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iggy #1234153 2021-02-06 2:59 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
I love your "so gullible that all it took was one "lefty" guy to say "let's go" to turn thousands of Trump supporters into violent idiots in a frenzy" defense of these people.

The brave, patriotic protestors were merely exercising their Constitutional right to protest the Bolshevik fixed election, which saw The Greatest President of All Time, Donald J Trump, unfairly removed from office.


Even G-troll and Pariah's uneducated ass want nothing to do with that argument.


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iggy #1234154 2021-02-06 6:38 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You understand what Babbit was doing beyond just climbing through a window WB? If this was a lefty mob doing the same thing I would want our democracy protected regardless. She was part of a violent mob fighting against democracy. I do feel bad that she fed on Trump’s lies and hope that there is justice for the blood on that pos hands.

No, she just climbed through a window, while BLM thug John Sullivan (pretending to be a Trump supporter) screamed "come on, come on, let's go".
And then, stoking both sides to attack each other, Sullivan then pretended to be a reporter and walked to the other side, putting on his fake press badge and camera, and said to the police "Hey, I don't think you should stay here, I've seen a lot of officers to get hurt today, I don't want that to happen to you..."

All on video, M E M, if you cared what the truth was.
Video RECORDED BY JOHN SULLIVAN HIMSELF, and posted and gloated about self-incriminatingly on social media, and gushed over on CNN.

I love your "so gullible that all it took was one "lefty" guy to say "let's go" to turn thousands of Trump supporters into violent idiots in a frenzy" defense of these people.

Not "thousands", you liar.
I think the FBI opened investigations of just under 300 "Trump supporters" inside the Capitol (many of them BLM or other leftistss in Trump-supporter clothing). And of those, less than 50 were up on charges of violence.
The overwhelming majority of those charged were criminal trespass, violating curfew, or at worst smashing a few windows, or stealing Pelosi's podium and her personal letters. Video shows most of them just walking though the Capitol as if they were on a guided tour, even staying within the roped-off ailes, and at most taking a few selfie photos.

There's absolutely no question that misleading Trump supporters into violence is what John Sullivan and his BLM gang intended , who self-incriminatingly videotaped themselves detailing their plan to mislead Trump supporters into doing so. Video of their plans posted on Facebook an Twitter. Low hanging fruit, for the FBI to prosecute them.

Out of over 100,000 Trump supporters, there were a handful who were willing to smash a few windows and aggressively intimidate police and legislators in the Capitol on Jan 6th, whether on their own or unknowingly led by Antifa/BLM.
It was Mark Twain who first observed there are things people do as a mob that they would never do individually. I've made it clear I don't condone it and certainly would never participate in rioting and destruction myself.
But certainly some are more inclined to participate in these things when they see others cross that line. In Ashli Babbitt's case, I think she was participating in just intimidating police and legislators, and never imagined actually hurting someone. And certainly never imagined she could have been shot for doing so. Again, she was UNARMED,, no gun, no knife, no club, and not a threat to the officer who shot her, who as you can plainly see in the video was at least 20 feet away from Babbitt when he fired at her. She could have been arrested on lesser charges of trespassing and vandalism, an officer shooting her dead was excessive.

There were many other Trump supporters interviewed outside the Capitol who said there were others in the crowd saying to them "Come on!" or "This way!" or "Let's go!" who didn't take the bait. There were many other incidents (some of them videotaped, that I've previously linked) where "Trump supporters" were smashing windows and others would identify them as Antifa, and a group of ACTUAL Trump supporters would grab the vandals and stop them.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

A group pushing for election integrity and expunging the outdated voter-rolls in Wisconsin, of dead voters and other fraudulent voters, and mail-in ballots that allowed the 2020 election to be rigged.

Allow same day registration and other safeguards for those that “accidentally” get purged so that they are not disenfranchised too.

Tens of thousands of dead voters, roughly 10,000 in each contested state.
Illegal immigrants voting.
People under age 18 voting.
In Arizona alone, about 42,000 double-voters. (which alone is four times Biden's victory margin in Arizona.)
People coming in from out of state and voting under fake addresses (probably after double voting in their home states.

No one is disenfranchising legitimate voters, M E M. Just eliminating clear corruption and illegal voting.

In every one of the 6 contested states, these alone would eliminate Biden's narrow victory margin, giving Trump a victory in each state by tens of thousands of LEGITIMATE votes. And that's not even getting into the votes flipped by Dominion Voting systems.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

A group pushing for election integrity and expunging the outdated voter-rolls in Wisconsin, of dead voters and other fraudulent voters, and mail-in ballots that allowed the 2020 election to be rigged.

Allow same day registration and other safeguards for those that “accidentally” get purged so that they are not disenfranchised too.

Tens of thousands of dead voters, roughly 10,000 in each contested state.
Illegal immigrants voting.
People under age 18 voting.
In Arizona alone, about 42,000 double-voters. (which alone is for times Biden's victory margin.)
People coming in from out of state and voting under fake addresses (probably after double voting in their home states.

No one is disenfranchising legitimate voters, M E M. Just eliminating clear corruption and illegal voting.

In every one of the 6 contested states, these alone would eliminate Biden's narrow victory margin, giving Trump a victory in each state by tens of thousands of LEGITIMATE votes. And that's not even getting into the votes flipped by Dominion Voting systems.

Trump’s DOJ found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would have changed the election result so I will not take your word on it. And people have shown up to vote and can’t because of voter purges. ..
How a massive voter purge in Georgia affected the 2018 election

Unfortunately there is an incentive for your party doing this. Remove the incentive and work on election integrity the right way.

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Originally Posted by MisterJLA
Originally Posted by iggy
I love your "so gullible that all it took was one "lefty" guy to say "let's go" to turn thousands of Trump supporters into violent idiots in a frenzy" defense of these people.

The brave, patriotic protestors were merely exercising their Constitutional right to protest the Bolshevik fixed election, which saw The Greatest President of All Time, Donald J Trump, unfairly removed from office.


Even G-troll and Pariah's uneducated ass want nothing to do with that argument.


