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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think a national shelter at home order should have been done already too. With lack of testing and how contagious this appears to be it’s just foolish at this point to think this hasn’t or won’t spread to areas that appear to have few covid cases.

What section of the Constitution or Statute allows the federal government to issue a national shelter in place order?

We all know if Trump had done that you would’ve called him a “piece of shit want to be dictator.”

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I think it would have been a good idea to really push the states to all issue one g if Trump doesn’t have the authority. Again it’s sort of like having a peeing section in a swimming pool. But not only is he not pushing the states that haven’t issued shelter in place orders he’s defended them.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I can tell you from working in the medical device field that like every other industry, most of it was farmed out to other countries before Obama got into office. I will admit it’s a good political strategy for the gop to try to shift any blame they can. With Trump though I question if the usual tactics will work. We have a pandemic and a leader that didn’t take it seriously to begin with nor will accept any responsibility. Getting Jared on stage to talk about the federal stockpile as theirs and not the states is more of the same.

Because you have such a fair and neutral opinion of President Trump, and always gave a balanced evaluation of his efforts before criticizing him.
Quite the opposite, you just kneejerk out a diatribe to whatever he does, and this is just a continuation from RussiaRussiaRussia to the Mueller investigation, to whistleblower Eric Ciaramella/Ukraine to impeachment, to now the Covid-19 pandemic. This is just the latest thing to slander Trump on.

AGAIN: I see absolutely no evidence that any Democrat would have done a better job as president. Obama depleted the CDC reserves of equipment for a pandemic, and then did not restore the reserves to be ready for the next pandemic, and here we are.
Biden just admitted yesterday that Trump did the right thing on Jan 31st banning travel from China. After railing on Trump for 2 months as over-reacting and being a racist/xenophobe.

Despite warnings in New York state for years of a shortage of ventilators and emergency equipment, Gov. Andrew Cuomo didn't fund pandemic preparedness, and is now catching up and blaming Trump for his own inaction toward medical preparedness.

The governors of Washington state and California seem to be doing a much better job of containing and shortening the outbreak in their states.

You can always slander Trump after the crisis, but geez, give the guy a chance before you pull out the long knives.

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Somebody that can generalize about the other side in such vile and vicious ways really are not in a position to credibly judge. And the shit bag has his knife out attacking the media and democrats so don’t even bother trying that BS.

Btw anybody actually disagree with me about all states having a shelter in place orders?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think it would have been a good idea to really push the states to all issue one g if Trump doesn’t have the authority. Again it’s sort of like having a peeing section in a swimming pool. But not only is he not pushing the states that haven’t issued shelter in place orders he’s defended them.

I'm also in favor of a unified national shelter-at-home order. I think the daily press conferences of the Coronavirus task force are finally getting all states to comply.
I think it was influential on Desantis finally doing a statewide shelter order, 11 days too late in my opinion.

I think there are only 5 states at this point that have not (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Arkansas) The first two have mostly rural populations of less than aa million people, Nebraska 2 million, Iowa 4 million, Arkansa 3 million. While I think it's a good idea to shelter at home, these are places that might not have the same potential as urban areas to spread infection.

Here's a lengthy article from the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel detailing the preparation for the pandemic, with lessons learned from the New York outbreak, and assessing Florida's readiness.

The delay in testing ability is deeply frustrating. To me it's eaither 1) do a lot of testing as South Korea did, with which you're able to find the clusters of infected people and quarantine them, while keeping the rest of the country open, or 2) in the absence of testing, you don't know who's infected, so you shelter-at-home the whole population early on to stop the spread. Gov Desantis did neither, and here we are. We'll just have to wait and see how bad the damage is. He issued a shelter-at-home April 2nd, so it will be 2 weeks until those infected before that show symptoms and we know how extensive the infections are in Florida.
This article makes clear what the anticipated hospitalizations and ventilators are expected to be. I hope that's an over-estimate, but we won't know for a while. They're talking about a peak in "early May". That's well past April 30th.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Somebody that can generalize about the other side in such vile and vicious ways really are not in a position to credibly judge. And the shit bag has his knife out attacking the media and democrats so don’t even bother trying that BS.

Btw anybody actually disagree with me about all states having a shelter in place orders?

"Shit bag"... the end of logical discussion, and revealing who is truly "vile and vicious".

I don't just sweepingly namecall as you do, I've cited dozens of examples to back up what I've said, making clear the Democrats' factless lying narratives, slander, demagoguery and corruption.

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Trump has been President for over 3 years and didn’t replenish anything either. He also doesn’t have to deal with an opposition party that is shutting the government down to supposedly address the deficit. Looking back I used to believe your party wanted that but now I really think it was about trying to slow down economic growth and win back the WH. Cuomo is actually being a leader btw. He’s not spending hours praising himself or having a parade of toadies praise him. He’s actually following the science and data. You don’t get confused by what he’s saying and what the experts are saying. And he’s not doing partisan attacks while calling for an end to partisan attacks like shitbag has now done a couple of times. History is not going to be kind to Trump because so much of it has been on camera.

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Queen tells UK 'we will succeed' in fight
Did not realize that it was so rare for her to make these types of addresses.

In other news it looks like NY didn’t have an increase in numbers.

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Yes, overall, we may have already passed the peak, although that won't be confirmed for a week.

And assholes who disregard the stay-at-home order could cause another spike. I plan to stay at home at least a week or two past the end of the requirement, to insure that I and the people I love are not part of a second surge.

But until there is a vaccine, or some other treatment that prevents hospitalization and the high number of deaths, this thing will still remain a threat that is with us a long time. A vaccine is still estimated to be about 15 months away (in a miraculous fast-track, maybe 9 to 12 months away).
I'm hoping hydroxychloroquine and blood-serum from recovered patients can offer more recoveries and greater "herd immunity" before a vaccine is available.
The emerging 5-minute test for exposure can show that many unknowingly had mild or symptomless cases and can return to work, and provide serum to immunize many others.

All these are hopeful signs.

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The liberal media has waged a fear-porn propaganda campaign against Hydroxychloroquine in the last two weeks since Trump has offered it at his daily briefings as a possible treatment for Covid-19.

If Trump supports it, the media does its damnedest to prevent it being used, and protray it as "unproven" and "dangerous". Desp[ite that it is a medication that has been used to treat Malaria and Lupus since 1944, and has long been FDA approved. How "dangerous" could it be?
One doctor, Dr. Daniel Wallace, the most prominent Lupus specialist in the country, who has prescribed thousands of patients hydroxychloroquine, says that in 42 years of prescribing it, [b]no patient[b] has ever had complications or been hospitalized for a severe reaction to hyrdroxychloroquine, at most a slight skin rash.

