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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It is sad that trump politicized a true threat to this country. How many lives could have been saved just if he had been a decent human being? Instead states got attacked for trying to act like there was a deadly highly contagious pandemic hitting us. I see today Trump refused multiple times to buy extra vaccines when he had a chance. Now he’s golfing while he tries to stay in power by throwing away election results as coronavirus deaths get higher and higher.

It never ceases to amaze me, M E M, your complete immunity to the facts.

No matter how incriminating the evidence against your side, Mayor Bill DeBlasio, Gov Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Gov Gretchen Whitmer, on and on, the Demcorat mayors and governors and health department heads who break their own Covid-19 lockdown rules, while forcing others to obey, starve and lose their homes and businesses.

And yet you always find a way to twist the true facts into a lying-narrative-pretzel to make Trump the bad guy.
Trump, the guy who secured the borders to prevent the country by being overwhelmed by Covid-infected travellers from China, Europe and illegal immigrants on the Southern border.
Trump who as president showed remarkable leadership in creating unimaginable amounts of PPE medical protective equipment, ventilators, makeshift field hospitals for overflow patients, deploying navy medical ships, and pushing forward production of a vaccine in an incredible 9 months that would normally take years to create.

Trump you demonize, while heaping praise on the corrupt Democrat incompetents who would kill us all with their inaction and arrogance, if they and not Trump were in charge.
Watch again the clip of Biden chief of staff Ron Klain, saying they did nothing to safeguard the country from a SARS/Swine Flu outbreak in in 2009-2010, that it was "just luck" that the outbreak was not more deadly. Compare to Trump in 2020, with bold decisive action and undeniably more effective results, with a vaccine that will be given to 30 million Americans before Dec 31st..

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Trump Administration: “We want them infected “

This is actually not new news per se as there was earlier reporting that the trumpsters were pushing for a herd immunity approach to Covid. They were just lying about it. Killing grandma because shopping and going to the bars are more valued.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump Administration: “We want them infected “

This is actually not new news per se as there was earlier reporting that the trumpsters were pushing for a herd immunity approach to Covid. They were just lying about it. Killing grandma because shopping and going to the bars are more valued.

You're a moron, parroting a lying talking point.

Up to about the age of 50, the average person has a 99.997% chance of surviving without complications.

"Herd immunity", as I've explained before, and if you were not an ignorant partisan dipshit immune to the facts, is about protecting the vulnerable (such as the elderly, and the immune-compromised of all ages) and while taking reasonable precautions (masks and social distancing ), Covid-19 won't kill the overwhelming number of people who get it. Over the age of 70, that number goes down to about 99.95% who survive. These lockdowns, which aren't even scientific or effective, are NOT about prevention. They are about globalist/Leftist/marxist society change and establishing authoritarian CONTROL, under the disguise of protecting people. But study after study shows that lockdowns actually cause MORE infections, in addition to economic damage. They're really about crushing small business owners, Christians, Jews and other conservative religious groups, gun owners and retailers, and other enemies of the Left. Crushing conservatives' ability to gather and organize.

Further, "herd immunity" just means that 50% to 70% of a population has achieved immunity. And herd immunity can be achieved through vaccination. As Trump's administration has conceived and organized extremely well.

And even in Sweden, where they have tried to reach herd immunity without a vaccine, they have slightly more cases, but without the economic devastation of the lockdowns implemented by tyrannical governors in the U.S., and in many other nations.

And the "killing grandma" method you allege, was ACTUALLY implemented by Democrat governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and other Democrat states.
Whereas Republican states like Texas and Florida took precautions for the elderly, and therefore never came near the elderly nursing home casualties of the Democrat-governor states.
And I repeat : New York governor Andrew Cuomo, despite enormous resources given to him by President Trump, everything Cuomo requested, SQUANDERED those resources, and Cuomo oversaw the highest ratio of Covid-19 deaths OF ANY REGION ON THE ENTIRE PLANET !

That's what the Democrats offer in the realm of leadership.
Likewise with Obama/Biden in the 2009-2010 H1N1 "Swine Flu" outbreak, that infected about 65 million people.
Where Biden's then and now chief of staff Ron Klain said it was just "luck" that the outbreak was not as bad as Covid-19, and that they were unprepared and incapable of doing anything to stop it.

Incompetents. Corrupt incompetents.
If Biden is inaugurated, God help us all.

Without the death totals racked up by incompetent Democrat governors, the U.S. would have BY FAR the lowest ratio of deaths per 100,000 of any nation on the planet. Last I looked, we were the 2nd lowest, only surpassed by Germany, but Germany has since had a large surge in deaths and may no longer be the lowest.

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White House denies Trump endorsed herd immunity

Just to clear up who the liars are WB. That would be trump.

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And I would add that governors from red and blue states have taken measures to try to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed and death totals down. It’s not about control but public health as these measures are only temporary and change according to infection rates. Control would be a president declaring martial law to try to stay in power after losing an election. That I hear is being actively being discussed by trump.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
White House denies Trump endorsed herd immunity

Just to clear up who the liars are WB. That would be trump.

You apparently lack reading comprehension skills to read and understand your own linked article. And in your partisan hate of Trump, you attempt to twist what it says in a narrow context, to allege it says the opposite of what it ACTUALLY says.

From your own article:

Here is what Mr Trump said on Tuesday night at the Philadelphia town hall: “Sure, over a period of time. Sure, with time it goes away. And you'll develop – you'll develop herd – like a herd mentality. It's going to be – it's going to be herd-developed, and that's going to happen. That will all happen. But with a vaccine, I think it will go away very quickly.”

If you were talking about Sweden or Germany going for a herd immunity approach with a strategy of everyone in the country becoming infected without a vaccine in order to build herd immunity, that would be accurate. Those nations actually did publicly state that strategy.
But it is not accurate to say that Trump did that. Everything Trump said was first said, and said repeatedly, by Anthony Fauci and Jerome Adams, which you ignore. But from the very beginning, Trump's aggressive goal was to fast-track a vaccine, NOT to let the whole country get infected. You are deliberately fronting a false narrative. And that vaccine became ready 5 days after the Nov 3rd election, and probably weeks before, and only with-held for political reasons.

Regarding not wearing a mask, if you were not a lying partisan zealot trying to twist the truth, you might recall that both NIH director Anthony Fauci and also surgeon general Jerome Adams, BOTH mocked the notion of wearing a mask for at least the first 2 months of the Covid-19 outbreak. As have other medical experts ongoing, such as Alex Berenson of the New York Times, and Dr Scott Atlas, long before he was a member of the president's Covid-19 task force. As DOES SCIENCE reject wearing a mask as effective against Covid-19. Because a typical surgical mask has holes between its fibers that the virus can easily pass through. And even an N-95 mask which has fibers narrow enough to prevent the virus from passing through, is still not a guarantee of protection from infection. If a mask gets wet, then the fibers widen so it no longer gives protection from the virus. An N-95 might reduce the risk, but even that is questionable protection. Other masks offer NO credible protection.

So, once again, you're quoting Trump as saying something, deceitfully outside the context that all Trump's advisors and others in the medical community were saying the exact same thing.

And others such as Dr. Atlas, and honest journalists such as Alex Berenson (whom Amazon tried to block and prevent distribution of his book on Covid-19 that went against the Democrat narrative) have been saying consistently for the last year, while Anthony Fauci and Jerome Adams have been inconsistent and all over the place, and even admit they lied to the public so that regular citizens would not use PPE masks, so the short supply of masks would be available only for hospital staff. The admitted liars you believe, and then you call Trump a liar.

