There's a few words you only hear as part of a popular catch-phrase, such as Sean Hannity saying almost nightly that Rep. Adam Schiff is a
"congenital liar", which I find kind of blunts the point by using a word I think most are unfamiliar with.
I refreshed my memory of what "congenital" means:
1. of or relating to a condition present at birth, whether inherited or caused by the environment, especially the uterine environment.
2. having by nature a specified character:
a congenital fool.
If Hannity called him a "habitual liar", or a "natural-born liar" that might have more impact for most of his viewers. Or more succinctly just "a liar". I don't see where any of these adjectives are necessary.
Another one that annoys me is when politicians are accused of something and they say they
"categorically deny" the allegations. Why not just say "deny"? I doubt most people even know what
categorical even means. Politicians seem to think saying this somehow stops all debate on the subject.
Oh, well, he says he categorically denies it! Well, that's it then, we can't challenge that!Please...
1. without exceptions or conditions; absolute; unqualified and unconditional:
a categorical denial.
2. Logic. a (of a proposition) analyzable into a subject and an attribute related by a copula, as in the proposition “All humans are mortal.”
b (of a syllogism) having categorical propositions as premises.
3. of, relating to, or in a category.