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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think a zealot tries to cast peaceful protesters as the same as the violent ones like you do. I recognize the difference between pro-trump protesters that didn’t trash our capitol and engage in violence and the ones that did. So you are only fooling yourself on who is the true zealot here.

First of all, I don't do that, and never did. That is a completely made up slander.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I don’t consider every trump supporter a white nationalist. I also see a difference between the peaceful protesters that went to the rally that didn’t storm the Capital riot and those that did. A difference Trump didn’t use for the largely peaceful protesters from this last summer btw. Now everyone can see the threat pro-trump terrorists pose to our country and hopefully finally treat it like other terrorism.

The reason both Trump, myself and most conservatives don't make that distinction with he BLM protesters is because they burned and looted HUNDREDS OF CITIES. It wasn't limited to just a few sections of one building. In your native Minneapolis, they burned ad destroyed over 500 businesses in just that one city. Also, the Democrats and liberal media were very dismissive of the mass destruction, on CNN reporter Ari-what's-his-name stood with the whole horizon behind him on fire, and laughably said "mostly peaceful protests". Ass to that how they, both Democrats and CNN and MSNBC reporters far from condemning the BLM violence, called it "justifiable". There's absolutely no sympathy from the same liberal Newspeak liars for the protesters on January 6th.

You do do that WB. I had friends and relatives that participated peacefully in the BLM protests. Good people that are not anti cop but recognize there is a problem. Trump cast them as just as bad as the worst. Lots of republicans like yourself ran with it.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think a zealot tries to cast peaceful protesters as the same as the violent ones like you do. I recognize the difference between pro-trump protesters that didn’t trash our capitol and engage in violence and the ones that did. So you are only fooling yourself on who is the true zealot here.

First of all, I don't do that, and never did. That is a completely made up slander.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I don’t consider every trump supporter a white nationalist. I also see a difference between the peaceful protesters that went to the rally that didn’t storm the Capital riot and those that did. A difference Trump didn’t use for the largely peaceful protesters from this last summer btw. Now everyone can see the threat pro-trump terrorists pose to our country and hopefully finally treat it like other terrorism.

The reason both Trump, myself and most conservatives don't make that distinction with he BLM protesters is because they burned and looted HUNDREDS OF CITIES. It wasn't limited to just a few sections of one building. In your native Minneapolis, they burned ad destroyed over 500 businesses in just that one city. Also, the Democrats and liberal media were very dismissive of the mass destruction, on CNN reporter Ari-what's-his-name stood with the whole horizon behind him on fire, and laughably said "mostly peaceful protests". Ass to that how they, both Democrats and CNN and MSNBC reporters far from condemning the BLM violence, called it "justifiable". There's absolutely no sympathy from the same liberal Newspeak liars for the protesters on January 6th.

You do do that WB. I had friends and relatives that participated peacefully in the BLM protests. Good people that are not anti cop but recognize there is a problem. Trump cast them as just as bad as the worst. Lots of republicans like yourself ran with it.

Again, you're a fucking liar, M E M.

You talk out both sides of your mouth, conflating ALL Trump supporters as racist militants and terrorists, and all "incited" by Trump.

And then you talk out the other side of your mouth and say "Oh no, I don't consider every trump supporter a white nationalist", when you just outright said or implied it 20 times, so you're on the record once denying the narrative you were just pushing.

I don't see anything I said that was wrong. The violence in Minneapolis alone >>>FAR<<< exceeds what happened in the Capitol on Jan 6th.

That's not "casting peaceful protestors as the same as violent ones", that's just a fact. That far more BLM protestors nationwide looted and burned and destroyed cities nationwide, tore down national monuments.
Urinated on them !
Attacked government buildings.
Attacked ICE and Border Patrol facilities.

And that THE LEADERSHIP OF YOUR ENTIRE PIECE-OF-SHIT DEMOCRAT BOLSHEVIK PARTY outright endorsed or at best never criticized any of these acts. That in my mind makes them all one in spirit with the violent rioters. They endorse it.
KAMALA HARRIS: "It's going to go on right through election day, it will not stop, it SHOULDN'T stop."
CORY BOOKER: "Get in some congressmens' faces..."
NANCY PELOSI: "People do what they do... I don't care about statues..."
MAXINE WATERS: "If you see anybody from that cabinet, in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, an you tell them they're not welcome."

Your side, on a large scale if not completely, endorsers violence. From the top of the party to the grassroots/social media bottom. And I've cited the posts of Democrats cheering on violence on social media. Mos itnfuriating to me was when the news of Trump diagnosed with Covid-19 was greeted with over 1 million likes. Facebook and Twitter had to put up notices for Democrat users not to post mean things about the Trump being ill, or the enthusiastic posts about wanting him to die would have been even higher. A FORMER OBAMA SPEECHWRITER POSTED : "I hope he dies."

As contrasted with the Capitol violence, done by 40 or so persons, some of them identified as Antifa, but regardless, universally condemned by Trump supporters.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2021-01-24 4:41 PM.
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See you are all about “sides” in a lot of your posts even when you deny it. You did exactly what you’re accusing me of with peaceful protesters as detailed in my above post WB. Your response is more of the same. It’s all right there in your posts.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
See you are all about “sides” in a lot of your posts even when you deny it. You did exactly what you’re accusing me of with peaceful protesters as detailed in my above post WB. Your response is more of the same. It’s all right there in your posts.

