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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Nobody outside of the Trump circle would say Barr’s reputation is spotless. Trump publicly cried about Sessions not being his wingman. He stopped crying when he installed Barr. And now Barr can’t even talk about the white supremacy angle with these protests. As I’ve cited, white supremacy groups have been involved with some of the more violent parts of the protests. While he’s been very vocal about Antifa it’s crickets for white supremacy. You can imagine when he says “other groups “ that’s who he’s including. The Daily Beast article I linked to above shows that all the initial charges so far are not Antifa but do include white supremacy groups. Barr so far hasn’t provided any evidence to back his claims against Antifa and seems intent on misrepresenting what Antifa actually is. As I understand it Antifa is anyone who is anti fascist. There are some groups but it’s not one group with a set of rules or dues. I saw one article comparing it to a group like bird watchers. Some groups but lots of people who consider themselves bird watchers don’t belong to an official group. From what I’ve seen of Barr’s comments he’s pushing to blame Antifa for political purposes while downplaying white supremacy groups in all this.

No. Trump was angry that Jeff Sessions for no real reason recused himself from the greatest political scandal in U.S. history. And in doing so, threw Trump to the wolves, and subjected the nation to 3 years of investigation, that Rosenstein himself says in retrospect (a few day ago in Senate hearingss) had absolutely no basis.

*AND** Sessions left assistant attorney general Rod Rosenstein in charge of the investigation as the de facto head of DOJ. Who based on illegal FISA warrants, a falsified Hillary Clinton/DNC-funded "Russia Dossier" created by Fusion GPS and a discredited Christopher Steele, and FBI records leaked by James Comey, Rosenstein appointed a Mueller special investigation that never should have been appointed.
And all the people involved in that false investigation, including Rosenstein himself, should be IN JAIL for all the laws they broke, in staging a coup against the Trump campaign, and then renewed the FISA warrant 3 times (based on false evidence) to spy on the incoming Trump administration.
And despite the Mueller team knowing by March 2017 at the latest there was no case against Trump or any of his officials, Mueller prolonged the investigation until May 2019 in order to help the Democrats win the Senate in the Nov 2018 election.

In the very best scenario, Rod Rosenstein was incompetent and just signed off without investigating the FISA warrant evidence, as it was his job to. He signed off on investigating a presidential candiddate and president and didn't even look at the evidence! That strains credibility. Especiually when this same Rosenstein was deep-state colleague of Mueller, Comey and the rest, and openly discussed "wearing a wire" to record President Trump in a ploy to remove him by invoking the 25th amendment. Oh, but he was joking of course. But both James Baker and a second anonymous source say Rosenstein wasn't joking, that he was dead serious and no one present was laughing.

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Well I’m convinced that you will stick with the accusations but doubt the pillsberry dough boy Barr can’t corrupt things enough to actually get anyone jail time. Trump however might if he doesn’t win re-election and can run out the clock on some legal actions awaiting.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So I started this thread and really didn’t comment on what generated the whole thing. The video of the cop kneeling on Floyd killing him while other cops let it happen has now exploded into protests around the world.

I don't believe those worldwide protests just occurred spontaneously. They are orchestrated by the Soros-funded Left, and by groups like Antifa. They are more about trying to de-stabilize the West and the United States in particular, as are the eternal goals of the Soros-funded Left.

And by the way, NO ONE, not Trump, not Republican conservatives, not even the police nationwide, dispute that George Floyd's death was an abuse of police power and should never have happened, and is an embarassment and outrage to police everywhere. Even going back to the 1991 Rodney King beating in L.A., I spoke to police officers who told me that incident was an embarassment to them, that even with a giant like Rodney King, four officers should have easily been able to wrestle him to the ground, handcuff him, and put him in the squad car for arrest and processing, and that should have been the end of it.
No matter how angry or defiant a suspect is, officers themselves have told me it's not their right to administer punishment or payback. That their job is only to remain professional, arrest them and put them in a jail cell.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

Initially I figured this would die down but instead it’s now the people demanding change in numbers that can’t be ignored.

Again, orchestrated. Another case of the Left "not letting a crisis go to waste."

In cities nationwide, there have been drop-off stashes of unloaded pallettes of bricks and incendiaries for Antifa types to inflict maximum chaos, and manipulate other protestors into violence and looting.
Do you really think all that just happened spontaneously?!?

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Really sad that it was Minneapolis that was the spark as I want to think we’re better. As a community we’re not. I had a friend who grew up in Jamaica and lived in the south before settling up north with her husband here explain that we’re more polite and that just makes it harder to know where she stood with people. And it’s true. So many times I’ve heard people being racist when they thought it was safe and than turn around and be super nice to a black person. That’s not everyone or most people even but it’s there. And on a larger scale it’s everyone going along with it looking the other way. This time though that didn’t happen. To many people I think are demanding change and it doesn’t look like they’re going to stop.

Respectfully, Minneapolis is a hub of the far-Left. Yours is the district of Rep. Ilhan Omar, a rabidly Anti-American leftist radical who never misses an opportunity to attack the United States.

Minneapolis' president (i.e., mayor) and city council are likewise completely made up of far-Left radicals. Their ideology made the city a puddle of kerosine just waiting for a match.

And this incident provided the spark.

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Further, let me emphasis:

Pending further investigation, there is no evidence this incident is about race. It is about a police officer abusing his authority to injure or kill a suspect in custody.

And I would compare it to the Rodney King incident. Where the four officers involved in the beating were exonerated by a jury, but Rodney King sued and got a settlement of several million dollars in compensation from the city of Los Angeles for police brutality.

