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I'd really like to see stats on resident traffic to and from California to see if your extremely plausible theory stacks up. (Anecdotally, I know liberal Texans who have moved to California - or moved to Austin.) But, wouldn't the same thinking apply to Florida? There was some discussion somewhere today that Latinos in Florida have different perspectives to Latinos in other Us states, which, frankly, I don't understand (I'm not sure i have ever actually met a Latino person - Australians are generally culturally blind to ethnic US surnames). I'll try to give you an answer on those. California has an exodus out of the state of about 200,000 a year, mostly moving to neigboring Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, and smaller numbers to Utah and Idaho. They are mostly white and middle or upper class, and they are largely doing so because they are being taxed more heavily in California, and yet have no say in how those burdensome increased taxes are spent, on things like welfare for illegal immigrants, and policies that encourage homeless people setting up tents and pooping in streets of their cities, and the California they grew up in is gone. They feel unsafe, and don't like what their children are being exposed to. Latinos in Florida at least up until the most recent waves of hispanic immigrants over the last 15 or 20 years, were mostly from Cuba. So they tend to be more conservative, Cubans who fled after Castro seized power in1959 tended to be doctors and lawyers, business owners and other highly paid professionals, among the most educated immigrants to enter the U.S., deeply anti-communist and resistant to anything socialist. From 1961 on, after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion (where an operation prepared under Eisenhower, where the CIA trained thousands of Cuban exiles to invade their own island and depose Castro, let them be the ground troops and the U.S. would provide military air support) JFK once he became president was timid, and with-held the air support for the invasion. So without air support, the Cuban exiles were easily routed, slaughtered or captured. The Cubans in Florida deeply hated JFK and distrusted the Democrats for decades after this. In recent years, a younger generation of Cuban Americans who never experienced communism, tend to think more like other hispanics, and are more supportive of liberal/socialist/globalist policy. But other large hispanic immigrant groups in the U.S. from places like Venezuela, Nicaragua and other socialist governments they fled in Latin America, are like the old-guard Cuban immigrants, far more resistant to the leftist/socialist policy they fled. Brazilians and Colombians also tend to be business owners and are very entrepreneurial. Mexicans, and Central Americans tend to come from poverty, and like Democrat-socialist policies much more (Mexicans are about 60% of U.S. hispanics, Central Americans abut 15%, the two largest immigrant groups). They tend to be concentrated in the U.S. Southwest, and in the states around the Washington DC area. Hispanics as a whole support liberal/socialist policy, and in most electionss hover around 65% Democrat, and about 35% Republican (as do asians, for reasons I don't understand). A rare exception was George W. Bush, who courted the Hispanic vote, and got about 45% of the hispanic vote in his 2004 re-election. Not a majority, but a large enough hispanic minority to win with 51% of the total popular vote. McCain and Romney both saw a large decrease in hispanic support. Trump did slightly better in 2016, and is anticipated to make huge gains in both hispanic and black support in the 2020 election. I'm beginning to see that hispanics have historically not voted Republican because the Republican party wrote them off as impossible to win over, and never even reached out for the hispanic vote. But Trump has made great overtures, in 2016 and even more so in 2020. If Trump were to raise black and hispanic support each by 5 or 10%, combined with the Republican white vote, that alone would create a formidable obstacle to Democrats winning future elections. We'll see what happens. I was surprised the more I interacted with hispanics in the late 1980's and 1990's and 2000's, that even though hispanics all speak the same language, they're not all one big happy hispanic family. There are a lot of resentments between nationalities. Brazil and Argentina for example, they hate each other, comparable to France and Germany, or between French Quebec and English Canada. South Americans tend to be more university-educated and professional class, whereas Mexicans and Central Americans tend to be less educated and working class. A friend of mine who was an accountant from Bolivia was working a dead-end job, frustrated that all the accounting firms in the South Florida area tended to be Cuban, and wouldn't hire him because of his nationality, despite his being highly qualiied. A Brazilian friend of mine (a gorgeuos gorgeous girl and very sweet, but alas, married!) worked in