It's to be expected that the liars on your side would exalt the admitted liars like Fauci and Adams, and hold them up as truth-tellers, even as you hold up Trump's words as "lies", despite that Trump was only repeating THEIR rhetoric at the time Trump said it ! Because that fits your lying Bolshevik narrative.

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From the Trump swamp ...
Senior Trump officials have repeatedly denied that herd immunity — a concept advocated by some conservatives as a tactic to control Covid-19 by deliberately exposing less vulnerable populations in hopes of re-opening the economy — was under consideration or shaped the White House's approach to the pandemic. “Herd immunity is not the strategy of the U.S. government with regard to coronavirus," HHS Secretary Alex Azar testified in a hearing before the House coronavirus subcommittee on Oct. 2.

That’s from the earlier “we want them infected “ link WB. And Fauci changed his views on mask wearing as evidence mounted that mask wearing prevented spread. It’s just not comparable to Trump truly mocking people for wearing masks long after it was evident that it was helpful. Hell, he’s been hosting super spreader events all along to boot. I listen to the audio of him telling Woodward about how dangerous Covid really is way back almost a year ago and it’s just incredible how awful he’s been.

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So Trump trashed the Covid aid with a demand for 2,000 dollar checks. Unemployment benefits run out for a lot of people today. I think this was a fu to the gop for not helping enough to steal the election for him. He’s gotten a lot more people killed and now a lot more can starve.

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Now republicans are lining up for 2,000 dollar checks. What are they actually for anymore beyond trying to stay in power and hating liberals?

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Rush Limbaugh died a few days ago. But his words and accomplishments live on.

In searching for obituary tributes to Limbaugh, I came across this transcript from his show, relevant to the Covid-19 / Wuhan Flu pandemic, broadcast right about the week the nationwide shutdown began.

Remember the Swine Flu Panic of 2009?
No, You Don’t

March 12, 2020

RUSH: I’m always interested in people’s reaction to this program. I think I have a lot of empathy, and I think one of the reasons why the relationship you and I have is good is ’cause I know how you hear this show. That, I think, is a key ingredient. It’s called empathy. I know how you hear it.

So, when I check emails and get questions from people, usually I’m not surprised, and I’m not surprised that I got beaucoup number of questions: “Rush, you don’t sound panicked over any of this. The last two days, you don’t sound panicked, and yet everybody’s panicked. I’m panicked,” people say in their email. “I’m scared to death. I mean, I’ve looked, the stock market was pulling up to 30,000. Now it’s down to 21,000. The Democrat Party, every move they’re making is designed to grow government, make government bigger, and you don’t seem alarmed.”

Folks, panic is… I don’t know. I’m not panicked. I am ticked off like you cannot believe, and I am really having a conversation with myself about how far to go in explaining why I’m mad, ’cause I’m mad about the politics of this. For example, let me give you some statistics. How many of you even remember the swine flu 2009, 2010? I don’t remember it. I mean, I remember we had it. But I don’t remember any panic about it. I don’t remember a thing about the swine flu.

I went back and looked at the stats and I was stunned. Are you ready for this? The swine flu outbreak in this country in 2009 and 2010, 60 million Americans were infected. Do you remember that? Sixty million were infected. Dr. Siegel, one of the Fox doctors was on TV explaining this last night. He was not my primary source for it, but he ended up confirming it. Sixty million people were infected.

Do you know how many people were hospitalized in 2009-2010 with the swine flu? Three hundred thousand were hospitalized. So 60 million people infected, 300,000 hospitalized. And nobody even remembers it. And why? Well, because we had a different president. We had a Democrat president by the name of Barack Obama, and the news then was how wonderfully well Obama was handling it, how expertly well Obama was dealing with it.

There wasn’t any media panic. The Republican Party did not politicize it at all. They made not one single effort that anybody can find or remember to try to make political hay out of it. It was treated as a health issue from top to bottom. Sixty million Americans infected, 300,000 hospitalized. I don’t know what the death toll was. The numbers with the coronavirus are not even close. They are barely a fraction of a percentage compared to the swine flu.

And then we also had Ebola. And I do remember a little bit more about Ebola, and once again, the Drive-By Media was praising the skills and the composure and the brilliance of Barack Obama in dealing with it. And I remember being kind of ticked off about that because there wasn’t anything anybody can do about Ebola. Ebola is like any of these other viruses. There’s nothing we can do to contain them.

See, the reason I’m not panicked is I don’t have enough emotion left for panic ’cause I’m too mad. I’m too ticked off at this. We’re watching the U.S. economy be wrecked here. There’s some people enjoying it. And it makes me mad. There’s some people’s lives here that are being seriously damaged over this. And you know what’s gonna happen? It’s gonna end. We are going to overcome it. It’s going to fizzle out like all of these do.

How did we ever survive 60 million infected with the swine flu? But we did to the point that hardly anybody remembers it. And that’s just 10 years ago, 300,000 hospitalized. So we overcame it. We overcame Ebola. This is gonna end, it’s gonna pass. And I’ll tell you what else is gonna happen. Because of the actions President Trump has taken, like this travel ban from Europe, that has really put the Democrats in a dicey position.

There’s some real positives if you want to find ’em here, and I, of course, have, and I’ll share them with you in a minute. The point is we’re gonna rebound from this, and when we do, you had better get ready and hold on tight, because this market’s gonna rebound. The people who are selling right now and getting out of it are panicking, and they don’t want to be selling. Everybody’s doing this from a very defensive posture and point of view.

And it’s adding… Like we get news that Tom Hanks and his wife have coronavirus. “Oh, no, it’s all going (mewling)! It’s over. Oh, my…” And then his kid — his kid, Chet — goes on TV, tries to calm everybody. “They’re fine. They’re in Australia. They’re fine. They’re not suffering at all. Everything’s fine!” It doesn’t matter. They’ve got it.

Anyway, this is gonna end, and this market is gonna rebound like you can’t believe because the people who have been selling off want to get back in it. And we are taking economic procedures right now that are going to serve to further reignite the economy when all this passes. And when we get back into the growth trajectory, some of the proposals the president’s making regarding payroll taxes, Small Business Administration loans, even a tax holiday?

You just wait until people have no more emotion left to be panicked and get tired of this and want to go a different direction. And that day is gonna happen. The day’s gonna come where people are gonna wake and say, “I’m tired of living this way. I’m fed up with being panicked every day. I’m fed up,” and then — because of the actions the president’s taken — we’re not gonna have that many brand-new infections.

By shutting off this travel from Europe… As I said, this has really put the Democrats in a bad position ’cause they love the European Union. They love it, and the very fact that travel from their beloved European Union has been shut down… But let… If they come out and oppose this, then they’re essentially coming out for open borders. This is actually… If you want to look at it politically, it’s a good move from that standpoint.

But I’m not panicking ’cause I’m too mad about this.

This is… I don’t know. (sigh) It’s… I know some of you are saying, “Rush, easy for you to say.” It isn’t easy for me to say, folks. Nobody’s immune from what’s happening here. I mean, you go back and you look at these swine flu numbers and you ask, “What was different? (chuckles) What was different was we had a Democrat in the White House and so the media didn’t want to be critical of the government.

