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Asked and answered, M E M. You can't present any credible evidence beyond two-faced Democrat quotes and liberal media lying narrative, because no evidence exists that Trump did anything wrong.

It's disgusting what you and your party are trying to do, amid a pandemic crisis that is deadly serious.



You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do things that you would otherwise avoid.”
So said former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was President Obama’s chief of staff and an astute practitioner of smashmouth politics.
It’s worth remembering this as the Democrats and their media do everything they can to hype the dangers of the Wuhan coronavirus. Not that it isn’t deadly serious. It is. People are contracting it and dying all over the world, and it has cratered the U.S. economy.

But here are three items you won’t hear much about: Only a handful of children in China have contracted the virus. Factories are reopening and hospitals are closing in Wuhan, where the virus was centered. And in South Korea, the epidemic appears to be leveling off amid mass testing, with the fatality rate for deaths from infections less than 1 percent.

The Wuhan virus, re-dubbed COVID-19 by the World Health Organization, was first identified in December. The Communist government covered it up at first, quarantined the city and then confined 60 million people before the virus began leveling off in March.

Now, Communist China’s Internet trolls are accusing anyone who uses the term “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus” as xenophobic. A Chinese military portal is claiming that the virus is a biochemical weapon developed by the United States to target China. The Communist Party is spreading the idea that the virus was brought over to China by U.S. military personnel in October.

This is reminiscent of when the Soviet Union spread the rumor that the CIA had created the AIDS virus.

The Wuhan label has been around since the story broke, as documented by the Media Research Center, which compiled a montage of dozens of journalists using the phrase.
On Thursday, Joe Biden accused President Trump and anyone else who calls it the Wuhan virus as “xenophobic.” Pretty soon, Joe will accuse people of being anti-ornithology for using the term “bird flu.”

The first case of Wuhan coronavirus in the United States was reported on Jan. 21, and the Trump administration issued a mandatory 14-day quarantine for anyone coming into the country from China’s Hubei province. On Jan. 31, the Trump administration announced tighter travel restrictions. [Suspending all travel from China.]

That same day, Mr. Biden told a crowd in Iowa: “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia — hysterical xenophobia — and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science.” A few days later, he railed against “reactionary travel bans,” saying they would worsen the problem. No one in the press corps seemed curious as to how letting in fewer infected people would worsen an epidemic.

Conversely, in their Feb. 4 letter to HHS Secretary Alex M. Azar II, Reps. Nita Lowey, New York Democrat, and Rose L. DeLauro, Connecticut Democrat, praised the administration for declaring a “public health emergency” and requested more funds for several activities, including “mandatory quarantine of travelers” and “enhanced screening at ports of entry.” What a couple of xenophobes.

Other Democrats, however, followed Mr. Biden’s lead and unloaded on Mr. Trump. Rep. Eliot L. Engel (New York) called travel bans imposed by the United States and other countries, “racist and discriminatory.”

On March 5, Sen. Bernie Sanders took to the pages of USA Today to accuse Mr. Trump of being “incompetent, political and reckless.” Unlike himself, a mild-mannered communist.

No matter what Mr. Trump does, he will be accused of 1) reacting recklessly; 2) reacting too slowly; 3) being racist; 4) ignoring medical advice; and 4) treating the health crisis as a partisan issue.

The left has two good reasons to gin up hysteria. They think they’ve finally found a silver bullet to take down President Trump, and they have an opportunity to create permanent government expansion through emergency legislation.

The same kind of folks who concocted the 2,000-page Obamacare legislation behind closed doors will slip Democratic socialist wish-list items into any emergency legislation.

One of them is mandatory paid leave, which might sound good in an emergency, but could become a permanent dictate to businesses with 15 or more employees. Pro-business groups have opposed it for years as a job-killing measure. Crisis, meet opportunity.

Any delay in ramming through the legislation will afford Democrats a chance to do what they do best — accuse opponents of lacking compassion. And racism. Always, racism.

Sometimes, you’re deemed awful even if you’ve uttered nothing offensive.

On Thursday, The Washington Post ran a five-column photo and feature article about first lady Melania Trump addressing the National PTA Legislative Conference about online bullying. “Be best not to mention it?” was the snarky headline. The writer complained that Mrs. Trump had discussed her topic without referencing the coronavirus. The runover page headline was: “First lady’s talking points don’t include covid-19.”

Could you imagine The Post giving Michelle Obama the same treatment?

If Mrs. Trump had said anything about the virus, they would have seized on it and ripped her up one side and down the other. She can’t win.
It’s all part of mining the crisis for political gold, which may well turn out to be fool’s gold before this is over.

It already has proven fool's gold for Democrats, as a Gallup poll now shows Trump (despite the lying narrative of Democrats and their allied propagandists in the liberal media) at 60% approval for his handling of the pandemic crisis.

Meaanwhile, Joseph Biden has trouble remembering what day it is. And Andrew Cuomo postures and makes up fake numbers of what he needs. There certainly is not someone else on the Democrat side who could have led the country anywhere near as well as Trump has through this crisis.