computer information systems for Direct TV (a Mexican-owned company) and told me for years she was frustrated because they discriminated and didn't promote her because she is Brazilian. She would actually train Mexican men, who would then be promoted and become her supervisors. She eventually had to leave Direct TV to advance her career, and became a private consultant. Hispanics are about 19% of the U.S. population. And there is some resentment by blacks (who are 13%) because the Democrats increasingly give greater attention to hispanics, as they are the larger up and coming minority in the U.S. Last I looked, asians were about 6%. About 81% of U.S. immigration is from Latin America and the Caribbean, so it will only become even more so a majority minority, expected to be about 25% of U.S. population by 2040. Whites (currently about 67% of U.S. population) will drop below 50% of U.S. population by 2040, perhaps even sooner. I always found it interesting that a majority of hispanics in the U.S. are "white hispanic" (essentially European racially, but culturally spanish-speaking hispanic). That many I interact with are as white as I am, and yet identify as hispanic. If you were to visit New Jersey or Kansas or most northern U.S. states, you might never meet a hispanic. But Florida is very international, and I meet people from everywhere. Brazil and Argentina, as two examples, are very much like the U.S., in that over 100 years or so they had huge waves of immigrants from places you don't think of as "Latin America" I had an Argentinian female co-worker with the last name Kowalski, which I found very amusing because that doesn't sound hispanic at all. She even joked about it. These nations have a huge mix of ancestors from Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, France, and eastern European nations. As much a "melting pot" as the U.S.
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And who the fuck is Jo Jorgensen? Everyone in my office keeps refreshing their screens every half an hour.  CNN and Fox give Virginia to Biden. Anyway, the experience I described on Twitter over the past four years makes me wonder about American political culture and the dissolution of polite discourse. So much yelling and trolling and entrenchment of positions. It is hardly unique to US politics - I made a comment on Reddit the other day about how some large, pretty but invasive trees in our city should be chainsawed and I was accused of ecological vandalism. I thanked the person for correcting me on how birds do eat their fruit, and the name-caller was suddenly very contrite. If people are arming up and prepared to violently challenge or protest the election process or outcome, it is because polite society has been eroded by social media. I've come to realise (and always sort of knew) that politeness is a fundamental part of a functional democracy. Everyone has their views on the role of the media (I can't read WaPo anymore because even I think it is ridiculously partisan) but, y'know, people need to start talking, and stop yelling. About 2 years ago, Tucker Carlson on his show said that at the Presidential, House and Senate level, the Republicans reach out with civility, but the Democrats constantly respond with partisan bile to try and leverage a scorched-earth win at every turn. As he put it, Republicans think Democrats have some silly ideas that don't work, and respectfully disagree, but are at least willing to have a dialogue, and reach a compromise. But the Democrats are at total war with Republicans. At every turn they call us nazis, racist, intolerant, dangerous, portray us as militant with guns (even as they, not us, plot militant revolutions) . They portray Republicans as so extreme that they won't even talk to us or have a political dialogue with us. They portray our political views as hate speech, that they refuse to listen to, and try to have banned from being heard. In university speech forums, at university lectures, at signings in bookstores, they violently attack the guests, or those of an audence there to listen to them. Or if not violent attacks, at least shout chants to prevent conservatives from being heard. Or get events cancelled due to a leftist/Democrat threat of violence against the speaker and those attending. This is very common at university lectures now. They have even attacked Republican political candidates. Two Pensylvania Congress candidates had vandalism to their homes over this past weekend, with threatening messages spray painted on their homes. During the 2018 mid-term, one Republican candidate sitting at a table was punched in the back of the head and knocked unconscious, suffering a concussion. All these attacks are in one direction, not both ways. I've had friends for years, some of them doctors and Phd's, where I just posted something on Facebook, an article about Benghazi, or about the liberal media narrative about immigrant children in cages, where I actually posted a Factcheck (liberal media) showing that the the cages were built and begun in 2014, that the incendiary photos were taken