Compare that with another case in West Palm Beach that happened at the same time as the Rodney King beating, where a white male in his 40's named Robert Jewett was pulled over by two white police officers in November 1990, for no clear reason, and despite no previous criminal record or arrests of the suspect, Robert Jewett was beaten to death by the two white officers.
Similarly to the Rodney King beating, there was a trial of the two officers, who were exonerated. In Jewell's case, there was no compensation for his surviving family, no price paid.

Another incident I can think of is where a few years ago a black Salt Lake City police officer shot and killed a white 20-year-old male, who likewise had no record and committed no crime. But the black officer was not prosecuted and the charges just quietly went away.
It is infuriating and total bullshit to say: If George Floyd were white, he would not have been killed. As is the narrative of protestors and Demcorat leaders now.
It's not about race, it's about police abusing their authority and going unpunished.

The true issue here is police abusing their authority and hurting people, and getting away with it because a jury doesn't want to believe they would abuse their authority. As can happen with doctors, nurses, stock brokers, real estate agents, or any other profession.
But the Left has chosen to racialize it, and exploit the crisis to the maximum.

As I've only seen in the last 24 hours, Derek Chauvin was apparently a supervising officer, and the 3 officers with him were rookies in training. So they may have been intimidated as new and inexperienced officers to not criticize a superior and more experienced officer, who they trusted to know what he was doing. In no way do I endorse what Chaauvin did or think he was right to do what he did. It could have been racially motivated. And the other officers could be more responsibility than it first appears. My initial impression is that Chauvan should go to jail, and the other officers should at least be fired, if not face lesser charges. But again, I would like to see the evidence of a full investigation laid out rather than a rush to judgement to appease angry mobs.

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I’ll just point out I’ve been citing links to white supremacy groups involved in creating violence with the protests. Actual arrests made for example. You have not with your accusations that are pretty convenient for Trump and supporters.

And there really does need to be changes made in law enforcement. I like the idea of police officers actually being from the communities they police.

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Something you definitely don't see in the liberal media, as I first saw reported on OAN (and nowhere else) George Floyd was a 5-time convicted felon.

On Fox News just now, they were interviewing his church pastor, Pastor Patrick "PT" Ngwolo of Resurrection Church in Houston, who acknowledged that Floyd had a criminal past, most recently for a 2007 home invasion.
A very violent crime.

But that in recent years Floyd had turned his life around and was very active in church ministry, trying to use the example of his own past life to turn younger black kids away from a similar life of crime. Kind of a puff piece, just describing what a great guy Floyd was, how liked and active he was in his church. But the "home invasion" mention kind of screams for more detail, not given.

I would like to see the lives of both George Floyd and the four officers involved in his death put under a media microscope. Floyd's life and criminal history detailed. Any history of crime or violence or excessive force of the four officers detailed, any racial hostility expressed, if it ever was. And specifically, every detail of what happened in the 30 minutes leading up to Floyd's death.

Especially in the case of Derek Chauvin, as the other three officers were just in the sidelines and didn't stop it. It's possible the three, being new officers, didn't know Chauvin was doing anything against procedure, or if they did see it was, whether they had any authority to oppose their superior officer to try and stop it.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’ll just point out I’ve been citing links to white supremacy groups involved in creating violence with the protests. Actual arrests made for example. You have not with your accusations that are pretty convenient for Trump and supporters.

And there really does need to be changes made in law enforcement. I like the idea of police officers actually being from the communities they police.

I find it rather convenient that Twitter, who normally gives no specific reason for deleting a post or account, was very specific when they deleted the white supremacist/Antifa account.

It seems like they did that for a calculated purpose, where they would have flown cover and ambiguity on deletion of an account falsely fronting a Democrat/Antifa/Leftist account. Facebook and Twitter could have prevented a lot of riots and damage of the last two weeks by simply clossing and deleting the accounts of Antifa groups nationwide.

That would have prevented a lot of looting and burning of businesses, a lot of dead and injured law enforcement officers, a lot of dead and injured protestors and bystanders, nationwide. But the bottom line is, Facebook and Twitter are filled with far-Left employees and executives, and therefore enabled them, at the cost of a lot of lives, businesses and injuries.

Likewise, Democrat government officials at the state and local level have bent over backward not to prosecute Antifa thugs arrested, and just let them go. Which sends a strong message to do it again.

Don't try to scapegoat this onto some fictional white supremacist responsibility for this, on maybe one example you can find. The responsibility for this chaos and destruction clearly rests in Democrat/Leftist/Antifaa hands, pretty much all working hand-in-glove to enable all this to happen, and largely without consequences for the Antifa at the center of it. George Soros and Barack Obama have organized and funded the chaos.

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More accusations, zero evidence. Again actual arrests have been made involving white supremacy groups on this. Nor do I believe Twitter deleted accounts in the manner you accuse, again with zero evidence.

The huge masses of people exercising their constitutional rights are not out doing this because of any group.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Facebook removes nearly 200 accounts tied to white supremacy groups looking to exploit Floyd protests
Antifa is literally never mentioned in the first prosecutions of protest violence

Trump and his wingman Barr can’t even mention white supremacy groups being involved in the violence when it’s evident that they are.

From your own Daily Beast propaganda piece:

Despite Trump’s rhetoric about designating antifa a terrorist organization, antifa is an ethic rather than an actual group—and even if it were a group, there is no domestic terrorism statute for designating a non-foreign entity as a banned terrorist organization.

