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 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Democrats did it first!

Iggy, were you taking Pro's meds, and now you're off them and completely unhinged?

Your posts lately are as unimaginative as they are petty.

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G-man posted this one earlier:

Just as true today, there are only more examples of Democrat fanaticism and violent intolerance of any dissenting views. Intolernace of even a landslide election for Trump, the clear will of the people.

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I think the difference is if Kathy Griffin had been a republican she would be invited to the Trump WH and a conservative media darling.

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Gee, that's funny, because as I pointed out, while Trump condemned violence from both sides in the Charlettesville riots, he didn't invite "Alt-right" or KKK types to the White House.

Whereas Obama DID invite Black Lives Matter leadership wack-jobs who engaged unrelentingly in violent rhetoric against whites and police, BLM leaders who had actually gotten cops killed in multiple cities nationwide over several weeks, to the White House.

That shows pretty clearly what Democrats actually did, and what Trump actually did. And it's the opposite of what you allege.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I already answered that earlier in the topic. Ted Nugent immediately apologized and demonstrated genuine remorse for things he said in a moment of passion. Madonna, Kathy Griffin, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the "Hamilton" stage players killing Trump in effigy, the rap artist scumbags killing Trump in their videos, NO APOLOGY.

Likewise the Antifa criminals (in true Nazi Brownshirt tradition) violently attacking anyone who publicly voices a conservative view, to intimidate into silence ANY conservative view.

Again, you keep alleging the greater propensity for threats and violence by conservatives. But all the threats and actual violence is heavily stacked on the Democrat/Left.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Will keep reposting for you WB as it's pretty clear what is acceptable at Spanky's place

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Asked and answered. Ted Nugent is one guy who apologized.

Whereas all these Dems holding up Trump's bloody severed head or otherwise killing him in effigy, NONE of these Dems are apologizing. The greater uncivility, the disturbing threats to attack or kill Trump or other Republicans, actually doing it (Rep. Scalese at the baseball park, etc.), and just attacking any Republican speaking publicly (Antifa, students at bookstores and universities attacking Karl Rove, Ann Coulter, Yiannopoulos, even Condolleezza Rice, not even letting them speak) manifests vastly greater propensity for uncivility and actual violence on the Democrat/Left.

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Kathy apologized too so spare me.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Kathy apologized too so spare me.

Like a month later, only AFTER her antics tanked her career.

And a few weeks after the apology, she doubled down on her anti-Trump hatred as if she never apologized.

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I think it was pretty much right after. CNN was quick to cut it ties. Trump on the other hand invites the crazies to the WH. Different standards and different values.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think it was pretty much right after. CNN was quick to cut it ties. Trump on the other hand invites the crazies to the WH. Different standards and different values.

That's narrative, not fact. As I just laid out. The fanaticism, hate and violence is almost exclusively on the Democrat side. And the Democrat/Left/liberal media orgasm all over themselves on the rare occasion a Republican says or does something that barely compares.

The benefit for Democrats in trying to demagogue this narrative is diminishing.

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Man yelling 'anti-Trump' rhetoric opens fire at President's Miami-area golf resort

By Faith Karimi, Joe Sutton and Jason Hanna, CNN
Updated 10:33 AM ET, Fri May 18, 2018

(CNN) — The man who opened fire early Friday at the Trump National Doral Golf Club had been yelling "anti-Trump ... rhetoric" there, Miami-Dade police Director Juan Perez said.

The suspect was identified as Jonathan Oddi, 42, of Doral, Florida. Oddi is in stable condition after police shot him in an exchange of gunfire, Perez said. A Doral police officer suffered broken bones but was not shot, the official said.

The gunman took a flag from a pole in the rear of the complex, brought it into the hotel lobby, draped it over a counter, yelled rhetoric against President Donald Trump and fired a gun into the air -- at the roof and chandeliers, Perez said.

He then "waited for officers to engage him," Perez said.

