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#1232144 2020-06-18 12:31 AM
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I know the rage for Antifa is mighty but a couple more arrests were made sadly after some right wingers killed some cops.
Accused killer of cops were associated with right wing group

TOPLINE The FBI announced Tuesday that Steven Carrillo, the U.S. Air Force sergeant who allegedly murdered law enforcement officers in California during protests earlier this month, was associated with the right-wing Boogaloo movement, and that Carrillo chose the timing of his attacks to "take advantage of a time when this nation was mourning the killing of George Floyd."

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You keep trying to sell this bullshit narrative that "right wingers" are some threat to the country. Even as tens of thousands of left-wing Antifa and Black Lives Matter Bolshevik lunatics are looting and burning cities nationwide, you strain to find one right-winger who did something.

Your B.S. doesn't pass the smell-test, M E M.

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If it was really “tens of thousands “ actually looting and committing arson WB you would have a point. Instead you’ve falsely lumpEd the vast majority of peaceful protestors with the few. When an extremist group targets cops for killing and succeeding why do you claim it’s bs really?

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M E M, with all due respect, they burned down and looted about 500 businesses just in Minneapolis. They've done the same in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Portland, Seattle... dozens of cities nationwide. The damage in Minneapolis alone is probably in the hundreds of millions, if not the billions. And the looting was even more widespread in New York City.

That easily adds up to thousands in each city nationwide. So yes, tens of thousands.
While there are peaceful protestors as well, there are tens of thousands nationwide active in destruction and violence.

And when Black Lives Matter and Antifa openly advocate and recruit soldiers and terrorist cels for that violence, who in demonstrations stoke thousands of others to do so, looting, arson, beating people up... yes, that violence reaches into tens of thousands, easily.
Antifa alone I've seen estimated at about 20,000 to 25,000 members, as measured by the daily visits to their websites.

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You can keep trying to spin WB but it unfolded in front of me. Most of the protesters were peaceful and I understand why they were exercising their constitutional rights. And I’m not trying to say all this arson and violence was coming from the right. Given the arrest of the ones from a far right group that actually killed cops during the protests though it certainly isn’t a one sided affair. You’re total lack of comment/concern about the right wingers targeting and successfully killing cops does let me know where your at politically though. For what it’s worth you have me convinced that you will stick with your talking points no matter what. If murdered cops are not going to slap some reality into you, nothing will.

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In 2013 and beyond, a number of black criminal suspects who had died in the course of confrontations with police officers joined Trayvon Martin as new, martyred icons of the BLM movement. Prominent among these were Eric Garner (New York), Michael Brown (Ferguson, Missouri), Tamir Rice (Cleveland), Timothy Russell (Cleveland), Malissa Williams (Cleveland), and Freddie Gray (Baltimore). High-profile political leaders such as President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and the mayors of the cities where the aforementioned deaths took place, routinely depicted race as a major underlying factor in those deaths.

In December 2014, for instance, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio—explicitly exhorting New Yorkers to remember that “black lives matter”—lamented the “centuries of racism” whose legacy was still influencing the actions of too many police officers. The mayor called not only for the retraining of police forces “in how to work with [nonwhite] communities differently,” but also for the use of body cameras to bring “a different level of transparency and accountability” to police work.

And in the aftermath of Freddie Gray's death in April 2015, Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, citing her desire “to reform my [police] department,” called on the U.S. Department of Justice to conduct a civil-rights investigation to determine whether Baltimore police had been engaging in unconstitutional patterns of abuse or discrimination against African Americans. Moreover, when violent riots were overrunning parts of her city following Gray's demise, Rawlings-Blake, by her own admission, “gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well.” In other words, the police were in effect sidelined.

In New York, Baltimore, and elsewhere in urban America, law-enforcement officers responded to the newly rising anti-police climate by becoming less proactive in apprehending criminals, particularly for low-level offenses. This, in turn, led to a dramatic rise in crime rates in a number of U.S. cities. For example:
•Through the first five months of 2015 in New York, the incidence of murder was 20% higher than for the same period a year earlier, and shooting incidents were up 9%.