Antifa is a nationwide, possibly worldwide, network of loose terror-cels. They don't carry Antifa I D cards or otherwise identify themselves to police when arrested.
But the uniform of how Antifa dresses, and their backpacks fill with rocks, broken glass and incendiaries makes clear who they are, identified or not. That article bends over backward to take personal shots at President Trump and attorney general Barr. Making clear their allegience is with the Left, and not the administration trying to stop the criminal Left.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
More accusations, zero evidence. Again actual arrests have been made involving white supremacy groups on this. Nor do I believe Twitter deleted accounts in the manner you accuse, again with zero evidence.

The huge masses of people exercising their constitutional rights are not out doing this because of any group.

That's horseshit.
Your own articles say that they deleted accounts of "white supremacist groups" that were "trying" (not actually attending) to organize and take advantage of leftist riots and chaos in cities nationwide. But Twitter deleted their accounts before they could actually organize. For all your allegations of "proof" of white supremacist orchestration, even your own source says they were deleted before they could actually do anything.
And even in the attempt, trying to exploit a situation that already existed, that other leftist/Antifa groups created, before they even made the unsuccessful attempt.

And further, a lot of the deleted accounts were in other countries, mostly african and muslim nations, by all appearance fake accounts related to politics in those nations, that have nothing to do with black protests in the U.S., or to white supremacist groups in the U.S.
And the article tabulates no names, no statistical numbers, and cites no ratio of deleted accounts among the total that were allegedly "white supremacist".
Another red herring from the Democrat/Left, and their piece-of-shit fellow conspirators in the liberal media.
Shaving the narrative, to fly cover for the Democrat/Left and Antifa, who are responsible for the lootings, violence and deaths in riots nationwide.

The saving grace is video footage inside looted and burned stores is leading to identification and arrests of mant thugs after-the-fact.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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There was also this from the DailyBeast...
In the Nevada case, prosecutors charged three military personnel—one from the Army Reserves, the other the Navy, the third the Air Force—with plotting to destroy a National Parks Service facility and with carrying unregistered Molotov cocktails at a Black Lives Matter event. The feds allege the three are self-identified members of the Boogaloo movement, and plotted to begin their dreamt-of civil war first at Reopen protests, then hurling fire bombs at police to spark violence during the civil rights demonstration. Unlike most of the other indictments, the criminal complaint describes extensive planning and coordination.

To be clear anyone for whatever motivation is trying to use the protests to start violence is scum and deserves to get the book thrown at them it is disturbing that Trump and Barr are being misleading on Antifa. I consider myself anti-fascist and I’m very much a law abiding citizen. Why do they give cover to the white supremacy groups?

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Minneapolis City Council announces veto-proof push to disband police in George Floyd aftermath

Stay safe, MEM. Sounds like you're about to be living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Minneapolis City Council announces veto-proof push to disband police in George Floyd aftermath

Stay safe, MEM. Sounds like you're about to be living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Yeah I think they need to have some solid answers and solutions of what they intend to do on that front. It won’t work just disbanding the police. This sounds like political gold for republicans.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It won’t work just disbanding the police. This sounds like political gold for republicans.

Just for the record: While I would normally welcome anything that's political gold for the republicans, I'm not happy about something that will get people killed.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It won’t work just disbanding the police. This sounds like political gold for republicans.

Just for the record: While I would normally welcome anything that's political gold for the republicans, I'm not happy about something that will get people killed.

From what I’ve read it’s not anything you have to worry about people getting killed. Fortunately for the GOP it does sound like it’s literally getting rid of the police though.

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Tucker Carlson, June 8, 2020, Monday

A very important show, I think the most valuable and vital show Carlson has ever aired, pointing out the weaponization of the George Floyd protests, as a beach-head toward the goal of the Democrat/Left to intimidate and silence all dissent.

That these riots are not about race or George Floyd, they are just the latest exploitable weapon to silence their political opposition, and in this case force concessions for a Democrat/Leftist takeover of the police, to take away possibly the last conservative institution and protection of conservative free speech.
We are truly living in dangerous times.

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And then tonight...

Tucker Carlson, June 9, 2020, Tuesday

...the revelation that Tucker Carlson himself is under attack, as the Left tried to have his show taken off the air to silence him, to prevent him from rallying resistance to the Democrat/Left's coup attempt, to intimidate him into silence, to de-platform any who voice dissent. That is the Maoist/Bolshevik way, that has never been the American/Constitutional way.

What would it take to awaken Democrats to how insane and violently radical their party has become?

They are burning cities, looting stores, they've now injured 700 police nationwide. Injured 100 Secret Service agents at the White House!
But, oh, yes yes, these are mostly peaceful protests. LOOK AT THOSE NUMBERS! These "peaceful protestors" have looted and burned hundreds of stores in Minneapolis alone. If they are "peaceful" now, it is only because of the deployment of National Guard to back up the police.

Two black police officers and 8 black protestors have been killed by these mobs. If "black lives matter", what about these 10 lives?
Do THEY matter?
Apparently not, they are just bodies for the Democrats to step over on their way to power.
I don't see any memorial being given to these two black police officers, let alone the 8 others killed by these leftist mobs. And how many others who aren't even counted, becaause they were white?

And once they finish looting the business sectors in cities nationwide (or blocked by police and National Guard) will they then loot suburbs and residential neighborhoods?
An alderman warned of this to the Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, who told the alderman Raymond Lopez he is "100% full of shit" despite the alderman's being warned by locals, and what he knows of gangs and witnessed himself in his district.

Chicago had 18 people killed in one day, the most violent day in Chicago in 60 years. Somehow I'm not buying the Democrat/Left's assurances that things will be "peaceful" now.
Similarly New York.
Similarly Miami.
Similarly L.A.
And of course, in Minneapolis.