The media wanted to be promoting him. They wanted to be positive. They wanted to promote the brilliance of Barack Obama, the brilliant management skills, the temperament, the crease in his slacks, the intelligence and all that. Now we’ve got just exact opposite.


RUSH: Meanwhile, don’t forget, ’cause I’m sure everybody has, swine flu outbreak 2009, 2010, right here, United States of America, 60 million Americans infected. Do you remember any talk about running out of hospital beds? Were we gonna run out of IV saline solution? Were we gonna run out of masks? Sixty million Americans infected with the swine flu. Think pigs running everywhere if you have to, however you have to visualize this, 300,000 hospitalized.

We’re nowhere near 300,000 hospitalized with coronavirus. I mean, we’re not even close to it. In fact, worldwide we don’t even have 300,000 cases, worldwide, of the coronavirus. Three hundred thousand hospitalized in the United States alone. You don’t even remember it. You know why? Because Barack Obama was president, and he was God, and we couldn’t be critical. We had to build him up and promote him like nothing else we’ve ever seen before.

I had an illness for about 4 weeks in mid-late 2010, and it was the most painful flu I've ever had. And I never heard of Swine Flu / H1N1 until much later, that's how little media coverage it got..

Around the time of Rush's above broadcast, I was sick from March 11 to (if I recall) till April 20th of 2020, about 5 weeks. While I had a mild fever that initially peaked about 101 degrees and lasted at a lesser 99-100 most of that 5 weeks, it felt relatively mild, and it was only after I was sick for over 2 weeks that I began to think I might have had Covid-19. As I detailed earlier in the topic, I was unable at that time to get tested, and even months later.
When testing finally became more available, I finally contacted the Palm Beach County health department about 4 or 5 months after I got over it, just so that if I had antibodies I could donate blood to help others. But I was told at that point that by that stage my antibodies would have diminished to the point of being undetectable, so I would neither be able to verify I had the disease, or show antibodies to donate blood for others hospitalized.

The point being, I normally am a healthy person and get sick at most a week or 10 days. Both these cases were highly unusual in their length. So the comparison really resonates for me. And the point of how Democrats politicized Covid-19 as a weapon to attack Trump, whereas Republicans never made the slightest attempt to do the same in 2009-2010, because it was all about pumping up Obama as a great president, and doing the exact opposite to destroy Trump, no matter how exceptionally Trump handled the crisis.

Looking at the exceptional performance here in Florida of Gov. Ron Desantis, and seeing how that is maligned daily by the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, the Miami Herald and the Palm Beach Post, you can see the exact same pattern. Where despite that Desantis did everything right, as sharply contrasted with Democrat governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and California who have failed miserably, with punishing lockdowns and sending elderly Covid-19 patients to nursing homes to kill thousands. While Florida with a far larger elderly population has had far less over-65 deaths, these three large Florida newspapers can only say negative things about Gov. Ron Desantis, who is not given credit for doing anything right.

It follows in perfect parallel with how the media has treated President Trump.

And now clueless President Biden has recently considered shutting down travel to Florida for no logical reason, odd since Florida has dropped down to 30th (of 50 states) in hospitalizations, and 42nd (of 50 states) in deaths.
Logically, Biden would first shut down 29 other states before he'd consider doing that to Florida.

I think pretty obviously Biden (and the sinister Bolshevik hand-wringers who truly run his government, not him) want to cripple Florida economically, so it ceases to present such a shining contrast to the incompetent Democrat governors in the above listed states, who have destroyed their economies, are desperate for a bailout, and have driven out a mass exodus of tens of thousands of disgusted upper-class taxpayers to other states, especially migrating to Texas and Florida.

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I didn’t actually know anyone that died of swine flu back in 09 but in less than a year I’ve lost several people to Covid. Big difference to me but one that is probably meaningless to someone who just views things as one partisan side being good and the other bad being the most important thing ever.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I didn’t actually know anyone that died of swine flu back in 09 but in less than a year I’ve lost several people to Covid. Big difference to me but one that is probably meaningless to someone who just views things as one partisan side being good and the other bad being the most important thing ever.

Uh... you and those politically aligned with you are the ones who politicize EVERYTHING just to demonize the other side and gain some kind of political advantage. The EXACT POINT of what I posted above is that the Republicans DID NOT politicize Swine Flu / H1N1, that way that Democrats did Covid-19 EVERY SINGLE DAY Trump was president. And now that Biden has stumbled into the White House, your side acts like Trump didn't create a vaccine in record time and authorize 100 million doses before he left office. And despite that Biden's team has incompetently dropped the ball, the news media asks not questions, and just swoons "Ooooohhhh, what a wonderful president Biden is!"

That's precisely the point of the Limbaugh broadcast transcript I posted above.

Regarding Swine Flu /H1N1...

From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, the CDC estimates there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3 - 89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086 - 402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868 - 18,306) in the United States due to the virus.[121]

A follow-up study done in September 2010 showed that the risk of serious illness resulting from the 2009 H1N1 flu was no higher than that of the yearly seasonal flu.[122] For comparison, the CDC estimates the global H1N1 death toll at 284,000 and the WHO estimates that 250,000 to 500,000 people die of seasonal flu annually. definitely was a major problem. And as Biden's then (and now) chief of staff Ron Klain admitted on video (which I posted above), their administration did absolutely nothing to stop it, and it was just "luck" that it was not a more deadly and severe outbreak.

For whatever reason you've lost people close to you, I'm sorry for that, M E M.

But even the CDC has acknowledged that only 6% of Covid-19 "deaths" are exclusively due to Covid-19, and are instead due to co-morbidity conditions such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, diabetes and other immune compromising conditions.
And even of those diagnosed as "Covid-19" deaths, there are many listed in that category where there was no test done to confirm it was Covid-19. As I've cited before, many hospitals list Covid-19 as the cause of eath only for insurance-reimbursement purposes. I've seen many interviews of doctors who say they were pressured to list Covid-19 as the cause of death, when everyone pressuring them knows damn well it wasn't Covid-19. There are also many cases where the person died of something else, and only tested positive when screened entering the hospital, and despite that it had absolutely noting to do with their death, Covid-19 is listed as the cause of death. One hospital doctor I saw interviewed estimated that over 80% of Covid-19 diagnosed deaths are wrongly listed, often purposely, for medical reimbursement and profit, and for political reasons to inflate the statistics.

I live in Florida, a state with the 2nd highest ratio of elderly people of any state in the U.S., and live in one of the 3 most densely infected counties in Florida, and with the possible exception of myself, I don't know anyone who has contracted the virus. My mother has an elderly friend who was infected and hospitalized around July-August 2020, and as he tells it, he would have been better off if he had never gone to the hospital, that his treatment actually endangered him more and prolonged his illness. A real estate agent friend of my mother's had a co-worker who tested positive, and everyone in the office had to be tested. It took 17 days for her to get the results, but she turned out to be negative. Another friend of my father's in his 40's tested positive but was asymptomatic, and just under observation for 10 days or so. So I don't see how you, in a region that has a relatively small number of cases relative to mine and other states, could have so many deaths.

You can further click on any state and see the Covid-19 statistics for each country in the state.

