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Lou Dobbs, Wednesday, 2-5-2020

Dobbs had some insightful commentary about Trump's impeachment ending. In his opening editorial as well as interviews with Rep. Jim Jordan, former Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins, and Rudy Giuliani.
I always learn things watching Dobbs that aren't covered on the other channels, even Fox. Such as the stock market surged in the three days since an end to Trump's impeachment was announced. And that the trade deficit declined by 2% in the last year (the first decline in decades) down to about $616 billion. And an 18% decline in the last year in the U.S./China trade deficit, from $420 billion to 346 billion.
And Fox News being the overwhelming channel people chose to watch the Stae Of The Union address on. 37.2 million watched the address, 11.5 million watching it on Fox. 2.8 million on CNN, 2.22 million on MSDNC. So Fox had more than double the audience of the Democrat Newspeak channels combined.

Plus information on the Coronavirus epidemic.

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Trump's State of the Union Address
Tuesday, Feb 4 2020

I waited till it was posted online.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Props to Romney btw. I think I can still hear Trump jr crying for his head

Romney is a self-serving traitor with an axe to grind. Trump doesn't have to do anything. The voters of Utah will not re-elect Romney. He just ended what was left of his political career.

Romney wasn't right or serving any higher purpose. It was a petty vindictive act against Trump, much like McCain's vindictive vote against Obamacare. With that act Romney destroyed himself.

Uhm how is Romney being self serving? Reading what he said about Trump’s guilt he made it pretty clear that he was going to pay for doing the right thing. Trump is well known for petty attacks even after the other person has died. Romney knows he’s probably committed political suicide but he was willing to vote his conscience.

Romney clearly has a vendetta against Trump. I think Romney did it with the arrogance that he could pull this off and still recover within 6 years and get re-elected. He won't. The blowback was way beyond what he expected. Laura Ingraham had an excellent opening editorial on it tonight.

If Romney had supported Trump initially, and now he was breaking away to "do the right thing" I'd believe it. But Romney has shived Trump in the back at every turn for 4 years.
Even after Trump interviewed him for a cabinet position!
Even after Trump, at Romney's request, flew to Utah to campaign for his Senate election! Right after winning, Romney stabbed him in the back. AGAIN.
I'm a guy who supported Romney strongly in 2012, and felt like he was a moderate who could bring both sides together. But I've seen with both Romney and McCain that no matter how moderate, Dems will demonize even the most moderate and bipartisan Republican. Right wing! Racist! Warmonger!! Evil white guy! White Privelege! Crazy! Likewise W. Bush. Likewise Trump. Any Republican president or candidate will get the same treatment. It's not just Trump. And on top of that, Romney has demonstrated his chameleonlike lack of principle. And vindictiveness toward Trump.

And once Romney has outlived his usefuness as a weapon against Trump, House/Senate Democrats and the liberal media will again turn on Romney. It will be a short honeymoon.

Lol, we should be like you and demonize most of the opposition and anybody like Romney that actually voted his conscience? I saw that more than a few republicans actually agree with the democrats in the House about Trump being guilty but than voted to block evidence and than to acquit Trump. And they are quiet today as he had his petty vindictive meltdown at the bipartisan prayer meeting.

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 Originally Posted By: M E M
Lol, we should be like you and demonize most of the opposition and anybody like Romney that actually voted his conscience? I saw that more than a few republicans actually agree with the democrats in the House about Trump being guilty but than voted to block evidence and than to acquit Trump. And they are quiet today as he had his petty vindictive meltdown at the bipartisan prayer meeting.

Unlike you, I've cited specific actions and policies that make me oppose Romney and others, usually sourced and linked. I don't just hate someone blindly, I oppose them because they are proven to be bad for the country.

And the media's kneejerk gushing over Romney, because he bashes Trump and his fellow Republicans, is absolute fact as well. Compaare with past treatment of John McCain, Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Cohen, ANY REPUBLICAN who previously was demonized, the moment they turn on Trump or other Republicans, the liberal media and Democrats instantly sing their praises. Until, of course, they outlive their usefulness and behave like Republicans again. At that moment Dems and the media snap back to portraying them as evil.

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Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who made waves as a witness during the Trump impeachment proceedings, was fired Friday by the National Security Council and escorted off the White House grounds, Fox News has confirmed.
Vindman was on detail to the National Security Council from the Department of Defense, and it is expected he will return there. It comes just two days after President Trump was acquitted in the Senate on the impeachment charges brought by the House last year over his dealings with Ukraine.


In a lengthy statement, Vindman’s attorney, David Pressman, confirmed that Vindman had been escorted out of the White House on Friday.
“There is no question in the mind of any American why this man’s job is over, why this country now has one less soldier serving it at the White House,” Pressman said. “LTC Vindman was asked to leave for telling the truth. His honor, his commitment to right, frightened the powerful.”

Also Friday, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, who testified about Trump’s Ukraine dealings during the House impeachment hearings, said Friday that he had been recalled from that position.
“I was advised today that the president intends to recall me effective immediately as United States ambassador to the European Union," Sondland said.

A senior administration official also told Fox News that Vindman’s twin brother Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman has also left the National Security Council. Yevgeny Vindman was assigned to the office that vetted publications like former national security adviser John Bolton’s book – though he has said he was not involved in the vetting of the Bolton manuscript.

The news comes after reports that the White House was weighing options to dismiss Vindman from the NSC in an effort to shrink its foreign policy bureaucracy. Bloomberg reported Thursday that the White House planned to frame Vindman’s exit as part of an NSC staff downsizing, not retaliation.

Trump, when asked about the reports Friday, told reporters that he was "not happy with him."
"You think I'm supposed to be happy with him? I'm not," Trump said, adding that a decision would be made soon.


Good. Vindman is not a "soldier" as his lawyer fronts, he's a backstabbing liberal zealot who acted as a mole in the NSC. In House hearings, Vindman openly said he leaked documents, although he would not disclose who he leaked them to.
If it were a Republican serving in Obama's White House NSC, leaking and undermining Obama, then Obama would similarly be perfectly within his rights to fire someone he could not trust. Wherever Vindman is reassigned to the military, I hope it is under an officer who hates his guts for his dissloyalty, and makes his new assignment a living hell.

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FBI, warned early and often that Manafort file might be fake, used it anyway

by John Solomon, The Hill

When the final chapter of the Russia collusion caper is written, it is likely two seminal documents the FBI used to justify investigating Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign will turn out to be bunk.

And the behavior of FBI agents and federal prosecutors who promoted that faulty evidence may disturb us more than we now know.

The first, the Christopher Steele dossier, has received enormous attention. And the more scrutiny it receives, the more its truthfulness wanes. Its credibility has declined so much that many now openly question how the FBI used it to support a surveillance warrant against the Trump campaign in October 2016.
At its best, the Steele dossier is an “unverified and salacious” political research memo funded by Trump’s Democratic rivals. At worst, it may be Russian disinformation worthy of the “garbage” label given it by esteemed reporter Bob Woodward.

The second document, known as the “black cash ledger,” remarkably has escaped the same scrutiny, even though its emergence in Ukraine in the summer of 2016 forced Paul Manafort to resign as Trump's campaign chairman and eventually face U.S. indictment.

In search warrant affidavits, the FBI portrayed the ledger as one reason it resurrected a criminal case against Manafort that was dropped in 2014 and needed search warrants in 2017 for bank records to prove he worked for the Russian-backed Party of Regions in Ukraine.

There’s just one problem: The FBI’s public reliance on the ledger came months after the feds were warned repeatedly that the document couldn’t be trusted and likely was a fake, according to documents and more than a dozen interviews with knowledgeable sources.
For example, Ukraine’s top anticorruption prosecutor, Nazar Kholodnytsky, told me he warned the U.S. State Department’s law enforcement liaison and multiple FBI agents in late summer 2016 that Ukrainian authorities who recovered the ledger believed it likely was a fraud.