More recently, a doctor used hydroxychloroquine on 1,000 Covid-19 patients, and of them 993 made a complete recovery, only 7 died, who had too many other complicating conditions to recover. That's a pretty large sample study right there, of almost 100% ratio of recovery.

In 40 countries, 3,300 doctors were asked what their preferred treatment for Covid-19 was, and it was overwhelmingly hydroxychloroquine, sometimes in combination with zinc (which inhibits reproduction of the virus), and Azithromax (or Z-pack) antibiotic to eliminate complicating bacterial infections. Again, a very strong international consensus.

But Gov Andrew Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio suppress the use of hydroxychloroquine in New York, so that if a paatient wants this treatment, they cannot get a prescription from their family physician, but have to visit a hospital to receive it. Which is causing an unnecessary surgee of visits to local hospitals. Last I heard, Gov. Cuomo was considering a change to this suppression, but had not made a decision yet.
As I've already cited, many patients have been at death's door, and attribute hydroxychloroquine to their recovery, and describe the difficulty and resistance my Democrat leaders and the medical community to getting the medication, until they demanded it. A thousand people a day are dying of Covid-19, but because Trump is for hydroxychloroquine that can save them, they are against it. Thousands more could live, but for their politically driven interference.

After mocking Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine, journalists now acknowledge it might treat coronavirus


After repeatedly mocking President Trump for suggesting on March 19 that hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment for coronavirus, media organizations have begun acknowledging that the drug -- now approved for emergency use to treat coronavirus by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- may be useful after all.

Journalists and top Democrats have beaten a similarly hasty retreat from their previous claims that Trump's ban on travel from China was both xenophobic and ineffective. But media outlets' misinformation on hydroxychloroquine was unique because it involved not simply policy disagreements but also suggestive medical advice and directives that could have dissuaded some from seeking certain treatments.

"Malaria Drug Helps Virus Patients Improve, in Small Study," The New York Times reported this week, adding: "A group of moderately ill people were given hydroxychloroquine, which appeared to ease their symptoms quickly, but more research is needed."

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, went from threatening doctors who prescribed the drug with "administrative action" to requesting that the federal government ship her state some. Other state leaders have followed suit, including Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, also a Democrat.

And, an international poll of thousands of doctors rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for coronavirus.

It wasn't always considered acceptable to use that kind of optimistic rhetoric, however.

"Trump peddles unsubstantiated hope in dark times," read a March 20 "analysis" by CNN's Stephen Collinson. Saying Trump was "adopting the audacity of false hope" and embracing "premature optimism," Collinson charged that "there's no doubt he overhyped the immediate prospects for the drug" because the FDA had not provided an explicit timeline on approving the drug to treat coronavirus.

In fact, at the March 19 White House briefing, Trump had remarked: "Now, a drug called chloroquine, and some people would add to it, hydroxychloroquine, so chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine ... [has] shown very encouraging, very, very encouraging early results." The president acknowledged that the drug may not "go as planned" and that more testing was needed, but that "we’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately."

Nevertheless, the media onslaught continued. "Trump is giving people false hope of coronavirus cures. It’s all snake oil," read one Washington Post headline. Added the Post's editorial board: "Trump is spreading false hope for a virus cure -- and that’s not the only damage."

"The most promising answer to the pandemic will be a vaccine, and researchers are racing to develop one," the paper insisted, although it is not staffed with medical experts. "Mr. Trump’s inappropriate hype has already led to hoarding of hydroxychloroquine and diverted supplies from people with other maladies who need it. His comments are raising false hopes. Rather than roll the dice on an unproven therapy, let’s deposit our trust in the scientists."

USA Today's editorial board was similarly aggressive and mocking, writing, "Coronavirus treatment: Dr. Donald Trump peddles snake oil and false hope."

"There are no approved therapies or drugs to treat COVID-19 yet, but the president hypes preliminary chloroquine trials at White House briefing and unproven remedies on Twitter," the paper wrote, just days before the FDA would approve the drug.

Communications strategist Drew Holden flagged these and numerous other examples of media misinformation on the matter in a lengthy Twitter thread.

Salon, Holden noted, called Trump's hope in the new treatment his "most dangerous flim-flam: False hope and quack advice."

The New Yorker pondered "The Meaning of Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Quackery," observing that Trump's "pronouncements are a reminder, if one was needed, of his scorn for rigorous science, even amid the worst pandemic to hit the U.S. in a century."

Michael Cohen, a Boston Globe columnist, urged networks to stop airing Trump's coronavirus press briefings because he was spreading "misinformation" about a potential cure.

And, NBC News complained, "Trump, promoting unproven drug treatments, insults NBC reporter at coronavirus briefing."

The New York Times' Kurt Eichenwald reported that a "Louisiana MD" on the "front lines of the COVID-19 fight" had told him that "Hydroxychloroquine doesn't work" and that "amateurs who dont [sic] understand research" were driving up demand for the drug. ("Count me skeptical of your source here, Kurt," Holden wrote.)

Vox mocked Trump's "new favorite treatment" for the drug, and said the evidence is "lacking" that it works.

Meanwhile, it has emerged that the Arizona woman who said she and her husband drank fish-tank cleaner to ward off coronavirus has donated heavily to Democrats and acknowledges she's not a Trump supporter -- despite news reports that she ingested the dangerous drug because she trusted what she thought was the president's advice.

The 61-year-old woman, whose first name is Wanda but has asked for her full identity to be withheld, survived the ordeal. Her 68-year-old husband, Gary, did not. Wanda has said that she and her husband each took a "teaspoon" of the fish-tank cleaner; medical toxicology results and a police investigation were pending.

"I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, 'Hey, isn't that the stuff they're talking about on TV?'" Wanda told NBC News, referring to the chloroquine phosphate in her fish-tank cleaner.

On March 19, Trump had touted anecdotal evidence that the antimalarial drug chloroquine could be used as a treatment for coronavirus during a White House briefing, calling it a possible "game-changer." In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has approved the drug on an emergency basis, even though various media reports had mocked Trump's suggestion.

However, the woman and her husband ingested the additive chloroquine phosphate, which has been used in aquariums to kill microscopic organisms that might harm fish and other aquatic animals.