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You can revisit Trump explaining to Bob Woodward why Covid is different. Our life expectancy dropped a year because of Covid. I get how Covid can do that and not be the sole cause of death in a lot of cases. I look at the people I know that have died of Covid probably all had secondary factors but if not for Covid they would still be alive.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man, November 30, 2020
Folks just got a call today from an old neighbor letting them know she tested positive for Covid after her son called saying he was really sick and Covid positive. They just all had Thanksgiving together because they believed Trump. Hate their politics but they deserved better leadership.

Just 3 months later...

In addition to other Democrat political leader hypocrites like CA governor Gavin Newsom, DC mayor Muriel Bowser, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, NY mayor Bill Deblasio, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and other prominent Democrats who order lockdowns for others and then shamelessly violate their own rules, and virtue-signalling CNN anchor Chris Cuomo who was caught while bemoaning his covid-19 infection nightly on his show, was caught, infected and virulent, not only walking around New York City while virulently infected, but also without a mask, caught on cel-phone video.

Add to that list Covid-19 task force member Deborah Birx, who also had crowded family get-togethers, while scolding and virtue-signalling everyone else to stay home.

In December 2020, Birx indicated that she will retire from government soon after Joe Biden assumes office, stating that she "will stay as long as needed and then retire"; she said her tenure "has been a bit overwhelming" and "very difficult on my family".[38] Birx's announcement came after it was revealed that she had hosted three generations of her family from two households during Thanksgiving after she had urged Americans to restrict such gatherings to "your immediate household".[39]

Oh, and by the way, incompetent President Biden is letting in thousands of illegals across our Southern border EVERY DAY, mobs by the thousands Trump had virtually eliminated and kept out. Far beyond just letting them in, Biden is incentivizing cartels to crowd as many illegals as they can into trucks and other vehicles, a perfect breeding ground for mass infection. And Biden is not only encouraging this, but allowing the infected to be released and run wild across our country by the thousands, completely untested.
In addition to massive Covid-19 infection, it is also a breeding ground for rape, child abuse, abduction, murder and human slavery on a vast scale.
Biden is doing the exact opposite of protecting the country from Covid-19.

Biden and Pelosi turn Washington DC into a walled armed fortress, while simultaneously opening the Southern border to the world's Covid-19-infected, to infect us all. How can even a piece-of-shit Democrat zealot defend and endorse this?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can revisit Trump explaining to Bob Woodward why Covid is different. Our life expectancy dropped a year because of Covid. I get how Covid can do that and not be the sole cause of death in a lot of cases. I look at the people I know that have died of Covid probably all had secondary factors but if not for Covid they would still be alive.

I've seen multiple reports that only 6% of Covid deaths are actually from the disease, and not from "co-morbid conditions" such as compromised immunity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma and other pre-existing conditions.

There is also the incentives provided, where hospitals order doctors to declare deaths to be from Covid when they are not, because hospitals are financially compensated for Covid deaths, whereas if they claim death by other causes there is no compensation. Many are never tested for Covid, but are declared Covid deaths for pure financial reasons.
Here in Florida, a reporter inquired about deaths in the Orlando area, where a 19 year old male died of injuries in a motorcycle accident, but the medical examiner labelled it a "Covid-19 death", when clearly it was not. I've seen many doctors go public complaining there is pressure to certify deaths as Covid-19, when they and their employers know absolutely that is not the case. And obviously up until inauguration day, that was to inflate the body count to create a talking point that reflects badly on Trump.

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In Trump’s final year our country’s life expectancy dropped a year. MAGA?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
In Trump’s final year our country’s life expectancy dropped a year. MAGA?

That's crap.

1) Coronavirus impacted every nation on earth in a similar way.

2) as I've detailed before, the death count in the U.S. has been artificially inflated both for financial reasons where hospitals get financial compensation from reporting deaths from Covid whether they are or not, despite that many are proven to NOT be Covid deaths, not even tsted for Covid. And with the Democrat wing of the medical community wanting to exaggerate the death count just to make Trump look bad. I've seen multiple doctors interviewed saying that the Covid deaths are exaggerated by as much as 80% to 90%. Even the CDC admits on their own site that only 6% of Covid deaths are from Covid, and not from pre-existing co-morbid conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma and so forth.

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At least 11 million people currently in lockdown in China.

And there are reports of deaths in China that far exceed to official Chinese Communist Party's numbers. As the Epoch Times revealed in their reporting, based on the number of cel phones that in one month suddenly had service cut off, combined with the number of cremation urns ordered in funeral homes in cities across the outbreak areas, they estimate the deaths in China to be about 50 times greater than China's official numbers.

I wonder how M E M and the Democrat left will twist the facts of this to somehow blame it on Trump.

Even as Biden and his puppetmasters kick open our Southern border to uncounted tens of thousands of Covid-infected illegal immigrants. That they're not even testing, before letting them loose to get on buses and run wild across the U.S. !

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
In Trump’s final year our country’s life expectancy dropped a year. MAGA?

That's crap.

1) Coronavirus impacted every nation on earth in a similar way.

2) as I've detailed before, the death count in the U.S. has been artificially inflated both for financial reasons where hospitals get financial compensation from reporting deaths from Covid whether they are or not, despite that many are proven to NOT be Covid deaths, not even tsted for Covid. And with the Democrat wing of the medical community wanting to exaggerate the death count just to make Trump look bad. I've seen multiple doctors interviewed saying that the Covid deaths are exaggerated by as much as 80% to 90%. Even the CDC admits on their own site that only 6% of Covid deaths are from Covid, and not from pre-existing co-morbid conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma and so forth.

What is crap is you trying to downplay it. I’m not thrilled that life expectancy dropped a year in 2020 but all this attempting to downplay it is part of the reason it was that much. We would have had less spread without the trumpist political crap that is still going on. Really what is the value of ending mask mandates just when we don’t have even half the country vaccinated yet and variants coming into play?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
In Trump’s final year our country’s life expectancy dropped a year. MAGA?

That's crap.

1) Coronavirus impacted every nation on earth in a similar way.

2) as I've detailed before, the death count in the U.S. has been artificially inflated both for financial reasons where hospitals get financial compensation from reporting deaths from Covid whether they are or not, despite that many are proven to NOT be Covid deaths, not even tsted for Covid. And with the Democrat wing of the medical community wanting to exaggerate the death count just to make Trump look bad. I've seen multiple doctors interviewed saying that the Covid deaths are exaggerated by as much as 80% to 90%. Even the CDC admits on their own site that only 6% of Covid deaths are from Covid, and not from pre-existing co-morbid conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma and so forth.

What is crap is you trying to downplay it. I’m not thrilled that life expectancy dropped a year in 2020 but all this attempting to downplay it is part of the reason it was that much. We would have had less spread without the trumpist political crap that is still going on. Really what is the value of ending mask mandates just when we don’t have even half the country vaccinated yet and variants coming into play?

What's clear is your irrational hatred of Trump, and your attempt to blame the entire Covid-19 crisis on Trump, despite that facts that show otherwise.

And your complete lack of supporting facts or context for your argument.

It is an absolute fact that Covid-19 hit every nation on earth, that deaths went up in every nation on earth as a result.
It is also a fact that while Trump was president, he did an exceptional job of slowing the rate of infection to allow preparation of our hospitals, creation of field hospitals and ventilator machines, and other PPE, way beyond what any other person as president could have done, far exceeding what anyone thought was possible.

