Unbelievable. In the last few hours, the House Democrats passed a fraudulent vote to impeach President Trump a
Second time, just as abusively and illegitimately as the first time. With the help of 10 RINO Republicans who have opposed and obstructed Trump's presidency for 4 years, with establishment Republican Liz Cheney leading the pack.
The Democrats had no hearings, presented NO EVIDENCE before they took a vote to do this. Because as I pointed out, there is no evidence to present. Many who voted against Trump, such as Maxine Waters or Eric Swalwell, are openly guilty of "incitement" and treason themselves. It is absurd that these people can vote to destroy Trump, who is guilty of nothing, while they themselves are guilty of the very things they falsely accuse Trump of !
It reminds me of the movie
Mean Girls, where the mean popular girls don't like another girl, so they just make up rumors she's a slut to destroy her, just to crush her and make her life hell. And Pelosi is the meanest, most malicious girl of all.
Trump impeached by House, now the first president impeached twice Impeached TWICE. And both times done maliciously for purely political reasons, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. While his accusers are themselves
truly guilty of exactly what they accuse him of. See the above video clips of Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, and the rest. This is not about "incitement", it's about Democrats trying to destroy Trump and his voter-base, by whatever contrived abuse of the law possible. Not because it's right, but just because they can, with no one to stop them or hold them accountable.