Several media organizations that confused the chloroquine medication with chloroquine phosphate used in aquariums later issued corrections. Some have not, however, and continue to incorrectly insist that chloroquine phosphate as used in aquariums could treat coronavirus.

Nevertheless, Wanda drew national attention by claiming that Trump had suggested she consume the fish-tank cleaner with her husband, and that she did so to avoid "getting sick."

"My advice is don’t believe anything that the president says and his people because they don’t know what they’re talking about," Wanda told NBC News' Vaughn Hillyard.
Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reviewed by The Washington Free Beacon revealed numerous other recipients of Wanda's cash, including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the pro-choice EMILY's List.

Additionally, Fox News has reviewed a Facebook page apparently belonging to Wanda, which was first identified by the Twitter user Techno Fog.

"Your psycho prez is in [t]own, are you going to see him?" Wanda wrote on Facebook on Feb. 19, by way of wishing a friend a happy birthday. Trump was in town at a rally in Phoenix, Ariz., on that day.

Wanda has not replied to multiple requests for comment by Fox News. She deleted her Facebook page after Fox News attempted to contact her there.

A quick Google-search shows the entire mainstream media still propagandizing against hydroxychloroquine. New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Axios, HuffPost, L A Times, you name it. If Trump is for it, they have to discredit it. Even if it literally costs 1,000 lives a day.

The people the Left pretend to care about are just cannon fodder to advance their lying narrative to slander and discredit Trump. What are a few thousand lives in pursuit of that goal?

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by Sean Hannity, opinion

Every New Yorker needs to know that Gov. “all talk no action” Andrew Cuomo has failed to deliver for the people of his state during the crisis created by the coronavirus pandemic.

While the Democratic governor continues to blame President Trump for a ventilator shortage in New York, a state Health Department report warned Cuomo all the way back in 2015 about this exact problem.

Everyone needs to read this report.

On Page 30 the Health Department report on ventilator allocation guidelines states: “during a severe influenza pandemic, there is likely to be a projected shortfall of ventilators (-15,783) during peak week demand.”

But that’s not all. At the beginning of that report the New York State Health Commissioner, Dr. Howard Zucker wrote: “Dear New Yorkers, Protecting the health and well-being of New Yorkers is a core objective of the Department of Health. During flu season, we are reminded that pandemic influenza is a foreseeable threat, one that we cannot ignore. In light of this possibility, the Department is taking steps to prepare for a pandemic and to limit the loss of life and other negative consequences.
“An influenza pandemic would affect all New Yorkers, and we have a responsibility to plan now. Part of the planning process is to develop guidance on how to ethically allocate limited resources (i.e., ventilators) during a severe influenza pandemic while saving the most lives.

“As part of our emergency preparedness efforts, the Department, together with the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, is releasing the 2015 Ventilator Allocation Guidelines, which provide an ethical, clinical, and legal framework to assist health care providers and the general public in the event of a severe influenza pandemic…”
Where was the response from the governor? Where was the sense of urgency after such an explicit warning?

Gov. Cuomo refused to act. He did not listen. He bought zero ventilators. The cost to purchase the needed ventilators was only 0.4 percent of the 2015-2016 state budget.
Instead of buying life-saving ventilators, Cuomo wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on failed projects, like $750 million on a failed solar panel factory, $90 million on a partnership with a California light bulb company that went nowhere, and $600 million on a computer chip factory that went bust.

I saw this picture today and couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

[ Image of Cuomo at daily press conference, saying: "Remember, we ordered 17,000 ventilators." ]

Wow. This was almost the exact number the New York Health Department report predicted would be needed.
And it gets worse, because now Cuomo is actually thanking and praising the Chinese government! Look at this tweet:
Cuomo is thanking the Chinese government that lied to the entire world about the coronavirus from the start.

Cuomo is “all talk no action” because he loves to show up for photo ops at various emergency hospitals that the federal government constructed, like the Javits Center and the 1,000-bed U.S. Navy hospital ship Comfort [both of which Trump provided to New York, not Cuomo].

All New Yorkers need to know that President Trump is the one who sent the USNS Comfort to New York Harbor. All New Yorkers need to know that it was the Army Corp of Engineers that built the 3,000-bed hospital at the Javits Center and the other hospitals throughout the state.
And all New Yorkers need to know that it was President Trump who gave Cuomo over 4,400 ventilators. By the way, Cuomo ended up putting those ventilators sent by the president into a warehouse!

Frankly, New Yorkers deserve better. They deserve better than to have a governor continue to put petty politics above real solutions.

I thought Cuomo was “pro-choice. But because of an executive order he issued, any new prescriptions of potentially life-saving drugs for patients suffering from COVID-19 – the disease caused by the coronavirus – such as hydroxychloroquine must be dispensed through the already overrun hospital system.

This is a disaster and Cuomo has no one to blame but himself. He should stop putting up dangerous barriers when lives are at stake.

To those who criticize me, I say this: I am a New Yorker. My family lives here. There are thousands of new cases on Long Island where I live. I have friends fighting for their lives in hospitals right now. After reading the New York Health Department report from 2015 I am furious. Everything the report predicted five years ago is happening today.

What we have witnessed from the governor is a dereliction of duty. On Jan. 24, he said the risk to New Yorkers was low. On Feb. 7, he claimed that “catching the flu right now is a much greater risk than anything that has anything to do with coronavirus.”

The fact is, Cuomo has been wrong over and over again.

I wouldn't post this, except Gov. Cuomo has repeatedly tried to blame Trump for not supplying his state with the supplies that are requested (not necessarily actually needed) to prepare for the maximum number of hospitalizations projected to be needed in a worst-case scenario (which are, by the way, turning out in reality to be way below predicted numbers).

While simultaneously Gov., Cuomo gives no mention, none, to his own complete lack of preparation for such an inevitable crisis, as in the prior cases in the last few years of Sars in 2003, H1N1/Swine Flu in 2009, and MERS in 2014. As well as the fact that New York City is the most desired place for a terrorist/biological/nuclear attack, as the report makes clear was needed to be in preparation for, that Cuomo ignored and deflected to spending onto other ideological/liberal tax expenditures, and then Gov. Cuomo blamed Trump for Cuomo's own lack of preparation.

But if Trump responds to these attacks, he is accused of "politicizing" the Covid-19 crisis, instead of simply responding in self defense to partisan attacks, where Cuomo and others have lyingly engaged in politicization to deflect from their own failures.

