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Wonder Boy #1232449 2020-08-20 4:53 AM
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Kamala Harris bio-video:
"She's an inspiration to little girls who look like her..."

Kamala Harris' V P acceptance speech:
"She [her mother] raised us to be strong black women..."

Why not just: "strong women"?


"Black, brown, and Native American lives are suffering in greater numbers under Covid-19... structural racism... there is no vaccine for racism... the callousness makes us feel alone... "

Pointless identity politics.

The Democrat race card, played to the hilt, stoking race-consciousness, resentment for alleged past racism, and white racial guilt.
The party that splinters America along race and class lines for its political gain. To the detriment and division of the nation.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232450 2020-08-20 5:12 AM
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Kamala Harris also gushes about her great relationship with Beau Biden, and how she got to know the character of Joe Biden through those interactions (Harris and Beau Biden met and interacted while they were each attorney general of California and Deleware).

But apparently Harris was so impressed with the character of Joe Biden that she had no reservations about attacking him as a racist, and a sexual predator whose accusers she completely believed.

Kamala Harris:
"I know a predator when I see one..."

You mean like the guy you're running as V P with?
The one you accused of that, said you believe his accuser Tara Reade, and never retracted the accusation? \:lol\:
Clearly Biden's puppeteers selected Kamala Harris, not Biden himself.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Standing in front of an exhibit on the U.S. Constitution, Obama said, “I have sat in the Oval Office with both of the men who are running for president. I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care.”

Says the cultural marxist piece of shit who stomped on the constitution, tried to exclude Fox News from press conferences as "not a real news channel", had reporters arrested and prosecuted White House staffers for speaking with the media. The cultural marxist who weaponized the IRS against his religious and Tea-Party conservative opposition to secure re-election in 2012, and then ultimately weaponized the DOJ, FBI, CIA and FISA court to spy on and cripple the Trum campaign and incoming Trump administration with false allegations for its first 4 years in office.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Obama added, “But he never did. For close to four years now, he’s shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.”


* Trump has accomplished far more in his first 4 years than Obama did in 8 years, mostly un-doing the damage Obama caused.
* Trump secured the border despite great Democrat and establishment-Republican resistance.
* Trump re-built our military.
* Trump slashed unnecessary regulation.
* Trump worked to get European nations to pay their fair share of their own NATO defense.
* Trump secured better trade agreements in the U.S. favor with virtually all our major trading partners: Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, Central and South America
* Trump prevented a war with Iran that the Ne0-Cons (Democrat and Republican!) tried to push him into.
* Obama expected a war with North Korea that Trump has avoided. I agree with Trump, that if Trump gets re-elected, Iran, N. Korea and China will immediately sign peace agreements with Trump, but they are waiting to see if Biden will be elected and cave in so they can continue their aggression.

And Trump has made endless overtures to the Democrat leadership to sign a bill to resolve DACA illegals and building the wall, and resolving immigration, often with generous offers, and it is very clear it is the Democrats, not Trump or the Republicans, who are showing no interest, not putting in the work, and not attempting to find common ground. Clearly, beyond question, they simply want to deprive Trump of any legislative accomplishments, and they are perfectly willing to throw the DACA illegals, immigrants, and millions currently unemployed waiting for benefits so they can feed their families under the bus, so the Dems can get a win and stick it to Trump.

What Obama said is the polar opposite of what is actually true.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
I read today how Trump didn’t want to give disaster relief to California because it wasn’t a red state. It’s a constant stream of this partisan evil crap. It’s truly sad that Trump supporters enable this. We’re never going to agree on a lot of things but we should always remember we’re one country.

Trump is not paying the debt of Democrat states who dug their own graves with decades of irresponsible deficit spending. If Trump is witholding anything from California, It's to foece Gov. Gavin Newsom to do the right thing on other issues, such as border security, illegal immigration, out-of-control homelessness, and pointless lockdowns deliberately hurting California citizens just to try and damage Trump politically. There is a huge drive right now to have a recall election of Newsom. California citizens, Democrat and Republican are really pissed off at Newsom for how he has ruined their state.
Likewise in states like Michigan, New Jersey and New York. Against the science, they are shutting down their states just to damage the economy, in a bid to turn their state's voters against Trump. The opposite result in public opinion is happening.