•During the three months that followed August 2014 (when Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri), homicides in nearby in St. Louis city rose 47%, and robberies in St. Louis County increased by 82%.

•After the protests and riots over the April 12, 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, shootings in that city increased by more than 60% compared to the same period a year earlier. In May 2015, Baltimore recorded 43 murders—the most in any month since August 1972.

•From January to mid-May of 2015 in Milwaukee, homicides were up 180% compared to the same period in 2014.

•From January through March of 2015 in Houston, murders were up nearly 100% compared to the same period in 2014.

•From January 1 through May 24, 2015 in Chicago, shootings were up 25% and homicides were up 18% compared to the same period in 2014.

•From January through May of 2015 in Los Angeles, shootings were up 23% and other violent crime was up 25% compared to the same period in 2014.

For 2015 as a whole, America's 56 largest cities experienced a 17% rise in homicides; in 10 heavily black cities, murders increased by more than 60%.

Moreover, some criminals deliberately made police officers the targets of their violence. Less than three weeks after Mayor de Blasio's December 2014 condemnation of police in New York, for instance, a black gunman named Ismaaiyl Brinsley shot and killed two uniformed NYPD officers, execution-style, as they sat in their marked police car. In a Facebook message he had posted just prior to carrying out his double murder, Brinsley made it explicitly clear that his motive was to avenge the recent deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.

And of the nineteen police officers nationwide who were killed in the line of duty (by gunshot, assault, or vehicular assault) during the first five months of 2015, ten were killed in the month of May alone; i.e., the month following the Freddie Gray riots in Baltimore.

The spike in urban violence nationwide continued into 2016. During the first quarter of that year, homicides in the nation's 63 largest cities increased by 9%, while nonfatal shootings were up 21%. For the statistics on rising violence rates in a number of specific cities, click here. Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald characterized this spike in urban violence -- and in attacks on the police -- as "The Ferguson Effect" -- a reference to the rage and anti-police hatred sparked by the aforementioned police shooting of Michael Brown, a young black man in Ferguson, Missouri.

These attacks against police officers, and the aforementioned increases in urban crime, are not at all troubling to BLM, because, notwithstanding the movement's constant professions of deep concern about black lives, the reality is quite different. What matters most to BLM is finding a spark—e.g., allegations of police vigilantism—that can be used to ignite a race war; to take America back to the “long hot summers” of the 1960s, when criminals were seen as radical “heroes,” police had a bull's-eye on their backs, and the streets of America’s inner cities ran red with fantasies of “revolutionary violence.”

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So you’re just like BLM if the murdering of cops are done from a right wing group?

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From the opening Forbes article link:

by Tommy Beer, Forbes


The FBI announced Tuesday that Steven Carrillo, the U.S. Air Force sergeant who allegedly murdered law enforcement officers in California during protests earlier this month, was associated with the right-wing Boogaloo movement, and that Carrillo chose the timing of his attacks to "take advantage of a time when this nation was mourning the killing of George Floyd."


•Last week, Carrillo was charged with murder after he ambushed Santa Cruz deputies and threw pipe bombs at police on June 6, killing Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller and wounding four other officers.

•On Tuesday, the FBI announced Tuesday that Carrillo has also been federally charged with the murder of federal security officer Pat Underwood, who was killed in a drive-by shooting on May 29 in Oakland.

•A suspected accomplice, Robert Alvin Justus Jr., has been arrested as well.

•Justus was allegedly the driver of the van used in both the Oakland Federal Building shooting and the Santa Cruz attack.

•Before he was apprehended, Carrillo reportedly scrawled the word "boog" and "I became unreasonable" in blood on the hood of a car.

•"Boog" is short for boogaloo, which, according to NBC News, is a far-right anti-government movement that began on the extremist site 4chan and aims to start a second American civil war.

•The phrase "I became unreasonable" has seemingly become a meme in public Boogaloo communities on Facebook.

•Authorities say they also found a "boogaloo" patch in the van the duo used.


