Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
How to make a straw man by G-man

Actually, that was a political cartoonist for the Pitttsburg Post-Gazette, M E M. And it makes the point well, that the liberal zealots like yourself seem to have abandoned any sense of due process and independent thinking, other than what the hive-mind tells you to think. And that goes back to attitude toward Trump in 2016 (and really, ongoing persecution from 2016-2021), presumed guilty with no trial Brett Kavanaugh in 2018, and the same character assassination more sporadically applied to guys like Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Roy Moore, and a number of others.

So basically, your side no longer believes in justice, it only believes in whatever outcome will allow the Democrats a political victory in any given situation.
Bill Clinton is the perfect figurehead for your party. The empty idiot-grin of Biden, the current groper-in-chief, likewise well represents the f incompetence, corruption and further decay of your party and its trampling on the Constitution.