We all know where the Democrats get their political narrative tactics from:

Members and front organizations must continually embarass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist or nazi or anti-semitic... The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind.
--Moscow Central Committee, 1943

The evil bastards in your party think that if they repeat a lie enough, the public will through sheer repetition begin to believe the lie is true.

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From March 10 Trump attacks the media for over hyping coronavirus.
Donald J. Trump
The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”

He tweeted this at a time he should have been warning the country and preparing for a pandemic that contrary to his earlier claims was not under control.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
From March 10 Trump attacks the media for over hyping coronavirus.
Donald J. Trump
The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”

He tweeted this at a time he should have been warning the country and preparing for a pandemic that contrary to his earlier claims was not under control.

You seem unable to separate between 1) the fact that there is a Coronavirus pandemic threat, and 2) the malicious politicization of the actual Coronavirus threat by Dems and the liberal media into fake demagoguery against Trump.

I frankly think you're being a real jerk (and your party) in your obsession with demonizing Trump with every half-baked rationalization you can manufacture, even as the president is doing his very best to lead, to calm fears, and save the country. Literally, I worry there could be a U.S. economic collapse, or even a global economic collapse, that results either during or after this pendemic. It's disgusting that you want to undermine confidence in the president under these conditions, and really for no logical reason.

You are literally fronting the untrue and deliberately destructive talking points of the Russians and the Chinese.

If you want to blame Trump, do it with the facts in retrospect if he is not successful (if that actually happens), after the crisis has passed. It's another case of the Democrats eager to deliberately hurt vulnerable Americaans, or even destroy the country itself, if it will give them power.

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 Originally Posted By: M E M

He tweeted this at a time he should have been warning the country and preparing for a pandemic that contrary to his earlier claims was not under control.


I could provide many more examples, from other Democrats, to Joe Scarbourough and puppet Mika, to Upchuck Todd, to many other Democrats. Democrats and the liberal media have dowmplayed Covid-19. In fairness, they should be held to the same standard as Trump. But in defense of both, on Jan 14, China and the WHO were still assuring the world that Covid-19 was not transmissible "human to human". Only on Jan 21st did the U.S. have its first reported case. Only after that did China admit there was a widespread outbreak and a lockdown in Wuhan.

Trump became aware and immediately suspended travel from China on Jan 31st. And many other nations followed his lead.

Only on Feb 26 did symptomatic cases erupt in South Korea, Italy, and Iran. So really, it's only been about 4 weeks now that a global outbreak has become a reality, for Trump to even react to. On CNN, MSNBC, Fox, along with Democrat and Republican leaders, we were being assured this was all under control, and while it could change, up till then past outbreaks were always surpassed by annual flu hospitalizations and deaths.

Well, things have changed. On Fox News, I always heard reports that this could erupt into a problem, but a hope that it would not affect us, as so many past outbreaks have not.

You could also look to past epidemics and see that Obama depleted the CDC and NIH medical reserves without replenishing them. It your really want to look for someone who is to blame.
Or mayor Deblasio and his health director in the above video clip, who did the exact opposite of protecting New Yorkers, actually encouraged people to endanger themselves, shaming them as racist if they did not go out and embrace their Covid-19-infected visitors from China and vastly accelerate its spread throughout New York City, and from there the entire United States.

If you really want to assign blame.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I think you’re the one actually guilty of what you’re generalizing a whole party of doing. And of course Trump has lead the way. Attacking democrats and the media early on for overhyping the threat of coronavirus. Blaming Obama of course. Not even able to rise beyond his pettiness to allow any democrats for the signing of the bipartisan aid bill. Of course you want only praise for the shit bag but it’s out of partisanship not patriotism. You’re posts betray you.

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Coronavirus: The fight to contain the global pandemic (Australian documentary series, Four Corners )

Great documentary. The comments are also quite good.
Complacency seems to be a worldwide phenomenon, until reality hits.

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Woman Who Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner Is Prolific Donor to Democratic Causes:. Arizona woman who accidentally poisoned her husband donated to 'pro-science resistance' PAC, among others

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 Originally Posted By: from the article
The Arizona woman who said that she and her 68-year-old husband ingested a substance used to clean fish tanks after hearing President Donald Trump tout chloroquine as a cure for the coronavirus has given thousands of dollars to Democratic groups and candidates over the last two years.

The woman's most recent donations, in late February, were to a Democratic PAC, the 314 Action Fund, that bills itself as the "pro-science resistance" and has vocally criticized the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic and held up her case to slam the White House.

Although local and national media outlets withheld the couple's names, the Washington Free Beacon established their identities through descriptions in local news reports, where the pair were identified by their first names and ages: Gary, 68, and Wanda, 61. The Free Beacon is withholding their identities at Wanda's request.

Federal Election Commission records show that Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years, including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and EMILY's List, a group that aims to elect pro-choice female candidates.

Wanda told the Free Beacon that she and her husband were both Democrats, not Trump supporters.

You could laugh, if someone hadn't died from this stupidity. It's like consuming sodium chloride when you don't have sodium bicarbonate handy. Two completely different chemicals.

I find it a really odd disconnect, the dichotomy that this rabid liberal couple despises and distrusts Trump and donates to all these Democrat/liberal causes in opposition to Trump, donating thousands of dollars in just the last 2 years... and then experiments with some chemical on Trump's alleged say-so?