while Obama was president in 2014, not even in use when Trump was president, but Trump was excoriated for policy not his own. They un-friended me, and blocked their account, so they wouldn't be exposed to facts that would counter the media narrative they chose to believe. At work, I myself tried to be silent about my political views. I was with a client in 2016, and this girl just ranted on for an hour about how evil Trump was, on and on. I deflected it with humor saying, "Yeah that crazy election..." without disclosing my political views. She kept pushing, I tried to respond acknowleging detachedly that the two parties gave 2 opposing views of the issues. About 45 minutes in, she finally said, "Well pardon me, but... it sounds like you support Trump." To which I finally disclosed: "Well... yeah !" Then she exploded with : "HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BLA BLA BLA!" So with my back against the wall, I politely explained that Trump has previously been both a Republican and a Democrat, that he''s been a friend and a fundraiser to both the Reagans and the Clintons, he's an outsider and a pragmatist, who isn't ideologically tethered to either party. He's a pragmantist, a deal-negotiator, a businessman and a reformer who understands economics and international trade, who brings new ideas, and an alternative to the partisan deadlock, and to the corruption that has bred unnecessary wars and huge U.S. deficit spending for decades. Which is also why I previously supported Ross Perot and Ralph Nader. Who offered outside reform to a corrupt system. She was a hippie chick in her late 20's/early 30's, and she actually thanked me (althoiugh questionably sincere, and still visibly annoyed) "for your alternate perspective". A few days later, I found out that she gave me a bad evaluation and said I "forced my political views" on her, and she tried to get me fired. She actually cancelled her membership at our spa (that her parents had bought for her). My boss actually laughed and said it looked to him like she was looking for an excuse to cancel her membership and pocket the money her family paid, but to not disclose my views in the future, to avoid giving someone like that an opening to complain. Frustrated, I explained that I evaded discussing my views for 45 minutes, until she basically DEMANDED that I explain my supporting Trump. And then she complained when I did, tried to get me fired. Although no other punishment, I still had to sign a reprimand form, that there was a complaint and that I'd so been advised. That's my personal experience with the insane Left on the job, where they tried to get me fired. I've had multiple other clients force their views on me . Even though they still force thair angry views on me, I've learned from multiple attempted approaches that the only way to defuse the situation on the job (where I can't just walk away) is to feign complete political indifference and a lack of knowledge of either political side: "Oh really? I didn't know that. I don't follow politics. Yeah I don't know anything about that...politics don't interest me..." That annoys them too, but at least it gives them no basis on which to escalate. I can see the point of your example though, Australia-Dave, where just being polite in many situations could defuse escalation in many cases, and make them less angry and less confrontational, more willing to have a friendly dialogue. But there are many cases where the fanaticism is so intense that it's just not possible. My first approach is to be kind to the point that they feel like a jerk if they continue to be so aggressive, and if that doesn't de-escalate it, then as politely as possible just shut it down, whether professionally on the job, or out socially. There was one girl my own age I was interested in romantically and things were going well after two weeks or so, she was into me, and imminently I was in like Flynn. And I made one comment during our last get-together, in response to a polittical remark she made, where I just expressed I'd be voting for Trump, and again, this girl just suddenly went wild shouting at me. She' been drinking, and became really abusive, I politiely de-escalated it, saying hey, we all have opinions, it's just an opinion,no big deal and tried to laugh it off. But the moment was gone, and I politely left at the first opporrtunity. Maybe it kept me from scoring with a pretty girl, but it manifested she was psycho-angry, with a hair-trigger temper beyond her political views, and I was better off in the long run. When they're at total war, when they shout you down and won't even listen, when they won't even be tolerant enough to have a dialogue of the facts... what is it possible to discuss? Since 2016, I run across an alarming number of people like this. I'm willing to have a polite dialogue, but that's something they won't even tolerate.
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Lots of Dems on Twitter saying that Trump is trying to commit a coup, because he has claimed victory without a final vote count confirmation nor a concession.