Perez said the man's immediate motive seemed to be to lure police into a gunfight.

An investigation is underway, and will include the FBI, the Secret Service and local police.

No one under Secret Service protection was in the Miami area at the time of the shooting, a Secret Service representative said.

The Trump National Doral Golf Club, an 800-acre resort outside Miami, is a former host of PGA Tour and World Golf Championship events.

I wonder what the ratio of anti-Trump liberal violence is, relative to the number of incidents under Obama, under what the media portrayed as "a surge in right-wing/racist violence" against a black president.

Wouldn't it be nice if they covered the ACTUAL surge in LEFT-wing violence in a similar and proportionate manner to how often they occur. Vs. in the Obama years, how they blamed every shooting on right-wing/Tea Party angry rhetoric, and over and over, a day or two later the shooter would turn out to be a left-winger. The media finally got a right-wing shooter when some guy shot up a liberal park meeting in Norway. But they had to look in another country to find their "right wing shooter."

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Former Obama deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes sent a chilling tweet Thursday in which he appeared to fantasize about reading the newspaper obituaries of Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Rhodes’ comment came in response to a tweet by Dan Pfeiffer, former senior adviser to Obama. Pfeiffer tweeted a photo of McConnell, Ryan, President Trump and Pence giving “thumbs-up” after passage of the GOP tax reform legislation Wednesday. Pfeiffer wrote: “I hope this is the photo they use on the front page of the Times on the day Trump is indicted.”
That’s when Rhodes caught widespread attention on Twitter with his ominous reply: “And alongside the obits for Ryan, McConnell, and Pence.”

[Twitter posts of both displayed]

Gee, where do these Democrat crazies get their murderous ideas?

Possibly from the complete lack of restraint by the highest Democrat officials?


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WH's "he's dying anyway" apparently is okay for the republican crazies. Not even a fake apology for a fellow republican dying from brain cancer and somebody who actually served and sacrificed for his country.

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That comment about McCain was from a staffer, not a top official, and more importantly it was said in a closed-door meeting, not in a public press meeting or social media. It never would have been heard if some "amonymous source" hadn't leaked it. (Which is to say, if someone in Obama or Hillary's staff had done the exact same thing, it never would have gotten media coverage.)

Also saying "He's dying anyway" is basically saying not to be concerned about responding to McCain. That's not nearly the same thing as fantasizing about killing him, or wishing he was dead, as is the recurrent sentiment among Obama and Hillary officials, and grassroots liberal fascists.

Remember also that a Democrat strategist and a few other Democrats on social media bemoaned that Rep. Scalise and other Republicans weren't actually killed in the baseball field attack! On so many levels, there is just no comparison.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Your rationalization that it was somehow okay because it was said in a closed door meeting doesn't wash WB. It was still an awful classless remark regardless and apparently okay to make in this administration.

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In contrast to the aforementioned examples of liberal fantasies of violence against Trump(so-called comedian Kathy Griffin holding up Trump's realistic severed head in effigy, the Hamilton play that lasted for months stabbing Trump to death onstage...), it's incredibly ironic how the media is reacting to a new video (of an edited movie scene where the protagonist shoots his way out of a church) where Trump's face is posted over the protagonist's face and Trump is shooting his way out of the church against a mob of his effigy critics, with CNN, Politico, HuffPost, NPR, Black Lives Matter, CNBC, etc. posted over their faces.

Here's the closest I could find to the complete unedited video (from French media), followed by the original movie scene it was edited from:

Une vidéo montrant Donald Trump mettant à mort les médias dans une église indigne - Le Huffington Post

As contrasted with the endless liberal media reports in U.S. media, that this is too terrible to show, we can only show you bits and pieces, or "screen-grabs" (whatever the hell that means) instead of the full video.