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One not mentioned, that they think Covid-19 affected a higher ratio of men in China than women, is that about 50% of men in China are smokers. Smoking is also very prevalent among men in Italy.

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A bit of levity, Newt Gingrich was being interviewed a few days ago on Fox & Friends morning show. Asking Gingrich's opinion of Trump's proposal to re-open the economy by Easter (April 12th), Gingrich responded "Well, it has been a historically good date for resurection..."

As of yesterday (Sunday), Trump in agreement with the advice of his Coronavirus task force doctors has pushed the stay-at-home order to April 30th.

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Trump says he’ll block coronavirus bailout oversight

This should be unacceptable for either party.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump says he’ll block coronavirus bailout oversight

This should be unacceptable for either party.

Your selective outrage never ceases to amaze me, M E M.

You still won't even admit that the FBI, DOJ and FISA court were weaponized against Trump to try and prevent his election in Nov 2016, or that it has continued to be weaponized for 3 years to try and remove him as president.

Or that the Democrats implemented a phony impeachment for purely political reasonss, that distracted Trump at precisely the time Covid-19 cases were beginning to occur in the U.S.

Or that Democrats have obstructed and delayed legislation so they could corruptly try to pack emergency legislation with Democrat wish list items like abortion, voter registration changes, and other absurdities. (Rahm Emmanuel's scheme, to "Never let a crisis go to waste", and sneak in all kinds of corrupt abuses under the veil cover of an urgent crisis.) No outrage on your part for the deprivation of millions of families desperate for their next paycheck, delayed a week or even more by Democrat greed. A deal was on the table, then Pelosi came in and wrecked it. Delaying relief legislation at least another week.

That you have no outrage over.

I could easily see Trump's resistance to oversight being to prevent further delays and politicization by the Democrat leadership. My hatred for the Democrats at this point truly knows no bounds.

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Well, it's about fucking time:

While my county and the rest of South Florida were part of a partial state shutdown, I'm glad Governor Desantis has finally done the right thing. I was calling all my state and county leaders pushing for this a week ago.

I'm aware that not everything in print is necessarily true, but here is what was said by the same paper yesterday:

The title is a bit click-baity, and it doesn't fully lay down the facts beyond "experts say" and a weaselly "critics say", "sources say". It could just be partisan fearmongering, but I'm concerned that when a disease doubles every 3 days for an additional 7 to 10 days, that could mean a lot more cases that could have been prevented.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump says he’ll block coronavirus bailout oversight

This should be unacceptable for either party.

Your selective outrage never ceases to amaze me, M E M.

You still won't even admit that the FBI, DOJ and FISA court were weaponized against Trump to try and prevent his election in Nov 2016, or that it has continued to be weaponized for 3 years to try and remove him as president.

Or that the Democrats implemented a phony impeachment for purely political reasonss, that distracted Trump at precisely the time Covid-19 cases were beginning to occur in the U.S.

Or that Democrats have obstructed and delayed legislation so they could corruptly try to pack emergency legislation with Democrat wish list items like abortion, voter registration changes, and other absurdities. (Rahm Emmanuel's scheme, to "Never let a crisis go to waste", and sneak in all kinds of corrupt abuses under the veil cover of an urgent crisis.) No outrage on your part for the deprivation of millions of families desperate for their next paycheck, delayed a week or even more by Democrat greed. A deal was on the table, then Pelosi came in and wrecked it. Delaying relief legislation at least another week.

That you have no outrage over.

I could easily see Trump's resistance to oversight being to prevent further delays and politicization by the Democrat leadership. My hatred for the Democrats at this point truly knows no bounds.

It goes without saying there are folks like yourself who enabled a corrupt president And will continue to do so but when I spoke of both sides I meant for those that understand that this isn’t Trump’s money to do with what he chooses. I know how he runs charities so it would be foolish to not have oversight on it. Don’t care what your excuse is I do know you would be screaming bloody murder if a democrat tried a signing statement like that. Oversight isn’t just for one party and in the long run it doesn’t even serve republicans in the long run here. It certainly doesn’t serve the national interests.

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I’m glad your state has followed suit in the shelter at home fight WB. It would have been more helpful to have all the states do so earlier together. This stuff is so much more contagious than regular flu so having just some shelter in place just isn’t enough.

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When Trump compared coronavirus to the flu

On Monday, when Trump tweeted that the coronavirus was not as perilous as the flu, he said, “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

Two days later, Anthony Fauci, head of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health and a member of Trump’s task force on the outbreak, said the coronavirus was far more deadly.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It goes without saying there are folks like yourself who enabled a corrupt president And will continue to do so but when I spoke of both sides I meant for those that understand that this isn’t Trump’s money to do with what he chooses. I know how he runs charities so it would be foolish to not have oversight on it. Don’t care what your excuse is I do know you would be screaming bloody murder if a democrat tried a signing statement like that. Oversight isn’t just for one party and in the long run it doesn’t even serve republicans in the long run here. It certainly doesn’t serve the national interests.

