Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
G-man have you considered we have to imagine a BLM breaking into the capital but not with the extremists pro-trumpers? Maybe we can agree to start treating the pro-trumpers like the BLM now with lots of rubber bullets and chemical agents? Maybe you’ve avoided watching footage but cops were being beaten with American flags while the surrounding crowd sang the national anthem.

"Have to imagine..."?!?


ANTIFA and BLM have hidden under the statement “peaceful protests” when their demonstrations have been anything but. ANTIFA and BLM have found comrades in the Democratic party and the Media and they are refusing to call them out for what they clearly are-domestic terrorists.

Former CBS reporter Lara Logan found what they are actually planning: a 50-day siege of the White House. It will start on September 17th and go all through Election Day on November 3rd.

  • Thread
    See new Tweets
    Lara Logan
    Sep 4, 2020
    Acc to Antifa, more violence/riots are part of the plan - see this & others like it:

    “We will lay siege to the White House. And we will sustain it for exactly fifty days. This is the #WhiteHouseSiege.”

The website for the group said, “#WhiteHouseSiege will electrify the U.S. election season — and it doesn’t stop there. Drawing wind from #MeToo, #BLM, #ExtinctionRebellion, and protests against Trump’s lethal bungling of coronavirus, we’ll inspire a global movement of systemic change — a Global Spring — a cultural heave towards a true world order.”


  • Matthew Kolken
    The position of Democrats as articulated by their nominee is that if Trump is re-elected violence in the street will continue. This is more than just an idle threat, it is a seditious conspiracy to subvert our government if Democrats lose the election. This is where we are.

Those are Democrat BLM and Antifa types planning violence on Twitter, by the way. I know how much you condemn when political groups plan violent attacks on social media sites like Parler.
Except, of course, when it's YOUR SIDE planning and actually committing violence, on a mass scale.

This siege is planning to radically take over the country and world. They are telling supports to “head to Lafayette Square with intelligence to match our spirits”. The website also says that they have hopes of keeping the protests peaceful, but say that it has become hard to do that seeing what is going on currently in the United States.

On the website they are asking for people to collaborate and brainstorm with them as they have the aims of sparking a revolution. Lara Logan said that travel plans have already begun. It is unknown who is funding this, but President Trump said that it is being investigated.

#WhiteHouseSeige !
WOW ! That sounds so peaceful !

#ExtinctionRebellion !
That doesn't sound at all violent or genocidal !

Instigators of the Occupy Movement Now Calling for 'Siege' of the White House

While we are currently dealing with the radical BLM/Antifa chaos being wrought in various cities and towns around the country, prior to them there was an antecedent – Occupy.

Now it’s sort of important to understand that while in each new iteration of “leftist movement” while there are some new folks who come in with whatever the chief “cause” of the moment, there’s still the same general core of leftists that move from one “movement” to the next. So if you check many BLM folks, many of them were also involved in Occupy.

The “cause” of the moment is about getting new adherents, be it “evil billionaires” or “black lives.” But in the end the real underlying cause is always the same: it’s really all about pushing the country further to the radical left.

But the folks who were behind Occupy have something else in the works. Call it “Occupy 2.0” if you will.

You may not recall who was behind Occupy. I recall because I covered it extensively from the beginning when it came off of Anonymous discussion boards and then suddenly appeared in NYC. It was instigated by Adbusters, with initial boots on the ground from folks like Anonymous and various far left organizations. Then as now, the media didn’t write about the real nature of the folks behind it.

Adbusters is now calling for a siege of the White House, starting September 17. “We will lay siege to the White House. And we will sustain it for exactly fifty days,” they say on their website. “Are you ready for the revolution,” it asks.

Now the terminology is likely to get the attention of the Secret Service and other law enforcement who find words like “revolution” and “siege of the White House” more than a little concerning.

They claim they will have “tens of thousands” of folks streaming into Lafayette Square on that date the anniversary of Occupy. “Fifty days — September 17th to November 3rd…we’ll inspire a global movement of systemic change — a Global Spring — a cultural heave towards a new world order.”

The purpose here seems to be to completely paralyze the debate and create a crisis in the run up to the election, likely thinking the D.C. police wouldn’t unseat them. But they misjudge, they will be dealing with the feds, far more than just the D.C. police.

They already seem to have a couple of problems. Like first, just being able to count. September 17 to November 3 isn’t 50 days, it’s 48.

Then they haven’t even settled on a “demand” yet. They’re so incensed, yet they don’t even know what they want?
“What is our one demand? We want to collaborate with you — brainstorm tactics with you — spark a revolution with you. We need your voice of wisdom and expertise to pull off a radically democratic toneshift in our politics. If you would like to either contribute or just shoot the shit, drop us a line at blackspotcollective@adbusters.org,” they ask.

But they haven’t even gotten together with some of who they would need for boots on the ground.

Apparently, Twitter doesn’t have any problem with such an announcement either. They’re too busy busting the president for saying that children rarely get the Wuhan coronavirus.

Americans had a message for these characters. Just like with Occupy, this isn’t going to end well for them. Safe to say, they got badly ratioed for this.

For all the bravado, it didn't start well, and they initially pussed out.


But they eventually did lay the "seige" that they promised...


All they did was injure 50 secret service agents, burn a historic church right across the stret from the White House, cover the outside walls with graffiti, and break up a ssidewalk into rocks to throw at and injure police. And create enough of a threat that Secret Service urged President Trump to leave the White House and shelter him in the bunker created to protect from nucleat attack.

Nothing too serious. I think part of why Trump walked a day later across the street to the re-opened church is to force the media to show images of just how bad the destruction was to the White House and church, during BLM's "peaceful" seige.