“It was not to be considered a document of Manafort. It was not authenticated. And at that time it should not be used in any way to bring accusations against anybody,” Kholodnytsky said, recalling what he told FBI agents.
Likewise, Manafort’s Ukrainian business partner Konstantin Kilimnik, a regular informer for the State Department, told the U.S. government almost immediately after The New York Times wrote about the ledger in August 2016 that the document probably was fake.

Manafort “could not have possibly taken large amounts of cash across three borders. It was always a different arrangement — payments were in wire transfers to his companies, which is not a violation,” Kilimnik wrote in an email to a senior U.S. official on Aug. 22, 2016.
He added: “I have some questions about this black cash stuff, because those published records do not make sense. The timeframe doesn’t match anything related to payments made to Manafort. … It does not match my records. All fees Manafort got were wires, not cash.”

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team and the FBI were given copies of Kilimnik’s warning, according to three sources familiar with the documents.
Submitting knowingly false or suspect evidence — whether historical or to support probable cause — in a federal court proceeding violates FBI rules and can be a crime under certain circumstances. “To establish probable cause, the affiant [the agent or lawyer who files an affidavit?] must demonstrate a basis for knowledge and belief that the facts are true,” the FBI operating manual states.
But with Manafort, the FBI and Mueller’s office did not cite the actual ledger — which would require agents to discuss their assessment of the evidence — and instead cited media reports about it. The feds assisted on one of those stories as sources.

For example, agents mentioned the ledger in an affidavit supporting a July 2017 search warrant for Manafort’s house, citing it as one of the reasons the FBI resurrected the criminal case against Manafort.
“On August 19, 2016, after public reports regarding connections between Manafort, Ukraine and Russia — including an alleged ‘black ledger’ of off-the-book payments from the Party of Regions to Manafort — Manafort left his post as chairman of the Trump Campaign,” the July 25, 2017, FBI agent’s affidavit stated.

Three months later, the FBI went further in arguing probable cause for a search warrant for Manafort’s bank records, citing a specific article about the ledger as evidence Manafort was paid to perform U.S. lobbying work for the Ukrainians.
“The April 12, 2017, Associated Press article reported that DMI [Manafort’s company] records showed at least two payments were made to DMI that correspond to payments in the 'black ledger,' ” an FBI agent wrote in a footnote to the affidavit.

There are two glaring problems with that assertion.

First, the agent failed to disclose that both FBI officials and Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, who later became Mueller’s deputy, met with those AP reporters one day before the story was published and assisted their reporting.
An FBI record of the April 11, 2017, meeting declared that the AP reporters "were advised that they appeared to have a good understanding of Manafort’s business dealings" in Ukraine.
So, essentially, the FBI cited a leak that the government had facilitated and then used it to support the black ledger evidence, even though it had been clearly warned about the document.

Secondly, the FBI was told the ledger claimed to show cash payments to Manafort when, in fact, agents had been told since 2014 that Manafort received money only by bank wires, mostly routed through the island of Cyprus, memos show.

During the 2014 investigation, Manafort and his partner Richard Gates voluntarily identified for FBI agents tens of millions of dollars they received from Ukrainian and Russian sources and the shell companies and banks that wired the money. “Gates stated that the amounts they received would match the amounts they invoiced for services. Gates added they were always paid late, and in tranches,” FBI memos I obtained show.

Liberal law professor Alan Dershowitz said FBI affidavits almost never cite news articles as evidence. “They are supposed to cite the primary evidence and not secondary evidence,” he said.
“It sounds to me like a fraud on the court, possibly a willful and deliberate fraud that should have consequences for both the court and the attorneys’ bar,” he added.

Former FBI intelligence chief Kevin Brock was less critical. He said mentioning the ledger in an affidavit for its historical relationship to Manafort’s firing and the start of the investigation might be defensible, but any effort to use the ledger to support probable cause would be “puzzling” since it clearly was not needed to strengthen either affidavit and only risked tainting the warrant. He said it could raise questions about why the special counsel believed it necessary to refer to the ledger in the probable cause narrative.

In the end, the best proof that the FBI knew the black ledger was a sham is that prosecutors never introduced it to jurors in Manafort’s trial.

Rep. Mark Meadows, a senior Republican on the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, told me Wednesday night he is asking the Justice Department inspector general to investigate the FBI and prosecutors' handling of the Manafort warrants, including any media leaks and evidence that the government knew the black ledger was potentially unreliable or suspect evidence.

The question of whether the Mueller team should have used the ledger in search warrant affidavits before that is for the courts to decide.
But the public has a substantial interest in questioning whether, more broadly, the FBI should have sustained a Trump-Russia collusion investigation for more than two years based on the suspect Steele dossier and black ledger.

Understandably, there isn’t much public sympathy for foreign lobbyists such as Manafort. But the FBI and prosecutors should be required to play by the rules and use solid evidence when making its cases.

It does not appear to have been the prevailing practice in the Russia collusion investigation. And that should trouble us all.

John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work over the years has exposed U.S. and FBI intelligence failures before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal scientists’ misuse of foster children and veterans in drug experiments, and numerous cases of political corruption. He serves as an investigative columnist and executive vice president for video at The Hill. Follow him on Twitter @jsolomonReports.

Everywhere you look at this conspiracy, every piece of it, is loaded to the brim with lies, distortions, and deliberately falsified "evidence" to rationalize investigation of Trump and his staff.

If Dems want to open another investigation of Trump, bring it on. He'll be at 60 or 70% in popular opinion polls by the time you're done.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy


Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who made waves as a witness during the Trump impeachment proceedings, was fired Friday by the National Security Council and escorted off the White House grounds, Fox News has confirmed.
Vindman was on detail to the National Security Council from the Department of Defense, and it is expected he will return there. It comes just two days after President Trump was acquitted in the Senate on the impeachment charges brought by the House last year over his dealings with Ukraine.


In a lengthy statement, Vindman’s attorney, David Pressman, confirmed that Vindman had been escorted out of the White House on Friday.
“There is no question in the mind of any American why this man’s job is over, why this country now has one less soldier serving it at the White House,” Pressman said. “LTC Vindman was asked to leave for telling the truth. His honor, his commitment to right, frightened the powerful.”

Also Friday, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, who testified about Trump’s Ukraine dealings during the House impeachment hearings, said Friday that he had been recalled from that position.
“I was advised today that the president intends to recall me effective immediately as United States ambassador to the European Union," Sondland said.

A senior administration official also told Fox News that Vindman’s twin brother Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman has also left the National Security Council. Yevgeny Vindman was assigned to the office that vetted publications like former national security adviser John Bolton’s book – though he has said he was not involved in the vetting of the Bolton manuscript.

The news comes after reports that the White House was weighing options to dismiss Vindman from the NSC in an effort to shrink its foreign policy bureaucracy. Bloomberg reported Thursday that the White House planned to frame Vindman’s exit as part of an NSC staff downsizing, not retaliation.

Trump, when asked about the reports Friday, told reporters that he was "not happy with him."
"You think I'm supposed to be happy with him? I'm not," Trump said, adding that a decision would be made soon.


Good. Vindman is not a "soldier" as his lawyer fronts, he's a backstabbing liberal zealot who acted as a mole in the NSC. In House hearings, Vindman openly said he leaked documents, although he would not disclose who he leaked them to.
If it were a Republican serving in Obama's White House NSC, leaking and undermining Obama, then Obama would similarly be perfectly within his rights to fire someone he could not trust. Wherever Vindman is reassigned to the military, I hope it is under an officer who hates his guts for his dissloyalty, and makes his new assignment a living hell.

Vindman is an actual hero who has risked his life and has been injured for this country. But this is a WH that considers Rush Limbaugh a true hero. What a sewer

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: M E M
Lol, we should be like you and demonize most of the opposition and anybody like Romney that actually voted his conscience? I saw that more than a few republicans actually agree with the democrats in the House about Trump being guilty but than voted to block evidence and than to acquit Trump. And they are quiet today as he had his petty vindictive meltdown at the bipartisan prayer meeting.