During Tuesday's press conference, FBI agent Jack Bennett said Carrillo and Justus purposefully chose the protest as the locality of the killing to blend in better and to take advantage of community grief over the police killing of George Floyd. "There is no evidence that these men had any intention to join the demonstration in Oakland … They came to Oakland to kill cops," Bennett said. Carrillo has been charged with 19 felonies related to the attack, and the charges carry enhancements of "lying in wait," which means that Carrillo will be eligible for the death penalty. However, prosecutors have not said if they will pursue death. According to an ATF official, the weapon used in the fatal shootings was a homemade so-called ghost gun without a serial number. "This firearm is a machine gun with a silencer attached to its barrel," said the official.


Attorney General William Barr and other top government officials, including President Trump, have frequently blamed Antifa activists for the violence stemming from recent demonstrations in the wake of George Floyd's death. However, last week NPR published a review of court documents of 51 individuals facing federal charges related to protests, and none is alleged to have links to the Antifa movement. Among all the cases brought by the Justice Department thus far, the only extremist group mentioned in court documents is the right-wing "Boogaloo movement."


"Elements of The Boogaloo have evolved from a gathering of militia enthusiasts and Second Amendment advocates into a full-fledged violent extremist group, which inspires lone wolf actors and cell-like actors alike," said Joel Finkelstein, director of the Network Contagion Research Institute. "Given recent events and the inability of law enforcement to grasp and intercept this new mode of distributed terror, we think an increase in these kinds of violent attacks against police are almost inevitable."

It seems to me this Forbes piece bends over backwards to dismiss that Antifa had any part in the protest violence. Whereas in truth Antifa cannot be PROVEN to have orchestrated violence. Despite that many individuals can be seen in video of the protests in any city wearing the Antifa uniform, and were arrested with knapsacks full of rocks and incendiary devices that are clearly part off the Antifa operating tactics and training. What I've seen is that many Democrat police officials, city council, mayors and district attorneys, simply refuse to prosecute Antifa activists arrested, for political reasons. Even in the videotaped attack on reporter Andy Ngo. They have the evidence, they just refuse to prosecute it.

In this particular "right wing" case, all I see is one guy who did all this, with a second un-indicted guy who is believed to be the driver of the van this Carillo character fired on police from. One guy. Without specifics, this article implies "they" (who? ATF? FBI? DOJ?) are concerned this will inspire other crimes. While Carillo is one guy working alone, he has exploited memes online for other white supremacists, in an attempt to incite others he doesn't know to do similar attacks. There is "concern" (again, specificaally who? not disclosed) that he will inspire other attacks. But there is no evidence others share his ideology and thirst for similar violenct attacks.

Law enforcement has Carillo in custody, they have his self-incriminating posts online, they have the murder weapon, and apparently are closing in on Justus, Carillo's driver in the attacks. It seems clear this jerk will spend the rest of his life in jail.

I don't know what you expect me to be concerned about, as you paint this as equal threat of "right wing" violence, from a guy in custody who is an army of one. As compared to a widespread Black Lives Matter movement that talks on their site about "killing all white babies" with a rabid hatred that equals or surpasses the KKK, and has a membersship that exceeds the KKK (the KKK nationwide is estimated to have about 5,000 members).

I'd like to give acknowledgement to the deaths of police officers David Dorn and Patrick Underwood who were killed during the riots and looting of the last few weeks. By everything reported, they were kind and exceptional men, whose deaths were tragic and pointless.
Whatever end of the political spectrum their killers came from, I want them to spend the rest of their lives in jail.

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Is this the part you consider bending over backwards?
“ Attorney General William Barr and other top government officials, including President Trump, have frequently blamed Antifa activists for the violence stemming from recent demonstrations in the wake of George Floyd's death. However, last week NPR published a review of court documents of 51 individuals facing federal charges related to protests, and none is alleged to have links to the Antifa movement. Among all the cases brought by the Justice Department thus far, the only extremist group mentioned in court documents is the right-wing "Boogaloo movement."”

Glad you could at least acknowledge that killing cops is wrong no matter the political spectrum but you still downplay what these 2 from the far right group did. The guy who chose to drive the cop killer around to carry out the killing for example somehow doesn’t count why?

