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"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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He had a segment way back when where he read off names of men who died of aids and laughing. frown

Fair play!
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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
He had a segment way back when where he read off names of men who died of aids and laughing. frown

Yeah, that alone is enough to exempt him from the whole "don't speak ill of the dead" thing. But even beyond that, he was a shitty human being who used his platform and influence both to harm individuals and to affect public policy in ways which harmed multitudes. The general rule in comedy is "don't punch down," and you're not punching down by taking a swing at someone who applauded mass incarceration of POC for nonviolent cannabis infractions while himself being a huge fuck-off pillhead. It's safe to say that hell gained a new public toilet.


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Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
He had a segment way back when where he read off names of men who died of aids and laughing. frown

Yeah, that alone is enough to exempt him from the whole "don't speak ill of the dead" thing. But even beyond that, he was a shitty human being who used his platform and influence both to harm individuals and to affect public policy in ways which harmed multitudes. The general rule in comedy is "don't punch down," and you're not punching down by taking a swing at someone who applauded mass incarceration of POC for nonviolent cannabis infractions while himself being a huge fuck-off pillhead. It's safe to say that hell gained a new public toilet.

Ladies and gentlemen....the tolerant left!

Last edited by the G-man; 2021-02-18 9:50 AM.
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Originally Posted by the G-man
Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
He had a segment way back when where he read off names of men who died of aids and laughing. frown

Yeah, that alone is enough to exempt him from the whole "don't speak ill of the dead" thing. But even beyond that, he was a shitty human being who used his platform and influence both to harm individuals and to affect public policy in ways which harmed multitudes. The general rule in comedy is "don't punch down," and you're not punching down by taking a swing at someone who applauded mass incarceration of POC for nonviolent cannabis infractions while himself being a huge fuck-off pillhead. It's safe to say that hell gained a new public toilet.

Ladies and gentlemen....the tolerant left!

sO mUcH fOr tHe tOlErAnT lEfT!

MEM's a centrist - albeit a particularly excitable one - acting in good faith. I guess I'd come closer to being considered an actual leftist, though definitely of the anarchist and not the authoritarian variety (I've tried to distance myself from traditional models and learn from less Eurocentric paradigms in recent years). Since G-Man probably already knows this and is read up on a chunk of the relevant theory, I'll just mention for anyone else's benefit that liberals are centrists and not leftists; they ping as center-right damn near everywhere else in the world, it's just that the Cold War and the New Right have steadily dragged the US so far to the right that centrists look like Trotskyists here. I will say, from experience, that actual leftists aren't wringing their hands over whether they're being sufficiently tolerant - at least not when it comes to aspiring fascists and their apologists. The in-joke is that the "tolerant" leftists will at least send you to the gulag instead of straight to the wall. I used to be on that "we all need to meet in the middle" bullshit until I realized how that well-intentioned liberal/centrist aspiration has allowed conservatives to steadily drag the Overton window in their direction for decades. But given what a small (though vocal) ideological minority the far right actually is, I think it's safe to say you can both plan and strive for their elimination as an effective societal influence and still have the best interests of the majority in mind.


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Originally Posted by the G-man
Ladies and gentlemen....I hate my wife and daughters!

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
Originally Posted by the G-man
Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
He had a segment way back when where he read off names of men who died of aids and laughing. frown

Yeah, that alone is enough to exempt him from the whole "don't speak ill of the dead" thing. But even beyond that, he was a shitty human being who used his platform and influence both to harm individuals and to affect public policy in ways which harmed multitudes. The general rule in comedy is "don't punch down," and you're not punching down by taking a swing at someone who applauded mass incarceration of POC for nonviolent cannabis infractions while himself being a huge fuck-off pillhead. It's safe to say that hell gained a new public toilet.

Ladies and gentlemen....the tolerant left!

sO mUcH fOr tHe tOlErAnT lEfT!

