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I like to think love triumphs over hate. It's been nice having these talks since MN recognized gay marriage. You have no power to intrude on my life any more. Thanks for helping more moderate people see how hateful your position actually is btw. The intolerance and hate clearly comes from the Left. It is you on the Left who are venomously intolerant of Christians and other conservatives, and far from "multiculturalism" try to leverage us out of having political representation, or even existence! EVERY mass killing in the last few years in the U.S. has been a left-winger. It is also the Left (Prometheus here being a prime example) who fantasize about a "second revolution to exterminate those who won't evolve into the 21st century". And as also demonstrated in the gay/Left's attempts to shut down conservative free speech in the Chick-Fil-A and Duck Dynasty controversies. Republicans are content to voice their dissenting view, in an open dialogue. Democrats and the Left are the ones who attempt to bully and end all free speech by conservatives. If not end our very existence, in bloody fantasies, that are all too frequently violently fulfilled.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Virginia's Attorney General will not defend state's gay marriage ban
By: News Desk [Share on Facebook]
Virginia's Attorney General said Thursday that he will not defend the state's ban on same-sex marriage and will instead side with the plaintiffs. Creative Commons photo courtesy of Flickr user Photo Phiend
Virginia's new Attorney General said Thursday that he will not defend the state's ban on gay marriage.
"I cannot and will not defend laws that violate Virginians' rights," Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring said in an interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep. "The commonwealth will be siding with the plaintiffs in this case and with every other Virginia couple whose right to marry is being denied." ... .pbs.org
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Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer expected to veto 'religious freedom' bill By Dana Bash, CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent updated 3:00 PM EST, Tue February 25, 2014 Watch this video CEO: Arizona is a welcoming state STORY HIGHLIGHTS
Bill would allow business owners to deny service to gay and lesbians based on religious objections Some lawmakers who know Gov. Jan Brewer believe she'll reject the measure Businesses pressure her to reject the bill pushed by group opposed to abortion, same-sex marriage
(CNN) -- All signs indicate Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer will likely veto politically-charged legislation that supporters say promotes religious freedom and opponents contend discriminates against gays and lesbians.
Brewer did not signal her intention either way in an exclusive interview with CNN on Monday at the National Governors Association meeting in Washington.
"I can assure you, as always, I will do the right thing for the state of Arizona," she said.
But some Arizona Republicans who know her well say they are confident those comments mean Brewer will almost surely reject the bill that is generating nationwide controversy.
The Republican-led measure would allow Arizona business owners to deny service to gay and lesbian customers as long as they assert their religious beliefs.
Brewer is scheduled to return to Arizona on Tuesday, and a source tells CNN those familiar with her thinking say she will likely spend at least one full business day in the state before acting.
"I'm going to go home, and when I receive the bill, I'm going to read it and I'm going to be briefed on it. We have been following it. And I will make my decision in the near future," Brewer told CNN.
She has until Saturday to sign or veto the bill. If she does nothing, it automatically becomes law.
Arizona GOP sources say Brewer considers herself a pro-business governor -- someone who above all else wants to protect and promote Arizona's economic interests.
They say she knows full well there will be economic consequences for the state if it has a law on the books perceived to effectively codify discrimination.
"I have a history of deliberating and having an open dialogue on bills that are controversial, to listen to both sides of those issues, and I welcome the input, and information that they can provide to me. And certainly I am pro-business, and that is what's turning our economy around, so I appreciate their input, as I appreciate the other side," Brewer said.
Business leaders in Arizona and around the country, including the chief executive of American Airlines, have urged Brewer publicly and privately to veto the bill.
Approval also is likely to trigger lawsuits.
The bill was pushed by the Center for Arizona Policy, a conservative group opposed to abortion and same-sex marriage.
The group argues the proposal protects people against increasingly activist federal courts.
Brewer vetoed a similar bill last year, arguing that the state legislature should focus on more pressing issues, such as a Medicaid expansion plan she was promoting.
Sources say she is concerned about this bill taking away from other issues she is now pressing, such as overhauling Arizona's child protective services system.
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While I'm sympathetic to the idea that people have a religious right, as well as a right to contract, under which they can choose who, and who not, to do business with, It seems to me that bigots only hurt themselves by not accepting business from people.
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I would point out that being "gay" is not a proven biological condition. There is just as much evidence that being homosexual is a choice, and that tens of thousands of people have been psychologically treated for homosexuality as a disorder, been cured of it, and are now living normal heterosexual lives. I've posted many example cases earlier in this topic. People of religious faith are arguably not "bigoted" toward gays, but wanting to let them live happier and more fulfilling lives by avoiding the dysfunctional "lifestyle choice" of homosexuality. I know two homosexuals in my own family, and the point where they chose that lifestyle, despite acceptance of the entire family, marks the point of their descent into alcoholism, depression, psychological counseling and prescribed anti-depressants. Prior to their descent into "the lifestyle" they were happy and fun people. And that partly explains my hostility toward the gay mindset, because homosexuality took two of my favorite people and turned them into people I barely recognize. Beyond that, "gay rights" is a constructed weapon to attack religious freedom, and those who disagree with homosexuality have every right to oppose what cannot even be proven to be a legitimate biological/psychological condition. http://www.conservapedia.com/Homosexuali...e.2C_and_Choice
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Well I can't speak for the two gays in your family WB but personally there was the fake me that my family got before I came out. Looking back it wasn't really fair to them or myself but out of fear that's what I did for many years. Maybe I was lucky that my drug of choice was mostly comic books.