And by "enabled", you mean: Didn't buy into the lying Democrat narrative.

Your side lied about the "evidence" for impeachment, covered and tried to bury investigation of FBI and FISA court corruption, tried to bury and cover up Obama and Hillary corruption, despite a clear money trail leading right back to them.

I'm all for oversight, but I don't see any evidence beyond wild speculation, in your party's desperation to create yet another lying narrative about Trump. To replace the multiple lying narratives from your party and their collaborators in the Newspeak media tht have been thoroughly disproven.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’m glad your state has followed suit in the shelter at home fight WB. It would have been more helpful to have all the states do so earlier together. This stuff is so much more contagious than regular flu so having just some shelter in place just isn’t enough.

That much we can also agree on. That an effective containment of the Covid-19 outbreak has to be a uniform policy across all 50 states. Half-measures just guarantee there will continue to be breakout pockets that will be a problem later. Florida for example. Where in less than two weeks, it has gone from the first few cases, to 100-200 cases a week ago, to 7,000 cases now.

I've noticed two things that make the virus explode with huge clusters of new cases:
1) A huge social festival, like the one involving about 11 million people in Wuhan, China, where a mass number of people were exposed, and then travelled back to other parts of China and the world, spreading the virus. Similarly, some of those infected attended a soccer game in a stadium of 60,000 people in Northern Italy. Then a huge Chinatown festival in New York City. And more recently, an explosive new outbreak of cases after the Mardi Gras festival in New Orleans. The two key things that escalated the outbreak in Florida were out-of-state travellers, mostly from New York, and huge crowds of spring breakers in the bars and beaches.

2) spread by travellers from infected regions, that seed a small cluster of new cases, until a crowd event allows that pocket to explode. I read that in South Korea where they aggressively test, one woman refused to be tested, and then attended a church event, and they think that this one woman spread the virus to 1,000 people in South Korea. Just because she refused testing and self-isolation, one person.

Florida finally got with the plan, there are 16 other states that have not issued a uniform "shelter-in-place" order.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When Trump compared coronavirus to the flu

On Monday, when Trump tweeted that the coronavirus was not as perilous as the flu, he said, “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

Two days later, Anthony Fauci, head of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health and a member of Trump’s task force on the outbreak, said the coronavirus was far more deadly.

As I said prior, any number of Democrat politicians, CNN and MSNBC anchors and guests, and even CDC and other doctors interviewed have made similar comments. And it is factually true that in past viral outbreaks, they have ultimately killed less people than the annual flu.

Also keep in mind that until early February, we didn't know just how contagious Covid-19 was. China and WHO lied to the world and said int was not contagious "human to human" until Jan 21, when cases began occurring outside of China. And it really wasn't until South Korea shared their findings in February how easily Covid-19 was contagiously spread, that further preventive measures were known to be necessary. It was about a week later that the country began moving toward lockdown on Monday, March 9th, anout 3 weeks ago.

China has known since Dec 1st about the severity of this virus, but wasn't honest with the rest of the world until January 27th. And even then, it was only after an outbreak in South Korea a month later that the level of contagion was fully known, when South Korea shared reseach with us that China could have, but did not.

I notice a continuous pattern, that you rail on Trump as personally responsible every day, but never acknowledge the obvious blame that rests on China for unleashing this on the world, by their initial, and continuing, lack of disclosure. This could all have been prevented.

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I expect my president to be better than China in trying to protect us. Shame that you don’t. And Trump should have been briefed on this. He was downplaying it even after I knew better. I complained about a couple of times in this thread that people at work were just echoing what he said.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I expect my president to be better than China in trying to protect us. Shame that you don’t.

Fuck you, M E M, you're such a frigging liar.

I certainly care about a president and other leaders protecting us. And if you were honest, you would admit that Trump has done a far better job of protecting us that ANY DEMOCRAT would have, and I think any milquetoast Republican like McCain or Romney or Marco Rubio as president. Trump has had the guts to do the right thing on multiple occasions that no other president would have:

* securing the Southern border, halting illegal immigration.

* the travel ban on China Jan 31st, very early on, that even his advisors pushed against him doing.

* The further later suspension of flights from Europe.

* A hardball trade war with China for the last year, that had already driven a lot of U.S. manufacturing out of China and back to the U.S. and other countries, so that we were far less reliant on Chinese exports at the time this Covid-19 flu crisis began.

* Trump rallied private industry to do testing locally at centers nationwide. Like no sociaalist Democrat would, entrusting the private sector.

* And Trump got companies nationwide to mass-produce masks, ventilators and other needed medical supplies for emergency rooms nationwide. Like no Democrat would have done.

* And Trump has pushed like no Democrat would to give government checks to the lowest-wage and hardest-hit workers, while the piece-of-shit Democrats delayed and extorted every unrelated spending add-on they could for unrelated liberal wet-dream spending programs (green new deal, sanctuary cities, funding for NPR and PBS, museums and the arts, same day voting and registration that enables Democrat election fraud, etc.), only some of which were weeded out in the final legislation. That shows exactly how cynical and negligent Democrats are of the crisis.