Unlike you, I've cited specific actions and policies that make me oppose Romney and others, usually sourced and linked. I don't just hate someone blindly, I oppose them because they are proven to be bad for the country.

And the media's kneejerk gushing over Romney, because he bashes Trump and his fellow Republicans, is absolute fact as well. Compaare with past treatment of John McCain, Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Cohen, ANY REPUBLICAN who previously was demonized, the moment they turn on Trump or other Republicans, the liberal media and Democrats instantly sing their praises. Until, of course, they outlive their usefulness and behave like Republicans again. At that moment Dems and the media snap back to portraying them as evil.

Trump was impeached because of his own actions. Romney is guilty of looking at Trump’s actions and instead of helping him block evidence and shield his corruption. Romney wasn’t the lone republican saying Trump’s actions were wrong btw. Trump is still attacking McCain who’s been dead a while now. It’s ridiculous to think that Romney doesn’t know he committed political suicide. Trump’s pettiness and the gop’s devotion to him insures that. Even when Trump leaves you guys bankrupted and fucked you will still hate Romney for being the friend who told you Trump was pos.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Vindman is an actual hero who has risked his life and has been injured for this country. But this is a WH that considers Rush Limbaugh a true hero. What a sewer

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:


November 4, 2019

A retired Army officer who worked with Democrat “star witness” Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in Grafenwoher, Germany, claims Vindman “really talked up” President Barack Obama and ridiculed America and Americans in front of Russian military officers.

In an eye-opening thread on Twitter last week, retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman said that he “verbally reprimanded” Vindman after he heard some of his derisive remarks for himself. “Do not let the uniform fool you,” Hickman wrote. “He is a political activist in uniform.”

Hickman, 52, says he’s a disabled wounded warrior who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and who received numerous medals, including the Purple Heart.

The retired officer said that Vindman, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Ukraine, made fun of the United States to the point that it made other soldiers “uncomfortable.” For example, Hickman told American Greatness that he heard Vindman call Americans “rednecks”—a word that needed to be translated for the Russians. He said they all had a big laugh at America’s expense.

Vindman, who serves on the National Security Council (NSC), appeared last week before the House Intelligence Committee and testified that he’d had “concerns” about the July phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Vindman’s testimony rested on his negative opinions of the call, rather than any new facts about the call.

Vindman’s former boss, NSC Senior Director for European Affairs Tim Morrison, threw cold water on Vindman’s claims in his own testimony later in the week, saying he didn’t have concerns that “anything illegal was discussed” in the phone call. Morrison also testified that Ukrainian officials were not even aware that military funding had been delayed by the Trump Administration until late August 2019, more than a month after the Trump-Zelensky call.


Hickman said he decided to come forward because Vindman “disobeyed a direct order from the commander-in-chief, his boss,” made his testimony “about his foreign policy opinions versus facts,” and “wore his Army service uniform to make a political statement” against the president.

“Then right on cue, the mainstream media began calling him a war hero with a purple heart, and completely beyond reproach,” Hickman wrote in a statement to American Greatness and another journalist. “Knowing his political bias, backed by his somewhat radical left-leaning ideology, it was my obligation, indeed my duty, to come forward with this information. I couldn’t go to the same mainstream media to put it out, nor could I go to the Army, as they’re backing Vindman, so I took to Twitter, a source for getting the truth out,” he added.

According to Hickman, Vindman was the Defense Department attaché at the Russian embassy in Germany when he met him in 2013. He told American Greatness that he also met Vindman’s twin brother Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman while he was stationed in Germany.

“I know LTC Alex Vindman from a Combined US-Russian exercise called Atlas Vision [13] in Grafenwoher,” Hickman wrote on Twitter. “He worked with the Russian Embassy and I was assigned to the JMTC (Joint Multinational Training Command), within USAREUR (US Army Europe). He worked coordination w/the Russian 15th Peacekeeping Brigade, and I was in charge of all Simulations planning, as well as assisting the USAREUR Lead Planner as the Senior Military Planner.”

Hickman provided American Greatness with a picture of himself and his wife while he was on vacation in Venice during that time period.

He noted that he and Vindman had “interacted on several different occasions throughout the planning cycle, but it was during the actual execution of the exercise that we had an issue relevant to his recent testimony.


Hickman said he had pretty much forgotten about Vindman until recently.

“When I saw him, and understood what he was trying to accomplish, I knew immediately he was involved in this mess as a partisan Democrat,” Hickman said in his statement.

He explained on Twitter that Vindman, who was a major in 2013, sat in on the US-Russian exercises that were conducted in “Virtual Battle Simulations 2 (VBS2) classrooms simulation.”

According to Hickman, Vindman spoke with “U.S. and Russian Soldiers, as well as the young officers and GS employees about America, Russia, and Obama.”

Hickman’s Oct. 31 tweets continue below in paragraph form for easier reading:

He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of (sic) uncomfortable.

He would speak w/the Russian Soldiers & laugh as if at the expense of the US personnel. It was so uncomfortable & unprofessional, one of the GS [civil service]employees came & told me everything above. I walked over & sat w/in earshot of Vindman, & sure enough, all was confirmed.

One comment truly struck me as odd, & it was w/respect to American’s falsely thinking they’re exceptional, when he said, “He [Obama] is working on that now.” And he said it w/a snide ‘I know a secret’ look on his face. I honestly don’t know what it meant, it just sounded like an odd thing to say.

Regardless, after hearing him bash America a few times in front of subordinates, Russians, & GS Employees, as well as, hearing an earful about globalization, Obama’s plan, etc., I’d had enough. I tapped him on the shoulder & asked him to step outside. At that point I verbally reprimanded him for his actions, & I’ll leave it at that, so as not to be unprofessional myself.

The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as [2013]. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him. This is not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you…he is a political activist in uniform. I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended!🇺🇸

Thomas Lasch, Hickman’s boss at the time, corroborated his story on Twitter.

“Jim, I remember exercise ATLAS VISION and this incident. I was your Boss at the time and was satisfied when you told me that you ‘took care of it’ (meaning then MAJ Vindman’s disparaging comments about the U.S. to the Russians ) and I just put things together this past week,” Lasch tweeted.
— Thomas Lasch (@ThomasLasch1) November 2, 2019

Lasch is a highly respected simulation strategist at the Joint Multinational Simulation Center in Grafenwoehr, Germany where he is responsible for the “Live Virtual Constructive and Gaming simulation program for all U.S. Forces in Europe.”

Lasch vouched for Hickman in a second tweet: “Everyone on this thread should know that Jim Hickman’s patriotism and honesty is unparalleled. He is one of my personal heroes.” He added: “This is not about Trump! This is about an officer [LTC Vindman] that is disloyal to the United States of America.”

American Greatness was able to reach Lasch through his LinkedIn account. He verified that the recently established Twitter account in his name vouching for Hickman was indeed his.
“Yes this is my LinkedIn account. It is really me. And the Twitter account is mine as well,” Lasch said.

In his statement, Hickman explained why Lasch remembered the incident with Vindman: “I did question his patriotism to our nation, and the lack of respect given to Americans in general. I was indeed furious and that’s most likely why my boss Tom Lasch remembers it so clearly.”

“I corrected him solely as a superior officer witnessing a junior officer doing something wrong,” Hickman explained. “We as officers are not supposed to talk about our political leanings, especially in front of subordinates, and never are we to talk down about Americans and our culture.”

Hickman further explained to American Greatness that Vindman spoke favorably of the United Nations, and appeared contemptuous of Americans who didn’t appreciate the U.N. Vindman, Hickman said, believed that “the U.N. should have broader powers” and “talked about how the American people weren’t worldly.”

He noted that Vindman actually used the word “globalism” during the conversation and “talked about American culture versus European culture,” unfavorably, essentially suggesting that “the U.S. has no culture.”