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my drug of choice was mostly comic books.
Mine as well. We have that much in common. My cousin I've known about as a lesbian since 1989. My other gay/homosexual relative since about 1995 (I can't recall the exact date). I asked his father what he thought about his son being gay about a year or so after, and his response was "Well, I'd prefer if my son wasn't gay, but he's still my son" and didn't love his son any less. But I see your point, because some (not many that I've seen, but some) parents rift with their children at the revelation, and I guess until you break the news, you really don't know for sure if it will cause a rift. I think it's significant to note that despite my hardline views on homosexuality, I don't love my gay family members any less, and have never avoided or discriminated against gay co-workers or other gays I cross paths with. I still think people who feel strongly enough about it should be able to refuse certain gay business or gay employees if they feel strongly enough to take that stance based on their beliefs. Just like a Jew or Muslim shouldn't be forced to eat pork. My own preference is interaction, rather than shutting them out. But I understand why, say, conservative Christian photographers should want to not photograph a gay wedding service, or a catholic school should not want a gay teacher, and I think they should have the right to say no to gays in those or similar circumstances.
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I think the Arizona law was not well thought out enough, and opened itself up to interpretation as anti-gay, despite that it was intended to address gay/secularist/state discrimination against First Amendment religious freedom. And despite there are an increasing number of cases of discrimination toward those of religious faith: FOUR BUSINESSES WHOSE OWNERS WERE PENALIZED FOR THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFSFebruary 26, 2014 (Heritage) - Editor’s note: Amid the heated debate over Arizona’s SB 1062 law, which aims to protect religious liberty, it’s worth looking back at some of the ways that religious beliefs have come under attack in the public square in recent years. The language in this post that is quoted originally appeared in a National Review Online article by Ryan T. Anderson and Leslie Ford. Kelsey Harris also contributed to this article. 1. Elane Photography Elane Huguenin and her husband, Jon, run Elane Photography, a small business in Albuquerque, N.M. Back in 2006, the couple declined a request to photograph a same-sex ceremony because of a difference in beliefs. Elane explained: “The message a same-sex commitment ceremony communicates is not one I believe.” Elane Photography never refused to take pictures of gay and lesbian individuals, but it did decline to photograph a same-sex ceremony. Meanwhile, other photographers in the Albuquerque area were more than happy to photograph the event — and Elane has no problem giving them that business. But in 2008, the New Mexico Human Rights Commission ruled that the Huguenins had discriminated based on sexual orientation. The commission ordered them to pay $6,637.94 in attorneys’ fees. At the end of 2013, the New Mexico Supreme Court upheld the Human Rights Commission. It concluded that under the state’s sexual-orientation and gender-identity law, “the First Amendment does not protect a photographer’s freedom to decline to take pictures of a same-sex commitment ceremony even when doing so would violate the photographer’s deeply held religious beliefs.” Elane Photography has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for review of its case. 2. Sweet Cakes by Melissa When Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman asked the Oregon bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa to bake a wedding cake for their same-sex commitment ceremony in 2013, Sweet Cakes declined the request. The bakery owners consistently served all customers on a regular basis, but making a cake for Cryer and Bowman would have required them to facilitate and celebrate a same-sex relationship — which would violate their religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. It’s a value derived from their very-open Christian beliefs. Check out this picture the bakery shared on their Facebook wall.  P.S. — Oregon law defines marriage as being between one man and one woman, too. But the lesbian couple filed a complaint under the Oregon Equality Act of 2007, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation. In January, the agency issued a ruling that held that the Sweet Cakes by Melissa violated Oregon’s sexual-orientation law when by refusing to bake the cake. As the story gained local media attention, the owners, Melissa and Aaron Klein, immediately faced threats, vicious protests, and boycotts. Fearing for their safety, the Kleins closed Sweet Cakes by Melissa in September 2013. 3. Masterpiece Cakeshop Meet Jack Phillips, who owns Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado. He declined to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding reception for these guys.In 2012, the couple received a marriage license in Massachusetts and asked Phillips to bake a cake for a reception back home in Denver. But because of his faith, Phillips declined to create a wedding cake: “I don’t feel like I should participate in their wedding, and when I do a cake, I feel like I am participating in the ceremony or the event or the celebration that the cake is for.” But the American Civil Liberties Union disagrees. They “filed a complaint against Masterpiece Cakeshop with the state, alleging violations of Colorado’s public-accommodation law. Administrative Law Judge Robert N. Spencer ruled against the bakery on December 6, 2013, concluding that Phillips violated the law by refusing service to the two men ‘because of their sexual orientation.’” Phillips’ response: objection. He said he’d happily sell the couple his baked goods for any number of occasions, but baking a wedding cake would force him to express something that he does not believe, violating his freedom to run his business in step with his faith. “It’s just the wedding cake, not the people. Not the lifestyle. … We’d close down the bakery before we compromise our beliefs.” 4. Arlene’s Flowers Barronelle Stutzman owns Arlene’s Flowers and Gifts in Washington State. Her longtime customers Roger Ingersoll and Curt Freed requested she arrange the flowers for their same-sex wedding ceremony. Stutzman responded that she “could not accept the job because of her ‘relationship with Jesus Christ’ and her belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.” But the couple filed a complaint and Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed suit “against Stutzman, contending that she had violated the state’s sexual-orientation law.” Now Stutzman faces $2,000 fine, a court order, and outrage from local residents. Here’s a Facebook page with 626 supporters. [Boycott Arlene’s Flower’s Facebook Page] As these cases show, religious liberty and discrimination are almost certainly matters that both courts and citizens will tackle and struggle with in the upcoming years. In each of these cases, they had no reservations about providing business to gay customers, they just didn't want to bake specific cakes, prepare flower arrangements, or provide photography, in the specific case of gay marriage that they did not endorse. Isn't that the right of any private business owner, to refuse specific business if they choose to? At any rate, these cases lay out specific cases the Arizona law attempted to address, to protect the rights of people of religious faith, to not be forced to do things that oppose their beliefs.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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I like to think love triumphs over hate. It's been nice having these talks since MN recognized gay marriage. You have no power to intrude on my life any more. Thanks for helping more moderate people see how hateful your position actually is btw. Speaking of hateful positions: Obama administration let anti-gay Muslim leader into U.S.- Even as the Obama administration denounced what it called anti-gay legislation in Arizona and the president sat out the Sochi Olympics because of Russia’s crackdown on same-sex couples, the State Department allowed an Islamic preacher who called for the death penalty for homosexuals into the country for a tour of hate.