DON'T EVEN TRY to pretend that Democrats care more about people or are not viciously corrupt and self-serving. Or that Dems would have done all the things Trump did in advance to protect us.

If Hillary were president, we'd have cases in the millions and our hospitals would be overwhelmed. I've already linked evidence to show the Democrat Bolsheviks who would have left the southern border wide open, and allowed 20,000 Chinese travellers a day to continue flowing into our airports, that would have increased the body count exponentially if Dems were in power.
And Democrats cynically put millions of Americans at risk by holding up relief legislation to extort partisan spending add-ons for unrelated programs. And undermining Trump with exactly the lying talking points narratives you are fronting now, in complete denial of the true facts. I shit on the integrity of your party.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
[Trump} was downplaying it even after I knew better. I complained about a couple of times in this thread that people at work were just echoing what he said.

Trump implemented a travel ban Jan 31st, while Democrats like Pelosi, Deblasio and his health commissioner and Andrew Cuomo were still encouraging people to go about their normal lives, go to crowd events, and ultimately get infected. As were the New York Times and Washington Post. Hannity pretty much nightly cites the articles and video clips proving this:

You hold an incredible double-standard in your lying narrative, as you ignore the comments of Democrat leaders and the liberal media who said Trump was a racist and an alarmist "over-reacting" with the precautions he took as president. I'm so sick of your lying narrative, that I've disproven repeadtedly, and you still keep spitting up the same lying talking points.

The only mistake has been not having testing kits to do advance mass testing as South Korea did (from what I can see, the only country with a large population that has handled this epidemic as well as it could be handled.) And as I've cited repeatedly, that was an internal error in the CDC where they selected a kit that didn't work, and was their responsibility, not Trump's.
In the absence of available mass-testing, if Trump had taken the only other option and done a 50-state "shelter at home order" around Feb 20th or 24th (as finally happened in Italy, Germany, France, Spain and the U.K., you would have again accused Trump of "over-reacting", even though that is exactly what needed to be done.

The only other error is that while the China flights were susppended Jan 31st, foreign travellers found a way around it by flying to Seattle, L.A., and New York by indirect flights from other countries than China. Chinese travellers from Wuhan who couldn't fly into the U.S. instead went to Italy, Germany France and Spain. In retrospect, there could have been a 14-day quarantine on all international visitors to the U.S.

But ultimately, you ignore the enormous contribution to sreading the Covid-19 paandemic by Democrat leaders and the liberal media, and their attempts to obstruct Trump from protecting us. It is laughable to suggest that these Democrats would have protected us more than Trump has.
Quit being such a liar talking-points robot.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Fact-checking Trump's attempt to erase his previous coronavirus response

It’s not lying WB and in my opinion it’s not good to try to prop up and cover up bad leadership decisions. And a Trump supporter calling everyone else a liar except for Trump is normally hilarious but now bodies are starting to stack up.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Fact-checking Trump's attempt to erase his previous coronavirus response

It’s not lying WB and in my opinion it’s not good to try to prop up and cover up bad leadership decisions. And a Trump supporter calling everyone else a liar except for Trump is normally hilarious but now bodies are starting to stack up.

It is lying on your part, and that of the liberal media. I posted a factcheck a few pages back and detailed the lying context of how liberal "factcheck" sites manipulate the true facts. They project the image of being objectively neutral factcheckers, but Factcheck (part of the Washington Post), and Politifact (part of the Tampa Tribune) are administered by rabidly liberal newspapers.

Most of what Trump is accused of "lying" about is actually true. Such as the fact that previous virus outbreaks have killed less people than the annual flu season virus in any given year. In the context that is possibly not true this time, Trump was saying the same thing as CDC and other medical officials, the same as doctors appearing on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and what the news anchors have said on all those networks.

Look again at the link in my last post. Sean Hannity shows clips of the verifiable complacency of CNN, MSNBC, Deblasio Pelosi, Andrew Cuomo, Washington Post and New York Times. Sources that are on the record not only failing to warn people, but actually encouraged them to go to crowd events and get sick. And actually accused Trump of being "racist" and "over-reacting" for the preventive measures he put in place, clearly far more warning and prevention than his Democrat and media critics (as if there were a separation between the two) would have done if they were in Trump's place.

So, again, you're a fucking liar.
And you don't hold your own party to the same standard for their demonsteable lies, that you hold Trump to.

Did Trump perform flawlessly? No, he didn't. Like anyone else he made a ffew mistakes. And in retrospect, I'm sure there are things he would have done differently. But as I laid out in MULTIPLE, MANY previous posts, he did a lot right, and demonstrably/provably a ton more to protect us than any of these piece of shit Democrats and liberal media writers would have, who called him a "racist" and "over-reacting" to do what he did.

Securing the southern border.
The travel ban.
The trade war that lessened our dependency on China.

Those three actions alone prevented us from being over-run with cases in the millions already. Actions the piece-of-shit Democrats would never have taken.

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My earlier deconstruction of "factcheck' liberal bias:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, March 13, 2020

Representing the other side, from the heavily-Left-leaning Vox:


You can feel the Trump-hate from the opening paragraphs.

While a number of these are spun as deliberately misleading when the actual facts were unknown at the time, or spun to be misleading beyond what Trump actually said, the article at least clarifies deeper in what the true facts are.