Hickman also told American Greatness that Vindman talked about “Obama changing America” and that it reminded him of Obama’s infamous “Fundamentally transforming America” speech of October 2008.

The former officer stressed that he was not seeking recognition or praise but instead, “to just get the facts and truth out that are relevant to the current situation.”

Hickman said in his statement that he began his Army career in military intelligence and was commissioned in 1996 as a field artillery officer.

He retired from the service in 2017 and now resides near Tampa, Florida.

Vindman was a treasonous backstabbing mole in Trump's white house NSC. He badmouthed America daily. He undermined his President and commander in chief daily. He leaked documents.
At the very least, Vindman could face jail time for the leaked documents. He's damn lucky to have not been dishonorably discharged and prosecuted.

There is no way you can sugarcoat what Vindman's superior officers said.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: M E M
Lol, we should be like you and demonize most of the opposition and anybody like Romney that actually voted his conscience? I saw that more than a few republicans actually agree with the democrats in the House about Trump being guilty but than voted to block evidence and than to acquit Trump. And they are quiet today as he had his petty vindictive meltdown at the bipartisan prayer meeting.

Unlike you, I've cited specific actions and policies that make me oppose Romney and others, usually sourced and linked. I don't just hate someone blindly, I oppose them because they are proven to be bad for the country.

And the media's kneejerk gushing over Romney, because he bashes Trump and his fellow Republicans, is absolute fact as well. Compaare with past treatment of John McCain, Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Cohen, ANY REPUBLICAN who previously was demonized, the moment they turn on Trump or other Republicans, the liberal media and Democrats instantly sing their praises. Until, of course, they outlive their usefulness and behave like Republicans again. At that moment Dems and the media snap back to portraying them as evil.

Trump was impeached because of his own actions. Romney is guilty of looking at Trump’s actions and instead of helping him block evidence and shield his corruption. Romney wasn’t the lone republican saying Trump’s actions were wrong btw. Trump is still attacking McCain who’s been dead a while now. It’s ridiculous to think that Romney doesn’t know he committed political suicide. Trump’s pettiness and the gop’s devotion to him insures that. Even when Trump leaves you guys bankrupted and fucked you will still hate Romney for being the friend who told you Trump was pos.

Trump was impeached because a corrupt Democrat-Bolshevik maajority wanted to impeach him for lying-political-narrative reasons, and were going to impeach him in the House no matter what, before they looked at a single page of evidence.

They manipulated hearings and selectively omitted evidence, and despite hqaving much of the hearings in a high-security SCIF room, they daily leaked those hearings ndaily to their comrades in the liberal media waiting outside, and only kept confidential and unheard those details that were exculpatory and beneficial to Trump's defense.
As soon as those details were made public, Democrats' popular support for impeachment dropped like a stone, and was never regained. Because they were exposed as the vicious liars that they are.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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And Romney has no ethics or objectivity. Romney has a vendetta against Trump because Trump won in 2016 and Romney didn't. Romney has opposed Trump at every turn, NOT based on any principle or desire to reveal any truth.

And you misrepresent "other Republicans" in the Senate hearings. They didn't say Trump was guilty, they said Trump made some unfortunate ambiguous word choices in the July 25th call with Zelensky, but that it certainly didn't rise to the level of being impeached.

Richard Nixon was investigated by a special investigation, and found guilty of actual crimes.

Bill Clinton was investigated by a special investigation, and found guilty of actual crimes.

Donald Trump was investigated by an unbelievably biased Democrat-run special investigation, and despite that, was found *NOT* guilty of *ANY CRIMES*. Trump was exonerated, he has not guilty, he has nothing to apologize for (despite the liberal media narrative that compared it to Bill Clinton apologizing after his 1999 verdict. I forget the exact order, but likely Bill Clinton was showwing maximum contriteness, so that he would receive the censure he got, rather than removal from office. Clinton WAS FOUND GUILTY OF CRIMES, by both the 1) Special investigation, and 2) Congress. So the two cannot be compared as equal and the same.)

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Actually Clinton was acquitted like Trump was in the impeachment trial. We didn’t celebrate it and pretend he didn’t lie under oath over what you would call a process crime. He apologized while Trump rages and plots more revenge and more investigations on his political foes. Total morally bankrupt and your party fuels it to hold onto power.

Lamar Jackson while voting to block evidence with most of the republican majority explained his vote to acquit this way... “There is no need for more evidence to prove that the president asked Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter; he said this on television on October 3, 2019, and during his July 25, 2019, telephone call with the president of Ukraine,” Alexander said in a statement. “There is no need for more evidence to conclude that the president withheld United States aid, at least in part, to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens; the House managers have proved this with what they call a ‘mountain of overwhelming evidence.'”

Other republicans also went that route noting Trump’s wrongdoing. They however voted to block witnesses and documents unlike Romney.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2020-02-08 7:15 PM.

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Lamar, Rubio, Collins and I believe others in there vote explanations do believe what Trump did was wrong. It’s quite as simple as just the democrats having an issue with what Trump did. I think impeachment should be hard btw especially after seeing republicans use it on Clinton. This however wasn’t asking a sitting president about a blowjob under oath. This was Trump misusing his power to try to get an announcement of an investigation of who he viewed as his top rival in the upcoming election. Imagine if Obama had done that to Romney? It would have never been okay in any shape or form with your side. But investigating the Clinton’s over and over and now the Biden’s is a well established pattern just like when the deficit needs to be paid when a democrat gets elected (by popular vote and electoral to boot). I reallly worry that we’re where we’re at because democracy isn’t working for your party and to try to hold onto it’s fading power Trump is going to be allowed to steal the election.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually Clinton was acquitted like Trump was in the impeachment trial. We didn’t celebrate it and pretend he didn’t lie under oath over what you would call a process crime. He apologized while Trump rages and plots more revenge and more investigations on his political foes. Total morally bankrupt and your party fuels it to hold onto power.

That is such a lie and deliberate deception. Clinton was found by the special investigation to be guilty of crimes, including perjury and obstruction of justice. While a bipartisan House found Clinton guilty, the Senate vote to acquit him.


The impeachment of Bill Clinton was initiated on October 8, 1998, when the United States House of Representatives voted to commence impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, for "high crimes and misdemeanors". The specific charges against Clinton were lying under oath and obstruction of justice. The charges stemmed from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Clinton by Paula Jones and from Clinton's testimony denying that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The catalyst for the president's impeachment was the Starr Report, a September 1998 report prepared by Independent Counsel Ken Starr for the House Judiciary Committee.[1]

On December 19, 1998, Clinton became the second American president to be impeached (the first being Andrew Johnson, who was impeached in 1868), when the House formally adopted two articles of impeachment and forwarded them to the United States Senate for adjudication; two other articles were considered, but were rejected.[a] A trial in the Senate began in January 1999, with Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding. On February 12, Clinton was acquitted on both counts as neither received the necessary two-thirds majority vote of the senators present for conviction and removal from office—in this instance 67. On Article One, 45 senators voted to convict while 55 voted for acquittal. On Article Two, 50 senators voted to convict while 50 voted for acquittal.[3] Clinton remained in office for the remainder of his second term.[4]

In the case of Clinton, there were crimes the Special Counsel found evidence Clinton was guilty of. What allowed Clinton to be spared by the Senate is that they deemed them not to be crimes that rose to the level of removing Clinton from office.

In the case of Trump, there were NOT crimes found by the special counsel. NONE.
And therefore it should never have gone on to a House impeachment or a Senate trial. Except as a political weapon to smear and damage Trump going into the 2018 and 2020 elections.


Lamar Jackson while voting to block evidence with most of the republican majority explained his vote to acquit this way... “There is no need for more evidence to prove that the president asked Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter; he said this on television on October 3, 2019, and during his July 25, 2019, telephone call with the president of Ukraine,” Alexander said in a statement. “There is no need for more evidence to conclude that the president withheld United States aid, at least in part, to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens; the House managers have proved this with what they call a ‘mountain of overwhelming evidence.'”