Many families in red states are moving out because their state's policies are intolerable. People are in a mass exodus from New York City, mostly to Florida. Families in states with schools that are closed are either moving to red states, or sending their children to red states with schools that are not closed. Right now they are just self-destructing their own states. If Biden were elected, they would destroy the rest of America, and leave nowhere else to escape except outside the United States. It would be a transformation intoLeninist/Stalinist Russia, Maoist Chinaa, Castro's Cuba, Caves/Maduro's Venezuela, and perhaps even The Great Terror of the french Revolution. We have maniacs beating people almost to death in the street just for being white, crowds threatening to take and live in whites' homes, attacks on police officers nationwide, threatening even Democrat public officials in their homes. Where do you think this is going to end up, M E M?

This is complete chaos, that your party openly endorses, and God help us all if your side wins.

Wonder Boy #1232455 2020-08-20 1:34 PM
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Laura Ingraham, 8-19-2020, Wednesday

Outstanding commentary on day 3 of the Democrat national convention, particularly the speeches by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Kamala Harris.
Mollie Hemingway has some of the most consistently insightful commentary, along with other favorites of mine not here such as Maria Bartiromo, Melissa Francis, John Solomon, Sara Carter, and Lou Dobbs.

Different shows are better at different times. I think all 3 nights, Ingraham has offered the best overview and commentary about the convention.

Wonder Boy #1232456 2020-08-20 2:01 PM
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Cited by Ingrahaam above, as well as multiple others on Fox News, some comments by Obama about Biden, quoted from the liberal media:

"In the first press conference in 2009, the young president [Obama] quipped 'I don't remember exactly what Joe was referring to --not surprisingly' ".
'The President was not Encouraging': What Obama Really Thought About Biden, by Alex Thompson, POLITICO, August 14, 2020

"While Obama had come to like Biden, he often talked about him with a patronizing overfondness --as if the V P were the family dog that kept peeing on the carpet."
"This Town" by Mark Liebovich, NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE, 2014

"One Democrat who spoke to Obama recalled the former president warning, "Don't under-estimate Joe's ability to f*** things up."
'The President was not Encouraging': What Obama Really Thought About Biden, by Alex Thompson, POLITICO, August 14, 2020

Yes sir, a glowing endorsement.

Wonder Boy #1232457 2020-08-21 1:24 AM
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Obama has been consistent with calling picking Biden as his VP the best decision he made. This was known even when Clinton was running in ‘16. It’s pretty pathetic trying to revise the Obama Biden team at this point. As for the lie that states need aid because of years of irresponsible spending. My state had a record surplus before Covid and unlike lots of other states does not take more federal dollars than it puts in. It’s a stupid easily disproven lie of Trump’s. It also shows how unfit he is that in a time of genuine crisis the country gets this shit over and over again from him instead of actual leadership.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Obama has been consistent with calling picking Biden as his VP the best decision he made. This was known even when Clinton was running in ‘16. It’s pretty pathetic trying to revise the Obama Biden team at this point. As for the lie that states need aid because of years of irresponsible spending. My state had a record surplus before Covid and unlike lots of other states does not take more federal dollars than it puts in. It’s a stupid easily disproven lie of Trump’s. It also shows how unfit he is that in a time of genuine crisis the country gets this shit over and over again from him instead of actual leadership.

"You don't have to do this, Joe..."

And I'd point out that all the other quotes are from Democrat-friendly Biden-friendly media sources.

While Minnesota may have a surplus and not be on the verge of economic collapse, states like California, Michigan and New York definitely are on the edge of collapse and desperate for a bailout after decades of uninterrupted Democrat leadership and irresponsible Democrat deficit spending.
And again in the case of New York state, Gov. Andrew Cuomo was completely unprepared for the Covid-19 outbreak, President Trump gave him resources no other person as president could have organized, and Cuomo **STILL** incompetently wasted those resources and caused the highest ratio of deaths of any region IN THE WORLD, let alone the highest Covid death rate in the U.S.

For all your party's smoke-and-mirrors look-at-the-shiny-object-over-here tactics, the Democrats' responsibility and deceit is in clear view.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232470 2020-08-21 7:34 PM
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Laura Ingraham, 8-20-2020, Thursday

Some overview and insights on the fourth and final day of the Bolshevik undemocratic national convention.

I agree with Arroyo that it was at many points very strained, preachy, and downright uncomfortable to watch.

