Biden now ahead in Georgia, by 1000 votes.
So, Pariah. Assume Biden gets his 270. Trump is compelled by the National Guard to leave the White House (which I recall was the fallback for Nixon if he didn't leave). Time to mount up, with machine guns, to overthrow a tyrant?
What if Trump is then arrested for his obstruction of justice in the Mueller investigation?
You're ex-Army, right? What do you do?
Wild speculation and hysteria, based on nothing anything of us have said here.
I think it's clear that Trump is prepared to fight on with an army of lawyers (not guns and soldiers), and with the evidence of election fraud and irregularities. Trump remains president and in the White House by every right until Jan 20, 2021.
And I've never heard anything to give the slightest reality to what you say about Nixon. Congress was contemplating impeachment in August 1974, but rather than go through months of that process and put the nation through it, Nixon quickly resigned. If he had not resigned, he could have remained in the White House for months until an impeachment ran its course. Absurdly bad facts on your part.
Regarding the alleged 1000-vote lead by Biden in Georgia, again, I don't believe it. Likewise the new ballots eroding Trump's 10.9% lead in Pennsylvania, from just 48 hours ago, and at that time 80% of the vote already counted. No way. The clear ballot counting irregularities (i.,e.,
election fraud) in all these states puts the lie to this whole narrative.
If not for the blatant irregularites, SO MANY irregularities, I might trust the system and believe Biden is really turning it around :

Mailmen throwing away thousands of ballots,

One mailman anonymously admitting he and other mailmen were instructed by their supervisor to set aside Philadelphia ballots from the other mail collected for the day, so the ballots could be manually stamped "Nov 3rd" despite that it is now the 4th and the 5th (again, Project Veritas, video interviewed).

The fact that election supervisors in multiple states WOULDN'T EVEN SAY to reporters how many votes were left to be counted (basically election supervisors looking to see how many ballots Biden needed to win, so they could manufature them in a back room, slip then in as they've been observed doing with the legitimately processed votes, and put Biden over the top).

Elections supervisors expressing their hatred for Trump on social media, the candidate whose loss they are now rigging.

Excluding vote counting monitors, many of them who went public about it and were interviewed by Fox and other media that are not part of the fix, monitors detailing how they were kept outside, how they were kept too far away to observe, 30 feet away or more. To discredit that, the liberal media now are pushing the narrative: "Ohh, that was temporary, we resolved that." Well... not resolved until the damage was already done, if ever really fixed at all. Monitors who said 150 feet away they could see big black bags of unprocessed ballots clandestinely brought over and mixed in with the legitimately processed ballots.

Polling locations where the staff purposely only had Sharpie pens for voters, that unlike normal ball point pens bled through both sides of the ballot page filled out, guaranteeing conservative ballots will not be usable as legitimate votes. But against the mainstream narrative that the story was "debunked", multiple voters interviewed on Hannity said they were given Sharpie pens when voting in person, objected and said it would ruin their ballots, were told they had to use a Sharpie because there were no other pens available, could see it bled through the ballot page to the other side, that the scanning machine had trouble scanning their ballots, and when these voters checked later, their ballots were not counted. 
Cory Lewandowski and Pam Bondi having a legal order to suspend the count until correct monitoring is established, ignored by the elections supervisor, by the vote-counting staff, and by the local sherriff. yeah, this is all conspiracy theory, it never actually happened.

It's 3 days later and they're still counting the 6% of uncounted ballots left on election night?
C'mon, MAN !
![[Linked Image from]](
There is just way too much in this vote-count that breaks protocol, doesn't make sense, or is just overtly and unapologetically wrong and dirty. Now the THIRD DAY after the election, and the votes are still not counted yet. When has that EVER taken more than 24 hours? Except to delay the count long enough to manufacture the ballots needed to overcome Trump's margin of victory, to hand the election over to Biden.
The irregulartities have been exposed in conservative media, while liberal media pretend these incredible lapses don't exist.
And now the liberal media is trying to sell the "no irregularities" Orwellian narrative across the mainstream news and social media, to try and make the public buy it. While hiding and dismissing the evidence otherwise as "conspiracy theory". Well, I DON'T buy it, and neither do over 69 million other Americans.
No way in hell.