Offering a better apocalyptic future story, from
ALIEN WORLDS 7, here's "Ride the Blue Bus" by Bruce Jones, with both pencils and inks by George Perez.
https://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Alien-Worlds/Issue-7?id=109404#29It's a Ray Bradbury-esque story, of a cheerful optimistic kid growing up in the radioactive waste after a nuclear war. You as the reader can see telltale signs, but the kid doesn't see that his parents and neighbors' hair and teeth are falling out and they're slowly dying. But despite the sadness around him, the kid seems to be okay. And his inspiration and hope for a better life is a blue bus that drives by, from some area that is radiation free. He dreams of the bus stopping for him, and being able to take a ride just once on "the blue bus".
Just 6 pages, and a very rare example of Perez doing both pencils and inks, and nicely colored. I'm hard pressed to think of another example where Perez did the full art himself.
ALIEN WORLDS, and other Bruce Jones-written and edited books for Pacific Comics, such as TWISTED TALES, SOMERSET HOLMES, BERNI WRIGHTSON: MASTER OF THE MACABRE, PATHWAYS TO FANTASY and SILVERHEELS, all rank among my favorites for the beautiful art, coloring, and overall beautiful design of their line of books. I think they set the standard that Marvel, DC, Eclipse, First and other publishers never quite equalled in that era.