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Quest Diagnostics joined national testing efforts last week alongside LabCorp and has vowed to ramp up the supply of test kits quickly.

“We expect to be able to perform 10,000 tests a day by the end of next week,” Quest announced Saturday. “The industry expects its capacity to be increased to more than 20,000 tests per day.”

They later say that they theoretically have capacity to process 280,000 test samples (daily? nationwide?) but that they lack the staff to take all the samples from patients, and the lab staff to process them.

A sample of what the Coronavirus battle is like in my county, with a population of about 1.5 million people.

If they had swabs to drive-through test 20,000 a day, they could test the entire county population in 75 days. But they probably don't have the staff to actually do that.

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An argument I'm hearing a lot in the news media is "If we keep up this shutdown, we'll crash the economy even more!" Do they really think if restaurants or other businesses re-open now, people will be going out to eat? NO!
The few people willing to go to restaurants and businesses will just further accelerate the curve we've been trying to bend, and not nearly enough to go back to normal or save these businesses by simply re-opening.
The only choice is to stop the virus, and then re-open.

"The business won't come back."
Really? :

What happened in 2008-2009? Oh. Yeah.
It bottomed out till there was confidence the crisis passed, then came back twenty-fold.

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I haven’t heard what you’re hearing from the news media. If we’re speaking about the media generally, there is genuine concern about avoiding becoming like Italy where the virus has overwhelmed them. I can see that closing everything down itself causes economic damage but as you say it would be worse if things were kept open. As it is our country doesn’t have the testing capacity even now to really know how much of it has spread. I think states need to all adopt a shelter in place for a chance to really slow this virus down. These days I pretty much assume I have it and keep away from everyone I can btw. And I’m still very much angry that our President downplayed this threat. Glad he’s changed his tone but while this was growing in this country I heard so many people at work echo what he said. And even with a more serious tone he still lies about potential drugs and how fast they can actually be out. Still taking swipes at dems and the media. The criticism has to be tweaked now that the illusion of having this contained or under control is gone. Shit bag takes no responsibility for anything he says or does but nothing new there.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I haven’t heard what you’re hearing from the news media. If we’re speaking about the media generally, there is genuine concern about avoiding becoming like Italy where the virus has overwhelmed them.

We can agree on that 100%. The difference is, part of your party is working with atrump and understands that this is a new virus, and even the experts at the CDC is laboring to catch up in time.

Whereas there are Democrats and the liberal media (as on display at the Coronavirus press conference today) who are viciously trying to blame Trump as a higher priority than surviving.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
I can see that closing everything down itself causes economic damage but as you say it would be worse if things were kept open.

Again, we agree on that.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
As it is our country doesn’t have the testing capacity even now to really know how much of it has spread.

As that is phrased, I again agree. Tests have been a long time coming, and CDC has made it clear that they (not Trump) internally made the decision to use the availaable WHO tests because they were considered unreliable. But it was dumb not to use them until CDC had developed an alternative. I don't understand the obsession with blaming that on Trump. Even the day he gave assurances they were already out, his own Coronavirus task force officials made clear they were not.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
I think states need to all adopt a shelter in place for a chance to really slow this virus down.

I don't understand what you mean in that part. You mean just not going outside? That's what I'm doing, trying not to go outside for any reason. Whether it is ordered, I have food and water for several weeks, and am behaving as if a complete lockdown was ordered. By doing so I'm protecting myself and others.
I think like Seattle and New York, that total lockdown will be called for South Florida too, and preventively for much of the nation.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
These days I pretty much assume I have it and keep away from everyone I can btw. And I’m still very much angry that our President downplayed this threat.

Again, on Jan 31, Trump ordered cessation of all flights from China. I don't know how much more of a warning flate he could have fired. I can agree he intermittently made some loose comments that were not consistent with that, and again, I wish he was more consistent. But he didn't say anything that wasn't said by officials of the experts at CDC and elsewhere. That the annual flu generally kills more people than previous new-virus outbreaks like Swine Flu in 2009. That there was a good chance it could go away on its own with hot weather, as other new strains have. Both those things were said by other Doctors and officials. That said, I still wish Trump was more consistent on those being possible best case scenarios, while consistently advocating the greatest preparation for the worst.
But again, I think you blame Trump too much for that. NO ONE until early/mid February knew how contagious this strain would be, no advance information from China, only when it spread to South Korea and was finally receding as aa threat did South Korea tell us what they'd found. Trump and th CDC didn't know that yet when earlier comments were made.

And also, when Trump put a ban on flights from China, Democrats and the liberal media railed on him and said he was over-reacting, that Trump is a racist, and Biden is still saying he would not have implemented a flight ban, let alone secured our southern border. How coinsistently "serious" were/are the Democrats and liberal media? There is plenty of inconsistency to go around.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Glad he’s changed his tone but while this was growing in this country I heard so many people at work echo what he said. And even with a more serious tone he still lies about potential drugs and how fast they can actually be out.

That's not true. Trump is optimistic that these therapies can be produced. I've even seen many doctors interviewed like Dr. Nicole Safier, and Dr. Oz, and others, say a week ago they were despairing, but now they see these things approaching readiness.