No. I proved with quotes and the huge volume of maniacs in your party that obviously cheer on violence. Not all, but a vast swath of your party endorses violence against conservatives.
As contrasted with Trump supporters who almost universally condemn what happened on Jan 6th, or any violence in their name.

So it's really hypocritical for you and other Democrats to go all "Ohh, tisk tisk!" that Trump supporters are a vast threat of violence. When in fact, in the examples I gave and many more, YOUR PARTY not only commits more acts of political violence, but that a huge ratio of Democrats, if not a majority, ENDORSE that violence. I keep posting examples of how vicious your party is, and you keep fronting your lying narrative of a vastly exaggerated threat of Trump-supporter violence, despite that it's overwhelmingly YOUR PARTY that advocates those tactics, both at the Democrat leadership level, and at the grassroots/social media level.

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The party of Black Lives Matter and "de-fund the police" honors a fallen officer.

Yeah, that rings about as true as "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan" (that Politifact selected as their "Lie of the Year", by the way).


And she wasn't fired!
That tells you all you need to know about Biden and his administration's true level of "respect" for police.

Add to that how top officials in both the Biden campaign and the Kamala Harris campaign gave huge amounts of money to far-left legal funds to bail the most violent Antifa and BLM rioters out of jail in Minneapolis and hundreds of other cities nationwide last summer.
Oh yes! These people have SUCH respect for the police!

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Biden actually plans on increasing the number of community policing but with increased accountability. Sounds like a solution to me.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Biden actually plans on increasing the number of community policing but with increased accountability. Sounds like a solution to me.

That doesn't change the FACT that virtually every House and Senate Democrat has been attacking police and calling for de-funding of police for a year.
And I can easily again provide the video of these comments again if needed.

One little token P.R. gesture by Democrats in pseudo-support of police, doesn't erase a year's worth of open war on police by the virtually the entire Democrat party.

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Following up on my January 18th post to this topic, I still look at Vice President Mike Pence's option to not certify the illegal state electors from 6 contested states as the moment that could have changed the election.

Will Pence stand up on Jan. 6th in Congress?

It is for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All
December 26, 2020 American Thinker By Ted Noel

On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate. His power will be plenary and unappealable. You heard that right. As president of the Senate, every objection, comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection “out of order” or “denied.” His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices. He can roll over on “certified” electors, or he can uphold the law.

At the very least, it would have begun 10 days of televised Senate debate, that would have broken through the wall of liberal media and social media suppression, and in televised debates exposed the actual facts of election fraud that have been hidden from the public, that would inevitably have raised public support of a challenge to the fraudulent outcome. And that opposition is already at 51% of Americans (including 48% of independents and 30% of Democrats) despite the mainstream suppression of the facts.
How much more an overwhelming majority, if Pence had done the right thing on Jan 6th ?

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74 million Americas voted for President Trump, or at least that’s what the final election numbers are telling us. Earlier this week, Peter Navarro compiled a report outlining “Six key dimensions of election irregularities.” In his report, Navarro identifies patterns of election irregularities that are “so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright, strategically game the election process in such a way to stuff the ballot box and unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.” Navarro cites a recent Rasmussen poll in his report that reveals a stunning 62% of Republicans, 28% of Independents, and 17% of Democrats believe it is “Very Likely the Democrats stole the election.”

While Americans watch the clock tick down as we approach the inauguration of the most powerful man in the world, judges refuse to address clear evidence of voter fraud, including affidavits from hundreds of GOP poll challengers, election workers, and even city employees who witnessed voter fraud in battleground states. Feckless Republican state lawmakers are kicking the can down the road, promising they’ll address voter fraud in the next election. Meanwhile, 74 million + Americans are not okay with kicking the can down the road, they want this issue addressed NOW!

Now that the electors have voted, what are the remaining options to stop what many believe is a fraudulent candidate from becoming our next president? According to the National File, this fight is not over, and one of the most important options falls on Vice President Mike Pence, who according to their report, needs to address this issue today.

The National File reports – Sources in the Trump administration confirmed to National File that President Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates within the White House have determined that both U.S. Code and the Constitution contain language that requires Vice President Mike Pence to reject unlawful Electoral College certificates, but Pence must act by no later than Wednesday, December 23.

The drafters of this White House memo believe that the federal check to the states’ elections resides with Vice President Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate. Additionally, Pence has the sole power to determine whether to reject impermissible states of electors. However, Pence is legally required to do this on the fourth Wednesday in December, which this year falls on December 23.
National File’s sources in the White House indicated that the memo was requested by those in the President’s circle who are most keen to see the 2020 election, and the ensuing fallout, administered in as transparent of a manner as possible. They also indicate that the push to find a path to verify the 2020 election’s integrity is not coming solely from the White House, but also comes from across numerous agencies in the administration.

The emergence of the memo could mark a decided shift in roles for Pence, our sources explain. Since the days immediately following the election, Pence has remained relatively silent compared to President Trump and his legal team.

The revelation that Pence alone can reject allegedly fraudulent Electoral College certificates shifts the spotlight from President Trump and Congressional leaders significantly by putting President Trump’s electoral destiny squarely on Pence’s shoulders.

