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Actually when democrats have the power that doesn't happen. We're guilty of trying to make it easier to vote. Your party who hasn't won the popular vote for a presidential election but once in the last couple of decades does crap like "exact match" where even an extra space can put legal votes on hold. It scares me how far you guys might drag our country in an attempt to stay in power.
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Actually when democrats have the power that doesn't happen. We're guilty of trying to make it easier to vote. Your party who hasn't won the popular vote for a presidential election but once in the last couple of decades does crap like "exact match" where even an extra space can put legal votes on hold. It scares me how far you guys might drag our country in an attempt to stay in power. That's a lie. Your Bolshevik party only enables the voters who will benefit YOU. And when you enable illegal immigrants to vote, you disenfranchise legitimate taxpaying U.S. citizen voters. But then, I'm saying that as if you care. That is precisely your party's plan. In 2000, Al Gore's people in Florida tried to exclude the votes of military absentee ballots, that obviously would vote overwhelmingly for W. Bush. And if the Republicans have not won an election by popular vote since 2004, it's because your party has imported about 65 million new voters, for the specific purpose they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. When your party couldn't gain the American voters to win you elections, your party imported a foreign electorate to turn the tide. And then stacked on the race and class demagoguery. Your party has destroyed America over the long term, so they could win elections in the short term. There are Democrat/Progressive fanatics gathering the 500,000 signatures needed to vote California secession from the U.S., to become a separate country. There are chapters of La Raza, the Mexica Movement, and MEChA on virtually every college campus in the U.S. Southwest. A comparison is the nation of Kosovo. Kosovo was the birthplace of Serbia. They began admitting Albanian (muslim) immigrants into their country. After many decades, the Kosovo province of Serbia became 90% Albanian muslim. At which point they began burning Eastern Orthodox churches in Kosovo. Enraged, Serbia pushed back militarily against the Albanians in Kosovo, at which point Bill Clinton intervened on the wrong side, and eventually the U.S. gave diplomatic recognition to the new sovereign nation of Kosovo. Serbia will have its revenge when they recognize the sovereign independent republic of California, or Aztlan, or whatever they choose to call it. The fruit of Democrat policy.
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 Judicial Watch, pointing out 11 districts in California that had turnout over 100% in 2016. California has roughly twice the population and electoral votes as Florida where I live. And yet despite being just under 50% Republican, in presidential elections Republicans there might as well not even vote. As huge as California is, I've often wondered why it hasn't broken into two states, to give conservatives there the representation they have clearly lost. Or at least proportionately split the electoral votes there, instead of making California's electoral votes winner-take-all. Aside from, y'know, the lack of representation on how their high taxes are spent on illegal immigrants and the homeless, and sanctuary cities they never asked to be a part of. Hence the exodus of middle class voters to Arizona, Colorado and Nevada.
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https://mclaughlinonline.com/2020/06/08/memo-to-president-trump-skewed-media-polls/An open letter from pollster John McLaughlin, to President Trump: The latest skewed media polls must be intentional. It’s clear that NBC, ABC and CNN who have Democrat operatives like Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos and other Democrats in their news operations are consistently under-polling Republicans and therefore, reporting biased polls. They continue to poll adults or registered voters that skew away from likely voters. So instead of the 33% Republican turnout which actually happened in 2016, they are reporting polls on only 26%, 25% or even 24% Republicans. Since you get over 90% of the Republican vote, for every point fewer Republicans that they do not poll, they reduce your vote total by a point. In contrast CBS polled likely voters. CBS had 32% Republicans and a close national race. The bias seems to be an intentional strategy to suppress your vote. The latest media spin is that it’s too late to define Joe Biden and it’s too late for President Trump to win. We can hardly wait until they start spinning a “Biden electoral lock”. It has to be a strategy to counter the enthusiasm of Trump voters. For, example, the CNN poll out today is another skewed anti-Trump poll of only 25% Republican. It’s a poll of 1,259 adults – not even registered voters, let alone likely voters. Also, it was done between June 2nd and 5th, before the great economic news from last Friday. In their questionnaire between asking about your job approval and the ballot, they had questions on issues including race relations, not job creation, which could have biased the poll further. It appears that the CNN poll is biased in both sample and questionnaire design to manufacture an anti-Trump outcome. https://cdn.cnn.com/cnn/2020/images/06/08/rel6a.-.race.and.2020.pdfSpecifically, the NBC/WSJ poll on Sunday was among registered voters, not likely voters, and is only 26% Republican. Again this shorts Republicans about 7 points from the 2016 exit polls which had 33% Republicans. This poll was done May 28th through June 2nd and would not have a Friday’s great jobs impact. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6938425/200266-NBCWSJ-June-Poll.pdfThe refusal to screen for actual likely voters is creating an under-polling of Republicans and therefore Trump voters. It seems intentional. It’s exactly what the media did in 2016. Let’s prove them wrong again. It's a deceitful tactic that ostensibly neutral pollsters for Gallup and other polling groups (who are in truth partisan Democrat zealots) use: Over-sample the number of Democrats, under-represent the number of Republicans in the sample, as a means of phychological warfare on Republicans, to make them believe they don't have a chance of winning. But especially after 2016, Republicans are aware of the deception, and it no longer has the same effect of discouragement.
