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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can claim whatever you want but if it can’t be proven in court than what basis do trumpers have to try to throw out the election? People who do evil usually try justifying it, I think that’s what you guys are attempting here.

M E M, I'm not sure at this point if you're a vicious fucking liar, or if you're just pathetically delusional in your Democrat partisanship.

More details of how the Democrat steal of this election was pulled off, more witnesses, more photos, video and evidence, are coming out every day.

At first your party was saying 1) "There is no voting fraud".
Then they were saying 2) "Well, there's aways some fraud in every election, but no significant fraud."
Then more evidence came out, and they went with the new narrative: 3) "Well, there was fraud, but not enough to change the outcome and Biden's victory."

Period. the end.

I've become increasingly aware that what the Democrats have done in this election amounts to information warfare, a branch of asymetric warfare against their own country. Where they have sided against the United States in solidarity with efforts of the Chinese communist government, the Russians, the globalists, and the militant anti-American Left in this country. And this is just "Trump Coup 6.0", in a continuous assault on U.S. sovereignty, that really extends back at least to 2012, where the IRS was weaponized to target Republican groups and win that election. And I would argue back to the Left's hijacking of the Democrat party in 2004, through a takeover of campaign finance of the DNC.

Yours is the party of rabidly marxist and anti-American Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Yours is the party of tearing down statues of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln. Either by direct endorsement or by their passive silence, Democrat leadership from the very top down endorses the destruction of these national symbols, and destruction/"radical transformation" of the nation they represent. But more often by silence, your party works its evil best in the cover of darkness. But they hate this country so much, they can't help gloating about this destruction all to often. And there they show their hand.

You talk about "evil", M E M? Look in the mirror. There's no mistaking what your party is about. And it sure as hell isn't about preserving, protecting and defending this country. I wonder how even a zealot like you can try to rationalize it at this point.

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Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can claim whatever you want but if it can’t be proven in court than what basis do trumpers have to try to throw out the election? People who do evil usually try justifying it, I think that’s what you guys are attempting here.

I don't think we are seeing evil. I think we are seeing the same sort of mass disbelief that liberal voters experienced when Clinton II lost the election (against all of the polls except that of the LA Times). There was all sorts of scrambling around trying to blame Russian interference, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook... And all of these things were in play to a small but significant degree, but at the end of the day it wasn't a stolen election. Trump won it, and his election team were remarkably successful.

We are all in our media echo chambers, where we are given assurances that our world views are correct. When the world view is torn to pieces by reality, we look to conspiracy. Systemic voter fraud and corruption. Putin with one hand on the scales and the other up Trump's arse. The super spooky Deep State. Iranian trollbots. Venezuelan vote counting software (I love that one).

If Trump was to win again in 2024, and I'd say there was a really good chance of that happening if Trump goes up against Kamala Harris, DEM voters will be blaming Russia again because DEM voters could not possibly believe that having been thrown out on his arse, Trump triumphantly and gloatingly got back in.

Yeah that was rough but you know what happened. Clinton conceded the next day. She didn’t claim she lost because of voter fraud. She wasn’t calling governors to throw out their state election results or trying to pressure state legislators to ignore election laws and assign different electors that would choose her instead. Nor do I think the democrat base would have supported it if she had tried. And even though she won the popular vote I still recognized that he won the race electorally. What trump is doing and supported by a chunk of his base is a threat to this country. And it’s pretty apparent Trump doesn’t require a foreign country to deliver misinformation to his base since 2016. I guess we don’t agree about it being evil but I look at it as a real attempt to steal the election by rendering voting useless. This will fail but the intentional harm it has caused isn’t going to disappear after the trump turd gets flushed out of office.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You can claim whatever you want but if it can’t be proven in court than what basis do trumpers have to try to throw out the election? People who do evil usually try justifying it, I think that’s what you guys are attempting here.

I love how you're feigning confidence in the courts, but will ultimately condemn them if and when they start producing verdicts in Trump's favor--and I'm not just talking about the lead up to an electoral count. I'm talking about the proceedings thereafter.

Link - Zerohedge: Judge Allows Forensic Audit Of Dominion Voting Machines In Michigan

  • Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times,

    President Donald Trump’s legal team began a forensic analysis of Dominion voting machines in Michigan after a judge on Friday permitted the examination.
    • “Our team is going to be able to go in this morning at about 8:30 [a.m.] and will be there for about eight hours to conduct that forensic examination and we’ll have the results in about 48 hours, and that’ll tell us a lot about these machines,” attorney Jenna Ellis told Fox News on Sunday.

      “A judge actually granted our team access … to conduct a forensic audit,” Ellis added.

  • [...]

    It’s not clear which of the several election lawsuits the order originated from.