MEM's a centrist - albeit a particularly excitable one - acting in good faith. I guess I'd come closer to being considered an actual leftist, though definitely of the anarchist and not the authoritarian variety (I've tried to distance myself from traditional models and learn from less Eurocentric paradigms in recent years). Since G-Man probably already knows this and is read up on a chunk of the relevant theory, I'll just mention for anyone else's benefit that liberals are centrists and not leftists; they ping as center-right damn near everywhere else in the world, it's just that the Cold War and the New Right have steadily dragged the US so far to the right that centrists look like Trotskyists here. I will say, from experience, that actual leftists aren't wringing their hands over whether they're being sufficiently tolerant - at least not when it comes to aspiring fascists and their apologists. The in-joke is that the "tolerant" leftists will at least send you to the gulag instead of straight to the wall. I used to be on that "we all need to meet in the middle" bullshit until I realized how that well-intentioned liberal/centrist aspiration has allowed conservatives to steadily drag the Overton window in their direction for decades. But given what a small (though vocal) ideological minority the far right actually is, I think it's safe to say you can both plan and strive for their elimination as an effective societal influence and still have the best interests of the majority in mind.

That’s a whole lot of words to make yourself feel good in the faculty lounge. But keep telling yourself you’re an independent thinker. I can respect you doing what have you have to do to feed your family.

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What is it, exactly, that you think I do these days? We... haven't really caught up on much, have we? Maybe some other time.


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Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
What is it, exactly, that you think I do these days? We... haven't really caught up on much, have we? Maybe some other time.

Most of my family (referenced in your subject line) is fine, thank you very much.

Though I did have one very close family member die of lung cancer recently. Watching them waste away, from a strong and vibrant person into a painful shell, wasn’t easy. Watching their spouse deal with it was even worse. Tomorrow I’ll get up and start yet another round of paperwork to help them out dealing with government overreach on their assets. Then, I’ll clock in at my “ real” job.

But I’m sure at some point in their lives they made an inopportune joke, so that painful death was probably deserved.

In any event, just do what you have to do to keep up your contributions to the system. I understand the need to do so. Got to keep the kids fed,

While paying a premium for those masterwork editions, and the bandwidth for a podcast, of course.

Last edited by the G-man; 2021-02-19 7:20 AM.
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Shit, dude, I didn't change the subject line (though I also didn't think to change it back), but I'm sorry to hear that. Though I'm quite certain your loved one was an infinitely better human being than Rush Limbaugh.


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I actually was the one who pointed out that you hate your family since they are libs, G-troll.

You always meltdown how evil libs are (dO LIbs HAte 'MUricA?) so you have nobody to blame but yourself for having such a low opinion of them.

I'm willing to bet they feel the same toward you.

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With that out of the way, Rush was a piece of dog shit, and I'm glad he's dead.


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Liberal reaction to Rush Limbaugh's death... ?

Motormouth Robot

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Their venom says much more about their own malice than it says about Rush Limbaugh himself. I feel sorry for his wife and family who have to endure it.

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Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
Shit, dude, I didn't change the subject line (though I also didn't think to change it back), but I'm sorry to hear that. Though I'm quite certain your loved one was an infinitely better human being than Rush Limbaugh.

And that's because you knew him personally?

From what I've seen, Rush was a very generous person, generous with both his charitable donations, and with his time mentoring and helping those he knew. Certainly in his broadcasts, he comes across as a very optimistic guy with a great sense of humor. He had a 30 minute TV show in 1993-1994 that I used to enjoy. His 3-hour radio show was not something I ever had as much interest in. But I had a friend who ran a Carvel ice cream store, and he'd play it all day while he was working alone preparing large amounts of ice cream pastries for hospitals and nursing home clients, and I'd often listen in on Rush's show when I visited.

It's been pointed out that AM radio was a dying industry when Rush Limbaugh's show began in 1988, and his show quickly spread to be syndicated on 300 stations nationwide, and spawned imitators that made (and remains) the dominant programming format on AM radio, and quite a bit of FM. And likely what also gave rise to Fox News, Newsmax and OAN cable news channels. So that there is now, if not equal time to the unashamedly liberal propaganda on the "mainstream" networks, at least some ratio of conservative factual counter-information and opinion available. And with the further level of vitriol from Democrats that escalated after 2000, even more so after 2008, and even more so after 2016, these conservative radio and TV outlets have become oasis islands of sanity, amid a vast ocean of shameless Orwellian Newspeak liberal propaganda.