As has the Chinese Communist government, whose lying talking points Democrats and their propagandist brethren in the media are repeating.

The Chinese, by the way, have threatened to deprive the U.S. of medicine and vital medical equipment, and plunge the U.S. into a "mighty sea of coronavirus". This is who the Dems and liberal media are siding with. Against the United States.

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"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus," Trump tweeted on January 24, "The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"

Trump repeatedly praised China’s response

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Trump has weakened our capacity to deal with coronavirus

This was Biden in January back when Trump was still downplaying coronavirus. We still don’t have adequate testing despite Trump’s claims.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy


by Tom Grundy
14 March 2020

China could have prevented 95 per cent of coronavirus infections if its measures to contain the outbreak had begun three weeks earlier, research from the University of Southampton suggests. However, China only took vigorous action in late January – weeks after police silenced a doctor for trying to raise the alarm.

First detected in Hubei, more than 146,000 people globally have now been infected with Covid-19, whilst over 5,500 have died from the SARS-like disease.

The study published this week by population mapping group WorldPop measured the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical interventions. The researchers examined how China isolated ill persons, quarantined exposed individuals, conducted contract tracing, restricted travel, closed schools and workplaces, and cancelled mass gatherings.

The analysis – which has yet to be peer-reviewed – found that early case detection and contact reduction were effective in controlling the virus and combined measures can reduce transmission. They can also delay the timing and reduce the size of the epidemic’s peak, and thus buy time for healthcare preparations and drugs research.

The simulations drew on human movement and illness data to model how combined interventions might affect the spread of Covid-19.

Coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 66 per cent if the measures were taken a week earlier, the study suggested, or by 86 per cent if action began two weeks earlier. If action was taken three weeks later, then the situation could have worsened 18-fold.


Most efforts to tackle the outbreak took place in late January, weeks after Wuhan ophthalmologist Dr Li Wenliang tried to warn about the mystery disease on December 30. He was among eight people who were punished by police on January 1 for spreading “rumours” about the virus.

The Public Security Bureau made Li sign a letter stating that he had made “false comments” and had “severely disturbed the social order.” He died last month of the disease, aged 34, prompting widespread outrage in China.

According to the New York Times, China also ignored offers of help in January from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.


With the virus now classed as a global pandemic, the University of Southampton researchers concluded that social distancing measures should continue for the next few months and China’s approach should be adopted elsewhere as early as possible.

“China’s vigorous, multifaceted response is likely to have prevented a far worse situation, which would have accelerated spread globally,” the study said.

End of discussion. Trump is not to blame, China is 100% responsible for the outbreak.

Whatever words of public assurance to discourage panic, Trump has been working behind the scenes to take maximum precautions, suspending travel from China, suspending travel from Europe, rallying private companies to assist in reseach, testing, logistics, and medical treatment, federally building field hospitals to care for the overload of patients in high-outbreak regions.

There are absolutely no statements you can point to by Trump that were not said by **ALL** of his critics, in the liberal media, in the Democrat party: Deblasio, Andrew Cuomo, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and many others who said it was "racist" to be afraid of infection by Covid-19, and openly encouraged people to go out and be infected! Precisely verbatim the Chinese talking points narrative, helping to deflect blame from China, where the blame truly rests.

Likewise, I've cited, as have Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, video clips of quotes and articles by these Democrats, and by media outlets such as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC, that Covid-19 was "nothing to worry about" and "no worse than the seasonal flu".
And, of course, that Trump was "over-reacting" and "racist" to have taken the precautions he did to protect the country.

How many times have I said this, where you just keep coming back, M E M, with the same lying disproven talking points and propaganda?

Part of the problem (because of disinformation by China and the WHO) is that we didn't know what Covid-19 was in the beginning, even into early/mid February how highly infectious, and how deadly.
What you rail on Trump's public statements for is 1) it was the best information available at the time, 2) it was at worst exactly the same assurances and understatements Dems and the liberal media were making to the public. And ultimately 3) STILL doing FAR MORE AS PRESIDENT TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC THAN THE DEMOCRATS WOULD HAVE DONE!
While Dems called Trump "racist" and "over-reacting" to take any steps whatsoever to protect the public.

I've been over this a dozen times:

1) Trump implemented travel bans to stop the spread
2) Trump did more than any other president would have done to secure the southern border from being another point of Covid-19 spread.
3) Due to a year of trade war with China, Trump had already vastly diminished our foreign dependency on China, and pushed a lot of manufacturing either to other countries or back to the U.S., right before this all began.

It terrifies me what the corrupt Bolsheviks in your party would have let happen if they held the presidency instead.
Do you REALLY think they would have done anything to prevent an even worse spread? The evidence is right there in front of you. Fuck no! They would have let this virus run wild. No travel restrictions, no border security, no resistance to unfair trade and outright industrial/cyber cheating and theft by China, no move toward sovereign U.S. domestic maufacturing and independence, no oil independence, a stated Democrat goal to abolish fracking and domestic oil production and with it millions of jobs, and no resistance to economic enslavement by China.

Regarding Trump's praise of China in a press conference, it's called diplomacy. He is giving friendly assurances to China, while working behind the scenes to further sever ties and end our dependency on China.
But right now, we are dependent on China for 80% of our medical supplies and over 90% of our antibiotics.

Even so, in the same press conference, he expressed that China's statistics for its Coronavirus infections and deaths was "very light" and not believable for a nation of 1.4 billion people. He recurrently says that their numbers are not believable, and that they need to be forthcoming with the true numbers and China's Covid-19 research with the other nations of the world. The reality is, for at least the next 3 to 6 months, we need China's cooperation, and there is a limit to how bellicose Trump can be in criticizing their secretiveness that allowed this outbreak while we still need China's supplies in the short term.

Beyond that point, I hope that we and the rest of the world after that cease all trade with China, and demand concessions of their overseas foreign assets in compensation for what they unleashed on the world with their negligence and lack of warning about Covid-19.

But again, all the way across the board, you give a free pass to both the Chinese, and to the liberal Democrats and liberal media who did virtually everything you hold Trump in contempt for.

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I’m not giving China any type of pass nor gushed about China like Trump did. I do expect my President to do better than a foreign one in protecting the nation.

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And as I cited, Biden was talking about the threat of coronavirus in January while Trump downplayed it, and played golf, and worried about the amount the numbers would go up by letting Americans off a cruise ship.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
And as I cited, Biden was talking about the threat of coronavirus in January while Trump downplayed it, and played golf, and worried about the amount the numbers would go up by letting Americans off a cruise ship.

