Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Examples of conservatives (not) condemning violence

[Linked Image from cdn.vox-cdn.com]

Oh wait, sorry g-man these are some examples of conservative free speech that Amazon doesn’t want to support.

You're again a lying cocksmoker, M E M.

You take a few random anonymous comments from unclear sources (I'm guessing anonymous people on Twitter, from the hashtags, but unclear the source) as "evidence" ?

I'd also point out that on Twitter, those posts are far eclipsed by death threats and wishes of harm TO REPUBLICANS. One example I pointed out was when Trump was diagnosed with Covid-19 it got over a million "likes" on Twitter, and a former speechwriter for Obama openly said she hoped he'd die. Twitter takes down any conservative hate speech, but allows groups like BLM and Antifa to openly plan their violent attacks on their forum.

As G-man indicates, even in a humorous political cartoon, it is well documented that both Democrat leadership and the liberal media AT THE VERY TOP HAVE ENDORSED THE VIOLENCE BLM AND ANTIFA VIOLENCE. It's "justified outrage". In the words of Kamala Harris, "It will keep on going right up to election day, it will not stop, and it SHOULD not stop."
Show me *ONE* Republican leader who said anything similar to that, about the Jan 6th riot at the Capitol.

And G-man really doesn't have to post sources beyond his cartoons, because I've already posted articles and video sources of Democrat support of violence from your side so many times. Schumer, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Biden, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Alexandia Ocasio-Cortez, all the talking heads at CNN, on and on, HAVE OPENLY ENDORSED liberal violence.

And the hypocritical "examples" you post, even if they were verifiable and true, deceitfully mask that when violence occurs on the Republican/Trump-supporter side, it is universally condemned. Whereas your side supports and cheers on liberal violence, whether BLM or Antifa, or physically attacking Republican Senate or House members, or fantasies of killing President Trump.

So violence is the unsupported anomaly on the Republican side.
And violence on the Democrat side is almost universally approved of.
Even when Democrats don't openly voice approval of it, they still condone it with their silence (such as by my piece-of-excrement U.S. congessman, Peter Deutch) . The left likes BLM violence and Antifa violence, because they see it intimidates their political opposition, and puts pressure on Republican legislators, or even U.S. Supreme Court justices, to cave in and accept Democrat leftist demands.
Like, say, not opposing a clearly rigged election and handing the reigns of power over to the Democrat-Bolshevik Left, in the form of a Trojan-horse "moderate" Joe Biden.

Those examples are from Parler WB. You can use google to find many more examples of what you guys are calling free speech. It’s pretty apparent what it is and why it’s not being supported by big tech. Parler simply refused to try to moderate and remove this truly vile crap. They were asked to remove specific posts and refused.

Fair play!