That is Rush Limbaugh's legacy. I loved in 1994 when Reagan wrote Limbaugh a letter he read on the air, where Reagan wrote that Limbaugh had replaced him as the voice of conservatism in America. And remained the leading voice for 27 more years. And before Rush Limbaugh died, built an expanding infrastructure of conservative news and opinion to carry on what he started.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Captain Sammitch
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
He had a segment way back when where he read off names of men who died of aids and laughing. frown

Yeah, that alone is enough to exempt him from the whole "don't speak ill of the dead" thing. But even beyond that, he was a shitty human being who used his platform and influence both to harm individuals and to affect public policy in ways which harmed multitudes. The general rule in comedy is "don't punch down," and you're not punching down by taking a swing at someone who applauded mass incarceration of POC for nonviolent cannabis infractions while himself being a huge fuck-off pillhead. It's safe to say that hell gained a new public toilet.

The two of you don't have a single original talking point between you, just the standard pre-packaged lying talking points of the Left.

I looked it up, just to see if there was any truth to it.

Ignoring that it's from a liberal spin-site that fronts itself as a neutral fact-checker, it seems to be an actual segment that Rush Limbaugh ran on his show... back around 1997, about 23 years ago. Although it's unclear that Limbaugh was targeting gay AIDS victims in general. It appears to have been targeted at the most poisonous and militant gay leftists. But regardless, Limbaugh at some point after being confronted about it by gay radicals while appearing as a guest on the Pat Sajak show, discontinued the segment, apologized for the segment, and made a $10,000 donation to a charity for children with AIDS. Amazing how that last detail got glossed over by the Limbaugh haters ! No credit at all for that full retraction, and donation.

Also amazing how even this "factcheck" piece can't seem to quote anything specific Limbaugh said in any of these aired radio segments, no audio or transcript of these programs to indict Limbaugh with what he specifically said, and not even the dates or the duration that these shows allegedly aired.

On another of your desperate attempts to say something negative about Rush Limbaugh, calling him a "pillhead", Limbaugh like many people had a severe back pain condition, for which he was prescribed painkillers, and he (like many nationwide) became addicted to them over time, and for a few months when his prescriptions ended, got prescription painkillers illegally, until he sought out treatment to get off the painkillers. So that's not nearly the same thing as being a recreational drug user or addict in the traditional sense. If not for his back pain, for which he was PRESCRIBED painkillers, he never would have become hooked on them. And when he saw it became a problem, he sought treatment to end his addiction. But in your irrational hatred, you twisted the facts to spin it the way you wanted to, ignoring the circumstances you would be sympathetic to for just about anyone else, particularly a Democrat or a "POC"(presumably, persons of color, that you seem obsessed with these days).

I don't see evidence of Limbaugh that "he was a shitty human being who used his platform and influence both to harm individuals and to affect public policy in ways which harmed multitudes.".

As far as Limbaugh being "someone who applauded mass incarceration of POC for nonviolent cannabis infractions", Bill O'Reilly frequently had segments that detailed how people selling marijuana are the same "POC" POS thugs who sell cocaine and heroin, and get in bloody turf wars to protect their sales territory, and incidentally and without thought kill any civilians who get in the way. My 64-year-old aunt, a college professor, was hit in a car accident where two of these thugs in an SUV were chasing two thugs in a competing drug gang in another SUV through the streets of L.A., and she was killed instantly in the crash when they impacted her. And my cousin, her son, who was in the car with her, was severely injured and spent over a year and several surgeries recovering, and then had to learn how to walk again.

And a little further on the subject of "applauding mass incarceration", this:

Biden: Are you ashamed? "Not at all, I DRAFTED the bill." And: "If we don't jail them, they will become predators."

Rush Limbaugh didn't legislate that crime bill to incarcerate hundreds of thousands for excessive sentences on a "three strikes" bill. Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and the Democrats did. And by the way, until very recently, that "racist legislation" has for the last 25 years or so brought violent crime to its lowest numbers in 3 decades. Now violent crime is skyrocketing with the rise of BLM, and Soros-sponsored leftist D.A.'s and U.S. attorneys and mayors who are not prosecuting violent criminals, and thus incentivizing more crime.

And by the way, it was Donald Trump, the guy you like to label as a racist (among other expressions of your hatred for Trump)who is the president who has done more to release non-violent black/POC prisoners nationwide for what he considered disproportionately long sentences for nonviolent black offenders.
Something the Democrats never did in 50 years, even during the multiple periods where they controlled the House, Senate and Presidency, and were infinitely able to do so.

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Actually the crime bill had broad bipartisan support back than. And when Obama tried reforming the system there was even some bipartisan support than. As did Trump in his attempts. Hopefully that bipartisan support continues with Biden on doing even better. I like that Biden is trying to get rid of for profit prisons and wants more cops in the communities. I think a lot of good can be done on this front.