Other republicans also went that route noting Trump’s wrongdoing. They however voted to block witnesses and documents unlike Romney.

That Trump asked Zelensky to aid a corruption investigation that included involvement of the Bidens is not in question. That much is a fact and clearly documented. But the U.S. and Ukraine have laws to share information and records to jointly fight corruption. Which Trump can be argued to have lawfully been doing, in execution of the law Trump took an oath to do. The only sticking point that gives Democrats the slightest allegation of wrong is Trump mentioned the Bidens in the July 25th call. But Trump was breaking no law. Trump's job is to investigate corruption. The Bidens WERE CLEARLY PART of that corruption.

Democrats can half-bakedly allege a conflict of interest because Joe Biden is running for president. But Trump had legitimate and lawful reasons for investigating the Bidens as part of his job as president, to enforce the law and weed out corruption in Ukraine. Harvarl Law school and famous attorney Alan Dershowitz has made that argument repeatedly.
And as evidenced in the Iowa and New Hampshire polls, Trump needs no unfair advantage to remove Biden as an opponent. Biden was and is imploding quite spectacularly on his own, and has been since before this Ukraine/impeachment thing began in September 2019.

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I actually agree with you on Biden imploding and I don’t think it’s anything to do with Trump trying to investigate him. Or an announcement of an investigation to be precise. That of course doesn’t change what Trump did. Those documents and testimony can’t be blocked forever.

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And because republicans used their majority to help Trump’s obstruction of witnesses it really was a sham trial and acquittal. After the John Bolton leaks, it’s very apparent how much of a sham it was.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And because republicans used their majority to help Trump’s obstruction of witnesses it really was a sham trial and acquittal. After the John Bolton leaks, it’s very apparent how much of a sham it was.

No, that's ass-backwards.

Democrats obstructed a thorough investigation and did not call the witnesses they should have, as they whipped through their scam rubber-stamp impeachment in 78 days, for pure political reasons to get it done befoee Christmas.
Soviet-style, the Democrats were hell-bent on impeaching Trump and going to do so NO MATTER WHAT THE EVIDENCE. So they whipped it through, and then blamed Senate Republicans for not doing the investigation that they, the House Democrats, were supposed to do.
And they blamed Trump for not cooperating, despite that they set up rules that unfairly prevented him and his lawyers from conducting an adequate defense. Of 78 days of impeachment, I think Trump's lawyers were permitted to attend 3 or 4 days.

There was nothing in the Trump impeachment rules Democrats set up (unlike the bipartisan Nixon impeachment rules, unlike the bipartisan Clinton impeachment rules) that ever tried to establish the unquestionably fair bipartisan practices of the two previous impeachments. And without fair bipartisan rules, there was NO WAY Republicans were going to just roll over and cooperate with unfair rules.

As Mitch McConnell said in a Senate floor statement right after the Senate acquittal, Democrats' clear plan was to force the Senate to call witnesses THAT THE HOUSE DEMOCRATS DIDN'T AND WOULDN'T for the calculated purpose of blaming the Senate for the failed case the House Democrats didn't make, and to use prolonged Senate hearings with no evidence to smear Senate Republicans and win a Democrat Senate majority in the Nov 2020 election.
House Democrats knew they were NEVER NEVER NEVER going to impeach and remove Trump, but Democrats calculated kicking it to the Senate for long hearings with no evidence as a way for Dems to win the Senate.
But Senate Republicans cleverly didn't take the bait. And now it's over.

The Democrat party is entirely built on lies, slander, intimidation, mob rule and deception. How glorious that these evil bastards were defeated, AGAIN.

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WB I watched republicans vote to block witnesses. You can try all you want to say otherwise but after the Bolton leaks everyone knows why republicans didn’t want his testimony.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I actually agree with you on Biden imploding and I don’t think it’s anything to do with Trump trying to investigate him. Or an announcement of an investigation to be precise. That of course doesn’t change what Trump did. Those documents and testimony can’t be blocked forever.

I'm glad we can agree on that much. Biden is a gaffe machine, with no vision for the country. He was doomed to fail from the moment he announced his candiddacy. Several pundits on differenct programs said the same thing the day Biden announced, Mollie Hemingway and Guy Benson among them. That Biden's best polls would be the day he announced his candidacy, and that would erode every week until he eventually was forced to drop out. We're about 2 or 3 weeks away from seeing Biden drop out.

And Trump did nothing other than execute the laws as he swore to in his oath of office.
The fact that Biden and his son Hunter were the corrupt individuals caught up in those laws is just a byproduct Democrats are exploiting. Trump demanded nothing, simply requested records as the U.S. and Ukraine have laws to share records to fight corruption, Trump delivered aid to Ukraine weeks before the Sept 30th deadline, and aid was given to Ukraine without a Zelensky anti-corruption press conference that Trump had wanted. No coercion, no quid-pro-quo, no forced concessions from Ukraine. Democrats want to convict Trump for a thought-crime, or from the Tom Cruise movie Minority Report a "pre-crime". Trump committed no actual crime.

As compared to Joseph Biden and hunter Biden, and several other Biden relatives, who used nepotism to reap enormous fortunes from Biden's office.
As compared to three Democrat Senators who sent a letter to Ukraine and extorted concessions from the Ukraine governemnt under threat, used to influence the 2016 election in the Democrats' favor.

As compared to the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign and the DNC giving at least $2 million to Glenn Simpson/Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele to buy information from Russiaan and Ukraanian agents for their "Russia Dossier" of salacious/unprovable slanders to influence the 2016 election.
As compared to pro-Hillary agents who backdoored known false "Russia Dossier" information into the FBI and DOJ, to obtain with knowingly false evidence *four* consecutive FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. The people who submitted and approved those FISA warrants broke federal laws (knowingly submitting false evidence to a federal judge) and should go to jail.

As compared to the FBI hiring "foreign assets" to pose as Russian agents and infiltrate the Trump campaign, approaching George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, Michael Caputo, Michael Flynn and others. Some of whom have been imprisoned despite having done nothing wrong, others still being bankrupted and kept in a personal hellish limbo by a vindictive and Democrat-weaponized FBI.

And House/Senate Democrats don't even want to examine the evidence against these other players.

A very one-sided justice.

And that's not even getting into other unexplored crimes such as Hillary's pay-to-play selling of State Department access in exchange for foreign Clinton Foundation donations.
Or ATF's Obama-orchestrated "Fast and Furious" program to sell guns to Mexican cartels, to blame U.S. gun retailers, that resulted in dozens killed.
Or the Obama administration's orchestrated weaponization of the IRS against Tea Party and religious conservative groups in the 2012 election.
On and on, the Democrat crimes that go unpunished.

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I’m sure Trump will be having his party and JOD investigating all his old enemies and whoever else might be the new political rival for 2020. Republicans have actually just been permanently investigating Hillary so nothing really new there. But you can bet democrats will be working to get that Bolton testimony and other testimony and documents. Trump’s corruption will just drip out in bits as courts eventually force him to comply.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’m sure Trump will be having his party and JOD investigating all his old enemies and whoever else might be the new political rival for 2020. Republicans have actually just been permanently investigating Hillary so nothing really new there. But you can bet democrats will be working to get that Bolton testimony and other testimony and documents. Trump’s corruption will just drip out in bits as courts eventually force him to comply.

You forget that DOJ, FBI, State Department, and IRS are all Democrat run federal branches, what Pompeo has described as "Democrat-occupied territory". With mid-level people who obstruct justice in the Democrat favor at every turn.
That's why Giuliani went himself to Ukraine. Because Ukranian officials had sent documentation and red-flagged corruption information to the State Dept, FBI and DOJ, and deep state/Democrat agents just buried it, Giuliani never saw it. Only by visiting Ukraine and bypassing those channels did Giuliani find the truth.

