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Wonder Boy #1232312 2020-07-12 3:38 PM
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Just like Hillary in 2016.

Wonder Boy #1232318 2020-07-12 6:19 PM
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I certainly won’t be feeling confident until Trump is out of the WH. Even if Trump loses the election I think there‘s a good chance of him trying to fight the results. I do like seeing the polls and fundraising go Biden’s way though.

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So... if you support Biden, do you really think he will be a good and competent and non-corrupt president?

Whatever you think of Trump, he is a proven leader who has overseen the best eeconomic numbers for the U.S., the lowest unemplyment ever for blacks and hispanics, the lowest umeployment for women since the 1950's. And the most accomplished president of my lifetime, perhaps even surpassing the achievements of Ronald Reagan.
He has re-negotiated trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, central and South America.
Trump has rebuilt our military, that Obama had destroyed.
Trump has secured the border, and despite enormous Democrat obstruction, continues to make it more secure every day. Former ICE director Tom Homan said he has been a border guard and agency official through 6 presidents, and he has never worked with a president more committed to Border Patrol and securing the border.

Plus many other achievements.

Aside from your personal (and partisan) dislike of Trump (and really, ANY Republican president or candidate) what legitimate basis do you have for opposing Trump? None. Just slander, lies and personal insults.

Do you really think Biden would be president 6 months after his hypothetical election? No. He is a Trojan horse for the most radical anti-American elements of the Democrat-Left. Your party is not even trying to hide anymore that their goal is chaos and destruction, and burning America to the ground. Your party is all-in for tearing down statues and teaching a cultural marxist propaaganda version of history that teaches the next generation to hate America and destroy it, replacing it with a marxist utopia. With aa complete purge of any conservatives, not even allowing them to work. The attacks on the hispanic CEO of Goya foods being the latest example. Or the Tulsa University coach who was almost fired for just wearing an OAN (One America News) t-shirt (when simultaneously a black athete he coached received almost no punishment for tweeting anti-semitic remarks quoting Louis Farrakhan and Adolf Hitler. The vilest hatered and violence is openly endorsed by the Democrats, and Biden's election would embolden a purge on a par with the Lenin Stalin revolution, the Maoist revolution, Castro's conquest and purge of Cuba, or the French Revolution.
And you endorse that.


Biden is poisonous in multiple ways:
1) He is weak and corrupt, and has no moral stance on anything, and will support anyone who will financially reward him.
2) Biden is strange and sexually inappropriate at best, he sniffs the hair of women and little girls, and even female Secret Service agents guarding him experiance harassment. He would swim naked in a pool with female agents guaarding him, just to make them uncomfortable. Male agentss would not invite their wives and girlfriends to White House social events, to prevent Biden from grabbing their asses.
3) Biden has sold his office as congressman, senator and then Vice President for decades, and enrich both himself and his family. His son Hunter Biden flew on Air Force Two with VP Biden, and within a day or two (Hunter Biden a drug addict with no financial experience) got a business deal from the People's Bank of China to invest $1.5 billion, netting Hunter a commission of at least $20 million. At precisely the time VP Biden softened his rhetoric against China, and pressed to diminish U.S. naval patrols and influence in the South China Sea. If Biden were president, he would again seel us out to China, and reverse all the strong containment Trump has put in place.
4) All the investigation of **CLEAR** corruption and abuse of power by Biden and the Obama administration would come to an abrupt screaming halt, and never be prosecuted, despite overwhelming evidence. And I would lay money that many of the corrupt players, including James Comey, Susan Rice, John Brennan and James Clapper would be invited back into a Biden White House, to continue the weaponizing of government against their Republican opposition right where they left off. I again point you to Sally Yates' memo of Jan 5 2017, where she specifies who was in the room, the 7 highest officials in the Obama White House, including Obama and Biden, and how Obama personally orchestrated the illegal unmasking and targeting of Michael Flynn, deliberately framing him with false charges and a perjury trap. Obama personally. In a way that astonished even Sally Yates, a Democrat Bolshevik party loyalist.

The Democrat party has to lose and lose badly in the Nov 2020 election, so this rabid Cultural Marxist cancer is stopped, and punished so badly that it doesn't just rise again in 2 or 4 or 8 years. It has to be destroyed. The Democrat leadership is a threat to the very existence of the United States. The Cultural Marxist enemy destroying us from within.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232324 2020-07-13 10:12 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So... if you support Biden, do you really think he will be a good and competent and non-corrupt president?

Without a doubt Biden will be better than Trump and the daily insanity that is now the norm. Just this morning Trump retweet’s exgame show host Chuck Woolery that the medical people are lying. This while the his WH attacks Dr. Fauci. An all to familiar pattern of this unfit and corrupt stain on the presidency where the truth is whatever Trump and his base declares. We face a highly contagious virus that we don’t even know what the long term effects are going to be and Trump is retweeting an attack on the medical community. That is insanity. Trump supporters thinking they have any credibility on what is corrupt or creepy is laughable btw. If it makes you feel better regurgitating the Trump campaign crap, go for it. It’s just bizarre how we must have read the same comic books and rooted for the same good guys and now your heroes are Trump, Flynn and Stone. Sad really but I guess that is the path extreme partisanship and hate can lead to for anyone.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So... if you support Biden, do you really think he will be a good and competent and non-corrupt president?

Without a doubt Biden will be better than Trump and the daily insanity that is now the norm. Just this morning Trump retweet’s exgame show host Chuck Woolery that the medical people are lying. This while the his WH attacks Dr. Fauci. An all to familiar pattern of this unfit and corrupt stain on the presidency where the truth is whatever Trump and his base declares. We face a highly contagious virus that we don’t even know what the long term effects are going to be and Trump is retweeting an attack on the medical community. That is insanity. Trump supporters thinking they have any credibility on what is corrupt or creepy is laughable btw. If it makes you feel better regurgitating the Trump campaign crap, go for it. It’s just bizarre how we must have read the same comic books and rooted for the same good guys and now your heroes are Trump, Flynn and Stone. Sad really but I guess that is the path extreme partisanship and hate can lead to for anyone.

The "daily insanity" comes from the Democrat/Left, and Trump is just forced to deal with it and minimize the damage.

Without Trump, we would have uncontrolled illegal immigration, with 2 or 3 million illegals annually entering, and overwhelming our southern border. But because Trump is president, that number is down to 200,000 this year, and (against every Democrat obstruction), a Southern border wall is being completed. No group are biger fans of Trump than the Border Patrol. Former border agent and ICE director Tom Hogan said he has worked on the border under 6 presidents, and never has he worked with a president more committed to securing the border, and backing the agents.