I will never have a problem with being disgusted with Rush reciting the deaths of people who died of aids and hitting the applause button afterwards btw. Heap all the praise you want on that pos though if you want WB.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2021-02-21 10:47 AM.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Actually the crime bill had broad bipartisan support back than. And when Obama tried reforming the system there was even some bipartisan support than.

I don't dispute that. In less leftist and racially obsessed times, it seemed like common sense for both sides to pass that law enforcement legislation in 1994. In retrospect, while it did dramatically reduce crime after 1994, there were some cases where the "three strikes" law could have given a prosecutor or judge discretion in some cases to give a lighter sentence. I read about one case where a criminal's third offense was stealing a pizza. I think we can agree that a guy shouldn't spend a minimum 25 years in jail because his third felony was stealing a pizza.

Originally Posted by M E M
As did Trump in his attempts.

Okay, while eventually the Democrats let the legislation pass under Trump, there I disagree. It was pretty clear that because it was Trump's idea, they didn't want to sign on, and just plain didn't want Trump getting credit for it. I think it was only because of public pressure that the Democrats signed on. I think I'm on the record when it passed that while I generally support giving deserving prisoners a break for time served, since they did spend time in jail for their crimes, my only problem with that is a few murderers and rapists and violent criminals will inevitably accidentally get released, and that threaten lives.

Originally Posted by M E M
Hopefully that bipartisan support continues with Biden on doing even better. I like that Biden is trying to get rid of for profit prisons and wants more cops in the communities. I think a lot of good can be done on this front.

I'm not convinced that this stuff will come out of a Biden presidency, or that if it does, it will have been Biden's idea. I see the push for this (like the over 3,000 illegals a day currently flooding over the Southern border) as orchestrated chaos in pursuit of stirring up cover for a dangerous radical leftist agenda (i.e., Cloward and Piven strategy, overwhelm the system).

Originally Posted by M E M
I will never have a problem with being disgusted with Rush reciting the deaths of people who died of aids and hitting the applause button afterwards btw. Heap all the praise you want on that pos though if you want WB.

Did you ever actually hear that on air? I didn't.

I was far more inclined to watch Rush's show, and I never saw it.

I keep in mind that Limbaugh was largely a humorist (like Glenn Beck he could be very funny, while simultaneously making a political point) and those were less politically sensitive times, where Limbaugh was trying to be sardonically funny, with a controversial off-color segment. No one was using the term "LGBT" back then, and gay jokes were more common. I'm sure you could find similar jokes at the time on late night TV or even said among Democrat Senators and Congressmen back then. This was the period where Bill and Hillary Clinton were defending the Confederate Flag and "preserving our Southern heritage". And when Jimmy Kimmell and Joy Behar both appeared in black-face.

Where there were still former KKK members that were prominent members in both parties, Democrat and Republican. (somehow Strom Thurmond escaped that compiled list, I guess he was a segregationist but not a KKK member).
Amid all that, I'm sure you could find similar off-color "humor" to be quoted from any number of celebrities, politicians, or even print and broadcast reporters and anchors, if you dug hard enough. Rush Limbaugh when confronted did retract his remarks and apologize, and did make a large donation to a Children with AIDS charity.

I look at it this way, Rush Limbaugh was on the air 3 hours a day, five days a week for 33 years. With that level of exposure, it's an inevitability that he would occasionally make a remark that would offend someone, often off-the-cuff without thinking, on a regular basis, some comments more forgivable than others. Limbaugh saying Chelsea Clinton is a "dog" for example, which he also apologized for.

Did you know that Donald Trump has been offered to fill in Rush Limbaugh's 3-hour daily show? He politely declined it immediately. While the exposure would be good, especially while cut off from Facebook and Twitter platforms, being on air 3 hours a day for Media Matters and similar groups to comb over every word you say, looking for anything to twist into ammunition to fire back at you, is just too much exposure. It's miraculous that Rush Limbaugh offended as few as he did in that 33 years on air.

And similar people, on the air far less, have said things equally of not more offensive.
Don Imus? ("nappy headed ho's")
David Letterman? (speculating A-rod would knock up Sarah Palin's 14-year old daughter.)
Bill Maher? (among many incendiary remarks, calling the 9-11 guys flying planes into buildings "courageous", the comment that got him fired from ABC in 2001.)