These protestors and Democrat pundits and idealogues are foaming at the mouth in their hatred and thirst for the blood of white America. And really, have been for years, this is just their excuse and rationalization to go wild and actually do it. According to the Minneapolis President/mayor, even calling 911 for defense from home invaders is "white privelege" that we're not entitled to.

How insane does the Democrat/Left have to get before Dem voters will get off the train?

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Kayleigh McEnany holds White House press conference, 6/8/2020, Monday

I'm consistently amazed at how incredibly snotty and defiant the White House Press reporters are to the press secretary, to Trump himself, or to any Trump official. This is relatively tame relative to most press conferences. But even so, they ask very partisan questions, and either misrepresentatively state the facts, or selectively omit the facts completely.
McEnany does a consistently great job of stating the facts and the selectively omitted context of the questions unleashed on her. She does an exceptional job of refuting the press' allegations with the true facts. And exposing the mediaa's selective outrage and hypocrisy in the process.

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Laura Ingraaham, opening commentary, June 9, 2020, Tuesday

"In Minneapolis, nearly 500 businesses were damaged or destroyed during the 'mostly peaceful protests'..."

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It doesn’t take many people to light a fire. I can tell you that it was mostly peaceful protesters but because it was so many that gave cover to for the few. By Saturday Governor Walz asked protesters to obey the curfew in place and even though people wanted to keep protesting into the night people listened and most of the day protesters went home. That helped to catch the bad guys that included right wingers as I’ve cited.

And it happened yesterday but Trump reached a new low with his comments about the 70 year old. I saw that old guy laying on the ground with blood running out of his ear. Trump is just so unfit.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It doesn’t take many people to light a fire. I can tell you that it was mostly peaceful protesters but because it was so many that gave cover to for the few. By Saturday Governor Walz asked protesters to obey the curfew in place and even though people wanted to keep protesting into the night people listened and most of the day protesters went home. That helped to catch the bad guys that included right wingers as I’ve cited.

*AFTER* protestors/rioters/looters had already burned and looted several hundred stores. That Governor Walz could have anticipated after the first burning Wednesday night, and yet he let the protestors/looters run wild till Sunday.

Before finally sending in the guard, and only because President Trump had already said he would, if Gov. Walz didn't.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And it happened yesterday but Trump reached a new low with his comments about the 70 year old. I saw that old guy laying on the ground with blood running out of his ear. Trump is just so unfit.

OAN reporter Pearson Sharp had several stories about the 75-year-old protestor, Martin Gugino, who is a leftist activist who by his social media posts is active in Antifa, and organized "Chaos Camp" summer seminars to recruit teenagers into Antifa.
That even other Black Lives Matter protestors regarded Gugino as crazy and dangerous, looking to provoke violence and get punched in the face by police. To manufacture an incident.

That Gugino has been arrested at multiple protest rallies, and Pearson Sharp at OAN ran a story with Gugino's posts on social media such as "Fuck the police" and "ACAB" and saying the United States is an immoral government and needs to be destroyed. Nice guy!

Also, Gugino was making friendly and chatting for several minutes with the photographer who videotaped the police shoving Gugino and his fall, talking minutes before the incident, which indicates it was coordinated and staged.
Pearson Sharp also talked to 3 emergency room physicians, who all said it was "highly unlikely" that Gugino would be injured in the way he appeared to in the video, with blood gushing out his ear immediately, inconsistent with physiology and the way he fell.
Against the mainstream narrative that these facts about Gugino are "conspiracy theory", Pearson Sharp challenges any network to dispute the absolute facts he presented. None have.

57 Buffalo officers resigned from the Buffalo police special response team, the entire squad, in support of the two officers who were suspended. I'd wager they agree with Trump.

Militant tweets raise questions over Martin Gugino's activity at the protests in Buffalo, N.Y. -OAN News, Pearson Sharp

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Tucker Carlson, June 25 2020, Thursday

An orchestrated perfect storm, of Covid-19 lockdowns in Democrat states, followed by a 2nd and 3rd wave of chaos in the form of race-baiting, rioting and tearing down statues. Democrats' bolshevik way of crushing and intimidating all political opposition.

Par for the course, for the party that hates America.

A crisis that has brought this country to its knees. Even in a dire national crisis, Democrats still won't work together with Republicans, and Democrats see this as just another opportunity for them to cynically abuse their city and state power, and further ramp up the hate with a truly Bolshevik revolution.

As I've said on these boards for 20 years now, Democrats are the party that would destroy the country itself just to leverage some short-term political gain. Never more on display than in the last 4 months.

Interesting point by Carlson in the above Youtube clip, about Democrats crushing small businesses in all 3 waves, but protestors (the Bernie Sanders wing of the the Bolshevik DNC) neither condemned, nor did they loot or burn, corporate businesses that are allied Democrat contributors and backers.
And we already knew that Democrat governors and mayors were targeting churches, small businesses and gun stores for closure, while simultaneously leaving abortion clinics, marijuana and liquor stores, and other Democrat-friendly businesses open.

Likewise the point that they call for destroying local police, but no such call for reform of the FBI and other federal law enforcement (which are already Democrat-controlled branches). The tearing down statues and Seattle occupied zones (CHAZ/CHOP, and attempted similar zones in Washington DC and Atlanta), are distractions that hide the proven abuse since 2016 by a weaponized FBI and DOJ, and by then-President Obama, then-V.P. Biden and by Obama/Biden's five highest appointed cabinet staffers to frame and destroy Trump's national security advisor Michael Flynn, who has just been exonerated, based on an overwhelming body of documents showing the abuse of power in framing Flynn at every stage by these federal agencies.