The anti-virals are already FDA approved and used for other illnesses, so the medicine is on the shelves, how is that "a lie"? Hydroxychloroquine has been in use to treat Malaria since 1944. Long approved by the FDA, and already available.

The blood serum that has already been tested with alleged 100% success, even in previously ill Covid-19 patients is arguably ready to be tried on actual patients. Dr Fauci at today's press conference said that may be true, but as a medical official, he would prefer it be thorougly blind-trial tested before treating patients with it.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

Still taking swipes at dems and the media.
 Originally Posted By: WB

That doesn't happen in a vaccuum. Dems slanderously and relentlessly blame Trump, and call him incompetent in handling Coronavirus, and then act shocked and outraged when he defends himself and fires back.
But as I said above, even some liberals, and certainly Fauci and the CDC, recognize that Trump suspending China flights was the single smartest move Trump made, that kept the early numbers low, buying the CDC time to prepare.

The criticism has to be tweaked now that the illusion of having this contained or under control is gone. Shit bag takes no responsibility for anything he says or does but nothing new there.

Enough with the "Shitbag" already. You invalidate your own arguments with that clear irrational hatred.

While not scoring 100%, Trump has still done far more than I think any Democrat or Republican president would have done. His bans on Chinese flights, and now European flights, were a time-buying measure that no one else would have implemented. Trump's massive mobilization of retail drugstore companies as a private-sector, support for drive-through testing. Army medical teams, the army corps of engineers, partnering with GM, Ford and Tesla to maanufacture thousands of respirators. No other president has done that in the past, or probably would have thought of those things. Geez, man, give the guy a little credit where it's due.

I'm on the fence whether it will be enough, but it's far more than any other recent president could have even imagined doing to prepare.
Certainly not the Democrats, who are all about centralized government power, and would never think to work with private businesses volunteer. Not Gore, not Kerry, not Obama, Biden or any 2020 candidate. They still demonize Trump as a racist for saving U.S. lives with the ban! Dems/media can't even bring themselves to praise Trump for what is widely seen as Trump's most strategic move. Even with the virus threat and a crashing economy, Trump still has 56% approval, up about 10 points since the crisis began.

They are judged evil and rich by Bernie Sanders. But while wanting to drain their wealth with txation, Sanders has a $3 million personal fortune, royalty checks, and a 2nd-home summer cabin, no less!
I see a gap in logic there. But in any case

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WB I have no problem calling trump a shit bag for pretty specific reasons. Unlike you I try not to go to gross partisan generalizations of a whole party not agreeing with me. In this very thread you however resort to dismissing reality with saying democrats are praying for a recession and a coronavirus outbreak. I’m worried about my loved one’s getting through this as are I think most of us no matter partisanship. In all this you want to paint a pretty picture of Trump, ignoring what he did in the lead up to the pandemic hitting us other than closing borders. That bought us time but it ended up it was wasted time. He acted like that would take care of it and downplayed the threat while attacking the press and democrats. He thanked China for their transparency. Today he’s still attacking the press and dems all the while muddling vital information. I have no problem calling a shit bag a shit bag.

Btw, I’ve been going outside but following the social distancing guidelines. Still haven’t shut down at work but I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens by next week. It’s been unsettling driving through what used to be rush hour traffic, Can’t imagine what so many people are going through with not just dealing with the pandemic but also job loss and the uncertainty that brings with it.

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by Tom Grundy
14 March 2020

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

The study published this week by population mapping group WorldPop measured the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions. The researchers examined how China isolated ill persons, quarantined exposed individuals, conducted contract tracing, restricted travel, closed schools and workplaces, and cancelled mass gatherings.

The analysis – which has yet to be peer-reviewed – found that early case detection and contact reduction were effective in controlling the virus and combined measures can reduce transmission. They can also delay the timing and reduce the size of the epidemic’s peak, and thus buy time for healthcare preparations and drugs research.

The simulations drew on human movement and illness data to model how combined interventions might affect the spread of Covid-19.

Coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 66 per cent if the measures were taken a week earlier, the study suggested, or by 86 per cent if action began two weeks earlier. If action was taken three weeks later, then the situation could have worsened 18-fold.


Most efforts to tackle the outbreak took place in late January, weeks after Wuhan ophthalmologist Dr Li Wenliang tried to warn about the mystery disease on December 30. He was among eight people who were punished by police on January 1 for spreading “rumours” about the virus.

The Public Security Bureau made Li sign a letter stating that he had made “false comments” and had “severely disturbed the social order.” He died last month of the disease, aged 34, prompting widespread outrage in China.

According to the New York Times, China also ignored offers of help in January from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.


With the virus now classed as a global pandemic, the University of Southampton researchers concluded that social distancing measures should continue for the next few months and China’s approach should be adopted elsewhere as early as possible.

“China’s vigorous, multifaceted response is likely to have prevented a far worse situation, which would have accelerated spread globally,” the study said.