I know you're just havin' fun, JLA, but Trump was quantifiably the most accomplished president of our lifetime, creating the best economy that this country has had in over 50 years, the lowest black unemployment recorded, the lowest hispanic employment ever recorded, the lowest women's unemployment in about 65 years, the lowest under-25 unemployment, the highest black home purchasing. Trump re-negotiated trade deals in the U.S.'s favor with Canada, Mexico, Korea, Japan, China, and Central and South America. Trump secured our southern border for the first time since Eisenhower was president, Trump slashed regulation of business to stimulate growth, bringing jobs and factories and investment back from overseas. Trump rebuilt our military. Trump is the first president since Reagan not to drag the U.S. into another costly war. And despite pulling us out of the Paris Accord, actually lowered environmental emissions more than any other nation, on and on.

I don't defend the protestors, but it's a fact that the very worst acts committed (the police shooting of Ashli Babbit, and possibly officer Sicknick's death) were stoked by BLM leader John Sullivan, WHO VIDEOTAPED Ashli Babbit getting shot, after stoking the rioters, and (again: VIDEOTAPED) walked to the other side and stoked panic in the police to make one of them shoot Babbitt. While not all the rioting, and maybe not even the majority of it was BLM, the BLM "Bolsheviks" certainly stoked the worst acts. Without BLM there, nothing at the Capitol that day rises even to the level of an average BLM or Antifa riot.

When I use the term Bolsheviks, I refer specifically to the Democrat-leftist insurrectionist tactics of violence, intimidation, propaganda and slander, that perfectly mirror the Bolshevik tactics of the Leninist and Stalinist takeover of Russia in 1917-1922, and the Stalinist purges after.
Many on FOX, OAN and Newsmax have also pointed out the similarities of Democrat words and actions to the authoritarian tactics of the Chinese Communist party. For example, the Chinese tactic to mock all dissenters, and try to outlaw or censor all dissenting information from news and social media as "rumors" or "conspiracy theories" or "disinformation", or "promoting violence".

And by the oddest coincidence, many prominent Democrats, including Obama and Clinton administration officials, have made clear their admiration of the Chinese Communist government, and of other communist regimes.
RON BLOOM: "We agree with Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun." (We've certainly seen that since January 20th, beginning with Biden's North Korea-like inauguration ! )
ANITA DUNN: "Two of my favorite philosphers, Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa..the two people that I turn to most..."
Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are all undeniable Cultural Marxists, as are their closest aides.

Democrats admire Bolsheviks, quote them, and mirror their mob-rule tactics of insurrection. It is not the slightest bit an exaggeration or hyperbolic to describe Democrats as Bolsheviks. They are clearly rooted in Bolshevik/communist ideology, to the point that they are less comfortable advocating capitalism and our Constitution than they are advocating socialism, or even outright Marxism.
And they certainly have no problem enabling the Chinese government, often for huge payoff rewards, whether we're talking about the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, George Soros, Google, Facebook or Twitter. The Democrat-left is owned body and soul by the Chinese government.

The Russians cal theseinsurrection tactics "active measures".
In the West, we call it Cultural Marxism. But the Marxist rose by any name is still a Bolshevik revolution.

On your other point, I don't know where G-man or Pariah are right now. Pariah is probably deployed somewhere, and G-Man appears to be busy and just phoning it in lately, with a lot of political cartoons rather than commentary, perhaps to make the point that he doesn't see it as worthy of serious commentary. I don't recall that G-man was ever a great admirer of Trump. In any case, I just assume both are busy elsewhere.

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All of us can agree on one thing: Lothar is a complete douche.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

A group pushing for election integrity and expunging the outdated voter-rolls in Wisconsin, of dead voters and other fraudulent voters, and mail-in ballots that allowed the 2020 election to be rigged.

Allow same day registration and other safeguards for those that “accidentally” get purged so that they are not disenfranchised too.

Tens of thousands of dead voters, roughly 10,000 in each contested state.
Illegal immigrants voting.
People under age 18 voting.
In Arizona alone, about 42,000 double-voters. (which alone is for times Biden's victory margin.)
People coming in from out of state and voting under fake addresses (probably after double voting in their home states.

No one is disenfranchising legitimate voters, M E M. Just eliminating clear corruption and illegal voting.

In every one of the 6 contested states, these alone would eliminate Biden's narrow victory margin, giving Trump a victory in each state by tens of thousands of LEGITIMATE votes. And that's not even getting into the votes flipped by Dominion Voting systems.

Trump’s DOJ found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would have changed the election result so I will not take your word on it. And people have shown up to vote and can’t because of voter purges. ..
How a massive voter purge in Georgia affected the 2018 election

Unfortunately there is an incentive for your party doing this. Remove the incentive and work on election integrity the right way.

Trump's DOJ under William Barr DIDN'T EVEN LOOK!

As I cited before, 97% of campaign donations by DOJ/FBI employees were to the Hillary Clinton and other Democrat campaigns. They are made up of tens of thousands of Peter Strzoks, Lisa Pages, Bill Priestaps, Kevin Clinesmiths and Bruce Ohrs, deeply ideologically Democrat, eager to maliciously prosecute Republican officials, committed to suppress and sabotage any investigation of, say, Lois Lerner, or Hillary Clinton, or Joe Biden or Hunter Biden.
EVEN IF THEY WERE ORDERED to investigate election fraud by President Trump or William Barr, they would "resist" and quietly sit on their hands and stonewall any investigation that might vindicate Trump and allow him to have a second term. The same way they were ordered to release documents by Trump, and stonewalled and rode out the clock till Trump left office, only releasing about 15% of the documents Trump ordered de-classified and released (regarding the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden documents related to Ukraine and China, and to the earlier "Russia Collusion" investigation and closed-door testimony by Dems, and related to Trump's earlier impeachment in Jan 2020.)

