Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s claims of election fraud is a lie though. The rally before the riot was just part of the incitement since the election. Trump essentially radicalized a chunk of your party with lies that failed in the courts, recounts and even trying to get republican election officials to change vote totals.

And patriots don’t try to overthrow our government by force. There isn’t a part of the Constitution that makes that okay. It’s not a gray area WB. They betrayed this country for Trump.

These Capitol-raid military guys have some ideas that I don't agree with, or know their ideology well enough to comment fully on.

But this much is true: In 1776, the founders of our country drafted a letter to King James III to secede, and announce a war of independence, pledging their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. They did so because the goverment that ruled them was intolerably imposing, and had ceased to represent or protect them.


And these traitors would impose a new king on the rest of us. Nope

Fair play!