When Obama played golf 30 seconds after answering questions about a New York Times reporter who was beheaded, the media said "Ohh, look how presidential he is, acting so nonchalant about something so serious..."

No media double standard, none whatsoever.

And as I said, Trump beyond his public statements was taking action. For which Joseph Biden and the stooges in the Democrat leadership and liberal media called him "over-reacting" and "racist". Indicating any of these critics of Trump would have done a lot less.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’m not giving China any type of pass nor gushed about China like Trump did. I do expect my President to do better than a foreign one in protecting the nation.

And Trump has protected the nation! In precisely the ways I detailed above, that no Democrat would have done!
That you apparently ignored.

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Ap fact check: trump’s inaccurate boasts on China travel ban
“ TRUMP: “I'll tell you how prepared I was, I called for a ban." — news briefing on March 19.

THE FACTS: His decision was far from solo nor was it made over opposition from health experts, as the White House coronavirus task force makes clear. His decision followed a consensus by his public health advisers that the restrictions should take place.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who was coordinator of the task force at the time and announced the travel restrictions, said Trump made the decision in late January after accepting the “uniform recommendation of the career public health officials here at HHS.”

While the World Health Organization did advise against the overuse of travel restrictions, Azar told reporters in February that his department’s career health officials had made a “considered recommendation, which I and the president adopted” in a bid to slow spread of the virus.

Most major airlines had already suspended flights to China prior to the announcement on Jan. 31, following the lead of several major international carriers that had stopped due to the coronavirus outbreak. Delta, American and United cited a sharp drop in demand for the flights, and an earlier State Department advisory told Americans not to travel to China because of the outbreak.”

Even most airlines were already restricting travel before his announcement. And this is the big thing he did while he spent precious time downplaying the virus.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2020-04-08 12:39 AM.

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You're being a jerk, M E M.
There is no evidence for you to irrationally blame and undermine Trump at every last turn. Please, just stop it. I've already deconstructed your propaaganda talking points over and over. What you're doing is malicious, and not productive.

From my local Fort Lauderdale-based newspaper, here's an article exploring multiple therapies and new drugs to save the lives of patients afflicted with the Covid-19 virus. There are quite a number of therapies I've never heard of before now.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Ap fact check: trump’s inaccurate boasts on China travel ban
“ TRUMP: “I'll tell you how prepared I was, I called for a ban." — news briefing on March 19.

THE FACTS: His decision was far from solo nor was it made over opposition from health experts, as the White House coronavirus task force makes clear. His decision followed a consensus by his public health advisers that the restrictions should take place.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who was coordinator of the task force at the time and announced the travel restrictions, said Trump made the decision in late January after accepting the “uniform recommendation of the career public health officials here at HHS.”

While the World Health Organization did advise against the overuse of travel restrictions, Azar told reporters in February that his department’s career health officials had made a “considered recommendation, which I and the president adopted” in a bid to slow spread of the virus.

Most major airlines had already suspended flights to China prior to the announcement on Jan. 31, following the lead of several major international carriers that had stopped due to the coronavirus outbreak. Delta, American and United cited a sharp drop in demand for the flights, and an earlier State Department advisory told Americans not to travel to China because of the outbreak.”

Even most airlines were already restricting travel before his announcement. And this is the big thing he did while he spent precious time downplaying the virus.

I'm not even sure what your point is. That Trump didn't make a decision on his own and just followed the herd? It's pretty well documented that others among his advisors strongly disagreedd with suspending all flights. The WHO advised aagainst suspendign China flights. To my knowledge Taiwan and Hong Kong were the only nations to ban flights from China prior to the U.S., and many nations followed Trump's lead. What's your point? Or is there a point, other than hating Trump?

Anthony Fauci on Hannity said in mid January that Covid-19 was not transmissible human-to-human, and that the United States didn't need to worry about it, that the annual flu was a greater threat. Should we demonize him now? As I've said, many other respected medical officials, and including many other Democrat political leaders, and New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC can similarly be quoted from videotaped public comments or print articles to have said virtually the same thing as Trump. But Trump you demonize as Satan, while giving virtually identical comments from people you like a free pass.

And ultimately, there is no proof, none that Trump's off-the-cuff remarks made one bit of difference. Ultimately it is what his medical officials in the CDC and NIH say that people act by. It's all just the latest idiotic ploy to undermine or destroy Trump. Petty and vindictive.

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Dr. Fauci in January
One prominent article at RealClearPolitics argues that in January, Fauci told the public not to worry about the novel coronavirus and that “the administration’s initial reassurances were largely aligned with the assessments of the medical community,” specifically Fauci.

This is not true, and the contention rests on misrepresenting Fauci’s comments.

“On Jan. 21,” writes Kalev Leetaru, Fauci "emphasized that it was unclear whether the virus could spread from person to person.” This is the opposite of what Fauci said, according to the article linked. “While it's clear this new virus can be spread from person to person,” the piece paraphrases Fauci, “it's unclear how easily that spread can happen.”

Compare Fauci’s warnings and his uncertainty to what the administration was saying. Asked on CNBC on Jan. 22 whether there were "worries about a pandemic at this point,” President Trump responded, “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Four days later, after his prudent (but clearly insufficient) China travel ban, Trump went on TV with Sean Hannity. Hannity asked Trump about coronavirus, “How concerned are you?”

Trump’s answer: “Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” This was false.

Throughout February, Trump would state confidently that things were getting better. “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Or: “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

Fauci consistently had a very different tone. “The ultimate scope and effect of this outbreak is unclear at present as the situation is rapidly evolving,” he wrote in that late-January journal article.

I’m not being a jerk, I’m just not buying bs spin and revisionism that Trump and his supporters are employing. It’s not okay that Trump downplayed this threat when he knew better. Because of what he did and didn’t do lead to our nation being even more unprepared for this threat. As I’ve said before people at work echoed what he said. Your very own governor cited Trump’s changed demeanor about coronavirus to issue a shelter in place order.

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Tucker Carlson, April 7 2020

Tucker Carlson, April 7 2020

Deconstructing, showing the predicted I H M E (INstitute of Health Metrics Evaluation) numbers for infected cases, hospital beds needed, ICU and ventilators needed, and the actual numbers, that far over-estimated in virtually every state what was actually needed.