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I made clear that a lot of Democrat local leaders block the prosecution of Antifa, despite their guilt.

Including the Antifa attackers of reporter Andy Ngo, who came very close to dying or being crippled for life with a brain injury from multiple **FILMED** Antifa attackers, none of whom have been prosecuted because of Democrat leadership in Seattle who obstruct a prosecution. The same in cities nationwide, where Democrat leaders immediately released without charges the Antifa types arrested, to the deep frustration of the police officers who arrested them.

That proves my case,right there.
Democrats who only want to prosecute a "right winger", and scuttle the case for prosecuting any liberal/Antifa "left-wingers".

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Making an accusation doesn’t prove anything WB. And while beating up a conservative activist is unacceptable it doesn’t equal targeting and executing 2 cops. Unlike the Boogaloos Antifa left that guy alive. Also would point out he sought that crowd out, while the cops were hunted. Both groups are loosely organized. Antifa basically means your anti-fascist. It doesn’t condone killing. The Boogaloos can and have.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Making an accusation doesn’t prove anything WB. And while beating up a conservative activist is unacceptable it doesn’t equal targeting and executing 2 cops. Unlike the Boogaloos Antifa left that guy alive. Also would point out he sought that crowd out, while the cops were hunted. Both groups are loosely organized. Antifa basically means your anti-fascist. It doesn’t condone killing. The Boogaloos can and have.

Who is "that guy"? That sounds like a made up rationalization.

Antifa almost killed journalist Andy Ngo, and have badly hurt or crippled, if not killed, a lot of other people. No one agrees with this Boogaloo jerk and his driver. He was planning to kill cops hoping to motivate people he doesn't even know. That's crystal clear in the above article.

Whereas Antifa is an anti-American leftist/Marxist terrorist organization with an estimated membership of about 23,000 based on the number of daily visits to their social website.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter (both funded by George Soros, and eendorsed if not also funded by Barack Obama and his activist groups) have injured over 100 Secret Service agents in Washington DC alone, and at last count about 800 police nationwide. And some of those attacked cops are severely injured, permanently injured, and one even on life support for the rest of his life because of a gunshot to the back of his head (if I recall, that one occurred in Phoeniz, AZ).

So spare me the "Republicans do it too..." canard. One lone nut, supported by no one, is not nearly the same thing as Antifa with an estimated army of 23,000 terrorists, and Black Lives Matter, that is evem more funded in the hundreds of millions, with probably a far larger folowing of terrorist/activist/"community organizers".

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Antifa is a revolutionary Marxist/anarchist militia movement that seeks to bring down the United States by means of violence and intimidation. As a September 2017 report in The Atlantic notes, Antifa is responsible for “a level of sustained political street warfare not seen in the U.S. since the 1960s.”

The name “Antifa” (pronounced on’-tee-fah) is a shortened form of the term “antifacist,” and its adherents are commonly seen waving the red-and-black flag of anarcho-communism. The website, which serves as a newsblog for Antifa, says that “in the U.S., most [anti-fascist] activists are anarchist, although a few are Maoist or anti-state Marxists” ― while “in other countries, the movement is predominately Marxist.” The U.S.-based anarchists of Antifa typically denounce not only the capitalist economic system, but the institution of government itself. And they explicitly advocate and encourage the use of violence to undermine and destroy both.

The organizer of notes that leftists in “the anarchist movement” are “excited” about “looking for alternatives outside of party structures.” The New York Times concurs that Antifa's foot soldiers typically “express disdain for mainstream liberal politics, seeing it as inadequately muscular, and tend to fight the right through what they call 'direct actions' rather than relying on government authorities.” In other words, traditional political processes are too mild to accomplish anything of consequence; violence is the only real answer.

At an August 27, 2017 rally in Berkeley, California, a large group of Antifa Marxists and anarchists candidly gave voice to their desire to permanently wipe the United States off the face of the earth. Conveying their rejection of President Donald Trump's proposed construction of a border wall designed to thwart illegal immigration into the United States, the protesters repeatedly chanted the war cry: “No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All!”