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I remember Trump thanking China back than. That would have been around the time our agencies tried briefing him on the threat of the virus according to news reports. It would have been nice if China had done the right thing just like it would have been nice if Trump had acted on the information he was briefed on instead of proclaiming that the virus was contained.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I remember Trump thanking China back than. That would have been around the time our agencies tried briefing him on the threat of the virus according to news reports. It would have been nice if China had done the right thing just like it would have been nice if Trump had acted on the information he was briefed on instead of proclaiming that the virus was contained.

Good Lord, can you stop partisanly demonizing Trump for 5 minutes?

Trump stopped the flights from China early on, against advice from the so-called experts, and retroactively that has saved thousands, possibly millions of American lives from the uncontrolled spread that would have happened very early on. I don't see any evidence that Biden, Sanders, Hillary or Obama would have handled thiss crisis better than Trump. By all evidence, they would have never suspended flights, would never have secured our borders, and are still calling Trump a "racist" for doing so.

And still calling Trump a "racist" for even calling it Wuhan Flu or Chinese virus, for identifying the nation that negligently unleashed this plague on the world.

What Trump has done right: THERE! What I said above. The suspended travel, fast-tracking availability of possible cures, mobilizing private sector companies to do testing, halting detainment of illegals inside the U.S. and immediate repatiating them. If you absolutely must be partisan, I wish you could admit that obviously no Democrat would have taken those preventive measures and prevented the massive escalation of cases in the U.S.

I would further argue that no other Republican would have taken the preventive measures that Trump has early on. I think Trump is the best man we could have hoped for to run the White House in this crisis.

Is he perfect, did he make a few verbal gaffes in his attempts to assure and calm a terrified nation? Yes.
Did those gaffes make any real difference, in the larger contest of medical experts out there onstage with him on most occasions, where medical facts can be separated from assuring rhetoric? No, they made no difference at all. Except to be exploited by vicious partisans who would gladly destroy this nation just to make the slightest political gain.

When your side calls the president "racist" for simply identifying this as a virus that originates from China and was spread by the negligence of the Chinese Communist Party, you are literally acting as an auxiliarry of the Chinese Communist Party to spread their lying talking points and hide their negligence.

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Noting that Florida has 18,000 available hospital beds out of 55,000 overall and 1,700 of 5,600 ICU beds available, [Florida governor] DeSantis said state officials are looking for optional facilities that could be used to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed.

Some ideas could be vacant medical facilities, convention centers and even hotels that would be used to separate people who test positive to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Across the country, emergency workers are taking over local fairgrounds.

“We want a space where positive cases can be self-isolated in a way that they’re not going to infect other people,″ he said about the hotel plan.

“If somebody comes in and tests positive and you send them back home they are likely to infect people they’ve come in close contact within their home and then the virus continues to spread,″ he said. “If they have a place to self-isolate where they’re not going to be in close contact with anybody then the virus dies with them.”

Statewide, about 60 percent of the confirmed cases are in men, 40 percent in women.
The trend is more pronounced in Palm Beach County, with 68 percent men among those testing positive.

DeSantis closed all beaches on Friday, along with other entertainment venues — a move modeled after, but not as extensive as, closures ordered Thursday in hard-hit Miami-Dade County.

Palm Beach County has a population just under 1.5 million.

I think using hotels is a great idea, to comfortably isolate people and stop the chain of infection.

At present, 768 infections total reported in FL.
56 in Palm Beach County.
164 in Broward.
169 in Dade.

Just over half the cases in these South Florida counties alone.

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It's surreal to watch TV and see commercials for things like the Sandals Resort, gyms, restaurants, Taco Bell, and one I just saw for Massage Envy, as if they were open and everything were normal.

I wonder if these advertisers will be reimbursed, or get compensating free airtime later, for the ads running now that can't possibly get them any business.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I remember Trump thanking China back than. That would have been around the time our agencies tried briefing him on the threat of the virus according to news reports. It would have been nice if China had done the right thing just like it would have been nice if Trump had acted on the information he was briefed on instead of proclaiming that the virus was contained.

Good Lord, can you stop partisanly demonizing Trump for 5 minutes?

Trump stopped the flights from China early on, against advice from the so-called experts, and retroactively that has saved thousands, possibly millions of American lives from the uncontrolled spread that would have happened very early on. I don't see any evidence that Biden, Sanders, Hillary or Obama would have handled thiss crisis better than Trump. By all evidence, they would have never suspended flights, would never have secured our borders, and are still calling Trump a "racist" for doing so.

And still calling Trump a "racist" for even calling it Wuhan Flu or Chinese virus, for identifying the nation that negligently unleashed this plague on the world.

What Trump has done right: THERE! What I said above. The suspended travel, fast-tracking availability of possible cures, mobilizing private sector companies to do testing, halting detainment of illegals inside the U.S. and immediate repatiating them. If you absolutely must be partisan, I wish you could admit that obviously no Democrat would have taken those preventive measures and prevented the massive escalation of cases in the U.S.

I would further argue that no other Republican would have taken the preventive measures that Trump has early on. I think Trump is the best man we could have hoped for to run the White House in this crisis.