WH Trying To Distance Trump From Video Showing His Likeness Attacking News Media | NBC Nightly News Oct 14, 2019

"Too terrible to show"?
This was in a movie that millions of people paid to see, right?
A movie (Kingsman:The Secret Service, released in 2014) that still gets re-broadcast on television?
The only difference is the humor-intended Trump and media heads pasted over.
Ohhhhh, Ohhhh! This is terrible! Cover your eyes, hide the children!

But they had absolutely no problem showing Kathy Griffin's Trump severed head, or the on-stage stabbing of Trump in effigy every 30 minutes for weeks!

Gee why don't we trust the media?
They just set themselves up for parody with stuff like this. Like CNN "factchecking" a comedy skit on Saturday Night Live that was even slightly critical of Obama.

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You left out that this was being shown at a Trump campaign event. Apparently the only people who didn't know it was being played there were the ones in charge of it. And they were snotty about the whole thing to boot. Yep we can all see a difference in how this gets handled by the two sides. Griffin actually paid a price and was held accountable by both sides. This we get snark and no accountability whatsoever.

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You also left out that besides company logos there were also real people's faces used that the fake Trump was brutally murdering. Clinton, Sanders and Pelosi I believe were some of those depicted. Seeing Trump stab, shoot and kill his political rivals played at this Trump event without any people seeing it and reporting it to anyone in charge apparently. Or maybe people did and their just lying about not knowing. Or scarier yet nobody there really had an issue with it.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You also left out that besides company logos there were also real people's faces used that the fake Trump was brutally murdering. Clinton, Sanders and Pelosi I believe were some of those depicted. Seeing Trump stab, shoot and kill his political rivals played at this Trump event without any people seeing it and reporting it to anyone in charge apparently. Or maybe people did and their just lying about not knowing. Or scarier yet nobody there really had an issue with it.

I've seen reports that the video was being shown on a tiny screen in the corner of one room as part of an art installation. It's not like it was being shown a jumbotron to the assembled coventioneers.

That being said, I agree with you that once the creator put real people's faces on some of the victims it crossed a line. Trump shooting a CNN logo is kind of funny in an over the top way. Trump stabbing Obama or shooting McCain is a very different thing.

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While they may have not fully thought out how literally their humor could be interpreted by the Democrat/Left and complicit liberal media, it was clearly intended as humor. It was in the same vein as the doctored wrestling video two years or so ago, with a photoshopped Trump wrestling a photoshopped CNN-faced guy.

It was photoshopped from an actual Hollywood-release action film that no one had a problem with for 5 years, it's just hyperbolic and silly to have a liberal media freakout over someone photoshopping the same scene for humor purposes with Trump and media faces. It's essentially a video political cartoon, it's not like anyone is literally calling for attacks on Democrats or the media.

As opposed to Democrats, who actually are calling for literal attacks on Republicans:

Maxine Waters, "Create a crowd, push back them, let them know they're not welcome..."

Plenty of other examples, from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, etc.

To say nothing of the Hollywwood celebs who constantly fantasize about killing Trump and other Republicans. These people are serious, that action-hero Trump video is not.

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Even if it's not serious it crossed a line WB. Ask Kathy Griffin, literally a comedian who is still probably getting death threats for her stunt. If this had been reversed with it being at something like a Warren campaign event with Trump being murdered on a video I don't think you would be saying it wasn't serious.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Even if it's not serious it crossed a line WB. Ask Kathy Griffin, literally a comedian who is still probably getting death threats for her stunt. If this had been reversed with it being at something like a Warren campaign event with Trump being murdered on a video I don't think you would be saying it wasn't serious.

AS I SAID, Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters and others have already made comments that they would like to beat up, physically attack, or perhaps even imply killing Donald Trump. NOT as a joke, NOT in a humorous context.

I think the huge problem with Kathy Griffin is that her holding up a realistic severed bloody head of Donald Trump was never funny, I don't think even intended to be funny, it was an expression of pure hatred for Trump using her status as a celebrity, not as a comedian. AND she was working as a news commentator at the time for CNN.

