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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 7-30-2016

Expanding on that "Clinton Body Count" that factchecked the deaths back then, quite a few names have been added to the list in recent years.

I like that this list arranges them by category, such as Government Officials or "Bimbos", and by other companies or groupings.

And while the first does its best to factcheck whether the official investigations of the deaths are suspicious or credible, the second list is a little too brief for me, not giving enough context of the known facts, while in other ways being a more organized list.

What scares me is, given the amount of blatant corruption around Hillary Clinton (even ignoring the "body count" list) that the media flew cover for, and still supported her all the way in 2016, as dirty as Joe Biden is, they would fly the same cover for Joseph Biden or whoever the Democrat radical in question is for 2020. And that many Democrats would still elect Hillary over Trump.

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat in the primaries I somewhat like as a former military officer and somewhat independent thinker, but even she supports open borders and virtually all the other DNC platform crazy stuff.

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I noticed Trump started his reelection bid with attacks on Hillary. I get that his base hates her and really most of the world but you guys should realize she's not running this time. Nor do I understand how anybody could actually have a problem with her character vs Trump's. At least she could answer hours of questions under oath and Putin was not actively trying to interfere with a presidential election to help her win.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I noticed Trump started his reelection bid with attacks on Hillary. I get that his base hates her and really most of the world but you guys should realize she's not running this time. Nor do I understand how anybody could actually have a problem with her character vs Trump's. At least she could answer hours of questions under oath and Putin was not actively trying to interfere with a presidential election to help her win.

You evade the point, M E M.

The point is the rule of law, and equal justice under the law. Hillary Clinton has committed crimes, that when committed by others in her own Department of State, and unwittingly by soldiers in our military, resulted in lengthy prison terms. It's not about "hating" Hillary Clinton, the crowd at Trump's rally wants to see equal and proportionate justice.

Trump by contrast has endured years of thorough and even malicious investigation and prosecution.
* By the partisans Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page and Baker at the FBI.
* By a DOJ acting head Rosenstein who boasted about "wearing a wire" to try and entrap Trump.
* By Robert Mueller who was friends with Comey, McCabe and Rosenstein, and had just been turned down by Trump for FBI director when appointed the special investigator of Trump, ENORMOUS conflict of interest.
* A Mueller Prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, who attended Hillary Clinton's election night party, and in a very public Facebook post cheered on then-acting attorney general Sally Yates for obstructing Trump's temprary bann on immigration from 7 radical muslim countries.
* And a special investigation team of 16 lawyers, all of whom were Democrat partisans, 11 of 16 of whom were DNC campaign donors, and one of whom, Jeannie Rhee, was counsel for the Clinton Foundation immediately before being hired by Mueller!

Against all that partisan bias and eageness to prosecute Trump on the slightest shred of a case, the Mueller probe found no evidence of Russia collusion, and (despite throwing smoke to hide it) no case for obstruction of justice.
And despite enormous prosecutorial resources, 500 depositions and 2,000 subpoenas, and raiding the homes and offices of Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone, found nothing, absolutely nothing to make a criminal case against Trump.

Very few people, even the most honest people, could endure that level of investigation and scrutiny of their personal records without some questionable business practice, or undeclared tax information. But Donald Trump did.

The only reason Hillary Clinton has not been found guilty of a crime is because her blatant criminal actions have not been investigated. The crimes have been cited, and the 33,000 missing subpoenaed e-mails
ALONE would convict her of obstruction of justice, and destroying evidence.

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I see rabid partisans chanting lock her up who are not interested in actual justice or democracy. You avoid that Trump can't even answer questions under oath like Hillary did because he would perjure himself over and over. Keep going after her though while Biden or any other democrat nominee beats your piece of lying shit in the next election no matter how much Putin tries to influence the election.

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M E M, clearly it is your side that has a disinterest in rule of law and equal justice.


1) Brett Kavanaugh, convicted without a trial on highly specious evidence, vs. Governor Ralph Northam and date-rapist Lt Governor Justin Fairfax. In the case of Kavanaugh the women have been thoroughly disproven and should face perjury and slander charges. But in a Democrat-occupied justice system, no investigation will be conducted to go forward with these easily prosecutable cases.

2) A DOJ and FBI (and broader DNC) that is eager to zealously/maliciously prosecute Trump on any half baked allegation, and their converse bending over backwards to avoid prosecuting Hillary Clinton or rogue FBI and DOJ officials who deleted tens of thousands of e-mails, smashed cel phones, Bleach-bitted computers, to hide evidence. Even the texts of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were wiped off their cel phones by the FBI, despite that those cels had vital messages from long after Stzok and Page came under investigation for criminal behavior.