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 This was the guy who did polling for Eric Cantor. He will produce polls that should please Trump at least till Election Day. FOX and the other pollsters you didn’t accuse also don’t show Trump doing well. I think anybody should be voting like their candidate could lose btw. And it shouldn’t take 6 hours to vote either. That is a true disgrace.
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 This was the guy who did polling for Eric Cantor. He will produce polls that should please Trump at least till Election Day. FOX and the other pollsters you didn’t accuse also don’t show Trump doing well. I think anybody should be voting like their candidate could lose btw. And it shouldn’t take 6 hours to vote either. That is a true disgrace. We have the example of the 2016 election, where the polls overwhelmingly showed Hillary Clinton would win. And we all know how that turned out. I don't know what you're implying, about what specific election as being a "disgrace". Georgia recently spent 15 million to update their election system and create a more electronic system that had all kinds of problems, and the changes left it open to all kinds of new election fraud. And yes, a byproduct of that was long lines. You seem to spin that as some kind of Republican plot. Not recently, but in 2000 in Palm Beach County in my voting district, I had to wait over an hour to vote. While I would prefer not to wait, I consider it a small price to pay for the privelege of voting. In recent elections because of advance voting, I can't recall ever having to wait longer than 5 minutes to vote, often not at all.
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 This was the guy who did polling for Eric Cantor. He will produce polls that should please Trump at least till Election Day. FOX and the other pollsters you didn’t accuse also don’t show Trump doing well. I think anybody should be voting like their candidate could lose btw. And it shouldn’t take 6 hours to vote either. That is a true disgrace. We have the example of the 2016 election, where the polls overwhelmingly showed Hillary Clinton would win. And we all know how that turned out. I don't know what you're implying, about what specific election as being a "disgrace". Georgia recently spent 15 million to update their election system and create a more electronic system that had all kinds of problems, and the changes left it open to all kinds of new election fraud. And yes, a byproduct of that was long lines. You seem to spin that as some kind of Republican plot. Not recently, but in 2000 in Palm Beach County in my voting district, I had to wait over an hour to vote. While I would prefer not to wait, I consider it a small price to pay for the privelege of voting. In recent elections because of advance voting, I can't recall ever having to wait longer than 5 minutes to vote, often not at all. Uhm Clinton won the popular vote, the polls were not that far off. And I’m just saying it’s a disgrace that so many people do have to wait hours to vote in this country. That shouldn’t happen and it shouldn’t be just one party finding that unacceptable.
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As explained earlier in this topic, Democrats for 15 or 20 years at least, have been registering fraudulent voters, who skew the actual vote count.
Hillary Clinton's fraudulent illegal votes exceed 3 million just in California, as Pariah has cited repeatedly. Hillary "won" by 2.8 million votes. Take away the fraudulent votes, and Hillary in truth lost both the poopular vote and the electoral vote. As clearly detailed earlier in the topic, and in the Trump 2016 topic.
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Trump’s lies about voter fraud ... Acosta mentioned that five states (Utah, Colorado, Hawaii, Washington, and Oregon) already conduct all elections almost entirely by mail, and added, “You’ve been talking about voter fraud since the beginning of this administration. Where is the evidence?”
Suffice it to say, no evidence was forthcoming. Here’s a transcript of the first part of Trump’s response (emphasis mine):
I think there is a lot of evidence, but we’ll provide you with some. There’s evidence that’s being compiled just like it’s being compiled in the state of California, where they settled with Judicial Watch saying that a million people should not have been voting. You saw that? I am telling you, in California, in the great state of California, they settled and we could’ve gone a lot further. Judicial Watch settled where they agreed that a million people should not have voted, where they were 115 years old and lots of things and people were voting in their place. Judicial Watch is a right-wing nonprofit led by staunch Trump loyalist Tom Fitton. The settlement Trump referred to is a January 2019 agreement between the organization and Los Angeles County that required the county to remove inactive registrations from the voter rolls. By definition, these people hadn’t voted — that’s why their registrations were inactive. Yet Trump has somehow spun this into an unfounded claim about a million people casting illegal ballots. The briefing on Wednesday was not the first time Trump made this claim. He said the same thing last summer during an interview on Meet the Press. At that time, PolitiFact fact-checked Trump’s claim and rated it a “pants on fire” lie.