You don't hold Democrat political leaders who have threatened or advocated violence against Trump or other Republicans to the same standard that you do Kathy Griffin or a silly spoof video.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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WB you can't even say this is over the line. You're even trying to downplay it as humorous. Maybe you do see McCain and others being violently murdered by Trump as humorous but I really doubt it. I'm sure Kathy thought she was being funny when she did her photo holding Trump's severed head but even I wasn't willing to defend it. Like this it was over the line. Just pointing out you can always find a way to somehow not only defend something that was clearly wrong but also than cast judgement on the "other side".

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
WB you can't even say this is over the line. You're even trying to downplay it as humorous. Maybe you do see McCain and others being violently murdered by Trump as humorous but I really doubt it. I'm sure Kathy thought she was being funny when she did her photo holding Trump's severed head but even I wasn't willing to defend it. Like this it was over the line. Just pointing out you can always find a way to somehow not only defend something that was clearly wrong but also than cast judgement on the "other side".

Let me snap you back into reality, M E M. It's a clip from an action movie, clearly dubbed with Trump and media heads for comedic effect. Clearly a parody, using a clip from a well-known movie. If the movie itself is not offensive, how can the parody of it be offensive, except for hypersensitive liberals looking for any excuse to demonize Trump.

Democrats all laugh when David Letterman talks about knocking up Sarah Palin's then-teenage daughters.
Democrats laugh when Samantha Bee says of Melania Trump "Shut up you stupid cunt!", and give her a comedy award a few days later, with no firing, not even any reprimand or punishment.
You have no problem when Madonna says she wants to "burn down the White House."
You have no problem when Johnny Depp says: "It's been a long time since an actor assassinated a president, and maybe it's time."
You have no problem with the "Hamilton" play stabbing President Trump to death onstage in effigy nightly for months.
You have no problem with political leaders angrily saying they'd like to beat up, potentially kill, or otherwise violently attack President Trump, as I can pull up in the videotaped words of Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters and many others. And inciting other Democrats to do so.

THESE serious calls for violence against a president and his staff you have no problem with, but you flip out and find offensive a parody video clearly intended for humor?

You may not find it funny, but it clearly was intended for humor effect, and not to incite violence. As opposed to 3 years of Democrat rhetoric that incites violence against Trump and his supporters, and has, and continues to, incite ACTUAL violence.

I think maybe your priorities are a bit out of whack, as is your selective outrage.

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You're demonstrating selective outrage here. This is the reality. You continue to defend something that I wouldn't if it was reversed.

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And the movie wasn't offensive to me. Changing the heads to Trump violently killing political rivals made it offensive. That it played at a Trump campaign event should bother you.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You're demonstrating selective outrage here. This is the reality. You continue to defend something that I wouldn't if it was reversed.

I posted a logical argument, citing multiple examples.

You responded with a label and demagogic talking point with no logic to back it up.
I condemn ACTUAL calls for violence.
I think a slightly edited scene from a movie turned into a joke about Trump doesn't even register as warranting the seriousness you give it. As I recall, you guys were equally outraged by the Trump/CNN/wrestling video two years ago. To MASK the vile indefensible behavior on your side, Democrats come up with talking points like what you're manufacturing here. Democrats have ACTUALLY called for Trump and Republican supporters to be harmed.

It's just like Trump is overseeing the strongest economy and the best economic performance in over 50 years, the lowest unemployment for just about every demographic, the greatest increase in wages. The lying Democrats and their P.R. wing the liberal media don't want to discuss that. So they manufacture fake outrage over piddly stuff like this.