As I also pointed out in my topic about why the Mueller investigation is completely illegitimate. The Russia Hoax was born in Democrat deception, and it stays alive in each new day because of Democrat deception.

All Republicans want when they chant "lock her up" is for Hillary Clinton to face legitimate DOJ inquiry into the facts of the case.
Something she has eluded up to this point, because her FBI and DOJ and Democrat-House investigators were all Hillary voters in 2016, corruptly derailing the investigation so she could become president, and then once president, they could all bury every last trace of their corruption, never to be found.
Thank God she lost.
And the actual truth came out.
And equal protection under the law (and equal consequences) has been restored.

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Overstock CEO resigns after disclosing romance with Russian agent

Another shoe drops in the FBI/DOJ's witch-hunt and manufactured slander campaign and attempt to frame criminal allegations against Trump.

What was hidden is now coming to light. Patrick Byrne, the recently resigned CEO of says he first came to the FBI a few years ago and exposed insider trading he observed, and helped the FBI make a case against them in 2005.

Then more recently, the FBI in 2015-2016, in the form of James Comey and Peter Strzok, approached him about getting close to a Russian spy, Maria Butina, for purposes of using her to set up Trump, Rubio, Cruz and Hillary Clinton "for possible blackmail" later. And in particular, Trump. What Byrne says he initially thought was a legitimate operation where he was serving his country by helping the FBI, he later realized was a set-up and an internal coup by rougue FBI agents, who were getting their orders directly from three Obama administration officials in 2015-2016. And after preparation with lawyers and the William Barr DOJ, and now leaving his company to insulate that, he is now going public.

I actually find him kind of annoying to listen to, he has a kind of paanicky, roundabout, rambling-off on all kinds of tangents way of speaking, and it's easier to listen to on video where you can rewind and put together what he's saying more coherently. He kind of reminds me of Dennis Hopper's character in Apocalypse Now. But I've seen interviews with to U.S. attorneys who have worked with him who say the evidence he provides in this and the previouss case is solid and verifiaable.

As with Stefan Halper, and with Josef Mifsud in Italy, as with Alexander Downer in Australia, as with Veselnitskay and Fusion GPS to set up and entrap Donald Trump Jr in a meeting he never solicited, the Deep State set up a web of phony slanders and crimes to entrap Trump and his officials, for the purpose of damaging Trump by slanderous and illicit means, to elect Hillary Clinton.

And Byrne's exposure is just another manifestation of that unlawful pattern in the abuse of FBI/DOJ power, by James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok, and officials within the Obama administation, Brennan in CIA, Clapper as DNI, Bruce Orh in DOJ, wife Nellie Ohr at Fusion GPS, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, the FISA court, on and on.

This is also a manifestation that with Williaam Barr as attorney general, now that rule of law is being restored and people can see there is a real investigation, witnesses like Byrne are coming forward. There is still a risk of their being destroyed by the Deep State for coming forward, but at least now they know they are taking a risk to give evidence that will actually be investigated and prosecuted. People who wouldn't put themselves at risk before, knowing it was not a real investigation.

If FBI inspector general Michael Horowitz, U.S. attorney John Durham, and AG William Barr all com forward with their reports and subsequent indictments, it will perfectly expose all this and result in maximum exposure of this conspiracy right before the 2020 election, which can only help Trump get re-elected. People will realize that what the liberal media have been selling them for 3 years has been a lie, and that what they conversely said was a lie and crazy conspiracy theory iss actually all true. And CNN and MSNBC and the New York Times' market share should crater even lower, with their astonishing new loss of trustworthiness.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Here's Patrick Byrne interviewed the same day on CNN by Chris Cuomo:

CNN’s Chris Cuomo, Patrick Byrne exposes plot, FBI wanted him to sleep with Russian spy

Interesting how CNN complete programs never disappear on Youtube, but similar programs on Fox are manipulated after 24 hours to play for only 1 or 2 seconds, essentially deleting them without officially deleting them.

CNN's Newspeak narrative is the one Youtube wants to promote.

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New details emerge from Clinton-Lynch clandestine tarmac meeting

Interview with a writer of a book on the subject, Secret on the Tarmac, by Christopher Sign.

The meeting between Bill Clinton and then-attorney general Loretta Lynchwas not a chance meeting. It was a pre-planned secret meeting where Clinton waited for Lynch at a pre-arranged time.