The PolitiFact piece quotes California Secretary of State Alex Padilla (D) as saying, “[n]o matter how much he repeats them, Trump’s lies about voter fraud are patently untrue. Specifically, the settlement with Judicial Watch, Los Angeles County, and the Secretary of State contains absolutely no admission to or evidence of ‘illegal votes.’” This is what a lying narrative looks like WB and your real problem with fact checks. Trump lies and he lies a lot.
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Here is the Wikipedia entry for Judicial Watch’s false claims on voter fraud... False voter fraud claims[edit] In August 2017, Judicial Watch falsely alleged that 11 California counties had more registered voters than their estimated populations of citizens eligible to vote; the claims were picked up by outlets such as Breitbart News and Russian propaganda network RT (Russia Today).[35] Judicial Watch counted "inactive voters" in its tally, which is a list of people that California maintains of people who have been removed from active rolls after a mail ballot, voter guide or other official document was returned as undeliverable; California keeps such a list as a fail-safe in case eligible voters have been erroneously categorized as "inactive".[35] California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said Judicial Watch's claims were "baseless", and "bad math and dubious methodology".[35][36] When the Los Angeles Times asked Judicial Watch to share its analysis of voter registration in California, Judicial Watch declined.[36] Judicial Watch's voter fraud claims came in the wake of President Donald Trump's false claims of extensive voter fraud in California during the 2016 presidential election.[36]
On 3 February 2020, the day of the Iowa caucuses in the Democratic presidential primary, JW president Tom Fitton suggested that voter fraud was afoot in Iowa by falsely claiming that "eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to register." The false assertion went viral on social media.[37][38] Iowa's Secretary of State, Paul Pate, a member of the Republican Party, debunked Fitton's claim by linking to official voter registration data.[39][40]
Fitton has made alarmist claims about voter fraud, saying "We have all heard about voter fraud and the attempts by liberal media organs like the New York Times and Ivory Tower academics to dismiss it as a nonexistent problem. But is it real, widespread, and substantial to the point that it can decide elections."[41] These look like good guys to you WB?
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Vox is yet another partisan one-sided liberal propaganda site, that can consistently be relied upon to attack Trump relentlessly, and never give context to things like 13 other presidents have used the national guard to restore order, as I briefly cited in an earlier post.
Vox (and CNN and the New York Times, and Politico, and Washington Post, and the rest of the liberal media) can be relied on to attack Trump as unprecedentedly a "liar" and "authoritarian", and make laughably silly comparisons to Adolf Hitler. *WITHOUT* ever giving mention to the fact that Obama tried to exclude Fox News from press briefings as "not a real news media channel". That Obama arrested and jailed two Fox reporters for investigating the Obama White House and establishing sources to get leaked information from White Hosue officials. That the Obama administration prosecuted more people than any other administration for leaks to the media. That even four-decade reporters at the N Y Times and Washington Post called the Obama administration the "most control-freak administration" they had dealt with in reporting their careers covering the White House.
That the Obama administration used the IRS to harass, intimidate and suppress Tea Party and religious conservative groups from organizing, and ultimately allowed Obama to illegally win an election by a narrow 1%, that Obama should have lost. That large donors to Romney such as Catherine Englebrech/TrueTheVote, Frank Vandersloot and Gibson Guitars, were subject to expensive and unwarranted IRS audits, and other federal law agency harrassment, by angencies such as the ATF, EPA, FBI, and of course the IRS. Clearly done for intimidtion purposes, discouraging others from supporting Romney, and just to vindictively harass Republican supporters, just because they were the opposition party.
And ultimately, Obama (according to communications and memos of Sally Yates, Peter Stzok, and Lisa Page, possibly other documents) *PERSONALLY* led the use of FBI, CIA, DOJ, and FISA court abuses to surveil, spy on, frame, imprison and smear Trump and members of the Trump administration, for about a year, during the campaign, and even for months after Trump had been inaugurated as president! That is far beyond Watergate, far beyond the worst abuses of Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, JFK and Nixon. And that's a lot of referenced prior abuses of federal power! But to hear Vox and the other liberal media tell the lying narrative, Trump is the ultimate evil, the worst offender of any president ever to hold office.
Only in the eyes of a shamelessly partisan liberal media could that lying narrative be fronted.