And Gov. Andrew Cuomo's politicization of it saying Trump didn't give N Y the number of ventilator machines predicted would be needed, and (addressing Trump: ) "You pick the 26,000 people who have to die, because you only sent me 400 ventilators."
(See Hannity's editorial above, about the linked and sourced health department warnings of specifically a lack of ventilators in stock in 2015, that Gov. Cuomo ignored, didn't fund, and doesn't have now, by his own inaction, not Trump's.)

PREDICTED numbers of beds needed in N Y for Covid-19 patients: 65,000 to 48,000 by April 4th.
ACTUAL NUMBER of beds filled in N Y by April 4th: 16,000.

Re-adjusted I H M E number of beds needed by April 7th in N Y: 25,000 beds.
ACUAL number filled on April 7th: 17,000.
N Y hospitals strained but never overwhelmed, Trump was falsely accused.

PREDICTED I H M E number of needed ICU beds in N Y by April 7th (what appears to be the peak): 6,600.
ACTUAL ICU beds used as of April 7th: 4,600.

In Florida, predicted hospitalized by April 7th: 4,000 patients.
ACTUAL number on April 7th: less than 2,000 patients.

The same I H M E over-estimates across all 50 states.
Possibly lower because of effective "social distancing".

Carlson also cites outbreaks statistically proportionate to the U.S. in the nations of Denmark and Austria. Which are already planning gradual re-opening of their businesses and schools, in phases over the next few weeks.
But to even discuss that in the U.S. is considered blasphemy, and brings those who even suggest it labels of "greed", and "caring only about money and not people."

I would also point out that Carlson is the one I consider the alarmist among Fox hosts, the one who gives the most shocking predictions, the one who presents the worst-case scenarios. But even he is now looking toward the end of this crisis and when and how to re-open the economy.

State Representative Karen Whitsett (D-MI), who had a life-threatening Covid-19 case, is also interviewed by Tucker Carlson, and said Trump raising awareness of Hydroxychloroquine as a life-saving therapy is what saved her life. And even once she demanded it, she had a very difficult time, even as a government official, getting it prescribed in her state due to Democrat obstruction of it being prescribed.

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They needed refrigerated trucks in NY for all the bodies. I think it’s fair to say the hospitals were overwhelmed. Carlson I recognize btw was an exception to FOX’s spinmeisters with coronavirus. The rest played it down like Trump did. I think planning how to come out of this shouldn’t be a left/right thing. Let’s just follow the science and data to make the best plan. Opening things up to soon might just extend the pandemic and increase the fatalities and economic damage.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Dr. Fauci in January
One prominent article at RealClearPolitics argues that in January, Fauci told the public not to worry about the novel coronavirus and that “the administration’s initial reassurances were largely aligned with the assessments of the medical community,” specifically Fauci.

This is not true, and the contention rests on misrepresenting Fauci’s comments.

“On Jan. 21,” writes Kalev Leetaru, Fauci "emphasized that it was unclear whether the virus could spread from person to person.” This is the opposite of what Fauci said, according to the article linked. “While it's clear this new virus can be spread from person to person,” the piece paraphrases Fauci, “it's unclear how easily that spread can happen.”

Compare Fauci’s warnings and his uncertainty to what the administration was saying. Asked on CNBC on Jan. 22 whether there were "worries about a pandemic at this point,” President Trump responded, “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Four days later, after his prudent (but clearly insufficient) China travel ban, Trump went on TV with Sean Hannity. Hannity asked Trump about coronavirus, “How concerned are you?”

Trump’s answer: “Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” This was false.

Throughout February, Trump would state confidently that things were getting better. “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”

Or: “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

Fauci consistently had a very different tone. “The ultimate scope and effect of this outbreak is unclear at present as the situation is rapidly evolving,” he wrote in that late-January journal article.

I’m not being a jerk, I’m just not buying bs spin and revisionism that Trump and his supporters are employing. It’s not okay that Trump downplayed this threat when he knew better. Because of what he did and didn’t do lead to our nation being even more unprepared for this threat. As I’ve said before people at work echoed what he said. Your very own governor cited Trump’s changed demeanor about coronavirus to issue a shelter in place order.

< Sigh >... the Trump-hate is strong in this one.

No, M E M, you *are* being a partisan jerk, and desperately clinging to any narrative that hopes to undermine Trump. There is no evidence, NONE that anything Trump has said, even if a mis-statement, has negatively impacted the country. You are just lyingly selling that false narrative to the hilt, beyond any rational basis or reason.

AGAIN: Trump has clearly 1) done far more than any other president to secure the border, 2) stopped foreign travel from infected regions, and 3) preceded the crisis with a year of U.S./China trade war that vastly diminished our dependence on China for vital supplies.

Your side has even initiated a negative campaign against Dr Fauci and Deborah Birx as "Trump stooges", and Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough (WITH NO EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING) launched a wild conspiracy that Trump was promoting Hydroxychloroquine as a potential cure because he was getting some kind of financial kickback from the drug producers!
"Just follow the money", Mika vomits out.
WHAT money?!?
Just a wild conspiracy theory, not a shred of factual basis. If any Fox news host floated a similar wild accusation, they'd be taken off the air and likely fired.
(By the way hydroxychloroquine has existed since 1944, FDA-approved since 1955, and costs less than 20 dollars a patient to prescribe. Where are the enormous profits to be made? There is currently already a nationwide inventory for 29 million prescriptions on the shelves, ready to use. I've seen arguments that the medical community resists using it because there is no money to be made in prescribing it. It is so easy to manufacture that some hospitals are now making it themselves. )

As I said, and you can plainly see in any number of videos, Dr Fauci of NIH said the exact same things as Trump in January, that people shouldn't worry, that Covid-19 is not a threat to the U.S., that the seasonal flu is way more of a threat and kills way more people annually. That the summer heat could (not guaranteed) make it go away when summer comes.
*AND* the New York Times.
*AND* the Washington Post.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
It’s not okay that Trump downplayed this threat when he knew better. Because of what he did and didn’t do lead to our nation being even more unprepared for this threat.

You apparently only hold Trump to that standard, but none of the many others who said the exact same things, including the medical officials who were advising Trump, and were the source of his rhetoric! That certainly fits the criteria for being a lying partisan jerk.

I actually think Florida governor Ron Desantis was pressured by businesses to keep the state open, and it was only pressure from Trump and his Coronavirus team that made him finally issue a shelter-at-home order (11 days late by my account, and I made several heated phone calls to his office making a case for closure myself.)