A G William Barr is a breath of fresh air, pursuing actual justice in the DOJ for the first time in a long time. I don't know if he can overcome the level of entrenched [Democrat] corruption in DOJ and FBI that exists to make actual justice occur. I hope so.
FBI director Christopher Wray, inspectors general in multiple departments, and the judges in the FISA Court seem to resist any meaningful reforms and preserve the status quo (i.e., preserve Democrat power and Democrat corruption, and ability to weaponize federal agencies).

I hope Barr-appointed John Durham's coming release of his investigation is enough to enact real change.

And like I said several posts back, you guys are once again going to be very disappointed with Bolton's testimony. If he even testifies.

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Bolton’s willing to testify, republicans just don’t want him to for obvious reasons. Hide, obstruct, accuse and perpetual investigation is your party. It’s laughable that you even spout your bs after the gop blocked Bolton’s testimony.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And because republicans used their majority to help Trump’s obstruction of witnesses it really was a sham trial and acquittal. After the John Bolton leaks, it’s very apparent how much of a sham it was.

Asked and answered:
 Originally Posted By: WB

As Mitch McConnell said in a Senate floor statement right after the Senate acquittal, Democrats' clear plan was to force the Senate to call witnesses THAT THE HOUSE DEMOCRATS DIDN'T AND WOULDN'T for the calculated purpose of blaming the Senate for the failed case the House Democrats didn't make, and to use prolonged Senate hearings with no evidence to smear Senate Republicans and win a Democrat Senate majority in the Nov 2020 election.
House Democrats knew they were NEVER NEVER NEVER going to impeach and remove Trump, but Democrats calculated kicking it to the Senate for long hearings with no evidence as a way for Dems to win the Senate.
But Senate Republicans cleverly didn't take the bait. And now it's over.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Bolton’s willing to testify, republicans just don’t want him to for obvious reasons. Hide, obstruct, accuse and perpetual investigation is your party. It’s laughable that you even spout your bs after the gop blocked Bolton’s testimony.

It's nuts to blame this on Republicans. It's the Democrats who are hiding and obstructing any investigation of Obama, Hillary, their ideological robots at the FBI, DOJ and CIA.

Even if Bolton were to testify, he's a sour-grapes fired employee with nothing to back up his allegations.

You guys hated Bolton for 20 years, but now that he's a potential witness against Trump, Dems love Bolton and hang on his every unscrutinized word as absolute gospel truth.
Likewise former Trump attorney Michael Cohen. You hated the guy for years, and as soon as he turned on Trump he could say no wrong.
Likewise Romney, hated for roughly 20 years, you demonized him as an evil rich guy, a white supremacist racist, an anti-gay bully, a guy whose venture capitalism caused a woman to die of cancer (except the facts don't back that up), on and on. But now that Romney sided with impeaching Trump for transparent payback reasons, he's courageous, he's eloquent, he's a truth-telling hero of the Democrat/Left.

Amazing how you guys make polar flips in your views and never even worry about how to rationalize it. The only logic of it is it backs your lying propaganda talking points.

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The House asked Bolton to testify before it got to the Senate and before the book leak. He refused as did Moldavey and others. Bolton did agree to testify for the Senate. It’s very clear why Moscow Mitch and stooges helped Trump to block Bolton’s testimony.

It might take a while longer now going through the courts to get the evidence and testimony but you have to know it’s going to happen.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And because republicans used their majority to help Trump’s obstruction of witnesses it really was a sham trial and acquittal. After the John Bolton leaks, it’s very apparent how much of a sham it was.

Asked and answered:
 Originally Posted By: WB

As Mitch McConnell said in a Senate floor statement right after the Senate acquittal, Democrats' clear plan was to force the Senate to call witnesses THAT THE HOUSE DEMOCRATS DIDN'T AND WOULDN'T for the calculated purpose of blaming the Senate for the failed case the House Democrats didn't make, and to use prolonged Senate hearings with no evidence to smear Senate Republicans and win a Democrat Senate majority in the Nov 2020 election.
House Democrats knew they were NEVER NEVER NEVER going to impeach and remove Trump, but Democrats calculated kicking it to the Senate for long hearings with no evidence as a way for Dems to win the Senate.
But Senate Republicans cleverly didn't take the bait. And now it's over.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The House asked Bolton to testify before it got to the Senate and before the book leak. He refused as did Moldavey and others. Bolton did agree to testify for the Senate. It’s very clear why Moscow Mitch and stooges helped Trump to block Bolton’s testimony.

It might take a while longer now going through the courts to get the evidence and testimony but you have to know it’s going to happen.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And because Republicans used their majority to help Trump’s obstruction of witnesses it really was a sham trial and acquittal. After the John Bolton leaks, it’s very apparent how much of a sham it was.

Asked and answered:
 Originally Posted By: WB

As Mitch McConnell said in a Senate floor statement right after the Senate acquittal, Democrats' clear plan was to force the Senate to call witnesses THAT THE HOUSE DEMOCRATS DIDN'T AND WOULDN'T for the calculated purpose of blaming the Senate for the failed case the House Democrats didn't make, and to use prolonged Senate hearings with no evidence to smear Senate Republicans and win a Democrat Senate majority in the Nov 2020 election.
House Democrats knew they were NEVER NEVER NEVER going to impeach and remove Trump, but Democrats calculated kicking it to the Senate for long hearings with no evidence as a way for Dems to win the Senate.
But Senate Republicans cleverly didn't take the bait. And now it's over.

Trump hits highest Gallup approval rating of his presidency

And by the way, it's Mick Mulvaney, not Muldavey.

The whole point was for House Democrats to trick the Senate into prolonged hearings. There was nothing to find by the House, so they rushed it through and kicked it to the Republican-majority Senate, and tried to trick the Republicans into months-long hearings where nothing will be found, BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO FIND!
It was a trick to blame the Republican Senate for their own Democrat-House failure.
And if the Republicans call Bolton and other witnesses, that just prolongs it, there's no evidence to find. And when nothing is found, Democrats just allege that Republicans shortened the hearings before anything could be found, whether the Republicans concede to 100 witnesses, 1,000 witnesses or 100,000 witnesses! The Democrat response to no evidence will always be Republicans are suppressing the truth, we need to see more witnesses. Again, a ploy to blame the Republican Senate for the House Dems' own failure, so they can use that lying narrative to gaain a Senate Democrat majority.

But Republicans wouldn't play that game, and it's over.

And a majority of Americans are glad it's over.

Despite your lying propaganda.

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And using terms like "Moscow Mitch", whose patriotism is beyond question, just confirms what vicious liars the Democrats are.

Democrats are the party that for 70 years has enabled Soviet-Russian communism, allowed the Russians to steal technology to build atomic bombs, enabled communist infiltrators in the 1940's 1950's and 1960's, the party of Cultural Marxism and the 1960's counter-culture revolution, the party of surrender and attacking U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam war (John Kerry for example throwing military medals over a wall, Bill and Hillary Clinton organizing protests against his own country during the war, and evading the draft).
Democrats are the party that secretly negotiated behind Reagan's back to not make a nuclear arms reduction deal in 1987.

House Democrats are the party that wanted to de-fund our troops on the battlefield during the Iraq War, to force President W Bush to withdraw troops from Iraq and surrender.
Democrats are the party of Hillary Clinton, who hates police and soldiers so much that they could not wear uniforms in the White House, had to wear plain clothes when they visited the White House. Secret Service said guarding her was by far the most unpleasant assignment, regarded as a punishment detail within the secret service.

Democrats are the party of Senator Dick Durbin (D-MI), who in 2004 called our soldiers in Iraq comparable to "Nazi storm troopers, Soviet gulags and the Pol Pot regime". And amid a public uproar was forced to apologize for those comments the next day. And less than a week later on the PBS News Hour, alleged he was "misquoted" and never said it. But the video records exactly what he said.