As one example of how that Vox piece is lying propaganda, it glosses over that regardless of mail-in ballots existing, they are a major source of fraudulent voting. As I already said once today, voter fraud in California already exceedss 3 million illegal votes, more than Hillary Clinton's margin of popular-vote victory in 2016.
Even back in 2012, TrueTheVote, looking at just 29 of the 50 states, had found 7 million illegal votes. How much better for Democrats to steal future elections, if they could spread easily compromised mail-in votes to all 50 states?
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Vox is yet another partisan one-sided liberal propaganda site, that can consistently be relied upon to attack Trump relentlessly, and never give context to things like 13 other presidents have used the national guard to restore order, as I briefly cited in an earlier post.
Vox (and CNN and the New York Times, and Politico, and Washington Post, and the rest of the liberal media) can be relied on to attack Trump as unprecedentedly a "liar" and "authoritarian", and make laughably silly comparisons to Adolf Hitler. *WITHOUT* ever giving mention to the fact that Obama tried to exclude Fox News from press briefings as "not a real news media channel". That Obama arrested and jailed two Fox reporters for investigating the Obama White House and establishing sources to get leaked information from White Hosue officials. That the Obama administration prosecuted more people than any other administration for leaks to the media. That even four-decade reporters at the N Y Times and Washington Post called the Obama administration the "most control-freak administration" they had dealt with in reporting their careers covering the White House.
That the Obama administration used the IRS to harass, intimidate and suppress Tea Party and religious conservative groups from organizing, and ultimately allowed Obama to illegally win an election by a narrow 1%, that Obama should have lost. That large donors to Romney such as Catherine Englebrech/TrueTheVote, Frank Vandersloot and Gibson Guitars, were subject to expensive and unwarranted IRS audits, and other federal law agency harrassment, by angencies such as the ATF, EPA, FBI, and of course the IRS. Clearly done for intimidtion purposes, discouraging others from supporting Romney, and just to vindictively harass Republican supporters, just because they were the opposition party.
And ultimately, Obama (according to communications and memos of Sally Yates, Peter Stzok, and Lisa Page, possibly other documents) *PERSONALLY* led the use of FBI, CIA, DOJ, and FISA court abuses to surveil, spy on, frame, imprison and smear Trump and members of the Trump administration, for about a year, during the campaign, and even for months after Trump had been inaugurated as president! That is far beyond Watergate, far beyond the worst abuses of Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, JFK and Nixon. And that's a lot of referenced prior abuses of federal power! But to hear Vox and the other liberal media tell the lying narrative, Trump is the ultimate evil, the worst offender of any president ever to hold office.
Only in the eyes of a shamelessly partisan liberal media could that lying narrative be fronted.
As one example of how that Vox piece is lying propaganda, it glosses over that regardless of mail-in ballots existing, they are a major source of fraudulent voting. As I already said once today, voter fraud in California aalready exceedss 3 million illegal votes, more than Hillary Clinton's margin of popular-vote victory in 2016.
The Trump administration itself didn’t bother to pursue the partisan accusations about the IRS. Your side got what you wanted however, the IRS had it’s budget cut and now tax cheats now have a much easier time. And pursuing it would have only further exposed gop lies. So any entity like Judicial Watch or Fox can also be discounted for being relentlessly partisan? Seems like whenever Fox alters a photo or Trump or his press secretary tell an obvious lie you excuse it. Judicial Watch has made a striking number of false claims. I hadn’t realized that till looking at their record. Vox wasn’t the only one to nail Trump on his lies about voter fraud. I think it’s laid out pretty well as to how Trump lied. Is there a way you can say he wasn’t?