I could similarly sift through the incendiary remarks of pretty much every CNN and MSNBC host.

And every Democrat member of the House and Senate, starting the glee every one of these people expressed wishing Trump and other Republicans would die of Covid. Or (Nicole Wallace, MSNBC) that Biden should do a drone strike and kill Trump at Mar A Lago.
Or that Hodgekinson almost killing several Republicans at a House baseball game was "a good start" (said by multiple prominent staffers for Democrat House and Senate members).

I could go on with more examples, but I trust I've made the point.

The difference is, while Rush Limbaugh or whoever on the right might make a joke, when your side says they want Trump and other Republicans dead, they really mean it. My point again is that at least Rush Limbaugh had a change of heart and apologized for what he said as thoughtless in retrospect, and stopped.
I'm hard pressed to name any among these Democrats who similarly apologized or showed any remorse. Even when their remarks got people killed in ICE compounds, or in BLM riots nationwide.
David Letterman never apologized.

Kathy Griffen apologized for like a day in a desperate attempt to keep her job, and a few days later was unrepentantly railing with hate against Trump, especially odd for a comedian.
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez was quoted almost verbatim by Antifa shooters in two ICE compounds, one of whom was killed, and she never acknowledged her remarks WERE QUOTED by the shooter, and never let up after on her violence-inciting rhetoric.
Likewise Pelosi calling for uprisings all over the country.
And Kamala Harris saying of BLM "They're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop."

To name just a few incendiary Democrat/Leftist examples.

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I think you’ve made it clear what you feel is acceptable if it’s a republican vs a democrat WB. Kathy Griffen or Bill Maher are not going to get medals from Biden. And I’m good with that.

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I like how this one fellow used Rush’s death to raise money for planned parenthood...
Leftist scum raises over 400,000 for Planned Parenthood

I really don’t know if Rush actually gave a shit about Planned Parenthood other than the cash he could rake in by being against it from his audience but this seems fitting.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I think you’ve made it clear what you feel is acceptable if it’s a republican vs a democrat WB. Kathy Griffen or Bill Maher are not going to get medals from Biden. And I’m good with that.

All Rush Limbaugh did was make some on-air off-the-cuff remarks intended as humor, for which he later expressed regret for and apologized. You act like he killed 6 million Jews, or singlehandedly created slavery, or somehow caused gays to die of AIDS. As Limbaugh himself said, their own promiscuous sexual activity caused that, nothing he said. Limbaugh made some jokes in bad taste, but certainly no great offense.

In contrast, your Bolshevik party elected a woman Vice President who openly endorsed rioters who looted and burned 275 cities, murdered over 25 people, injured over 2,000 police officers, killed two, and both herself and about a dozen other high officials in her campaign staff set up a fund to bail out the most violent of those rioters arrested, so they could go out and commit even more violence !
KAMALA HARRIS: "They'll keep on going right up to election day, and past election day, they're not going to stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop."
I could say the same of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Cory Booker, Maxine Waters, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and pretty much every prominent Democrat leader, who have directly incited violence and gotten people killed. These are the people who are accusing Trump of "inciting violence" !?!?!?!?!?!?!
Likewise CNN and MSNBC news anchors, who cheer on the idea of assassinating President Trump, and of Trump supporters like Nicholas Sandmann. And at least two other Trump supporters, who were actually killed. Just a week ago on MSNBC, Nicole Wallace openly called for Biden to kill Trump at Mar A Lago in a drone strike.

I notice your lack of outrage on these >>>FAR<<< more offensive remarks by Democrats on broadcast television.

Rush Limbaugh, and most Republicans, care about stopping abortion, and the tens of millions of lives abortion has taken since 1973, far exceeding the lives lost on all sides in World War II. And anyone with a heart should care about Planned Parenthood, whose officials (caught on video by Project Veritas) openly gloat about tricking women into abortions, and harvesting the aborted children for body parts they can sell, so they can reap enormous profits. One even gloated that it bought her Porsche.

Bolsheviks on the Left constantly hyperventilate and try to slander Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives, to mask and re-direct media attention away from the pure evil that comes out of your party every day. They smother all other media coverage with an issue like Ted Cruz flying his daughters to Mexico during the Texas power outage, so they can avoid covering the flood of tyrannical executive orders by Biden that are destroying our Constitutional republic forever. And even when they have Biden himself or Jen Psaki to interview, they avoid ANY discussion of the serious issues, and ask pablum like "what's it like being in the White House" or "How can your DOJ continue to go after Trump", ignoring that Trump has been acquitted.