    Later, Antrim County spokesperson Jeremy Scott told the Detroit Free Press that forensic images will be taken from voting machines used during the Nov. 3 election. Judge Kevin Elsenheimer issued the order regarding a challenge from voter William Bailey, who filed a lawsuit alleging that ballots were damaged in a recounting of ballots in a marijuana proposal that narrowly passed, reported Fox News. Elsenheimer’s order doesn’t mention the presidential race, and it’s not yet clear if the order allows Trump’s team to examine the machines.

    The Michigan GOP last month noted that voting machines in Antrim County incorrectly switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Joe Biden. The Secretary of State’s office said it was due to a technical error and non-updated software, adding that the issue was later corrected.

    Ellis, in the Fox News interview on Sunday, cast doubt on the Secretary of State’s claims, saying that it was “an unexplained and so-called ‘glitch.”

    (L-R) President and CEO of Election Systems & Software Tom Burt, President and CEO of Dominion Voting Systems John Poulos, President and CEO of Hart InterCivic Julie Mathis testify during a hearing before the House Administration Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, Jan. 9, 2020. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

    Elsenheimer’s order said that Antrim County needs to “maintain, preserve and protect all records in its possession used to tabulate votes in Antrim County, to not turn on the Dominion tabulator in its possession and to not connect the Dominion tabulator in its possession to the internet,” as reported by the Detroit News.

    Jake Rollow, a spokesman for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, told the Detroit News that the judge’s order is not clear.
    • “However, what we know, and has been previously explained on numerous occasions, is that a human error by the Antrim County Clerk prompted results to be reported incorrectly,” said Rollow to the publication.

      “Reporting errors are common, have no impact on tabulation, and are always caught and corrected in the county canvass if not before, as was the case in Antrim County.”

  • Dominion Voting Machines, in numerous statements, has vigorously denied that its machines can switch votes from one candidate to another and has also denied ties to other vote-tabulation software companies or foreign governments.

    The Epoch Times has reached out to the Michigan Secretary of State’s office and Antrim County after Ellis’s Fox News interview.

This story and future stories beg the question of "Why the delay?" If there's nothing to hide, then neither Dominion nor the Democrats have anything to worry about. This isn't an individual on the street being harassed by the state. This is equipment utilized by a contractor to hold a public election.

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
We are all in our media echo chambers, where we are given assurances that our world views are correct. When the world view is torn to pieces by reality, we look to conspiracy.


...........This sounds familiar. In fact, it's eerily similar to what I said to you back on page four (as well as back in 2016). The only difference if that you're self-defeatingly framing it in favor of mainstream narratives with the wording of "conspiracy", and all it connotes, as an earmark.

Is it my turn to be offended now?

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Do you have any links to these videos? I just Googled "damning videos showing mass re-scanning of ballots" but nothing came up in the first two pages other than this:

But of course, both Google and AP are part of the liberal/leftist global media conspiracy. Silly me.

Florida-Dave posted one of them not ten posts prior to yours. The others are on the page prior to this one.

If you're going to pull a "gotcha" on me Dave, I suggest you do your research first.

That's what you get for relying on Google and AP (i.e. the mainstream).

Also, your video doesn't work.

Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
I don't think we are seeing evil. I think we are seeing the same sort of mass disbelief that liberal voters experienced when Clinton II lost the election (against all of the polls except that of the LA Times). There was all sorts of scrambling around trying to blame Russian interference, Cambridge Analytica, Facebook... And all of these things were in play to a small but significant degree, but at the end of the day it wasn't a stolen election. Trump won it, and his election team were remarkably successful.

Yeah that was rough but you know what happened. Clinton conceded the next day. She didn’t claim she lost because of voter fraud. She wasn’t calling governors to throw out their state election results or trying to pressure state legislators to ignore election laws and assign different electors that would choose her instead. Nor do I think the democrat base would have supported it if she had tried. And even though she won the popular vote I still recognized that he won the race electorally. What trump is doing and supported by a chunk of his base is a threat to this country. And it’s pretty apparent Trump doesn’t require a foreign country to deliver misinformation to his base since 2016. I guess we don’t agree about it being evil but I look at it as a real attempt to steal the election by rendering voting useless. This will fail but the intentional harm it has caused isn’t going to disappear after the trump turd gets flushed out of office.

....You have been screaming and screeching for the past 4 years about how Trump was answering to Russian masters, how his campaign and administration were dirty, and that he was somehow going to face justice for it....And now you say this.

Don't get me wrong. I always knew you were full of shit and that you didn't truly believe what was being said about him, but rather were using those narratives to attack and destroy a perceived enemy regardless of facts (or lies)--just like Biden's rig. But in the end, all it took for you to admit to this evil was to have a conversation with a fellow traveler about evil.

Truly astonishing.