That Trump temporarily suspended flights from China, and later from Europe, to allow these preparations to be ready before the Covid-19 surge of cases hit our hospitals. Travel suspensions that bureaucrats Fauci ((NIH) and Redfield (CDC) both advised against, and then later admitted were "the greatest strategic move" Trump made that saved countless thousands of lives. As compared to the governors of NY, NJ, PA, MI and CA, who squandered their resources, even the resources Trump gave them, and needlessly caused thousands of people to die. In the case of NY governor Cuomo, the highest ratio of deaths of any region IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!
That alone should have put Cuomo in jail, for covering up the deaths directly resulting from his policy. How incredible that Cuomo will likely be removed due tor 7 women accusing him of sexual harassment, than the fact that Cuomo needlessly killed 15,000 people, and then cooked the books to hide the carnage. That Democrats are more outraged by Cuomo's creepy sexual behavior than 15,000 deaths, manifests some truly warped priorities on the part of the Democrat/Left. Without these 7 women accusers, Cuomo would likely be cruising to a 2024 presidential run.

It is an absolute fact that without Trump, we would not have a vaccine now. THREE now, actually. Possibly a fourth about to be released. And that Trump advance-ordered production to be at the ready in Sept 2020 for a pre-order of 800 million doses. And incredibly, a thoroughly incompetent Biden tried to steal credit for a vaccine roll-out he has only slowed down and obstructed. Biden alleged that Trump left him with nothing in Covid vaccine preparedness.
But we all know the first vaccine was announced 5 days after the Nov 3rd election (obviously ready and delayed till after the election, so as not to help Trump politically) .
By the time Trump left office 30 million people had been vaccinated. INCLUDING JOE BIDEN !! Biden's first dose was Dec 21st. His second dose was Jan 11th. Obviously, that precedes his inauguration by a large margin.

And again, Trump pre-ordered 800 million doses. More than enough to vaccinate all 325 million Americans who want the vaccine, and then some. Kamala Harris and Democrat members of congress also got vaccinated before Biden's inauguration. (And Ocasio-Cortez, in her 30's, was criticized for abusing her privilege to get the vaccine when she was at very low risk, when many of her constituents need that vaccine far more than she did.)

But back on the subject of deaths, while the U.S. approaches the size of most of Europe and therefore has higher infection numbers (and that's not even getting into the over-reporting of Covid as a cause of death with no documentation, for both political and financial reimbursement reasons), the U.S. of all nations, as I've cited before, has among the lowest death rates, only Germany has a lower death rate, in terms of cases per 100,000 people.

So yes, what you say is crap. EVERY NATION ON EARTH has a higher death rate for the last year. Your argument is akin to, when Trump's leadership created a vaccine in 9 months, that Trump is hurting and taking away business from doctors by fast-tracking a cure.

How fast was that Swine Flu vaccine under Obama/Biden in 2009-2010 ?
Years after it no longer mattered.
By Ron Klain's own Youtubed words quoted above (within the last few posts), there was "Nothing" they were able to do, and they were just "very lucky" that the Swine Flu/H1N1 strain was not more deadly.
And now Biden has fully funded the WHO's lying subservience to China's deliberately infecting the entire world, what both China and WHO could easily have contained in Wuhan by not allowing airline flights out. And Biden demanded nothing from the WHO in exchange for U.S. funding, no demanded changes (as Trump demanded) in procedures and leadership personnel. Which is like saying to the WHO and China, "Do it again."

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In addition to Deborah Birx's hypocrisy, here's Fauci from the same time period, after demanding the entire public wear double masks, here he is at the same time he was virtue-signalling breaking his own rules, sitting closely unmasked at a baseball game with friends.

Even piece-of-shit liberal spin "factcheecker" Snopes doesn't try to spin this as "mostly true", or "partially true", or "somewhat true".
Even they said this was undeniably true.

Just as it was undeniably true that Deborah Birx scolded the public not to have big multi-generational family get-togethers for Thanksgiving or Christmas that could be super-spreader events, and then proceeded (caught in her own photos on Facebook after) having a huge multi-generational super-spreader event of her own.

So... the two great Covid-19 authorities that CNN, N Y Times, Washington Post and other mainstream liberal media worship as the absolute authorities on Covid-19 (who are in truth just government bureaucrats who have never treated actual patients in 40 years of their professional academic careers (not medical or clinical), and clearly don't take seriously their own public warnings on Covid.)

And neither do Democrat political leaders such as Schumer, late-night salon frequenter Nancy Pelosi, CA governor Gavin Newsom (who got Covid the night he dined in a crowded restaurant, he and many others with him, the very same night he ordered all of California to stay home), Chicago piece of shit mayor Lori Lightfoot, and many other Democrats, who enforce punishing bankrupting lockdowns on their citizens and even arrest and jail them for... well... just doing less than what these political leaders THEMSELVES are doing. Unlike the vanity and luxury of these Democrat leaders, working people just trying to survive and feed their families.

I'm glad to be in Florida and somewhat insulated from the inconsistent abuse of power going on in states like NY, NJ, CT, PA, MI, IL, WA, OR, CA and other Democrat-controlled states. If I were in those Democrat states, and I lost my home or job or business, or parents in a nursing home who died because of their callous policies, I would want their hot blood on my hands.

In Cuomo's case, he had the field hospitals (THAT TRUMP PROVIDED) to send these elderly patients to, and yet still sent them back to nursing homes to infect and kill at least 15,000 elderly patients needlessly. The highest ratio of Covid-19 death on the entire planet !!
And then Cuomo changed the laws on statistics of patients released from hospitals back to nursing homes, to hide his negligence that killed them !
And then he politically threatened anyone who would expose the true numbers!
And THEN he wrote a book bragging about his great political leadership in the Covid-19 crisis !!
And the only reason we know all this now is because one of Cuomo's staffers was briefing what she thought was only Democrat NY legislators, but unknown to her, there was a Republican among that group, who unwittingly learned and finally exposed the truth. So if not for accidentally revealing the true facts to a Republican, the other piece-of-shit Democrats would have kept this a secret indefinitely, for years, maybe forever.
And it is ONLY because the wider public now knows, that these piece-of-shit Democrats are now attacking Cuomo and calling for his resignation. Till the voters knew the truth that Dem leaders were hiding, they were perfectly fine with sweeping all these deaths under the rug.

And without the additional scandal of 7 twenty-something female employees accusing Cuomo of sexually inappropriate behavior, even with the 15,000 elderly people Cuomo's actions killed, "THE GOLDEN GOVERNOR" Andrew Cuomo would likely be cruising to a 2024 presidential run with the full blessing of his party.

On every level, and I mean EVERY level, the Democrats have proven themselves to be untrustworthy pieces of shit who consistently serve only themselves and their maintaining power, and don't give a damn about people, not even the ones who voted for them.
It is only when caught red-handed that they posture and virtue-signal about doing the right thing.
If it wasn't already clear at every exposed stage of the process (just what we know SO FAR), they truly don't give a damn. They are unworthy of office, and they deserve the same end to their careers that Mussolini got in 1945. And by that I mean hung from the nearest streetlight, and ripped open like a pinata.

They are Bolsheviks who clearly plan that and worse for any who oppose their policies (Bernie Sanders supporters caught by Project Veritaas, who want to put Trump supporters in Gulags, Jennifer Rubin of the N Y Times who talks about wanting to "destroy the Trump movement so completely they can never come back"), a PBS lawyer who fantasizes on-camera (caught by Project Veritas) about using HHS to take away the children of Trump supporters, and raise them by HHS appointed people to indoctrinate them in the (leftist) "right way" of thinking. And endless other comments by Democrats in media and online who openly fantasize about attacking and killing Trump supporters or Republicans in general.
These people are maniacs who should never have power, they want to destroy us, and the nation. It remains to be seen whether we are fools who will politely get on the trains as they take us off to Auschwitz.

