Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Here is the Wikipedia entry for Judicial Watch’s false claims on voter fraud...
False voter fraud claims[edit]
In August 2017, Judicial Watch falsely alleged that 11 California counties had more registered voters than their estimated populations of citizens eligible to vote; the claims were picked up by outlets such as Breitbart News and Russian propaganda network RT (Russia Today).[35] Judicial Watch counted "inactive voters" in its tally, which is a list of people that California maintains of people who have been removed from active rolls after a mail ballot, voter guide or other official document was returned as undeliverable; California keeps such a list as a fail-safe in case eligible voters have been erroneously categorized as "inactive".[35] California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said Judicial Watch's claims were "baseless", and "bad math and dubious methodology".[35][36] When the Los Angeles Times asked Judicial Watch to share its analysis of voter registration in California, Judicial Watch declined.[36] Judicial Watch's voter fraud claims came in the wake of President Donald Trump's false claims of extensive voter fraud in California during the 2016 presidential election.[36]

On 3 February 2020, the day of the Iowa caucuses in the Democratic presidential primary, JW president Tom Fitton suggested that voter fraud was afoot in Iowa by falsely claiming that "eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to register." The false assertion went viral on social media.[37][38] Iowa's Secretary of State, Paul Pate, a member of the Republican Party, debunked Fitton's claim by linking to official voter registration data.[39][40]

Fitton has made alarmist claims about voter fraud, saying "We have all heard about voter fraud and the attempts by liberal media organs like the New York Times and Ivory Tower academics to dismiss it as a nonexistent problem. But is it real, widespread, and substantial to the point that it can decide elections."[41]

These look like good guys to you WB?

Judicial watch is another vigilant conservative group that the Democrat/Left and complicit liberal media would like to slander and destroy. Probably half or more of what we know about the Russia Hoax and abuses of the DOJ/FBI/CIA/FISA court we know only because of FOIA requests of Judicial Watch.
It's an absolute fact that California purposefully doess not clear its voter rolls of decesed or moved residents, so as to enable issuing of invalid voter ballots that can be used fraudulently. All Judicial Watch calls for, and many other watchdog groups cal for, is to update the voter lists and eliminate the dead and the ones who have moved away. and to update the CA driver license process to eliminate illegals from being able to illegally vote by fraudulently claiming to be U.S. citizens without verification. MILLIONS of them.

California secretary of state Alex Padilla is a Democrat party hack, not an objective source. What do you expect him to say, that Judicial Watch is doing a great job?

That's like using Southern Poverty Law Center as the "reliable source" to black-list conservative groups from Facebook and Twitter as "hate groups", when it is in fact SPLC that is the malicious hate group.
Malicious propaganda smears is not the same thing as facts.

These attempts to destroy and purge all Republican and conservative opinion and representation should make you nervous too, because if the Left manages to successfully silence Fox News, and Judicial Watch, and me and other conservatives, they will target you and other liberals and further revise what you can say and think and do as well.

The attempts of the Left to do this throughout the Obama years, and even during the Trump years with lawless mob intimidation, truly terrifies me. If it were any leader but Trump, republican or democrat, I think the Left's authoritarian takeover would have successfully occurred by now. Only Trump has shown the leadership to oppose it. Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the open borders movement, impeachment, coronavirus, any other leader would have acqiesced by now.
Guys like Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, joint chiefs chair Milley, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell (the most powerful Republican in the GOP!) have shown their complete willingness to sell out the conservatives who trusted and voted for them.
And of course, Democrats are reliaably the piece of shit party of treason and surrender, from Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on down. There is no separation now from the most extreme fanatics of the Democrat party and the so-called DNC "centrists" at this point. The DNC is in meltdown. If anyone is going to save us from this chaos, it will be led by Trump, as no one else in the GOP, and certainly not the DNC, has the spine and leadership to do so.