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People protest to re-open the economy nationwide, liberal media says "This is crazzy, how dare they gather in large groups they endanger everyone else, potentially spreading Covid-19."
People protest based on fake statistics of an alleged police war on blacks: It's vital to the nation's health that people stand up to police racism toward blacks. And if you aren't on the streets opposing this YOU'RE A WHITE RACIST! YOU SHOULD BE OUTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR NOT SUPPORTING THESE PROTESTS AND FIRED FROM YOUR JOB! BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!

Hey, no hypocritical double standard, none at all!

Kaleigh McAneny at her Monday press conference (linked above) cited that the liberal media in the same report went from condemning people for protesting for governors to re-open their economy (which the media condemned) and in the very next news report praised Floyd protestors/rioters for coming out in crowds to protest "institutionalized racism".

By the way, as I cited from Bill O'Reilly in 2014, in the most recent statistical year at that time, there were 8 million arrests nationwide by police, and of those there were about 600 killings of suspects during arrest. Most of them armed suspects and unquestionably justified police shootings. Of those, about 450 were white, and about 150 were black. Which even at 600, is statistically insignificant. And of those, far less were black.
There is no war on blacks. There absolutely isn't. Those are the facts.

Tucker Carlson has cited the statistics of police shootings year after year since then, and within the last week. They remain virtually the same, no spike in police killings of suspects, black or otherwise.
In the most recent statistical year there were agaain about 600 total deaths in police custody, if I recall 373 whites and 235 blacks. Again a year where the overwelming majority were white.
Further, there were 9 unarmed suspects killed, and 20 whites killed during arrest.

And by the way, Chicago had its most violent day in 60 years, where 18 were killed there in one day. So that's *twice* the number of blacks killed in Chicago, IN ONE DAY, than are killed nationwide by police, IN AN ENTIRE YEAR.

And on top of that, despite the other destruction of these pointless Black Lives Matter riots nationwide, the crowds create a greater risk of resurgence of Covid-19 cases, even as their riots destroy 70 locations where they could be tested and contain that resurgence. Still waiting for the liberal media to report that. Don't hold your breath.
And also, Black Lives Matter riots have killed 2 black police officers, and killed 8 black protestors, also ignored by the liberal media. Just more cannon fodder, that doesn't fit their lying liberal narrative, and therefore goes unreported by the social justice zealots propagaandists, who pretend to be reporters.

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Perhaps the headline should read:


or perhaps:


or maybe:




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I would have figured FOX would have had those headlines made up for their loyal Trump supporters.

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If only....

Fox too often gives a free pass to lying Democrat talking points, and lets Dems get away with it, in the interest of giving the Democrat/Left equal time. Even when that equal time is a vicious lie, completely untrue, but unchallenged, even on Fox.

I like Judge Jeannine Pirro, who snaps back and says "No! No way do you get away with trying to allege that!" and then cites the facts that disprove that particular Dems' lying talking points. The two I currently hate most on Fox are Chris Hahn and Richard Goodstein, who will come back and back with the same lying talking points, even when their lies have just been disproven with the facts 5 times.
Hahn started as a communications director for Lyin' Chuck Schumer.
Goodstein was and probably still is a propagandist for the Clintons.

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You do realize this pandemic doesn’t discriminate by political party right? It’s not good for any of us. My party isn’t glad,

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You do realize this pandemic doesn’t discriminate by political party right? It’s not good for any of us. My party isn’t glad,

Your party tries to prolong the shutdowns for political purposes, to try and damaage Trump politically.

A prime example is how Dems have wailed about protestors demonstrating to open businesses in NY, NJ, MI and CA are "dangerous" and spreading the virus. Then the riots and looting in protest to the George Floyd death in cities nationwide, that the Dems and liberal media fawned over. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who scolded the business owners in Michigan, was out there without a mask in a crowd of protestors. That's been over 2 weeks now. And suddenly, Trump announces a rally in Oklahoma City, and the media hypocritially goes wild over how it's going to create an epidemic of new Covid-19 cases.

That proves right there Democrats are manipulating the narrative on Covid-19 politically. When it suits their purposes, they prolong a shut down.
When it suits their new racism/war on blacks narrative and protests, suddenly (whiplash!) large groups of protestors are perfectly OK.
Then (whiplash again!) a Trump political rally is unthinkable, crazy! Dangerous! We have to go back to the lockdown!

And as cited before in exaamples such as those of Bill Maher and Paul Krugman, your side cheers any economic damage to millions of Americans, if they think it benefits the Democrats and hurts Trump.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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US reports record daily informations
Coronavirus cases shot up in states across the country this week as the U.S. continues to see record single-day increases in new confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

On Friday, the U.S. reported 45,255 new cases, according to data maintained by Johns Hopkins University. It's the second day of record high increases. Thursday saw 39,972 new cases.

Texas and Florida continued to pump the brakes on reopening plans, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom urged one county to reinstate its stay-at-home order amid a surge in cases there.

