Maybe, y'know, if the deep state/Democrat-loyalist FBI and DOJ and CIA were not focused for the last 5 years on trying to destroy Trump and his administration, they might have been able to detect the foreign threats to our country's cyber-infrastructure THAT IT IS THEIR JOB TO PROTECT US FROM.
But yeah, it's all Trump's fault. Sure M E M...
M E M, you don't know your own ass from a hole in the ground. It's terrifying that you can vote, with your overzealous resistance to the true facts.
Our country's cyber-infrastructure has been hacked, and it's believed that the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians are all involved in it. It's not Trump saying that, it's every expert and official I've seen interviewed regarding the cyber-security field. And no one can say for sure who did the hacking at this point, but the fingerprints seem to lead most to a group of Russian-employed hackers.
These are people who could be paralyzing our country for a military invasion, could cause all our nuclear reactors nationwide to melt down, or imminently unleash a nuclear attack after neutralizing our early warning defense, and counter-attack capability. Or just shut down the nation's power grid, so we would all starve to death in a matter of weeks.
And you're partisanly just jumping on this as another way to blame Trump for something. Clearly, Trump is not any more of a cyber-security expert than Joe Biden is. It's the bureaucrats who are entrusted to protect us who have dropped the ball, not Trump himself. And I would far more Trust a proven and decisive leader like Trump to jump on eliminating those holes in the system, vs. an incompetent and corrupt Joe Biden, who is enslaved to the very nations attacking us by his corrupt financial relationships with them.
AGAIN: If these agencies were not turning all their energy the last 5 years on destroying Trump, maybe they would have detected these foreign attacks on U.S. cyber-security in advance.