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Here is the Wikipedia entry for Judicial Watch’s false claims on voter fraud... False voter fraud claims[edit] In August 2017, Judicial Watch falsely alleged that 11 California counties had more registered voters than their estimated populations of citizens eligible to vote; the claims were picked up by outlets such as Breitbart News and Russian propaganda network RT (Russia Today).[35] Judicial Watch counted "inactive voters" in its tally, which is a list of people that California maintains of people who have been removed from active rolls after a mail ballot, voter guide or other official document was returned as undeliverable; California keeps such a list as a fail-safe in case eligible voters have been erroneously categorized as "inactive".[35] California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said Judicial Watch's claims were "baseless", and "bad math and dubious methodology".[35][36] When the Los Angeles Times asked Judicial Watch to share its analysis of voter registration in California, Judicial Watch declined.[36] Judicial Watch's voter fraud claims came in the wake of President Donald Trump's false claims of extensive voter fraud in California during the 2016 presidential election.[36]
On 3 February 2020, the day of the Iowa caucuses in the Democratic presidential primary, JW president Tom Fitton suggested that voter fraud was afoot in Iowa by falsely claiming that "eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to register." The false assertion went viral on social media.[37][38] Iowa's Secretary of State, Paul Pate, a member of the Republican Party, debunked Fitton's claim by linking to official voter registration data.[39][40]
Fitton has made alarmist claims about voter fraud, saying "We have all heard about voter fraud and the attempts by liberal media organs like the New York Times and Ivory Tower academics to dismiss it as a nonexistent problem. But is it real, widespread, and substantial to the point that it can decide elections."[41] These look like good guys to you WB? Judicial watch is another vigilant conservative group that the Democrat/Left and complicit liberal media would like to slander and destroy. Probably half or more of what we know about the Russia Hoax and abuses of the DOJ/FBI/CIA/FISA court we know only because of FOIA requests of Judicial Watch. It's an absolute fact that California purposefully doess not clear its voter rolls of decesed or moved residents, so as to enable issuing of invalid voter ballots that can be used fraudulently. All Judicial Watch calls for, and many other watchdog groups cal for, is to update the voter lists and eliminate the dead and the ones who have moved away. and to update the CA driver license process to eliminate illegals from being able to illegally vote by fraudulently claiming to be U.S. citizens without verification. MILLIONS of them. California secretary of state Alex Padilla is a Democrat party hack, not an objective source. What do you expect him to say, that Judicial Watch is doing a great job? That's like using Southern Poverty Law Center as the "reliable source" to black-list conservative groups from Facebook and Twitter as "hate groups", when it is in fact SPLC that is the malicious hate group. Malicious propaganda smears is not the same thing as facts. These attempts to destroy and purge all Republican and conservative opinion and representation should make you nervous too, because if the Left manages to successfully silence Fox News, and Judicial Watch, and me and other conservatives, they will target you and other liberals and further revise what you can say and think and do as well. The attempts of the Left to do this throughout the Obama years, and even during the Trump years with lawless mob intimidation, truly terrifies me. If it were any leader but Trump, republican or democrat, I think the Left's authoritarian takeover would have successfully occurred by now. Only Trump has shown the leadership to oppose it. Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the open borders movement, impeachment, coronavirus, any other leader would have acqiesced by now. Guys like Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, joint chiefs chair Milley, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell (the most powerful Republican in the GOP!) have shown their complete willingness to sell out the conservatives who trusted and voted for them. And of course, Democrats are reliaably the piece of shit party of treason and surrender, from Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on down. There is no separation now from the most extreme fanatics of the Democrat party and the so-called DNC "centrists" at this point. The DNC is in meltdown. If anyone is going to save us from this chaos, it will be led by Trump, as no one else in the GOP, and certainly not the DNC, has the spine and leadership to do so.
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Here is the Wikipedia entry for Judicial Watch’s false claims on voter fraud... False voter fraud claims[edit] In August 2017, Judicial Watch falsely alleged that 11 California counties had more registered voters than their estimated populations of citizens eligible to vote; the claims were picked up by outlets such as Breitbart News and Russian propaganda network RT (Russia Today).[35] Judicial Watch counted "inactive voters" in its tally, which is a list of people that California maintains of people who have been removed from active rolls after a mail ballot, voter guide or other official document was returned as undeliverable; California keeps such a list as a fail-safe in case eligible voters have been erroneously categorized as "inactive".[35] California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said Judicial Watch's claims were "baseless", and "bad math and dubious methodology".[35][36] When the Los Angeles Times asked Judicial Watch to share its analysis of voter registration in California, Judicial Watch declined.[36] Judicial Watch's voter fraud claims came in the wake of President Donald Trump's false claims of extensive voter fraud in California during the 2016 presidential election.[36]