I don't see it that way. Trump is committed to a legal process in the Supreme Court. That's not coup behaviour.
So, the conspiracists are all out hunting this evening.
I don't have many nice things to say about Pence, usually, but I do commend him on his walk back. He is confident, but he said "road to victory" not "victory". That's solid and responsible. In a nutshell, Democrats are out to sell whatever incendiary narrative will allow their side to win. Or alternately, to incite violence and riots to punish the winners and blame them for the chaos. Burning down the system, out of pure spite. Out of curiosity, what do you dislike about Pence? He was a competent governor, and is a very sincere and respectful guy, who chooses his words much more carefully than Trump. Granted, he's not Mr. Excitement. He's kind of the "non-Trump" straight man, in contrast to Trump's no-holds-barred ostentatious approach. The only area I've ever herd hostility toward Pence is in regard to his views on gays as governor, which are essentially the views of conservative Christians in general.
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Pence is basically a henchman for Trump. As Trump lies Pence calls him great. Michigan and Wisconsin tightening up as votes continue to be counted.
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. Georgia (50.7%, with 93% counted), North Carolina (50.1% Trump, 94% counted), Pennsylvania (56.6% Trump, 64% counted), Michigan (53.7%, 66% counted) Wisconson (51.2% Trump, 88% counted), Nevada (47.6% Trump, 67% counted)
all but one have Trump leading by a good margin, well over 50% in most cases. Currently it's Trump 213 and Biden 238.
It seems to me that Trump still has a very good likelihood of being re-elected, for all the wild speculation otherwise. Updating the remaining states: Georgia (50.5%, with 94% counted)........................................16 electoral votes North Carolina (50.1% Trump, 94% counted)..........................15 Pennsylvania (54.9% Trump, 79% counted)............................20 Michigan (49.3% Trump, (vs 49.1% Biden!) , 90% counted)....16 and in the Biden column Wisconson (51.2% Trump, 88% counted).................................10 Nevada (47.6% Trump, 67% counted)........................................6 Granted these are very narrow margins and could change. But if the current count remains, it would end up: TRUMP 280 BIDEN 254
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If Biden wins Michigan, Wisconsin and flips Nevada he will have 270 electoral votes.
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Biden is now leading in Wisconsin
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I would add it?s disgusting but not unexpected that trump declared victory and called for a halt to the vote counting.
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Pence is basically a henchman for Trump. As Trump lies Pence calls him great. Michigan and Wisconsin tightening up as votes continue to be counted. You mean, as Democrats stall and try to find ways to inject fraudulent ballots, to steal the election? And I didn't see any facts there about Pence, just insults and insinuations. And about Trump as well. Trump has kept more promises than any president in our lifetimes. Over and over, your side propagandizes, accusing him of lies, without makign a valid case for that. You know, a lie, like when Biden says he never said he's ban fracking and fossil feuls, and you can easily pull up the video and see that he actually did. Or Obama's "Not a smidgen of corruption" in his administration (except for "fast and furious", Lois Lerner and the IRS scandal, Sally Yates' Jan 5 2017 memo about Biden leading the charge to frame and indict Michael Flynn, on and on. Or Obama's "If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan." (Politifact's selected Lie of the Year. And Trump's nomination for an incredible four Nobel Peace prizes as well, in just the last 2 months. Plus the best economy in 50 years. And the lowest unemployment numbers recorded for blacks, hispanics, women, and people under 25. Plus re-negotiate trade agreementss with just about every nation the U.S. trades with. Securing the southern border. Building 400 miles of new wall on the Southern border. With Trump achieving all this, and more, I don't see where he needs to lie.
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Worship your lying turd all you want while you hate anyone not drinking the kool aid. Biased accusations of voter fraud doesn?t constitute reality. Most of the votes left are probably mail in votes with a very real chance of changing count totals. That is a fact.