And another case of the FBI and the Mueller investigators looking the other way and choosing to ignore this meeting that clearly pre-arranged the dismissal of all DOJ charges against 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton, so Hillary could go on running for president.

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NOW WE KNOW: John Podesta Admits in Testimony Both DNC and Hillary Campaign Split the Cost for Bogus Trump-Russia Dossier That Launched the Coup

I shit on the integrity of the Democrat party. They were ALL in on it. There are no clean hands in the Democrat party.

And this is amid Democrat governors attempting to do a complete lockdown to advance their socialist authoritarian ambitions, welfare spending and guaranteed income. They set free thousands of violent criminals under the guise of preventing them from spreading Covid-19 in crowded prisons. And simultaneously they arrest hairstylists, restaurant owners, surfers on beaches, Christian pastors, and fathers playing ball with their daughters in parks, despite they are wearing protective masks and conducting their businesses with conscientious social distancing.
Oh, and Democrats pushing to slip in funding for sanctuary cities and welfare checks for illegals, abortion funding, and amnesty for illegals.
Worthy of note is there are angry --and some even heavily armed!-- protests against the deceitful ended extshutdowns and Democrat over-reach even in Democrat strongholds like California, Michigan, and New Jersey. While they are scared of coronavirus, they see right through the attempts of Democrats to unnecessarily exploit the crisis and enforce it with autoritarian abuse of power against citizens. Democrats without a second of guilt or introspection overnight abolish, first amendment free speech, freedom of religion, right to assemble, right to protest a grievance against their government's awbuse of power and unjust new restrictions (not even laws!), and 2nd amendment right to buy and purchase arms.

California Republican-elect Rep. Mike Garcia on flipping House seat: 'There's an awakening here'

The precursor of a coming landslide of backlash against Democrats this coming November, for their incredible authoritarian over-reach.

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I ran across this looking for information about Hillary's speech tonight at the DNC convention.

With best regards to Seth Rich and all the others on the Clinton Body Count list, who didn't make it this far.

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Note the investigations stopped after she lost the election in ‘16. Conspiracy website leaves out quite a bit of the topic but that’s it’s purpose isn’t it? Meanwhile Trump wishes his pedophile’s groomer friend well as she’s taken into custody. Hopefully the nation will impeach Trump with their votes. Sadly we have to endure more death, job loss and deficit until than.

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Meanwhile Trump wishes his pedophile’s groomer friend well as she’s taken into custody.

Bill Clinton was getting neck rubs from an Epstein victim on the Lolita express and you somehow think this is a good line of attack to bring up against ...Trump?

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Press secretary Kayleigh McAneny was asked about Trump wishing Ghislaine Maxwell the best. She explained that Trump wants Maxwell to survive for trial and sentencing, not for Maxwell and her clients to wiggle off the hook if she mysteriously does like Epstein did.

Perhaps Epstein could be added to the Clinton Body Count list.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Meanwhile Trump wishes his pedophile’s groomer friend well as she’s taken into custody.

Bill Clinton was getting neck rubs from an Epstein victim on the Lolita express and you somehow think this is a good line of attack to bring up against ...Trump?

Bill hasn’t ran for office for over 2 decades. Epstein’s buddy Trump who also flew on the Lolita express however is. I will grant you that lots of republicans don’t seem to mind Trump being a gross sleazy shit bag but I’m sure you can see the hypocrisy in play there.

Btw WB, Trump addressed his well wishes to Maxwell. The press secretary can try to put lipstick on the pig but he was clearly wishing her well. Trump has called so many women “nasty” but for his old sexual predator friend, Trump wishes her well. Maybe someone with any semblance of a soul at the WH can prepare something for Trump to read on a teleprompter where he wishes his old pedophile friend’s victims well someday?

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Bill hasn’t ran for office for over 2 decades.

Bill Clinton came extremely close to being returned to the White House four years ago. He is an extremely influential and well known public figure. He just spoke at the Democrat national convention and threw his support behind Joe Biden. To now pretend he’s some sort of private figure with no influence on the Democrat party is extremely disingenuous.

Beyond that, you were the one who brought up the Epstein situation as indicative of someone’s character. You can’t now claim that it’s irrelevant to character when Clinton was not just flying on the plane, he was getting massages from one of Epstein‘s victims. That establishes a higher level of knowledge and/or culpability than simply being on the plane.