Amid the resurgence, the White House Coronavirus Task Force held its first public briefing in nearly two months Friday, urging young adults to follow public health guidance for containing the COVID-19 outbreak.

The increase in cases isn't due to an increase in testing, health officials say.

US citizens likely won't be allowed to travel to EU anytime soon

European Union envoys are close to finalizing a list of countries whose citizens will be allowed to enter Europe again, possibly from late next week, EU diplomats confirmed Saturday. Americans are almost certain to be excluded in the short term due to the number of U.S. coronavirus cases.

Pretty amazing that Trump wants people to pack into his rallies. It’s almost like he doesn’t give a shit about people.

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As cases surge Trump goes to golfing...
Trump visits private golf course...

I remember him having some pretty tough words for Obama for golfing a whole lot less.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
As cases surge Trump goes to golfing...
Trump visits private golf course...

Again the double-standard. You made a big deal about George W. Bush golfing, then had no issue with it when Obama logged in twice the amount of golfing in his 8 years. I don't think Trump has come anythere close.

I also recall Obama and his Bolshevik bride Michelle went on extravagent separate trips, costing double what W. Bush did on travel and Secret Service protection, no outrage on your part.
And went on a number of far more expensive indulgent trips to Italy, Brazil and elsewhere, on the taxpayer's tab, far more than either W. Bush or Trump have spent.
I also recall that Nancy Pelosi has basically an Air Force Three plane of her own, also with a security detail, that she again hoses taxpayer money on with indulgent trips and showing off for friends. If I recall, on at least one occasion she loaned it out to family and friends. Again, no outrage on your part.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

Pretty amazing that Trump wants people to pack into his rallies. It’s almost like he doesn’t give a shit about people.

But of course, when Democrat leaders were pushing liberals to crowd events in January and February in New York City, San Francissco and elsewhere, in solidarity to show they're not "racist" against Chinese visitors (many of whom ended up in N Y hospitals with Covid-19), that's completely different, right?

And then the same thing with Black Lives Matter rallies, in cities all over the U.S. protesting the death of George Floyd, again Democrat politicians pushed it as a moral imperative. And then as I said above --WHIPLASH!!-- Democrats on a dime turn that moral imperative to participate in demonstations into a crime against humanity when it's Republicans or Trump trying to rally political support for a cause.
Your hyposcrisy, and the hypocrisy of your entire party, is on full display, M E M.

Either people have a right to assemble, rally or protest, or they don't. Make up your mind.
I really think you should move to China. You seem to favor one-party authoritarian rule.

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Trump plays more gulf than Obama did at greater tax payer expanse

Trump bitched a lot about Obama playing gulf

Clearly a double standard there WB. And at his latest failed rally they actually removed the spacing that had been in place for the event so his supporters could pack in. Is that rational during a pandemic? Does that look like good leadership to you?

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COVID cases in US surpass 52,000

That’s in one day! Yesterday MN saw an increase after a period of decline. I was expecting it with the rise in other states but hoping we could continue the decreasing numbers.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
COVID cases in US surpass 52,000

That’s in one day! Yesterday MN saw an increase after a period of decline. I was expecting it with the rise in other states but hoping we could continue the decreasing numbers.

As I said before,

1) the number of new cases does not equal or exceed, percentage-wise, the massive amount of new testing nationwide. As Liz Wheeler cited on her nightly OAN show last night, testing since the last week of May has increased 2,200%, and the number of new cases is up about 1,100%. Up from about a cumulative 4 million tests by May 25th, to over 28 million now, in just over 30 days.

2) There is also manipulation of the "increased hospitalizations" statistics. The fact is, more people have been returning to hospitals for elective procedures (such as knee or hip replacement, heart surgery, cancer removal, and other advance-scheduled surgeries that are serious but arranged in advance, and therefore technically non-emergency). Four months of people with delayed medical treatment, now coming to the hospital for treatment.
There is also a surge in emergency treatments, because they delayed examination in fear of going to a doctor, so that their conditions have now become emergency conditions they cannot delay.

3) In addition, there are people being tested as a prerequisite for entering the hospital for other illnesses, where their screening test comes up Covid-19 positive, where they either
A) had a mild case and never knew they had it and as a result show Covid-19 antibodies,
B) are infected and non-symptomatic but not the slightest bit ill.
In neither case are these patients being hospitalized for Covid-19, or seriously ill with Covid-19, they are being treated for other things, **NOT** Covid-19. And yet for Democrat manipulation purposes, are used to statistically inflate the number of cases into an "alarming surge".

4) The "alarming surge" of ICU beds taken in the last few weeks is by patients being treated for other things, that are now being called by hospitaals to come in now for delayed procedures,or otherwise seeking treatment they should have come in for months ago. When liberal media and Democrat leaders say with alarm that "hospitals are reaching full capacity", they deceitfully hide that hospitals previous to Covid-19 are filled to over 90% capacity. That is how they keep their resources cost-effective and profitable!