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Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Originally Posted by Pariah
Statistical impossibilities followed by harassed/ejected poll watchers and damning videos showing mass re-scanning of ballots equate to that just fine.

The Deep State disagrees with you.

I can't tell if that's condescending sarcasm, or an acknowledgement that there IS a deep state, that from the halls of power manufactures and spreads a deliberately false narrative to keep their ideological brethren in control.

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Do you have any links to these videos? I just Googled "damning videos showing mass re-scanning of ballots" but nothing came up in the first two pages other than this:

But of course, both Google and AP are part of the liberal/leftist global media conspiracy. Silly me.

That one is clearly snark. But despite your condescending POV that it's only tin-foil-hat conspiracy to think the Biden victory margins were built on hundreds of thousands of rigged votes (there are thousands of witnesses and evidence to support that case) , that is exactly what happened. And the evidence is abundantly presented by Giuliani and his legal team, in hearings with state Senators in Philadelphia, Phoenix, Lansing (the 4 hour 29 min meeting I youtube-linked above), Atlanta and other cities. And what was displayed in those hearings is just a tiny fraction of the sworn testimony and photo and video evidence that Giuliani's legal team has amassed, with still more pouring in every day, faster than Giuliani's lawyes can process it.

Bottom line: Trump was winning by margins of 100,000 to 700,000 in all but one of the 7 contested states on the night of Nov 3rd, till about midnight. Then ALL these states stopped the vote-counting (so they could count how many fake votes they needed to add for Biden, to overcome Trump's lead in each state). And by the way, stopping the vote mid-count in the U.S. HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. But it HAS happened in Venezuela to re-elect Hugo Chavez in a similar vote-count-stoppage and late night dump that mysteriously re-elected Chaves, and again with Meduro, and in many other Dominion systems-controlled elections worldwide over the last 17 years..

Giuliani and and Sidney Powell have both gathered evidence and witnesses to demonstrate these tactics used in multiple countries since 2003. The exact type of vote-count stop and injection of a late-night dump of ballots to give the desired candidate the victory by a narrow margin.
And beyond that, the Democrats cheated by at least 20 or 30 different methods, beyond the Dominion systems rigging. Manufactured fake ballots. Dead voters in the tens of thousands in each state, that can be proven dead by their birth dates and other personal info, 9,500 in Michigan, 21,000 in Pennsylvania, THAT WE KNOW OF. Voters with fake local addresses coming in from out of state to vote. Double-voting. Hundreds of thousands of identical fake ballots, where no other down-ballot candidate was chosen, only Joe Biden (Maria Bartiromo in my first Youtube link to the topic gives the exact numbers of these type for each state during her interview with Sidney Powell. 450,000 of these ballots in Pennsylvania alone!) Only Biden was selected on these falsified ballots, because Democrats had to rush out so many fake ballots in the middle of the night, they didn't have time to fill out the downballot portion to rig election of other Democrat candidates.
And the identical systematic abuse and exclusion of Republican ballot-count observers in voting centers, in all these Democrat cities. Not even different types of abuse in 10 different cities, but the exact same distancing of observers, so Republican and nonpartisan observers could not possibly observe what Democrat vote-counters were doing.

All those cases where the ballots have no envelopes and were not watched by observers being removed from envelopes (many of which were perfectly flat and not folded to indicate Democrat vote-counters took the votes from individual mail-in envelopes) should be ruled invalid and thrown out.
All the ballots where signature matching was not observed should be ruled invaalid and thrown out.
All the ballots that mysteriously appeared, often in un-official black bags or cardboard boxes or suitcases, with no chain of custody, should be ruled invalid and thrown out.

And even without those exclusions, there are STILL enough invalid ballots to give the election to Trump.
Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8 million mail-in ballots, and got 2.5 million returned ! How does THAT not result in hundreds of thousands of ballots excluded ?!? They can test the ballots to see if they were printed with paper and ink from some source other than official ballots from the state of Pennsylvania.

Vote center workers in Philadelphia, Piitsburg, Detroit and Atlanta were ALL observed scanning ballots, and then immediately taking the same stack of ballots and scanning them again. Re-scanning the same ballots up to 10 times, to inflate the Biden vote-counts.
Votes that were for Trump, were repeaedly and deliberately counted for Biden, as witnesssed multiple times per hour by Republican observers!
Postal employees in areas that were 90% Republican, multiple times took all the ballots collected and thrown away so they wouldn't be counted. Some of them were later found under a rock in a wilderness area.
Postal inspectors ordered USPS delivery workers (who later testified) to set aside ballots received Nov 4th or 5th to be fraudulently back-stamped as received Nov 3rd to be fraudulently counted.
These are just some of the at least 20 or 30 different ways Democrats manufactured fraudulent votes for Biden. Massive, systematic vote fraud, across at least 7 key states, and using the same fraud techniques, and the same intimidation and exclusion techniques on vote-count observers. And that all just happened exactly the same way independently across all 7 states. No, OBVIOUSLY no. Democrats trained supervisors in all 7 states to use the same tactics.