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Well there’s the long list of Trump women, his ownout loud bragging that he can use his wealth just to grab women by the pussy. Apparently that grants Trump automatic consent to sexually assault women. Trump had to pay his first wife a huge amount of money for her to change change her tune fro what she said in a legal deposition. It’s not hard to imagine that orange petty blob pulling hair out of a woman to be honest. Or there’s that time he acknowledged how Epstein liked his girls young. Or all the creepy times he talks about his hot daughter. It’s all stuff you know so I didn’t think it requires a rehash. And let’s remember Trump lied about even flying the Lolita express that you brought up.

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And let’s remember Trump lied about even flying the Lolita express that you brought up.

Bill Clinton's spokesperson again denies the former president ever visited Jeffrey Epstein's private island

‘GIVE IT A CRACK’ Creepy moment Bill Clinton gets massage from Epstein ‘sex slave’ after ride on his notorious ‘Lolita Express’ plane

Once again if you’re going to try to describe certain behavior as indicative of band character you shouldn’t be using bad behavior that Bill Clinton as well known for

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
And let’s remember Trump lied about even flying the Lolita express that you brought up.

Bill Clinton's spokesperson again denies the former president ever visited Jeffrey Epstein's private island

‘GIVE IT A CRACK’ Creepy moment Bill Clinton gets massage from Epstein ‘sex slave’ after ride on his notorious ‘Lolita Express’ plane

Once again if you’re going to try to describe certain behavior as indicative of band character you shouldn’t be using bad behavior that Bill Clinton as well known for

Are you trying to claim Trump lying about flying on the Lolita express is somehow okay because Clinton did it to and got a neck massage from a 22 year old? Remember Trump had a long relationship with the pedophile and his gal pal. Trump is even on record talking about Epstein liking them young. That’s the soul of your party buddy.

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I guess I missed the news the day they reported Maxwell or Epstein associates similarly served in the Trump administration.

But hey, it's Trump, not the Clintons who are truly evil and closely tied to under-age sex traffickers, right M E M?
And Hillary Clinton was photographed socializing with Harvey Weinstein even after Weinstein was accused by all the women who came forward. And never returned Weinstein's money. And Hillary Clinton personally threatened Juanita Broaddrick after Bill Clinton raped her. To this day, Broaddrick is terrified of her. Hillary is basically an accessory to her rape, and threatened her if she talked about it. Which she didn't out of fear, for a very long time.

Not any high ground there to allege things about Trump being a friend of Epstein. Like G-man said, the evidence overwhelming leads to Bill Clinton's abuse of these Epstein girls, not Trump. And the more light is shined on the Clintons, the worse it looks for them, not Trump.
If the Clintons had any sense, they would slither into the shadows where they belong, and leave well enough alone.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, June 21, 2019
What scares me is, given the amount of blatant corruption around Hillary Clinton (even ignoring the "body count" list) that the media flew cover for, and still supported her all the way in 2016,. As dirty as Joe Biden is, they would fly the same cover for Joseph Biden or whoever the Democrat radical in question is for 2020. And that [even having all this exposed] many Democrats would still elect Hillary over Trump.

Not that it was all that hard to predict, but the media ignoring massive scandals involving Joe Biden has turned out to absolutely be what has happened.

And in this round, far more than just not reporting these facts: Facebook, Twitter and other social media have banned the sharing of this information on their platforms. Even shutting down the social media accounts of the New York Post, with the 4th largest circulation of any paper in the United States !
The Hunter Biden laptop and e-mails have been verified by multiple participants as absolutely true. One of Hunter Biden's partners at Rosemont Seneca (Bevan Cooney) has given the media written permission and his password (to Peter Schweizer) to his tens of thousands of incriminating e-mails with Hunter Biden. Hard evidence, legally obtained.
So by what rationalization do Facebook and Twitter still ban New York Post and other reporting of this story from their sites?
Other than to act in an Orwellian manner to hide facts from the public and deceitfully drag Joe Biden's candidacy over the finish line?

Just as they deceitfully aided Hillary Clinton in 2016. Only even more boldly and lawlessly this time. It is not because Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong, but only because she has corrupt friends in high places, that she has escaped trial and imprisonment. Likewise (at least so far) for Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. Meanwhile Devon Archer and Bevan Cooney have already been sentenced and jailed for doing exactly what Hunter Biden has done.
Hopefully justice for the Bidens has been only delayed, and not completely denied.

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[Linked Image from]


Hilarious! (Hillary-ous?)

Someone took this satanic church statue...

...and photoshpped Hillary's face over the statue's head. It's only slightly more creepy than the original.