The spread in Florida largely came from 1) travel arrivals of the already-infected from the New York area, and 2) the mass crowds of spring breakers who came in the first two weeks of March, before any shelter-at-home was issued in any state, begun in the first states on March 21st. By the time Desantis finally issued a shelter-at-home order, the hardest-hit regions were already largely closed down, and gradually retail stores, beaches, even golf courses added to the shutddown. Many cities, such as my Boca Raton, were in shelter-at-home before the governor finally ordered it. So while I would have preferred an earlier uniform lockdown of the state, a more localized lockdown was already in effect for all the high-incidence regions.

But regardless, I don't see where Trump's rhetoric was any more "irresponsible" than that of his critics in the Democrat leadership and the media. Or that Democrats in power would have done more to protect the country. As they protested everything Trump did as "over-reaction" and "racist", the evidence is they would have done far less, and we'd be seeing deaths in the millions, and not the thosands.

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Read Biden’s opted from January that I posted. I think it’s pretty clear Biden was taking coronavirus much more seriously than Trump even back than. And that was Biden without all the briefings and resources Trump has had. And your governor specifically cited Trump’s changed demeanor as a reason. Every governor had to deal with pressure from businesses btw.

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More Trump lies

ashington (CNN)President Donald Trump has falsely claimed four times since last week that he inherited a faulty coronavirus test -- which was, in reality, developed this year.

In March, Trump initially made a debatable claim that he had inherited a flawed testing "system." By the final days of March and the first days of April, however, he was making a demonstrably inaccurate claim about inheriting the actual tests.
"We inherited a broken test -- the whole thing was broken," Trump said on the Fox News morning show "Fox and Friends" on March 30.
"And remember this: We inherited -- the word is we inherited bad tests. We really inherited bad tests. These are horrible tests. And it was broken. It was all broken. And we fixed it," Trump said at the White House briefing on April 1.

"The original test -- the ones we inherited, Jim, as an example, they were -- they were broken. They were obsolete. They were not good tests. And that's what we got stuck with," he said at the April 3 briefing.
"Initially speaking, the tests were old, obsolete, and not really prepared," he said at the April 6 briefing.
Trump's clear suggestion was that the flawed test had been left to him by President Barack Obama's administration.
Facts First: The faulty initial test for the coronavirus was created during Trump's administration, in early 2020, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since this is a new virus that was first identified this year, the tests couldn't possibly be "old" or "obsolete."

Why is it okay for Trump to lie about this?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
They needed refrigerated trucks in NY for all the bodies. I think it’s fair to say the hospitals were overwhelmed. Carlson I recognize btw was an exception to FOX’s spinmeisters with coronavirus. The rest played it down like Trump did. I think planning how to come out of this shouldn’t be a left/right thing. Let’s just follow the science and data to make the best plan. Opening things up to soon might just extend the pandemic and increase the fatalities and economic damage.

Or alternately, the rest at Fox reported the facts, while other networks made up of a higher ratio of Democrat partisans than the most liberal regions of the country.
Who in an earlier above cited 2017 Harvard analysis were 93% negative in coverage of Trump.
In another article I cited above liberal media were 100% negative in Jan 2020 coverage of Trump during the impeachment.
These same liberal propagandists distorted the news beyond the facts on the FBI/Russia investigation, on the Mueller special investigation, assisted Dems in the effort to destroy the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, attempted to tank the economy for 3 years with wild factless speculation, distorted the whistleblower/Ukraine story, and then helped Dems weaponize the impeachment proceedings. And here they are again weaponizing and distorting Covid-19 coverage, fearmongering to again try to damage Trump politically. Despite that in the hard numbers I just cited above, the level of actual cases is quantifiaable **far** lover than the preceding "scientific" estimates of the I M H E.
No acknowwledgement whatsoever by Democrats or the liberal media that the numbers that were first estimated to possibly exceed a million deaths, that a week ago as stated by Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx at a daily briefing were still preparing the nation for 100,000 to 250,000 deaths, now a week later are projected to be well below 100,000.
Who is giving "accurate coverage", M E M?
The "Trump propagandist" at Fox, or the proven liarss at CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and New York Times, who have all now made it clear it's their holy mission to destroy Trump.

The Brett Kavanaugh allegations.
Nicholas Sandmann and the Covington Catholic High school incident at the March For Life rally.
The resurrection by the Washington Post of allegations against Kavanaugh a year after his confirmation.
Just three examples of the media being dead wrong and caught in the act distorting the news. And in Sandmann's case with a good lawyer, media outlets like CNN sued succesfully for tens of millions in damages for theeir purposeful lying narrative about Sandmann and his friends.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg regarding liberal media bias.

A prime example is Hydroxychloroquine coverage, that CNN and other liberal media portray as "risky" and "dangerous" and "unproven". Despite that a survey of 3,300 doctors treating patients with Covid-19 in 40 countries select it as their first choice to prescribe for Covid-19 patients.
Clearly, the disgusting partisans of the liberal media propagandize against it, just because Trump sees it as aa hopeful possible therapy treatment. Trump supports ti, and for that reason alone, they vitriolically push back against it. No other reason. Disgusting.

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Go back to what dr. Fauci says on the alternative drugs. I’m for promising treatment’s but let’s be honest about them. Trump I think yesterday stopped Dr. Fauci from answering questions on Hydroxychloroquine. Let the experts speak, not the lying bag of shit that is looking to escape blame.

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Tucker: The New York Times' coronavirus coverage can be explained in 4 steps - April 2, 2020

The liberal media downplaying the Covid-19 pandemic, exactly what you accuse Trump of.

Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Deblasio and Cuomo have plently of clips of them doing the same. But of course, you don't hold them to the same standard.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Read Biden’s opted from January that I posted. I think it’s pretty clear Biden was taking coronavirus much more seriously than Trump even back than. And that was Biden without all the briefings and resources Trump has had. And your governor specifically cited Trump’s changed demeanor as a reason. Every governor had to deal with pressure from businesses btw.

Biden said Trump was "over-reacting" and "racist" for stopping the flights from China (what would have been 20,000 arrivals with possible Covid-19 virus a day!) that Biden would not have stopped.

Biden has made clear he would not stop illegal immigrants on our Southern border, and would actually give them amnesty and free healthcare. That would stop Covid-19 illegals who don't even go through any inspection on entry... how? And Biden's policy would not only open the gatess, but encourage far more to illegally enter.