Because Antifa rejects the legitimacy of America's very existence, the movement likewise contends, by logical extension, that the people who are entrusted with protecting and preserving the nation's civil society are illegitimate as well. Thus, firmly instructs Antifa activists to “build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement.” “If you have any intention of working with the police, FBI, or other agencies,” it elaborates, “or if you publically condemn anti-fascists who break the law: don’t call yourself an anti-fascist.”

In June 2017, exhorted its readers and followers to make the United States “ungovernable” by engaging in “mass insurrection,” “mass resistance,” and “all manner of physical violence” against supporters of President Trump, capitalists, and “conservative fascists.”
Moreover, the website featured propaganda images of brutal attacks against individuals in hats bearing the Trump campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” Such violence, said various articles on the website, was a “necessary evil” in the battle to advance social justice and to crush “fascism.”

According to, the Facebook page of a South Carolina group called Upstate Antifa “is replete with endorsements of political violence and property destruction in the name of fighting 'fascism'.” Upstate Antifa has also promoted violence against “fascism” via posters bearing slogans like: “Fighting fascism is a social duty, not an antisocial crime,” and “Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed.” Such positive characterizations of the use of violence are taught and encouraged, in part, through pro-Antifa publications like Repress This, The Invention of the White Race, Our Enemies in Blue, and Whatever You Do, Don’t Talk to the Police.

In August 2017, the Daily Caller reported that a new Antifa cell called the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) was being formed in Philadelphia. Openly advocating armed violence against “fascists” and police officers ― the latter of whom Antifa activists consider to be government-sanctioned enablers of fascism ― RAM trains its members and allies by means of workshops bearing titles like “Introduction to Anarchism” and “Our Enemies in Blue.”

RAM describes itself as “a political movement” of “revolutionary anarchists” who vow to engage in “armed struggle” against the “fascism” that is “on the rise” in America, and to do so in “solidarity with the international antifascist and anarchist struggle.” Identifying itself as a movement rooted “in the context of the abolitionist struggle against slavery” ― and “dedicated to freeing people from bondage and building resistance in the United States” ― RAM contends not only that America “was built on slavery,” but also that “modern slavery and mass brutality” against black people “persist unchecked” to this day. Because “the Civil War was never resolved,” RAM elaborates, “the system of slavery transitioned into the prison industrial complex.” Thus “the abolitionist struggle must be extended” and directed against “the state and capitalism,” which are the modern-day “perpetrators of oppression.”

“As fascist movements are expanding,” says RAM, “and the state becomes increasingly authoritarian,” a host of “[A]ntifa groups” will join other likeminded “revolutionaries” to create an “Underground Railroad network” for “those facing detention, incarceration, deportation, or white supremacist violence.” In its quest to “free people from [the] bondage” of “the modern day slave system,” RAM “seeks to destroy the prison” system in the United States.

Central to RAM's long-term objective is the forcible theft and redistribution of property. “To begin the revolutionary process,” RAM explains, “goods, land, and tools must be expropriated, or taken away from those who withhold them,” and then must be “shared with those who lack them.”

Asserting that American fascists “threaten to ethnically cleanse Latinos, criminalize Muslims, destroy indigenous lands, and oppress the LGBTQ community while continuing to murder and incarcerate black people,” RAM seeks to “develo[p] militant strategies” and “a new global paradigm for revolution” that will “destroy state power” and its handmaidens: “capitalism, patriarchy, and domination.” And because “the same forces that put people in bondage also utilize gender roles as a source of domination,” says RAM, “overcoming imprisonment and liberating humanity from captivity must happen simultaneously with the abolition of gender constraints.” The ultimate goal is to “burn down the American plantation once and for all” ― meaning all of its institutions and its traditional values.

RAM's most visible heroes, meanwhile, are the Marxist cop-killers and former Black Panther Party members Mumia Abu Jamal and Russell Shoats. The former is described by RAM as a shining symbol of the “legacy” of “Philadelphia’s rich revolutionary tradition.”