Without Trump, there never would have been a travel ban placed on Chinese entering the U.S. (20,000 people a day!) as it was by Trump on January 31st. Fauci (NIH) and Redfield (CDC) advised against the ban, but fortunately Trump did the right thing anyway. In retrospect, Fauci (on CNN) admitted this was "the single best strategic move" by the U.S. toward the pandemic, and gave the U.S. time to be fully prepared. If not for Trump, the original estimate of 1 to 2 million dead would have occurred. And maybe even higher, if not for the Southern border that Trump also secured.

Without Trump, the statues of our founders would still be torn down daily nationwide, a penultimate step to toppling the nation itself. The Democrat/Bolshevik party would be cheering this on unresisted, instead of arresting and prosecuting these Antifa and BLM thugs nationwide, and sending National Guard to back up overwhelmed police in cities nationwide.
But if you hate America, as the Democrat leadership clearly does, no problem, that just paves the way for the new socialist/marxist order, and the purge of all dissenting thought could begin. Thank God Donald Trump is in the White House to stop it.

Without Trump, we would have been surpassed in the last 4 years by China instead of Trump confronting their aggression and economic abuses and cyber-theft. If instead we had a Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Kerry or Joseph Biden as president, they would have continued selling us out, into economic and military enslavement to China. And any of these leaders would have enriched themselves in the process of selling us out. Thank God Donald Trump is in office, with the determination to contain China's aggression and roll it back. Biden would gladly sell us out for another $1.5 billion deal from the Bank of China for his son Hunter Biden. Biden has made a 48- year career of selling out America.
Likewise the Clintons with the Clinton Foundation.

How much worse would all these things be without Trump to stop them, with Democrats who openly endorse them and cheer them on? Biden in the White House (or Hillary, Kerry, Warren, Sanders, etc.) would be the foxes guarding the hen-house, people who for malicious reasons, either financial or ideological or both, cheer on the destruction of the United States. Your party doesn't even pretend otherwise anymore.

Wonder Boy #1232327 2020-07-15 10:44 AM
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How is Trump’s attacks on the medical community reflective on anything your claiming? In the middle of a pandemic he’s retweeting that the medical community is lying. You understand how crazy that is? And how do you figure it minimizes the insanity by him doing that? Seems pretty clear Trump is the one generating the insanity not the other way around.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
How is Trump’s attacks on the medical community reflective on anything your claiming? In the middle of a pandemic he’s retweeting that the medical community is lying. You understand how crazy that is? And how do you figure it minimizes the insanity by him doing that? Seems pretty clear Trump is the one generating the insanity not the other way around.

Trump has praised Fauci, even within the last few days. But he has also said that Fauci, Redfield and other CDC "experts" have been wrong, consistently, on a number of occasions.

* Fauci said we could trust what China was saying, despite during Fauci's tenure at NIH, China has consistently lied over the last 20 years.

* Fauci gave millions in NIH funding to China's biomedical reseach lab, the exact one and exact research that unleashed Covid-19 !!

* Fauci and Redfield were wrong on the travel ban, and Trump (rightly!) enacted a travel ban on China on Jan 31st, despite opposition of all the leadersship at the CDC (who after-the-fact admitted that Trump was riht and they were wrong.)

* In February, Fauci said people shouldn't wear a protective mask unless they work at a hospital, that masks don't protect people. Then in early May, Fauci completely reversed opinion and advised everyone to wear a mask. It seems obvious in retrospect that Fauci was consciously lying about masks not giving protection, lying repeatedly all through February, March and April. Based on this alone, why would anyone trust anything at this point Fauci has to say!
* On CNN, answering phone-in questions from viewers, a man said he had cruise ship reservations, and was over 65. He asked Fauci if under the circumstances he should cancel his cruise trip. Fauci assured him Covid-19 was not a threat to the U.S., and to go ahead and enjoy his trip. Bear in mind, this was March 15th !! And within a week, we would see horror stories of Covid-infected crusise ships where people were trapped and not allowed to leave for weeks, one of the worst places to be during the pandemic.

* Fauci right up until the shutdown in mid March, over and over, almost nightly on every news network, assured the public that Covid-19 was not a threat to the U.S., and that people should worry more about the annual flu virus.
The piece-of-shit Democrat/Left constantly pushes the narrative that "Trump should have acted sooner" and "Trump lied to the public and Trump ignored the threat", but DEMOCRATS IGNORE that it was Fauci and the other bureaucrats in the CDC who assured Trump as medical experts and prevented him from doing more. But these medical professionals the Democrats praise, even as they rail on the president who listened to their "expert" advice!

* Fauci has also repeatedly made public statements in the last 2 months that are critical of Trump's Covid-19 policy, or ambiguous at best, that undermine public confidence. Many conservatives think Fauci is a Democrat/Deep State player who is attempting use the pandemic to tilt the election in the Democrat favor. Likewise, I myself would be surprised if Fauci were not a registered Democrat.

* Fauci also, against the evidence, undermines use of Hydroxychloroquine, that could have at this point saved tens of thousands of lives in the U.S., and shortened the illness for tens of thousands more. As I said prior (and linked), Hydroxychloroquine is the treatment of choice for physicians in at least 30 other nations, and in some nations is given out FREE to people. Many doctors and nurses in the U.S. (despite Fauci and the CDC) take Hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure. The head of the French CDC has released studies of its use to treat Covid-19, and has personally used it to treat hundreds of patients. And still Fauci stonewalls and obstructs it from being approved, despite the medication being FDA approved since 1955.

Based on all the above, I would expect Trump to fire Fauci in the weeks after the November election. And based on the above, Trump has been overly kind to Fauci, and has every right to criticize him.

Wonder Boy #1232329 2020-07-15 10:37 PM
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Wonder Boy #1232332 2020-07-16 1:56 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
How is Trump’s attacks on the medical community reflective on anything your claiming? In the middle of a pandemic he’s retweeting that the medical community is lying. You understand how crazy that is? And how do you figure it minimizes the insanity by him doing that? Seems pretty clear Trump is the one generating the insanity not the other way around.

Trump has praised Fauci, even within the last few days. But he has also said that Fauci, Redfield and other CDC "experts" have been wrong, consistently, on a number of occasions.

* Fauci said we could trust what Chian was saying, despite during Fauci's tenure at NIH, China has consistently lied over the last 20 years.

* Fauci gave millions in NIH funding to China's biomedical reseach lab, the exact one and exact research that unleashed Covid-19 !!

* Fauci and Redfield were wrong on the travel ban, and Trump (rightly!) enacted a travel ban on China on Jan 31st, despite opposition of all the leadersship at the CDC (who after-the-fact admitted that Trump was riht and they were wrong.)

