Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I wouldn’t even want you in a gulag g-man for wanting to steal an election. I’ll never forget your support of having republicans basically supplant their will over the will of the people and keep trump in power though. For those that stormed the capital however I do want to see them held legally accountable. Trump incited them but they are responsible for what they did.

There you go again.

The evidence all shows that it's YOUR SIDE, THE DEMOCRATS, who have rigged the election and are depriving Trump/Republican voters of their voice and rights:
Democrats creating tens of thousands of fake votes from proven dead people voting in every state,
Democrat votes from thousands illegal immigrants voting,
Democrats double-voting,
Democrats voting in multiple states,
Democrats coming in from out of state to vote illegally in another state.

In every one of the 6 contested states (Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvnia, Georgia) with just these easily proven fraudulent votes, there is more than enough Democrat fraudulent votes to turn all these states in Trump's favor by a huge margin. And that's not even considering the massive fraud from Dominion voting machine manipulation, across 30 states.

If only the laws were enforced.
If only the DOJ and FBI would investigate.
If only Democrat-partisan or intimidated judges would rule in favor of investigation and a legitimate recount.

Trump did not incite them, M E M. I still believe these clowns were Antifa pretending to be Trump rioters. We'll know in a few days.
But even assuming they are actual Trump supporters, it is your side that drove them to it, by cheating them on election day, and then depriving them of any outlet of dissent, appeal, investigation, or any avenue to redress/appeal government leadership or the courts.
They are not even permitted to discuss it on Facebook or Twitter!
Even authors and writers discussing the election or Covid-19 lockdowns often see their articles, books and websites locked down! Even the New York Post, the fourth largest-circulation newspaper in the United States, was completely locked down to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story. And conservative publication sites like Breitbart, National Review, American Conservative, TownHall, DailyCaller, and Washington Times, have all seen their Google traffic drop to zero in the 12 months leading to the election, through deceitful algorithm filters that now exclude them from searches. Far from Trump inciting them, M E M, Trump is saying "Don't play into their hands."

So... you again prove yourself a lying propagandist fronting deceitful talking points for the Bolshevik-Democrat Left.
Bolshevik tactic # 1: accuse your opposition of doing exactly what you yourselves are doing.
I've posted extensive evidence of how your side rigged the election. All you have is a lying propaganda bumper-sticker slogan, with absolutely no facts to back it up.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.