5) We are not seeing a surge in deaths. Deaths from Covid-19 in the U.S. are down 90% from what they were 2 months ago. The new infections are on average people under 35, who have less than a 1 in 1,000 chance of developing serious complications resulting in hospitalization or death.
Young people are being infected at a higher rate because they perceive themselves to be at minimal risk, and are not wearing a mask or social distancing.

And actually, many medical experts I've seen interviewed say that is good, because they are at very low risk, but are bringing the U.S. population as a whole to herd immunity, where a majority of the population who are at the lowest risk have been exposed, and therefore once developing immunity, insure there are far less people left who could infect the vulnerable, the elderly and immune-compromised part of the population.

6) The U.S. is second only to Germany in having the lowest ratio of deaths from Covid-19, and that ratio continues to go lower.

7) European nations, and nations worldwide, have gone through the exact same problems of clusters of new cases and resurgent outbreaks where they have had to shut down regions or portions of their economy and society. Even nations with the best initial containment of Covid-19, such as China, South Korea, Hong Kong and Australia.
Despite the lying rhetoric of Democrats, the situation of periodic surges in new cases is not unique in the U.S., and it's not Trump's fault, despite Dems' best efforts to push that narrative for their political gain.

8) And of nations that never did a lockdown, or did a minimal lockdown, fared virtually the same and no worse than the nations or states that did a complete and punishing lockdown. Sweden, for example.
In the U.S., the states that did not lock down have lower rates of infection, and yet also have resurged economically much faster and have far lower unemployment rates now (See [url=]the Laura Ingraham video above, where she shows the 10 best and 10 worst states, both for unemployment, and for the lowest ratios of Covid-19 cases[/url]). Because when you have shelter-at-home- over 70% are found to be infected by family members in close quarters, not by being outside in the part or on beaches, or at a job. Shelter-at-home has been found to actually increase the number of cases.

The initial goal in the U.S. was to slow down the infection rate, or "bend the curve", to prevent a surge in new cases that could potentially overwhelm hospitals so hospitals could not treat all who were seriously ill from covid-19, and basically have to let people die in a "triage" military field hospital type situation, as occurred in Italy, as occurred in Spain, as occurred in Wuhan, China.

We are beyond that, we bent the curve, and built up the stocks of medical supplies and medical staff needed to be prepared. Now Democrats (and their lying ideological brethren in the media) are pretending that was not the initial goal, that the goal was not in fact achieved, and generating a politically-driven false narrative, stoking panic for their own vicious political gain.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump plays more gulf than Obama did at greater tax payer expanse

Trump bitched a lot about Obama playing gulf

Clearly a double standard there WB. And at his latest failed rally they actually removed the spacing that had been in place for the event so his supporters could pack in. Is that rational during a pandemic? Does that look like good leadership to you?

You clearly need to learn the difference between golf and gulf.

Another site says that these accusations against Trump don't pass the smell test, and by their account earn 3 Pinnochios for how much they bent, twisted and tugged the truth out of shape to fit their Trump-hating narrative.

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That fact check doesn’t change that Trump made many attacks on Obama about golfing and the smell test was about exact dollar amounts. The one I posted is an estimate. And unlike Obama, Trump even cashes in when he golfs on his properties.

Florida lawmaker sues Jacksonville over mask mandate

This is crazy as your state surges with cases. This shouldn’t be a political thing but a matter of just human decency.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That fact check doesn’t change that Trump made many attacks on Obama about golfing and the smell test was about exact dollar amounts. The one I posted is an estimate. And unlike Obama, Trump even cashes in when he golfs on his properties.

Florida lawmaker sues Jacksonville over mask mandate

This is crazy as your state surges with cases. This shouldn’t be a political thing but a matter of just human decency.

Your very selective outrage was pretty non-existent when Obama was clocking in twice the golf-time of George W Bush in his 8 years. Which as I recall, Obama exceeded in just Obama's first 4 years.

Once again, it's an outrage you and your side only express when there's a Republican in office to have a hissy fit about.

I would still argue that Obama has hosed away far more on travel and foreign trips. Not to mention Obama burning the country to the ground and having no accomplishments in his 8 years. Obamacare was a cheat, where Dems bent all the rules to pass it, and at that, Obama's only legislative achievement. In 8 years, that is all. Everything else was executive order fiat, plus a world-destroying Iran nuclear deal, and using weaponizing the IRS, FBI, CIA, DNI, DOJ and FISA court against his Republican opposition. If there were true justice, Obama and his staff would all be in jail now. That may still happen, but it looks to me like there are too many in the Republican Senate and House, and in the Trump administration itself who are stonewalling that from happening, despite that the Bolsheviks in the DNC will be coming for them next. It may still happen, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for Barr and Durham to follow through.