On 3 February 2020, the day of the Iowa caucuses in the Democratic presidential primary, JW president Tom Fitton suggested that voter fraud was afoot in Iowa by falsely claiming that "eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to register." The false assertion went viral on social media.[37][38] Iowa's Secretary of State, Paul Pate, a member of the Republican Party, debunked Fitton's claim by linking to official voter registration data.[39][40]
Fitton has made alarmist claims about voter fraud, saying "We have all heard about voter fraud and the attempts by liberal media organs like the New York Times and Ivory Tower academics to dismiss it as a nonexistent problem. But is it real, widespread, and substantial to the point that it can decide elections."[41] These look like good guys to you WB? Judicial watch is another vigilant conservative group that the Democrat/Left and complicit liberal media would like to slander and destroy. Probably half or more of what we know about the Russia Hoax and abuses of the DOJ/FBI/CIA/FISA court we know only because of FOIA requests of Judicial Watch. That's like using Southern Poverty Law Center as the "reliable source" to black-list conservative groups from Facebook and Twitter as "hate groups", when it is in fact SPLC that is the maalicious hate group. Malicious propaganda smears is not the same thing as facts. These attempts should make you nervous too, because if the Left manages to successfully silence Fox News, and Judicial Watch, and me and other conservatives, they will target you and other liberals and further revise what you can say and think and do as well. The attempts of the Left to do this throughout the Obama years, and even during the Trump years with lawless mob intimidation, truly terrifies me. If it were any leader but Trump, republican or democrat, I think the Left's authoritarian takeover would have successfully occurred by now. Only Trump has shown the leadership to oppose it. Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the open borders movement, impeachment, coronavirus, any other leader would have acqiesced by now. Guys like Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, joint chiefs chair Milley, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell (the most powerful Republican in the GOP!) have shown their complete willingness to sell out the conservatives who trusted and voted for them. And of course, Democrats are the piece of shit party of treason and surrender, from Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on down. There is no separation now from the most extreme fanatics of the Democrat party and the so-called DNC "centrists" at this point. The DNC is in meltdown. If anyone is going to save us from this chaos, it will be led by Trump, as no one else in the GOP, and certainly not the DNC, has the spine and leadership to do so. Not even an attempt to address Judicial Watches lies. It’s just more accusations and name calling by you. Is the dishonesty acceptable because it’s for the cause?
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And Judicial Watch counted inactive voters in their tally. By definition these were not actual votes. It doesn’t matter who points that lie of theirs out.
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Here is the Wikipedia entry for Judicial Watch’s false claims on voter fraud... False voter fraud claims[edit] In August 2017, Judicial Watch falsely alleged that 11 California counties had more registered voters than their estimated populations of citizens eligible to vote; the claims were picked up by outlets such as Breitbart News and Russian propaganda network RT (Russia Today).[35] Judicial Watch counted "inactive voters" in its tally, which is a list of people that California maintains of people who have been removed from active rolls after a mail ballot, voter guide or other official document was returned as undeliverable; California keeps such a list as a fail-safe in case eligible voters have been erroneously categorized as "inactive".[35] California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said Judicial Watch's claims were "baseless", and "bad math and dubious methodology".[35][36] When the Los Angeles Times asked Judicial Watch to share its analysis of voter registration in California, Judicial Watch declined.[36] Judicial Watch's voter fraud claims came in the wake of President Donald Trump's false claims of extensive voter fraud in California during the 2016 presidential election.[36]
On 3 February 2020, the day of the Iowa caucuses in the Democratic presidential primary, JW president Tom Fitton suggested that voter fraud was afoot in Iowa by falsely claiming that "eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to register." The false assertion went viral on social media.[37][38] Iowa's Secretary of State, Paul Pate, a member of the Republican Party, debunked Fitton's claim by linking to official voter registration data.[39][40]
Fitton has made alarmist claims about voter fraud, saying "We have all heard about voter fraud and the attempts by liberal media organs like the New York Times and Ivory Tower academics to dismiss it as a nonexistent problem. But is it real, widespread, and substantial to the point that it can decide elections."[41] These look like good guys to you WB? Judicial watch is another vigilant conservative group that the Democrat/Left and complicit liberal media would like to slander and destroy. Probably half or more of what we know about the Russia Hoax and abuses of the DOJ/FBI/CIA/FISA court we know only because of FOIA requests of Judicial Watch. That's like using Southern Poverty Law Center as the "reliable source" to black-list conservative groups from Facebook and Twitter as "hate groups", when it is in fact SPLC that is the maalicious hate group. Malicious propaganda smears is not the same thing as facts. These attempts should make you nervous too, because if the Left manages to successfully silence Fox News, and Judicial Watch, and me and other conservatives, they will target you and other liberals and further revise what you can say and think and do as well. The attempts of the Left to do this throughout the Obama years, and even during the Trump years with lawless mob intimidation, truly terrifies me. If it were any leader but Trump, republican or democrat, I think the Left's authoritarian takeover would have successfully occurred by now. Only Trump has shown the leadership to oppose it. Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the open borders movement, impeachment, coronavirus, any other leader would have acqiesced by now. Guys like Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, joint chiefs chair Milley, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell (the most powerful Republican in the GOP!) have shown their complete willingness to sell out the conservatives who trusted and voted for them. And of course, Democrats are the piece of shit party of treason and surrender, from Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on down. There is no separation now from the most extreme fanatics of the Democrat party and the so-called DNC "centrists" at this point. The DNC is in meltdown. If anyone is going to save us from this chaos, it will be led by Trump, as no one else in the GOP, and certainly not the DNC, has the spine and leadership to do so. Not even an attempt to address Judicial Watches lies. It’s just more accusations and name calling by you. Is the dishonesty acceptable because it’s for the cause? THAT is an absolute lie on your part. I answered that the California secretary of state is a political operative (i.e., a partisan hack, not an objective "source") and since it serves his Bolshevik party to slander and discredit Judicial Watch (as it also serves liberal-partisan Wikipedia as well) he alleged Judicial Watch was wrong, when it is an absolute fact that California's voter rolls are filled with outdated fraudulent voters listed, dead voters, voters who have moved away, that Democrat-controlled California keeps on the books for nefarious purposes, specifically voter fraud. And I cited that California alone has more fraudulent votes than the 2.8 million popular votes that Hillary Clinton "won" in 2016. The "lie" is that Judicial Watch lied. There were, in fact outdated voter lists in California, they just tried to rationalize it that Democrat-controlled California keeps them on the list "as a fail-safe". But they are, in fact, people who are dead or have moved away, and have been left on the voting rolls for more than 5 or 10 years. Republicans are pushing to verify or remove them after 3 years, keeping them verified and current. What you front as factual and sourced is a lie, fronted by Democrat partisan hacks, who like the ambiguity in California and elsewhere, because it enables their voter-fraud. Regarding the Iowa Caucus (which on the Democrat side was the most disaastrous election in Iowa history, by the way, and resulted in resignations and a corrupt vote that should have gone to Bernie Sanders but was delayed to benefit Joe Biden), your source is again a lie that is eager to discredit Judicial Watch, but the facts are not what you present: https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/2020-election-democratic-iowa-caucuses/card/rTARHpxhXxC4tVEPtS69Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch *DID** back up their data and analysis methods in a logical and methodical way. And while one could disagree with their methodology, they still "highlight a common issue with accuracy of voter rolls that has prompted concern", and make an effort to present hard numbers, that they were't shy about explaining, as your "source" lyingly misrepresented. At best, Iowa's election commissioner can only say that of the 8 districts that Judicial Watch cited as suspiciously having more voters than actual people, that it is absolutely true of only 5 of the 8! But Judicial Watch says they stand by their numbers, and left no mystery to how they calculated those numbers. Which your source lyingly said Judicial Watch wasn't willing to disclose. A proven lie, and not by Judicial Watch.
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I love Berkeley Breathed's strips. For my money, he's the best of the current generation of comic strip artists. I even got a number of the children's books he did, any of which I'd recommend. Not difficult to see how he won a Pulitzer Prize for his political commentary. 
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VOTER FRAUD EXISTS, EVEN THOUGH MANY IN THE [LIBERAL] MEDIA CLAIM IT DOESN'TPresident Trump warned on Twitter last week that law enforcement would be looking for “voter fraud” in the midterm elections. Many journalists quickly responded – as they always do – by dismissing the very existence of voter fraud.
CNN’s Jim Acosta tweeted “voter fraud in this country is actually very rare.”
Glenn Thrush of The New York Times claimed: “there is essentially no voter fraud in this country.” He instead asked, "Will the (Justice Department) Civil Rights division prevent/investigate a real threat-voter suppression?" Journalists have credulously repeated unsupported, patronizing claims that in Georgia and other states, voter registration and absentee ballot laws somehow suppress minority votes.
The preference for opinion journalism over real reporting prompted Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame to tell a CNN summit last Monday, “We need to be doing stories that really look at whether or not there is widespread voter fraud…. we still need to be doing that basic aspect of the reporting.”
David Wasserman of the Cook Political Report said there are “valid concerns about the restrictive impact of new voting laws and voters improperly removed from rolls, but there's also a lot of outrage-stoking and sloppy journalism in this realm that are counterproductive to fixing real problems.”
For example, to improve the accuracy of Georgia’s records, state legislators last year required that information on a voter registration application match a “driver’s license, state ID card or Social Security record.” Inconsistencies can cause a voter’s registration to be flagged as “pending” while the discrepancy is investigated.
Brian Kemp, the GOP candidate for governor and current secretary of state in Georgia, is being accused of “voter suppression” because of this law. But a “pending” status does not prevent anyone from voting as long as he or she has a government ID that substantially matches the registration application. In any event, every voter can cast a provisional ballot that will be counted once the registration information is verified.