Nothing about locking down Washington DC with 26,000 troops, and further purging the military of any Republicans, or pursuing further Patriot Act-style legislation or executive orders to further do unconstitutional surveillance of Republicans.

Or Democrats trying to shut down Fox, Newsmax and OAN by attempting to ban them from cable service providers.

And further trying to ban 2nd Amendment private gun ownership.

And trying to shut down all flights into Florida, to cripple Florida's economy, despite FL having handled Covid-19 better than just about any state, and currently having among the lowest hospitalizations and deaths. For pure political reasons, to cripple Florida economically, because its success makes Democrat lockdown states like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and California look like the pointlessly authoritarian incompetents that they are.

And Biden re-entering the U.S. in the Paris Accord, despite that during Trump's presidency we had lower emissions and the greatest reduction in emissions, lower than other nations in actually in the Paris Accord treaty, and despite Kerry admitting that even if the U.S. complies with the treaty, global emissions will still go up because the world's greatest polluters, China, India, Iran, North Korea, are excluded from having to comply, so it will just damage the U.S. economy for nothing. The media did their level best to ignore this. It doesn't fit their narrative.

And ignoring Biden wanting to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, despite Iran's aggression toward the U.S. and terrorism in the mid east, and that if it gets nukes it will set off an arms race in surrounding nations.

And ignoring the crisis caused by Biden stopping border wall construction and INVITING a tripling of illegals now flooding our borders, DURING A COVID-19 PANDEMIC, who will infect millions of Americans. Bringing back and exploding an illegal immigration crisis, and a Covid-19 risk that Trump had eliminated.

And Biden crippling our economy and destroying our energy independence with executive orders, in less than his first 30 days, that will continue to destroy MILLIONS of jobs and risk our national security.

And that's just scratching the surface.

NO mention of any of these crises by the media while interviewing Biden or his officials.
"Ooooohhhh, look at the first couple on Valentines day !" In a completely fake and saccharine lame photo event with Biden and his wife.
"Ohhh, it's so nice to have a return to normalcy" with Biden in the White House, CNN and MSNBC anchors gush.
"Normalcy" being radicalism, corruption and incompetency.
But hey, it's DEMOCRAT radicalism, corruption and incompetency, so it's perfectly OK, now we don't even have to challenge or report it. TEAM DEMOCRAT!
The Washington Post has even abolished their "factcheck" department, because they don't even think factchecking is necessary of the Biden administration. Free pass, all the way. As the Biden administration does all the above, crushing our Constitutional republic.
They don't even ask.

Rush Limbaugh was a pioneer, who in 1988 created a radio talk show format that saved the AM radio industry. Limbaugh broke the liberal media's stranglehold on public thought and gave a voice to tens of millions who were unrepresented by the mainstream (liberal) media. Political talk radio is now the dominant format on AM radio, and much of FM. It gave rise to the formation of Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN.
Now there is an actual dialogue in this country, that a one-sided media never had before.

Let me mention again the book Bias by Bernard Goldberg, that I first read in 2003, that first awakened my conservatism, what most of us instinctively already knew about liberal media bias, but which he cracked wide open with the personal examples in his 30 years at CBS News, and cited decades of polls of the opinion of liberal reporters, that for 50 years the collective media have self-identified as 80% "liberal" or "very liberal", and how that tilts their news coverage. Goldberg, a self-identified liberal himself, says that for the most part it is an unconscious bias by liberals (or at least it was, until their partisan push for the election of Barack Obama in 2008, and even more so maliciously partisan after the 2016 election). But when Goldberg wrote the book in 2002, he said that it was for the most part unconscious bias, that liberal reporters are far to the left of even the Democrat party, and that reporters "have contempt for what most Americans hold dear", such as religion, national pride in our constitutional republic, the 2nd Amendment, opposition to abortion, national defense, border security, and a high regard for our police and military.

Rush Limbaugh gave a voice to 21 million Americans on those issues, on a daily basis for 33 years. Issues misrepresented or completely ignored by the mainstream liberal media. And gave birth to a counter-balancing conservative media, that Biden and the Democrat Bolsheviks are doing their absolute damnedest to snuff the life out of. And our Constitutional republic along with it.

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