Wonder Boy #1232471 2020-08-21 8:01 PM
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Greg Gutfeld, on the first night of the DNC convention

I'd forgotten just how sickening Michelle Obama's speech was that first night.

"A party preaches empathy while thier very own street team exacts mob justice with lasers and fists. Alas, they said nothing about this. Maybe because, as Barack used to say, they built it."

The party that preaches empathy and tolerance, is utterly intolerant, violently intolerant, of anyone who voices any dissent or criticism of their political views.
Tolerance, it appears, is a one way street.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232475 2020-08-22 12:46 AM
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I think Biden and Harris did a great job showing America what they can have under real leadership. Trump’s “sleepy Joe” narrative might be a dead horse after this. I liked that Biden included republicans in his convention. While I suspect there won’t be a ton of republicans voting for Biden I think it sets up a nice contrast with Trump’s wholesale attacks on democrats and democracy in general.

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Cardi B Interviews Democratic Candidate Joe Biden -Aug 21 2020

I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why Biden would associate with this piece of crap. Presumably, it's to do an interview with a pseudo journalist, someone who won't ask Biden any tough questions, and who exposes Biden to a black ghetto young voter demographic. And in the original interview this was slice-and-dice edited down from, she rants through most of it, and Biden barely has to say a word.
The subtitles and editing give some illusion of literacy and an actual coherent message.

But the woman is still scum who diminishes Biden by him appearing with her, to anyone who bothers to see who this vulgar "Cardi B" person is:

"W A P" [Wet Ass Pussy] by Cardi B

Her parents must be so proud...

Of course, if Trump associated with someone like this, the nature of the scum in question would be exposed, and Trump would be vilified for associating with her in any way, every 20 minutes 24/7 in every news broadcast for weeks.
But because it's a Democrat... perfectly OK!

And the news media will never let anyone know what a vile piece of work Cardi B is.

Wonder Boy #1232483 2020-08-22 2:11 PM
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I think given that Trump voters like yourself have had no issue with him being pals with Epstein or him lying about flying on the Lolita express Donnie pretty much has a free pass. Just yesterday I read about one underage victim Epstein showed off to Trump. Sickening that shit stain is in the WH.

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Biden supports additional funding for police
“ I don't want to defund police," Biden said. "I want to get police more money in order to deal with the things they badly need, from making sure they have access to community policing, that they have also in the departments social workers, psychologists, people who in fact can handle those god-awful problems that a cop has to have four degrees to handle."

Seems like a good idea to me.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think given that Trump voters like yourself have had no issue with him being pals with Epstein or him lying about flying on the Lolita express Donnie pretty much has a free pass. Just yesterday I read about one underage victim Epstein showed off to Trump. Sickening that shit stain is in the WH.

That is a lying narrative, there is no evidence that Trump and Epstein had any close relationship, outside of meeting at parties. Trump rode one time on Epstein's plane, and Trump severed ties with Epstein 15 years ago. Trump even threw Epstein out of his Mar A Lago club in Palm Beach, and banned him from returning.
Your (and the Dems') allegations against Trump are a smokescreen to hide that Epstein was deeply involved with Bill Clinton who made many flights with Epstein, that Bill Clinton is photographed getting a massage from one of the abused girls, and that Epstein (along with Harvey Weinstein) was a major funder of the Democrat party. That Democrsts knew what Weinstein and Epstein were, but gladly accepted them as close friends and allies anyway.
Whereas Trump early on distanced himself from Epstein.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232502 2020-08-24 11:51 AM
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“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Trump like many people that knew Epstein do lie about their ties to him. Many like Trump severed ties with Epstein when his pedophilia was becoming a legal matter about 15 years ago. The 22 year old giving Clinton a neck massage had been an underage towel girl at Trump’s resort when she met Epstein and Maxwell.

Trump was a gross, sleazy and slimy democrat. That hasn’t changed now that he’s a republican.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Which makes clear Trump doesn't know Epstein well, just what he knows by observing Epstein at parties, and maybe superficial social interaction. It's clear they were friendly on some level for several years, and then Trump distanced himself from Epstein. And again, Trump kicked Epstein out and permanently banned Epstein from Mar A Lago, for an incident involving a young teen/college age girl.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Trump like many people that knew Epstein do lie about their ties to him. Many like Trump severed ties with Epstein when his pedophilia was becoming a legal matter about 15 years ago. The 22 year old giving Clinton a neck massage had been an underage towel girl at Trump’s resort when she met Epstein and Maxwell.