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I would add it?s disgusting but not unexpected that trump declared victory and called for a halt to the vote counting. It's disgusting that Democrat states ceased the vote counting with open ballots on the table, and we're supposed to believe they just left the room and no one came in and tampered with them, to magically create a new count that favors Biden. An Al Franken styled victory, all over again. I just cited how Trump gets to 280. and I already cited Wisconsin as currently in the Biden column (which could change). Nevada announced they will "set aside" vote-counting for today, and resume vote counting on Thursday. WHAT?!?!?!!
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And I showed how Biden gets to 270 even if he loses Pennsylvania. Trump shouldn?t have declared victory when it?s very clear that a lot of vote by mail hasn?t been counted yet.
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Georgia could still go for Biden even.
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Worship your lying turd all you want while you hate anyone not drinking the kool aid. Biased accusations of voter fraud doesn?t constitute reality. Most of the votes left are probably mail in votes with a very real chance of changing count totals. That is a fact. I didn't see any supporting examples or facts to give any validity to your obnoxiouss comments. A man with Trump's achievements deserves much better than "turd". His remarkable accomplishments are quantifiable, not Kool-aid. It's the marxist propagandists in your party who are serving thr cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. A Biden-Harris presidency would truly be national suicide. I've cited many times what they openly plan to do. They would cripple this country, PERMANENTLY, in the name of political correctness.
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Biased opinion by rabid radical republican, whatever. Lots of legal votes that haven?t been counted. Trump wants to stop the counting. That isn?t constitutional and about as undemocratic as you can get. That is a turd being the biggest stinkiest turd it can be.
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Biden leading in Nevada and Arizona. Nevada has mostly mail in ballots to count not sure on Arizona.
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Biden is now leading in Michigan!
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And I showed how Biden gets to 270 even if he loses Pennsylvania. Trump shouldn?t have declared victory when it?s very clear that a lot of vote by mail hasn?t been counted yet. A lot of fraudulent votes Dems have stacked in a back room, to pull out of a magic hat, Al Franken-style. Trump is currently ahead in 4 of the 6 un-called states. As I cited the exact numbers for above. Georgia (50.5%, with 94% counted)........................................16 electoral votes North Carolina (50.1% Trump, 94% counted)..........................15 Pennsylvania (54.9% Trump, 79% counted)............................20 Michigan (49.3% Trump, (vs 49.1% Biden!) , 90% counted)....16
and in the Biden column Wisconson (48.6% Trump, vs 48.9% Biden, 99% counted)......10 Nevada (48.6% Trump, vs 49.2% Biden, 75% counted)............6
Granted these are very narrow margins and could change. But if the current count remains, it would end up: TRUMP 280 BIDEN 254 Trump is not doing anything inappropriate to say that at present he is winning, and to warn against the clearly intended foul play that Democrats are scheming. Trump won't be like Richard Nixon in 1960, won't just step aside when Democrats try to fake ballots to rig a win.
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Again losers yelling fraud was to be expected. Democracy is your enemy
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Biden is now leading in 4 states that would take him to 270!
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Will you be upset if lying turd trump wants to do recounts ala Frankenstein? Lol
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Again losers yelling fraud was to be expected. Democracy is your enemy The fraud is absolutely verified in the 1960 election of JFK. The attempted fraud is clear in the 2000 election, where your side, rather than recounting all counties in Florida, tried to only recount the areas where they could pick up votes, and attempted to exclude absentee military votes which consistently favor Republicans, and therefore would favor W. Bush. Your side cheated every whichway they could in the 2016 election, including using FBI and DOJ and CIA to spy on the Trump campaign, embed the campaign with moles, sabatoge the FBI Hillary Clinton e-mails investigation, and set perjury traps and other falsified evidence for Michael Flynn, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, and others. And would have done the same to Flynn's deputy assistant director K.T. McFarland, except unlike her supervisor Flynn, she had a very good lawyer who blocked the FBI's attempt to set a perjury trap for her. And now in 2020, your side is again trying every dirty trick to win. Changing the rules at the last minute, and setting aside open ballots on a table, to be counted later. And we're just supposed to trust the dirty players in your party, scout's honor, that they won't tamper with the ballots. When they've pulled ever dirty trick, and broken every law they could, FOR YEARS, leading up to this point. No frigging way. What happened with the DEMOCRAT Broward country elections supervisor in 2016? Clear tampering, and yet she was aallowed to retire with a full pension, with no consequentces. The Democrat way, rewarding faailure, and often promoting those who failed (Bruce Ohr, another prime example). Cheating Democrat bastards who break consistently change the rules and protocal to stage an unlawful win, THAT is our enemy.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Will you be upset if lying turd trump wants to do recounts ala Frankenstein? Lol That didn't even make sense. Yoiu cheer on Biden, an incompetent and treasonous criminal, who is at this point incapable of being president. It strains belief that even your party could be such morons.