Sheikh Mohammad Rateb al-Nabulsi was issued a visa for a 17-city tour of US mosques to raise money and support for the Syrian uprising. He arrived New Year’s Day.
The radical Syrian cleric has made no secret of his virulent anti-gay views. Appearing April 28, 2011, on al Aqsa TV, the official network of the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza, al-Nabulsi said: “Homosexuality involves a filthy place and does not generate offspring. Homosexuality leads to the destruction of the homosexual. That is why, brothers, homosexuality carries the death penalty.”
In addition to his anti-gay pronouncements, Sheikh al-Nabulsi has publicly endorsed holy war against Westerners and Jews as well as suicide bombings against Israel, America’s democratic ally in the region.
Asked whether al-Nabulsi’s televised remarks calling for killing homosexuals and Jews should have banned him from travel to America, a second State Department official, specializing in visa requests, pointed to Section 212(a)(3) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which covers a broad range of terrorist-related activity, including promoting the use of violence and incitement. Nonetheless, the visa was issued.
Gay activists will act like the world is coming to an end if a baker somewhere doesn’t bake them a wedding cake. But this? You hear crickets.
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George Will today on Fox News Sunday expanded well on that, saying that gays "are essentially winning the political battle, but being sore winners. That they can go to a majority of bakers and get a gay wedding cake, but use the hammer of government to vindictively pursue lawsuits against the few that won't."
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Personally I would prefer spending my money where it was wanted but I also never understood the group that actually spends time and money trying to keep the gays from getting married.
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Except that the gay community prefers to spend so much money where it ISN'T wanted, harassing and attempting to outlaw the beliefs and traditions of those who don't share your pro-gay beleifs. Two posts from mid-December of last year, that lay out the issue quote clearly, M E M : and
They [homosexuals] get married for the same reasons other couples get married WB even if you refuse to recognize it.
Marriage in every culture is a religious institution, a ceremony before God, where one man and one woman publicly before those present vow lifelong commitment to each other. As said in GENESIS 2:24-25, the two in marriage as man and wife "become one flesh" in their children. Also, as is repeatedly referred to in the Bible throughout, and especially in REVELATION, the Church (consisting of all Christian believers) is referred to as "the Bride" and Jesus as "the Bridegroom". Marriage is a manifestation of lifelong faithfulness and commitment between man and woman, that manifests the same commitment of each believer to God. And as I said, also manifests the commitment between the Church as a whole and Jesus the messiah. As contrasted with the False Prophet and the Whore of Babylon, which increasingly looks like the whole of Social Marxism/Political Correctness that has waged war for decades on Christianity, that Gay organizations are clearly and vocally a part of. Beyond that, the Bible has outright declared homosexuality immoral and evil (I've listed most of the verses within the last page) so there is no mistaking that "gay marriage" is somehow compatible with religious faith, certainly not Christian or Jewish faith, for those who know their Bible. Likewise not with Muslim religion. And from what I've seen, there is no endorsement of homosexuality in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. I've had a great many friends from China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Pretty much the only safe place in the world for homosexuals is the secularist West of Europe, the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. As we've seen in recent months, even Russia has doubled down in their rejection of homosexuality. So the notion that Christianity, or any other significant culture or religion, endorses gay marriage, or that it is "the same" is clear deceit and a non-starter from the outset. Only in the whitewashed world of Political Correctness, that outlaws the truth as "hate speech". Gays don't have children, there is no two becoming "one flesh". Gay marriage is not a covenant that manifests a larger commitment to God, or commitment to the Church. Quite the opposite, in every political movement by gays for 40 years, they clearly are the anti-Christian soldiers of Social Marxism and the AntiChrist, to drive Christianity out of our culture. There is no logical reason for gays to seek marriage and twist the definition of marriage, that the Bible and the Christians who follow it (and Jews, and Muslims) recognize as a scripturally cited evil, and a homosexual movement that is part of an organized war on their religious faith. Within a secularist framework of non-religious state-recognized civil union there might be the slightest rationalization. But gays seeking a wedding for "the same reasons as other people" is complete hypocrisy.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Obviously it doesn't matter for your side how many people you bother. Trying to keep all gays from getting married vs a handful of legal cases of gays suing a public business. Jan Brewer when she vetoed this law said there hadn't been a single legal case in AZ that it would have pertained too.