Trump was a gross, sleazy and slimy democrat. That hasn’t changed now that he’s a republican.

If that narrative rationalizes your evidenceless attacks on Trump. Again, there is far more evidence of Clinton travelling on about 25 trips, at least, on Epstein's "Lolita Express" private plane.

The funny part is, there is hardly a "gross, sleazy" Democrat you won't defend. I think what makes Trump dissgusting to you is that Trump became a Republican, was successfully elected, and has been an exceptionally accomplished president for over 3 years, quantifiably achieving more than any president in over 50 years. Lou Dobbs frequently says Trump is "the most accomplished and transformative president since FDR."

If you really have a problem with Trump's past behavior, you ought to try and look less hypocritical and hold equal scorn for Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Rep. Gerry Studds, and many more Dems I can't recall offhand. I think rape and sexual assault on an unconsenting woman is perhaps a bit more "sleazy, slimy".
But your side doesn't want to even give Democrat accusers an interview or a hearing. Some have been waiting 40 years or more. And Mary Jo Kopechne is dead. As are some of Bill Clinton's accusers. Just a little bit more "slimy".

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy #1232517 2020-08-25 12:20 AM
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Look at you trying to bury Trump’s sleazy connections. We both know Trump’s connection to the child predactor are more extensive than what I put in that response. I didn’t like Trump when he was a democrat because I could see that he was a sleazy sociopath back than. Hillary was at least married to Bill when she tried defending him. You are now walking in her shoes defending Trump. Actually you’ve had to call more women liars than her (plus scientists, reporters, government employees and any republican that falls out of line)

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Look at you trying to bury Trump’s sleazy connections. We both know Trump’s connection to the child predactor are more extensive than what I put in that response. I didn’t like Trump when he was a democrat because I could see that he was a sleazy sociopath back than. Hillary was at least married to Bill when she tried defending him. You are now walking in her shoes defending Trump. Actually you’ve had to call more women liars than her (plus scientists, reporters, government employees and any republican that falls out of line)

My cited facts, vs. your baseless insults.

Trump threw Epstein out and permanently banned him from Mar A Lago. There is no evidence Trump flew on Epstein's "lolita express" private plane or visited his private island, or was having sex with minors the way Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton are photographed and identified by witnesses to have done. Quite the contrary, the evidence is that as soon as Trump got a whiff of what Epstein was about, he disassociated from Epstein.

Wonder Boy #1232549 2020-08-27 12:32 PM
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Trump is on the flight log so he’s lying about not having flown the Lolita express. Trump did what everyone else connected to Epstein did back than when Epstein’s pedophilia was becoming a public legal matter by cutting ties. At this point your just picking what you want to believe. Trump partied with Epstein, flew on the Lolita express, spoke how Epstein liked younger woman and wished his girlfriend well as she was being escorted off by police.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump is on the flight log so he’s lying about not having flown the Lolita express. Trump did what everyone else connected to Epstein did back than when Epstein’s pedophilia was becoming a public legal matter by cutting ties. At this point your just picking what you want to believe. Trump partied with Epstein, flew on the Lolita express, spoke how Epstein liked younger woman and wished his girlfriend well as she was being escorted off by police.

Trump is listed as flying one time with Epstein, and then once knowwing what Epstein was about, distancing himself.

Bill Clinton is listed as having flown frequently with Epstein on his private plane, at least 25 times. And most recently, Bill Clinton is in a photo with one of the girls forced into prostitution, getting a backrub from the girl. And we all know these girls were coerced in these cases to do a lot more than a massage. Add to that Bill Clinton's long record of sexual affairs, non-consensual sexual assaults, and rapes.

Likewise Joe Biden has a long record of sexually inappropriate behavior. Whereas the liberal media strains to even make the insinuation against Trump. Almost 100% of Trump's accusers are quicckly proven to be liberal zealots making their accusations just to "stop Trump" in 2016, most of the others who had financial, personal or employment dealings with Trump, where later sexual allegations were clear vindictive payback. And in the few remaining cases, it still cannot be proven that Trump did anything wrong.

Contrast with:
Paula Jones, Kathleen Wille, Juanita Broaddrick, Monica Lewinsky. And a few who had convenient untimely deaths.