As I've said before, while I wear a mask anytime I'm in public, I still think the "explosion of new covid-19 cases" is vastly inflated and exaggerated for political purposes. I saw a report on OAN with a Stanford University medical school doctor, Dr. Atlas, that said at least 17 states include "probable cases" in their count, and include for each an average additional 15 contacts as "probable cases", NONE OF WHOM ARE ACTUALLY TESTED!
And in Florida, the average age of new infections is 21.
Nationwide, the average age of new cases is 35.
Neither of which are high-risk, and have a very low risk of serious health risks or dying.

And again, many admitted to hospitals are non-symptomatic and only show as Covid-19 positive when tested to enter the hospital with other conditions. But despite this, are lyingly categorized as "Covid-19 hospitalizations".
If they have died of other causes, but had Covid-19, they are again listed as "Covid-19 deaths". I've seen multiple hospital physicians interviewed express outrage about this. It's a Democrat-orchestrated lie. Covid-19 is not what caused these patient to die, but padding by including them in the numbers makes the outbreak look worse, as a tool to politically attack Trump.

Another huge --HUGE!!-- deception is the amount of cases that are occurring in states along the southern border, including Florida. These are not new infections occurring in the U.S., they are illegals who arrived with Covid-19, and insanely, are admitted to overcrowd already strained U.S. hospitals.

It's a deception.
Another cheap Democrat stunt, another manufactured excuse to attack Trump.

Meanwhile France, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Finland, are all re-opening their schools. Because they are motivated by science, whereas the U.S. media and political leadership are motivated by liberal politicization of the crisis, and pure lying propaganda.
Australia, Brazil, South Korea and many other countries have similar periodic resurgences and new outbreaks and lockdowns. It's not just the U.S. and Trump, despite your best lying attempts to blame Trump.

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You might want to look over Trump’s tweets about Obama’s golfing. Or the one where Trump declares a failure of leadership over Obama’s Ebola response after 2 Americans died. A stark contrast to the number dead from Covid. It’s apparent who was throwing the hissy fits and is a hypocrite. You voted for it.

Oh and Tulsa is now seeing a surge in cases about 2 weeks after Trump’s rally.
Tulsa sees Covid surge in wake of Trump rally

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You might want to look over Trump’s tweets about Obama’s golfing. Or the one where Trump declares a failure of leadership over Obama’s Ebola response after 2 Americans died. A stark contrast to the number dead from Covid. It’s apparent who was throwing the hissy fits and is a hypocrite. You voted for it.

Oh and Tulsa is now seeing a surge in cases about 2 weeks after Trump’s rally.
Tulsa sees Covid surge in wake of Trump rally

Again, on every front, your selective and one-sided outrage is on full display.

The wave of infections after the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter protests in cities nationwide, you have no problem with. Where the rioters literally destroyed 20 Covid-19 testing centers (TWENTY!) that they ironically needed a week or two later.
Zero liberal media coverage.
Zero condemnation by partisan Democrat zealots like yourself.

Or the purges your side is unleashing now on any dissenting thought, purges that are invisible to the liberal media, and to you and others on your side.
Employees and corporate executives and famous athletes who are threatened into submission of fired for simply liking a post on Facebook or Twitter critical of Black Lives Matter (an organization founded by three Marxists, with a stated goal of overthrowing the United States, and "killing white babies". No one can criticize that, incredibly.)
That should terrify and outrage you.

An editorial posted by Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansa), who simply wrote a dissenting New York Times opinion critical of Black Lives Matter. An editorial that stirred outrage and intolerance by writers and editors within the New York Times, just because the N Y Times simply published an opposing conservative/Republican editorial view --a view that 58% of Americans agree with!--.
But the New York Times editorial staff apologized for publishing it, and forced the resignation of the editor who approved its publication. This is shutdown and intimidation into silence of over half the country, and that should terrify and outrage you. And since successful this time, that intimidation and silencing will only increase.

Your side is burning down police stations and thousands of businesses nationwide, burned a church directly across the street from the White House, have killed several police officers, and injured about 1,000 more nationwide, some of whom are permanently disabled, injured 100 secret service agents defending the White House. Have looted, killed, and burned businesses and some of their owners in the name of social justice, even as protestors express racial prejudice against whites, and follow through with violence and murder. And unresisted, are emboldened to greater violence.
That should terrify and outrage you.

Or defense attorneys Mark McCloskey and his wife in St. Louis, Missouri, where a Black Lives Matter mob tore down the iron gate to his development, and a mob of over 300 threatened to kill him and his wife, burn down their house and kill their dog. And he simply stood outside his home with an assault rifle (licensed, as is his wife's handgun) to prevent that from happening.
And the Soros campaign-funded St. Louis district attorney wants to file charges against him for intimidating the mob with a gun. The mob who threatened to kill him and his wife!
And neither the local city police, nor the governor, have done anything to protect him, that day or since, despite the initial mob threats or the ongoing death threats to burn down their home. And this is a guy who is a far-left liberal, a Democrat, and a defense attorney who routinely defends disadvantaged black suspects, and (incredibly, even after this) still supports Black Lives Matter. It doesn't matter that he's a Democrat leftist himself who supports the Revolution, he is still white and therefore is rationalized to deserve to have his home burned down and be killed.
That should terrify and outrage you.
And unresisted, that emboldened hatred, intimidation and violence will only increase.