And again: Does ANYONE REALLY BELIEVE that Joe Biden got more votes than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?
And isn't it odd how Biden decisively lost in Florida and Ohio, and even got a lower share of the vote in most Democrat states, but somehow got 11 million more votes nationwide than Obama?
That Biden did worse in every part of the country, but somehow got a miraculaous spike in votes (after 3 AM !!) in all the 10 cities where he desperately needed those votes to win.
How is it that Barack Obama got millions less votes in 2012 than in 2008, but still managed to get re-elected?

And yet Trump got 10 million more votes than in 2016, and yet still lost? There are many ways to look at the data to prove that the vote totals in these states were rigged, and that Biden truly didn't win. That demographically, it cannot be rationalized or explained to make sense.
There are many counties in Michigan and other states where there was over 80% voter participation in Biden victories, and even 100% or 130% participation. More than the population of those districts! How can that possibly be checked off as a victory and certified for Biiden?

And again, this is only a sample of the dozens of ways Democrat election fraud gave the victory to Biden. How can that possibly okay and not be clearly invalid?

If you use the Google search engine, it will ONLY direct you to liberal-propaganda sources: New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Yahoo News, VOX, MediaMatters, DailyBeast, etc. Increasingly I notice even if I enter a search for, say, "FOX NEWS Hunter Biden", Google's algorithms will STILL only direct me to liberal sources, not Fox. They have buried all dissenting thought, even buried dissentimg news media sources, such as Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, DailyCaller, Breitbart, The Federalist, JustheNews, Townhall, Judicial Watch... And most famously, in suppression of the Hunter Biden Laptop story and the Tony Bobulinski/Burisma story, the New York Post was shut out of Facebook and Twitter ! Hey, not a particularly influential source suppressed by the Orwellian media, just the fourth largest circulation newspaper in the United States.

I now have my homepage set to , a search engine alternative to Google (you can look up DuckDuckGo on Wikipedia). Only a tiny fraction of the country knows how to bypass Big Brother Google/Facebook/Twitter/CNN's authoritarian liberal narrative and information control. Hopefully over the next 4 years an increasing number of alternatives will emerge, such as Parler, to replace Twitter, with others who don't indulge in liberal suppression of conservative thought and information. So that Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and others quietly die as their users go to alternative sites that are more honest and less partisanly suppresive toward one entire side of the political dialogue.

Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
It is like arguing about the existence of God:

a. "Give me evidence of God's existence and then I will believe."
b. "You don't need evidence. You need faith."
a. "But I won't have faith unless I have evidence."
b. "Faith isn't evidence based. That's why its called "faith"."

Respectfully, in your seemingly unconscious secularist bias, you appear unaware you are arguing with presumed certainty what cannot be proven by either side: You cannot DIS-prove the existence of God. In multiple U.S. Supreme Court and other rulings over the last 60-plus years, justices in multiple cases have argued that a gay/secularist/humanist ideological viewpoint is just as much a faith-based belief system as a Christian one.

And homosexuality, for example also, (under the umbrella of secular humanism) that is given the facade of being "proven" and "science", is in truth still likewise unproven and a faith-based belief system. Homosexuality is not proven to be genetic or inborn. All we know for certain is that it's a desire. But gambling, alcoholism, pedophelia and other compulsions and sexual obsessions are not proven as inborn things we have to accept as "science", they are obsessive disorders, as homosexuality was labelled to be by the Psychiatric professional community until 1973, when a political wing of the APA took it off the list of disorders.
But as I linked and sourced in the Gay Marriage topic about 15 years ago now, every year at their annual association meetings, pedophiles and other pathological groups try to use the legitimization of homosexuality to rationalize attempting to remove their abberant impulses off the list of disorders as well. So it's a slippery slope. And as I also sourced, about 20% of the Psychiatric community still treats homosexuality as an obsessive disorder. And thousands have left the gay lifestyle to lead normal lives with marriages and children. Some of these reformed homosexuals have provided a lot of research defining what homosexuality is.

I respect your right to believe what you want. But you shouldn't ridicule and condescend to others for not accepting what you like to regard as proven "science". It's not.

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Eric Coomer, on his Facebook page had rabidly anti-Trump posts, and songs like "Cop Killer" and "Fuck the U S A", rabidly anti-Republican, rabidly pro-Antifa material, who in his job with Dominion traveled extensively to set up the Dominion systems in all the 7 battleground states (Dominion is in 30 of the 50 states), so he clearly was in position to do exactly what he said in the Zoom meeting.
Since he was exposed by OAN, he has scrubbed the internet of all his social media and posts. Dominion itself has scrubbed its site of any mention of Eric Coomer. But others have screen-grabbed the evidence, regardless.