As the secretary of state told radio host Erick Erickson, there are 75,000 pending voters among a record total of 7 million registered in the state. Of these, 9,224 are minors under 18; 2,935 used a fake address; 3,393 are not citizens, and 5,842 were already registered.
Of the remaining applications, 75 percent submitted erroneous Social Security information. Almost a quarter of those “sloppy forms” came from a registration effort by the New Georgia Project, a group founded in 2014 by Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor. Abrams seems unconcerned about voter integrity, telling a crowd in Jonesboro that the "blue wave" would include "those who are documented and undocumented.” She later claimed she didn’t mean to imply noncitizens should actually vote.
While journalists have chased down the Georgia rabbit hole, law enforcement and citizen watchdog groups have uncovered serious voter fraud problems that have received almost no national attention.
For example:
Court filings by the Texas attorney general reveal that funding for a voter fraud ring came from the former head of the Texas Democratic Party in Fort Worth.
Leticia Sanchez and three other vote “harvesters” have been indicted for allegedly submitting fraudulent absentee ballot applications and then either intercepting the ballots in mailboxes or improperly “assisting” elderly voters in filling out their ballots.
Separately, the Texas attorney general has announced he’s investigating mailers sent to non-citizens by the state Democratic Party asking them to register using applications that already had the box asking about citizenship checked ‘Yes.’”
California was recently forced to admit that it had mistakenly registered almost 25,000 ineligible voters. The state didn’t even realize it was registering noncitizens until a Canadian who is a permanent resident of the U.S. contacted The Los Angeles Times to say he had been improperly registered under the state’s new automatic voter registration system.
In a letter calling for an audit, Democratic Secretary of State Alex Padilla admitted that such “persistent errors” will “undermine public confidence.”
Over a 20-year-period, Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles officials have allowed thousands of noncitizens to register to vote and many have actually voted.
After state officials withheld documents from the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) and even state legislators with oversight authority detailing this mess, the PILF sued to enforce a federal disclosure law. After months of litigation, state election officials are still concealing the information that no one in the media seems interested in uncovering.
PILF found that Michigan lacks a system to keep false citizenship claims from being accepted during voter registration. The group’s preliminary study of the Detroit metro area found at least 1,444 non-citizens have been registered to vote in recent years.
PILF has also found thousands of non-citizens – many of whom have voted – on voter rolls in other jurisdictions, including New Jersey, Illinois and numerous sanctuary cities.
In states around the U.S., major problems with our voter registration systems have been tolerated for years. A 2012 report by the Pew Center on the States found that more than 1.8 million dead people were registered to vote and 2.75 million people were registered in more than one state.
The Pew report found that 24 million registrations were either invalid or inaccurate, making the registration systems vulnerable to fraud. Despite this abysmal record, the Justice Department under President Obama decided it wouldn’t take any action to enforce a federal law that requires states to maintain accurate voter rolls by regularly removing ineligible voters
When the 2002 Help America Vote Act passed Congress with bipartisan support in the aftermath of the 2000 election debacle in Florida, it’s co-author – Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut – declared the goal of our laws should be to “make it easy to vote and hard to cheat."
Indeed, there is no reason why we can’t pursue both goals. But the media aren’t doing our democracy any favors by summarily dismissing the existence of voter fraud – like the almost 1,200 proven cases in the Heritage Foundation’s election fraud database – while questioning the very need for accurate voter rolls.
John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky are coauthors of “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”
Wow, Stacy Abrams, the one complaining about cleaning up the voter fraud, is the one who is personally orchestrating the fraud in her state! And similarly, Democrat leaders in other states. And despite her best efforts to steal the election, she hasn't shut up ever since, about (irony!) how the election was "stolen" from her, white racism, etc., etc., bla bla bla. I notice a steady pattern of Democrats who break the rules to defraud the system, and then scream racism and discrimination when they are called on it. And, of course, slandering Republicans by accusing them of what they themselves, the Democrats, are guilty of.
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In a letter calling for an audit, Democratic Secretary of State Alex Padilla admitted that such “persistent errors” will “undermine public confidence.”
That guy flying cover for California's orchestrated Democrat voter fraud, is the "source" you cited a few posts above, right M E M? Score another victory for the Bolshevik party.
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Not a fan of his current version of bloom county. The characters look like the ones we know and love but depending on his whims any given day they act like completely different personalities
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For me, Breathed was doing his best work on the Outland strips, around 1992-1996 or so, that only appeared on Sundays, and were in full color. Ih have collected books of those, as well as several hardcovers (but not all) of the first 10 years or so of Bloon County strips.
Parts of the Outland strips were reminiscent of George Herriman's "Krazy Kat" comic strip pages. I think deliberately, in tribute.