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What can I say, you have ?trump values? that don?t reflect my traditional Christian values. I think we?re on track to Biden winning the electoral college!
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I would add it's disgusting but not unexpected that trump declared victory and called for a halt to the vote counting. The Biden campaign a few minutes ago (it was an audio message, a female voice, I believe it was Biden's campaign manager) now released their own statement, making their own "discgusting" victory declaration. But I'm sure you only find it unsavory when said by Trump, and don't hold your side to the same standard. Trump made his statement to pre-emptively criticize and bring awareness of planned Democrat voter fraud, and making his supporters and evryone else in the country aware of and on alert for fraud, hopefully deter Democrat fraud.
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What can I say, you have "trump values"? that don't reflect my traditional Christian values. I think we?re on track to Biden winning the electoral college! Well, glad you've appointed yourself able to do what the experts haven't. They're saying the election may not be called for several days, and that it still could go either way. It helps that Trump is ready to be president on day one, and has quantifiably done so exceptionally for four years. Whereas Biden isn't coherent and reliable enough to even come out and make a statement, and therefore his campaign manager came out to do so. It's absolutely terrifying that Biden, who generally ends his day around 10 AM because the slighteest speech interaction exhaiusts him. That anyone would vote for this guy and trust him to deal with Putin, or deal with Xi in China, or deal with the Iranians. If Biden were to become president, he would immediately re-insstate the Iran nuclear deal, and the Iranians would be slapping each other high-fives at how stupid the americans are, and that they would now be guaranteed to optain nuclear weapons in les than 10 years, with absolutely no fear of U.S. retaliation against any rogue actions by Iran. Likewise China. Likewise Russia. Likewise North Korea. The pollsters have been way off in predicting an easy landslide for Biden. At the very least it's very close, and could still go Trump's way. It's either side's to win at this point.
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Called it. Just to beat you to it:
"Red Mirage"
And that will be the Demmy strategy. MEM is playing out his script as predicted and the new agencies are marching in lock step. And while this is going on: Link - ZeroHedge:'Surprise Ballot Dumps' Behind Lead Changes; Arizona 'Sharpie' Malarkey Comes Into Focus"Hmm... Biden gets an infusion of 138,339 votes, but nobody else gets one?"
"Basically in Wisconsin they dumped 138k votes at 4:00 AM that broke almost 100% Biden. This is mathematically impossible.
If this stands the country is lost because it?s in your face"
"So while everyone was asleep and after everyone went home, Democrats in Michigan magically found a trove of 138,339 votes, and all 138,339 of those "votes" magically went to Biden? That doesn't look suspicious at all." There was also a tweet earlier stating that the amount of votes processed in Wisconsin had exceeded the amount of registered voters. There's currently some confusion on whether or not that's correct. But what IS concrete is that the voter turnout for Wisconsin at or about 95%. Unprecedented doesn't even begin to describe that. It is IM-FUCKING-POSSIBLE. Link: Twitter"the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics" This entire situation is a mixed blessing. It's nightmarish. But like I said in the OP, Demmy's have been getting away with it for decades, and now they've encountered someone who won't stand for it. If this continues on. I don't only want the truth of the Presidential Election exposed. I want the ballots all over the country audited to see how much fire is reflective of this smoke.