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    I was on ebay, and ran across these trashy novels. A sampling of what's on ebay, along with old S-F pulp magazines and other vintage trash fiction novels of the era on any given day. In the 50's and 60's, lesbianism was fodder for many a tittilating trash fiction novel, directed at a male readership, one of many male fantasies catered to in such books. For the guy who fantasizes about being the salami in that sandwich! They're fun to look at, and make fun of. I've even seen there's a seller on ebay who takes some of the more outlandish covers and sells the reproduced covers on cigarette cases.
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I just ran across this article. An enduring sentiment among black civil rights and church leaders, given new expression in this article. Black pastors: Homosexual rights far cry from Civil RightsBy Russ Jones, OneNewsNow.com May 15, 2014
Black pastors in Detroit are outraged that some are comparing homosexual rights to the Civil Rights movement.
In March a federal judge overturned the 2004, voter-approved amendment to the Michigan Constitution that defines marriage as one man and one woman. Approximately 2.7 million voters approved the measure but Judge Bernard Friedman ruled that the marriage law is not "rational."
"We will not follow men who would rather believe a lie than the truth," says Dr. Randolph Thomas, senior pastor of Greater Bethlehem Church in Detroit.
Thomas is also president of the 100-member Baptist Pastors Fellowship of Detroit and Vicinity, which proclaims on its website the belief in "one man, one woman, for life." The website also proclaims that homosexuality is not a "valid alternative lifestyle" but is condemned by the Bible as sin.
"We cannot and we will not endorse anyone who blatantly blasphemes the Word of God and leads people in the wrong direction," Thomas tells OneNewsNow. Pastor Stacy Swimp says the pastors are offended by the comparison of marriage redefinition to Black civil rights struggles.
"They're trying to equate it with the historical struggles of black Americans," he suggests. "And we're saying that is not only untrue but it's absolutely an insult."
The pastors are allowed to file an amicus brief in the 6th District court, and they are calling on others who live in the same district to join them in the legal filing. The Gospel Herald reports the pastors are working with the Thomas More Law Center to file the amicus brief.
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Building on Obama's harassment of our military, from almost exactly a year ago... And another leg of the Left and Obama administration's war on Christian conservatives: Pentagon Classifies Evangelical Christians, Catholics as “Extremists”By Todd Starnes The Department of Defense classified Catholics and Evangelical Christians as religious extremists similar to Al-Qaeda, according to training materials obtained by the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty.
The Pentagon also considered the [far-Left Soros funded propaganda site] Southern Poverty law Center’s “hate group” list a “reliable source” for determining extremism and labeled “Islamophobia” as a form of religious extremism. The revelations come just days after Judicial Watch discovered a separate Pentagon training document that depicted the Founding Fathers as extremists and conservative organizations as hate groups. The Chaplain Alliance uncovered in more than 1,500 pages of documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request after a U.S. Army training instructor told a Reserve unit based in Pennsylvania that Catholicism, Evangelical Christianity, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Sunni Muslims, and the Ku Klux Klan were examples of extremism. PENTAGON CALLS FOUNDING FATHERS EXTREMISTS CHECK OUT THE ARMY’S LIST OF DOMESTIC HATE GROUPS “The materials we obtained establish that the U.S. military violated its appropriate apolitical stance and engaged in a dishonorable mischaracterization of multiple faith groups,” said Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance, an organization that represents thousands of military chaplains. The documents show an unknown number of equal opportunity officers were trained at Fort Jackson, SC, using information obtained from the SPLC. The training material was made public after a soldier who attended the briefing alerted Chaplain Alliance. “He considers himself an Evangelical Christian and did not appreciate being classified with terrorists,” Crews said. “There was a pervasive attitude in the presentation that anything associated with religion is an extremist.” The soldier “produced the slides based on EO Leader’s Course Program of Instruction obtained from the Soldier Support Institute at Fort Jackson, South Carolina,” the document reads. In addition to the slide presentation, the Reserve unit was also shown a video provided by the SPLC and Teaching Tolerance. The trainer told her superior officers she showed the video because it was part of the “EO [Equal Opportunity] Advisor course curriculum.” Crews is calling on the Pentagon to stop relying on the Southern Poverty Law Center or any other group that considers mainline religious organizations to be extremist or terrorist groups. “Men and women of faith who have served the military faithfully for centuries shouldn’t be likened to those who have regularly threatened the peace and security of the United States,” Crews said. “The materials we have received verify that the military views the Southern Poverty Law Center as a reliable source for Equal Opportunity briefings.” The Pentagon did not return calls seeking comment. Last April, spokesman George Wright told Fox News the training briefing in Pennsylvania was an “isolated incident not condoned by the Department of the Army.” There seem to be a lot of "isolated incidents" in the U.S. military in the last 6 months. And yet no one is ever disciplined for these "isolated incidents" that have a consistent pattern of singling out Christians in the military for discriminatory treatment. Giving the impression that this is endorsed at a high level, and testing the limits in an orchestrated way to probe what level they can get away with discriminating against Christians and driving them out of the military. “This slide was not produced by the Army and certainly does not reflect our policy or doctrine,” he said. “It was produced by an individual without anyone in the chain of command’s knowledge or permission.” And yet... no one was disciplined or fired, or even named. The Army said the slide was removed, the presenter apologized and they considered the matter closed. “Mr. Wright’s response is accurate but incomplete,” Crews told Fox News. “Yes, the one offensive slide was deleted, but how many other EO officers continue to use the SPLC as a source for training materials?”