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I think we saw the true maniacs on Jan 6th. Now that Biden got his Covid relief passed (that is very popular btw) I suspect the economy is going to get much much better. Trump’s prediction of a depression if he wasn’t re-elected isn’t looking like it’s going to happen. With multiple vaccines out Covid could very well be dealt within Biden’s first year in office. What happens if Biden ends up trumping Trump’s economy?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think we saw the true maniacs on Jan 6th. Now that Biden got his Covid relief passed (that is very popular btw) I suspect the economy is going to get much much better. Trump’s prediction of a depression if he wasn’t re-elected isn’t looking like it’s going to happen. With multiple vaccines out Covid could very well be dealt within Biden’s first year in office. What happens if Biden ends up trumping Trump’s economy?

You're so full of shit. The "true maniacs" were the BLM/Antifa infiltators who orchestrated much of the destruction, including the one death of an unarmed Ashli Babbitt BY POLICE firing on her, not by any phantom "right wing white supremacist violence". That lying Democrat/liberal-media narrative crumbles a little more every day. A Democrat controlled FBI is inflating arrests of mere trespassers at the Capitol that day, to try and keep that lying "violent insurrectionists" narrative alive.
ACTUAL terrorists in BLM and Antifa, such as John Earle Sullivan and his crew, are out on bail and inciting further violence on Facebook and Twitter unimpeded. While trespassers who committed no violence are arrested and held in jail for weeks, despite they did nothing to justify the imprisonment. The "Quanon Shaman" guy, for example. And some Republican real estate agents and housewives.

No... not even close. But that is the narrative Democrats and their allies in law enforcement are trying to create.

Even the Oath Keepers guys were unarmed. As FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn said in Senate hearings, NOT ONE SINGLE GUN, no handgun, no AK-47s, nothing, were seized that day in or around the capitol. That's pretty tame for the "armed insurrection" the partisan liars among the Democrats and liberal media are trying to front. And there's only so far that even the 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ are willing to stretch the truth to try and continue that lying narrative.

The worst of what was done on Jan 6th pales beside the vast damage to 275 cities nationwide by BLM and Antifa. And what they continue to do on a nightly basis to federal buildings in Portland and Seattle, where they have multiple times tried trap and to burn federal agents alive, just for protecting those buildings.

Or how BLM/Antifa laid seige to the White House in May 2020, to the point that Secret Service forced then-president Trump to evacuate to a safer location, the insurrectionists were so close to over-running the White House grounds. And 50 agents were injured in that TRUE insurrection on the president.
And the level of destruction to the grounds visible the next day recorded by media cameras, as Trump walked through the destruction the next day on his way to visit the burned historic church just across the street. A war zone of destruction. As contrasted to the exaggerated Capitol building violence, where not one business was destroyed, not one job was lost, and all was swept up and back to normal just 3 hours after the rioting, when House and Senate members in joint session came back to conclude their business, and award a false electoral vote with a fraudulent victory.

Of those 275 cities looted burned in 2020, in just your own city of Minneapolis alone, FIVE MILES of businesses were looted and torched to the ground. Hundreds of businesses destroyed, thousands of jobs permanently lost. A police station burned to the ground. That alone, by far, exceeds the worst that occurred at the Capitol on Jan 6th.
[i]THAT[b] is dangerous insurrection and hatred, M E M. Far beyond what you try to stretch events on Jan 6th to be.

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By the way, there are huge outbreaks and new lockdowns across China now.

As Biden lets in thousands of Covid-infected illegal immigrants daily, with 10% of only the small ratio tested and let in to spread new infection across the U.S., as they re allowed to travel unscreened to all 50 states, it will be a miracle if we don't have a new explosion of infections across the U.S.

How can even a Democrat defend that kind of policy?
It is the OPPOSITE of Biden's vow to "preserve protects and defend" the United States. He is letting 6,000 illegals a day enter this country, unscreened, un-tested, and set on their way to go anywhere in the U.S.
Covid-infected and with other diseases such as tuberculosis, flesh-eating bacteria, HIV and other illnesses. Criminals, drug cartel members, MS-13 gang members, child rapists, human traffickers, identity theives. Even illegals caught with gang tattoos are being set loose in this country. 6,000 illegals a day, times 365 days, is another 2 million illegals entering our country over the next year. And that's assuming the number crossing doesn't rise even higher.

The only hope of preventing another huge outbreak of Covid-19 is the vaccine immunization Trump put in place before he left office.
Certainly, the new Biden administration doesn't give a damn about the health or safety of U.S. citizens.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
By the way, there are huge outbreaks and new lockdowns across China now.

As Biden lets in thousands of Covid-infected illegal immigrants daily, with 10% of only the small ratio tested and let in to spread new infection across the U.S., as they re allowed to travel unscreened to all 50 states, it will be a miracle if we don't have a new explosion of infections across the U.S.

How can even a Democrat defend that kind of policy?
It is the OPPOSITE of Biden's vow to "preserve protects and defend" the United States. He is letting 6,000 illegals a day enter this country, unscreened, un-tested, and set on their way to go anywhere in the U.S.
Covid-infected and with other diseases such as tuberculosis, flesh-eating bacteria, HIV and other illnesses. Criminals, drug cartel members, MS-13 gang members, child rapistsMatt Gaetz, human traffickersMatt Gaetz, identity theives. Even illegals caught with gang tattoos are being set loose in this country. 6,000 illegals a day, times 365 days, is another 2 million illegals entering our country over the next year. And that's assuming the number crossing doesn't rise even higher.

The only hope of preventing another huge outbreak of Covid-19 is the vaccine immunization Trump put in place before he left office.
Certainly, the new Biden administration doesn't give a damn about the health or safety of U.S. citizens.

Fixed that for you!

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Originally Posted by WB (as scripted by Iggy)
Covid-infected and with other diseases such as tuberculosis, flesh-eating bacteria, HIV and other illnesses. Criminals, drug cartel members, MS-13 gang members, child rapistsMatt Gaetz, human traffickersMatt Gaetz, identity theives. Even illegals caught with gang tattoos are being set loose in this country. 6,000 illegals a day, times 365 days, is another 2 million illegals entering our country over the next year. And that's assuming the number crossing doesn't rise even higher.
Originally Posted by Iggy
Fixed that for you!

Correcting my words to an unproven factless lie of fictional crimes alleged to Gaetz is not "fixing".

I already addressed the allegations against Matt Gaetz in another post. The FBI leak of it manifests the 97% Democrat-partisan bias within DOJ/FBI. There are no charges against Gaetz, and it was leaked from FBI while they are investigating if there is any substance whatsoever to the allegation that Rep. Gaetz had a sexual relationship with a 17 year old girl. It is highly unprofessional of the FBI to leak this, particularly when there is no confirmation or case at this point. It is clearly a manufactured scandal, intended by Democrat partisans in the FBI to benefit the Democrat party and hurt the Republicans, with Pelosi and other Democrats (based on nothing at this point) already calling for Gaetz to be removed from House committees. Even as Pelosi continues to do NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to punish or remove Chinese asset/spy Rep. Eric Swalwell from committees where he is exposed to our country's most top secret information. Or Sen Dianne Feinstein, or...