Is he perfect, did he make a few verbal gaffes in his attempts to assure and calm a terrified nation? Yes.
Did those gaffes make any real difference, in the larger contest of medical experts out there onstage with him on most occasions, where medical facts can be separated from assuring rhetoric? No, they made no difference at all. Except to be exploited by vicious partisans who would gladly destroy this nation just to make the slightest political gain.

When your side calls the president "racist" for simply identifying this as a virus that originates from China and was spread by the negligence of the Chinese Communist Party, you are literally acting as an auxiliarry of the Chinese Communist Party to spread their lying talking points and hide their negligence.

His lies are not really gaffes and yeah I had to deal with coworkers following Trump’s lead and not realizing how important social distancing is. After restricting travel the shit bag not only downplayed the threat and drowned out his experts with misinformation but left states scrambling for supplies after the virus was being spread in the country. He needs to just stfu and let the experts do the messaging. The whole deal of him crossing out coronavirus in his notes and speech and replacing it with China was just the usual dumb stunts he excels at. I wouldn’t care what the shit bag wants to call it but apparently scared stupid people are attacking fellow countrymen because of their ethnic background. Trump didn’t add anything helpful for the country he’s failed by calling it the Chinese virus. He thrives on stupid stuff like that though.

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Funny cuz it's true!

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Dr Fauci and other experts had to actually spend time clarifying Trump’s take on vaccines. The observation G links to isn’t accurate. But in an alternate reality if Trump had stuck to something resembling that he would have been fine. That’s not what happened though

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One gets the feeling that MEM would purposefully inject himself with the virus and drop dead if he thought it would pwn Trump.

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I'm listening to New York governor Andrew Cuomo's press conference right now. While giving a lot of good information, he is also saying some things I know to be untrue. He's saying he wants young people in New York city to stop socializing outside and playing basketball in close contact (i.e ., not practicing "social distancing") and so forth. But he's also saying that if you're a young person, you're not in danger of dying. That's not true. While not in the same numbers as those over 60, people in their 20's 30's and 40's are dying.
The numbers in Italy.
The numbers in South Korea.

Cuomo is also saying that only if you have a weakend immune-compromised system are you in danger, at any age, of dying. That is also not true. A small ratio of otherwise healthy people have become severely ill and required hospitalization, without which they would have died (see 48 year old Amy Driscoll I linked above, for example.)
But I give Cuomo some slack, I think he's working very hard to prepare his city for a war-like situation that probably none of us could fully imagine. He's a political leader and not a doctor. And within the limits of even a one-hour press conference, there's a limit to how much he can clarify. I give him credit, and don't fault him for those errors, he's doing his best. Ultimately, people in New York or wherever need to pay greater attention to medical experts for advice, and not political leaders whose job is to rally the public and avoid panic in a crisis.

I can only imagine the "shitbag" freakout MEM would have if Trump said the exact same things.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
One gets the feeling that MEM would purposefully inject himself with the virus and drop dead if he thought it would pwn Trump.

According to WB, I’m praying for recession and for the coronavirus so I guess your comment is more of the same. My point is valid though. Trump has blamed Obama, China, the media and Democrats during this crisis. I get that Trump supporters like that but it’s not good leadership or excuse his failures here.

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Point of fact: you rage on Trump endlessly, but you've never said a negative word of blame on China, who as I've detailed, is completely responsible for this outbreak.

The media seem more hell-bent on blaming Trump and undermining his leadership than actually giving him a chance to contain this threat.


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China is not responsible for Trump’s failures in dealing with this pandemic. I would point out too that it was Trump that not long ago was gushing about China’s great job and transparency with coronavirus. Now that he needs to divert attention from his fuck ups he has changed his tune. While he was praising China Trump was also attacking the media for overhyping coronavirus.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
China is not responsible for Trump’s failures in dealing with this pandemic. I would point out too that it was Trump that not long ago was gushing about China’s great job and transparency with coronavirus. Now that he needs to divert attention from his fuck ups he has changed his tune. While he was praising China Trump was also attacking the media for overhyping coronavirus.

Trump has no failures! That's just your lying narrative. There is nothing you can point to that is a quantifiable failure on Trump's part. A few off the cuff remarks, but nothing you can prove had a negative effect on people, or that backs the lying narrative that Trump has failed to prepare.
Trump suspended flights from China on Jan 31st, way before ANY other president would have.
Trump has massively mobilized the private sector to assist in testing, as no Democrat would.
Trump has fast-tracked pursuit of a vaccine and antiviral remedies and a blood serum cure for the quickest development, more assertively than others would.
Trump suspended flights from Europe, another firm preventive measure.
The only thing you can point to that has been slow is the test kits from the CDC, but even the CDC has made clear that's their failure, not Trump's.

Your desperation is showing, in how ridiculously you stretch the truth to blame this on Trump.

Jesse Watters on his weekly show last night went through a number of the lying myths the Democrats and liberal media are collaboratively pushing:

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Trump failed to heed intelligence on coronavirus

“Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn’t get him to do anything about it.”

