I love your "so gullible that all it took was one "lefty" guy to say "let's go" to turn thousands of Trump supporters into violent idiots in a frenzy" defense of these people.
The brave, patriotic protestors were merely exercising their Constitutional right to protest the Bolshevik fixed election, which saw The Greatest President of All Time, Donald J Trump, unfairly removed from office.
andallthatbadstuffwasundercoverantifaagentsandstuff.Even G-troll and Pariah's uneducated ass want nothing to do with that argument.

I know you're just havin' fun, JLA, but Trump was quantifiably the most accomplished president of our lifetime, creating the best economy that this country has had in over 50 years, the lowest black unemployment recorded, the lowest hispanic employment ever recorded, the lowest women's unemployment in about 65 years, the lowest under-25 unemployment, the highest black home purchasing. Trump re-negotiated trade deals in the U.S.'s favor with Canada, Mexico, Korea, Japan, China, and Central and South America. Trump secured our southern border for the first time since Eisenhower was president, Trump slashed regulation of business to stimulate growth, bringing jobs and factories and investment back from overseas. Trump rebuilt our military. Trump is the first president since Reagan not to drag the U.S. into another costly war. And despite pulling us out of the Paris Accord, actually lowered environmental emissions more than any other nation, on and on.
I don't defend the protestors, but it's a fact that the very worst acts committed (the police shooting of Ashli Babbit, and possibly officer Sicknick's death) were stoked by BLM leader John Sullivan,
WHO VIDEOTAPED Ashli Babbit getting shot, after stoking the rioters, and (again:
VIDEOTAPED) walked to the other side and stoked panic in the police to make one of them shoot Babbitt. While not all the rioting, and maybe not even the majority of it was BLM, the BLM "Bolsheviks" certainly stoked the worst acts. Without BLM there, nothing at the Capitol that day rises even to the level of an average BLM or Antifa riot.
When I use the term Bolsheviks, I refer specifically to the Democrat-leftist insurrectionist tactics of violence, intimidation, propaganda and slander, that perfectly mirror the Bolshevik tactics of the Leninist and Stalinist takeover of Russia in 1917-1922, and the Stalinist purges after.
Many on FOX, OAN and Newsmax have also pointed out the similarities of Democrat words and actions to the authoritarian tactics of the Chinese Communist party. For example, the Chinese tactic to mock all dissenters, and try to outlaw or censor all dissenting information from news and social media as "rumors" or "conspiracy theories" or "disinformation", or "promoting violence".
And by the oddest coincidence, many prominent Democrats, including Obama and Clinton administration officials, have made clear their admiration of the Chinese Communist government, and of other communist regimes.
RON BLOOM: "We agree with Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun." (We've certainly seen that since January 20th, beginning with Biden's North Korea-like inauguration ! )
"Two of my favorite philosphers, Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa..the two people that I turn to most..." Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are all undeniable Cultural Marxists, as are their closest aides.
Democrats admire Bolsheviks, quote them, and mirror their mob-rule tactics of insurrection. It is not the slightest bit an exaggeration or hyperbolic to describe Democrats as Bolsheviks. They are clearly rooted in Bolshevik/communist ideology, to the point that they are less comfortable advocating capitalism and our Constitution than they are advocating socialism, or even outright Marxism.
And they certainly have no problem enabling the Chinese government, often for huge payoff rewards, whether we're talking about the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, George Soros, Google, Facebook or Twitter. The Democrat-left is owned body and soul by the Chinese government.
The Russians cal theseinsurrection tactics "active measures".
In the West, we call it Cultural Marxism. But the Marxist rose by any name is still a Bolshevik revolution.
On your other point, I don't know where G-man or Pariah are right now. Pariah is probably deployed somewhere, and G-Man appears to be busy and just phoning it in lately, with a lot of political cartoons rather than commentary, perhaps to make the point that he doesn't see it as worthy of serious commentary. I don't recall that G-man was ever a great admirer of Trump. In any case, I just assume both are busy elsewhere.