Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
From what I’ve read Google is unwilling to run ads next to some really despicable content in Comments sections. I’ve made the mistake of sometimes reading some comments after an article and honestly see why that is an issue. I don’t see a right to force another company to supply revenue for that crap and that appears to be the issue. If the Federalist wants to continue to keep its comment section as it was they should ask their scummy commenters to pay for any loss of revenue.

The issue is Google's (and other liberal social media's, such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and so forth) who hold conservtive comments to a standard they don't hold liberal comments to. You either have one standard for both sides, or you are targeting the conservative side while giving equally if not more vile commentary by liberals a free pass.

Twitter blocked a post by Donald Trump where he linked video proof of liberal violence, and labelled Trump's comment as "inciting violence" when in truth Trump was just factually citing liberal violence, and certainly not endorsing it.
At that exact same time, Twitter and Facebook left up the accounts of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, who were using their social media accounts to ORGANIZE the violence!
Gee, what's wrong with this picture?

And (myself included) many conservatives with less visibility and political clout are similarly targeted and banned by liberal social media, but don't have the media visibility to hold them accountable and force them to reverse their unfair treatment and give us back our accounts.