I know he doesn’t take any responsibility for anything and you might view his various attacks on Obama, the media and democrats inspiring but the virus doesn’t care what the pos says.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The observation G links to isn’t accurate. But in an alternate reality if Trump had stuck to something resembling that he would have been fine. That’s not what happened though

Let’s go to the tape

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Sorry but what exactly is supposed to be there g?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump failed to heed intelligence on coronavirus

“Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn’t get him to do anything about it.”

I know he doesn’t take any responsibility for anything and you might view his various attacks on Obama, the media and democrats inspiring but the virus doesn’t care what the pos says.

The Hill is a pretty dead-center publication that I've sourced in the past. But this is not a The Hill article, it is one re-posted from The Washington Post, a rabidly anti-Trump newspaper that has made no secret of its hostility toward the president, and has run with a long stream of unconfirmed stories that have been proven untrue a few days later, or at best used "anonymous sources" that could be completely made up and not actually exist.

This short Washington Post piece fits into the latter category, using anonymous sources, and not really saying anything specific about what Trump allegedly did wrong.

Here I deconstructed it piece by piece:


By Tal Axelrod, 03/20/2020

The intelligence community was warning of the danger posed by the novel coronavirus throughout January and February as the White House downplayed [HOW?] the threat and was slow to roll out [HOW?] nationwide measures, reports show [WHAT REPORTS?].

U.S. officials [ANONYMOUS SOURCE] familiar with spy agency reporting told The Washington Post that the reports [UNSPECIFIED] did not clarify when the virus might spread in the U.S. or recommend specific steps to prevent an outbreak [SO THEY DIDN'T GIVE SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS TO TRUMP FOR HIM TO NOT ACT ON AND BE BLAMED FOR], but they did track the international spread of the coronavirus and warn that China was initially dismissing the seriousness of what is now a pandemic. [WHICH IS WHY TRUMP SUSPENDED ALL CHINA FLIGHTS ON JAN 31st, DESPITE ADVICE AGAINST IT AND DESPITE NO SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS BY THESE ANONYMOUS SOURCES].

While President Trump did take early action to close the border to any travelers from China, where the coronavirus first appeared, the White House was slow to make test kits available and ceded much of the response to state governments. [AGAIN, THE CDC'S FAULT NOT TRUMP'S, AS DR. FAUCI AND OTHERS HAVE SPECIFICALLY EXPLAINED, DESPITE THAT THIS PIECE LYINGLY BLAMES IT ON TRUMP.}

Intelligence agencies “have been warning on this since January,” a U.S. official who had access to intelligence reporting told the Post[ANONYMOUS SOURCE]. “Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people [/i][ANONYMOUS SOURCE, WEASEL WORDS][/i] in the government were — they just couldn’t get him to do anything about it.” [ALLEGATION, NO SPECIFIC EXAMPLE]

The White House has defended the president’s response, dismissing claims that the administration was caught flat-footed and insisting that Trump took early and significant action.

“President Trump has taken historic, aggressive measures to protect the health, wealth and safety of the American people — and did so while the media and Democrats chose to only focus on the stupid politics of a sham illegitimate impeachment,” Hogan Gidley said in a statement to the Post. “It’s more than disgusting, despicable and disgraceful for cowardly unnamed sources to attempt to rewrite history — it’s a clear threat to this great country.” [DAMNED GOOD POINT, THAT EVEN AMID THE WORST PART OF A BASELESS AND PURELY POLITICAL IMPEACHMENT TRIAL, TRUMP HAD AN AWARENESS OF THE THREAT AND MADE AN EXCELLENT JUDGEMENT CALL TO SUSPEND CHINESE TRAVEL THAT DEMOCRATS AND THE LIBERAL MEDIA PORTRAYED AS "EXTREME", "OVER-REACTION" AND "RACIST". WHAT DR ANTHONY FAUCI OF NIH SAID WAS THE SINGLE GREATEST ACTION TO DELAY A SPIKE IN CASES AND BUY THE NATION TIME TO PREPARE.]

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Sorry but what exactly is supposed to be there g?

Obviously, Trump was railed by CNN in the quoted comments by McEnany for Trump praising antivirals hydroxochloroquine and remdesevir as inspiring possible treatments to stop the lethality and by early observation by doctors appears to shorten the virus's period of infection from 14-21 days duration, down to an incredible shortened 6 days.

Obviously, Gov Andew Cuomo made almost the exact same comments as Trump. And obviously Dems and the media praised Gov. Cuomo as a great leader "inspiring hope", while deriding Trump for the exact same opinion of antiviral drugs used to fight Covid-19. As McEnany said "You can't have it both ways." Either both were right, or both were wrong.

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From 8 days ago, interviewed for the hour by Mark Levin, Vice President Pence explains the creation,procedures and findings of the Coronavirus task force.

𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚, 𝙇𝙞𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙮 & 𝙇𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙣 -Sunday, March 15, 2020 (posted March 22)

I wanted to post last night's interview with Dr Anthony Fauci of the NIH, but it's not up yet.

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It's pretty odd how toilet paper is somehow perceived as most outstanding sellout item for shoppers to hoard in waiting out the Covid-19 crisis.

I wonder if that's the same worldwide. I saw a video a few days of 2 women fighting over the lack pack of toilet paper rolls. So I guess toilet paper is an industry guaranteed to survive the apocalypse.