* In February, Fauci said people shouldn't wear a protective mask unless they work at a hospital, that masks don't protect people. Then in early May, Fauci completely reversed opinion and advised everyone to wear a mask. It seems obvious in retrospect that Fauci was consciously lying about masks not giving protection, lying repeatedly all through February, March and April. Based on this alone, why would anyone trust anything at this point Fauci has to say!
* On CNN, answering phone-in questions from viewers, a man said he had cruise ship reservations, and was over 65. He asked Fauci if under the circumstances he should cancel his cruise trip. Fauci assured him Covid-19 was not a threat to the U.S., and to go ahead and enjoy his trip. Bear in mind, this was March 15th !! And within a week, we would see horror stories of Covid-infected crusise ships where people were trapped and not allowed to leave for weeks, one of the worst places to be during the pandemic.

* Fauci right up until the shutdown in mid March, over and over, almost nightly on every news network, assured the public that Covid-19 was not a threat to the U.S., and that people should worry more about the annual flu virus.
The piece-of-shit Democrat/Left constantly pushes the narrative that "Trump should have acted sooner" and "Trump lied to the public and Trump ignored the threat", but DEMOCRATS IGNORE that it was Fauci and the other bureaucrats in the CDC who assured Trump as medical experts and prevented him from doing more. But these medical professionals the Democrats praise, even as they rail on the president who listened to their "expert" advice!

* Fauci has also repeatedly made public statements in the last 2 months that are critical of Trump's Covid-19 policy, or ambiguous at best, that undermine public confidence. Many conservatives think Fauci is a Democrat/Deep State player who is attempting use the pandemic to tilt the election in the Democrat favor. Likewise, I myself would be surprised if Fauci were not a registered Democrat.

* Fauci also, against the evidence, undermines use of Hydroxychloroquine, that could have at this point saved tens of thousands of lives in the U.S., and shortened the illness for tens of thousands more. As I said prior (and linked), Hydroxychloroquine is the treatment of choice for physicians in at least 30 other nations, and in some nations is given out FREE to people. Many doctors and nurses in the U.S. (despite Fauci and the CDC) take Hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure. The head of the French CDC has released studies of its use to treat Covid-19, and has personally used it to treat hundreds of patients. And still Fauci stonewalls and obstructs it from being approved, despite the medication being FDA approved since 1955.

Based on all the above, I would expect Trump to fire Fauci in the weeks after the November election. And based on the above, Trump has been overly kind to Fauci, and has every right to criticize him.

This is the defense for Trump re-tweeting about the medical community lying? And today hospitals have been ordered not to send their information to the CDC but to something else. I have sincere doubts and genuine fear that this was done to hide what is really happening with the pandemic. This happened after Trump was unhappy with the original CDC guidelines for reopening schools and a simultaneous attack on Dr Fauci by Trump and his minions.

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I cited my examples, and could cite many more. There are Democrat-Bolsheviks within the medical community, and even within the CDC, who are attempting to weaponize the pandemic for the Democrats' political gain.

For example, a story reported yesterday by a local Fox affiliate channel in Florida. The reporter talking to the Florida Dept of Health saw 2 cases listed that were 21 or under, reported as Covid-19 deaths, and she asked if there were any co-morbidity health conditions that caused them to die. One of them, 21 years old, died in a motorcycle accident! While he did test positive for Covid-19, clearly he did not die from the virus. It was padding of the numbers.

Another example, there are people in Florida who have been tested repeatedly up to 15 times to see if they remain infected (as opposed to recovered) and this one person is listed as 15 separate new cases!

Likewise, there are people they list as "presumed" Covid-19 infected, but have never been tested. And then they find all their contacts, who might be 15 or more people, and they are likewise listed and "new Covid-19 cases" but are never even tested!

These are some of the ways the numbers are padded and manipulated. there is a push to audit all the counted numbers for accuracy. There is a clear push to exaggerate the numbers to make Trump and Republican governors look bad. So yes, there is clearly a Democrat attempt to manipulate the statistics and exaggerate the outbreak for their political gain.

And regarding Dr Fauci, as I just cited above, he was wrong on a number of points. And you give Fauci and Redfield absolute trust despite their mistakes, even as you demonize Trump for following their wrong advice!
Further, Fauci on a number of occasions has contradicted the president, that compelled Trump to point out that he was right on several points where Fauci has been wrong (examples cited in my above post, and quoted by you).
Trump has not trashed Fauci, he said Fauci is a nice man who he has a good working relationship with, but that he (Trump) was right on several points where he listened to Fauci (and Redfield) but ultimately made a different decision despite their advice. And particularly on the Jan 31st China travel ban, even Fauci acknowledged that Trump was right and Fauci was wrong, and Fauci in retrospect said Trump was right, and that it was "the single best strategic move" that gave the U.S. time to prepare for the coming pandemic.
Again, I feel that Fauci on a number of occasions has pointlessly undermined Trump and been disloyal, and Trump in contrast has been overly nice to Fauci, when Fauci has unquestionably been wrong, and perhaps even been politically malicious in favor of the Democrats.

Wonder Boy #1232352 2020-07-18 10:33 PM
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I trust the experts more than “I take no responsibility “Trump. Better yet I believe most people feel the same way and hopefully forces Trump and republicans to act more responsible when it comes to coronavirus. Re-tweeting Chuck Woolery’s “their all lying” was horrible leadership. His handling of the CDC and reopening schools even worse. Most people value our nation’s youth and their safety no matter their politics.

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Joe Biden (or I should say the puppetmasters who actually make the decisions and run his campaign) announced Kamala Harris as the V P pick, about 4:15 PM today.

Tucker Carlson I though had a powerfully insightful commentary on the Machievellian facts and ironies of selecting Harris.

While the boards were down, I came across this piece that explores tha positives and negatives of all the women on Biden's V P short list:

Moot at this point, but still a good overview.
I think the wise and pragmatic choice would have been Amy Klobuchar, or perhaps Tammi Duckworth or Val Demmings, who have some credibility as moderates and could secure swing states in Biden's favor that he will need (California was already going overwhelmingly for Biden, with or without Harris). But Harris among the group is the only one with absolutely no principles, who chameleon-like, will politically morph to whatever politically expedient position is expected of her.

Kamala Harris said she believes Biden's sexial accuser, and never retracted that position, even when Tara Reade's credibility diminished. And yet Harris never blinked when offered the sexual predator's V P position.