Dominion employees are all pretty equally far-Left, pro-Antifa, activist, and in one case came from the Clinton foundation. These employees as well have scrubbed their social media to hide their tracks. About 130 employees have largely ceased to have any evidence online they ever existed.

Gee, you might think Dominion has something to hide...

Dominion also shared office space with Soros-funded groups, and has very suddenly since the election moved to new offices.

But yeah, it's all just conspiracy theory, Biden won this election, why are you asking all these questions, Republicans! rolleyes
The DOJ should be asking questions.
The FBI should be asking questions.

Why aren't they?

Oh. Yeah. That's why.

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Citing more evidence of the complete untrustworthiness of the FBI, anf their complete subservience to Democrat interests:

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Rescanning the same pile of ballots en masse.

Link - Bitchute

This allegedly took place in Georgia, but might as well have been anywhere at this point. In the mean time, China-compromised Kemp has denied the legislature's request to convene. Dirty dirty dirty.

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They hand counted them too. Your problem is trump lost and the only way to change that is to throw out the election and make the loser the winner. Democracy is your enemy.

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Army Colonel Cyber Warfare Specialist Phil Waldron rebuts the “no evidence” narrative of the media with white hat hackers, dark web evidence of passwords available, and voting machines connected to the internet. This is a highlighted clip of the email that was sent to the DOJ and Arizona State legislators from an IT specialist about a Pima County Recorder added fraud votes in the initial count to the Vote-by-mail (VBM) totals. Approx 35,000 were added according to the email from the whistleblower and more details of how it was added in the video.

A spike in ballots entered that exceeds the ability of the voting center's scanning equipment to process in the timeframe the ballots were uploaded.

And that's just one method that they rigged the vote for Biden, in one of the 6 contested states.
For context, Biden is currently declared the winner of Arizona by 10,457 votes. When you subtract the 35,000 fraudulent votes the Democrats injected for Biden, that would decisively give the victory to Trump in Arizona, by a margin of 24,543 votes. And that is with just one of the 20 or more ways the Democrats rigged the Arizona election exposed, not yet subtracting the fraudulent dead people voting, people from out of state with fake-in-state addresses voting, double-voting, illegal immigrants voting, on and on.

Yet another visible example of these cheating tactics is not just in Arizona, but also in Atlanta, Georgia, in the video clips Pariah posted. Uploaded by Democrat poll workers in the middle of the night in the largest spike of votes for Biden of the GA election, *after* Democrat poll workers evacuated the news media and Republican vote observers with the proven false story of a water pipe breaking, where Democrats could work for hours in the middle of the night entering 150,000 fraudulent ballots, unsupervised. All caught on video surveillance cameras.

And that's just one method that they rigged the vote for Biden. Many other examples exist, sworn to by thousands of witnesses in all the contested states.

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[Linked Image from]

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Memes after court fails and hand recounts?

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Good point. How dare anybody post a political cartoon on a comic strip message board?

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Ahhh the righteousness of those who would steal an election

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You got me, MEM. No one else was able to figure out that posting that political cartoon would turn the tide for Trump, and was not simply a way to make gentle fun of you for your transparent flip-flopping on the possibility of election fraud

Pariah #1233306 2020-12-08 11:23 AM
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The biggest treason in American history - Senior Army Officers Speak Up - Dec 1, 2020

Others have pointed out that the U.S. elections data on Dominion computer systems was sent out of the country to tech facilities in Frankfurt, Germany, and in Barcelona, Spain (Scytl, another voting software systems company like Dominion), for the election data to be manipulated in Biden's favor and then sent back to the U.S. as the final official results. This report describes seizure of the the Frankfurt facility, by the CIA. Information wars expert Col. Phil Waldron again cites more details of the process of vote data manipulation, and former air force General Thomas McInerney, former vice chief of staff on the Joint Chiefs.

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Link - Breitbart: Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules

  • The State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly with the U.S. Supreme Court shortly before midnight on Monday challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on the grounds that they violate the Constitution.

    Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.

    Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors. The lawsuit says:
    • Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.

      This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.

  • Texas approached the Supreme Court directly because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.

Tim Pool phrased it adequately. Texas has just NUKED the Democrats from Orbit. This suit meets ALL the qualifications:

1) It goes direct to the Supreme Court on account of a dispute between multiple states.

2) It was filed mere HOURS before safe harbor day, which puts all of the defendant states in dispute and de-solidifies electors.

3) Because this is a dispute between the states addressing the constitutionality--or lack thereof--of the past election, that means that Trump is not actually engaging in Lawfare since the Constitution supercedes the law.

