Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Quite the contrast between Biden and trump. Biden is being very much the statesman while trump is acting like a loser. Biden projects calm while Trump is trying to incite his base. Unfit to the end.

Biden is an Alzeimers patient, who can barely remember his own name.

Anything that is said by Biden is a carefully rehearsed statement, written by his puppetmasters. He is completely unfit to lead the country, and during the campaign would usually end his day by 10 AM, or call a "lid" ( a day off, no appointments) for the entire day in advance. He is absolutely incapable of taking a 3 AM phone call to deal with a military crisis with Russia, China, Iran or North Korea. It's terrifying.

The only way Biden is gaining in the vote counting is by major tampering with the ballots. In multiple states, vote monitors have been prevented from observing the ballot processing, at precisely the time Biden "miraculously" jumped ahead. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY Biden logically overcame the margins of victory Trump had in these states, and the sudden jumps thinning those margins is precisely explained by all the observed methods of tampering I've cited, that have been evidenced at every stage of the "chain of custody" and counting of these mail-in ballots.

We already know some of the elections supervisors have posted vitriolic hatred of Trump on facebook and Twitter, we know that many of the elections vote counters are wearing "BIDEN 2020" clothing and hats, clear partisans. And unprecedented, the first time in election history, in multiple states, vote-counting observers have been obstructed from viewing the vote-processing, or not permitted to enter the vote-counting facility at all. At every stage, this adds up to vote tampering, and coincides with huge jumps in vote gains for Biden. Vote counters in multiple states claim to have videotaped thousands of witnessed examples of vote tampering.

Newt Gingrich on Hannity last night said it well, that the only way to eliminate the corruption is to throw out the tainted votes, to only officially count the votes counted up until observing the vote counting was prevented (i.e., throw out everything counted after about 2 AM election night). Trump was winning by good margins in 5 of the 6 contested states. Clearly that was only overcome by Democrat-partisan deception. And on top of that, Arizona was prematurely called for Biden. This is an outrage, and it should not be permitted to stand.