...this... U.S. NAVY REMOVING BIBLES FROM BASE LODGESGiven the long tradition, and the fact that the Bible is deeply ingrained in our Declaration, Constitution, and other founding principles, in the name of tolerance they could, y'know, maybe keep the Bibles for the many they matter to, and let the less enlightened folks just choose not to read them. Again, an interesting transition under Obama. Gays in the military are endorsed, coinciding with a shunning and purging of Christians.
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Not providing free Bible's everywhere is hardly "shunning and purging of Christians"
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Yeah it is.
The Bibles are provided by Gideon. Not the hotels. Trying to use cost as an excuse is disingenuous.
The reasons they have for not providing the Bibles had to do, exclusively, with a typical Freedom from Religion campaign--the sole purpose of which/whom is to purge Christianity from the recesses of the nation/world.
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I didn't say anything about cost. Again being treated like everyone else isn't a "shunning and purging of Christians".
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Not providing free Bible's everywhere is hardly "shunning and purging of Christians" For once in your life, try not to lie.
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As you said they are provided for by Gideon thus making them free. If you want to cry about losing an entitlement go ahead though. I enjoy the theater.
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As you said they are provided for by Gideon thus making them free. If you want to cry about losing an entitlement go ahead though. I enjoy the theater. Wow. You don't even care if people see you back pedaling anymore. You've been at this for so long that your bullshit filter has finally just eroded into nothing.
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She didn’t force gay marriage on anyone. Gays exist in the world like many other things exist. We have a “just grab em by the pussy” President for example on his third wife. Both him and Melania are guilty of adultery. Why is it fine for them to expose kids to that.
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She didn’t force gay marriage on anyone. Gays exist in the world like many other things exist. We have a “just grab em by the pussy” President for example on his third wife. Both him and Melania are guilty of adultery. Why is it fine for them to expose kids to that. First off, I never heard Melania Trump alleged to be engaged in adulterous affairs. As pointed out elsewhere, Melania Trump successfully sued a British newspaper for millions of dollars because they slanderously alleged she early in her life worked as a high class call girl. Second, unless children read Trump's biography or listened to the liberal media, they never heard of Trump's sexual affairs. They are all allegations, not something Trump openly boasts about on national television. Third, the allegations are virtually all in the distant past, between 15 and 30 years ago. And finally, neither Trump or Melania are teaching elementary school and exposing their sex partners and alternative lifestyles to kids, in a way that contradicts and offends what parents are teaching their kids. But the most important point is that Christians who run businesses such as bakeries or photography studios have no option to decline to endorse a lifestyle they disagree with that opposes their religion (GENESIS 13:v 13, GENESIS 18 and 19, Sodom and Gomorrah. LEVITICUS 20:13. ROMANS 1;18-32.) and yet is forced on them and against their values by teachers and by leftist court judges. And now, apparently, those same activist judges allow that intrusion on parents' religious freedom to be rammed down their throats in businesses to likewise be rammed down their throats in schools, and down the throats of their children.
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It’s not an allegation that Trump was cheating on his first wife with who would end up being his second wife. And the Stormy Daniels affair may be something Trump won’t admit to but it’s not credible. His fixer at the time Cohen is in jail right now. The point is you are fine electing human garbage to our highest elected office and pretend it’s greatness. You lowered the bar on what is morally acceptable not with just Trump’s cheap sleaziy adultery but all the daily lies he tells. I think those sins are ones “Christians” are more likely to be guilty of themselves so it’s okay. Something like same sex attraction is something they are not tempted by so it’s easy to get righteous about. To me it shows a weakness in their character and not actual values. Going back to your post you’re upset that someone who lost her job for showing a picture of her fiancé to her students received compensation. In your world sleaze bag Trump is great but this poor woman was a “nazi” for showing a picture of the one she loves and wants to marry. Really, truly shame on you WB.