And they call for impeachment of Trump based on a whistleblower report:
* from an anonymous person, but someone known to have loyalty to one of the 2020 Democrat candidates,
* a whisleblower known to have worked for Joseph Biden,
* who went to Adam Schiff's office who advised him how to cultivate the "whistleblower report" to do maximum damage to President Trump
* a report it took him 18 days to file
* a whistleblower report that neither the whistleblower or Adam Schiff disclosed was cultivated in Schiff's office, that they pointed the whistleblower to his lawyer (ANOTHER deep state CIA connected person)
* the proper procedure is to present a whistleblower report to representatives of both parties, but the Inspector General revealed that it was cultivated completely partisanly on the democrat side, and only when made public were Republican House intelligence committee members made aware, thereby instantly making it clear it was NOT a neutral report in pursuit of truth and transparency, but CLEARLY a partisan Democrat hit job, a smear campaign.
* a report that was just altered to allow 3rd-person hearsay instead of firsthand facts, very suspiciously by higher-ups in the CIA, and this allegation against the president is the VERY FIRST time a 3rd-person whistleblower report has been filed, a change signed off by Gina Haspel, who is vitriolic anti-Trump former CIA director John Brennan's handpicked replacement, as are her closest aides)
* Two staffers working for Rep. Adam Schiff previously worked with the CIA/whistleblower/rat/spy in the White House, and were hired in the last year by Schiff, ALSO undisclosed.
* All tying back to the same intelligence agencies (FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI) that set up the Russia Hoax that dragged down Trump for over 2 years, that the Mueller Report finally made clear had no basis in reality. John Brennan is believed to be the architect of the Russiaa Hoax "insurance policy". And by just the oddest of coincidences the trail for the Ukraine Hoax and fake whistleblower report leads right back to Gina Haspel, his handpicked successor as director of the CIA. If I were Donald Trump, I would fire her and ner closest aides today.
* The second "whistleblower" (also anonymous) has no information, and is basically just repeating the allegations made by the first whistleblower/spy/rat. Another former CIA operative interviewed said that is another propaganda tactic they use, having another source with no new facts make what appears to be a fresh allegation, that really is just a repeating of the first, what he said in the field is termed "looping".

So... this is just another petty attack on Trump, with nothing solid to back it up. And next week, and the week after that, there will be another allegation and manufactured outrage, and another and aanother and another.

It's all Democrat theatre. Propped up by the DNC Newspeak on CNN, MSNBC, and the other liberal media networks.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And the movie wasn't offensive to me. Changing the heads to Trump violently killing political rivals made it offensive. That it played at a Trump campaign event should bother you.

That's a silly argument.

As G-man made clear, it was a small group of peole who shared it off in a room, not like it was part of the events by those who organized the campaign event. It's like if I was there and brought an offensive political cartoon and shared it with other event-goers. It's not part of the event, it's privately shared by a few people who happened to be there.

And by the way, you're deflecting from and not accounting for the ACTUAL calls for violence by Democrat leadership.

As I said in another topic, and Antifa Activist shot up and bombed an ICE facility in Oregon, and was shouting rhetoric that was almost word for word the rhetoric of Rep. Alexanda Ocasio-Cortez. And by the way, >>>>>NONE<<<<< of the Democrats, none, have condemned that or other Antifa attacks.
Get back to me about dangerous political rhetoric when they do.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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From the French-language Youtube video, the only one that seems to play the entire Trump-parody video, this comment:

 Originally Posted By: Rex Parker (1 day ago)

The media is going nuts over this video. In a different administration this might be considered bad taste, but in the Trump administration, with all the press acting like the zombie apocalypse with their 24/7 negative coverage of Trump, I think it's rather appropriate to have some political satire that offsets the major players in this modern day media soap opera.

If Steven Colbert and other late night talk show hosts, as well as Saturday Night Live, can air endless parodies of Trump then turnabout is fair play. The fact that this video is so upsetting to the media is merely a testament to how seriously they take themselves and their fake news. And in light of all the fake news we're seeing, this video is on balance an accurate response to all their one-sided bias and endless BS.

Plus you have to admit that this scene from Kingsman movie is pretty cool, so using it as political satire is befitting of Trump because he's pretty cool too.

