OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:50 PM PT – Thursday, January 7, 2021

A prominent member of ‘Insurrection USA,’ which is reportedly aligned with ‘Black Lives Matter,’ was found to have been among the protesters who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday.

John Sullivan of Utah admitted he was inside the Capitol following its takeover, but he claimed he was only “reporting” from the scene.

  • “Those protesters, they got angry and they busted through those officers really quickly,” Sullivan said of the attack on the Capitol. “You could really freely move around, you could go in any room and look out the window, so it’s pretty surreal to see.”

    Because ANTIFA was only there to document! Honest!

    — Chanel Rion OAN (@ChanelRion) January 7, 2021

However, reports found Sullivan was previously making threats against President Trump and his supporters, which suggests clashes at the Capitol were a possible Antifa provocation.

  • Meet BLM criminal John Sullivan was arrested for threats and violence against conservatives in Utah!

    John was interviewed on CNN about the film he took inside the CAPITOL of Ashli Babbit lying in a pool of blood dying – WHY was he there?

    Listen to John threaten Trump & Violence

    — Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 7, 2021

According to further reports, Sullivan was arrested during BLM riots in Salt Lake City last year. He was arrested for felony rioting, criminal mischief and threats of violence. Sullivan has also called for attacks on government institutions, which raises many questions in connection to his presence at the Capitol Hill protest.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) in an OAN interview said that Capitol Hill police on Tuesday night told him, a full day before the protest on Wednesday, that the officers were alerted to planned attacks by Antifa, disguised as Trump supporters and wearing pro-Trump signs and clothing.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) has cited the same sourced advanced reports he was advised of by Capitol police, before the day of the violence.

The catalyst on the day of the event (as reported on OAN and on Newsmax) is that word got out to the crowd of pro-Trump protesters outside, that Vice President Pence was betraying what he was supposed to do on the House floor, and not giving the legislators of contested states the opportunity to publicly debate for several days before selecting delegates, allowing Republican legislators to present to the American public evidence that has been suppressed by the news media and social media giants. Pence cut short that legal procedure, arguably unlawfully. And at that point, alerted to this, some of the crowd moved toward the capitol to voice protest. A small group of somewhere between 100 and several hundred, passed multiple Capitol police guard perimiters, without resistance, and then rushed the Capitol police inside the Capitol.
While the (leftist and pro-Democrat) news media as a whole are going with a narrative that it is Trump supporters who did this violence and vandalism inside the Capitol, the evidence still indicates that most or all of the violence is by Antifa and BLM.

I will not believe it is Trump protestors who did it until all the participants are revealed from their arrest records, or from face-recognition technology or reported by their images and posts on social media.
If they were identified as Trump supporters, liberal media would have led every broadcast with their images and records and Facebook/Twitter posts. The fact that it's been two days now, and they have NOT been identified, tells me that the news media and Democrat-controlled police investigating DON'T WANT them identified, because it doesn't support their anti-Trump narrative.

Trump supporters don't get in the faces of police, scream taunts and racial epithets at police. But these particular "Trump protestors" did. Trump protestors consistently have great respect for police and our military.
Trump supporters don't smash windows and commit other acts of vandalism, looting, and take trophies.
I've also never seen Trump supporters waving Confederate flags or manifesting anti-Semitism. That is the exclusive realm of leftist Democrats such as Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaaib.

Trump supporters have never before done these kind of acts or violently attacked police. The only other time this occurred before was in 2016, when it turned out (thanks again to Project Veritas) that it WASN'T Trump supporters, it was paid Hillary Clinton thugs, who openly boasted on video they were paid by the Clinton campaign through a "double wall" of deniability.

FULL CONTEXT: There were at least 45,000 pro-Trump protestors gathered outside the Capitol, and of those only 100 to 200 breached the Capitol, and of those, less than 5 were armed. Contrast that to any one of the **HUNDREDS** of cities nationwide that were burned and looted over the last year, courtesy of BLM and Antifa.
And it is yet to be proven that it was Trump protestors that initiated the breach of the Capitol. There is absolutely no question these **HUNDREDS** of cities, block after block of businesses, all over the U.S., for MONTHS, were the work of BLM and Antifa.

MORE FULL CONTEXT: A few months ago when there was an ACTUAL insurgency in Washington DC, where there was a literal seige on the White House and over 50 police and Secret Service agents were seriously injured over several days, where a mob of protestors used a metal saw to cut through the White House fence (on video), where they used hammers to break up sidewalks into large rocks to throw at Secret Service and police, where BLM/Antifa **BURNED A HISTORIC CHURCH** directly across the street from the White House, where the president was taken away by Secret Service because they felt there was a serious potential for rioters to overthrow the White House, Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser condemned the White House for being too forceful in repelling the protestors with non-lethal pepper spray, when clearly violent protestors ignored orders to disburse for curfew, AMID A SEIGE, and then Bowser RE-NAMED A PARK "BLACK LIVES MATTER PLAZA", PAINTING BLM IN GIANT LETTERS IN HONOR OF THE INSURGENTS !!!!!!

The ironies just pile up in sedimentary layers.

Democrats are marxist America-hating pieces of shit, and are hell-bent on destroying this country. And then they have the audacity to accuse patriots trying to preserve it of "insurrection". Whoever the rioters were in the Capitol, they should be prosecuted and punished. But the tens of thousands of other ACTUAL Trump supporters peacefully protesting, the 74,223,251 counted on November 3rd nationwide, are absolutely NOT "insurrectionists".
Despite the left and liberal media's best attempts to smear them that way.