With hopefully exonerations of Roger Stone and Paul Manafort to follow.

Interesting how people who burn buildings, loot stores and shoot at cops are not imprisoned, are just set free to do even more damage the next day, and yet guys like Michael Flynn and Roger Stone and Paul Manafort are the only ones who are jailed. And other Trump supporters, such as hairstylists, church pastors, gym owners, and gun store owners are similarly fined and imprisoned.

If the complete show above is deleted (as I expect it will be, As Youtube consistently does), here's the 17-minute opening monologue, separate from the rest:
Tucker: President Trump's hope for re-election June 25, 2020

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Liberals only tend to push democracy when the numbers favor them. No big surprise there.


And increasingly, they choose Bolshevism.
Slander, propaganda, intimidation, and weaponization of government against their political opponents.
Bolshevism, pure and simple. Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the open borders movement being just the latest examples. They exploit George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks as just the latest instruments to pull down statues of not just Civil War monuments, but statues of Washington, Jefferson. Ulysses Grant! Abraham Lincoln.
They vandalized a statue of Gandhi!

It's not a mere coincidence that many of these destroyed statues have a hammer-and-sickle painted on them. The Left has shown their true hand. For those with eyes willing to see it. For the Left, his is not about "freedom" or "equality", or "racism". It's about de-legitimizing America as a nation that has any right to exist. It's aabout erasing our history. And replacing it with a new socialist order. i.e., mob rule.

And elected Democrats, Democrat Bureaucrats, and Democrats in the media are their enablers and brothers-in-arms.
To quote FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, "Viva le resistence!"

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Just to bring things back to sane territory I do think there is a genuine need for police reform. It is true that we as a nation keep dumping more money and problems onto the police. Is that working?

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Sorry my citing facts inconvenient to your liberal narrative smokescreen are not considered "sane" by your viewpoint.
But those are the facts, sourced and cited.

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Flynn plead guilty twice for lying about his contacts to Russia. He lied not because he was serving his country but he lied for his own self interests. The recent ruling didn’t address the merit of Barr’s DOJ dropping all charges for Flynn but only that it could. It’s up to voters to choose a President who actually values the rule of law

With Coronavirus spiking all over in red states to the extent they now have to slow down and even take steps backwards it’s just dumb trying to make political arguments like that about the lockdowns. Nobody wants the economic damage caused by the pandemic. Sadly some do want to rush things so much that we end up making it even worse.

And I think there is common ground with enough of us to actually get some police reform accomplished. I think my party shouldn’t have been so quick to dismiss republican efforts on that front.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Flynn plead guilty twice for lying about his contacts to Russia.

Flynn pled guilty only because his lawyers were Democrats (in the same law firm where Eric Holder is a partner, and his entire firm huge donors to Obama in 2008 and 2012, and to Hillary in 2016, as well as many other Democrat candidates).
They pressured Michael Flynn to sign a plea deal, despite that he did nothing wrong. They conned him, to serve the Democrats politically. Flynn finally signed a plea deal when he'd exhausted $6 million on his defense, mortgaged his house for his defense, and the FBI was threatening to charge his son as well if he didn't sign a plea deal.

And his only crime was "perjury". A perjury trap, as documents have revealed in the last 2 months. Bill Priestap outright said in one memo, is the plan to either smear Flynn into resigning or trap him into perjury?

Flynn did nothing wrong.
The criminals are the 7 people plotting his slander and entrapment in a Jan 5 2017 Oval office meeting (President Obama, V.P. Biden, Susan Rice, James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, and Obama's chief of staff).
And the criminals are also Comey, and McCabe, who then sent Strzok and a 2nd FBI agent to interview Flynn in his office (without notifying the White House counsel, and tricking Flynn into not having a lawyer present) so they could spring a perjury trap on Flynn. Even the second agent with Strzok said he didn't think Flynn intentionally hid anything in the interview. It was only to manufacture pseudo-legal perjury, to get Flynn, and through him get Trump and other officials, by forcing them to testify to scripted lies to get a lesser sentence for alleged crimes that he never committed. And Paul Manafort, and Jerome Corsi, Roger Stone, and George Pappadapoulos, etc. But the only one who would testify, reading the FBI's lying script, was Michael Cohen, who no one beleived when he testified in hearings.
The FBI tried to do the same thing to Flynn's subordinate, assistant national security advisor K.T. McFarland, but she had a better lawyer and didn't fall into the FBI's set perjury trap.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
He lied not because he was serving his country but he lied for his own self interests.

Blather. You can't prove this, because it's an absolute lie. Flynn did nothing wrong, was forced to plea to non-existent crimes, was bankrupted with legal costs, and only when he had no resources left to fight, and they were shaking him down with charging his son, did Flynn finally take a plea deal.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The recent ruling didn’t address the merit of Barr’s DOJ dropping all charges for Flynn but only that it could.

More blather. There are MOUNTAINS of documented evidence that it was a malicious prosecution. Comey and McCabe have openly bragged about their part in the deception.
Strzok and Page openly texted about the "insurance policy" to destroy Trump if elected, and Strzok texting "there's no there there" as the reason Strzok did not want to participate more in the FBI's Russia-collusion investigation. He knew!
And then what I just said above. Strzok's Jan 4 2017 call to the agents investigating Flynn, that they were about to close the case, and Strzok kept it open for purely political purposes, to get Flynn, evidence and the law be damned, just indict him as a weapon to cripple Trump's presidency.
And the Jan 5 2017 meeting of Obama, Biden, Yates, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Susan Rice, and Obama's chief of staff. Where Sally Yates said it was all orchestrated by Obama, and she "had trouble processing" what she'd just heard where Obama knew the FISA transcript of Flynn and the Russian ambassador before she did, she the attorney general, had even been given a transcript copy.