Taking the points one at a time:

1) That U.S. citizens could still return to the U.S. (once tested) is something anyone could clarify with the U.S. embassy in any nation or U.S. officials. There's a limit to how much information Trump could provide in a brief 10-minute Oval Office address to the nation.
I would check the details of what Trump said, or any president, in the print media over the 24 hours after such an address, to clarify the details of that brief overview. It's unrealistic to expect every nuance explained in a 10-minute speech.

2) Trump's explanation of the death rate being far lower is pretty much the same as I've seen from Dr. Anthony Fauci, or Dr. Marc Siegel or others. It's presented here as Trump being absolultely wrong, downplaying, and deliberately mistating the facts, but I've seen that same opinion of what is characterized as Trump's "hunch" by many interviewed medical experts.

3) Trump saying that the Coronavirus will die down once summer hits is also not wrong, every previous major coronavirus strain and major outbreak of the last 20 years has followed a siimilar sharp decline, so again Trump is not lying or deliberately misleading.
While the article clarifies that it's possible it won't decline, Trump is not wrong in saying it's a good possibility. I wish he'd emphasized that's a possibility and not an absolute that it will sharply decline come summer, and press the public that it's still very contagious and to act with an abundance of caution to prevent its spread.

4) The lack of ready widespread test kits is the biggest failure, yes. But again, this is not Trump's personal fault, it was an error by the medical staff at CDC in selecting a kit that didn't work, and then had to scramble for a replacement when it didn't.
So Trump, like Pence and Dr. Fauci have all given assurances that the tests would be available, based on what they were told by others in CDC.
Trump made an obvious gaffe beyond that of Pence and Fauci when he said they were already distributed and anyone could get a test immediately, and not expected in days. But certainly, no one who watches the news doesn't know that they are still laboring to distribute test kits nationwide, despite kits not being ready when the CDC themselves were promised they would be.

5) Regarding "the flu is worse", it's a fact that previous outbreaks have all been surpassed by flu deaths. As I cited above, the 2009-2010 previous coronavirus "Swine Flu/H1N1" infected 57 million people and killed 12,000. And that the flu in that same year killed far more. And that the flu in most years kills "between 27,000 and 77,000".
While it is spun as a Trump lie, it is absolutely true that numerically the annual flu kills more than this and previous coronavirus strains.
Currently Wuhan virus has killed about 4,900 and infected 137,000 worldwide.
As compared to (in the U.S. alone) 35 million infected by regular flu, and 30,000 deaths in 2018, the most recent statistical year.

While Wuhan flu is believed to have a higher death rate of roughly 1 or possibly 2% death rate, vs. 0.1% for regular flu, the finer details in even this article explain there are possibly hundreds of thousands of mild unreported Wuhan cases that would vastly lower the Wuhan virus death ratio if counted.

6) regarding "a vaccine is coming soon", anyone who watches the news knows that most medical experts anticipate a vaccine is about 12 to 18 months away, and not an option for this season. Even vaccine corporation owners who say they are fast-tracking a vaccine say if it were ready in a month, an unprecedentedly fast vaccine to produce and distribute would be at least 6 months away.
One I saw said they have a much faster track because they have already developed vaccine for similar strains of Coronavirus, that will vastly speed up a Wuhan virus vaccine.
So again, Trump is not necessarily wrong.

7) The Trump administration had proposed cuts to CDC and NIH pandemic preparation, but in few cases had anything been implemented. Trump has across the board looked for fiscal cuts to every area of the Federal budget. Like every part of the budget, Trump wants to eliminate waste and duplication in CDC. I've seen this fronted by Democrats over the last few weeks, despite that Trump had not cut anything vital. More money doesn't necessarily mean better spent money.

An OMB spokesman said that the CDC cuts in the budget request did not affect infectious disease, and said Trump's request included a total of $4.3 billion in funds for Infectious Diseases and Preparedness, in funds that deal with the flu, opioids, and global health security.
“The $4.3 billion funds all of the CDC programs that focus on infectious disease and emergency preparedness activities," they said.

"This figure reflects that the Administration is prioritizing funding for infectious disease and emergency preparedness efforts at CDC, compared to non-infectious activities, like studying the health and safety risks of infrequent bathroom breaks for taxi drivers,"

Democrats and the liberal media mislead to allege Trump proposed slashing pandemic response and preparation. Trump's OMB defends the cuts as not coming from outbreak prevention.

Heavy in my mind through all this is how the media has jumped on every scandal unleashed on Trump for 4 years now, and how the media has visibly gotten it wrong over and over and over in their vindictive zeal to bring down Trump. And coverage of the outbreak is just the latest extenson of that.

While Trump has made errors, certainly in this crisis as well, he is held to a standard that no other president of my lifetime is held to. Except for W. Bush, there has been no comparative open bias and hatred of a president by the media.
The similar errors by Obama got a complete free pass by the same media.