Absolutely brilliant

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The case has been officially docketted.

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Supreme Court Rejects Republican Challenge to Pennsylvania Vote

In a one-sentence order, the court refused to overturn election results that had already been certified and submitted.

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused a long-shot request from Pennsylvania Republicans to overturn Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory in the state, delivering an unmistakable rebuke to President Trump in the forum on which he had pinned his hopes.

The Supreme Court’s order was all of one sentence, and there were no noted dissents. But it was nonetheless a major setback for Mr. Trump and his allies, who have compiled an essentially unbroken losing streak in courts around the nation. They failed to attract even a whisper of dissent in the court’s first ruling on a challenge to the outcome of the election.

The court now has three justices appointed by Mr. Trump, including Justice Amy Coney Barrett, whose rushed confirmation in October was in large part propelled by the hope that she would vote with the president in election disputes. But there was no indication that she or the other Trump appointees were inclined to embrace last-minute arguments based on legal theories that election law scholars said ranged from the merely frivolous to the truly outlandish.

Mr. Trump and his Republican allies have lost about 50 challenges to the presidential election in the past five weeks, as judges in at least eight states have repeatedly rejected a litany of unproven claims
— that mail-in ballots were improperly sent out, that absentee ballots were counted wrongly, that poll observers were not given proper access to the vote count and that foreign powers hacked into and manipulated voting machines.

It's all part of Trump's plan.



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That's just the injunction.

But of course you knew that.......right JLA?

Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
They hand counted them too. Your problem is trump lost and the only way to change that is to throw out the election and make the loser the winner. Democracy is your enemy.

In which case, they were not AUDITED to ensure legitimacy. You can look at the footage for yourself. I know you're not going to do that, but the fact that you won't confirm the veracity of what you (claim to) believe by actually looking at the evidence.

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Originally Posted by Pariah
That's just the injunction.

Trump is going overturn the results in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan, you just wait and see!

But of course you knew that.......right JLA?

Poor Pariah will cling to anything Bone Spurs tweets at this point.

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It’s like we get to see Trump lose every day and just how deplorable his cult is.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
It’s like we get to see Trump lose every day and just how deplorable his cult is.

It's all part of Trump's plan.



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Pariah #1233332 2020-12-10 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Pariah
The case has been officially docketed.

The fact that the case is docketed doesn't mean the Court has decided to “hear” the case.

While the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over disputes between states, it is not mandatory jurisdiction, which is why there is a motion for leave to file the case.

Under Rule 17, a motion was filed, so it gets docketed and the court sets a deadline for response.

Thereafter, it decides whether to hear the docketed case.

So, maybe the Court will agree to hear the case, but it has not done so yet.

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I'm a little confused on how leave to file works both in this case and in general. Are you saying that one of the parties involved can move to have the case tried in a lower court? How exactly would that work? Especially since 16 other states have joined Texas.

But regardless, the big implication here has less to do with whether or not the case will be heard and more to do with the fact that, because it was docketed on the 8th, the election results--vis-a-vis the electors--will no longer be considered conclusive.

Incidentally though, what's the official process for SCOTUS deciding to hear a case? Is there some kind of codified protocol?

Originally Posted by MisterJLA
Poor Pariah will cling to anything Bone Spurs tweets at this point.

So you didn't know.....That makes me sad. Especially since you voted for Trump.

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The states made their “safe harbor” date so I think you’re out of luck in trying to steal the election now.

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Pariah #1233335 2020-12-10 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Pariah
I'm a little confused on how leave to file works both in this case and in general. Are you saying that one of the parties involved can move to have the case tried in a lower court? How exactly would that work? Especially since 16 other states have joined Texas....Incidentally though, what's the official process for SCOTUS deciding to hear a case? Is there some kind of codified protocol?

The court can agree with the defendants (PA, et al), refuse to hear it and hold that the plaintiffs (Texas, et al), should have brought it in a lower court first. The codified protocol is (I think) that four of nine justices have to vote to hear it. The general standard for whether they will exercise the original jurisdiction is generally dependent on two factors: (1) “the nature of the interest of the complaining State”; and (2) “the availability of an alternative forum in which the issues tendered can be resolved.”

Plaintiffs are arguing there is no alternative forum given, among other factors, the multi-jurisdictional nature of the case. They are also arguing they (and their citizens) have a compelling interest in seeing that the defendants don't install a president who was elected in violation of the law and, in particular the US Constitution. Defendants, of course, are claiming the opposite.

