Yeah trying to kidnap a democrat governor and trying her for her crimes with an execution to follow screams left wing. Boogaloo Bois are pro-gun with a lot of white supremacy and very much against big government.
I don't think the Satanism of that rural Michigan group who plotted to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer can credibly be fronted to be a widely held belief among conservatives, among Republicans, among Trump supporters, or even among the wider Boogaloo movement. These wack jobs were in a class all their own. Let alone the idea that conservatives or Trump supporters would endorse kidnapping a governor. Much as you'd like to lyingly conflate that cel of lunatics with Trump supporters. That B.S. just doesn't fly.
As reported today on OAN News by Chanel Rion, the Boogaloo leader posted repeatedly on Facebook that he hates Trump and "most Republicans". And when someone else speculated that the Boogaloo movement infiltrated the Trump supporters at the Jan 6 rally, he confirmed that yes, they absolutely did.
The Boogaloos have a large branch with white supremacist tendencies and call for a race war, yes. But they are also anarchists, and also have ties and collaboration with BLM, and that is clearly not Trump supporters or conservatives. I would say the two defining traits of the Boogaloo movement is they are anarchists, and they are eager to engage in violence, for publicity and/or the sheer thrill of it. Which are again more radical leftist qualities.
The only one of the four groups at the Capitol on Jan 6 that seems to be more legitimately across-the-board "right wing" is the Oath Keepers militia. But none of these groups are Trump supporters, they all have their own agenda, and each of these groups have a long history of violence that long preceded Jan 6th. And clearly pre-planned their violence that day, and were not "incited" by Trump. As NYPD, FBI, DHS and Capitol police all verify from recorded surveillance of these groups' social media posts, they had preparation and were mobilizing their plans days or weeks before Trump said a word on Jan 6th.