I think this is the treatment any future Republican president can expect from the media. This is not unique to Trump, but to any Republican who dares to be elected going forward. The same poisonous attacks of "racism" or "stole the election" are now extended to more local elections like Tracy Abrams or Andrew Gillum, or last night Alexanda Ocasio-Cortez (interviewed for the first time on Fox) alleging that Bernie Sanders lost in Michigan because of election fraud. Despite that all the elected officials controlling in Michigan are Democrats.

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Regarding the "factcheck" link you sourced from CNN:


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Gee, why don't I trust a CNN "factcheck"?
The same CNN that did a factcheck of an SNL skit to fly cover for Obama.


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COVID-19: We’re Fighting a War, But There’s Hope -Coldfusion (Australian documentary series)

An informative look at how the virus works, and the various emerging treatments for Covid-19, particularly Hydroxychloroquine in combination with Zinc and Azithromycin.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy



Gee, why don't I trust a CNN "factcheck"?
The same CNN that did a factcheck of an SNL skit to fly cover for Obama.


Yup, pedophiles, bank robbers and other criminals tend to get negative coverage. You love your fucking liar WB but news media isn’t supposed to just shut it’s eyes and just do pro-Trump propaganda. I watched Trump actually be the fucking liar you tried to accuse me off...
Trump the fucking liar

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Donald Trump is quantifiably the most accomplisshed president in over 50 years. And your partisan hatred and burning need to slander and destroy him by any vicious means, speaks of your lack of character, not his.

Your piece of shit party of Democrat Bolsheviks have proven over and over that they will say and do anything, any personal slander, any unnamed source, any collaboration with Ukraine and Russian intelligence (Perkins-Coie law group/Glenn Simpson/Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele), any abuse of federal power against their political enemies (FBI/DOJ, and Lois Lerner, and Koskinin at IRS), there is absolutely no one your vicious party of sociopaths won't destroy to gain power.

And they would destroy the country itself, because in their minds the United States is an evil racist place with a shameful history, that doesn't deserve to exist in the first place, and they fantasize about turning us into another Soviet Union, or Cuba or Nicaragua or China.
Bernie Sanders has praised all these countries, while trashing the United States, and even displayed a Soviet flag in his mayor's office for 10 years in the 1980's.
Barack and Michelle Obama are open cultural marxists (and have never been called on it by the complicit far-left media).
Likewwise the Clintons, cultural marxists who actively protested the Vietnam war against their own country, even when Bill Clinton was in a foreign country as a Rhodes scholar and draft evader. Treasonous enemies of the United States, who damaged the country from within during their time in public office.

Facts I've cited over and over, that you refuse to process, as you lap up the blatantly untrue propaganda fed to you by the liberal media.

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I’m explicitly pointing out Trump lying. The last link literally shows him attacking a Fox reporter that dared to bring up the fact that the pandemic team was cut under Trump.
Here it is again...
Trump lies to dodge question from Fox on pandemic team
Trump Lies About Cutting White House Pandemic Team to Dodge (Checks Notes) Fox News

... “You have talked about the failings of the Obama administration, in leaving you with empty shelves and no plans,” Roberts began, uncritically repeating Trump’s false claims that he bears no responsibility for the poor state of the national stockpile of medical equipment he has overseen for three years. “They have said you got rid of the pandemic office in the National Security Council –” he added, before being cut off by Trump.

“We didn’t do that. That turned out to be a false story,” Trump claimed, falsely. “What are you, working for CNN?” the president asked sarcastically.

Trump tells lies like this so regularly that they no longer stand out except for when it’s FOX news that gets attacked. And despite Trump’s repeatedly lying about it, the pandemic team was cut under his “leadership “. You really have no issue with a fucking liar WB. But hey I hear your boy is number one on Facebook.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’m explicitly pointing out Trump lying. The last link literally shows him attacking a Fox reporter that dared to bring up the fact that the pandemic team was cut under Trump.
Here it is again...
Trump lies to dodge question from Fox on pandemic team
Trump Lies About Cutting White House Pandemic Team to Dodge (Checks Notes) Fox News

... “You have talked about the failings of the Obama administration, in leaving you with empty shelves and no plans,” Roberts began, uncritically repeating Trump’s false claims that he bears no responsibility for the poor state of the national stockpile of medical equipment he has overseen for three years. “They have said you got rid of the pandemic office in the National Security Council –” he added, before being cut off by Trump.

“We didn’t do that. That turned out to be a false story,” Trump claimed, falsely. “What are you, working for CNN?” the president asked sarcastically.

Trump tells lies like this so regularly that they no longer stand out except for when it’s FOX news that gets attacked. And despite Trump’s repeatedly lying about it, the pandemic team was cut under his “leadership “. You really have no issue with a fucking liar WB. But hey I hear your boy is number one on Facebook.

Thank you for once again proving you're a fucking liar, who will desperately cling to any slanderous lying narrative that attacks Trump, to feed your insatiable and irrational partisan hatred. I don't really even need to respond at this point, I've factually disproven your lying narrative so many times already.

