I don’t consider every trump supporter a white nationalist. I also see a difference between the peaceful protesters that went to the rally that didn’t storm the Capital riot and those that did. A difference Trump didn’t use for the largely peaceful protesters from this last summer btw. Now everyone can see the threat pro-trump terrorists pose to our country and hopefully finally treat it like other terrorism.
The reason both Trump, myself and most conservatives don't make that distinction with the BLM protesters is because BLM protesters burned and looted HUNDREDS OF CITIES. For BLM in 275 cities nationwide, wasn't limited to just a few sections of one building as it was on Jan 6th. In your native Minneapolis, BLM burned and destroyed over 500 businesses in just that one city. Five entire miles of burned businesses! And in BLM's founding written charter, they clearly identify themselves as a Marxist organization dedicated to overthrow of the United States Government, and "destruction of the nuclear family" (one of the 3 "pillars of democracy" Cultural Marxists dedicate themselves to destroying: nationalism/patriotism, Christianity, and the traditional nuclear family, all 3 are centers of belief that interfere with marxist indoctrination). Also, the Democrats and liberal media were very dismissive of the mass destruction by BLM, one CNN reporter Ari-what's-his-name stood with the whole horizon behind him on fire, and laughably said "mostly peaceful protests". Both Democrats and CNN/liberal media reporters, far from condemning the BLM violence, called it "justifiable". There's absolutely no sympathy from the same liberal Newspeak liars for the protesters on January 6th.
NO ONE on the conservative side is saying the Jan 6th attacks on police in the Capitol, whether the attackers are by BLM/Antifa infiltrators, or by actual Trump supporters, are in any way justified. And where Democrats were cheering on the BLM violence in cities nationwide ALL SUMMER LONG, Trump and other Republicans immediately called for a cessation of violence, and further , Trump said that no one initiating violence truly represents him. Personally, I think Trump supporters lose their moral high ground by retaliating with the same violence as the Democrats, but I wish the Republicans would make a more vigorous legal opposition to the election. And when Republicans are limited to peaceful protest, while Democrats will kill or attack people who disagree with them, guess who's going to win. And when Republican leaders like Pence and other Republican senators like Lindsey Graham sell out their own side, betraying the will off those who (in Graham's case) just re-elected him to defend them(!!), it would take the wisdom of Solomon to figure out how to deal with that betrayal and get actual conservative representation for Graham's voters. Certainly not from Graham himself. That bastard promised his voters he'd stand up for them, got Trump's cvampaaign support, and weeks later folded in an embarassing display, and he gets away with it and enjoys another 6 years in power, for SELLING OUT his voters, just days after they voted for him. That should not be permitted.
I'm still not convinced that any Trump supporters actually wanted to kill Pelosi or Pence, and beyond someone's sayso, I don't see that there's any evidence of that. The only person deliberately killed was Ashli Babbitt, shot by a Capitol police officer, stoked into firing on her by BLM leader Jon Sullivan (who vidotaped the shooting!)
It's still not proven that officer Sicknick was killed by a Trump supporter.
But regardless, the scale of casualties is far lower than in any of the 275 cities with BLM protests, or during the BLM seige on the White House in late May 2020 by BLM that injured 50 Secret Service agents. For which Washington DC mayor Bowser re-named a park in the insurrectionsits' honor ! The Democrats' endorsement of that BLM violence, in cities nationwide, is so far beyond the pale, it's a joke to put this Capitol incident on the same scale, in any kind of a moral equivalency.