And the pro-trump rioters are turning up to be indeed pro-trump supporters. Aaron Mostofsky might be registered democrat btw but if you take a deeper dive he’s from an area that is heavily democratic where many conservatives register that way. His brother is head of a pro-Trump organization. “ Mostofsky’s brother Nachman, the executive director of Chovevei Zion, a politically conservative Orthodox advocacy organization, as well as a Brooklyn district leader and vice president of the South Brooklyn Conservative Club, also attended the rally Wednesday but did not enter the Capitol.”
I've seen that before. And if Aaron Motofsky were truly a Republican, he wouldn't remain a registered Democrat, why would he? It's Democrats who pull those kind of deceitful false-flag tactics, not Republicans. Kelly-Ann Conway's husband is a Lincoln Republican and rabid anti-Trumper. Same family, polar opposite political beliefs. The Conway's' teenage daughter is a rabid liberal blogger. So what does your allegation prove? Nothing. People in the same family can have vastly different beliefs. Motovsky's conservative brother in the article I read voiced disappointment, not support, for Aaron's actions that got him arrested. If Motofsky PRETENDED to be a Trump supporter, he could just as easily do the same with a Project Veritas hat. John Sullivan of BLM/Utah on video mockingly dispayed multiple hats, a fur hat to bland with the barbarian horde, a MAGA hat, and a helmot to pose as a "neutral" journalist. Until it's verified one way or the other you can't speculate. His Brooklyn Supreme Court justice father is most certainly a liberal. A Jewish N Y newspaper lavished praise on his court selection for that reason.
Like I said, if I'd been in the plaza outside the Capitol and I saw people engaging in violence or smashing windows and going inside the Capitol, even if police would let me walk in unresisted, my instinct would be that you're not supposed to go in there, and I wouldn't. I'd have the good sense to walk away, and call 911 to tell them what was happening. I wouldnt be involved in rushing a line of cops with shields, I wouldn't be wandering around inside the Capitol, I wouldn't be sitting at House members' desks, smashing glass doors and windows, or taking home trophies from Hose members' possessions.
And I think it's pretty clear that the 100,000 people at the Mall that day feel exactly the way I do, and would never engage in violence, would never rush cops or storm the building, despite your attempts to slime an entire movement by what is clearly just a handful of people, and among them a number of them identified as Antifa. The only organized conservative group of people who as an organization, and not as individuals, did these things is a right-wing militia group that calls themselves Promise Keepers, and one of their reported posts (on Lou Dobbs Friday night) said before the riots "about 30 or 40 of us will be there". Reported by NYPD to FBI and DOJ, up to a month in advance of the Jan 6th protest. Which begs the question: Why were they not detained in advance?
You try to slime an entire movement of 74.2 million Trump voters, and over 100,000 people on the mall outside the Capitol that day, and try to say "all these Trump supporters endorse what happened". Or that all Trump supporters post the kind of stuff you ALLEGE was posted on Parler (while you simultaneously ignore all the comments and planning of violence that occurred on Facebook and Twitter, most of which was never taken down and is still there).
Well, you're a liar, Trump supporters don't. And Trumpers condemn violence by their own side almost unanimously, at a far higher ratio than Democrats. Democrats who, at the Democrat leadership level, at the liberal media level, and at the grassroots level, judging from their comments in the media, and on Facebook and Twitter, all seem to endorse violence attacking Republicans, such as after the Hodgekinson shooting at the Republican congressional baseball game, or when Trump had Covid-19 in October (I'll never forget that, over a million likes on Facebook when the news broke. Not 30 or 40, OVER A MILLION). Or the BLM and Antifa violence ALL YEAR LONG in 2020 that I've already posted videos of virtually every Democrat leader endorsing, and CNN, and MSNBC. Or Democrat comments when Reagan or Tony Snow died. Democrats consistently endorse these things as "justified", "a good start" or "I hope he dies". You don't see that meanness or endorsement of violence or death on the Republican side.