And less than a week ago, Biden after over 60 days of calling Trump "racist" for doing so, finally admitted that stopping Chinese travel on Jan 31 was the right thing to do. As did Fauci a month ago, who called it the "single best strategic move" to protect the nation from Coronavirus.

Would that you could admit the same.

On Covid-19 prevention or anything else, Biden is a smiling empty vessel who can barely complete a sentence, let alone conduct policy. It is the puppetmasters behind him who would be running a Biden presidency, not Biden himself. He is a made-to-order easily manipulated friendly face for the authoritarian deep state. And thank God, has no shot at this point.

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SPECIAL REPORT: China's deadly coronavirus cover-up - Sky News Australia, April 5 2020

An overview of the Covid-19 crisis emerging from China, and how they and other nations such as Italy, South Korea, Spain, Britain, Australia and the U.S. have dealt with it. It's interesting to see how different nations have dealt with the same crisis. The South Koreans seem to have handled it the best of anyone. Any country would be smart to bring in South Koreans to teach them how to prepare for and prevent any future outbreaks.

Steve Bannon: Blood is on the hands of the Chinese Communist Party - Maria Bartiromo, April 8 2020

Maria Bartiromo is a sharp interviewer, and has become one of my favorites.

"Biological Chernobyl." A powerful choice of words that perfectly captures the destruction China unleashed on the world.

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I think China and the Trump administration both need to be investigated on what they knew and when. And all the aid does need independent oversight. I think the only way that’s going to happen is the Trump turd getting flushed in 2020.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think China and the Trump administration both need to be investigated on what they knew and when. And all the aid does need independent oversight. I think the only way that’s going to happen is the Trump turd getting flushed in 2020.

God, you're ridiculous.

China is a state that literally killed thousands of people to contain the outbreak, and to supress information about how truly extensive the outbreak truly was (estimated by multiple investigative reporting sources, looking at cremation urns delivered to funeral homes, and the sudden disconnection of tens of thousands of cel phones, belonging to people who just vanished into thin air.)
And including the Chinese doctor who first tried to warn other doctors and the rest of the world, one who was arrested and silenced, then conveniently died of Covid-19 shortly after his release, at the very young age of 34.
And a second female doctor who also pressed for disclosure about the virus, and also disappeared, plus 8 other Chinese doctors in Wuhan who were arrested and intimidated into silence.
And that China knew this is a highly infectious virus that frequently results in death, and let travel out of China worldwide to seed the outbreak in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, South Korea, Japan, the U.S. and a total of 171 countries up to now. 80,000 lives lost to it, and counting, for an outbreak that could have been prevented by a responsible Chinese government, if China had just not permitted travel out of China for a few weeks, and warned other nations to quarantine travelers. But now the destruction is done, and irreversible.

You really think Trump is comparable to that, and warrants investigation?
Great, let's investigate Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and mayor Deblasio, and Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats for their negligent words and actions that far more visibly obstructed protecting the public and openly encouraged thousands to get infected. Bring it on.

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Given the nature of this disaster I would think it’s pretty much a given that all aspects will be looked at but the buck stops with the leader who gushed about how China handled coronavirus and thanked them for their transparency. Apparently our intelligence warned us in November about this potential threat. What was really happening as coronavirus spread here while Trump assured the country it was under control? China is wrong to suppress what it knew. It would also be wrong for our government to suppress what it knew. The gop can still continue to investigate Biden and whoever he picks for VP, but for the lives lost and money being spent this isn’t going to be allowed to just be covered up.

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Fair Play!
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Biden says coronavirus is an opportunity for structural change

Republicans will fight anything that allows greater numbers of people voting but what happened in WI was crazy. Big cities had their polling stations reduced to a fraction while voters essentially had to choose risking their lives to vote. That shouldn’t have happened. Also an obvious issue is Congress being able to vote during situations like this. Plus high speed internet for all needs to be an actual priority.

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brutally Kamphausened
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brutally Kamphausened
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Given the nature of this disaster I would think it’s pretty much a given that all aspects will be looked at but the buck stops with the leader who gushed about how China handled coronavirus and thanked them for their transparency.

That's a rather selective out-of-context view of Trump's statements about China. One partisanly selected phrase out of the greater whole of Trump's clearly stated views, misrepresented. Trump has repeatedly said the Chinese communist government have not been honest and open about what the true numbers were in China, or about when they knew this virus first existed and how contageous it is, and that their negligence allowed it to spread to the rest of the world.

Trump has repeatedly called the outbreak across many daily briefings "the Chinese virus", which your side labelled as "racist".
Trump in his daily briefing explained that it unmistakeably came from China and that he was offended by Chinese propaganda efforts to allege that U.S. soldiers brought and released it in China.
Trump has repeatedly across many daily briefings said that the Chinese official numbers of the cases and deaths in China were "very light" and not believable for a country over 4 times the population of the United States.

The ONLY reason Trump has expressed friendliness and appreciation of China is because we still desperately need China. We need their medical history and research of the virus. We need their researched possible remedies. We are hugely dependent on Chinese exported products to the U.S., particularly for food, for electronics and steel for our military defense and life-bloood computer technology. And especially for 80% of our medical supplies, and over 90% of our antibiotics.
You know that before your even post your vicious lies, and yet you front that lying narrative anyway.

6 months from now, the U.S. and Europe can be a lot more openly critical of China, and demand investigation of Covid-19's origins, and demand reparations for the preventable outbreak that China knowingly unleashed on the rest of the world. As Trump said a few days ago about blaming China, "Now is not the time." But that time is certainly coming.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Apparently our intelligence warned us in November about this potential threat. What was really happening as coronavirus spread here while Trump assured the country it was under control? China is wrong to suppress what it knew. It would also be wrong for our government to suppress what it knew. The gop can still continue to investigate Biden and whoever he picks for VP, but for the lives lost and money being spent this isn’t going to be allowed to just be covered up.

The Trump administration has roughly 2 hours of briefing and open questions from reporters every day. Trump is not hiding anything, and answers even the snottiest of questions from a Democrat-partisan liberal media that despises and deceitfully undermines him. There is no "cover-up", except as part of your lying narrative. You havent the slightest shred of evidence to back that up.

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brutally Kamphausened
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

And that's different from the other 171 infected nations... how?

I would argue that Trump's exceptional economy (quantifiably the best economy in over 50 years) better allows the U.S. to endure the hardships of shutdown than other nations.

As I expressed earlier in the topic, I'm deeply concerned about not just the severe economic impact in the United States, but far more so the potential for a snowballing global economic collapse.

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