Democrats are the party of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, who clearly hate America, and rabidly oppose anything in the nation's interest, and things like the Green New Deal that would destroy it. Whose rhetoric was on the lips of Antifa thugs when they attacked ICE facilities in Oregon and Texas, verbatim Ocasio-Cortez's own words, which Ocasio-Cortez will not answer questions about.

The party of Bernie Sanders, who praises every communist dictatorship of the last 50 years, but has nothing good to say about America. Who hung a Soviet flag in his mayor's office for 10 years.

At every point, particularly over the most recent 50 years, Democrats have been the party whose open statements and policies and gut beliefs are hostile to the nation and its history, and who endanger us all with what they advocate.

Not "Moscow Mitch".
The Democrats prove over and over they are the traitors who endanger us, and serve foreign interests hostile to us. They slander Republicans with lying propaganda, to hide that they the Democrats are the unquestionable and indefensible traitors.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Michelle Obama, Houma Abedin, on down, they are all vicious marxist idealogues who oppose what we are as a nation. The only America they love is the one they can "radically transform" it into.

Cited and sourced.

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Transcribed interview, from Mark Levin's one hour weekly program Life, Liberty, Levin, Dec 8, 2019, interviewing attorney Alan Dershowitz, on the eve of impeachment:

Mark Levin: Should President Trump be impeached?

Alan Dershowitz: It would be unconstitutional for President Trump to be impeached on the current record. It would be an utter abuse of the power of Congress. The Constitution sets out four criteria for impeaching a president. Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Unless one of those criteria is met, Congress does not have the authority to impeach, and if they do, their impeachment would be void. Alexander Hamilton said any act of Congress that is inconsistent with the Constitution is void. Now, Congress maybe can get away with impeaching because there won't be judicial review. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't be violating their oath of office. They would be abusing their power if they impeached President Trump on this record.


Mark Levin: So, Professor Dershowitz, in the end now, what is your greatest concern?

Alan Dershowitz: The death of civil liberties, the diminution of due process, the fact that the hard left, particularly people who have causes, have turned against fundamental liberty. You know, it was Eric Hoffa, the one said “every cause starts as a movement, that it becomes a business. Ultimately, it degenerates into a racket.” And I'm trying to protect the #MeToo movement from becoming a racket. And I want to protect due process. That's why I'm standing up for President Trump's rights. I think we live in an age where the end justifies the means. And if you're a radical feminist, you know, if somebody is accused, he must be guilty. If you're a radical Democrat, you know, if he's President Trump, he must be guilty. And so we have to fight to preserve our basic due process and our basic and fundamental concern for free speech.

The most respected legal mind in the country. Democrats loved him when he was defending Bill Clinton. They loved him when he was attacking George W. Bush's acts as president. But now that he's applying the same standard to defending President Trump, they turn on Dershowitz and try to de-legitimize him. They promote any slander of Dershowitz, in the hope that it will delegitimize him. They won't even invite him to speaking events and parties!

Just more evidence that Democrats have become the Bolshevik party. Slander, intimidation, violence, whatever serves the party is moral. Whatever doesn't serve the party is immoral. And they are perfectly willing and eager to eat their own if they dissent from the party line.

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Wow, I did not know he’s the most respected mind in the country. When did that happen? And Bolton and Romney are not good anymore, lol. Your true principles are abundantly clear.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And because Republicans used their majority to help Trump’s obstruction of witnesses it really was a sham trial and acquittal. After the John Bolton leaks, it’s very apparent how much of a sham it was.

Asked and answered:
 Originally Posted By: WB

As Mitch McConnell said in a Senate floor statement right after the Senate acquittal, Democrats' clear plan was to force the Senate to call witnesses THAT THE HOUSE DEMOCRATS DIDN'T AND WOULDN'T for the calculated purpose of blaming the Senate for the failed case the House Democrats didn't make, and to use prolonged Senate hearings with no evidence to smear Senate Republicans and win a Democrat Senate majority in the Nov 2020 election.
House Democrats knew they were NEVER NEVER NEVER going to impeach and remove Trump, but Democrats calculated kicking it to the Senate for long hearings with no evidence as a way for Dems to win the Senate.
But Senate Republicans cleverly didn't take the bait. And now it's over.

Trump hits highest Gallup approval rating of his presidency

And by the way, it's Mick Mulvaney, not Muldavey.

The whole point was for House Democrats to trick the Senate into prolonged hearings. There was nothing to find by the House, so they rushed it through and kicked it to the Republican-majority Senate, and tried to trick the Republicans into months-long hearings where nothing will be found, BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO FIND!
It was a trick to blame the Republican Senate for their own Democrat-House failure.
And if the Republicans call Bolton and other witnesses, that just prolongs it, there's no evidence to find. And when nothing is found, Democrats just allege that Republicans shortened the hearings before anything could be found, whether the Republicans concede to 100 witnesses, 1,000 witnesses or 100,000 witnesses! The Democrat response to no evidence will always be Republicans are suppressing the truth, we need to see more witnesses. Again, a ploy to blame the Republican Senate for the House Dems' own failure, so they can use that lying narrative to gaain a Senate Democrat majority.

But Republicans wouldn't play that game, and it's over.

And a majority of Americans are glad it's over.

Despite your lying propaganda.

This fairy tale you’re trying to push is false based on the facts WB. The House tried to get Bolton and others to testify but they refused. Bolton did say he would testify for the senate. After the leaks from his book it’s laughable that you even try to say there is nothing there. This was the first impeachment trial where the President tried to block all the witnesses and documents. Than Senate Republicans helped with their votes for no witnesses. This was also the first one where someone from the same party crossed over to vote to remove a president from their party. I feel bad for Romney as Trump and his supporters will make him pay for the rest of his life for putting country before party.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Wow, I did not know he’s the most respected mind in the country. When did that happen? And Bolton and Romney are not good anymore, lol. Your true principles are abundantly clear.

Not just my opinion. Although my opinion was formed before the others voiced the same consensus in the days after.

Bolton has long been known to be a Neo-Con globalist, and a proponent for war in Iraq, Iran and North Korea. He was *hated* by the Democrat/Left for close to 20 years. Just look at the posts here from 10 or 15 years ago as a sample.

And now, the split second Bolton at least appears to turn on Trump (we still haven't seen one sentence or even a vague outline of where he allegedly criticizes Trump), he suddenly walks on water in the eyes of Democrats and is lionized for his courage (again, based on absolutely nothing revealed). It would be delicious if Bolton turns out to have trolled you all.

Likewise Romney. You guys on the Left have demonized Romney since he first announced as a Republican primary candidate in 2008. Which is interesting because Democrats and the liberal media scarcely had a negative word to say about Romney until became a serious Republican contender. Then he suddenly overnight became evil in his media portrayal, a robber baron who bankrupts companies and deprives people of their pensions, a guy who caused a man's wife to die of cancer because of his lost healthcare benefits (de-bunked as completely false), a guy who kills dogs, a guy who has a car-elevator in his home. RICH EVIL BLUE-BLOOD! OUT OF TOUCH!! EVIL KLANSMAN WHITE RACIST!!
And now overnight because he attacked Trump and supported impeachment, you Democrat Bolsheviks completely flipped, and you looooooooooooooove him! Oooooh, he's so eloquent! So passionate, so principled!!
Democrats must be treated for a lot of whiplash injuries, for how often they just suddenly completely flip their views, without the slightest sense of hypocrisy or shame or logic.

Romney has, despite being a Republican, consistently railed on and attacked Trump at every turn since Romney lost to Trump in 2016. Then incredibly, Trump still was conciliatory and gave Romney the opportunity to be considered for secretary of state. And Romney continued to attack Trump at every turn.
Then in 2018, Romney runs for Utah Senator (replacing the very likeable Orrin Hatch) and oddly begs Trump (who he's still been bashing) to campaign for Romney to secure his election in Utah. And then as soon as Romney wins, he instantly starts using that Senate seat to attack Trump. A Seante office Romney likely would not have if not for Trump. So all that can be seen from this is that Romney has consistently held a petty vendetta against Trump, and twisted the knife in Trump's back repeatedly. Trump was magnanimous and helped Romney, and this is the thanks he gets.
So... where is Romney's demonstrated integrity and loyalty? When was Romney every loyal to Trump to make a principled move away from Trump?
Never, M E M.