Wonder Boy #1232555 2020-08-27 1:32 PM
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You just willing to call all the Trump accusers liars doesn’t make it so WB. Trump lied about flying on the Lolita express. So he’s a proven liar when it comes to talking about his friend Epstein. It’s not surprising that somebody like Trump who believes his fame and fortune gives him instant consent to grab pussy didn’t have a problem partying with Epstein.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Biden supports additional funding for police
“ I don't want to defund police," Biden said. "I want to get police more money in order to deal with the things they badly need, from making sure they have access to community policing, that they have also in the departments social workers, psychologists, people who in fact can handle those god-awful problems that a cop has to have four degrees to handle."

Seems like a good idea to me.


That's a hilarious lying narrative, it's so hypocritically opposite the truth. Police unions nationwide are endorsing Trump, after previously always endorsing the Democrat presidential candidate for 70 or 100 years.
The police certainly know who is on their side, and they know damn well it's not Biden and woke BLM/Antifa Democrats.

Please, be serious.

Wonder Boy #1232617 2020-09-01 3:33 PM
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Wonder Boy #1232618 2020-09-01 3:40 PM
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Far more pointed than liberal-media Reuters, this article from the Daily Caller:


Biden campaign hypocrisy on full display. Against Biden's campaign rhetoric, Biden and his staff support the criminals, and they are the criminals. And even 3 months later can't come up with a way to answer for their own actions, and just stonewall when asked.

And more details from Fox News:


That's a 30-second Trump 2020 commercial just waiting to be made: Biden alleges to condemn violence, but 13 of his high-level campaign staffers openly donate support for the fund to bail out the most violent offenders and put them right back on the front lines of the riots.

Wonder Boy #1232657 2020-09-08 10:46 PM
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Lou Dobbs tonight reports that the U.S. Postal employee union (about 500,000 employees) supports Biden and other radical-Left Democrat candidates.

The U.S. Postal Service is the apparatus through which roughly 100 million mail-in ballots are being sent in to be counted. They are the chain of cuastody, and yet they are rabidly invested on the Democrat side. Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

Oh, I'm sure we can trust these guys not to tamper with the votes! When Biden loses, they won't somehow pull tens of thousands of votes out of a magic hat to give a victory to Biden... would they? Gee, what are the odds?

Never mind that postal employees have admitted to rigging mail-in ballots in the past.

Wonder Boy #1232658 2020-09-08 10:52 PM
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Here's a bit of post-2nd-debate commentary by Tucker Carlson, that deconstructs some of the factually untrue deceptions Biden fronted (unchallenged by the moderator) during the debate:

Tucker Carlson, Oct 23 2020, Friday

The one that impacted me most is details of the "racist" law enforcement legislation in 1994 was actually passed 97-0 in the Senate, and passed by an overwhelming margin in the House as well. And that the Congressional Black Caucus also supported it. And that the legislation actually did result in a vast reduction of the prior uge spike in violent crime at that time, mostly drug-related violent crime. So it did serve its purpose, in putting 100,000 more police on the streets, and incarcerating repeat criminals and getting them aff the streets for repeat offenses. In retrospect we can see that more minor and less violent offenses like marijuana possession or shoplifting charges leading to "3 strikes" were less worthy of a 25-year sentence, but those are cases for a parole review board. But overall, not as unfair and "racist" as portrayed in the current narrative. These were mostly serious repeat offenders, and you had to get caught a number of times to get a 25-year sentence, to be kept off the streets.

And the trojan horse Democrat-Left wish list hidden in the "Heroes Act" legislation that Biden railed on the Republican Senate for not passing.

And the canard that "54 CIA officials" allege the Hunter Biden laptop e-mails are "debunked" and are just "Russian propaganda", a narrative that Biden touted in the debate to swat away questions about the Hunter Biden laptop e-mails, about his Burisma profits and lucrative millions from the Chinese communist party, and kickbacks of cash he and his partners set aside for "the big guy"/"Pop", enriching the entire Biden family. That in fact these "54 CIA officials" are just Democrat party hacks who have a vested interest in selling the Democrat party narrative, to keep themselves out of jail for their crimes, because they will be given cover and corruptly protected from prosecution under a Biden presidency. Whereas investigation and justice would occur in a re-elected Trump administration. One hand washes the other, in the Democrat party of corruption. Whereas Republicans who committed the same crimes would have been zealously prosecuted a long time ago. Even if the case had to be manufactured and evidence falsified or hidden, as it was in the Paul Manafort, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and Mueller special investigation cases. These cases were all prolonged, asr still being prolonged, to affect the 2018 and 2020 elections in the Democrats' favor.