To say nothing of Joe Biden, who is paid for and owned by the Chinese Communist Party, through the over $200 million the CCP has funneled to "China Joe" through son Hunter Biden.
And that's just the portion from China, let alone the payoffs the Bidens have received from Russia, Ukraine, Rumania....

And if you want to raise sexual allegations, the Bidens and many other Democrats are far more vulnerable on that front as well, to disciplinary action, to removal from power and to criminal prosecution.
If, y'know, you had any interest in equal justice under the law. Which you clearly don't.

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On the subject of Covid-19 at this point, I received the Pfizer vaccine 2nd dose on 4-14-2021, my brother and I went at the same time to get vaccinated. And my mother and father received the Moderna vaccine about a month prior to that.

Nationwide, about 30% of the U.S. population has been fully vaccinated at this point, and 42% have received the first of 2 doses. And all this was put in place while Trump was still president, Trump not only pushed forward rapid creation of the vaccine, but also arranged its mass production and distribution nationwide and set up funding and coordination with our military to distribute it rapidly nationwide.

Joe Biden received his first dose on Dec 21 2020, and his second dose on Jan 12 2021, before he was even inaugurated.
And then incredibly, said Trump "left him with nothing", and took the credit for the nation's Covid-vaccination Trump clearly put in place well before Biden's inauguration. Biden has only bungled and slowed what Trump put in place. At last count, about 40 million doses went bad on the shelf because the Biden administration could not distribute and vsaccinate people before they went bad on the shelf.

And this has put us far ahead of the rest of the world. Germany and much of Europe is in the middle of yet another lockdown! I've seen for months (on OAN, no other channel) massive strikes by workers in Germany and other European countries, where they are unable to work and pay their bills, and would rather face the risk of Covid infection than further lockdowns, very similar to the strikes in the U.S. before the vaccine became available here.
As is much of China, with new lockdowns across huge regions of their country, tens of millions of their citizens in major cities.
India has its largest number of deaths, days where over 4,000 die in a single day, and they are forced to burn the bodies in huge bonfires.
Brazil, Mexico... for much of the world, this is still peaking, not waning.

And we in the U.S. are very fortunate to have the vaccine that Trump championed and pushed forward at record pace. If Trump were president now, we would be ending the massive spending on Covid-releif, we would not have spent a further $2 trillion on a Covid bill a month ago (only less than 9% of it to ACTUAL Covid relief, the rest rewarded to Democrat-aligned corporations and other allies of the DNC), and would not still be paying further subsidies to keep people from going back to work.
And Trump would not be pushing another $2 trillion for a "infrastructure bill", of which only 6% is actually being spent on roads, highways, bridges and other ACTUAL infrastructure, in a suicidal orgy of Weimar Republic level new deficit spending.

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It’s nice having a leader that doesn’t lie about the pandemic. Trump spent his remaining time in office being a sore loser pos instead of being a leader.

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How the US went from having one o...lobal leader in vaccinations under Biden
“How the US went from having one of the worst Covid responses to being a global leader in vaccinations under Biden
Washington (CNN)For the last 100 days, President Joe Biden and his top advisers have mounted an urgent, wartime effort to get millions of coronavirus vaccines into the arms of Americans in order to beat back a pandemic that has upended the world for the better part of year.

The effort, described to CNN during in-depth interviews with three of the administration's top Covid advisers and two other White House officials, has allowed the US to go from having one of the worst Covid responses in the world to being a global leader in getting shots in arms. The interviews reveal how the Biden team inherited a pandemic at its zenith with a high demand for vaccines and little supply, along with no long-term plan to vaccinate millions of Americans. The President, at times impatient, pressed his advisers harder on ways to improve the federal government's response to the virus.
Fully aware that success or failure in getting Americans vaccinated would make or break his presidency, Biden and his team set vaccination goals and jump started the federal response to meet them, deploying active-duty military and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help with vaccinations, establishing a federal pharmacy program and funding community health centers, all to increase vaccine access. And the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan helped fund the vaccination effort too. According to the White House, there are now 70,000 sites around the country where people can get vaccines.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s nice having a leader that doesn’t lie about the pandemic. Trump spent his remaining time in office being a sore loser pos instead of being a leader.

lol lol lol

The notion that Biden doesn't lie about the pandemic, that Biden hasn't stolen credit for Trump's achievement creating and distributing a Covid vaccine in record time.
Or that CNN is a reliable unbiased source.

And that the media doesn't swoon ridiculously over Biden, to the point that they shut down their "factcheck" wing, that they CLEARLY don't subject Biden and other Democrats to the same scrutiny they gave the Trump administration. It's scary how little scrutiny they are giving to the boldfaced lies and Bolshevik power grabs coming out of the Biden administration.

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Even when the fat piece of shit got vaccinated, he did it quietly. A lot of vaccine hesitancy is breaking along party lines and he couldn’t even do a very basic psa thing like that.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Even when the fat piece of shit got vaccinated, he did it quietly. A lot of vaccine hesitancy is breaking along party lines and he couldn’t even do a very basic psa thing like that.

Your unhinged personal vindictiveness toward Trump on full display.

Trump and other Republicans just got vaccinated, and encouraged others to. Unlike Democrats who made a self-congratulating virtue-signalling show of getting their immunization shots. Kamala Harris' comments when vaccinated in particular made me want to throw up, she was so fake.
She undermined and badmouthed the "Trump vaccine" when Trump was president, then flipped and did a total 180, and couldn't get her immunization fast enough, while Trump was still president. Her and Biden's badmouthing of the vaccine made many people question whether they could trust the vaccine even after Biden was inaugurated.

And Democrats like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, who is only about 30, who cut in front of elderly and front-line essential workers at far higher risk, so she could get the vaccine, that statistically for people her age, She DIDN'T EVEN NEED ! And again congratulated herself on her courage for getting the vaccine. Many criticized her for cutting the line, before many who needed the vaccine far more than she did.

Many among CNN and other arms of the Democrat propaganda machine are trying to make it a "breaking along party lines" distrust of the vaccine (that Democrats want the vaccine, and Republicans don't). But it doesn't break down that way. And never forget, when Trump was president, it was Democrats who tried to undermine the vaccine and say it wasn't safe. What I see from Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham or the physicians they interview is, while the vaccine is not FDA approved yet and there are some risks, taking the vaccine for people over 40 is far less risky than NOT taking it.
The one exception to that is young people,particularly children, who are far less likely to die or become severely ill, and face more risk from the vaccine than from getting Covid-19. It makes no sense for children to get vaccinated, they are not at risk for either hospitalization or death, or of spreading Covid to others.

But Carlson and others say that since the Covid-19 vaccine is not FDA approved, people should have the option to not take it, and not be punished with an inability to travel, or have to show a "Covid pass" to travel or work. If everyone else is immunized and those who refuse vaccination get sick, who are they going to infect?
The irony is, the Biden administration demands vaccination and masks to travel for U.S. citizens, but simultaneously lets in 6,000 illegals a day to enter this country, with no health exam, no Covid-testing, and even if infected are able to take planes or buses anywhere in the country to spread the virus.
What's wrong with this picture?

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Even when the fat piece of shit got vaccinated, he did it quietly. A lot of vaccine hesitancy is breaking along party lines and he couldn’t even do a very basic psa thing like that.