The revolution your side is stoking is not just dangerous to conservatives, once they finish with us, they will be coming for you too. And in the example of Mark McCloskey and others, they might not even wait that long to come for you.
Pastor Martin Niemoller's famous quote comes to mind.
"First they came for the Jews..."

Save your outrage for something that truly warrants the outrage, M E M.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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You’re just demonstrating your selective outrage WB as an attempt to change the subject from Trump’s own actions and words. He choose to hold a rally and remove social distancing stickers to pack people in. The difference between you and me is you will be voting for somebody that did that.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You’re just demonstrating your selective outrage WB as an attempt to change the subject from Trump’s own actions and words. He choose to hold a rally and remove social distancing stickers to pack people in. The difference between you and me is you will be voting for somebody that did that.

Trump's last rally only had about 8,000 people, and most of its over 12 million viewers watched it on television, or later online. It's absolute horseshit what you're alleging.

In contrast to the hypocrisy of multiple Democrat governors, Democrat Senate and House members, and the piece-of-shit Newspeak liberal media that just another wing of the DNC, all three groups of whom cheer on protests and riots and toppling statues in cities nationwide. Protestors who in just a few days destroyed 20 (again: TWENTY!) Covid-19 testing centers in major cities, that their crowd events resulted in infection of many protestors, who ironically needed those testing centers just a few days later.

Your alleging hypocrisy on my part, is just a smokescreen for your own hypocrisy, and the incredible hypocrisy of your piece of shit Democrat Bolshevik party, on display nationwide, for weeks now.

The transvestite freaks and other marxists on your city council are in the process of abolishing the police department in Minneapolis/St Paul. I imagine at this point you are keeping a gun in your lap at all times. And yet incredibly, would still vote for the Democrat maniacs who are every day bringing you closer to lawless chaos. Just incredible.

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How does the fact that his rally was poorly attended absolve Trump of deciding to have it in the first place? You don’t really make sense.

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Florida reports 10,360 new Covid-19 cases and 95 deaths

WB this doesn’t make me happy. I think this takes us uniting as a country to fight it and we’re just not going to do it.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
How does the fact that his rally was poorly attended absolve Trump of deciding to have it in the first place? You don’t really make sense.

I don't know the exact number. And as you well know, Democrats tried to sabotage the event by reserving tickets online, with deliberate intent to reserve several thousand seats and then not attend. So that explaains the empty seats. The auditorium only had a total of 20,000 seats.
And even if only 8,000 attended, that's still about 7,995 more than show up at a Joseph Biden appearance. Not to mention the over 12 million who watched it on television, and even more online. No one looks back later to watch what Joseph Biden had to say.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
How does the fact that his rally was poorly attended absolve Trump of deciding to have it in the first place? You don’t really make sense.

I don't know the exact number. And as you well know, Democrats tried to sabotage the event by reserving tickets online, with deliberate intent to reserve several thousand seats and then not attend. So that explaains the empty seats. The auditorium only had a total of 20,000 seats.
And even if only 8,000 attended, that's still about 7,995 more than show up at a Joseph Biden appearance. Not to mention the over 12 million who watched it on television, and even more online. No one looks back later to watch what Joseph Biden had to say.

Sort of skipping over the whole deal of Trump wanting to pack people in during a pandemic huh?

And I don’t approve of crap like that although in this case it may have helped slow the spread.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Florida reports 10,360 new Covid-19 cases and 95 deaths

WB this doesn’t make me happy. I think this takes us uniting as a country to fight it and we’re just not going to do it.

Again, these are mostly people infected who are 35 and younger who are infected nationwide, and as Gov. Desantis said himself, the average of Florida is age 21. They are from :
1) young people thinking they are immune and not wearing masks and social distancing,
2) primarily young people going to crowded bars and beaches, which have recently been closed in affected areas
3) illegal immigrants who were infected outside the U.S., and are creating new cluster outbreaks here in the U.S.
4) large crowds of people in the streets statewide protesting/rioting in cities throughout Florida.

It's my hope that those who weren't taking precautions with a mask and social distancing (in Florida and elsewhere) have learned their lesson, and are now complying more. And if that is the case, the spike in cases should be going down again in the next 2 weeks.

Just as in Australia, France, Spain, Italy, Holland, Belgium, South Korea and other nations worldwide, even those countries that have taken the greatest precautions have seen resurgent periodic outbreaks.
And currently, the deaths in the U.S. are down 90% from what they were 10 weeks ago, and despite occasional resurgences, have been on a continuous downward trend.