As I said, the DOJ sent an army of agents to investigate the Jussie Smollett hoax, the Bubba-whoever black racing driver and "noose" hanging in his Indy-500 garage hoax, a dozen agents to investigate some pickup trucks with Trump flags on a highway allegedly harassing a Biden campaign bus. THESE get major FBI response.
And yet...
No agents sent, to investigate ANY of the rampant fraud in the 6 battleground states? That just doesn't make sense. Unless they were part of the fix, a 97% compromised DOJ/FBI that is invested in the Democrats winning the rigged election.
The DOJ, FBI, State Department, the IRS, the NEA, and pretty much every unionized federal and state employee organization, are under complete and overwhelming Democrat control. As well as the elections supervisors offices. And now the Democrats are consolidating their absolute power over the U.S. military, weeding out anyone who has even the slightest conservative-Republican-pro-Trump leanings.

Score another victory for the Democrat-Bolshevik party, in their quest for absolute power.

Pariah #1234163 2021-02-06 10:41 PM
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But Trump said he had the evidence, why would Barr need to look? Trump just made it up about massive election fraud. That’s why Trump’s DOJ couldn’t find it.

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Pariah #1234166 2021-02-07 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Jan 20 2021
It was NOT a legal election, it's just an election where those who rigged it had powerful friends who allowed them to get away with it.

None of the state legislators or state/federal/U S supreme court judges ever actually weighed the evidence. They dismissed the case without examining the evidence using tricks like "lacks standing". They either were part of the Democrat election-rigging cabal, or were intimidated by the Democrat mob that would riot or be in their faces and protesting outside their homes and personally threatening them if they challenged it.

I've posted abundant links to the hearings in
Michigan: Col. Phil Waldron, statistical evidence of election fraud , and Hima Kolanagireddy testimony before Michigan House, election fraud , and Michigan state election hearings
Pennsylvania Rudy Giuliani testimony
Arizona Col. Phil Waldron, further evidence of electronic vote tampering and impossibilities
and Georgia 5 hours of testimony by election workers of election fraud
where the evidence was presented, and ignored.

As well as Peter Navarro's 40-page report, and the testimony and affidavits of hundreds of others.

No evidence, right.

None at all. rolleyes

Pariah #1234168 2021-02-08 12:01 AM
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My Pillow owner and CEO Mike Lindell put himself at great risk producing this 2-hour documentary that he purchased about 8 hours per day to run on OAN this weekend, beginning Friday, Feb 5th.

As he details, Facebook and Twitter have cancelled his personal and business accounts, corporate retail chains like Bed Bath & Beyond have taken his merchandise off the shelves. But at least in the short term, conservatives have rallied to support his business and he said in a recent interview he actually has hired 200 people to deal with all the increased demand for his product!
The documentary was (of course!) instantly deleted from Youtube and Facebook.

No discussion or mention whatsoever of the evidence presented on the other news networks.

Just like there was no mention of the many hours of state hearings in all 6 contested states, where abundant witnesses and evidence were presented.

Pariah #1234170 2021-02-08 12:35 AM
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That can happen when you want a coup. As for your previous post allegations that can’t withstand even a conservative judge’s scrutiny seems to be the usual shit that survives on opinion/talk or blogs but it’s obviously not so iron clad once it hits reality. But hey it got you one dead officer and video of frothing right wingers screaming that this is their country as they use an American flag to beat on more officers.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man

(IN all-caps, as it was in the "article" itself)

What you posted is a hyper-partisan opinion piece, and it's absolute shit garbage. From a hyper-partisan Democrat Harvard lawyer who has been grasping and pushing for Trump's impeachment on any rationalization possible since Jan 2017.

The smoking gun for NOT impeaching:

Originally Posted by Donald J. Trump, Jan 6th 2021

I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to PEACEFULLY and patriotically make your voices heard...

Add to that how all these fringe groups who committed violence on Jan 6th pre-planned their violence a month in advance, as detected by the NYPD and referred well in advance of Jan 6th to FBI, DHS, and Capitol police.
**CLEARLY** Trump was not the catalyst for their violence, much as you lyingly try to front that slanderous narrative.

And of those who actually committed violence on Jan 6th.
BLM, John Sullivan: Left-wing vilolence.
Boogaloos: Despite your lying efforts to describe them as "right wing" and "Trump supporters", they are anarchists with ties to BLM, and the head of that group has repeatedly said on social media that he hates Trump "and most Republicans".
Oath Keepers: possibly a right-wing milita, but not Trump supporters, and they likewise planned their violence in posts on social media a month in advance of Jan 6th.
Proud Boys: another group that is all over the place in their beliefs, and planned their actions well in advance of Trump's speech.

If you want to REALLY cite people whose public rhetoric openly incites violence and further endorses it after the attacks, look no further than :

Kamala Harris ( of BLM. "They're going to keep up the pressure right up to election day, they're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop.")
Joe Biden Multiple comments endorsing BLM, and repeatedly saying he'd like to punch or otherwise attack Trump.
Nancy Pelosi (Saying of Trump while he was president: " I don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. There should be")
Sen Cory Booker ("Get in some congressmen's faces..." )
Rep. Cori Bush (who over the weekend called for Biden to launch drone strikes and kill Trump at Mar A Lago !!!!!!!)
Rep. Maxine Waters ( of ANY Bush official: "create a crowd, push back at them, let them know they're not welcome." A clear call for mob intimidation)
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who called ICE nazis, and immediately after there was an Antifa attack on an ICE compound that she refused to condemn.

If I spent the time, I could list dozens other Democrats whose words have directly called for violence and incited actual violence.

It is incredible that these Democrat-Bolsheviks, stoking and endorsing violence, FOR YEARS, have the audacity to frame and prosecute Trump for "incitement" that clearly did not occur, as police reports and Trump's own videotaped speech make clear. While simultaneously ALL these Democrats are themselves infinitely guilty of !
Incredible audacity.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Pariah #1234175 2021-02-08 10:51 PM
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So...if I say peacefully at the beginning of a speech, then I'm pretty much off the hook for everything that doesn't jive with "peacefully" afterwards? He started with peacefully and closed with fight like hell or lose your fucking country. Sure seems like your trying to make that one line carry the entire load that was the rest of the speech and I think it is fair to say that people would clearly disagree with that assertion and you'd have a hard time really proving they were wrong.

