal among community groups include direct action, and Internet activism.

It is also a method used by social media and other technology companies to selectively suspend, ban, or otherwise restrict access to their platform by users who have allegedly violated the platform's terms of service, particularly terms regarding hate speech.

Banking and financial service providers, among other companies, have also denied services to controversial activists or organizations, a practice known as financial deplatforming.
The term deplatforming also refers generally to tactics, often organized using social media, for preventing controversial speakers or speech from being heard. Deplatforming tactics have included disruption of speeches, attempts to have speakers disinvited to a venue or event, and various forms of personal harassment including efforts to have an individual fired or blacklisted.

It's basically the mindset and political action that conservatives are so abhorrent and "Nazi" that they can't be permitted to speak in an auditorium or on a college campus, or have a booksigning, or post opinions on social media, or be permitted to have a website, or increasingly, to even have privacy, or even work and not be fired.

The irony. The liberals attacking and trying to silence their political opposition as Nazis, are in fact the true intolerant and hateful Nazis.

I don't know how long the term has existed. It was a term in the Antifa e-mail of the 18-year-old kid arrested, marching orders from the leaders of his local Antifa branch, that conservatives "have to be deplatformed" and deprived in both public and on social media of a forum to speak and get out their message.

When I googled for a print article of what I saw on OANN... was unusual that all the sites in the search list were conservative. That tells me this story is completely unreported in the liberal media. Otherwise Google (in its liberal bias) would show me all liberal media sites for 5 or 10 search pages.

Normally I would have to search under...
  • WSJ antifa
    National Examiner antifa
    Fox News antifa
    Dailycaller antifa
    Breitbart antifa
    New York Post antifa
    National Review antifa
    America Conservative antifa
    MRC antifa

...and so forth, otherwise Google would never even show me a conservative report on the subject, only liberal ones like CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, ABC, NBC, CNN, Vox, The Nation, DailyKos, Media matters and so forth. Unless specifically searched for, under George Orwell's Newspeak search engine, it's as if conservative media doesn't even exist.

"deplatforming" indeed.