If you had reading comprehension skills, you would have read what I sourced at the top of this page. Here it is again, though you seem immune to facts, as you cling to the lies spoon-fed to you by liberal propaganda sites. Regardless, the "Trump fired the CDC's pandemic response team" is a clearly false narrative. Among the other vicious lies your Democrat Bolshevik party fronts, eagerly spreading the propaganda disinformation of the Russian and Chinese governments:

 Originally Posted By: WB

7) The Trump administration had proposed cuts to CDC and NIH pandemic preparation, but in few cases had anything been implemented. Trump has across the board looked for fiscal cuts to every area of the Federal budget. Like every part of the budget, Trump wants to eliminate waste and duplication in CDC. I've seen this fronted by Democrats over the last few weeks, despite that Trump had not cut anything vital. More money doesn't necessarily mean better spent money.

An OMB spokesman said that the CDC cuts in the budget request did not affect infectious disease, and said Trump's request included a total of $4.3 billion in funds for Infectious Diseases and Preparedness, in funds that deal with the flu, opioids, and global health security.
“The $4.3 billion funds all of the CDC programs that focus on infectious disease and emergency preparedness activities," they said.

"This figure reflects that the Administration is prioritizing funding for infectious disease and emergency preparedness efforts at CDC, compared to non-infectious activities, like studying the health and safety risks of infrequent bathroom breaks for taxi drivers,"

Democrats and the liberal media mislead to allege Trump proposed slashing pandemic response and preparation. Trump's OMB defends the cuts as not coming from outbreak prevention.

Heavy in my mind through all this is how the media has jumped on every scandal unleashed on Trump for 4 years now, and how the media has visibly gotten it wrong over and over and over in their vindictive zeal to bring down Trump. And coverage of the outbreak is just the latest extenson of that.

While Trump has made errors, certainly in this crisis as well, he is held to a standard that no other president of my lifetime is held to. Except for W. Bush, there has been no comparative open bias and hatred of a president by the media.
The similar errors by Obama got a complete free pass by the same media.

I think this is the treatment any future Republican president can expect from the media. This is not unique to Trump, but to any Republican who dares to be elected going forward. The same poisonous attacks of "racism" or "stole the election" are now extended to more local elections like Tracy Abrams or Andrew Gillum, or last night Alexanda Ocasio-Cortez (interviewed for the first time on Fox) alleging that Bernie Sanders lost in Michigan because of election fraud. Despite that all the elected officials controlling in Michigan are Democrats.

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“They have said you got rid of the pandemic office in the National Security Council –” he added, before being cut off by Trump.

That of course isn’t the same thing as what you’re trying to say about budget cuts to the cdc that Trump did propose but were not enacted. The pandemic office was gotten rid of under Trump though.

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Does Anyone Remember the Obamacare Medical Device Tax?
  • People seem to have forgotten something. Do you all remember this thing called Obamacare? I’m sure you do. Do you remember the medical device tax that Obamacare instituted? Like all liberals, Obama believed that people that make things will pay anything. You put a tax on ’em, they’ll just keep paying the tax and they’ll just keep making the device. You put a tax on yachts, and people will pay the tax.

    No, they don’t. They go someplace where the tax doesn’t exist to get their yacht built. Barack Obama’s Obamacare tax on medical devices drove a lot of manufacturing for masks and other products overseas. That’s why it’s made overseas. It’s not because there’s something inherently wrong with American capitalism. It’s because it was Obamacare. Obamacare had to come up with ways to pay for its rotten self. And one of the ways it raised taxes was on medical devices. Hell, even certain things at beauty parlors were called medical devices. Remember that? I forget the specific elements. Not false eyelashes or stuff, but it was a ridiculous list of things that qualified as medical devices, all so the Obamacare tax could be collected.

    Well, guess what? The people that manufacture medical devices fled the USA, and they went overseas to various places to get ’em made. One of the places they went was China. They also went to Mexico. They went to places in Europe. And now people complain about a shortage. They want to chalk it up to somehow a fault or a deficiency of capitalism or of the United States. No siree, Bob. It was a by-product of a tax increase called Obamacare on medical devices.

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I can tell you from working in the medical device field that like every other industry, most of it was farmed out to other countries before Obama got into office. I will admit it’s a good political strategy for the gop to try to shift any blame they can. With Trump though I question if the usual tactics will work. We have a pandemic and a leader that didn’t take it seriously to begin with nor will accept any responsibility. Getting Jared on stage to talk about the federal stockpile as theirs and not the states is more of the same.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I can tell you from working in the medical device field that like every other industry, most of it was farmed out to other countries before Obama got into office. I will admit it’s a good political strategy for the gop to try to shift any blame they can. With Trump though I question if the usual tactics will work. We have a pandemic and a leader that didn’t take it seriously to begin with nor will accept any responsibility. Getting Jared on stage to talk about the federal stockpile as theirs and not the states is more of the same.

From 2012..

Med Device Firm to Cut Workforce 10 Percent, Says Obamacare the Reason: Welch Allyn will cut 275 jobs, move some jobs to Mexico in advance of ACA's medical device tax

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You do realize Trump could have used the Defense Production Act much much sooner to increase supplies instead of telling states that they don’t need so many ventilators?
Trump: I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators

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I think a national shelter at home order should have been done already too. With lack of testing and how contagious this appears to be it’s just foolish at this point to think this hasn’t or won’t spread to areas that appear to have few covid cases.

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