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My favorite clip of the week, from Friday, Trump eviscerated this NBC reporter, rightly calling him a terrible reporter and a sensationalist, trying to generate hysteria.

'You're A Terrible Reporter': Pressed On Coronavirus, Trump Berates NBC's Peter Alexander

From Trump's Friday coronavirus press conference Friday, that lasted over 90 minutes.

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Trump and his staff currently are in a press conference since about 6PM. He mentioned that treating the coronavirus epidemic in hospitals is complicated by a particularly bad flu season. I looked it up:

The CDC estimates that, as of March 2020, the 2019–20 United States flu season has caused infections among 36 million people, resulting in 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths.

Obviously the Wuhan Flu/Covid-19 has a more lethal ratio of those it infects. But until Covid-19, I had no idea how lethal the annual flu is, for so many.

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The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began counting the 2017–2018 "flu season" as October 2017, and by early February 2018, the epidemic was still widespread and increasing overall. By February 2018, the CDC said that the circulating virus strains included both B strains (Yamagata and Victoria), H1N1 and H3N2.[6] On February 10, 2018, Fortune reported that influenza in the United States was killing up to 4,000 Americans a week, likely to far outstrip the rate of deaths in the 2009–2010 season. An expert[who?] said that the main type of the flu that year had not "changed enough from previous seasons to be considered a novel strain."[citation needed] In the first week of February, deaths from influenza and pneumonia were responsible for one of every ten deaths in the US, with 4,064 from pneumonia or influenza recorded in the third week of 2018, according to CDC data. The CDC also reported 63 child deaths at that point, half of which were not considered medically high risk, and only about 20 percent who were vaccinated.[7][8] Only two of those deaths were babies under six months old.[9]

The 2017-2018 flu season was severe for all US populations and resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and 61,099 deaths. This is the highest number of patient claims since the 2009 flu season.[10] 186 pediatric deaths were reported to the CDC.[3] It is estimated there were more than 600 pediatric deaths related to influenza. This estimation is made because every child death is not tested for influenza.[10]

Amazing the things that go virtually unreported, when there is a pressident in office the media doesn't want to politically weaponize it against.

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Italy, while still amid a devastating outbreak, appears to have peaked on March 20th, and since then the last few days has been declining in new cases and deaths.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump failed to heed intelligence on coronavirus

“Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn’t get him to do anything about it.”

I know he doesn’t take any responsibility for anything and you might view his various attacks on Obama, the media and democrats inspiring but the virus doesn’t care what the pos says.

The Hill is a pretty dead-center publication that I've sourced in the past. But this is not a The Hill article, it is one re-posted from The Washington Post, a rabidly anti-Trump newspaper that has made no secret of its hostility toward the president, and has run with a long stream of unconfirmed stories that have been proven untrue a few days later, or at best used "anonymous sources" that could be completely made up and not actually exist.

This short Washington Post piece fits into the latter category, using anonymous sources, and not really saying anything specific about what Trump allegedly did wrong.

Here I deconstructed it piece by piece:


By Tal Axelrod, 03/20/2020

The intelligence community was warning of the danger posed by the novel coronavirus throughout January and February as the White House downplayed [HOW?] the threat and was slow to roll out [HOW?] nationwide measures, reports show [WHAT REPORTS?].

U.S. officials [ANONYMOUS SOURCE] familiar with spy agency reporting told The Washington Post that the reports [UNSPECIFIED] did not clarify when the virus might spread in the U.S. or recommend specific steps to prevent an outbreak [SO THEY DIDN'T GIVE SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS TO TRUMP FOR HIM TO NOT ACT ON AND BE BLAMED FOR], but they did track the international spread of the coronavirus and warn that China was initially dismissing the seriousness of what is now a pandemic. [WHICH IS WHY TRUMP SUSPENDED ALL CHINA FLIGHTS ON JAN 31st, DESPITE ADVICE AGAINST IT AND DESPITE NO SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS BY THESE ANONYMOUS SOURCES].

While President Trump did take early action to close the border to any travelers from China, where the coronavirus first appeared, the White House was slow to make test kits available and ceded much of the response to state governments. [AGAIN, THE CDC'S FAULT NOT TRUMP'S, AS DR. FAUCI AND OTHERS HAVE SPECIFICALLY EXPLAINED, DESPITE THAT THIS PIECE LYINGLY BLAMES IT ON TRUMP.}

Intelligence agencies “have been warning on this since January,” a U.S. official who had access to intelligence reporting told the Post[ANONYMOUS SOURCE]. “Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people [/i][ANONYMOUS SOURCE, WEASEL WORDS][/i] in the government were — they just couldn’t get him to do anything about it.” [ALLEGATION, NO SPECIFIC EXAMPLE]

The White House has defended the president’s response, dismissing claims that the administration was caught flat-footed and insisting that Trump took early and significant action.