Your unhinged personal vindictiveness toward...

That you can start a post like this with absolutely no fucking awareness at all is the exact reason no one in they're right mind takes you seriously.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Even when the fat piece of shit got vaccinated, he did it quietly. A lot of vaccine hesitancy is breaking along party lines and he couldn’t even do a very basic psa thing like that.

Your unhinged personal vindictiveness toward...

That you can start a post like this with absolutely no fucking awareness at all is the exact reason no one in they're right mind takes you seriously.

What a happy life you must lead... why don't you go back to beating your wife?

Or maybe you're so whipped and impotent with her, that you need to vent your frustrations online, on someone like me you don't even know.

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Trump had to be prodded publicly to do a very basic decent thing months after he got vaccinated and after it became evident that a big chunk of his base wasn’t getting vaccinated. A very basic fail in leadership.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump had to be prodded publicly to do a very basic decent thing months after he got vaccinated and after it became evident that a big chunk of his base wasn’t getting vaccinated. A very basic fail in leadership.

Trump created the vaccine !
It's the lying Democrats like Biden and Kamala Harris who for months through Nov-Dec 2020 said they didn't trust "a Trump vaccine" whose fearmongering made people reluctant to take it. Then they had to overcome the fearmongering they created, once inaugurated. If they'd lost the election, they'd probably still be bashing the "Trump vaccine" as unsafe.

If I recall, Biden got his first dose on Dec 21 2020, and his second on Jan 12 2021.
If Trump didn't get the vaccine right away, I assume it had to do with his JUST GETTING OVER A COVID-19 INFECTION IN OCT 2020 !
If Trump was already infected and has antibodies, why does he need vaccination at all ?!? And he got vaccinated roughly the same time as Biden.

I saw Trump as doing it for symbolic reasons, for the nation, not because he needed it.

And the fact that many don't want the vaccine has to do with the fact that his voters (and even those who aren't) are independent thinkers who can look at the facts and decide for themselves if they want the vaccine at all. If I were 18 or 25 or 35, I might decide that the risk of me getting seriously ill is about my chances of getting hit by lightning, or less, and figure I don't need the vaccine, because even if infected, I'm likely to have a very minor case. And the vaccine is not FDA approved yet and has side effects that exceed the risk of just getting a normal infection (especially if you're a woman in her 30's).
But since I'm 58, I figured I have statistically about a 12% chance of serious infection or dying of it, and chose to get the vaccine, where hopefully the vaccine will result in a minor case if I were to be infected or have any symptoms at all.

It's not as straight "Republicans don't want the vaccine, and Democrats do, TRUMP IS EVIL !!" as you try to make it out to be. I'm a fierce Trump supporter, and everyone I know is, and they all got vaccinated. There's leftist peace-love-and-granola hippies who don't want the vaccine. Some conservative and orthodox Jews who are Democrat voters who don't want the vaccine. It's not as strawman "us-and-them" as you try to make it out to be.

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AP Fact Check Trump Distorts

“ THE FACTS: Not so much. Pfizer notably did not accept government money to develop, test or expand manufacturing capacity under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative to quickly find a vaccine and treatments for the disease sweeping the country.

In fact, Pfizer partnered with the vaccine’s original developer, Germany’s BioNTech, in March and the following month announced the first human study in Germany. The White House announced Operation Warp Speed in May.

Pfizer opted not to join Operation Warp Speed initially but is following the same general requirements for the vaccine’s development as competitors who received government research money. The company says it has risked $2 billion of its own money on vaccine development and won’t get anything from Washington unless the effort is successful.

“Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine development and manufacturing costs have been entirely self-funded,” Pfizer spokeswoman Jerica Pitts said this week. “We decided to self-fund our efforts so we could move as fast as possible.”

However, Pfizer did sign an agreement with the U.S. government in July worth $1.95 billion — if the vaccine pans out and is cleared by the FDA — to supply 100 million doses. That guarantees Pfizer a U.S. market, an important incentive.

The supply side of Operation Warp Speed also allows Pfizer logistical help, although the company will directly ship its own vaccine, while the government will control shipping of other COVID-19 vaccines.”

I lived through Trumpers telling me it’s a hoax and all the crazy sad failure of real leadership that included endless boasting, hosting super spreader events and political attacks by that pos. Hell won’t be hot enough when that fat glob finally keels over.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I lived through Trumpers telling me it’s a hoax and all the crazy sad failure of real leadership that included endless boasting, hosting super spreader events and political attacks by that pos. Hell won’t be hot enough when that fat glob finally keels over.


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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
AP Fact Check Trump Distorts

“ THE FACTS: Not so much. Pfizer notably did not accept government money to develop, test or expand manufacturing capacity under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative to quickly find a vaccine and treatments for the disease sweeping the country.

In fact, Pfizer partnered with the vaccine’s original developer, Germany’s BioNTech, in March and the following month announced the first human study in Germany. The White House announced Operation Warp Speed in May.

Pfizer opted not to join Operation Warp Speed initially but is following the same general requirements for the vaccine’s development as competitors who received government research money. The company says it has risked $2 billion of its own money on vaccine development and won’t get anything from Washington unless the effort is successful.

“Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine development and manufacturing costs have been entirely self-funded,” Pfizer spokeswoman Jerica Pitts said this week. “We decided to self-fund our efforts so we could move as fast as possible.”

However, Pfizer did sign an agreement with the U.S. government in July worth $1.95 billion — if the vaccine pans out and is cleared by the FDA — to supply 100 million doses. That guarantees Pfizer a U.S. market, an important incentive.

The supply side of Operation Warp Speed also allows Pfizer logistical help, although the company will directly ship its own vaccine, while the government will control shipping of other COVID-19 vaccines.”

I lived through Trumpers telling me it’s a hoax and all the crazy sad failure of real leadership that included endless boasting, hosting super spreader events and political attacks by that pos. Hell won’t be hot enough when that fat glob finally keels over.

That's all liberal spin, the "fact-check", Politifact and Snopes sites are all hyper-partisan Left sites, propaganda that 75% favors the Democrats, under a cloak of pseudo-objectivity. And only 25% of the time factchecks Democrats, to keep up the slightest appearance of balaance and neutrality.

Trump was laughed at and mocked by the liberal media, even Anthony Fauci, saying it was impossible to develop a vaccine in one year. No one on the Democrat side even envisioned a vaccine possible in that time, 2 or 3 years at best. But Trump pushed them and got it done in an unprecedented NINE MONTHS ! Trump may not have handed Pfizer billions in grants, but he kept up the administrative pressure that got it done. And even before it was done, Trump arranged in advance for the production and distribution, and organized the military to aid in distribution, so the pipeline was prepared months before it was completed, to get it out to people even faster.

Biden and his staff didn't do any of that, he just walked in the first day and stole credit for what was already set up. As I said, Biden got his first vaccine dose Dec 21 2020, and his second on Jan 12 2021, *WELL* before he was inaugurated. Then after inauguration on Jan 20th, Biden claimed he did it all, and Trump left him with nothing! Oh, really, when did you get vaccinated, Joe?
Uh, well....

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It’s a fact Pfizer was conducting human trials on the vaccine over a month before the orange turd announced Operation Warp Speed. That isn’t spin but a matter of public record. You go the Orwellian route here as usual when the facts are contrary to Trump revisionism.

Fair play!
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