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Originally Posted by the G-man, March 30 2015
Hillary, the Democrats’ Nixon: She’s secretive, scandal-plagued, and seemingly inevitable.

Originally Posted by the G-man, March 31, 2015
Associated Press: Hillary Rodham Clinton emailed her staff on an iPad as well as a BlackBerry while secretary of state, despite her explanation she exclusively used a personal email address on a homebrew server so that she could carry a single device.

Judicial Watch Delivers! “Obama Is Implicated” As Emails Hidden In White House

And this was reported in April 2019 !!
The smoking gun, all the deleted e-mails, and yet the FBI/DOJ still never prosecuted Hillary Clinton.
Why not?

97 Percent of DOJ Employee Political Donations Went to Hillary Clinton

Oh. Yeah.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I so want to hate bone Hillary Clinton in the ass.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I so want to hate bone Hillary Clinton in the ass.

What a happy life you must lead... why don't you go back to beating your wife?

Or maybe you're so whipped and impotent with her, that you need to vent your frustrations online, on someone like me you don't even know.

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We get it. Twenty-years or so of turning oneself into a nothing more than a bundle of political lies and hypocritical stances has left you nothing more than a human husk that jacks it to internet "babes" and nostalgia while projecting onto others your desire for something real...even if it is just real enough to beat it. That's the real win here, WB...the fact that to do what you do on a dead forum requires the kind of time and energy that a bitter failure unwilling to self-examine can commit to. You may now continue on with your sad life of internet screeds about "the liberals" and broken spam posting the same sad cry for someone to love you into a dead forum you can't even understand you played a large role in killing off. Class dismissed.

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Originally Posted by iggy
We get it. Twenty-years or so of turning oneself into a nothing more than a bundle of political lies and hypocritical stances has left you nothing more than a human husk that jacks it to internet "babes" and nostalgia while projecting onto others your desire for something real...even if it is just real enough to beat it. That's the real win here, WB...the fact that to do what you do on a dead forum requires the kind of time and energy that a bitter failure unwilling to self-examine can commit to. You may now continue on with your sad life of internet screeds about "the liberals" and broken spam posting the same sad cry for someone to love you into a dead forum you can't even understand you played a large role in killing off. Class dismissed.

You are weirdly obsessed with me, an anonymous person on a chat forum who you know virtually nothing about.
And beyond the profanity-laden vulgarness of what you post here, you project a bitter and cynical worldview, and an anger that I find quite disturbing. You're a college professor at some junior college in North Carolina, you openly gloat about your contempt for Christians, and have openly bragged about discriminating against your Christian students... and... I'm the one you think has mental issues?
Remove the plank from your own eye, dipshit.

My political views are consistent here for over 20 years. I post here mostly to discuss the things I enjoy, particularly in the realm of comics and other entertainment. And more to detail what I passionately believe in the politics forum. I'm a Reagan-Conservative, big deal. In the more recent past, a Buchanan conservative, and emerging from 30 years of Buchanan conservatism, now a Trump conservative.
And as I cited from Jonathan Swan on the Friday after the 2016 election, offering his winner of the week on Fox's Special Report with Brett Baier : "Trump won the election on the issues that Pat Buchanan has been championing for over 25 years [securing the border, stopping illegal immigration, restoring U.S. national sovereignty and economic independence, ending the push toward U.S. submission to globalism, making the U.S. oil independent and no longer dependent on O.PE.C., incentivizing the return of jobs and factories to the U.S., ending involvement in unnecessary foreign wars that have been draining our economy for decades]. So a Trump presidency is the next best thing to a Pat Buchanan presidency."
Or at least it was while it lasted, and I hope for its return in 2024. As do 74.3 million Trump voters, and probably tens of millions more experiencing Biden buyer-remorse now.

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You guys aren't getting anywhere near 74 million by continuing to bitter-cling to Trump and his failed reelection bid/attempt to overthrow a fair election. 74.3 million is the highwater mark. But, hey, you want to explode your party like the dems in '72, then go right on ahead.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
You are weirdly obsessed with me, an anonymous person on a chat forum who you know virtually nothing about.
And beyond the profanity-laden vulgarness of what you post here, you project a bitter and cynical worldview, and an anger that I find quite disturbing.

You know most of the rest of the posters here are friends on various social media platforms and you weren't invited because most of us think you're a hate-filled moron with nothing to do but ruin a good time, right?