Pariah #1234180 2021-02-09 12:11 AM
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And afterwards you look at his actions. It wasn’t somebody that was horrified at what happened after they sent that crowd to the Capitol. The link I posted above details what we know. I would really like him under oath detailing his actions after he sent his “special “ people to the capitol

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iggy #1234182 2021-02-09 1:23 AM
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Originally Posted by iggy
So...if I say peacefully at the beginning of a speech, then I'm pretty much off the hook for everything that doesn't jive with "peacefully" afterwards? He started with peacefully and closed with fight like hell or lose your fucking country. Sure seems like your trying to make that one line carry the entire load that was the rest of the speech and I think it is fair to say that people would clearly disagree with that assertion and you'd have a hard time really proving they were wrong.

No, you can look at the comments of Alan Dershowitz or a dozen other legal scholars and former U.S. attorneys and high-level national judges: Trump only said to "fight" in the sense of vigorous protest for your cause, the same way hundreds of other political leaders have done in speeches in that exact same Washington mall over the last 20 years.
"PEACEFULLY and patriotically let your voices be heard".
And again, the worst violence was orchestrated by John Sullivan and his group of BLM infiltrators.
To review, the "five people killed" on Jan 6th were
1) Ashli Babbitt, an UNARMED Trump supporter who was shot dead by a police officer, not killed by Trump supporters,
2) officer Brian Sicknick who as I linked yesterday, no video shows him ever hit with an extinguisher and not clearly injured by any Trump supporter, what even WP acknowledges the case for murder of Sicknick is "falling apart",
3) a guy in his 50's who died of a stroke,
4) a guy in his 50's who died of a heart attack, and
5) a girl in her 30's who collapsed with health problems and died while receiving CPR, unable to revive her.

So... None of those 5 are proven violence by any Trump protester, and the only actual "killing" was by a Capitol police officer, NOT by any Trump supporter.
It's all a lying Democrat narrative.

Trump did not call for violence. Trump did not incite violence. The violence was planned (as verified by NYPD, FBI and DHS) a month before the protests on Jan 6th.

And nothing in Trump's Jan 6th speech incited violence. This is all just a Democrat sham, to impeach Trump as a political weapon to destroy him politically, *NOT* because Trump did anything wrong.

Originally Posted by M E M
And afterwards you look at his actions. It wasn’t somebody that was horrified at what happened after they sent that crowd to the Capitol. The link I posted above details what we know. I would really like him under oath detailing his actions after he sent his “special “ people to the capitol

That's just complete made-up garbage and subjective tea-leaf reading, of what you WISH was there, rather than what is ACTUALLY there. You have no interest in truth or facts, it's all about whatever advances your Democrat-Bolshevik party, whatever lying narrative allows that to happen.

That link you posted is to a factless partisan editorial, by a Harvard lawyer who has been scheming to find a way to impeach Trump on any contrived pretense since Jan 2017 when Trump was inaugurated.

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I actually do care WB. And Trump’s response to the capitol riot is a matter of public record. The tweet he sent about Pence while his special people were beating up officers is hardly made up. You are guilty of exactly what your accusing others of.

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Originally Posted by MisterJLA
Originally Posted by Pariah

Link - Breitbart: Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules

  • The State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly with the U.S. Supreme Court shortly before midnight on Monday challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on the grounds that they violate the Constitution.

    Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.

    Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors. The lawsuit says:
    • Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.

      This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.

  • Texas approached the Supreme Court directly because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.

Tim Pool phrased it adequately. Texas has just NUKED the Democrats from Orbit. This suit meets ALL the qualifications:

1) It goes direct to the Supreme Court on account of a dispute between multiple states.

2) It was filed mere HOURS before safe harbor day, which puts all of the defendant states in dispute and de-solidifies electors.

3) Because this is a dispute between the states addressing the constitutionality--or lack thereof--of the past election, that means that Trump is not actually engaging in Lawfare since the Constitution supercedes the law.

Absolutely brilliant

Reset for iggy.

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Originally Posted by MisterJLA
Originally Posted by MisterJLA
Originally Posted by Pariah

Link - Breitbart: Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules

  • The State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly with the U.S. Supreme Court shortly before midnight on Monday challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on the grounds that they violate the Constitution.

    Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.

    Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors. The lawsuit says:
    • Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.

      This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.

  • Texas approached the Supreme Court directly because Article III provides that it is the court of first impression on subjects where it has original jurisdiction, such as disputes between two or more states.

Tim Pool phrased it adequately. Texas has just NUKED the Democrats from Orbit. This suit meets ALL the qualifications:

1) It goes direct to the Supreme Court on account of a dispute between multiple states.

2) It was filed mere HOURS before safe harbor day, which puts all of the defendant states in dispute and de-solidifies electors.

3) Because this is a dispute between the states addressing the constitutionality--or lack thereof--of the past election, that means that Trump is not actually engaging in Lawfare since the Constitution supercedes the law.

Absolutely brilliant

Reset for iggy.

::standing applause::

Pariah #1234623 2021-05-07 12:32 AM
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Well, that's rather self-congratulatory.

In a sentence or two, what exactly is your point?

That article is from Dec 7 2020, the legal landscape for the election battle has changed considerably.

And as I said elsewhere, re-counts and evidence of Democrat/Dominion election fraud have been revealed in Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan and multiple other states. All pointing to the illegitimacy of Biden as an "elected" president.

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Evidence Points to Major Vulnerabilities in Nov 2020 Election


I love how OAN does this in multiple stories. If OAN simply reported on election fraud in their own words, they would be dismissed by the other media, as "paranoid" or "right wing propaganda" or "tin foil hat conspiracy theorists".

But instead, Pearson Sharp quotes other mainstream liberal media stories from CNN, the New York Times, Politico, Washington Post and others, showing they reported the exact same facts that OAN is now accused of being "conspiracy theorists" for airing. It's bulletproof on OAN's part, OAN indicts the liberal media with their own past liberal-media reporting. And further shows that when the liberal media could portray Donald Trump as having won the election by fraud, they were eager to report it.