A frustration for me, that I've contacted the Palm Beach County health department about, is that they only display the cumulative total cases, whereas a vast percentage of those cases are recovered, and no longer active. I would like them to cite the number of active cases, and the cumulative number of recoveries.
As of today, Palm Beach County, with a population of about 1.5 million people, has a total of 19,233 reported cases, 2,001 hospitalizations, and 586 deaths. But again, many of those total reported cases and hospitalizations are no longer active. And with the average age much lower, the number and rate of deaths is far lower.

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Florida sets new single day record

On another note schools are gearing up to reopen. I get that it’s important to do this but like with the reopening of the states Trump is basically just making declarations and threats. I have zero confidence in this being done in the safest manner that is feasible. Trump confirmed that with demanding the CDC change it’s guidelines.

On a positive note the sack of shit is wearing a mask these days. That might help get more of his base to wear them and help curb the virus.

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M E M, I live in Florida, in one of the hardest hit counties.

Again, see above.

The cases are overwhelmingly
1) young people in Florida, average age 21
2) who were not complying with masks and social distancing.
3) A majority are hispanic and/or [largely unreported] illegal immigrants who did not contract the virus in the U.S.
4) Young people who attended mass George Floyd demonstrations nationwide, and in Florida

President Trump was in a military hospital full of injured and sick veterans. In the White House setting, literally everyone, every day, is tested before they come in contact with the President.
And you degrade only yourself when you call our most accomplished president in 50 years vile names.

If you really want to call someone a piece of shit, save that for the America-hating cultural marxists that run the Democrat party and openly cheer on violence against Trump supporters, piecve of shit Democrat leaders who openly cheer on people tearing down the statues of our nation's founders, and who shamelessly weaponized the FBI, DOJ, IRS and FISA court against their political opposition, a move worthy of Stalin, Mao or Castro.
These *true* pieces of shit are not the torch-bearers for preserving our Constitutional republic, but ones who openly advocate destroying it. The maniacs you endorse.

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Sorry we disagree about Trump being a piece of shit. Since it’s really mostly just the 2 of us talking I do try to refrain from calling him for what he is these days for you out of politeness. It does slip out though.

Rift grows between Trump, health experts...
As President Donald Trump threatens to cut funding to schools that don't reopen in the fall and continues to host mega-rallies as cases of coronavirus increase, there appears to be a growing rift between the Trump White House and its top health advisers.

The president has taken his criticism of the government's top expert on infectious diseases and of leaders at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention into the public forum in his massive push to reopen the country.

MORE: Fauci, other health advisers at odds with President Trump on whether to slow testing
Despite coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx asking Americans in hot spot zones to avoid indoor gatherings and reduce them to 10 people or fewer, Trump on Friday delivered remarks and attended a home fundraiser in Florida as cases there rise -- one day after the state saw a record death toll.

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This is inexcusable Trump blocks CDC from testifying on school reopenings

This isn’t good no matter what party you belong too.

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Reprinted from the Associated Press (more trustworthy than piece-of-shit CNN, but still liberal media):



July 17, 2020 5:53 pm

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democrats are criticizing the White House for blocking the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from testifying at a public hearing on safely reopening the nation’s schools.

Democrats said they invited CDC officials, including director Robert Redfield, to testify at a hearing next Thursday but were rebuffed by the White House. A committee spokesperson said the panel asked for any CDC official to testify but was rejected.

Rep. Bobby Scott, a Virginia Democrat who chairs the House Education and Labor Committee, called it alarming that the Trump administration would prevent CDC officials from appearing before the committee “at a time when its expertise and guidance is so critical to the health and safety of students, parents, and educators.”

The administration’s “lack of transparency does a great disservice to the many communities across the country facing difficult decisions about reopening schools this fall,” Scott said.

A White House spokesperson said Friday that Dr. Redfield has testified on Capitol Hill at least four times over the last three months. “We need our doctors focused on the pandemic response,” spokesperson Judd Deere said.
The decision to block Redfield’s testimony recalled a similar action preventing Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease official, from testifying before a separate House committee earlier this year. Fauci ended up testifying the following week before the Republican-controlled Senate and appeared before a House panel last month.

“The administration’s strategy of prioritizing politics over science has had a devastating impact on our country throughout this pandemic,” Scott said. “It should not make that same mistake when it comes to reopening schools.”

President Donald Trump has pushed to reopen schools as scheduled this fall, arguing that most parents are anxious to see schools resume in-person classes. Trump says the decision to possibly avoid doing so in some areas is more motivated by politics than by legitimate fears about the pandemic.

“They think it’s going to be good for them politically, so they keep the schools closed,” Trump said at a White House discussion on school plans last week. “No way. We’re very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools.”

He has threatened to withhold federal funding from schools that refuse to reopen.

That's pretty straigntforward, about 1) the motivation of the Democrats to further damage and paaralyze our culture to ramp up the panic and hide the recovery before the Novemebr election,
2) That all these experts, Redfield (CDC), Fauci (NIH), and Birx and so forth, haave already testified multiple times before congress. So it's not a case of suppressing anything, it's a case of Democrats trying to repeat the script.