This memo will likely interfere with Pence’s travel plans, as the vice president recently announced his intention to travel to Israel for two weeks after January 6, when he will preside over a joint session of Congress, according to the Times of Israel.

Inside The Memo:

  • Pence can deny Electoral College certificates from states with widespread election fraud.


  • Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution requires that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.” Therefore, the papers (or “slates”) the states attempted to submit to the President of the Senate and Archivist of the United States are not legal, permissible certificates of votes and lists by Electors as recited in Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin violated the U.S. Constitution’s Art. 2, S.1, Cl.2 and 14th Amendment, Section 1, Equal Protection Clause in administering their elections, therefore rendering their slates impermissible.

    On Dec. 14, the States consummated a fraudulent and Constitutionally deficient certification of their electors as required by 3 USC 7. State and federal authorities have discovered Overwhelming evidence of election fraud and irregularities since Nov. 4, likely rising to the level of criminal election fraud and public corruption. Civil courts dismissed these claims procedurally, rather than on substance.

Pence must then notify the Secretary of State in each contested state that they have until January 6 to send a legal Electoral College certificate.


  • The President of the Senate, as the Vice President, statutorily sits on the National Security Council and is privy to information no other individual in the Presidential electoral process has — not the States, not the SCOTUS, not U.S. Congress. This specifically includes any classified evidence and assessments which emanate from EO 13848 regarding foreign interference with US elections. Therefore, the President of the Senate is uniquely qualified to issue judgement on impermissible electors.

This is not an option for Pence. If he intends to follow the law from December 23 until January 6, he must instruct these states to remedy their Electoral College certificates.

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Pence would have helped Trump steal the election if he could have WB. What you present is a new interpretation of what a vp can actually do. And who shares this view? Well golly it looks like it’s just trump people. Really do you see Kamala having this power in ‘24? No I don’t think you would. We wouldn’t survive as a democracy for long if it just depended on the loser willing to accept losing. Trump lost and tried to bully his way into holding onto power. It failed and we still have a democracy.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Pence would have helped Trump steal the election if he could have WB. What you present is a new interpretation of what a vp can actually do. And who shares this view? Well golly it looks like it’s just trump people. Really do you see Kamala having this power in ‘24? No I don’t think you would. We wouldn’t survive as a democracy for long if it just depended on the loser willing to accept losing. Trump lost and tried to bully his way into holding onto power. It failed and we still have a democracy.

NOT what I present, what lawyers and legal experts presented. As I said in my January 18th post, these were highly positioned former attorneys for the DOJ and DHS, who were quoting the U.S. Constitution !

NOT an attempt to "steal the election", as is your Democrat-Bolshevik narrative, to rationalize the corrupt way your vicious party seized power in the Nov 3rd rigged election (and immediately implemented a massive authoritarian lockdown the moment Trump conceded on Jan 6th). A militarized Biden inauguration behind 26,000 troops and razor-wire is indistinguishable from Xi Jinping's Beijing, or Kim Jong Un's Pyonyang.
Not a "steal". But instead the available options laid out chapter and verse in the U.S. Constitution. To legally, by the rule of law, save the nation from YOUR party's armed Bolshevik takeover, and ongoing purge. If only Pence and many other scared rabbits in the GOP leadership, judiciary, state legislatures, and state governors, had the courage to simply exert the Constitutional powers given to them.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Don’t you think Trump inciting a mob of trumpers that stormed the capital with chants of “hang Pence” is scarier to Mile Pence than Biden at his meanest? You forget all the video of demented trumpers in all their awfulness beating on officers? And finding lawyers to take any position happens all the time. I never heard of this interpretation of the Constitution till Trump needed it. I bet you hadn’t either. Want makes this better than what was the traditional and accepted view other than it’s about what you want?

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That now includes Antifa, BLM, and Boogaloo groups, posing as Trump supporters.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man

"" = branch of Washington Post = liberal spin site feigning objectivity = LIBERAL PROPAGANDA

Factcheck, Politifact and Snopes all pretend to be neutral sites, but are actually liberal spin propaganda that 75% of the time target conservatives to pick apart, and only 25% of the time target liberal/Democratss, to project some illusion of neutral objectivity, but only as cover to reinforce the mainstream liberal narrative.

I cited facts above that are inconvenient to that narrative.

I also notice that the "Factcheck" piece skirts around the facts with a carefully worded "no ANTIFA were identified" that deceitfully navigates around the fact that other Leftist groups ABSOLUTELY WERE identified and arrested infiltrating and pretending to be trump supporters, including BLM (John Sullivan), the Boogaloo anarchist group (deceitfully portrayed by you as a right-wing group, despite the clearly stated hatred by their leader for Trump and Republicans, and their clear joint protests with BLM)/.
And other groups that are perhaps "right-wing" such as Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, but are still not Trump supporters in any conventional sense, and have a long history of violence before January 6th, and NYPD, FBI and DHS were alerted to their planned violence a month before the Jan 6th rally. (i.e., not "incited" by Trump)

That "Factcheck" hit piece cites the numbers of Trump supporters arrested on lesser charges, but fails to make clear that while Trump supporters entered the White House, the ones arrested were mostly for criminal tresspass and similar charges, while the violent acts and destruction were orchestrated by leftist infiltrators.