But when Biden won in Nov 2020, suddenly the mainstream networks made it off-limits to report the exact same facts. Instead selling the narrative that the election had perfect integrity. Making it clear the liberal media were reporting the facts in 2017-2020 to damage the integrity of Trump's 2016 election victory , and are censoring those facts now, in their role as the Ministry of Truth for the Obama administration. Sacrificing their journalistic integrity and lying to the American people, in an effort to keep Biden in power.

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CNS News) -- As President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress push for passage of HR 1, a massive election reform bill that Republicans largely oppose because they see it as a way to allow voter fraud and entrench Democratic rule nationwide, the Honest Elections Project reports that only 28% of Americans support the legislation, and that contrary to the bill, 77% of Americans want voter ID.

H.R. 1, the For the People Act, "is out of sync with American voters," said HEP Executive Director Jason Snead in a report on the election reform debate. "Few embrace its particular provisions, or its guiding principle that election integrity and voter confidence measures make voting 'hard' and that Congress must impose new laws that eliminate them."

"In fact, voters overwhelmingly prioritize maintaining confidence in elections over making voting 'easier.'" said Snead, a former senior policy analyst with the Heritage Foundation. "Most Americans want credible elections backed up by fair rules that make voting both accessible and secure, and only 28% of voters support H.R. 1’s final passage once they are provided with an understanding of its provisions."
HEP's data on what Americans think of HR 1 was obtained through an online survey of 1,200 registered voters nationwide, in early March.

Other findings from the survey show,

-- 64% of voters "want to strengthen voting safeguards to prevent fraud, rather than eliminate them to make voting 'easier.'"

-- Only 21% "want to make voting 'easier' by getting rid of the precautionary measures that prevent fraud."

-- 77% of voters "want people to show a photo ID to cast a ballot, while only 14% oppose it." this majority includes 62% of Americans who voted for Joe Biden in 2020; 92% of Republicans; 75% of Independents; and 63% of Democrats.

-- 64% of black voters support voter ID, as do 78% of Hispanic voters.

-- "Similarly, 64% of Black voters, 77% of Hispanics, and 76% of low-income voters reject the notion that showing an ID is a 'burden,' despite frequent claims from the left."

-- For absentee ballots, 66% of registered voters support requiring a voter ID. 64% percent of young voters (age 18-24) back an absentee voter ID; 56% of seniors; 58% of blacks; 68%of Hispanics; and 62% of low-income voters.

"H.R. 1 expressly blocks absentee voter ID and other successful safeguards that shield elections against fraud," stated HEP's Jason Snead.

The poll also found that only 11% of registered voters think that "vote trafficking should be legal." And 62% say "it should be illegal for political operatives and paid organizers to have direct access to absentee voters as they vote, and then take unsupervised possession of their ballots." "Vote Trafficking, i.e., "Ballot Harvesting"]

Nonetheless, HR 1 "forces every community in the nation to allow it," said Snead. "Vote trafficking has been used to intimidate and disenfranchise voters, and several states have banned it. H.R. 1 expressly overrules these sensible and popular laws."

Only 11% of Americans support Ballot Harvesting. But H.R.1 (now a proposed S. 1) would mandate it on 100% of the population, across all 50 states. And by fraud, guarantee Democrats a permanent majority in every election nationwide for the next 100 years.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I only use factual sources like OANN and the My Pillow guy.

You are a deluded fucking clown show.

iggy #1234661 2021-05-10 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I only use factual sources like OANN and the My Pillow guy.

You are a deluded fucking clown show.

You're such a piece of garbage, Iggy. You have absolutely nothing to contribute.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I only use factual sources like OANN and the My Pillow guy.

You are a deluded fucking clown show.

You're such a piece of garbage, Iggy. You have absolutely nothing to contribute.

Go back to jacking it in the women forum for Jesus, Christian soldier...this does nothing to phase me.

iggy #1234676 2021-05-13 8:21 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
I only use factual sources like OANN and the My Pillow guy.

You are a deluded fucking clown show.

You're such a piece of garbage, Iggy. You have absolutely nothing to contribute.

Go back to jacking it in the women forum for Jesus, Christian soldier...this does nothing to phase me.

What a happy life you must lead... why don't you go back to beating your wife?

Or maybe you're so whipped and impotent with her, that you need to vent your frustrations online, on someone like me you don't even know.

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What Democrats plan to do on Nov 3 2020 -Tucker Carlson, Sept 3 2020

Wow, seeing this now, it was quite prescient about what to expect on Nov 3rd. Democrats lawlessly refusing to accept the outcome of the election, no matter what. Threatening to use the military against Trump he should win.
And especially, prolonging the vote count, to win the election AFTER the election, by manipulating the mail-in ballots to rig the election.
That's basically the way it went down, predicted exactly 2 months in advance of election day. Trump had won in a landslide on election day, but in the days after the election, fraudulent mail-in ballots were manufactured to turn the election in Biden's favor.

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Originally Posted by Pariah
Down to the wire, too close to call.....

....Oh wait. No it isn't. Trump is drawing tremendously huge crowds every where he goes--even places he hasn't gone (see also: Beverly Hills)--and, predictably, the polls have once again gone from YUGELY favoring Democrats to evening out with, or leaning toward, Trump.

Lets cut to the meat of the matter and eliminate all equivocation in the process: the Democrats do not have hidden voters. They all operate in plain sight on account of their self proclaimed, protected status as "polite society". By that same token, Trump's voters are still vilified and targeted--even killed (see also: Jacob Gardner's "suicide")--when identified by hostile partizans and aggressive insurgents (see also: Antifa, BLM), and thus have a vested interest in remaining hidden even as Trump draws large crowds. Where there's smoke, there's fire...and if those rally sizes constitute smoke, what does that say about the fire?