While RAM is a relative newcomer to the Antifa scene, Antifa violence across the United States started to grow in frequency and intensity long before RAM's rise. In a bombshell story published on September 1, 2017, reported that according to information obtained from interviews and confidential law-enforcement documents, federal authorities had begun warning state and local officials in early 2016 that “leftist extremists known as '[A]ntifa'” were already becoming “increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] formally classified their activities as 'domestic terrorist violence.'” A confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by the DHS and the FBI, Politico said, revealed that by April 2016, authorities had become convinced that these “anarchist extremists” were the principal instigators of violence at a number of public rallies. The DHS/FBI assessment further stated that, as Politico puts it, “the anarchist groups had become so aggressive” ― as evidenced by their “making armed attacks on individuals and small groups of perceived enemies” ― that “federal officials launched a global investigation with the help of the U.S. intelligence community” to determine “whether the U.S.-based anarchists might start committing terrorist bombings like their counterparts in 'foreign anarchist extremist movements' in Greece, Italy and Mexico.” “Recent FBI and DHS reports,” added Politico, confirmed that those agencies were “actively monitoring 'conduct deemed potentially suspicious and indicative of terrorist activity' by [A]ntifa groups.”

Organizers from the “anti-fascist research and news” website of a New York-based Antifa chapter explains that “Antifa combines radical left-wing and anarchist politics, revulsion at racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, and Islamophobes, with the international anti-fascist culture of taking the streets and physically confronting the brownshirts of white supremacy, whoever they may be.” In a similar vein, the New York Times describes Antifa as a “diverse collection of anarchists, communists and socialists” who have “found common cause in opposing rightwing extremists and white supremacists,” whom they view as the moral equivalent of Nazis and, therefore, as undeserving of the free-speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment.

To Antifa, there is no separation between true white supremacist neo-nazi fascists, or between Trump supporters, establishment Republicans, or moderate Republicans or other conservatives. Anyone who disagrees with Antifa on any point is "fascist" and therefore targeted to be physically attacked and crushed.

And the piece of shit Democrats passively endorse this movement, protect them and prevent them from being prosecuted for their violent attacks in Democrat-controlled cities like Seattle (prime example: the assault on Andy Ngo that almost killed him. Ngo has said it's clear, there's video of all the people who assaulted him, the city, state, and the piece of shit Democrat district attorneys and U.S. attorneys just refuse to use the evidence to prosecute Ngo's attackers. )

Democrats political leaders like the violence because it intimidates their conservative opposition, and intimidates media critics like Andy Ngo. Democrat Mayors, Democrat police chiefs, Democrat city council members, Democrat district attorneys, Democrat U.S. attorneys, Democrat governors, all allow this to happen, without punishment, to encourage the next Antifa violent attack.

The same scenario that happened in Charlottesville (much of which I posted videeo clips of in the 2017 Charlottesville topic, now much of it deleted by the liberal content moderators at Youtube) happened specifically because several someones in the Democrat governor, Democrat mayor, Democrat city council and Democrat police leadership had the city's police force stand down, ceased to separate the 2,000 or so people protesting to save the Robert E. Lee statue (and among them a small group of 200 or so white supremacists), from the mob of about 8,000 liberal protestors and Antifa thugs. As shown in the video, the pro-statue protestors were pushed of their pre-approved protest zone, and pushed by Virgina STATE police in riot gear, right into the Antifa mob, who hurled rocks and bottles at them, beat them with clubs and other weapons, all the way for about 2 miles back to their cars, having to walk that distance all the way to their cars, many of them badly injured.

The job of the police is to *separate* to protestors into two zones apart from each other, to avoid these kind of clashes. The police in Charlottesville, under Democrat leadership from top to bottom, did the exact opposite. Because THEY WANTED a violent confrontation, so they could blame "right wing violence", that is in truth Democrat-orchestrated violence.
Charlottesville is one example. This happens in cities nationwwide, where conservative protestors are attacked, and police just stand down and let it happen. And there is no prosecution of liberal attackers later, even when videotaped and filmed. The message is to intimidate conservatives from coming out and expressing conservative support.
The same has happened in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco Bay area, and pretty much any area of the country where Democrats have absolute control of government.