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OAN= trump trash garbage

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I know how you feel about bias WB

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Did you have anything credible?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
OAN= trump trash garbage

Eat shit, M E M. They cited facts and were clearly sourced.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy


by Megan Fox, PJ NEWS
Feb 3, 2021

CNN is reporting that the case to prove Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick’s death was murder may be falling apart.

  • Investigators are struggling to build a federal murder case regarding fallen US Capitol Police officer, Brian Sicknick, vexed by a lack of evidence that could prove someone caused his death as he defended the Capitol during last month’s insurrection.

    Authorities have reviewed video and photographs that show Sicknick engaging with rioters amid the siege but have yet to identify a moment in which he suffered his fatal injuries, law enforcement officials familiar with the matter said.

    Soon after Sicknick died on January 7, prosecutors in Washington opened a federal murder investigation, dedicating a team inside the US attorney’s office to build out a case, authorities have said.

This is a far cry from what we were told—that the officer was beaten to death. Not only can authorities not explain his death, but they also admit to having given out false information that the officer was bludgeoned by a fire extinguisher.

  • According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.

How can we know so little about the cause of this man’s death almost an entire month later?

  • To date, little information has been shared publicly about the circumstances of the death of the 13-year veteran of the police force, including any findings from an autopsy that was conducted by DC’s medical examiner. In a statement the day after the insurrection, Capitol Police said that Sicknick had been “injured while physically engaging with protesters” and collapsed as a result of his injuries sometime after returning to his office. He died the next day in a local hospital

We don’t know if he had any health conditions that contributed to the death. We don’t know the cause of death. Basically, we know nothing about how or why this man died, but his death was used to paint all of the protesters at the Capitol as violent insurrectionists. There’s no question that some of them did act violently, but if they did not commit murder, we should know that, too.

The FBI says that 100 officers were injured in the Capitol events. I hope that didn’t happen, honestly, because it is upsetting to think about people who agree with me politically participating in violence like that. If they did, they should be locked up. But I don’t know how anyone can know anything definitively at this point after learning that reports about Sicknick were not correct. What else about this reporting was wrong? Will we ever know?

  • In court documents, FBI agents have laid out elements of the attacks faced by officers in alarming detail. More than 100 police officers were injured in the melee, including at least 15 officers who required hospitalization, according to court documents.

Even though the network is reporting the major questions surrounding the officer’s death, CNN contributors are still claiming that Sicknick was killed “in the January 6th terrorist attack,” though he died a day later and authorities don’t know how or why. Does that seem like good journalism to you? It’s clear that no matter what comes from this investigation, Officer Sicknick will be forever used to push the left’s narrative that a protest in which a tiny percentage of the attendees got out of control was a “violent terrorist attack” and an “insurrection.” Whether that is actually true doesn’t seem to matter. How do you like living in a post-truth reality?

Officer Sicknick is lying in honor in the Capitol.

My condolences to the Sicknick family. However he died—and maybe we’ll find out one day— it’s a sad loss. Rest in peace.

So a further piece of the Democrat lying narrative (and rationalization for a national lockdown on 74 million "white supremacist" Trump supporters) is falling apart.

Further, officer Brian Sicknick was a Trump supporter, who wrote multiple letters to House and Senate leaders about his outrage that Trump was being impeached in 2020, and appealing to them to stop the unwarranted impeachment procedure.

Again, I suspect that if Sicknick had been killed and it was an ACTUAL Trump supporter, that person would have been arrested a long time ago. Plenty of video and photos of the protest crowds and Sicknick clashing with them, plenty of people they could identify and pull in to interrogate to find out who any unknown person was inside the Capitol.
I think the 97% Democrat-donating FBI doesn't want to bring them in, because it doesn't fit their Bolshevik party's narrative.

Against your lying narrative that "right wing Trump supporters killed a police officer". That narrative is falling apart. That leaves **UNARMED* Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt who was killed by a Capitol police officer (incited by BLM leader John Sullivan), and three other people who died of medical emergencies that day, not the "5 killed by Trump supporter violence" liberal narrative.

Your side are such frigging liars.

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As I noted during the BLM protests there were those from the far right that actually killed cops and also participated in arson. That of course is worse than some guy filming trumpers during the riot but didn’t take away from those that were not right wing that were violent. Or from the much much larger groups that were peacefully protesting that trump (pos) called terrorists. The violent cop killing mob at the capitol though he called special and “we love you”. Anyways the arrest records are showing that it was Trumpers. Good time to crack down on those terrorists/right wing militias smile

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...At least 81 Capitol Police officers were assaulted during the siege of the Capitol, according to filings by federal prosecutors. The filings did not detail injuries sustained by officers, and a Capitol Police spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment on officer injuries.
About 65 D.C. police officers also suffered injuries on Jan. 6, including several concussions from head blows from various objects, including metal poles ripped from inauguration-related scaffolding and even a pole with an American flag attached, D.C. police officials have said. Other injuries included swollen ankles and wrists, bruised arms and legs, and irritated lungs from bear and pepper spray.