And by Peter Strzok's FOIA-requested unredacted FBI notes from that day, Obama himself in that meeting had instructed those present to "select the right people" to investigate Flynn, Obama instructing them to select party loyalists in the FBI who wouldn't question the exculpatory evidence, and would **only** use it to set up Flynn for political scandal and false criminal charges. The right people.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
It’s up to voters to choose a President who actually values the rule of law

Oh, the irony of YOU saying that!

 Originally Posted By: M E M
With Coronavirus spiking all over in red states to the extent they now have to slow down and even take steps backwards it’s just dumb trying to make political arguments like that about the lockdowns. Nobody wants the economic damage caused by the pandemic. Sadly some do want to rush things so much that we end up making it even worse.

And you love that. You welcome people getting sick and even dying, if you think it helps the piece-of-shit-Democrat side politically.

The reality is, every nation on earth has had setbacks in fighting Covid-19. South Korea (the one credited with the best prevention program of any nation in the world!), Australia, Germany, France, and currently surging in cases, Britain, Sweden and Portugal. Even China.

It is entirely possible that the surge in cases is because the U.S. has ramped up its testing to 500,000 tests a day, and cumulatively over 27 million, far more than any other nation.
It's possible that due to unmatched testing, covid-19 testing far beyond that being done by any other nation in the world, we are catching cases early, and that will mean less U.S. cases later. You also leave out that the average age of the infected is way down, that it is younger people who are most infected now, who are less severely affected, less hospitalizations, less deaths.

Wasn't the goal to flatten the curve to prevent deaths, to protect the elderly and immune-compromised who were at greatest risk of dying? We have done that.
But as per usual, the lying Democrats are moving the goalposts, and shifting the narrative. To whatever serves their lying agenda.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

And I think there is common ground with enough of us to actually get some police reform accomplished. I think my party shouldn’t have been so quick to dismiss republican efforts on that front.

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) offered a bill already that gave 70% of what the Democrats said had to be done. The Democrats wouldn't even consider one Republican proposal.
The message is clear: Democrats don't want a solution, they want chaos and riots, they want to keep this alive as an issue through November. And even then, like DACA, like securing the border and immigration reform, Democrats by their past record will not even pass something after November. They want to just exploit and demagogue the issue for years, and say Republicans/Trump hate immigrants, etc, etc., despite that it is Democrats who are enabling cruelty to illegals and human trafficking and unsecure borders, and the trafficking of drugs by cartels.

Trump made a generous offer 2 years ago to secure the border, an agreement to build a wall, and give amnesty to DACA kids in exchange. The Democrats refused, just to deprive Trump of a victory, just so Dems could indefinitely continue to exploit and demagogue the unresolved border crisis. But it was solved, if not for the piece-of-shit Dems.

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That is huge news, and undermines the whole premise of the riots/ protests in Minneapolis and in cities nationwide, all invoked in the name of repeat criminal and drug addict George Floyd.

But a very crucial point, he had what is documented by multiple autopsies and medical examiners as a fatal dose of fentanyl. That Floyd was already showing symptoms of overdosing and being unable to breathe as he thrashed around, before the officers even restrained him, and was finally restrained in the neck hold by officer Derek Chauvin. He was already overdosing. The only thing that could have been done to stop it, and the other three were rookie cops, is any one of them could have radiod for a paramedic to treat George Floyd, if they were aware he was overdosing. I'm sure at least three of the four wish they'd covered their asses and made that radio-dispatch call. Whether or not even paramedics could have saved Floyd from his own preceding overdose, before his encounter with police.

But regardless, it is highly in dispute if Chauvin's actions are what killed Floyd. It seems highly likely, if not certain, that Floyd would have died of a fentanyl overdose regardless of what these officers did.
I'm sure Derek Chauvin's lawyer will raise this in his defense, and he will likely be exonerated due to the clear reasonable doubt the fatal dose of fentanyl in the autopsy raises.

So this is all for nothing, all this destruction in Floyd's name. The true cause of Floyd's death is exposed, and it is Floyd's own fault, the fatal dose of fentanyl Floyd himself chose to ingest.
But in the words of Obama chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel: "Never let a crisis go to waste."

And they haven't, Dems have burned a good portion of America, by selling that race-inciting false narrative.
Likewise Trayvon Martin.
Likewise Michael Brown.
Likewise Eric Garner.
Likewise Freddie Gray.
Likewise Tyrone West.
Likewise Rayshawn Brooks.
Likewise Jacob Blake.

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Continuing on the subject of Jacob Blake and the fallout on the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin...

Somewhere in one of these topics, M E M raailed on Trump "white racist terrorists" citing a 17 year old kid who killed two BLM/Antifa pieces of shit. Who it turns out were chasing the armed 17 year old, and forced the kid to defend himself. There is plenty of video of them chasing the 15 year old (Kyle Rittenhouse) and forcing him to defend himself. Why were the Antifa/BLM mob chasing Rittenhouse? Because Rittenhouse had the audacity to put out some of the arson fires that BLM/Antifa had set.

Kyle Rittenhouse's attorney says his client acted in self-defense - Tucker Carlson, 8-31-2020

Predictably, M E M defends the mob, and labels the people trying to stop their destruction and defend themselves as white supremacist terrorists.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The latest shooting of a black suspect being exploited by Black Lives Matter is in Washington D.C., of 18 year old black suspect Deon Kay.
Police have already released the police officer body-camera footage of the incident, which clearly shows the suspect holding a weapon before the shooting.