Kamala Harris blasted Biden as a racist who was best buddies with segregationists and opposed bussing, but then eagerly joined the ticket of racist Biden. No retractions, no pivot. This make for many good Trump campaign commercials.

And I especially can't wait for the Trump campaign to rip Kamala Harris open like a pinata for the vicious things she said to and about Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
Let the punishment fit the crime.

Wonder Boy #1232391 2020-08-12 12:34 AM
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Lol, Trump voters thinking they have any credibility. Deficit, unemployment and civil unrest way up in Trump’s America. He’s a failed leader and bodies are stacking up fast because of it. He’s made America worse.

I’m excited with Biden’s pick for VP though.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

I’m excited with Biden’s pick for VP though.

Every four years you tell us that year's Democrat ticket is wonderful. Even if you hated the nominee during the primary. Biden could have picked a sack of wet cement with a halloween mask on it and you'd call it a bold and exciting choice.

the G-man #1232395 2020-08-12 12:58 AM
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Oh guess it’s a good thing I don’t give a shit about your opinion of me G. I actually genuinely like Harris. Biden not so much but he’s way better than Trump.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Oh guess it’s a good thing I don’t give a shit about your opinion of me G. I actually genuinely like Harris. Biden not so much but he’s way better than Trump.

Calm down, MEM. We've been here together for nearly two decades. It's hardly an unfair observation that you always effuse over the democrat nominee.

As for Trump, I think he's having a really hard time running as an incumbent. He won as an insurgent candidate, railing against the system but that's not necessarily going to work when he's been part of the system for four years.

the G-man #1232398 2020-08-12 2:19 AM
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It’s okay g, I don’t expect you to be fair or even handed. If you think differently you have a huge blind spot when it comes to WB, lol. Life is to short as far as I’m concerned to really care. As for Trump I think his record is the problem. In any measure the country is in worse shape under him.

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the G-man #1232400 2020-08-12 2:52 AM
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Pence was able to listen to Trump brag about how his wealth and celebrity allowed him to grab em by the pussy. I wonder how he really feels about that? Or all the dead people from Covid? Or the deficit? So hard to read those dead eyes

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Pence was able to listen to Trump brag about how his wealth and celebrity allowed him to grab em by the pussy. I wonder how he really feels about that? Or all the dead people from Covid? Or the deficit? So hard to read those dead eyes

1) Pence didn't personally campaign on attacking Trump, leading the charge attacking him, as Kamala Harris did against Biden. It really staggers the imagination that Biden (or more accurately, his puppetmasters) would select Kamala Harris, of all people.

2) Trump boasted (unknowlingly on a hidden microphone aboard a bus, 13 years prior to 2008) about the favors women willingly give to be close to a famously wealthy man like Trump, and he just stated a general fact about women who do whatever they can to get close to wealthy men. There is no evidence Trump actually "grabbed a girl by the pussy" as he jokingly boasted about.

3) as we've discussed multiple times, the exaggerated list of female "accusers" of Trump is so obviously partisan and ridiculous. Most of the women either 1) Are liberal zealots or had a similar vendetta that motivated them to accuse Trump, and almost 100% are not even lucid allegations of rape or sexual groping, but mostly just "He looked at me creepy" type of stuff. So there are no proven cases that Trump did anything wrong. Any more than there is proof against Brett Kavanaugh, Jeff Sessions, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, or Roy Moore. All of them faced similar baseless accusations that came out of nowhere, and disappeared just as quickly after their nomination or election, in a vile attempt to politically destroy them, successful or not.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It’s okay g, I don’t expect you to be fair or even handed. If you think differently you have a huge blind spot when it comes to WB, lol. Life is to short as far as I’m concerned to really care. As for Trump I think his record is the problem. In any measure the country is in worse shape under him.

Ah. By "far worse" under Trump, you mean:

* Quantifiably, the best economy in 50 years, by every numerical unemployment measure: the lowest white unemployment, black, hispanic, women, people under 30, etc. In several cases the lowest umeployment ever recorded for those groups.

* Trump has re-negotiated trade deals with pretty much every trading partner of the U.S.: Japan, South Korea, China, Central America, South America, Mexico, Canada, the E.U., and now-independent Britain.

* Trump for the first time pressed NATO members to pay their contracted 2% fair share of their defense cost, for the first time in decades, perhaps ever, saving the U.S. hundreds of billions that Obama, W. Bush and others allowed to be fleeced from the U.S.

* Trump (despite incredible opposition by House and Senate Democrats) is re-building U.S. military defense that Barack Obama almost utterly destroyed in his 8 years, to the point that, in just one example, only 50% of our military aircraft were combat-ready when Trump took office. Among other measures.
Trump has been modernizing our conventional and nuclear forces, just in time to face an aggressive surging China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.
And even so, Trump avoided a war with Iran a year ago that neo-con globalists of both parties were trying to manipulate Trump into. A war that a Hillary Clinton or Obama or Biden, or Rubio or Kasich or Romney would have taken us into, racking up several trillion dollars more deficit spending.

* Trump (despite incredible Democrat and establishment Republican opposition) has largely secured the U.S. southern border, reducing illegal crossings by 90%, approaching 100% when the border wall Democrats opposed is completed.

* Trump has slashed regulation, that has unleashed the economy and jobs growth.

* Despite lying propaganda by both Democrats and the 93% anti-Trump liberal media, the U.S. has among the lowest rates of Covid-19 deaths in the world, with only Germany of all nations worldwide achieving a lower ratio of deaths.
Laura Ingraham on Aug 4th deconstructed the Democrat lies about Trump's decisive leadership during the pandemic.
Laura Ingraham just tonight had a report about how the ratio of Covid deaths is roughly double in Democrat-governed states as in Republican ones. And that the U.S. ratio would be far lower if not for Democrat state governors, where the body count is the highest. In the case of New York, Trump moved heaven and earth to give Cuomo ventilators and field hospitals to treat all cases and save lives, but Governor Cuomo STILL incompetently sent these elderly patients back to retirement homes to unnecessarily spread pandemic deaths like wildfire in these homes, rather than use the resources Trump expertly managed and provided, that no other president would have!

* and despite Democrat and liberal media obstruction, Trump is miraculously restoring the economy at a quick pace, the last 3 months the most rapid monthly job growth in U.S. history. The stock market that had dropped to 18,000 from an all-time high of 29,500 in February 2020, even without a vaccine has already risen to 27,700 as of today, less than 2,000 points from its all time high.
Trump has fast-tracked the path to a vaccine, and in very forward thinking has even prepared fast tracks for production and distribution of hundreds of millions of doses to be ready and distributed within months. As Dr Fauci (HIH) and Redfield (CDC) acknowledge, would normally take years, not months. Under a president Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or Joe Biden or Kasich or Rubio, this would never have been organized or prepared. Would that the Democrats and liberal media would give Trump credit for these achievements.