Reports say officers were pushed down stairs, trampled by rioters, punched and run over in a stampede.
“I’ve talked to officers who have done two tours in Iraq who said this was scarier to them than their time in combat,” acting D.C. police chief Robert J. Contee III said at a news conference earlier this month.
Police union says 140 officers injured in capitol riot

Trump’s special people that we love did that.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
...At least 81 Capitol Police officers were assaulted during the siege of the Capitol, according to filings by federal prosecutors. The filings did not detail injuries sustained by officers, and a Capitol Police spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment on officer injuries.
About 65 D.C. police officers also suffered injuries on Jan. 6, including several concussions from head blows from various objects, including metal poles ripped from inauguration-related scaffolding and even a pole with an American flag attached, D.C. police officials have said. Other injuries included swollen ankles and wrists, bruised arms and legs, and irritated lungs from bear and pepper spray.

Reports say officers were pushed down stairs, trampled by rioters, punched and run over in a stampede.
“I’ve talked to officers who have done two tours in Iraq who said this was scarier to them than their time in combat,” acting D.C. police chief Robert J. Contee III said at a news conference earlier this month.
Police union says 140 officers injured in capitol riot

Trump’s special people that we love did that.

You're such a lying propagandist, M E M. You can't prove it was Trump supporters who did this. I already made clear that those arrested were from BLM and other fringe groups, and of 280 investigated and/or arrested, overwhelmingly they were for "criminal trespass" and other minor charges.

Those engaging in violence, whether Left or Right, were identified as separate fringe groups outside what could fairly be labelled as Trump supporters. Fringe groups who planned their violence up to a month before Jan 6th, and just infiltrated the peaceful Trump supporters as cover for their planned attacks.

You'e such a piece of shit to try and smear the entire Trump movement, to conflate them with these other known violent groups.
Anything to advance your lying Bolshevik cause, eh, M E M?

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
As I noted during the BLM protests there were those from the far right that actually killed cops and also participated in arson. That of course is worse than some guy filming trumpers during the riot but didn’t take away from those that were not right wing that were violent. Or from the much much larger groups that were peacefully protesting that trump (pos) called terrorists. The violent cop killing mob at the capitol though he called special and “we love you”. Anyways the arrest records are showing that it was Trumpers. Good time to crack down on those terrorists/right wing militias smile


The one group you linked were members of the Boogaloo movement, which you labelled falsely as "right wing", but who are in truth an anarchist group who have stated their hatred for Trump and Republicans. And the Boogaloo have worked with BLM, hardly making them "right wing". Against your slanders, they are decidedly left wing, anarchist at best.

Democrats and the liberal media exaggerate violence of conservatives, and even frame them for leftist violence, and completely ignore AN ENTIRE YEAR of BLM and Antifa looting and burning hundreds of cities nationwide.
And including an even worse storming of the Capitol by leftists during the Kavanaugh court nomination.
And the May siege on the White House by BLM/Antifa that injured over 50 Secret Service agents and DC police.

And, of course, the violent Democrat attacks on the 2001 inauguration day ceremony of George W. Bush, and the 2016 inauguration of Donald Trump.

Selectively omitted from liberal media coverage, and CNN / MSNBC hyperventilating and outrage. One clip I watched showed liberal media coverage of calm 2016 inauguration protest crowds in the streets of Washington DC as aired on CBS, and in the next clip showed a burning limousine in OAN footage of the same scene, just a few feet out of view in the CBS footage. Just disgusting in its obscene selective omission and bias.

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Yeah trying to kidnap a democrat governor and trying her for her crimes with an execution to follow screams left wing. Boogaloo Bois are pro-gun with a lot of white supremacy and very much against big government.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Yeah trying to kidnap a democrat governor and trying her for her crimes with an execution to follow screams left wing. Boogaloo Bois are pro-gun with a lot of white supremacy and very much against big government.

I don't think the Satanism of that rural Michigan group who plotted to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer can credibly be fronted to be a widely held belief among conservatives, among Republicans, among Trump supporters, or even among the wider Boogaloo movement. These wack jobs were in a class all their own. Let alone the idea that conservatives or Trump supporters would endorse kidnapping a governor. Much as you'd like to lyingly conflate that cel of lunatics with Trump supporters. That B.S. just doesn't fly.

As reported today on OAN News by Chanel Rion, the Boogaloo leader posted repeatedly on Facebook that he hates Trump and "most Republicans". And when someone else speculated that the Boogaloo movement infiltrated the Trump supporters at the Jan 6 rally, he confirmed that yes, they absolutely did.

The Boogaloos have a large branch with white supremacist tendencies and call for a race war, yes. But they are also anarchists, and also have ties and collaboration with BLM, and that is clearly not Trump supporters or conservatives. I would say the two defining traits of the Boogaloo movement is they are anarchists, and they are eager to engage in violence, for publicity and/or the sheer thrill of it. Which are again more radical leftist qualities.

The only one of the four groups at the Capitol on Jan 6 that seems to be more legitimately across-the-board "right wing" is the Oath Keepers militia. But none of these groups are Trump supporters, they all have their own agenda, and each of these groups have a long history of violence that long preceded Jan 6th. And clearly pre-planned their violence that day, and were not "incited" by Trump. As NYPD, FBI, DHS and Capitol police all verify from recorded surveillance of these groups' social media posts, they had preparation and were mobilizing their plans days or weeks before Trump said a word on Jan 6th.

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On the subject of a party openly and widely advocating violence against political leaders and party members they don't like....