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If Trump was cheating on his first wife with Melania Trump, that would have been some achievement, since his first wife was Ivanna Trump and they divorced in 1991, and Trump married Melania in 2005. In between Trump did have an affair with Marla Maples sometime before the end of his first marriage in Dec 1991 (Trump and Maples met in 1989). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivana_Trump Trump and Marla Maples married in Dec 1993, and then just a few years later Trump discovered she was cheating on Trump and he filed for divorce in May 1997, finalized in 1999. Trump had been single almost 10 years when he married Melania Trump in 2005. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marla_MaplesTrump first met Melania in Sept 1998, became engaged in 2004, and married in Jan 2005. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melania_TrumpI'm not seeing where any of those facts coincide with what you're alleging about Trump and Melania. The Stormy Daniels thing is still an allegation, never proven to be actually true. Although I believe he did have an affair with Stormy Daniels. Trump's attorney Michael Cohen is in jail for taxi cab medallion fraud (i.e., licenses to legally operate a taxi business, that were falsified) and for perjury, completely unrelated to Trump. Although those crimes were only found because the FBI and Mueller investigation went through every record Cohen had, in an authoritarian abuse of power, to manufacture a crime against Trump. And Cohen actually flipped but was completely not believable and therefore useless to the Mueller prosecutors. So ultimately, Cohen was actually convicted and jailed only in an effort to get Trump, that failed in its larger goal while imprisoning Cohen as collateral damage. It's laughable to me how you jerks on the Democrat/Left bend over backwards to break every law and ethic that there is, and then have the audacity to talk about morality. You guys manufacture "lies" that Trump has allegedly told, but that is only political smoke, a political weapon, against a president who has kept more promises than any president in 50 years, has been the most effective president in over 50 years, by every measure. No one is saying Trump is himself a model of perfect behavior, but he certainly has been an advocate and defender of those who are good Christians. And really, no Christian is perfect either, if you've ever read the Bible, even people as exalted as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jonah, and the apostles Paul and Peter were not perfect men. That's the whole point of Christianity is that none are perfect and all are redeeemed and purified through faith in God. In a fit of rage, Moses killed an Egyptian guard who had been beating a Jew, and ran away to avoid punishment. Kings David and Saul were, for a time, adulterers. David ordered a commanding officer to the front lines to die so he could marry his wife. I would say any of those exceed th real or imagined crimes of Donald J. Trump. The point being, one can be flawed, but ultimately serve a divine purpose. And Trump has done much to roll back the Democrat/Left's campaign to de-christianize America and crush religious freedom, and to rebuild the nation, economically, militarily, and in terms of its core values and national pride. On the original subject, all I'm saying is it's an incredible double-standard that liberals/gays hold up, where Christians are not even given the option to dissent against seccularist indoctrination, and are driven out of business for choosing not to support or advocate a gay wedding with their bakery or photograhy studio businesses. For that "crime" they are fined out of business. And now likewise, parents who want to teach what the Bible teaches to their own children (that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is wrong), as is their religious freedom RIGHT, but are undermined by liberal teachers and liberal courts, so that they can not pass on their Biblical Christian standard to their children. The Biblical standard that the United States Constitution itself was based on, a contract between God and Man in the old and new testaments, mirrored in the contract between a government and its people in the Constitution. The ironies abound. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+1&version=NIV21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
I think that's clear enough. Shame on you, M E M. You're part of the lawless mob that is attempting to de-Christianize America, and can't even be honest about that goal. The Stacey Abramses, the Chuck Schumers, the Nancy Pelosi's, the Ocasio-Cortez's, the Obamas or the Clintons. Who have absolutely no respect for rule of law, or due process or free speech or religious freedom. Let alone U.S. sovereignty and border security. Your side creeps in under the veil of constitutional freedom, lies to gain power, and once in power, begins destroying the system that allowed them to rise! Or more succinctly, Cultural Marxism. Bolshevism. Before it's over if not already, loyal servants of the AntiChrist.
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Even with corrupt Trump in power and installing toadies like Barr (his wingman but both are white so it’s all good) Clinton and all the others you endlessly accuse of crimes have been politically investigated over and over and still remain free. Bearing false witness is also a sin. You may note the Bible actually has a lot more to say about the sins Trump commits daily and without apology. When did Christianity become more about stuff like gay marriage than feeding and caring for the poor with so many people?
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Even with corrupt Trump in power and installing toadies like Barr (his wingman but both are white so it’s all good) Clinton and all the others you endlessly accuse of crimes have been politically investigated over and over and still remain free. Bearing false witness is also a sin. You may note the Bible actually has a lot more to say about the sins Trump commits daily and without apology. When did Christianity become more about stuff like gay marriage than feeding and caring for the poor with so many people? I'm Obama's wingman. I'm his boy!
You were going to call someone a toady and a wingman, M E M? And in remarkable hypocrisy and double-standard, you had absolutely no problem with Holder's unapologetic partisanship in service to Obama. Far beyond partisanship, setting aside the rule of law and weaponizing the DOJ in the service of Comrade Obama. Fast and Furious. Prosecuting only cases where blacks and hispanics were discriminated against, and refusing to prosecute cases of discrimination against whites. The Black Panthers voter intimidation case. Weaponizing the IRS to harass and intimidate Tea Party and religious conservative groups, and auditing of large GOP donors to Romney. For Obama's wingman, NO PROBLEM! And no problem for you either, M E M, clearly. Attorney General William Barr has an absolutely spotless record, and is well known for decades to have the highest integrity and for defending the rule of law. Only at the point where he was doing his job as attorney general for president Trump was Barr ever accused of being a partisan. And only by the most disreputable and vicious partisans of the Democrat/Left. A week ago, Barr made clear he wanted Trump to not comment about cases on social media, and that "He is making it impossible for me to do my job". Implying that if Trump didn't back off, he might resign. Only a partisan liar like yourself would interpret that as being a "Wingman" for Trump.
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I will just note again that you expose your hypocrisy on wingman there. Holder referring to himself as Obama’s wingman was and continues to be an issue to you. Not so with Trump saying he wanted one and is very happy with Barr. And yes partisans like yourself of course love Barr personally interceding for Trump but he’s made a joke out of the DOJ outside of Hannity fans. I never took his comments seriously about resigning because of Trump’s tweets. Trump never stopped nor even had an issue with Barr said. Trump knows Barr will continue protecting his corruption so unlike Sessions, the President is very much happy with his wingman.
