Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Shocking that the pardoned criminal has a different story.
There’s more...
Six Oath Keepers who guarded Roger Stone stormed the Capitol

1) Stone was photographed with them at a hotel guarding him from death threats, miles from the Capitol, and left on a plane before it even began.

2) It's again guilt by association with no supporting facts. I could shake hands with Roger Stone and have someone take a photo. It wouldn't prove Roger Stone is a friend of mine, or that I have any political or social connections with him. All it would prove is he's a friendly guy who shook my hand.

3) If it were a "siege" or an "insurrection" or a "storming of the Capitol", Oath Keepers boasts of about 36,000 members nationwide (although federal agencies and SPLC estimate them to actually have less than 10,000 members) . If it were a military coup they would have come in with AR-15 rifles and grenades instead of tear gas and riot shields. They would have come in several thousand strong, fully armed, if it were a military coup and a serious attempt to capture the Capitol and/or take prisoners or hostages. No, despite the propaganda "insurrection" liberal media narrative, it was just a riot. With about 30 Oath Keepers at most. That's what Oath Keepers' own social media posts say they expected to show up on Jan 6th.

And the real violence, as I've said previously, was by John Earle Sullivan and his little band of Antifa/BLM infiltrators, *pretending* to be Trump supporters, who caused the ONLY killing that day. These Oath Keeper guys are heavy duty seasoned and decorated veterans, who could certainly take the Capitol building, if that were truly their intent.

But in any case, Roger Stone had no involvement, and he just accepted their offer to protect him as he left his hotel for the airport. As Stone himself said, he didn't even know the names of the guys protecting him, who turned out to be Oath Keepers.