That's y'know, in addition to FOUR YEARS of death threats and televised Democrat fantasies of attacking/killing Trump supporters and other Republicans, including many among the Democrat elected leadership (Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and countless others, pretty much the entire Democrat leadership) have voiced a desire for violence against Trump and Republicans. And quite frequently acted violently toward that end.

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Biden specifically denounced the violence in Portland. It’s very easy to Google WB and Biden doesn’t call the violent people “special” “that we love” like trump did. One cop dead and many more injured and your guy tells the violent mob that their special, we love you.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Biden specifically denounced the violence in Portland. It’s very easy to Google WB and Biden doesn’t call the violent people “special” “that we love” like trump did. One cop dead and many more injured and your guy tells the violent mob that their special, we love you.

Those are your lying talking points, that I've already disproven above. There is NO EVIDENCE that anyone threw an extinguisher at officer Sicknick, let alone a Trump supporter. Hours of video surveillance, no scene that shows an extinguissher thrown at him. A lying Democrat talking point. Sicknick collaped unexplained at the police station hours after the riots, and died many hours after that at the hospital. They can only guess at the cause at this point. The only preson ACTUALLY killed that day was **UNARMED** Ashli Babbit, shot dead from 20 feet away by a Capitol police officer. The other three deaths that day were a guy in his 50's with a heart attack, another guy in his 50's with a heart attack, and a 34 year old girl who died receiving CPR after a seizure, all health problems, not due to violence.

And I've already detailed what Trump meant when he called his followers "special" all 74.3 million of them.
**NOT** the violent protesters as you insinuate. As I've said, the violent ones were 1) Antifa, 2) Boogaloo movement, 3) Proud Boys, and 4) Oath Keepers, **NOT** Trump supporters, but groups who all have individual long histories of violence that far precedes the Jan 6th protests. They planned their violence a month beforehand, as documented by NYPD, FBI, DHS, and Capitol police who were alerted to their online planned attacks, plans that far pre-dated Jan 6th and just used the Trump supporter protesters as cover to move among.

You're such a fucking liar, M E M.

Regarding Biden's remarks, iIf someone says ONE TIME a token statement of vaguely condemning violence, but the overwhelming majority of the time he either passively endorses it, or openly calls for violence himself, that one-time lying piece-of-shit hypocritical call for peace rings rather hollow.

'I'd beat the hell out of him' says Joe Biden of Trump

Biden: I wish I could take Trump behind the gym

There are dozens of quotes of Biden making uncivil calls for violence, particularly against Trump.
It's hardly a strain to find them.


BIDEN AND TRUMP IN 2020 DEBATE: BIDEN: "I don't hold public office now..."

Well, Biden is president now.
So what has he done to stop the Portland violence, or any other BLM and Antifa / leftist violence continuing far beyond his inauguration in cities nationwide?

Far from civility and unity, or stopping violence, Biden is stoking a civil war.
He is purging the police and military of any Republicans.

He (and the puppetmasters behind him, who REALLY are running the show) are preparing to wage war on the half of the country that didn't vote for him, the same treatment Jews were given in Nazi Germany. Completely isolate his conservative opposition, purging them from government positions, and eventually put all conservatives in "re-education camps".

It seems to only be when Democrats are caught that they make a retraction and say "Ohhhh, we condemn violence".
But when they are asked candidly on a hidden camera, they make clear their REAL plans. And those plans are a French Revolution, a Stalinist or Maoist or Castro-like purge, and imprisonment or genocide of all who disagree with them.
Over and over we see this in what Democrats openly plan, when they think no cameras are on them.
In the Democrat leadership, in the liberal media, among big-tech Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google executives and employees, among liberal teachers caught on camera in classrooms, among BLM and Antifa, and at the most grassroots Democrat level. This is what your vicious party openly plans.

Or in the words of Vice President Kamala Harris:
"It's going to continue right on up through election day, it will not stop, and it SHOULDN'T stop."

I'd also point out that about a dozen high-level staffers of Biden, and a dozen more among Kamala Harris' staff (who at the time were two separate campaigns, but with the same Bolshevik ideology) ALL supported legal funds to bail out the most violent criminal rioters of BLM during the summer 2020 protests. Because BLM /Antifa are a barely concealed arm of the Democrat party, the violent intimidation arm.
THAT is how much the Democrat leaders "oppose violence". Fanatics, one and all, from the top on down.

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Does trump loving the violent mob and calling them special make his statement better? And we know how you really feel about fucking liars WB. You vote for them and would throw democracy aside to keep them in power.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Does trump loving the violent mob and calling them special make his statement better? And we know how you really feel about fucking liars WB. You vote for them and would throw democracy aside to keep them in power.

Repeating your lying programmed talking points doesn't make them any more true, M E M.

And by the way, you are conflating the entire 74.3 million Trump supporters with a few violent actors. A level of conflation and smear you fronted to condemn a few posts back.

The Trump supporters and Freedom Caucus people I support believe in the Constitution and rule of law.

As opposed to the Cultural Marxist Democrat-Bolsheviks you support, who see the Constitution as something that is in the way, as they pursue authoritarian control and smashing all dissenting thought, purging all Republicans from government, from law enforcement and from our military, until there is no one left but your Bolshevik party. From Bill and Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and the current Democrat Bolsheviks in the Biden White House, yours is a party that openly worships and adoringly quotes the likes of Mao, Castro, Che Gueverra, Hugo Chaves, Saul Alinsky and other authoritarian dictators and marxists.