* And Democrats are 100% responsible for the riots, looting and racial violence they have stoked, even as they try to blame Trump, Republicans and "institutional racism". As Laura Ingraham said so well last night.

It makes me ill how the Democrat leadership, and much of the Democrat grassroots, openly cheer on chaos and destruction, in the hope it will hurt Trump and allow your side to win in November.
THANK GOD Trump was president when this pandemic happened and not Hillary or Kasich or Rubio, or it would be years and not months till a vaccine was created. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin would be completely unavailable, and tens of millions more in the U.S. would lose their jobs and businesses to pointless lockdowns. If not their lives.

PREDICTION FOR NOV 2020: As soon as this election is over, the Democrat governors will go "Oh okay, it's safe to open now, never mind..." As soon as the election is over. These lockdowns are only to damage the economy and hurt Trump, no other reaon. And whichever way the election goes, the lockdowns will be lifted immediately after. Your side is unbelievably evil.
Just as it is evil to stall a House bill that would continue benefits to millions now forced to be unemployed, with the Democrats' stated goal of "leverage" to force Trump to sign off on further Democrat wet-dream spending. Meanwhile, Trump side-stepped the Dems' treachery and signed an executive order to continue the benefits for the unemployed, IN SPITE OF Democrat obstruction. It's quite clear Trump, not the Dems, is the one who truly cares about these people, tens of millions of them.

Plus many other achievements of Trump you ignore. You'd destroy the country, just to manipulate a win for Biden and the Bolsheviks who move his puppet-strings, simply because he has a "D" next to his name, and despite that he has already corruptly sold out his office for 48 years to the highest bidder to enrich himself, including to the Chinese.

But yeah, go on fronting your lying narrative, M E M, despite the facts in front of you.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232403 2020-08-12 10:43 AM
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The unemployment rate is over 10 percent WB. It was much lower when Obama left office. As was the deficit. I think it’s also evident that civil unrest is also way up under Trump. As for Trump’s continued failed leadership on coronavirus, polling tells you people outside of Trump’s loyalists are not buying it. “I take no responsibility “ isn’t inspiring leadership.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The unemployment rate is over 10 percent WB. It was much lower when Obama left office. As was the deficit. I think it’s also evident that civil unrest is also way up under Trump. As for Trump’s continued failed leadership on coronavirus, polling tells you people outside of Trump’s loyalists are not buying it. “I take no responsibility “ isn’t inspiring leadership.

You know why, M E M, and yet you lyingly shave the facts to present it as if Trump somehow tanked the economy.
The fact is, there is a global pandemic that has ravaged 189 nations worldwide, and of those, the U.S. led by Trump has fared better than all but Germany, by the measure of the deaths as a ratio of population.
Further, investment is pouring into the U.S. during this crisis, rather than Europe or China, which would indicate the smart investors see the U.S. under Trump's leadership best positioning itself for recovery and resurgent growth. The DOW just closed at 27,976 today, again showing investor confidence in the U.S., and just 1,500 points below its all-time high in February, right before the pandemic hit the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The entire world, every nation, is deficit-spending to care for its citizens through the pandemic. And while you bemoan Trump's deficit, the Democrats want to spend 3 times as much!
For all the partisan Democrat noise and complicit liberal-media trying to tear it down, the country is resurgent. Even the nations that initially had the best Covid-19 response have had setbacks and new cluster outbreaks.
In the news just today, South Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, and behind a wall of secrecy China and North Korea as well. There are new outbreaks in Europe. And I've seen Latin America described as the area that has the greatest surge of new cases and as (I hate the term, but there it is) the "new epicenter of the outbreak."

So, with those quantifiable facts, Trump is handling the outbreak far better than you've given him credit for. When president Bolsonaro of Brazil had Covid-19, he contacted Trump and secured hydroxychloroquine from Trump-recommended U.S. doctors to treat it. You know, that medicine your side says is "DANGEROUS!!!" and doesn't work? That cured Bolsonaro in about 2 to 3 weeks, and prevented him from needing hospitalization.

Hydroxychloroquine. That at least a dozen nations hand out to their citizens for free, that caused a sharp decline in cases in those nations, relative to the nations that didn't. That doctors polled in 30 nations including France (and the French CDC) prescribe as their Covid-19 treatment of choice, despite the Democrat/liberal-media propaganda that it doesn't work. If it is prescribed in the first 48 hours, and often even later, it absolutely does work.
But the Democrat/Liberal-media industrial complex sells the narrative that hydroxychloroqine is "DANGEROUS!!", simply because Trump suggested it as a possible treatment.
Hydroxychloroquine has existed since 1944, and has been FDA-approved since 1955, and has been prescribed to tens of millions in the U.S. and worldwide to treat Malaria, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Lyme Disease , but when it is prescribed for Covid-19 it suddenly becomes "DANGEROUS!!"? Please, be serious.
Third-world nations where hydroxychloroquine was widely taken as a preventive from Malaria have inadvertantly seen much smaller outbreaks, because much of the populations there still have hydroxy remaining in their blood, to protect them.

One I love is Chris Cuomo on CNN, who rails on hydroxychloroquine as dangerous, and yet HE HIMSELF took it when he was sick with Covid-19. Cuomo is a jerk who, while contagious with Covid-19, walked around a crowded park N Y city park while infectious to others with Covid. And when a guy who had seen Cuomo on CNN bemoaning his alleged lockdown at home with Covid, told Cuomo he shouldn't be outside around other people, Cuomo had a hissy fit and threatened confrontation with the guy. Someone recorded the incident on a cel-phone video, that you can watch on Youtube. And Tucker Carlson interviewed the guy a day later about it.

All of which shows the utter failure and hypocrisy of the Democrat/Left/liberal-media, as they try vainly to demonize Trump. That may work on CNN and other liberal networks where they can selectively omit the true facts and shave the narrative, but in the age of the internet, there is plenty of evidence that Fox, OAN, Washington Journal, Wall Street Journal, New York Post and other conservative media are exposing, telling the truth, and that it's Democrats and the liberal media who are lying and not reporting the true facts.

But with the selective omission on CNN of the true facts and the true statistics, I can see how you'd be confused.