So... what exactly are the protests about? Everything is on video. The punk drew a gun. Over and over, these black mobs are treating these violent thugs like they were innocent saints wrongfully targeted by "racist" cops. But over and over, they are proven to be thug criminals who clearly acted in a threatening way and forced police to react. And further, have a long history of prior convictions for violent crimes.
Rayshawn Brooks beat his wife AND kids!
Jacob Blake, same situation.
I'm confident this 18 year old, who drew on police, ON CAMERA, has a rap-sheet too.


Back in 2013, Bill O'Reilly offered a larger picture of the alleged "war on blacks by police" alleged immediately after the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. The incident that triggered riots and looting. That is actually the shooting that rationalized the formation of Black Lives Matter.

So O'Reilly offered the statistical context of the shooting: There are approximately 8 million arrests annually in the United States, and out of those there are about 600 cases where a suspect is killed during arrest or custody. O'Reilly points out that is an enormously small ratio. In proportion to the millions of arrests, statistically insignificant.
Further, that out of the 600 average deaths annually, only about 150 are black. A small ratio, far from a majority. And that most, are infinitely justifiable, no question the police acted properly.
So there clearly isn't an alleged "war on blacks" by police. These incidents, even the ones where police do everything properly, even with non-black suspects, are extremely rare.

Separate from O'Reilly, I'd further point out that if you average out 600 incidents over 365 days a year, that comes out to 1.64 killed during arrest incidents nationwide a day. About 1 or 2 a day.

And among the much smaller ratio of police deaths involving black suspects, that portion averages out to 0.4 incidents a day, or one every 2 or 3 days annually. So even though the incidents are rare, and more rare for blacks than whites being arrested, Black Lives Matter and the Left can every 2 or 3 days again have another opportunity to say "There, see! Another black man murdered by police!" Even though in most cases the guy is a violent thug with a long violent criminal history, and the police almost always act properly.

Further, according to black conservative columnist Larry Elder and others who offer the same information, BLM and the Left can also say that 150 out of 600 incidents a year is about 25%, and that blacks are about 13% of the population so (rationalization) blacks are targeted for killing in custody at a higher ratio than other groups. Larry Elder and others point out that blacks are far less cooperative with police than other groups, more prone to violence against police, and that it is 18 times more likely that an officer (of any color) will be killed by a black suspect than by a white suspect.

Further, that there are about 7,400 blacks killed a year in the U.S., and that 91% of those killings are black-on-black, **NOT** by police. While, as stated above, about 150 black suspects annually are killed by police. And of those 150, there are only about 10 killings of black suspects annually where there is any question of possible police misconduct.

BOTTOM LINE: Black Lives Matter doesn't give a damn about black lives. It only cares about the tiny number killed by police annually that they can exploit politically. And as cited before, Black Lives Matter isn't about social justice or improving the system, it's a Cultural Marxist organization founded by three people who are openly Marxist, that in their founding mission statement are about overthrowing the U.S. constitutional capitalist system, and replacing it with a Marxist system.

And consistent with Cultural Marxist goals, is also about destroying the traditional nuclear family (VERY RELEVANT: the prevalence of young black men becoming criminals who mostly prey on black communities is very much a byproduct of the absence of black fathers in single-parent black families).
None of these BLM goals has anything to do with actually helping black lives.

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Another case in the news today, from Rochester, New York, that occurred back in March, but for some reason is triggering protests in that city now, the arrest and death in custody of a black suspect named Daniel Prude. Apparently because the police body camera footage was just released now:

He was running in the streets naked, and was cuffed by police, and even bound, was spitting defiantly at the arresting officers, so police put a hood over his head, that apparently is part of police procedure in these situations. And similar to the George Floyd case in Minneapolis, because Daniel Prude was high on drugs, he died while hooded.

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  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The Derek Chauvin trial concluded yesterday, after 16 days of hearings and several hundred witnesses.

And now, less than 48 hours later, the jury is already back with a verdict. It should be announced within the hour. Again, I find it unlikely Chauvin will be found guilty, as George Floyd's autopsy (and a second independent autopsy funded by the Floyd family's lawyer) found he had more than a fatal dose of Fentanyl in his system, as well as a high level of Methanphetamine, and a diagnosed heart condition. Not only can Chauvin not be credibly alleged to have killed him, since Floyd was already overdosing when Chauvin and other officers arrived. It is debatable whether Chauvin and other officers could have done anything to save him.

The person who should be tried for George Floyd's murder is the drug dealer who sold Floyd the fatal dose, and was still in the car with Floyd when he ingested the drugs and overdosed. But ironically, the drug dealer was called in as a witness against Chauvin, and he could not even give any testimony, he just pleaded the 5th Amendment over and over, to avoid incriminating himself for the death that he himself should be tried for.
Ultimately, it is George Floyd who is responsible for his death. He is the one who lived a lifetime of drug abuse and addiction, and violent crime to fund that habit. The abuse for decades of his own body is what weakened his heart. And he is the one who purchased and ingested the fatal done that killed him. And the officers who arrived after-thee-fact just had to deal with it. In the video, the officers initially cuffed Floyd and put him in a squad car, and when Floyd (overdosing) was freaking out panicking, they took him out of the squad car to make him more comfortable. It is a strain of credibility by any stretch to say officer Chauvin is responsible for Floyd's death. And if Chauvin is found guilty, I suspect it will be because the jury caved in to racial extortion and the threat of riots and threats to their own lives.