I love how moderator Kristen Welker would start shouting over Trump every time he was beating the crap out of Joe Biden with the facts (both her and others in her family have donated thousands of dollars to the Biden campaign, she never should have been selected as moderator). When she would shout over Trump saaying "We have to move on, I have a lot of other questions", she was really saying Don't worry, Joe, I'll save you !!

Trump -Biden 2nd debate, Oct 28, 2020, Thursday - 90 minutes (plus time before and after debate)

A poll by WGN in the hours after the debate showed 74% saw Trump as the winner of the debate.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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by Dan Boningo
October 16, 2020

1) Joe Biden is 77 years old, seems to have difficulty working a full day, and has rather famously and significantly deteriorated mentally. He very obviously is physically and mentally incapable of handling a job as demanding as the presidency.

2) Joe Biden has been in politics since 1972. Do you think someone who has been in office that long without accomplishing much is going to sweep in and change everything for the better?

3) Biden has promised to halt all construction on a border wall, cancel the bilateral agreement with Mexico that stops many illegals from making it here, end deportations for anyone other than felons, and push through a massive amnesty for illegal aliens.

4) Joe Biden plans to ban the sale of new AR-15s and then demand that owners of AR-15s sell them to the government or sign up on a gun registry.

5) Biden has publicly said he no longer supports the Hyde Rule, which prevents federal money from being used for abortion. Put another way, he intends to use your tax dollars to kill babies.

6) Biden has noted that he is open to locking the country down again over Coronavirus.

7) Biden has said numerous times that he intends to ban fracking.

8) Biden is extremely liberal. His career ACU rating is 12.67%, meaning he only agreed with conservatives 12.67% of the time.

9) Joe Biden, who has a reputation for putting his hands all over women, was credibly accused of sexual assault by his former aide, Tara Reade.

10) Biden publicly admitted that he had advised Obama not to go through with the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

11) Electing Joe Biden after months of rioting by liberals in liberal cities will send a message that Americans are okay with that kind of behavior.

12) Both Biden and his VP, Kamala Harris, refuse to say whether they will attempt to add more justices to the Supreme Court. Of course, this means that is exactly what they intend to do, even if it will destabilize the country.

13) Joe Biden has signaled that he?s open to getting rid of the legislative filibuster in the Senate, which is extremely dangerous and has the potential to destabilize our Republic.

14) Kamala Harris was arguably the single most liberal member of the Senate and Joe Biden, who seems too feeble to finish his term, made her his vice-presidential running mate.

15) Barack Obama and Joe Biden presided over the slowest post-war economic recovery in American history. Is that the guy you want shepherding the economy after the economic damage caused by Corona and the lock-downs?


[i]Excerpts from Dan Bongino @ Parler

Dan Boningo is a former Secret Service agent in the White House during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations, and prior to that a New York City police officer. Since leaving the White House, he has been a political commentator on Fox News and elsewhere.

I'm frankly astonished that Boningo didn't head the list with:

1) Biden has proven himself incredibly corrupt, enriching himself (with son Hunter Biden) to huge payoffs from Ukraine ($50,000 to 83,000 a month, plus other bonuses beyond that, at least 4.2 million from Burisma alone, plus a $3.5 million payment to Hunter Biden from the wife of the mayor of Moscow (tied heavily to Putin, and to Russian organized crime), and to multiple deals with the Chinese communist government, starting with a $1.5 billion investment for the Bank of China (with a minimum commission of at least $20 million), as well as "introductions" fee from Chinese business owners of $10 million for access to then-Vice President Joseph Biden and other officials to fast-track their business, plus many other pay-to-play Chinese business deals made by selling access to his Vice President father. Many of these deals involved dual-use technology, that is clearly selling out the United States in exchange for millions in profits. Profits shared by Hunter Biden with Joe Biden himself, according to e-mails anywhere between 10% and 50% of the profits from any of these deals.
And Biden's corruption goes back to his earliest days as a Delaware U.S. Representative and Senator (see Michelle Malkin's book CULTURE OF CORRUPTION for a full detailed list), including appointing his sons right out of law school to vice president executive positions on the boards of MBNA and Amtrak, two of Biden's largest campaign donors. In his own state, Biden was mockingly called "the senator from MBNA" by the citizens of his state, for MBNA's enormous power in that state, where it is headquartered, and its control over Senator Biden (MBNA is now a bought-out subsidiary of Bank of America).