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I will just note again that you expose your hypocrisy on wingman there. Holder referring to himself as Obama’s wingman was and continues to be an issue to you. Not so with Trump saying he wanted one and is very happy with Barr. And yes partisans like yourself of course love Barr personally interceding for Trump but he’s made a joke out of the DOJ outside of Hannity fans. I never took his comments seriously about resigning because of Trump’s tweets. Trump never stopped nor even had an issue with Barr said. Trump knows Barr will continue protecting his corruption so unlike Sessions, the President is very much happy with his wingman. You haven't detailed anything "partisan" or "wingman/toady" that Willam Barr has allegedly done on on Trump's behalf. You've only given vague slanders and insults that IMPLY Barr has done something wrong. And again, only the most vicious partisans of the Democrat/Left allege wrongdoing on Barr's part, in a vain attempt to discredit Barr before Durham releases the results of his investigation. And from what has been said about the Durham investigation, indictments will quickly follow. There is not "hypocrisy" on my part, there is clear partisanship on Holder's part that he engaged in unapologically. As compared to Barr's spotless record, where there is no substance to back the clearly politically-motivated smears by some of the DNC's worst actors.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Some nice news for me as the Supreme Court is apparently upholding same sex protections. I wonder if that renders Trump’s HHS recent changes against homosexuals and trans null? Supreme Court ruling
Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2020-06-15 2:02 PM.
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I don't know how that shakes out with the latest Supereme Court ruling. But my opinion is, if gays want transgender surgery that they pay for themselves, or with their private insurance, whatever, it's a free country. It's not something I agree with, but it's their right as private citizens, and private insurers.
But if they want transgender surgery paid for on the federal tab, that's another story, and shouldn't happen. Especially offensive is gay/transgender criminals who are in prison, and are pushing for transgender surgeries paid for on the state tab, paid for with the tax money of the people they victimized. Likewise, transgenders in the military should not have a ticket to free transgender surgeries. That policy incentivizes gay transgenders to join the military, just so they can get free transgender surgery, that they could not get if outside the military.
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Doing some reading and I think it does void Trump’s attempt to roll back the protections that were in place under Obama. A roll back done on the anniversary of the Pulse massacre btw.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_GrenellTrump is so anti-gay, he had a gay German ambaassador, who he then promoted to be his Director of National Intelligence. Both key positions, not token positions. And Grenell and been one of the most productive and loyal of Trump's officials. You jerks on the left are constantly trying to sell the narrative that Trump is anti-black, anti-hispanic, anti-gay, anti-women, white supremacist, etc., etc. But the fact is, Trump is essentially a lifetime New York liberal, and as an employer for decades has been far more supportive of all these communities than pretty much any other company. And quite frankly on the gay front, far more supportive than me. And you guys viciously slander Trump as an anti-minority bigot. Trump's record as president along disproved that lying Democrat narrative. As does his record for over 4 decades as an employer.
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Rolling back gay protections in Obamacare is pro gay how? You understand that affects me more than promoting one gay guy who seems to be really useful for Trump? As for Trump, I don’t think he gives a shit about somebody being gay. He does care about pleasing his base though.
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Are you getting transgender surgery now? Going Glenn or Glenda? How exactly does that affect you, other than feigned and selective outrage?
In the narrow case of not supporting parasitic abuse of government to pay for elective gender surgery is not unreasonaable. Trump is not hostile toward gays. I think the only gay person he's been critical of is Bradley Manning (and that is certainly a case for not admitting gays with gender-identity issues to access and supervise top secret information).
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. Gay Pride parade chant: "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER, WE'RE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN!" Wow, that sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah.... .
GAY LAWMAKERS TO CHRISTIANS: "We'll take your children." Aug. 27, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Few people doubt that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie hopes to become president in 2016. Unfortunately for him, he may have just signed away any chance of that. On Monday, Christie signed A3371, a draconian piece of legislation that bars licensed [psych] therapists from helping children overcome unwanted same-sex attractions, behavior or identity. This law bans help for minors even when – as is so often the case – those same-sex attractions arise from childhood sexual abuse by the likes of a Jerry Sandusky. This law will prohibit minors and their parents from receiving counseling they desire and will force counselors to violate ethical codes because they will not be able to help clients reach their own counseling goals. This law would enslave children – whether abused or not – to a subjectively determined sexual identity that they reject. The connection between homosexual abuse and “gay identity” is undeniable. Consider this: Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that homosexual men are “at least three times more likely to report CSA (childhood sexual abuse)” than heterosexual men. Moreover, the Archives of Sexual Behavior – no bastion of conservatism – determined in a 2001 study that nearly half of all gay-identified men were molested by a homosexual pedophile: “46 percent of homosexual men and 22 percent of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender. This contrasts to only 7 percent of heterosexual men and 1 percent of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender” noted the study. For obvious reasons, this politically motivated law has been dubbed the “Jerry Sandusky Victimization Act.” Liberty Counsel, one of the fastest growing civil rights law firms in the country, has stepped in to protect New Jersey children, parents and licensed therapists. We’ve filed suit to block the law, as we’ve already blocked a similar law in California. In his signing statement, Gov. Christie wrote: “Government should tread carefully into this area and I do so here reluctantly. I have scrutinized this piece of legislation with that concern in mind. However, I also believe that on issues of medical treatment for children we must look to experts in the field to determine the relative risks and rewards.” Beyond the fact that Christie and the New Jersey Legislature have just violated the First Amendment rights of New Jersey parents, children and counselors, there remains another problem with his assertion. It’s not true. As with any form of therapy, the “experts” are all over the board on the issue of change therapy.