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Officially "too old for this shit" 15000+ posts
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Will you be upset if lying turd trump wants to do recounts ala Frankenstein? Lol Recounting isn't the same as manufacturing.
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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Isn't it interesting how around 2:30 AM last night, Trump was winning by good margins in 5 of the 6 states in contest.
By 6 AM, that was down to 4 of 6. By 11 AM, it was down to 3 of 6.
By the oddest coincidence, in every contested state, with each new update, Biden's margin increases, and Trump's margin decreases. In every single state. That rather defies probability, doesn't it? Democrats are the unchallenged masters of rigging elections. But with Trump and his 600 lawyers, that is about to change. Republican House minority leader McCarthy said what I didd, that Trump should rightly have won with 280, before the manufactured fake ballots started pouring in. Arizona was also falsely called too soon, and that is being challenged as well.
Again, the Al Franken model of how to steal an election.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Hmm. Well, it seems a lot happened while I slept and votes got counted. Arizona is back in the running. FiveThirtyEight calls it "likely Biden". But it turns out the GOP in Arizona uses mail ballots! Whoda thunk it? ABC is calling Michigan for Biden. I see Pariah is noting that Trump predicted the 3am sneaky ballots. i expect that will get sorted out in a court, just like Bush v Gore. But doing the rounds of Twitter is Bernie Sanders' uncanny (or perhaps just realistic) prediction of how Trump and Trump supporters would behave when Dem late ballots carried Biden over the line: https://deadline.com/2020/11/the-to...ts-uncertainty-2020-election-1234609094/Anyway, I'm not expecting a result for weeks.
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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002. 15000+ posts
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Isn't it interesting how around 2:30 AM last night, Trump was winning by good margins in 5 of the 6 states in contest.
By 6 AM, that was down to 4 of 6. By 11 AM, it was down to 3 of 6.
By the oddest coincidence, in every contested state, with each new update, Biden's margin increases, and Trump's margin decreases. In every single state. That rather defies probability, doesn't it? Democrats are the unchallenged masters of rigging elections. But with Trump and his 600 lawyers, that is about to change. Republican House minority leader McCarthy said what I didd, that Trump should rightly have won with 280, before the manufactured fake ballots started pouring in. Arizona was also falsely called too soon, and that is being challenged as well.
Again, the Al Franken model of how to steal an election. It doesn't defy probability Dave. in fact, it was repeatedly predicted. And check out Pariah's very first post on this thread - his use of the term the "red mirage". That's what we got. Here are some Germans to explain it: https://www.dw.com/en/us-election-mail-in-voting-biden-trump/a-55433216"About four in 10 registered voters plan to cast their ballot by mail-in voting (or have already done so), according to a Pew Research survey.
Supporters of Democratic candidate Joe Biden overwhelmingly favor mail-in voting when compared to Trump supporters.