Bearing this in mind, the polls lie. Obviously. They always have, being a tool of manipulating public perception rather than a means of conducting objective analysis. That being said, they've gone almost completely from serving the purpose of overestimating the cultural strength and prevalence of Democrats, as a means to chip away at conservative morale, to masking an inevitable massive fraud so as to cease the severe hemorrhage from the near fatal wounds that Trump has dealt the cabal (see also: the euphemistic "Deep State"). It's certainly not the first time or occasion that Democrats have cheated using voter fraud. More than likely they've used numerous permutations of the basic concept over the past 40 to 50 years in every single state to gaslight the populous with spurious perceptions that they're outnumbered by an "other" philosophy that's entirely alien to them and that they're a dying race of thinkers destined for death. But I'm all but certain that the lengths they've gone to over the past 6 to 12 months constitutes the single most massive fraud to which we will ever bear witness since they are necessarily going to have to break the 3% rule in an attempt to meet their goal of getting the dementia-plagued Biden (Harris) into office.

By "3%", I'm referring to the threshold that must be observed when playing the game of stacking dummy votes before it becomes noticeable. By comparison, the scale of the primaries is such that a given political party can get away with a rate of 10% fraudulent ballots or, at the very least, "counted" votes before hitting a barrier of explicit fraud (see also: Hillary and Biden stealing primaries in CA and IA). The threshold for a general is 3%, and they must surpass it. They will, of course, launch the same narrative of "look no further" with regards to voter fraud OR they will project blame on the opposition. But this is the first time that they've had to deal with someone who has a vested interest in exposing voter fraud--as opposed to establishment Republicans who've been complicit with Democrats in hiding it.

Bearing these two factors in mind, the center-left and/or dead heat polls that we are seeing assuredly allude to something beyond margin of error. More like, significant lead for Trump that they're desperate to hide. In actuality, they know people don't believe it, but since narratives must be steeped in the tone of something "official", they must forego the acknowledgement of the natural understanding of the individual (see also: common sense) and rely upon the open secret of deceit so that they might simply emphasize their own consistency to justify results that are inconsistent with apparent reality, and thus effectively broadcasting their strategy to their true believers (see also: MEM) via the dog whistle of outrageous claims and general incredulity given credence only by their own repetition and devotion to the current state of the Overton Window. The Zeitgeist is now squarely in the hands of the individual, and not the media.

PA has already stated that the state will not be called today in the interest of insuring 'every vote is accounted for'. NC will likely be in a similar situation. Democrats managed to take advantage of the liberal plant, Justice Roberts, who has allowed them to keep votes flowing into the states three days past the election. Trump will cry fowl--as well he should. As counties that were clearly turned red gradually metamorphasize to blue over a long enough timeline, the rules of the game will be clear cut to everyone. And that spark will risk a conflagration.

People here are probably already aware of the warnings of rioting, violence, and looting today--especially if Biden loses. This fact should be self-defeating to his ilk, but neigh. On the contrary, they've gone through great lengths to construct a mentally gymnastic high ground built up the persistent narrative that Trump is an underhanded, lying istaphobe to whom which any form of violence would be justified. As such, they have fabricated a reality in which they can wear the violence and viciousness of Biden's supporters and fellow travelers on their sleeve and still sit pretty atop their pile of sophistry ridden rhetoric and ad hominem laden shit. Conversely, any violence taken up by Trump supporters, whether offensive or defensive, in the coming days will be portrayed as insurrectionist terrorism. Only the left could some how get away with being so blatantly coercive, but still make a case for righteousness. And while this is going on, Hilldog has told Biden to "not concede defeat under any circumstances".

For those who don't already know at this point: everyone--and I mean EVERYONE--is now VERY well armed and on high alert. Antifa is gonna Antifa regardless of outcome. BLM is gonna BLM regardless of outcome. Such are the intimidation orders they've been receiving from OCONUS. Furthermore, mothers have bought firearms in record numbers on account of the riots. Militias are standing by, and still as geared up as they ever were. Trump has erected a fence around the White House and called in around 250 soldiers to guard the castle.

I'm hoping I'm wrong on this one and that Trump has a trick up his sleeve to mitigate or nullify the likely friction (to put it lightly) that will ensue today and over the course of the next month or so. But there's too many factors, too many actors, and too much on the line to assume anything other than shots fired.

Knowing full well the consequences of saying something with this much finality before the big game, I say it anyway: Trump will win in a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college. Any other reported result will, and should, be challenged.

Back to our original programming.

....What say the rest of you? Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?


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Originally Posted by MisterJLA
Originally Posted by Pariah
Down to the wire, too close to call.....

....Oh wait. No it isn't. Trump is drawing tremendously huge crowds every where he goes--even places he hasn't gone (see also: Beverly Hills)--and, predictably, the polls have once again gone from YUGELY favoring Democrats to evening out with, or leaning toward, Trump.

Lets cut to the meat of the matter and eliminate all equivocation in the process: the Democrats do not have hidden voters. They all operate in plain sight on account of their self proclaimed, protected status as "polite society". By that same token, Trump's voters are still vilified and targeted--even killed (see also: Jacob Gardner's "suicide")--when identified by hostile partizans and aggressive insurgents (see also: Antifa, BLM), and thus have a vested interest in remaining hidden even as Trump draws large crowds. Where there's smoke, there's fire...and if those rally sizes constitute smoke, what does that say about the fire?

Bearing this in mind, the polls lie. Obviously. They always have, being a tool of manipulating public perception rather than a means of conducting objective analysis. That being said, they've gone almost completely from serving the purpose of overestimating the cultural strength and prevalence of Democrats, as a means to chip away at conservative morale, to masking an inevitable massive fraud so as to cease the severe hemorrhage from the near fatal wounds that Trump has dealt the cabal (see also: the euphemistic "Deep State"). It's certainly not the first time or occasion that Democrats have cheated using voter fraud. More than likely they've used numerous permutations of the basic concept over the past 40 to 50 years in every single state to gaslight the populous with spurious perceptions that they're outnumbered by an "other" philosophy that's entirely alien to them and that they're a dying race of thinkers destined for death. But I'm all but certain that the lengths they've gone to over the past 6 to 12 months constitutes the single most massive fraud to which we will ever bear witness since they are necessarily going to have to break the 3% rule in an attempt to meet their goal of getting the dementia-plagued Biden (Harris) into office.