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Thanks for the clarification. I would note however, that PA hasn't actually claimed the opposite, but rather has attempted to scaremonger both Mike Kelly and the SCOTUS by saying that nowhere in history has the Supreme Court ever nullified a Governor's certification and that this will be "opening a door". The only people who've been arguing the constitutionality of PA's Act 77 are the ones who made amicus briefs about it being passed and then later gutted. But even then, it's false since it was never actually added to the constitution. They also attempted to play shitty word games by using the phrases "absentee ballots" and "mail-in ballots" interchangeably--which is, again, false.

Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
The states made their “safe harbor” date so I think you’re out of luck in trying to steal the election now.

States legislatures have until the 8th to remove all disputes with regards to the election results in their respective states to pronounce them conclusive.

Why do you think Paxton and Cruz filed the lawsuit mere hours before Tuesday?

Texas has insured that all four of those state legislatures are now in dispute.

Will the they acknowledge it.....Eh. We'll see. But the door is open.

Addendum: as of now, 18 states in total are a part of the lawsuit. I don't think SCOTUS can ignore that regardless of any pressure not to seem partisan.

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Supreme Court tosses TX lawsuit. Heh.

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No surprise there and while it’s been fun watching trump lose over and over I’m angry at how far so many republicans were willing to really toss democracy aside.

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FBI subpoenas Paxton. Revenge tactics.


They're not even bothering to hide it anymore!

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Pariah #1233344 2020-12-12 12:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Pariah

Link - Breitbart: Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules

  • The State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly with the U.S. Supreme Court shortly before midnight on Monday challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on the grounds that they violate the Constitution.

    Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.

    Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors. The lawsuit says:
    • Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.

      This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.

  • Texas approached the Supreme Court directly because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.

Tim Pool phrased it adequately. Texas has just NUKED the Democrats from Orbit. This suit meets ALL the qualifications:

1) It goes direct to the Supreme Court on account of a dispute between multiple states.

2) It was filed mere HOURS before safe harbor day, which puts all of the defendant states in dispute and de-solidifies electors.

3) Because this is a dispute between the states addressing the constitutionality--or lack thereof--of the past election, that means that Trump is not actually engaging in Lawfare since the Constitution supercedes the law.

Absolutely brilliant


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Originally Posted by Pariah
Supreme Court tosses TX lawsuit. Heh.

The evidence is RIGHT THERE in front of them, and in an act of judicial cowardice, chief justice John Roberts, along with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett and the more predictable three liberal justices, just absolutely refuse to review it. Which is to me an admission that Trump won. The only way the US S C can avoid ruling in Trump's favor is by refusing to review the evidence of the case.

Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas have made clear their contempt for justice pulled out from under them.

The ONLY way the Republican half of the country would ever accept the election results is with a full legal review of the results. And the obstruction of that by Democrats, by establisshment Republicans, and the refusal of the US S C to even look at it, just raises even more suspicion.

Roughly half of Republicans believe President Trump “rightfully won” the election, with 68 percent saying they had concerns about a “rigged” vote counting process in favor of President-elect Joe Biden, according to a new Reuters-Ipsos opinion poll released Wednesday.

Overall, 73 percent of Americans polled in the Nov. 13-17 survey said they believed Biden won the election, while 5 percent say they thought Trump won.

However, only 29 percent of Republicans believed that Biden had “rightfully won,” compared to 52 percent of Republicans who said the same about Trump.

Gallup and Rasmussen have similar or higher numbers of people nationwide who see the clear evidence the election was tampered with, and overwhelmingly reject the result, regardless of what the liberal media tries to sell, and regardless of what partisan or intimidated judges rule.


An overwhelming majority who believed in the integrity of U S elections BEFORE Nov 3rd, immediately lost faith in that integrity in the days after the election. Democrats, who don't give a damn about the rule of law so long as their guy won, mostly support the result. The facts coming out will increasingly reveal that the election was rigged, but by then Biden, and more likely Kamala Harris in a second coup, will have burned this country to the ground.


Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, said Friday on Newsmax TV’s “Stinchfield” that the president’s legal team will continue filing lawsuits even after the Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit by Texas which was backed by 17 other states and 126 House Republicans, to overturn the election results in four swing states.

Giuliani said, “The case wasn’t rejected on the merits, the case was rejected on standing. So the answer to that is to bring the case now to the district court by the president, by some of the electors, alleging some of the same facts where there would be standing and therefore get a hearing.”

Giuliani said, “The president’s reaction is to look at other options. I mean, we always knew that this was an option, that we would have to convert this into — in fact, originally, we thought about this as possibly four or five separate cases. So that is the option we are going to have to go to. There’s nothing that prevents us from filing these cases immediately in the district court in which the president, of course, would have standing, some of the electors would have standing in that their constitutional rights have been violated.”