Of the registered voters who plan to cast their ballot, 51% of Biden supporters say they will vote by mail, whereas 39% of Trump supporters said they will do the same. An estimated 50% of Trump supporters will vote in person on Election Day, whereas only 20% of Biden supporters plan to do the same."** And from USA Today, back in August: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...ikely-vote-mail-survey-finds/3394795001/Thirty-seven percent of registered voters said they are likely to vote by mail in the November election, by receiving a mailed ballot and either mailing it back or returning it in person, according to a new survey released Tuesday by the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape project. Among them, 48% of voters who plan to vote for Democratic presumptive nominee Joe Biden said they are likely to vote by mail, according to the survey. That's more than twice the 23% of voters backing President Donald Trump who said they are likely to vote by mail. ** On election counts and recounts, its a shame the search function on this message board doesn't work anymore. Otherwise, I'd be digging up comments from each of you about Gore's outrageousness in disputing Florida's election outcome in 2000. Oh well, everyone is entitled to change their minds twenty years later. Anyway, I think everyone should be (not necessarily will be) happy to have this settled by the Supreme Court. Trump needs to argue that Michigan's rule on a "reasonable possibility of success" in winning the election justifies a recount. I think he doesn't have much hope of that argument given the margin, but I personally wouldn't mind it for the sake of the American polity. Oh, and look at what Fox is reporting: "The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit to stop ballot counts in the still-undecided state of Georgia, Fox News chief White House correspondent John Roberts reported. The filing follows similar moves in Michigan and Pennsylvania." Can't think what the basis of that is. A scrutinised recount, sure. But stopping the count? Oh, I see: "The lawsuit alleges that a Republican observer watched a poll worker take unprocessed absentee ballots from a back room and mix them into processed absentee ballots waiting to be tabulated." So this is a law suit against the county, not the entire state. That doesn't seem to be an unreasonable cause of action. And hey, look at this! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/re...at-least-10-have-been-added-to-the-house As a progressive and feminist, I think that's great news. Of course women can be conservative, and they should properly have a place in the legislature. But look. Dem supporters are surprised that they didn't get a landslide and want LeJoy arrested in Florida for vote tampering. GOP supporters think the election is being stolen because of voting irregularities. No one is going to be happy either way. Gore did the right thing back in 2000 by disagreeing with the Supreme Court, having further options to pursue, but standing down. Let's see if either candidate is prepared to do that here. Doubt it. My best guess at this point? A lot of memes with Trump's face and "You're fired!" underneath them.
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Will you be upset if lying turd trump wants to do recounts ala Frankenstein? Lol Recounting isn't the same as manufacturing. Of course. Everyone put their guns away and be patient.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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It doesn't defy probability Dave. in fact, it was repeatedly predicted. And check out Pariah's very first post on this thread - his use of the term the "red mirage". That's what we got. Haha! I don't think you missed the sarcasm. But you walked into it anyway, Dave. Congrats.
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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002. 15000+ posts
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Silly lad. I know you used it sarcastically. But it is the concept which is important. You dismissed it out of hand. It has ended up being real enough to be litigated.
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Silly lad. I know you used it sarcastically. But it is the concept which is important. You dismissed it out of hand. It has ended up being real enough to be litigated. ....What? Are you saying the intentional being the Red Mirage via the media is litigation worthy qua existence? OR The the concept itself is objectively real and that Trump is fighting said concept for that reason?
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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*being of, *That the
Fuck these non-editing boards.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Fair play!
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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002. 15000+ posts
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Sorry if that wasn't clear:
a. "Red Mirage" means the premature conclusion that early counted votes mean a decisive GOP win; b. The rise in Dem votes through postal ballot count has apparently shocked the GOP; c. The GOP is litigating with the objective of restoring the outcome which manifested as the Red Mirage.
I've got to say I've shifted my views on Fox's reporting, at least on its website. The opinion pieces are partisan, and the audience comments on articles are racist and appalling, but the reporting is pretty solid. I had a good chuckle over Hannity's logo. He thinks he's Superman! Kind of interesting to see TV shows about people who wear cowboy hats and like Nascar. In the South, I've only been to Atlanta and Austin and didn't see any of that.
Say whatever you like about Trump, but isn't Eric Trump a waste of space? Eric copped a serve on the Fox website from a conservative audience member about being out of his league when he tried to claim Pa. in a tweet, and a surprisingly large number of people agreed with the comment. DT Jr is on the other hand occasionally articulate, notwithstanding that major slip in the interview with Vanity Fair about New Yorkers getting what they deserved through pandemic deaths which the Lincoln Project turned into a billboard in Times Square. Ivanka I don't really have an opinion on. Although she should stop being a spokesperson for tinned ham. I feel sorry for Barron. I wonder where he will end up.
Dave, I've seen your long posts, and appreciate that some effort and heart went into both of them. I'll address them when I have a spare moment.
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Love watching the basket of deplorables angry as legal votes continue to bring Biden closer to 270
Fair play!