The only reason we know about Charlottesville is because that particular one got national news coverage for several weeks. But it made me aware of the consistent attacks on Republican protestors, that are given zero protection by Democrat political leadership, to intimdate conservatives nationwide into silence.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Making an accusation doesn’t prove anything WB. And while beating up a conservative activist is unacceptable it doesn’t equal targeting and executing 2 cops. Unlike the Boogaloos Antifa left that guy alive. Also would point out he sought that crowd out, while the cops were hunted. Both groups are loosely organized. Antifa basically means your anti-fascist. It doesn’t condone killing. The Boogaloos can and have.

Who is "that guy"? That sounds like a made up rationalization.

Antifa almost killed journalist Andy Ngo, and have badly hurt or crippled, if not killed, a lot of other people. No one agrees with this Boogaloo jerk and his driver. He was planning to kill cops hoping to motivate people he doesn't even know. That's crystal clear in the above article.

Whereas Antifa is a an anti-American leftist/Marxist terrorist organization with an estimated membership of about 23,000 based on the number of daily visits to their social website.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter (both funded by George Soros, and eendorsed if not also funded by Barack Obama and his activist groups) have injured over 100 Secret Service agents in Washington DC alone, and at last count about 800 police nationwide. And some of those attacked cops are severely injured, permanently injured, and one even on life support for the rest of his life because of a gunshot to the back of his head (if I recall, that one occurred in Phoeniz, AZ).

So spare me the "Republicans do it too.." canard. One lone nut, supported by no one, is not nearly the same thing as Antifa with an estimated army of 23,000 terrorists, and Black Lives Matter, that is evem more funded in the hundreds of millions, with probably a far larger folowing of terrorist/activist/"community organizers".

Two people from a right wing group worked together to kill cops using the protests as cover. More far right individuals were arrested for planning to create violence during the protests. Antifa in all this has had how many arrested for murder? I think you’ve made a lot of partisan accusations but fail to cite any Antifa arrests for murder. If 2 far right wingers killing cops doesn’t mean anything than what do zero Antifa cop killers mean?

Fair play!
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Asked and answered: one guy, and his driver, already in custody.

As contrasted with an army of about 23,000 leftists, that Democrat state governors and Democrat mayors and Democrat local district attorneys and Democrat U.S. attorneys bend over backwards to avoid prosecuting, so they can spend not even a day in jail and be right out on the street again to loot, burn and kill.

In Seattle two nights ago, some of your Antifa/BLM leftist brethren used quick-drying cement to seal up an doorway where police were, started a fire to trap them and burn them alive.

You're such a lying piece of crap, to selectively look for an extremely rare "right wing" case of violent attack on police, while ignoring and trying to hide that the overwhelming number of violence against police and other citizens are coming from left-wing fanatics, that are openly endorsed by a majority in the Democrat leadership and grass roots.
Show me where one Republican supports this lone-nut attack on a cop.

Whereas your Democrat-Bolshevik party is built on rhetoric of hating cops, hating border patrol, hating ICE, and (Pelosi) calling agents defending federal buildings in Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland "storm troopers". That's precisely the rhetoric that incites people to shoot cops or burn them alive.

And by the way, the rhetoric of your piece-of-shit Democrat party has resulted in injury or hospitalization of over 2,000 cops in the last 3 months, and a number of officers killed. Republicans made these officers and their surviving families front and center at their Republican National Convention, particularly last night, the final night of the convention.
Your piece-of-shit Democrat party never never even mentioned them in their convention a week ago. Not one guest at their convention, no commemoration honoring them, not even a single mention of the violence in cities nationwide your vicious party has incited and stoked. Yours is the party of "pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon", "fuck the police", and "all cops are bastards".

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If you're truly concerned about killing cops, maybe this should bother you, M E M:


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And his wife, I might add.

The lying Newspeak at POLITICO, in absurdly inaccurate euphemism, spun it as "protestors confronted Rand Paul outside convention..."
That's not even close to accurate.

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