Last edited by iggy; 2021-05-14 10:26 PM.
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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
You are weirdly obsessed with me, an anonymous person on a chat forum who you know virtually nothing about.
And beyond the profanity-laden vulgarness of what you post here, you project a bitter and cynical worldview, and an anger that I find quite disturbing.

You know most of the rest of the posters here are friends on various social media platforms and you weren't invited because most of us think you're a hate-filled moron with nothing to do but ruin a good time, right?

Uh... isn't it you who obsessively insults and attacks me, to ruin MY good time? You come out of the woodwork once or twice a year to lash out at me, but aside from that, I'm not "ruining a good time", you're not even here to present a "time" to ruin.
That's probably also true of the others in your group.
You ignore all the topics where I joke around, and pretty much my only interaction with you is when you blindside me with angry personal attacks.

I doubt Pariah or G-man are part of your social media group either. It has less to do with me personally than it has to do with a clique of you being liberal trolls. And I've seen you give the same treatment to these and other conservative posters (some of which you've chased away from RKMBS, or unrelated you and the gang, just stopped posting here.) And ultimately, RKMBS was created as a hub for trolls who had been banned or suspended from the DC boards. You were invited here by Prometheus, who was a fellow troll of yours from another message board forum you guys raided. Then you guys decided to troll this forum.

We were even friendly for a long time, until you and Pro went berserk on the Occupy Wall Street topic, and had a troll hissy-fit because some of us dared (with linked facts) to not share your opinion of OWS. OWS turned out to be a beach-head for a number of other Soros-funded thinly disguised grassrootss and NGO groups to de-stabilize the United States, the same way they have done in a dozen other countries Soros and his allies have toppled over the last 30 years, to replace with governments friendly to their globalist/marxist interest. (Again: see THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz).
We've since seen the rise of Antifa, BLM, and the open borders movement, among others. And as Pro himself said in a recent topic, the marxist goals of OWS have become increasingly clear. It was a precursor for groups far more radical.

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Society's Discontent
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You'd be surprised to know that, while Sammich and I agree on some basic contours of racism in America, we are on fairly opposing sides when it comes to the scrutability or inscrutability of CRT. He seems a lot more down with it than I could ever be. I have some serious fundamental concerns and even more for the shift from academic study to popular culture phenomenon. Further, you and Pro fell a lot closer together this election than he and I did. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he voted Trump and, at least, bought into the big lie and Democrat pedophiles for awhile. I like the guy, but he goes in big for conspiracy theories. That said, we can all agree that you are one of the biggest problems that these boards have...along with Mxy, SoM, Knut, everyone, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera....

Last edited by iggy; 2021-05-15 1:29 PM.
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brutally Kamphausened
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brutally Kamphausened
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Originally Posted by iggy
You'd be surprised to know that, while Sammich and I agree on some basic contours of racism in America, we are on fairly opposing sides when it comes to the scrutability or inscrutability of CRT. He seems a lot more down with it than I could ever be. I have some serious fundamental concerns and even more for the shift from academic study to popular culture phenomenon. Further, you and Pro fell a lot closer together this election than he and I did. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he voted Trump and, at least, bought into the big lie and Democrat pedophiles for awhile. I like the guy, but he goes in big for conspiracy theories. That said, we can all agree that you are one of the biggest problems that these boards have...along with Mxy, SoM, Knut, everyone, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera....

As my posts here made clear when Pariah first presented the ideas of "Quanon" and Pizzagate in a topic, I've never been a true believer in satanic pedophiles running the world. Although as I said, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and several other Democrat campaign bundlers and political leaders, and Hollywood child-actor confessions by guys like Cory Haim and Corey Feldman, make the Quanon ideas seem much more credible since they surfaced.

I've never seen Critical Race Theory abbreviated as CRT, and there are a lot of other acronyms with those initials. For clarity one might just say, "critical race theory". Sammitch has a right to his own ideas, let me gently say I don't agree.
From Pro's last topic here, I'd say we have more in common politically than we used to.

With the exception of Son of Mxy who is hilarious and whose posts I miss, the few other names you listed match up with the other trolls and RKMB liberals who have periodically come at me here for the last 15 years or so. I wouldn't call that "everyone", that matches my account of a small clique of like-minded trolls, many of them just looking at me, or whoever else bites, as someone to get a rise out of for some troll amusement.
Which is pretty much what Rob's boards have been about since they launched way back in 2000, before I even got here. No doubt my problem that makes me a target is I often give the trollery here more serious attention than it deserves.
And while I joke around quite a bit, I apparently don't do it in sufficient quantity to satisfy the Thought Police here.

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