Harlan Ellison put the moves on Black Canary in JLA (CBR)

Ellison was friends with a lot of comic book writers, particularly Dennis O'Neil. And I guess it was just irresistible to do collaborarive stories with Ellison, either co-writing stories or Ellison offering plot ideas to guys like O'Neil and Roy Thomas that came out in comics like AVENGERS 101, BATMAN 237, or as cited here, Friedrich in JLA 89. Also one I cited earlier by Skeates in PLOP 8.
The one in JLA 89 I was until now unaware of.

Ellison in interviews has talked about his friendship with Dennis O'Neil, and that Len Wein and Marv Wolfman regularly came to his home in Sherman Oaks to shoot pool and talk. Harlan Ellison and Frank Miller were also close friends. For most of these guys, they and Ellison were pretty close in age. Even for the younger ones, as time passed, even 15 years apart isn't much of a difference. Slightly older and well established, they would inevitably look up to Ellison. And that friendship and admiration inevitably led to a number of tributes, collaborations, and then adaptations of his stories. In my previous post, a review pointed out that increasingly throughout the mid/late 1970's and 1980's, Ellison did less and less, and most of the later works in comics form were others independently adapting Ellison's previous short stories.

Amazing how, even after all this time, you can still find little tidbits like this that you missed, almost 50 years ago.