You keep deceitfully evading those facts, M E M.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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How am I conflating? Trump did call the violent mob special and “we love you”. People that tried stopping the certification by force. I get why trump feels they are special and loves them but if you’re good with that don’t bother trying to say you believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. You clearly don’t in principle. I suggest you watch the impeachment trial. It’s not going to feel good but I think you might be missing some context.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
How am I conflating? Trump did call the violent mob special and “we love you”. People that tried stopping the certification by force. I get why trump feels they are special and loves them but if you’re good with that don’t bother trying to say you believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. You clearly don’t in principle. I suggest you watch the impeachment trial. It’s not going to feel good but I think you might be missing some context.

No, you're just lying.

Already asked and answered in my above posts. The people in Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the Boogaloo movement, Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are all separate groups from the Trump movement, who clearly are identified in advance reports by the NYPD, the FBI, DHS and Capitol police **A MONTH PRIOR** to the Jan 6th rally, as planning to use the Trump supporters' rally as cover for their violence. They were not part of the Trump supporters, and they planned their violence way before the rally, so they were not "incited" to violence by Trump.
Trump was addressing his ACTUAL supporters as special, **NOT** the leftist/terrorist infiltrators using them as cover and trying to frame them.

Every last talking point you fronted is a lie. In point of fact, BLM and the Boogaloos (anarchists, tied to BLM, with an expressed hatred for Trump, despite you labelling them as "conservatives") were clearly there to frame Trump supporters.
And at the very least, Oath Keepers and Proud Boys have a completely different motivating ideologies than the Trump supporters.

And regarding "Antifa is not confirmed to be there", as other terrorism experts and field reporters observed that day (two in OAN reports I've posted) have said that organized techniques of the more violent protesters, handing shields, water, pepper spay cans and other supplies back and forth over the heads of a dense crowd to a front line of their group fighting police, hand signals, using umbrellas to shield themselves from pepper spray and from cameras that could identify them, are all organized practices they have seen Antifa use in other protests and riots nationwide, and worldwide. So while the 97% Democrat-donating FBI says they did not detect Antifa there (and FBI head William Wray said in Senate hearings Antifa don't actually even exist, they're just an "idea" or an ideology) others identify Antifa as having been at the Capitol in large numbers on Jan 6th.

And as I've said repeatedly, while there were over 100,000 Trump-supporter protesters in the Washington mall and near the capitol that day, and under 300 of them were identified and arrested for lesser crimes like criminal trespass, stealing a podium and some of Pelosi's personal letters, and a few for smashing windows, the worst violence, including the *ONLY* killing that occurred that day of Ashli Babbitt, was orchestrated by BLM activists, ****pretending**** to be Trump supporters.

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Media reports have been conflicting — unnamed law enforcement sources initially told outlets Sicknick was bludgeoned in the head by a fire extinguisher, while others speaking on condition of anonymity countered those claims, arguing there was no immediate evidence showing that Sicknick suffered any blunt force trauma.

As the autopsy results remain pending, investigators are also weighing the possibility that Sicknick could have died from exposure to a chemical irritant, such as bear mace or pepper spray. It also remains unclear whether Sicknick had any pre-existing conditions.

...In the only public statement issued by U.S. Capitol Police describing the circumstances surrounding his death, the department said Sicknick "passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty." He died at the hospital at approximately 9:30 p.m. the evening of Jan. 7.

Sicknick "was responding to the riots" on Jan. 6 at the U.S. Capitol and "was injured while physically engaging with protesters," the statement said. "He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries."

His eldest brother, Ken Sicknick, told ProPublica in an interview published Jan. 8 that Brian Sicknick had texted him on the night on Jan. 6 to tell him he had been pepper-sprayed but felt fine. He told the outlet his brother was dead by the next night, after suffering a stroke.

"He texted me last night and said, ‘I got pepper-sprayed twice,’ and he was in good shape," Ken Sicknick told the outlet over the phone, as the family drove toward Washington, D.C., from New Jersey. "Apparently he collapsed in the Capitol and they resuscitated him using CPR."

The family later received word that Brian Sicknick had a blood clot and had had a stroke and a ventilator was keeping him alive, Ken Sicknick told ProPublica. Authorities have not verified his account, and Ken Sicknick has not returned a Fox News request for comment.

Well, it took circumnavigating a lot of evasiveness by the police department, by the coroner's office, and of the reluctance of the liberal media to report it, but finally, over a month later, there it is.

They wanted to keep the deceitful liberal narrative alive, of "five people KILLED in Capitol insurrection", and "Trump's incitement caused his white supremacist racist supporters to KILL a police officer".

But let me peel away the sedimentary layers of Democrat and liberal media deception.

1) The only person KILLED was Ashli Babbitt by police, and the other four, now including officer Sicknick, died of either heart attacks or strokes. **NONE** of the deaths that day were a result of Trump supporter violence.