Keep in mind, Dr Fauci and Dr. Redfield have been wrong on a number of points leading right up to the March national shutdown, and while they are doctors, they are much more politically motivated than other medical experts who could be brought before Congress.

The science says, that children under 18 have a close to zero chance of infection or death. I saw a doctor (one of the medical directors from Stanford University's medical school, Dr. Atlas) say there were about 18 deaths under the age of 18. And even under 40, the cases of death tend to invove young people who are immune compromised, with blood disorders or asthma, and/or are morbidly obese. I've seen anchors on CNN and MSNBC and other liberal networks ask medical experts: "Would you send your children back to school?", and every one of the doctors unhesitantly says "Yes, absolutely, no question" without hesitation. It's also obvious that wasn't the answer the liberal news anchors wanted to hear! It doesn't fit their liberal propaganda narrative.

Also, school-age children don't create the level of virus that they are speaders of the disease. More likely infected are their adult teachers, and only teachers over the age of 50 or so, and most teachers on average are much younger. Schools could just isolate the over-50 teachers from coming back to school.

Further, at least a dozen other school systems have re-opened in Europe, Japan, and South Korea. We have their advance examples, to learn from their mistakes or unforseen problems, how to better protect both children and teachers. It's not like Trump pushing to re-open schools is unheard of, or that we're the only nation to attempt to do so.
Ohh, the shame, THE SHAME !!
Give me a break.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Sorry we disagree about Trump being a piece of shit. Since it’s really mostly just the 2 of us talking I do try to refrain from calling him for what he is these days for you out of politeness. It does slip out though.

Rift grows between Trump, health experts...
As President Donald Trump threatens to cut funding to schools that don't reopen in the fall and continues to host mega-rallies as cases of coronavirus increase, there appears to be a growing rift between the Trump White House and its top health advisers.

The president has taken his criticism of the government's top expert on infectious diseases and of leaders at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention into the public forum in his massive push to reopen the country.

MORE: Fauci, other health advisers at odds with President Trump on whether to slow testing
Despite coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx asking Americans in hot spot zones to avoid indoor gatherings and reduce them to 10 people or fewer, Trump on Friday delivered remarks and attended a home fundraiser in Florida as cases there rise -- one day after the state saw a record death toll.

As I understand it, Trump doesn't have much of a weapon with the threat of defunding schools that don't open. Most school funding is at the state and local level, and federal funding is about 10% of total funds.

I would argue that Trump thinks opening schools is the right thing to do, from both a health perspective and an economic perspective. Kids who are home schooling are mostly blowing off the school-work and not doing it. And especially among working-class and poor families where the parents aren't as able to keep on them and supervise their studies, they are falling further and further behind.

The one area I wish Trump would give a public message is that everyone should wear a mask. While the cloth masks do nothing (the virus is small enough that it easily penetrates a cloth or other un-approved mask), the N-95 masks block inhaling of the virus. And whether you believe in masks actually protecting or not, at least with masks we can open businesses and continue again with our lives. The alternative is a shut-down. So I think it would be in Trump's, and the nation's, interest. It's a small price to pay, to be able to keep out of lockdown.
But very important: mandatory N-95 masks. Just wearing a cloth or other substandard mask doesn't protect people, and just creates a false sense of complacency.

About Trump's not being a piece of shit, I again point you to Trump's accomplishments. Quantifiably, the most accomplished president in 50 years, more accomplished than even Ronald Reagan. Trump DOUBLED annual economic growth in just his first year, re-negotiated trade deals with Japan, South Korea, China, Mexico, Canada, Europe, Central America, South America. He has slashed unnecessary regulation to further stimulate economic growth. He has enacted prison reform that has freed tens of thousands, mostly minorities, who were over-sentenced. He has re-built our military, from where Obama has broken and destroyed it to an unprecedented level of un-preparedness. And most importantly, Trump has taken a very firm stance against China's military, economic, and cyber-theft aggression. EVEN YOU have to admit, no other president, Democrat or Republican would have done so, and the nation is better and safer for it.
Likewise, securing the Southern border with Mexico. No other president, Democrat or Republican, would have done so.

In a nutshell, Trump is the most accomplished first-term president of my lifetime, and of my parents' lifetime as well. The most transformative president since FDR.

That list of accomplishments doesn't just entitle Trump to, but has earned him a much more respectful label than "piece of shit".
Save that label for the marxist radicals in your own party who are openly trying to overthrow the United States, and have no respect for its laws, its history, or its founders, who they openly endorse the destruction of.

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You can of course keep up your partisan gushing for the lying piece of shit. Trump’s lies, corruption and failed leadership however will go down in history as an evil Hoover imho. We can agreeing disagree.

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I just turned on FBN and the Dow closed today at 28,653.
That's now far less than a thousand points away from the Dow's all-time high of 29,551 on Feb 12th. And that's without a cure yet for Covid-19 anywhere in the near future.