“President Trump has taken historic, aggressive measures to protect the health, wealth and safety of the American people — and did so while the media and Democrats chose to only focus on the stupid politics of a sham illegitimate impeachment,” Hogan Gidley said in a statement to the Post. “It’s more than disgusting, despicable and disgraceful for cowardly unnamed sources to attempt to rewrite history — it’s a clear threat to this great country.” [DAMNED GOOD POINT, THAT EVEN AMID THE WORST PART OF A BASELESS AND PURELY POLITICAL IMPEACHMENT TRIAL, TRUMP HAD AN AWARENESS OF THE THREAT AND MADE AN EXCELLENT JUDGEMENT CALL TO SUSPEND CHINESE TRAVEL THAT DEMOCRATS AND THE LIBERAL MEDIA PORTRAYED AS "EXTREME", "OVER-REACTION" AND "RACIST". WHAT DR ANTHONY FAUCI OF NIH SAID WAS THE SINGLE GREATEST ACTION TO DELAY A SPIKE IN CASES AND BUY THE NATION TIME TO PREPARE.]

I think you provide an excellent example of how state ran media would handle Trump. Thankfully we have a free an independent press. As for Trump not acting on intelligence that was warning him of this, it’s more than believable. He’s been clear about wanting to keep the coronavirus numbers down in the US so much that he didn’t even want stranded cruise people to be able to get off their boat. I watched the Fox Sunday show where they asked munchkin point blank if our intelligence agencies warned them and he wouldn’t answer it. I would point out that the WP article was taken as credible by the host of the Sunday show.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

My favorite clip of the week, from Friday, Trump eviscerated this NBC reporter, rightly calling him a terrible reporter and a sensationalist, trying to generate hysteria.

'You're A Terrible Reporter': Pressed On Coronavirus, Trump Berates NBC's Peter Alexander

From Trump's Friday coronavirus press conference Friday, that lasted over 90 minutes.

This is a good example of Trump failing as a leader. Yes, people like yourself who see the other side praying for coronavirus and recession might really enjoy crap like this but he’s supposed to be a leader of more than just a base of people like yourself. Pence who I don’t care for either actually gave a good answer to the reporter’s question instead of Trump’s petty and ugly attack. That question was a perfect opportunity for Trump to say something reassuring to the country.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

It's pretty odd how toilet paper is somehow perceived as most outstanding sellout item for shoppers to hoard in waiting out the Covid-19 crisis.

I wonder if that's the same worldwide. I saw a video a few days of 2 women fighting over the lack pack of toilet paper rolls. So I guess toilet paper is an industry guaranteed to survive the apocalypse.

My friends in England were complaining about tp hoarding so it’s not just us.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think you provide an excellent example of how state ran media would handle Trump. Thankfully we have a free an independent press. As for Trump not acting on intelligence that was warning him of this, it’s more than believable. He’s been clear about wanting to keep the coronavirus numbers down in the US so much that he didn’t even want stranded cruise people to be able to get off their boat. I watched the Fox Sunday show where they asked munchkin point blank if our intelligence agencies warned them and he wouldn’t answer it. I would point out that the WP article was taken as credible by the host of the Sunday show.

I deconstructed how the Washington Post hit piece had no actual sources, NOT ONE named. All completely anonymopus sources, and I was very specific on every word and phrase that was weasel material. Thaat's not me being "state run media", that's me REACTING AND POINTING OUT state run media.

Trump said he wanted to not endanger more Americans by bringing the cruise ship Covid-19 infected into the U.S. in uncontrolled circumstances. And then when finally admitted into California, they WERE MOVED BY THE MILITARY IN UNPROTECTED CIRCUMSTANCES THAT GOT AT LEAST ONE OTHER PERSON INFECTED! You try to spin that as Trump only worrying about appearances and not people, but the military medical team botched it when Trump finally allowed them to dock.

The rest is again your vicious interpretation, always assuming the worst motives by Trump, and I've already deconstructed a lot of examples of what you hold up as "fact" and shown it is just your Trump-demonizing perception.

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'You're A Terrible Reporter': Pressed On Coronavirus, Trump Berates NBC's Peter Alexander

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

This is a good example of Trump failing as a leader. Yes, people like yourself who see the other side praying for coronavirus and recession might really enjoy crap like this but he’s supposed to be a leader of more than just a base of people like yourself. Pence who I don’t care for either actually gave a good answer to the reporter’s question instead of Trump’s petty and ugly attack. That question was a perfect opportunity for Trump to say something reassuring to the country.

It's just a fact that your side maliciously smears Trump at every turn, and the Covid-19 outbreak is no different. And it's a fact that Bill Maher and Paul Krugman celebrated the stock market tanking due to Coronavirus, and the liberal media piled on. This NBC News reporter (despite your delusional perception of that clip that denies the vissible truth) is yet another example of that, where no matter what Trump does to rally the nation, and lead, it will be spun by the left as a negative action by Trump.
Trump taalked about a fast-tracked vaccine, multiple already FDA approved medications that early on show, in one case, a 100% success rate in stoppong Covid-19 cold and saving lives. The blood serum cure from Australia that is also very promising. And Trump leading like neither Obama, Hillary, Bernie or Biden EVER would be capable of, rallying the private sector to manufacture masks and respirators and ventilators, and not only manufacture but also conduct Coronaaviruss testing at locations nationwide. The Bolsheviks in your party, who despise the private sector, would NEVER organize that kind of aa joint all-hands-on-deck with the private sector.