Wonder Boy #1232409 2020-08-12 11:01 PM
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When you try to claim that Trump has the best economy it’s apparent you’re the one doing the fact shaving. Hell that whopper requires a fing chainsaw, lol. I remember all to well how you blamed Obama for everything as he inherited a recession. Trump even with unprecedented deficit spending during a time of global growth still couldn’t top the rate of jobs created under Obama’s final years. “I take no responsibility “ is Trump’s glorious leadership during a pandemic he downplayed and continues to downplay. We have more dead and economic damage because of Trump.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When you try to claim that Trump has the best economy it’s apparent you’re the one doing the fact shaving. Hell that whopper requires a fing chainsaw, lol. I remember all to well how you blamed Obama for everything as he inherited a recession. Trump even with unprecedented deficit spending during a time of global growth still couldn’t top the rate of jobs created under Obama’s final years. “I take no responsibility “ is Trump’s glorious leadership during a pandemic he downplayed and continues to downplay. We have more dead and economic damage because of Trump.

In an unprecedented crisis, Trump has overseen in the last 3 months three consecutive months of the greatest monthly job growth ever recorded. In spite of half the states locked down by Democrat governors just to hurt him and influence the November election. That DOESN'T erase that for Trump's first 3 years he created the best economic growth in 50 years.

The deficits were because of a Democrat-controlled House that refused to give him funds to rebuild our military, and extorted $900 billion in additional liberal spending in exchange for the 700 billion he demanded for Dems to pass a House spending bill to rebuild our Obama-destroyed military. So once again, what you blame Trump for is in fact specifically caused by the Democrats. And then Dems ironically use it as a talking point blame Trump. A lying narrative that is carried and fronted by the 93% anti-Trump Newspeak liberal media.

And once again, if Trump quantifiably has the best economic performance statistics in 50 years, those are clearly higher numbers than in any of Obama's 8 years.
You front that lying narrative of "Obama has higher growth than Trump" by ignoring the massive job losses in the millions in Obama's first 3 years.
When Trump was elected, even before he was inaugurated, the stock market dramatically rose in anticipation of policies of Trump that were known would stimulate jobs growth. THE OPPOSITE happened when Obama was elected, the economy that was already entering recession TANKED EVEN MORE in anticipation of the known regulation and "punish capitalism" policy that Obama had promised while campaigning! And the economy continued to plummet for the first three years of Obama's presidency, and did not improve almost immediately, as it did in Trump's first year.

So yeah, if you shave the numbers and only look at the last 5 of Obama's 8 years, you can front the lying narrative that Obama "created more jobs", by ignoring that about 2.9 million of those jobs were just regaining the millions of jobs lost during Obama's first 3 years. But if you look at the net jobs growth over Obama's entire 8 years, that false narrative of "Obama created more jobs than Trump" is absolutely not true.

It's still hilarious to me how in W. Bush's last few months in 2008, the liberal media was selling the narrative "the worst recession since the great depression" talking points to help Obama win.
And then as soon as Obama was inaugurated, and the numbers ACTUALLY WENT DOWN EVEN MORE, AND CONTINUED TO GO DOWN, FOR THREE YEARS INTO OBAMA'S PRESIDENCY that same Newspeak media was selling the narrative "Ohh we're already in economic recovery and we just don't know it yet, unemployment is just a lagging indicator!"

The ironies abound.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232412 2020-08-13 2:38 AM
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Keep polishing the turd all you want, it will still be a piece of shit WB. You demonstrate just how crappy his leadership has been during this crisis. Pretty much all the states opened up faster than what the CDC had for guidelines. Trump pushed and bullied states to open even faster. But in Trumpland it’s somehow makes sense to proclaim that it’s really a conspiracy that tries to pass the buck onto the governors stuck with making hard choices that are even harder because the President makes it that way. How dare they try to follow CDC guidance!

More dead, more unemployed, more civil unrest.
No thank you.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Keep polishing the turd all you want, it will still be a piece of shit WB. You demonstrate just how crappy his leadership has been during this crisis. Pretty much all the states opened up faster than what the CDC had for guidelines. Trump pushed and bullied states to open even faster. But in Trumpland it’s somehow makes sense to proclaim that it’s really a conspiracy that tries to pass the buck onto the governors stuck with making hard choices that are even harder because the President makes it that way. How dare they try to follow CDC guidance!

More dead, more unemployed, more civil unrest.
No thank you.

I cited facts, all you have is insults.
FACT: Trump declared a travel ban on China Jan 31, and a medical emergency over Covid-19 2 days later.
FACT: Investment is flowing to the U.S., indicating the smartest people on the planet see growth occurring in the U.S. post-pandemic, not flowing to Europe or China. That indicates despite the 93%-plus anti-Trump liberal media propaganda, the U.S. is widely seen as handling the crisis better. And even countries who have long been praised as handling the crisis better than anyone else, such as South Korea, Australia, Japan and Germany, are experiencing new and large outbreaks.

Staistics don't lie (unlike Democrats and the liberal media) and the statistics show the U.S. led by Trump has the lowest ratio of cases per 100,000 of any nation on earth, second only to Germany. And Germany is currently experiencing a surge of new cases, and could fall to second place.

Sorry these undisputable facts contradict what you would like to believe, and the lying narrative your party is trying to sell.

Wonder Boy #1232424 2020-08-14 11:10 PM
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I cited higher unemployment, death rateS and civil unrest. The undeniable reality that is America under Trump. That is where we’re at while Trump continues to stoke divisions and downplay the pandemic. We can now add election interference with his attacks on the postal service. Democracy was a value I thought was something enough republicans valued. I fear that I may have been wrong as I thought honesty was also valued too. If he tries to steal this election count on more civil unrest.

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Biden expands lead

That made me feel better today after reading about Trump trying to defund the postal service so that it can’t handle mail in ballots. His birther attack on Harris on the other hand I think was a rare political miscalculation on his part. He has all the deplorables already so it could give the Biden/Harris ticket a nice bump.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I cited higher unemployment,

Higher unemployment directly caused by the pandemic shutdown. As it has 188 other nations. And I cited how investors are pouring their cash into the U.S., indicating they see Trump's leadership as uniquely positioning the U.S. as a safe haven for exceptional economic growth and recovery from the pandemic, of all the nations worldwide. Despite Democrat propaaganda otherwise.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
death rateS

Again, asked and answered. While the U.S. is a nation of about 327 million, and yes, does have about 166,000 covid-19 deaths at this point, the U.S. has a far lower ratio of deaths per 100,000 than any nation on earth, with the single exception of Germany. And Germany is currently experiencing a surge in deaths. Other nations seen as having the best preparation of all nations, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, are also facing unexpected new outbreaks.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
and civil unrest.