So if found guilty, Maxine Waters and BLM will have given Chauvin a golden ticket to having the verdict overturned on appeal. If I were on that jury, I would take my family on an extended vacation in Norway or Alaska, or some other place where there's not a black person for about 2,000 miles. And if' I were a business owner in Minneapolis, I would be ready to shutter my business up on a moment's notice, and keep one of several AK-47's handy. Or moving my business out of Minnesota altogether.

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Derek Chauvin trial verdict: Ex-Minneapolis police officer found guilty on all charges in George Floyd's death

Score another win for mob rule and intimidation.

I guess it's on to appeals court for the Derek Chauvin legal team.
Keith Ellison and the other lawyers of the prosecution legal team are having a press conference right now, kissing up to the woke mob, calling this justice, which it clearly isn't.

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In their press conference, the George Floyd family, accompanied by their lawyers, Al Sharpton, and the rest of the professional black race extortion industry, have all said that, emboldened by this win, their battle will continue in the Daunte Wright case.

"Daunte Wright, the latest career criminal lionized by BLM" topic

So even when it's over... it's not over.

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This was a relief to see some justice and accountability. And no it’s not over but hopefully the start of reforms in the police department so there are less deaths and police brutality going forward. Instead of the huge payouts for when cops kill someone like this I would prefer prevent the killing and invest the money for more cops with better training that know they will be held accountable.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
This was a relief to see some justice and accountability. And no it’s not over but hopefully the start of reforms in the police department so there are less deaths and police brutality going forward. Instead of the huge payouts for when cops kill someone like this I would prefer prevent the killing and invest the money for more cops with better training that know they will be held accountable.

Except it wasn't an exercise of free will. It was a jury that had a gun to their heads and were told to rule this way, or their city and perhaps their own homes would be burned.

More than that, CNN and MSNBC, without naming the jurors directly, gave race and age descriptions and a lot of personal details of their families and careers, so that without naming them, anyone who knew them could identify them. And if these jurors didn't find Chauvin guilty, could dox them completely, so an angry mob could mass outside their homes to threaten them personally.

My hope is that in a few months when the national media focus dies down, the case will be turned over on appeal because of the egregious threats of BLM, Maxine Waters, and so many other race extortionists. This qualifies as jury tampering or racketeering. The trial should have been moved to another location, or another "venue" I believe is the term. And at the first sign of mob intimidation, a mistrial should have been declared and the trial moved elsewhere, with an army of police and national guard and arrests, to deter further intimidation.

The judge in the case plainly said to Chauvin's defense attorney today in court that he can easily see the Left has quite possibly given Chauvin a golden path to an appeal overturning the case, and having to be re-tried. But I think the judge was careful not to declare a mis-trial himself, because he wants to wash his hands of the case and pass it on to be someone else's problem. This could go all the way to the Supreme Court.

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If you had followed the trial the verdicts wasn’t a shocker WB. It was filmed and that in itself shows Chauvin killing Floyd slowly. Cops actually testified against him and he was unwilling to testify. But I suppose your response was also a given regardless of the facts.

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The former California home of a defense witness in the Derek Chauvin murder trial was vandalized with a pig's head and blood smears most likely tied to his testimony from the trial, police said.

Last week, Barry Brodd, the retired police officer, said he believed the former Minneapolis officer was justified in his use of force during the George Floyd arrest.

The Santa Rosa Police Department issued a statement on Saturday that said it seemed that the "suspects in this vandalism were targeting" Brodd for his testimony. The statement said the vandals seemed to have targeted the wrong home because Brodd has not lived there for years.

Police responded to the home at about 3 a.m. Saturday and discovered blood on the home and a severed pig’s head on the front porch.

Brodd, a former Santa Rosa police officer, told the court last Tuesday that it is "easy to sit and judge ... an officer’s conduct.
"It’s more of a challenge to, again, put yourself in the officer’s shoes to try to make an evaluation through what they’re feeling, what they’re sensing, the fear they have, and then make a determination."

Brodd likened Floyd's death to a situation in which officers use a Taser on someone and the suspect falls, hits his head and dies: "That isn’t an incident of deadly force. That’s an incident of an accidental death."

Chief Rainer Navarro, the Santa Rosa police chief, said in a statement obtained by the Associated Press that Brodd’s comments "do not reflect the values and beliefs" of his department.

Chief Rainer Navarro is talking like a politician, not a law enforcement officer.
His correct response is to stand for the rule of law, not throw a fellow officer under the bus to save his own ass.

Yet another example of mob intimidation by the Bolshevik Left, not allowing for any dissenting thought, threatening anyone who dares to disagree with them into silence. I cited over the summer of 2020 that BLM/Antifa protest mobs were carrying French Revolution-style guillotines and effigy severed heads. This group is in perfect lockstep with those lunatics.

And Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, Harris, Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the Democrat party made no effort to condemn or discourage these vile intimidation tactics. Confirming they support it, and are one in spirit with them, that BLM and Antifa are their Brownshirt-like storm troopers that they all but openly endorse, to violently attack and intimidate all political opposition. They are not a separate fringe, they are an attack arm of the Democrat party. Their public statements, the street mob's actions, are a pincer-movement Bolshevik revolution, just like similar movements by Soros-funded groups in any number of East European and former Soviet republics, where these mob tactics in unison with political leaders in those nations were perfected over the last 30 years. This is not random, it is not a unique situation. This is an insurrection to overthrow the United States.

There are also BLM mobs in the streets of Minneapolis, intimidating people just eating in restaurants, saying they want all white people driven out. That is unbridled racial hatred, the type that soon after loads people in cattle cars to death camps.
But hey, nothing to see here...


Just more kerosine on a raging fire.

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