2) There are a number of groups identified as having pre-planned and orchestrated the violence, well in advance of the Jan 6th rally. So it clearly was not "incited" by Trump. Pre-planned means it was not incited. And these groups were BLM (leftist infiltrators pretending to be Trump supporters), the Boogaloo movement (BLM-connected leftist/anarchist infiltrators), Oath Keepers (a right wing militia, infiltrators), and Proud Boys (possibly right wing, but basically a group who like to start fights) , all of whom are separate groups from Trump supporters, each with a long history of violence, who hid among the Trump supporters, to hijack the rally for their own ADVANCE PLANNED purpose.

3) Trump supporters are not "white supremacist". Donald Trump has a Jewish son in law Jared Kushner, his daughter Ivanka has converted to Judaism, his grandchildren are Jewish, he has done more than any president before him to advance the friendship and security of Israel. Against the selective editing of the liberal media, Trump has condemned white supremacists and their violence on many occasions, including during the Charlottesville riots in 2017. Trump's policies as president have benefitted blacks, hispanics and asians disproportionately more than any other group, with the lowest unemployment recorded, highest rise in wages, and highest rise in home ownership for these demographic groups ever recorded.

Those are the proven facts.

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More on officer Brian Sicknick's death:


The narrative was no longer useful, so N Y TIMES admitted they had no facts and made it up all along with fake sources.

For those not keeping track "Five people KILLED by Trump supporters" actually turned out to be:
1 person shot and killed by Capitol police(Trump supporter and Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt)
3 people with health problems who died of strokes or heart attacks while receiving CPR (i.e., not violence, and all were Trump supporters, not "victims" of Trump supporters.)
1 Capitol police officer, Brian Sicknick, whose cause of death, despite the high profile of it, was oddly NOT sought in an autopsy, but is best guessed to be a stroke as well (and Sicknick was likewise also a Trump supporter, and despite the lying narrative, NOT a "victim" of Trump supporter violence.)

So... that highly incendiary disproven "FIVE people killed by Capitol violence" lying narrative turns out to be: ZERO people killed by Trump supporter violence.
And ONE Trump supporter killed, by a trigger-happy cop from at least 20 feet away (caught on video from several angles), who despite that he used excessive force that got someone killed, will not even be prosecuted. AND WILL NOT EVEN BE PUBLICLY NAMED !!!!!!!!!!!

As the above linked article makes pretty clear, multiple people in the print and broadcast news media, in the Capitol police department, in the coroner's office, and among the political leadership, apparently both establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans, conspired to hide the true facts, and did everything they could to prop up an angry false narrative as long as they could, flasely alleging that it was Trump and his supporters that caused these five deaths.

And that not one person was actually "KILLED" by Trump supporters.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man

That's crap guilt by association.
Roger Stone answered that on another program I saw on Newsmax. He doesn't know the guys, with his life threatened, Stone hired one offered to him as a bodyguard.
You can find a photo of Neville Chamberlain shaking hands with Adolf Hitler.
You can pull up a photo of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein.
You can pull up a photo of Jeff Sessions during a State Of The Union address where he was introduced (by a Democrat) to the Russian Ambassador and shook his hand for 5 seconds.
That doesn't mean any of these people photographed together know each other, or have any shared ideology.

As Stone said when interviewed about it, he's been destroyed financially and even had to sell his home to pay for his legal defense. He's not in a position to do thorough background checks on every person he hires just to protect his life from constant death threats.

That partisan article goes out of its way to imply associations, without ever going to the people involved to find out exactly what their true relationship is.

The "article" from ABC News calls Trump's assertion that the election was rigged a "false conspiracy theory" despite that there is considerable evidence and blatant videotaped evidence of thousands of fraudulent ballots snuch into Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix and other vote centers, and thousands of affidavit-sworn witnesses to election fraud. "Unverfified" perhapss, but certainly not "false", except in a deceitful liberal narrative.

Originally Posted by from the ABC News hit piece
The Justice Department has aggressively gone after individuals who participated in the insurrection and continues to explore the role extremist groups may have played in coordinating the incursion that left five dead, including a Capitol police officer.

And yet not a word about Antifa and John Earle Sullivan, who was arrested by the FBI, with abundant self-incriminating videotape posted on Youtube and Facebook of his inciting and participating in violence, and directly inciting the ONLY murder at the Capitol that day, the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt.
And the deceitfully worded in the article, "the incursion that left five dead" fails to note that it was LEFT-wing Antifa that caused the only death, and that the other four were either heart attacks or strokes, including officer Brian Sicknick. And that ZERO of those deaths were caused by Trump supporters, Oath Keepers or any other "right wing" group.
That Ashli Babbitt was shot dead by a Capitol police officer from 25 feet away, that she was unarmed and clearly (in two separate videos, taken from two angles) NOT a threat to the officer or anyone else. And yet the officer iss not named, and the officer will not be charged. If Ashli Babbitt were a black Antifa member, cities nationwide would be burned in her name, and the media would not stop pushing until the officer who shot her was named and prosecuted.

And despite all the bias and insinuation, in the final paragraph:

Stone has said he played no part in such an effort. None of the men seen with him in the video has been arrested.

"A careful review of my language of Jan. 5 indicates that I played no role whatsoever in advocating violence or any inappropriate or illegal activity," Stone said in the statement to ABC News in January. "Indeed anyone breaking into the U.S. Capitol, trespassing and destroying property would only be hurting the America First movement that I support."

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