It's absolutely outrageous you would allege Trump is responsible for what your party has caused. It is Democrat mayors and governors who have encouraged these riots and looting, and massive spike in murders, by refusing to arrest or jail those stoking the violence. And even refusing federal help to bring it under control!
I'm still trying to figure out why all this chaos is encouraged and enabled by the Democrats. You're scaring the piss out of even the middle class Democrat voters who elected these schmucks, who are terrified of a world without police. People --DEMOCRATS!!-- are fleeing urban cities and moving to the suburbs to escape the forseeable chaos. And without the wealthy and middle class to tax, services in cities like New York City and Minneapolis and Seattle and Portland will continue to be more inpoverished, more crime infested, more homeless-infested, and dangerous.

But yeah, this is all Trump's fault.
That's just pure crazy-logic.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The undeniable reality that is America under Trump.

An undeniable reality you can't seem to logically describe in words.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
That is where we’re at while Trump continues to stoke divisions

It is your side, the Bolshevik/Democrat-Left that is stoking division and refusing to compromise. As I've said many times, Trump is a pragmatist who has made it very clear he is willing to compromise with Democrats to make a deal, often with generous offers to the Dems.
Such as offering amnesty to millions of DACA illegals, in exchange for fully funding a border wall. But Democrats don't want to give any compromise, even when it hurts the American people not to, hurts the Dems' own voter-base! Just to deprive Trump of a political win. Yours is the party of chaos and hatred, completely intolerant and uncompromising. Self-destructively so.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
and downplay the pandemic.

There is nothing Trump has said that Fauci and Redfield and other healthcare officials haven't said before him. Yet you demonize Trump for saying it, while exalting Fauci as a god of credibility and flawless medical opinion.
I've already gone on at length about Fauci's errors, where Trump saved a million lives by NOT taking Fauci's advice, that Fauci himself in retrospect acknowledged Trump was right and he (Fauci) was wrong, and that it saved a lot of lives. The travel bans on China and Europe being prime examples.

I don't see that Trump was never unserious about the Covid-19 threat, except in the lying propaganda of Democrat leaders and the liberal media. Fauci and many other prominent doctors said that these epidemics often do have wide infection and then suddenly burn out and disappear. Both Fauci and Trump expressed this as a possibility that was hoped for, not as an absolute.
But you praise Faci and demonize Trump, for saying the exact same thing.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
We can now add election interference with his attacks on the postal service.

God are you full of lies! Trump pointed out that in a recent New York House election, 25% of the mail-in ballots were unable to be counted, and the result of that election is still unresolved and highly in question, to the point that NY should just have another election. The fault of Dems, not Trump, and Trump just cited the obvious. Imagine that played out in November across 435 congressional districts.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Democracy was a value I thought was something enough republicans valued. I fear that I may have been wrong as I thought honesty was also valued too. If he tries to steal this election count on more civil unrest.

It's ironic that your side is trying to rig an election with illegal mail ballots that are ripe for the tampering, suddenly legislated to be mailed out with no planning and no past experience by many state governments doing so. On OAN, an elections expert said 46 of the 50 states are unprepared to competently handle mail-in ballots. The ONLY circumstance where mail-in ballots should be maailed is if each resident were called by phone to verify the address mailed to is current and correct, that under penalty of perjury they are a U.S. citizen qualified to vote, and attach a photo-I.D. copy of their driver license that further confirms they are the voter, and that further confirms their address. Ballot-harvesting should be illegal, and those votes not counted.
You Dems always scream about 2016 Russian interference, and yet you are rushing these 42 million mail-in ballots to people not even confirmed to actually exist or be qualified to vote, ballots already exposed to be mailed out to dead people, and to addresses long obsolete, and a few weeks ago to a lady's cat that had been dead for 12 years.

The Democrat Bolsheviks are pushing mail ballots that are obviously not legal or verifiable, just in the vain hope that the Democrats can defeat Trump.
And like the riots your side is funding and stoking nationwide, mail ballots are yet another way your party is undermining our Constitutional republic and attempting to burn it to the ground, undermine confidence in the system.
Yours is the party of lawlessness, and I think with full awareness, deliberately trying to destroy this country. If not to sucessfully manipulate a Democrat victory, then to create misery and hell on earth for Republicans and for the voters who didn't choose your side. Marxist revolution and chaos, pure and simple.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Biden expands lead

That made me feel better today after reading about Trump trying to defund the postal service so that it can’t handle mail in ballots. His birther attack on Harris on the other hand I think was a rare political miscalculation on his part. He has all the deplorables already so it could give the Biden/Harris ticket a nice bump.

I've seen multiple interviews with pollsters, saying the Democrat ratio of the population is over-represented by 10%, which at a 7 to 9% "lead for Biden" means that Trump is actually ahead. Every poll shows that even as in 2016, while Trump was polling as behind, Trump is less behind in 2020 than he was in the 2016 polls.
And on almost any given day, Trump is ahead of where Obama was at the same point in 2012 daily polls. And we all know how that election turned out.

It's all just psychological warfare, to discourage Republicans from voting. By liberal/Democrat pollsters. Just like every 4 years.

Wonder Boy #1232429 2020-08-15 3:37 PM
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I’ve seen polls that claim they are weighting the polls to catch more of the uneducated white voters to increase accuracy. I don’t think Fox News wants Biden leading Trump and it’s pretty evident that Trump is trying hobble the post office in an effort to have less votes counted.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’ve seen polls that claim they are weighting the polls to catch more of the uneducated white voters to increase accuracy. I don’t think Fox News wants Biden leading Trump and it’s pretty evident that Trump is trying hobble the post office in an effort to have less votes counted.

Interesting how election after election, that tilting of polls "increased accuracy" always favors the Democrats, by pollsters and news channels who are overwhelmingly liberal/Democrat, favoring in both polls and reporting the candidates they want elected. I could see this bias all the way back to Jimmy Carter's campaign in 1976, Dukakis in 1988 (predicted with a 16-point lead over G H W Bush, how did that turn out?), obscenely biased favoritism of Bill Clinton in 1992, and all facade of unbiased coverage abandoned in the media's fawning over Obama in 2008.
And from 2016 forward, the media and many individual vocal reporters have made it clear it's their holy mission to "stop Trump", and that any ethics of professional reporting are secondary to that. And that goes back to Dan Rather and 60 Minutes airing a fake letter allegedly from W. Bush's Texas National Guard commanding officer (corrected not by CBS, but by citizen journalists on the internet), to "Journo-list" reporters in 2008 openly plotting in a reporters' online forum how to slander and take down Palin and McCain in order to aid the Obama campaign, reporters who were open advocates during the Occupy Wall Street movement, and less-than-neutral moderators clearly aiding Obama and Biden in the 2012 debates. The media bias is on full display every four years, for decades, increasingly more shamelessly. The liberal media's slanted polls are just another layer of that bias. As are the liberal-media-controlled Factcheck, Politifact and Snopes sites.