I think the day a vaccine is announced, the market will surge a further 1,000 points, far above its pre-Covid-19 high. And even with the virus still hurting the economy, Trump (despite Democrat opposition) is doing his damnedest to help working-class Americans. When Democrats would not legislate payments, Trump circumnavigated the Democrats and issued an executive order to expedite payments to millions of families who desperately need that money to survive. That makes pretty clear that Trump is on their side, and Democrats would exploit their suffering as "leverage" (Dems' exact word, Rep Clyburn) to extort Trump and the Republicans into budget spending that has absolutely nothing to do with the crisis.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You can of course keep up your partisan gushing for the lying piece of shit. Trump’s lies, corruption and failed leadership however will go down in history as an evil Hoover imho. We can agreeing disagree.

"Leftism is a mental illness." Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Yes, the hypocritical vacillation between the two extremes of the Democrat-Left and the Newspeak liberal media:

Protests in California, Michigan, New Jersey and other Democrat governors, over repressively excessive pandemic closures by Democrat governors: DANGEROUS! A SUPER-SPREADER EVENT!!

Then the death of George Floyd, followed by Black Lives Matter and Antifa-orchestrated protests in cities nationwide in the millions, that are immediately followed by a spike in new Covid-19 cases nationwide: No big deal, and vocally opposing racism is much more important than a few Covid-19 cases. ( A LOT of new cases, actually.)

Then Trump has one small political rally in Tulsa Oklahoma, attended by less than 4,000. Whiplash complete reversal by Dems and the media: DANGEROUS! A SUPER SPREADER EVENT!!

And back and forth, the hypocritical media's complete reversals: Over 90 days of riots, looting, arson of businesses, and other violence, some people killed, over 2,000 police injured nationwide: No big deal, free speech, justified outrage at structural racism, whoever said protests were supposed to be polite. And oh, by the way Republicans and Fox News are exaggerating, there is no violence. All that on video you see in the news and on Youtube isn't really happening.
"Fiery peaceful protests!"[CNN]

But any small Trump speaking event over those 3 months, like the modest 1,500 who attended his White House nomination acceptance speech: DANGEROUS ! SUPER SPREADER EVENT !

But the same night, the mobs threatening and attacking Trump supporters after they left Trump's speech, vastly outnumbering and threating Trump supporters, right in their faces screaming: No big deal, unreported in the liberal media.

You just have to love that hypocritical liberal-media double-standard.


I was curious what the exact attendance was of the Tulsa Trump rally, and found a few links. The low estimate is 6,200 attending. Trump's campaign manager Murtaugh says secret service magnetometers record 12,000 attended. In an auditorium with a maximum capacity of about 19,000.
Which in contrast to the protests/riots of millions in cities nationwide by BLM, Antifa and the Democrat/Left, is a vastly smaller risk of Covid-19 spread.

But you'd never know that to watch the disproportionate coverage portraying only Trump rallies as super-spreader events.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2020-09-08 7:35 PM. Reason: link and comment added.
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Just want to point out again, for all M E M's lying factless propaganda about how Trump is mismanaging the pandemic crisis, The U.S. has the lowest ratio of cases per 100,000 population of any nation in the world, second only to Germany.

And New York State in particular, under incompetent governor Andrew Cuomo, has the highest ratio of deaths of any region in the world.
Despite that Cuomo, despite his proven inadequate pandemic preparation (that his own health department warned him to prepare, but Cuomo didn't), despite that Trump gave Cuomo all the field hospitals and a navy ship hospital and ventilators and PPE he requested. That incredibly with all that, Cuomo squandered these resources that WERE GIVEN to him, and mismanaged to the point that New York has the highest ratio of Covid-19 dead of anywhere, IN THE WORLD.

And similar Democrat governor mismanagement of the pandemic in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and California.

Without Democrat incompetence in these places, with the highest deaths by far of any states in the U.S., then the U.S. would arguably and quantifiably have a lower death toll, by far, than even Germany.

These states are case studies in how a Democrat president would similarly squander our national resources, cause the 1 to 2 million Covid-19 deaths originally predicted, OR MORE.
That an ideologically dug-in Democrat president would tank the economy, reverse the rapid economic recovery under Trump, and cause tens of millions more to lose their jobs and businesses, and give us a prolonged great depression for 10 years or more. With lockdowns that Joe Biden in a recent 60 Minutes interview said he would not hesitate to do. Against all scientific justification.

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 Originally Posted By: PI Nate
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You can of course keep up your partisan gushing for the lying piece of shit. Trump’s lies, corruption and failed leadership however will go down in history as an evil Hoover imho. We can agreeing disagree.

"Leftism is a mental illness." Marcus Tullius Cicero

I tried to confirm that quote but couldn't find it.

Not that I disagree with it. But I wasn't aware that the Romans thought in terms of Left and Right.

Searching for it, I ran across this "heirarchy pyramid of liberal needs":

Funny cuz it's true!

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