2) In the words of former defense secretary Robert Gates, Biden has been "on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue for the last 40 years", including the Osama Bin Ladin assassination, Iraq, Afghanistan, ISIS, the assasination of Iran's terrorism head General Soleimani, the military and economic threat of China, and the decision to block travel from China in January 31st to stop the spread of Covid-19, that Biden labelled as "xenophobic" and "racist".

3) The H1N1 flu in 2010 that Biden's own chief advisor Ron Klain decribed as a disastrous unpreparedness and uncontained spread, and said the nation "was very lucky" that the H1N1 virus was not more deadly, as it ultimately spread to infect 60 million Americans. Under a Biden pandemic response, many more would die. Even as Biden rails on Trump for exhibiting leadership and organizing preparation that kept U.S. caualties far lower, far more than Biden would ever be capable of.

4) Under Biden, he would ban fossil feuls (oil, coal and natural gas) before we have an alternative fuel source to replace it. As California has done, and now because California has rolling blackouts of power because it has strangled itself and doesn't have the energy it needs to function. Biden would bring this chaos to all 50 states. He would destroy the fuel independence Trump has brought to the U.S. for the first time in 70 years, and again make us dependent on hostile foreign nations, that would again draw us into foreign wars as a byproduct of filling our energy needs.

5) Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not only endorse Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence, 13 of Biden's senior campaign staffers have given money to a fund to bail out violent rioters, to put them right back on the streets to commit more violence. Biden (and Harris) would give no opposition and no federal troops to stop these maniacs and protect cities as Trump has. Biden and Harris would actually encourage them, bring this violence and looting to cities nationwide across all 50 states by their inaction. There would be no federal troops sent by Biden to stop them, and a Biden government would seize guns from citizens who would protect themselves in the absence of police protection. No guns, no police, no rescue by federal troops.

6) Biden would allow a plan to spread the same chaos and lack of protection to the suburbs nationwide. There is another set of already written legislation for crushing the suburbs, just waiting for a far-Left Democrat majority to seize majorities in both houses and and rubber-stamp it.

7) Biden would allow the Bolsheviks in his party to enact another bill they have already drafted, that would require the federal government to bring back to the U.S. all illlegal immigrants previously deported, including criminals. Subsidize them with welfare assistance, and give them healthcare that is not given even to U.S. citizens. This is again not speculation, this is legislation the Democrats already have written, that they would pass if they were in the majority, and had a president to sign off on it. Tucker Carlson has many times reported on the details of that plan. It is national suicide drafted in a piece of legislation.

That's for openers.

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Kamala Harris on the campaign trail: "Are we in Cleveland?"

Cynically doesn't care enough to know even who the voters are she's talking to (all 15 of them). Then pretends to be excited to be there.

Unfit to lead.

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Kamala Harris: "220 million Americans" dead from Coronavirus

220 thousand, Kamala.

220 million are the number who would be dead if you and Biden were in charge.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Disaster: Kamala Harris kept in "witness protection" for entire campaign

In the final few days, she's finally been pulled out of witness protection. But in public, her gaffes are as jaw-dropping as Biden's.

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Tucker Carlson exclusive: Tony Bobulinski speaks out on Joe Biden

Not even the full interview, Bobulinski was interviewed for the full hour, 45 minutes or so, with almost no commercial interruptions. But still far more than you'll see anywhere else in the 92% Orwellian Newspeak liberal media, that is fanatically committed to preventing Trump from being re-elected, no matter how corrupt, criminal, and outright treasonous Joseph Biden is. No matter how much it exposes the liberal broadcast and print news media as liars and propagandists, deliberately hiding the truth.

Despite the volumes of incriminating e-mails on Hunter Biden's laptop (given to a Democrat-partisan FBI who sat on and ignored it for almost a year to shield Biden, until exposed by the computer shop owner, who had the good sense to copy the hard-drive before giving the laptop to the FBI), e-mails verified by Hunter Biden's business partner Bevan Cooney and others who were in the e-mail chains, verifying that the laptop and e-mails are authentic, and now verified again by Tony Bobulinski. Yet even so, the liberal media absolutely refuses to report it and dismisses the e-mail evidence and witnesses as "Russian disinformation" desperately trying to drag Joe Biden over the finish line. Which is polar opposite what a news media is supposed to do.