Pariah #1233346 2020-12-12 10:33 AM
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I think it was a given that the trump was never going to concede. At this point though making it a democrat vs republican thing is shattered as the Supreme Court is firmly under conservative control. What you have is a pos that lost and instead of putting country first will continue the tantrum and lies. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a major rise in right wing terrorism thanks to sore loser trump.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think it was a given that the trump was never going to concede. At this point though making it a democrat vs republican thing is shattered as the Supreme Court is firmly under conservative control. What you have is a pos that lost and instead of putting country first will continue the tantrum and lies. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a major rise in right wing terrorism thanks to sore loser trump.

We had a major rise in left wing terrorism (Antifa, etc.) after sore loser Hillary cooked up the “Russian collusion” BS so anything’s possible I suppose.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think it was a given that the trump was never going to concede. At this point though making it a democrat vs republican thing is shattered as the Supreme Court is firmly under conservative control. What you have is a pos that lost and instead of putting country first will continue the tantrum and lies. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a major rise in right wing terrorism thanks to sore loser trump.

In over 4 years, did DEMOCRATS ever concede that Trump had won the 2016 election, M E M?

Instead they tried ever deceitful, unlawful and criminal abuse of power to initiate multiple coups on Trump. Opening FBI counter-intelligence investigations, and a Mueller investigation, based on falsified and "salacious" (then-FBI director James Comey's own words in describing the "Russia dossier" in a meeting with Trump in Jan 2017, even as Comey and his fellow criminals used that same Hillary Clinton/DNC-funded hit piece Russia Dossier as the basis for FOUR consecutive FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Every last one of those in the FBI and DOJ who moved forward those FISA warrants and investigations should be in jail.)

In contrast to that open criminality and deceit by Democrats, Donald Trump and his lawyers are just pursuing their legal options.

And in further context, Al Gore and his[/b[ legal team took 37 days to pursure their legal options and concede in 2000. That was with Florida, one state, in contest.

How much more justified is Donald Trump in contesting the 2020 election, with clear multiple streams of election fraud, [b]consistent orchestrated Democrat election fraud
, across at least 7 contested states, and further involving international espionage against the United States, with Dominion voting systems out of Venezuela, and sending voter information to Dominion computer facilities in Farnkfurt Germany and Barcelona, Spain, for further alteration of election data on their computers.
China, Russia and Iran have also had a hand in campaign funding the Democrats' campaignh war chest and get-out-the-vote drives, as have Mark Zuckerberg, and George Soros and his huge web of front organizations. Now that the election is perceived as over by Democrats, the liberal media is finally revealing what they wouldn't disclose during the campaign, and even blocked conservatives an even journalists from discussing on Facebook and Twitter, and blocked in Google searches. The suppression of information alone influenced millions of votes, beyond the cheating. Guiliani has cited all this, and over $300 million in "dark money" that was funneled into the Biden campaign from sources unclear.

People who voted for Trump are threatened and intimidated, and leftists from Jennifer Rubin and Tom Friedman and others in the liberal media, to sitting Democrat U.S. Senators and Congress members, openly talk about purging former Trump officials and Trump voters and supporters, so that they "never rise up again".
Republican officials at the federal, state and local level are threatened and intimidated from supporting Trump while he contests the election.
Whistleblower witnessess are intimindated for coming forward, threatened with losing their jobs and violence toward them and their families.
Trump lawyers have been threatened and left the case because of that intimidation.
U.S. Supreme Court Justices are intimidated from supporting Trump.

As I quoted in the Breitbart article above about international election observers and what they consider suppression of a free and fair election, it's ironic that this Nov 3rd election fits all the criteria of what those international criteria would laabel a corrupted and unfair election.
Even with all this intimidation and dark money, the Democrats still had to rig the election to win.

And the piece of shit Democrats celebrate the outcome regardless, just because their guy Biden, by whatever corrupt means, won the election. That's like celebrating the victory of Lenin and Staalin in 1917, or Castro in 1959, or (using the same electronic voting system!) Hugo Chavez. Democrats are corrupt to the core, and shameless about it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Hillary called trump the night of the election and conceded the next day so don’t even bother with your partisan bs. The Obama administration also tried its best for a smooth transition like W had done for them. There is simply no comparison to the low trump is reaching with this transition. All this while thousands die of Covid while many others are out of work looking for a job during a pandemic.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Hillary called trump the night of the election and conceded the next day ....

...And then spent the next four years crying about imaginary Russian collusion.

Pariah #1233351 2020-12-12 12:43 PM
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Even if you truly felt that way g that hardly justifies trump trying to steal the election. This bitch can’t even call and concede like Hillary did.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Even if you truly felt that way g that hardly justifies trump trying to steal the election. This bitch can’t even call and concede like Hillary did.

Going to court, or any other deliberative body set up for that purpose, and arguing one’s position isn’t trying to steal anything.

Your position that people in the opposing political party should have no right to petition for redress of grievances is duly noted and, unfortunately, hardly surprising.

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