By "3%", I'm referring to the threshold that must be observed when playing the game of stacking dummy votes before it becomes noticeable. By comparison, the scale of the primaries is such that a given political party can get away with a rate of 10% fraudulent ballots or, at the very least, "counted" votes before hitting a barrier of explicit fraud (see also: Hillary and Biden stealing primaries in CA and IA). The threshold for a general is 3%, and they must surpass it. They will, of course, launch the same narrative of "look no further" with regards to voter fraud OR they will project blame on the opposition. But this is the first time that they've had to deal with someone who has a vested interest in exposing voter fraud--as opposed to establishment Republicans who've been complicit with Democrats in hiding it.

Bearing these two factors in mind, the center-left and/or dead heat polls that we are seeing assuredly allude to something beyond margin of error. More like, significant lead for Trump that they're desperate to hide. In actuality, they know people don't believe it, but since narratives must be steeped in the tone of something "official", they must forego the acknowledgement of the natural understanding of the individual (see also: common sense) and rely upon the open secret of deceit so that they might simply emphasize their own consistency to justify results that are inconsistent with apparent reality, and thus effectively broadcasting their strategy to their true believers (see also: MEM) via the dog whistle of outrageous claims and general incredulity given credence only by their own repetition and devotion to the current state of the Overton Window. The Zeitgeist is now squarely in the hands of the individual, and not the media.

PA has already stated that the state will not be called today in the interest of insuring 'every vote is accounted for'. NC will likely be in a similar situation. Democrats managed to take advantage of the liberal plant, Justice Roberts, who has allowed them to keep votes flowing into the states three days past the election. Trump will cry fowl--as well he should. As counties that were clearly turned red gradually metamorphasize to blue over a long enough timeline, the rules of the game will be clear cut to everyone. And that spark will risk a conflagration.

People here are probably already aware of the warnings of rioting, violence, and looting today--especially if Biden loses. This fact should be self-defeating to his ilk, but neigh. On the contrary, they've gone through great lengths to construct a mentally gymnastic high ground built up the persistent narrative that Trump is an underhanded, lying istaphobe to whom which any form of violence would be justified. As such, they have fabricated a reality in which they can wear the violence and viciousness of Biden's supporters and fellow travelers on their sleeve and still sit pretty atop their pile of sophistry ridden rhetoric and ad hominem laden shit. Conversely, any violence taken up by Trump supporters, whether offensive or defensive, in the coming days will be portrayed as insurrectionist terrorism. Only the left could some how get away with being so blatantly coercive, but still make a case for righteousness. And while this is going on, Hilldog has told Biden to "not concede defeat under any circumstances".

For those who don't already know at this point: everyone--and I mean EVERYONE--is now VERY well armed and on high alert. Antifa is gonna Antifa regardless of outcome. BLM is gonna BLM regardless of outcome. Such are the intimidation orders they've been receiving from OCONUS. Furthermore, mothers have bought firearms in record numbers on account of the riots. Militias are standing by, and still as geared up as they ever were. Trump has erected a fence around the White House and called in around 250 soldiers to guard the castle.

I'm hoping I'm wrong on this one and that Trump has a trick up his sleeve to mitigate or nullify the likely friction (to put it lightly) that will ensue today and over the course of the next month or so. But there's too many factors, too many actors, and too much on the line to assume anything other than shots fired.

Knowing full well the consequences of saying something with this much finality before the big game, I say it anyway: Trump will win in a landslide both in the popular vote and the electoral college. Any other reported result will, and should, be challenged.

Back to our original programming.

....What say the rest of you? Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?


lol lol lol lol lol

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G-man, bsams the ditch digger, and Pariah.

I broke them all!

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Originally Posted by MisterJLA
G-man, bsams the ditch digger, and Pariah.

I'm afraid of them all!

"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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Originally Posted by Lothar of The Hill People
Originally Posted by MisterJLA
Lothar is gay!


Last edited by iggy; 2021-08-15 1:26 PM.
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You have to remember, Lothar is the simpleton who thought "Gerald in your living room" would be a great addition to the board...

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"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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Your mother.

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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In all the excitement among objective journalists for Joe Biden’s declared victory, reporters are missing how extraordinary the Democrat’s performance was in the 2020 election. It’s not just that the former vice president is on track to become the oldest president in American history, it’s what he managed to accomplish at the polls this year.
Candidate Joe Biden was so effective at animating voters in 2020 that he received a record number of votes, more than 15 million more than Barack Obama received in his re-election of 2012. Amazingly, he managed to secure victory while also losing in almost every bellwether county across the country. No presidential candidate has been capable of such electoral jujitsu until now.

While Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 totals in every urban county in the United States, he outperformed her in the metropolitan areas of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Even more surprising, the former VP put up a record haul of votes, despite Democrats’ general failures in local House and state legislative seats across the nation.

He accomplished all this after receiving a record low share of the primary vote compared to his Republican opponent heading into the general election. Clearly, these are tremendous and unexpected achievements that would normally receive sophisticated analysis from the journalist class but have somehow gone mostly unmentioned during the celebrations at news studios in New York City and Washington, D.C.
The massive national political realignment now taking place may be one source of these surprising upsets. Yet still, to have pulled so many rabbits out of his hat like this, nobody can deny that Biden is a first-rate campaigner and politician, the likes of which America has never before seen. Let’s break down just how unique his political voodoo has been in 2020.

1. 80 Million Votes

Holy moly! A lot of Americans turned out for a Washington politician who’s been in office for nearly 50 years. Consider this: no incumbent president in nearly a century and a half has gained votes in a re-election campaign and still lost.

President Trump gained more than ten million votes since his 2016 victory, but Biden’s appeal was so substantial that it overcame President Trump’s record support among minority voters. Biden also shattered Barack Obama’s own popular vote totals, really calling into question whether it was not perhaps Biden who pulled Obama across the finish lines in 2008 and 2012.