For instance, both New Jersey Democrats and Christie cited the American Psychological Association, or APA, as justification for this gross infringement on the right of self-determination. Although, no doubt, the highly liberal APA supports this and similar Sandusky Laws for political reasons, the group’s own task force on change therapy – led entirely by members who themselves are “gay”-identified or known political activists – has had to admit, nonetheless, that homosexuality itself “refers to feelings and self-concept.” The [APA] taskforce confessed that such therapy has shown “varying degrees of satisfaction and varying perceptions of success.” It acknowledged within its own skewed, very limited “study” that some people had “altered their sexual orientation. … [P]articipants had multiple endpoints, including LGB identity, ex-gay identity, no sexual orientation identity, and a unique self-identity. … Individuals report a range of effects from their efforts to change their sexual orientation, including both benefits and harm.” Reports of “both benefits and harm”? Exactly what might be expected from any form of therapy. But that’s for adults.
Here’s the kicker: The APA also acknowledged that there is no evidence whatsoever that change therapy harms minors. Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, addressed this, the most outrageous aspect of the law: “The very report that the governor cited for signing this law also admitted that there is absolutely zero research – none – regarding the effect of change therapy with minors.” Get that? Gov. Christie just signed into law a bill purporting to prevent harm to minors from change therapy, citing, as the reason, an APA report that admits there is neither research nor empirical evidence to suggest that change therapy harms minors. Is your head swimming? It should be. The governor is one of three things. He is either: 1) ill-informed, 2) politically motivated or 3) stupid. I don’t know, I guess he could be 4) all of the above. Meanwhile, there are many experts outraged over this gross overreach by Christie and other New Jersey liberals.
Dr. Nicholas Cummings, former president of the APA, wrote in USA Today: “Contending that all same-sex attraction is immutable is a distortion of reality. Attempting to characterize all sexual reorientation therapy as ‘unethical’ violates patient choice and gives an outside party a veto over patients’ goals for their own treatment. A political agenda shouldn’t prevent gays and lesbians who desire to change from making their own decisions.” Dr. Cummings has testified to personally helping hundreds of formerly homosexual clients achieve the change they desired. Things get more sinister yet. On Wednesday, New Jersey Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly homosexual, bombastically compared change therapy to “beating a child” and suggested that the government take children seeking change away from their parents. He told Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, “What this does is prevent things that are harmful to people. If a parent were beating their child on a regular basis we would step in and remove that child from the house. If you pay somebody to beat your child or abuse your child, what’s the difference?” Mat Staver responded on the same program: “It is shocking to hear the law’s sponsor threaten parents that the state will remove their children from them if they provide the counsel they need and which helps them. This is the ultimate nanny state,” he said. I’ll take it a step further, and I think I speak for many Christian fathers. None of my three children suffer from unwanted same-sex attraction, but if any of them did and they decided to seek change therapy to reconcile their feelings with their faith, Mr. Eustace and the rest of his Gaystapo would be extremely ill-advised to crest my front porch with designs on taking my children. Is this George Washington’s America, or Joseph Stalin’s Russia? ____________________________________
Matt Barber (@jmattbarber on Twitter) is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He serves as Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action Also the stated plan of dozens of gay / trans / satanist teachers, who openly gloat this is their plan in their personal individual blogsite Tik Tok videos , to brainwash elementary and middle school kids, to groom and convert them into the gay/trans world, to deliberately confuse them as naive children into believing they are gay or transexual, to get them on puberty blockers and get trans surgery, secretly, WITHOUT EVER EVEN TELLING THEIR PARENTS. This is their STATED plan, over and over, in gay organizations, in their own posted blog videos online, that they openly boast about. And "Libs of Tik Tok", a conservative site that collects and exposes these videos that leftist/trans teachers freely post, is banned as a "hate site" for simply exposing what Leftist teachers openly and voluntarily said. Simply because it exposes the truly evil freakazoid Left for what they truly are, and for their truly evil abuse of their positions as teachers to do it, what they OPENLY BOAST about doing. The consistent stated plan of gays, going back more than 10 years. Like Hitler's call for genocide and lebensraum in Mein Kampf, when a large and dangerous group warns you they intend to do do something radical, you should believe them. Because that telegraphed intent was not taken seriously, behold the destruction and widening threat that has unfolded over the last 10 years. A lot of damaged children and parents, across all 50 states. And the gay/transgender movement is just one destructive front of the cultural marxist Democrat-Bolshevik left, destroying America from within, on many fronts. Indoctrinating in schools and universities, the self-destructive environmentalist movement destroying America's energy independence, America-hating indoctrination now in both schools and corporate businesses, "equity" fanaticism to destroy free-market capitalism and meritocracy, "woke" indoctination that is destroying our military and is purging it of tens of thousands of soldiers who would actually fight to preserve our country, the open borders movement, and questionably free trade that makes us dependent on hostile foreign governments. Your Democrat-Bolshevik Left at work.
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. And... Drag marchers spark outrage with ‘we’re coming for your children’ chant at NYC Pride event "Gay pride" = an indoctrinated pride in something that is truly shameful and perverse. On full display in these two links, in its full loathesome perversity. A healthy society that was NOT on a path to destruction would not tolerate this.