Since the title of this video uses some French I can sum it up in one word, Magnifique!


 Originally Posted By: Bender Vision (3 hours ago)

Hmm, how long if ever did any of the phony outrage media take to condemn Kathy Griffins chopped head meme, Snoop dogs video, Biden, Deniro all saying to punch him in the face, antifa etc etc???? Kinda seems like selective moral outrage to me folks..
Pretty weak

The CNN statement about this video is comparable to their "factchecking" a Saturday Night Live slit about Obama.

For which CNN again set themselves up for much ridicule.

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The source of the video, vaguely identified as a viral video producer that goes by the pseudonym, TheGeekzTeam.

From a liberal media NBC News negative perspective, of course.

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I remember the Kathy Griffin thing getting the same treatment. She was also fired for it. When you first brought this up did you know that the video showed Trump violently killing his political rivals in the video btw?

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From TownHall, an article that cites online accounts from people who were there, that say the Trump/Kingsman video was virtually unseen by anyone who attended the event.

Interesting (toward the end of the article) that the New York Times vastly exaggerated the video's visibility and significance to condemn the entire event as condoning violence, etc. But the New York Times posted an article fantasizing about shooting the president. Where an assassin aims at president Trump's back, pulls the trigger, and the gun misfires.
And then a Secret Service agent pulls out his gun, hands it to the assassin, and says "Here, use mine."
Ohhhhhhhh. Ooooohhhhh!!

Perhaps the New York Times writers making such a spectacle of the Trump video should direct a little of that outrage against themselves and their paper.

REPUBLICANS: Joking, parodies.
DEMOCRATS: Hyperventilating anger, serious actual threats, intimidation, actual violence.

Gee, one might expect Democrats to, y'know, get introspective and question their own motives and logic at this point.
But nope.
Not a chance.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Just by the by, I saw Rep. Matt Gaetz on Tucker Carlson about a month ago, and they played a recorded phone call to Gaetz's congressional office. The caller threatened that he could get Gaetz and shoot him any time, anywhere he went, he could fire a shot and "explode" Gaetz's "head from a mile away".
Gaetz handed the call over to FBI from whatever regional office, and the investigators said there wasn't enough to warrant a threat or investigation. They didn't even arrest the guy.
I'm sure the agents in charge of the investigation were Hillary Clinton voters. The mere threatening of a public official I'm sure is a jailable offense. At least enought to be perp-walked for a night in jail, to put the fear of Jesus in him.

But in any case, that's a serious threat. As opposed to a silly video of a movie scene, that almost no one where it was shown even watched it.

Also interesting, at the end of the TownHall article, they said the video that is getting publicity now has been out for about a year. Using an edited action scene from a movie made in 2014.

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I would agree that type of threat is criminal. That however doesn't make the video somehow okay.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I remember the Kathy Griffin thing getting the same treatment. She was also fired for it. When you first brought this up did you know that the video showed Trump violently killing his political rivals in the video btw?

I watched the video before I commented.
I posted the Youtube video of it here. Why would you think I haven't watched it.

Again, it's just silliness, it's not a made up fantasy of killing Dems. It's just a humorous photoshopped parody using the same scene from an action movie, presenting Trump as an action hero vanquishing his opponents.
It's utterly absurd to say the video promotes violence toward Dems or the news media. It's a joke, a parody.

As opposed to the serious calls for violence by Maxine Waters, Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, etc., who have openly and seriously called for violence against Trump and Trump supporters.

And the ACTUAL violence against Trump and his supporters, and ICE, is a direct reflection of those serious DEMOCRAT calls for violence, intimidation and intolerance.

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I just wondered because you just mentioned the network logos and not the very real pictures of his political rivals.

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Because of incendiary Democrat rhetoric and calls to stop Kavanaugh at all costs, Brett Kavanaugh and his family will require round the clock protection every day for the rest of their lives.


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