As wrong as the polls were in 2016 and all the above media antics in these other past elections, I don't buy the snake oil they're selling this time either.

Wonder Boy #1232431 2020-08-16 2:32 AM
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Well you’re consistent in attacking anything that doesn’t prop up Trump but I think even you have to realize Fox isn’t part of any vast liberal conspiracy. Trump is a vile dishonest man and always has been. The higher unemployment, civil unrest and rising death toll from Covid might be leaving voters feeling America isn’t greater now than 4 years ago. Trump isn’t destroying the post office because he thinks he’s going so well in the polls either.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Well you’re consistent in attacking anything that doesn’t prop up Trump but I think even you have to realize Fox isn’t part of any vast liberal conspiracy. Trump is a vile dishonest man and always has been. The higher unemployment, civil unrest and rising death toll from Covid might be leaving voters feeling America isn’t greater now than 4 years ago. Trump isn’t destroying the post office because he thinks he’s going so well in the polls either.

I'm consistent in attacking Democrat lies that are blatantly untrue!

Trump is the solution, cleaning up the establishment/Deep State corruption that infests both parties, which explains why some Republicans are siding with the Democrats in either attacking Trump, or just not using Senate Republican-majority power to defend Trump.

Regardless of your wishful-thinking propaganda, M E M, Biden has dropped from an alleged 12% lead in the polls (again, over-representing Democrats) to a mere 4% lead in the polls now. And about a 1% margin in most of the battleground states. Imagine if the polls actually sampled a representative portion of Republicans, instead of over-representing Democrats by 10%. Imagine.

As I just explained, the high unemployment is happening in 189 countries worldwide, not because of Trump, but because of the Chinese-orchestrated pandemic. And yet, investment worldwide is flowing into the U.S., because the brightest and best see that the U.S. is recovering and growing at a faster rate than any other part of the world.
Only Germany has a lower Covid-19 death rate than the U.S.

The civil unrest is entirely orchestrated and endorsed by the Democrat/Left. Your side makes no defense of our nation and its history, offers no resistance or condemnation of the Left attacking us as a racist nation with no right to exist, endorses Black Lives Matter (an organization founded by three marxists, for the expressed purpose in BLM's founding statement of overthrowing the United States, and its public message of correcting racial injustice is just a front. BLM and Antifa don't care about the 7,400 annual black deaths, only about the 150 or so killed in confrontations with police that fit their narrative. An insurrectionist movement, and a complete fraud.)
Black Lives Matter and Antifa are insurrectionist armies, funded and logistically supported by George Soros an other Leftist groups. Soros, who incidentally is one of the major funders of the Democrat/Bolshevik party. BLM, Antifa and the DNC are working in unison, as is consistent with the fake-"grassroots" insurrections Soros has orchestrated in about 30 other nations. Read THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe for the details of how it iss done.

Donald Trump is THE ONLY resistance that is preventing the overthrow of the United States to marxist revolutionaries in our major cities, the only one defending our borders.
If anyone else were president, we would have been overthrown by the marxists now.

If anyone else were president a year ago, we would have been overthrown by the armies of Soros-funded illegal immigrants and caravans entering the U.S. at that time. Among all other candidates, Democrat or Republican, only Trump had the will to stop it.

You can thank the Democrat Mayor, Governor, House majority and Senate minority for doing NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to save your hometown of Minneapolis from having 500 stores looted and burned. And with nothing left there to loot, probably moving to the suburbs there next.
Now your Democrat mayor and freak-show city council have de-funded the Minneapolis police department, and with many police retiring or resigning, you should see the chaos-effect of that playing out over the next year or two.

Apparently you didn't see Rep. Ayanna Pressley saying she "wants more unrest in the streets". You blame Trump, but your own party is the cause. Trump is just the one actually dealing with it. While the Democrats sit on their hands and do nothing to stop it. To stop what THEY THEMSELVES, the Democrat-Bolshevik party, have caused.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232441 2020-08-20 12:58 AM
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We're on the third night now of the DNC national convention, and it's just surreal, the lying narrative the Democrats are selling, vs. what is actually occurring in the U.S., and the revisionist lies the Democrats speaking are selling, vs. what has actually occurred.

Even the liberal Associated Press listed a factcheck of Michelle Obama's speech last night, correcting what she alleged about child illegals held in cages. As was cited in 2016, A P pointed out that the photos of kids in cages, both the photos and the immigration policy that put them there, began under Barack Obama in 2014.

Among many other Democrat lies over the last 3 nights.

Wonder Boy #1232442 2020-08-20 1:33 AM
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From the AP fact check...
“ The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar. Obama had no such policy.

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Standing in front of an exhibit on the U.S. Constitution, Obama said, “I have sat in the Oval Office with both of the men who are running for president. I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care.”

Obama added, “But he never did. For close to four years now, he’s shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.”

I read today how Trump didn’t want to give diseaster relief to California because it wasn’t a red state. It’s a constant stream of this partisan evil crap. It’s truly sad that Trump supporters enable this. We’re never going to agree on a lot of things but we should always remember we’re one country.

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Barack Obama, in his speech vagely endorsing Joe Biden tonight: Trump has shown no interest in reaching out or bipartisanship, "he’s shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends".

BARACK OBAMA 12 years ago: "We're going to punish our enemies and reward our friends."
And he did, too. Obama's hypocrisy on full display.

As far as Trump helping only himself, he's the only president who has ever accepted only 1 dollar as salary, and gives the quarterly payments to veterans and other groups. It's a well-established fact that Trump has actually lost money by serving as president, and could have earned a lot more, with a lot less aggravation, if he had stayed in the private sector.
Yet another example of Democrat lies and hypocrisy.
As Ann Coulter said, if you want to see what Democrats are up to, just look at what they are accusing Republicans of.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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brutally Kamphausened
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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
From the AP fact check...
“ The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history.

And that's exactly what the Trump administration, or more specifically Border patrol agents, did.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar. Obama had no such policy.“

That's not true. That's deceptive wording, Border Agents interviewed have repeatedly said they only separated families if they saw evidence they were not family, and/or the child appeared afraid or threatened by the male parent they were with. And the media photos were not taken while Trump was president, but while Obamam was president. This policy was in effect during Obama's presidency in 2014. The only difference under Trump is the commitment to secure the border, and the numbers apprehended.

But hey, and least the anti-Trump partisan liberal-media AP told some of the truth.

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