And for that matter, when did Romney ever stop being an evil rich guy, a pension-destroyer, a wife-killer, a weirdo from a Mormon religious cult who wears magic unerwear? These are all things Democrats and the liberal media were saying for a decade about Romney until very recently.

Man, you neck must be hurting like hell from all that whiplash.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
This fairy tale you’re trying to push is false based on the facts WB.

No, it's what I said. What Mitch McConnell himself said.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The House tried to get Bolton and others to testify but they refused. Bolton did say he would testify for the senate.

There, you just said it: BOLTON refused!
For reasons I've made clear, because of the House rules that didn't allow equal and impartial Republican ability to cross-examine witnesses. If the rules were fair and bipartisan, Trump and other Republicans would have been more cooperative. But why help Democrats stack the deck? Why reward them for partisanly denying equal access to supoena witnesses and cross examine?

 Originally Posted By: M E M
After the leaks from his book it’s laughable that you even try to say there is nothing there.

Name your "proof". If it existed, it would be all over the news.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
This was the first impeachment trial where the President tried to block all the witnesses and documents.

For reasons that the Democrats have partisanly shafted Trump and the Republicans, and denied Republicans the same ability to subpoena witnesses and to cross-examine witnessess, and in many cases not allowed Republicans to even attend SCIF-room closed-door hearings, some of whom had to wait weeks for the transcribed testimony they were not permitted to witness. EVEN AS THEY LEAKED ANYTHING FAVORABLE TO DEMOCRATS TO THE PRESS!
In the case of I C I G Atkinson, his testimony, even transcribed, was >>>>NEVER<<<< provided to the Republican House members. Indicating that there is something there the Democrats want to hide.
Than Senate Republicans helped with their votes for no witnesses.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
This was also the first one where someone from the same party crossed over to vote to remove a president from their party. I feel bad for Romney as Trump and his supporters will make him pay for the rest of his life for putting country before party.

Asked and answered: Because Romney is an unprincipled backstabbing weasel. Romney has never supported Trump, has undermined him at every turn since 2016, even after he begged Trump to campaign for him, and Romney turned on Trump the moment he was elected Senator. Where is Romney's principled turn away from Trump? Never. Roney was a rat, is a rat, and the lying Democrats who were demonizing him for 13 years suddenly lionize Romney, and don't remember their own vicious attacks on Romney. Romney is only praised by you guys because he is a weapon for you Bolsheviks to attack Trump.

Romney put himself before party, thinking he could set himself up as the GOP alternative to Trump. Or at least spitefully destroy Trump as payback, whether or not Romney politically gained from it. But instead Romney after 4 years of attacks on Trump, has finally committed an offense for which his own party will never forgive him. Romney is the quintessence of a RINO, a Republican in name only, who undermines his own party at every turn.

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Actually republicans were allowed to ask witnesses questions. The transcripts from the House hearings show republicans asking almost as many questions as the democrats on the panels involved. And remember Trump was and is still trying to block any and all witnesses and documents. I think Bolton wanted the House to go to the courts first to get his testimony but that could have taken years. As repeated many times now, Bolton did offer to testify if the Senate asked him too. Given the leak I suspect Bolton’s testimony will be much like the others that were willing to testify under oath when we finally get it. Unlike the story being told by those who don’t want to testify under oath.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually republicans were allowed to ask witnesses questions.

In a selective narrow partial truth, you can lyingly allege that. But the mere fact that Republicans were provided with traanscripts WEEKS AFTER the closed-room SCIF hearings puts the lie to what you are trying to allege.

And in the case of intelligence community inspector general (I C I G) Michael Atkinson, whose testimony was NEVER provided to Republicans, AT ALL your lie begins to fall apart.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The transcripts from the House hearings show republicans asking almost as many questions as the democrats on the panels involved.

Maybe on select transcripts. But it's ridiculous that a Republican on House Judiciary committee would not be permitted to sit in on and ask questions of the House Intelligence committee and vice versa. Whereas no such limits are put on Democrats of these two committees. The purpose is to limit Republicans' ability to have access to all the hearings, and to coordinate an adequate defense, in the absence of full disclosure by the piece-of-shit lying Democrats.
Let alone the ability for Republicans to call thier own witnesses and cross-examine depositions they were not able to see first hand, read the witness' body language to detect if they are lying, not able to be present to ask questions.
As Democrat say they are restricting attendaance of SCIF hearings, even as Dems leak any testimony advantageous to their side, to the reporters right outside the SCIF room, called there by the Bolshevik Dems for precisely that purpose. The hypocrisy just overflows.

As compared to the bipartisan and unquestionably fair rules in the previous Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton hearings, where there was no calculated exclusion of either side from hearings, equal advance notice and attendance of hearings, equal ability to cross examine and present exculpatory evidence, and equal ability and advance notice for both sides to call witnesses.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And remember Trump was and is still trying to block any and all witnesses and documents.

That is your employment of Moscow Central Committee tactics, to repeat a lie so many times that by mere repetition the lie takes on an appearance of truth. Trump did not cooperate because the rules were partisan and unfair, Dems never made any attempt to set up fair and bipartisan rules, did not give Trump and his lawyers and the House Republicans equal ability to attend hearings, to present exculpatory evidence, to present his own witnesses, and again Trump's lawyers were excluded from all but 4 of the 78 days of the House impeachment hearings.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
I think Bolton wanted the House to go to the courts first to get his testimony but that could have taken years.

"I think Bolton..." is not a fact. It's pure unsubstantiated speculation.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
As repeated many times now, Bolton did offer to testify if the Senate asked him [to]. Given the leak I suspect Bolton’s testimony will be much like the others that were willing to testify under oath when we finally get it. Unlike the story being told by those who don’t want to testify under oath.

I think the leak had to do with the fact it occurred within a week of the release of Bolton's book. It's not even a leak, it's just a rumor, no facts, or even any specific quoted lines of Bolton's opinion were disclosed.
I think it's a publicity stunt, where he or the leakers in his staff didn't disclose any actual quotes from the book.

Even if Bolton discloses anything in the book, it's still his opinion and a case of "he said/he said", his word vs. Trump's. And Bolton, having been fired humiliatingly, has a clear grudge motive for anything he alleges.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually republicans were allowed to ask witnesses questions.

In a selective narrow partial truth, you can lyingly allege that. But the mere fact that Republicans were provided with traanscripts WEEKS AFTER the closed-room SCIF hearings puts the lie to what you are trying to allege.

You know what wouldn’t be a partial truth? Saying republicans were not allowed to cross examine. That was a lie. If you intentionally told it that makes you a liar. I suspect you just got caught up in the back and forth but I’m not the one “lyingly alleging”. To be precise, you flat out posted something not true.

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In some cases, Republicans were able to attend. But in the majority of SCIF depositions, Republicans were not able to attend, and had to wait for transcripts of testimony they were not able to witness firsthand.

And as I said, repeatedly, in the very important testimony of Intelligence Community Inspector General (I C I G) Mike Atkinson, Republicans were not permitted to attend at all, and were never even provided witht he transcript after the fact, NEVER.

It's ridiculous that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, is not allowed to sit in on the House Intelligence Committee. He is a ranking House official. The only reason for excluding him is to prevent Republicans from having full access to information, and therefore blocking Republicans/Trump/Trump's lawyers from full access to the facts and mounting an adequate defense. That's why Republicans stormed the SCIF room, they were fed up with being locked out and having limited acces to testimony.

And despite this Soviet-Style rigging of the hearings, the American people saw how unfair the Democrat hearings were to Trump, and his polled support soared, and Trump was acquitted, in spite of Democrat corruption.

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