The media labels this evidence "Russian disinformation", but it is they themselves who are acting as Pravda. I learned recently from a Dennis Prager interview that the Soviet newspaper "Pravda" was so named, because "pravda" means truth. The point being that in Soviet Russia, "truth" was whatever the Soviet goverment determined to be truth. That is apparently now just as true of the cultural marxist American media.

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Tony Bobulinski, initial press conference, Oct 22 2020

Bobulinski's initial 7-minute press conference, where he gave a summary of his involvement with the Bidens, and turned over the 3 cel-phones to the FBI containing all his e-mail and text communications with the Bidens and their attorneys. A meeting treated dismissively and ignored for a week by the BIDEN 2020 Orwellian liberal media, compelling Bobulinski to go more public in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

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Fair Play!
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It doesn?t look like Russia is having much luck this time getting their guy re-elected. Even the WSJ passed on this. But hey Trump says Coronavirus is over so I?m sure you have nothing to worry about.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It doesn?t look like Russia is having much luck this time getting their guy re-elected. Even the WSJ passed on this. But hey Trump says Coronavirus is over so I?m sure you have nothing to worry about.



You're such a fucking liar, M E M.

You have to know what you're saying is not simply an error you are repeating unknowingly, but is unmistakeable lying propaganda. But you repeat it anyway. The only way the Democrats ever succeed is by deceiving the American public, hiding their true agenda, and then once in office setting aside their lying promises and advancing their true hidden Bolshevik agenda.

Russia has nothing to do with Trump or Bobulinski, and your continuing to sell that lying narrative is just beyond the pale.
You would make an excellent Soviet apparatchik, M E M, helping shoot blindfolded political prisoners in the back of the head.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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No, the WSJ?s News Report Doesn?t ?Debunk? the Paper?s Opinion Column on Hunter Biden Corruption

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No, the WSJ's News Report Doesn't "Debunk" the Paper's Opinion Column on Hunter Biden Corruption

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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?I have all the emails and documents and texts proving everything?: Tucker Carlson interviews Tony Bobulinski

How do you argue with absolute proof, in the form of self-incriminating e-mail and text message chains from Hunter Biden and Jim Biden and their lawyers, confirmed by others who participated in these communications?

As opposed to the allegations against Trump from anonoymous (non-existent) sources, and Trump/Russia "collusion" allegations that are disproven by 1) and FBI counter-intelligence investigation, 2) a Senate intelligence investigation, 3) a House intelligence investigation, and 4) a Mueller special investigation conducted by 18 Democrat-partisan lawyers intensely hostile to Trump, but even so ALL these investiations found absolutely no supporting evidence and so closed their investigations.

I find it obscene that New York Times reporters won Pulitzers for their reporting on the collusion narrative, and yet when the story was proven to be absolutely false, did not have to return their Pulitzers.

EVERYTHING that Trump and his staff were accused of, they were proven innocent.
And EVERYTHING that the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC, the 7 highest people in the Obama administration (including Obama and Biden, as verified by Sally Yates' Jan 5 2017 White House meeting memo), Fusion GPS, Perkins-Coie law firm, Christopher Steele, and at least 25 key Democrat-zealot staffers in DOJ and FBI accused the Trump administration of, ALL are guilty of EXACTLY WHAT THEY ACCUSE THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION OF.

All the evidence now shows these Democrats (and Democrat-zealot DOJ and FBI officials) not only arfe guilty of the crimes they accuse Trump officials of, but that these Democrat and Democrat agents manufactured and falsified evidence to open investigations of Trump (manufactured by Brennan, Comey, Clinesmith, Strzok, Page) but also falsified evidence and buried exculpatory evidence to open four consecutive FISA warrants to do surveillance on Trump officials, and set perjury traps for Trump officials. The guilty still run free, and the innocent are still struggling to escaape the legal traps set for them.
It terrifies me that these Demcorat Bolsheviks could regain power, now even further emboldened by having gotten away with it, even after being exposed.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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AGAIN: If the coverage these peeople won awards for is false, why do they still have their awards? The Pulitzer is supposed to highlight excellence in journalism, but in these cases is awarding the EXACT OPPOSITE. Awarding decepttion and misinformation, rather than excellence in uncovering truth.

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