Whiat did Obama do in a similar crisis in 2009-2010? NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. He sat on his hands and let the disease flow into the U.S. to infect 60 million Americans, to hospitalize 360,000, and kill 12,000. Liberal media response: "12,000 people dead, but don't worry, everything's under control, nothing to see here..." Quite a diffeerence from the coverage of Trump now. And Trump went out and golfed right after he announced a nationaal emegency for H1N1/Swine Flu. And the media said "Ohh look, he's exerting so much confidence just going out and golfing, not showing any panic, he's so presidential!"
Meanwhile in 2020, President Trump is ACTUALLY LEADING AND PERSONALLY ORGANIZING a massive federal and private sector response. Trump is out there on the front lines at press conferences an hour or two a day answering the nation's questions and concerns. >>IN ADDITION<< to the endless hours he spends daily personally organizing the medical response, at locations nationwide. And this piece of shit NBC reporter can only allege that Trump is deceiving the public and giving them false hope.

Seriously, how stupid are you, to not see that your Bolshevik "Democrat-Socialist" party is absolute shit garbage who haave no actual concern for the American people who they would gladly toss by the tens of millions to Coronavirus, as well as illegal immigrants, drug cartels and gangs, and just let the infected pour into the country. As Obama did. As they called Trump a "racist" for actually preventing.

Your Bolshevik party are not only incompetent, they are malicious, and truly hate this country. And if given power, they would doom us all. This coronavirus crisis is a prime example. Everything Trump did to save us, your viciouss party tried to stop. And the best you can do is slander him for doing the right thing.

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The Ingraham Angle, March 23, 2020, Monday

Another clip, Laura Ingraham from last night, interviewing Dr Oz about promising cures.
Then interviewing a recovering patient in a Florida hospital who was at death's door, literally about to die, until he was administered a Hydroxychloroquine new therapy that brought him back from the brink within a few hours, and incredibly now anticipates being released from the hospital in a day.

And then, while the nation is struggling for its life to pass emergency legislation, your vicious Bolshevik "Democrat-Socialist" party stonewalled a bill from being passed --TWICE!!-- to try and ram through some partisan legislation, holding the nation hostage to slip it past us and try to make the Republicans sign off on it, using the crisis to put a gun to their heads. Score another victory for the party of deceit and corruption. "Vive Le resistance!"

This will backfire bigtime on the Democrats in November. You've shown your true and heartless face to the voters.

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Yeah, Moscow Mitch held votes before negotiations were still going on to get a talking point. No, democrats are not just going to rubber stamp big corporate bailouts without getting more for workers. We remember what happened the last time the country had to bailout companies and it’s just not going to be allowed to play out again.

And Trump spent most of the time up till now downplaying coronavirus. Glad he’s now taking it more seriously but a lot of people are going to die because of his inaction leading into this.

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US could become the new epicenter

I’m really afraid this is probably likely \:\(

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yeah, Moscow Mitch held votes before negotiations were still going on to get a talking point.

God are you becoming a poisonous son of a bitch. Talk about pointlessly venomous lying false narratives.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
No, democrats are not just going to rubber stamp big corporate bailouts without getting more for workers. We remember what happened the last time the country had to bailout companies and it’s just not going to be allowed to play out again.

Corporations, such as airlines, restaurants and real estate companies, that through no fault of their own were forced to shut down a thriving business overnight because of a national disaster. The bailout is not to rescue corporations, it is to rescue millions of jobs for middle class families that disappear overnight if those businesses collapse.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And Trump spent most of the time up till now downplaying coronavirus. Glad he’s now taking it more seriously but a lot of people are going to die because of his inaction leading into this.

As Laura Ingraham last night went into with quotes from the New York Times, Washington Post, and every broadcast news liberal network, as well the soundbyted rhetoric of House and Senate Democrats, NONE of these people were sounding the alarm and taking the crisis more seriously than Trump. Trump took serious action right from the jump, suspending flights from China on Jan 31, preventing 20,000 potentially infected people a day from entering the U.S.
Trump rightly said that the annual flu kills more people thaan the previous H1N1/Swine Flu epidemic. Chinese travel to Italy and the rest of Europe is what sspread it there, and then to the U.S.

Trump rightly said that many previous outbreaks are halted by the hotter summer weather. Trump (like CDC and NIH experts) said that could happen, not that it actually would.

And ultimately, every decisive action by Trump has been railed on by Democrats as 'over-reaction" or "racist". So despite your lying narrative, you have a very up-hill battle trying to make a convincing argument that Democrats would have taken more action to stop the virus than Trump.

While an overwhelming 80% infected have only mild or moderate symptoms, or no symptoms, 20% have respiratory problems that require hospitalization. Where medical care is available, all but 1 to 2% of those recover. As seen in Italy, the rate of deaths vastly rises when hospitals are overwhelmed. I think Italy currently has about an 8% death rate. That's definitely something we want to avoid.

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