Proving how sharp his political instincts are, the former VP managed to gather a record number of votes while consistently trailing President Trump in measures of voter enthusiasm. Biden was so savvy that he motivated voters unenthusiastic about his campaign to vote for him in record numbers.

2. Winning Despite Losing Most Bellwether Counties

Biden is set to become the first president in 60 years to lose the states of Ohio and Florida on his way to election. For a century, these states have consistently predicted the national outcome, and they have been considered roughly representative of the American melting pot as a whole. Despite national polling giving Biden a lead in both states, he lost Ohio by eight points and Florida by more than three.
For Biden to lose these key bellwethers by notable margins and still win the national election is newsworthy. Not since the Mafia allegedly aided John F. Kennedy in winning Illinois over Richard Nixon in 1960 has an American president pulled off this neat trick.

Even more unbelievably, Biden is on his way to winning the White House after having lost almost every historic bellwether county across the country. The Wall Street Journal and The Epoch Times independently analyzed the results of 19 counties around the United States that have nearly perfect presidential voting records over the last 40 years. President Trump won every single bellwether county, except Clallam County in Washington.

Whereas the former VP picked up Clallam by about three points, President Trump’s margin of victory in the other 18 counties averaged over 16 points. In a larger list of 58 bellwether counties that have correctly picked the president since 2000, Trump won 51 of them by an average of 15 points, while the other seven went to Biden by around four points. Bellwether counties overwhelmingly chose President Trump, but Biden found a path to victory anyway.

3. [ retracted due to error, see concluding note *]

4. Biden Won Despite Democrat Losses Everywhere Else

Randy DeSoto noted in The Western Journal that “Donald Trump was pretty much the only incumbent president in U.S. history to lose his re-election while his own party gained seats in the House of Representatives.” Now that’s a Biden miracle!

In 2020, The Cook Political Report and The New York Times rated 27 House seats as toss-ups going into Election Day.
Right now, Republicans appear to have won all 27. Democrats failed to flip a single state house chamber, while Republicans flipped both the House and Senate in New Hampshire and expanded their dominance of state legislatures across the country.

Christina Polizzi, a spokesperson for the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, went so far as to state: “It’s clear that Trump isn’t an anchor for the Republican legislative candidates. He’s a buoy.” Amazingly, Biden beat the guy who lifted all other Republicans to victory. Now that’s historic!

5. Biden Overcame Trump’s Commanding Primary Vote

In the past, primary vote totals have been remarkably accurate in predicting general election winners. Political analyst David Chapman highlighted three historical facts before the election.

First, no incumbent who has received 75 percent of the total primary vote has lost re-election. Second, President Trump received 94 percent of the primary vote, which is the fourth highest of all time (higher than Dwight Eisenhower, Nixon, Clinton, or Obama). In fact, Trump is only one of five incumbents since 1912 to receive more than 90 percent of the primary vote.

Third, Trump set a record for most primary votes received by an incumbent when more than 18 million people turned out for him in 2020 (the previous record, held by Bill Clinton, was half that number). For Biden to prevail in the general election, despite Trump’s historic support in the primaries, turns a century’s worth of prior election data on its head.

Joe Biden achieved the impossible. It’s interesting that many more journalists aren’t pointing that out.

  • * This article’s third point originally quoted Patrick Basham‘s citation of pollster Richard Baris and election analyst Robert Barnes’ claims that “Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.” Post-results vote analysis shows this point on review is inaccurate.


The National Review piece (linked in the original article) gloats about the retracted and corrected point 3, , as if correcting 1 (of 5) points somehow proves that all the valid criticism of Biden's shady and implausible victory is rendered null and void just by not mentioning it. But it remains only 1 of 5 points, and for all their gloating, the other 80% is verified and could not be disproven, otherwise they would have. So they just didn't mention it.

At least the Federalist had the decency to make the retraction of the portion in error (which they quoted from a listed source).
Whereas their bashers pretend all the valid data cited in the article doesn't actually exist. And no doubt the same in the [ lack of ] coverage at News York Times, Washington Post, Politico, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, Yahoo news, HuffPost, and the rest of the liberal Newspeak media. And all mention of the full facts on Facebook, Twititer, Youtube or Instagram will just get those accounts locked or permanently banned. No open dialogue or full discussion of the facts in the rigged election permitted.
Just like Hunter Biden's laptop computer.
Just like the Biden-manufactured crisis on the Southern border.
Likewise the medical evidence of Covid-19 originating from "gain of function" illegal research at the Wuhan Instutute lab.
Likewise the evidence against lockdowns and wearing a mask, where in nations worldwide, infection rates are consistently the same, whether wearign a mask or not.
Likewise, the same thing with forced immunizations, where up to 73% of immunized people still get infected with Covid.
In all these examples, when it doesn't fit the Democrat narrative, just bury it. That same rule applies in the news media, the medical establishment, big tech social media, and the FBI.

Meanwhile, the Democrats still rigged the election, and the evidence of that is growing, and still getting out.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
. ::mentally ill screaming:: .

Last edited by iggy; 2021-08-18 6:27 AM.
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brutally Kamphausened
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Originally Posted by Iggy
Shitty, shitstorm, clusterfuck, fuck you, fuck your mother, bla bla bla


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Fair Play!
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Fair Play!
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No widespread voter fraud has materialized.

You and other trumpers have no issues on election lies if you like them. Trump for example can keep repeating claims like a missing database in Arizona that is provably false.

All recounts have jibed with the official ones, even hand recounts.

You hate democracy and you and other trumpers will never fool me again that you value it.

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
No widespread voter fraud has materialized.

You and other trumpers have no issues on election lies if you like them. Trump for example can keep repeating claims like a missing database in Arizona that is provably false.

All recounts have jibed with the official ones, even hand recounts.

You hate democracy and you and other trumpers will never fool me again that you value it.

People are coming for Lindell's five million dollar prize!

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