About three dozen House Democrats have signed a letter asking President Biden to renounce his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons, according to reports. A promise from the president to give up his nuclear capabilities as commander in chief could take the same power away from future presidents.
"Vesting one person with this authority entails real risks," the letter from Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., and obtained by Politico reads. "Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment." Panetta's office did not immediately respond to an inquiry from Fox News. The congressman said in a Monday tweet that he is "calling on" Biden "to install checks [and] balances in our nuclear command-and-control structure."
The letter continues: "While any president would presumably consult with advisors before ordering a nuclear attack, there is no requirement to do so. The military is obligated to carry out the order if they assess it is legal under the laws of war. Under the current posture of U.S. nuclear forces, that attack would happen in minutes."
Democrats offered some alternatives to sole nuclear authority, such as requiring the vice president and House speaker to agree with a launch order from the president before it is executed, according to Politico. Presidents have continually passed down a briefcase containing all the necessary materials to dial up a nuclear strike using a specific code, often referred to as the "nuclear football."
Democrats previously expressed concern with former President Trump having access to such power. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in January, for example, said she spoke with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley about protecting nuclear codes from an "unhinged president."
Pelosi said she spoke to Milley on Jan. 5 "to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike."
The football was passed over a long distance when Biden took office after Trump because the former president did not attend the new president's Inauguration. It is usually handed off between presidents on Inauguration Day.
Just the latest example, stacked on the mountain of recent examples that Joe Biden is completely unqualified to be president. And that his being there is a danger to everyone on this planet.
He threatens to cripple the U.S. economically, and crush our recent energy independence, that Trump gave us for the first time in 70 years. Biden instantly ended the Canadian Keystone XL pipeline, hurting both Canada and the U.S., and likely forcing Canada to permanently give all that oil to China. Biden plans to end fossil fuel production in the U.S., but with no reliable fuel source to replace it. Events of the last two weeks in Texas make clear the suicidal nature of that,
Ending U.S. oil and natural gas production cuts off cheap U.S. supply of fuel to Western Europe, and encourages Russia to engage in extortion of Europe, when Russia becomes the only energy source available for Europe. This encourages not only Russian leverage by extortion, but wars as well.
Biden (or more likely his puppetmasters, as Biden stares vacantly into space, and a nurse wipes the drool off his chin) is also ramping up another proxy war in Syria with increased troops and military action. Further wars that Trump avoided, despite pressure from establishment "experts" of both parties, who hated Trump for not caving in to their unnecessary wars for profit.
U.S. weakness that encourages Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and radical Islam to new and dangerous aggression and expansion. As are the Mexican drug cartels on our Southern border. They're clearly thrilled that a weak incompetent leader like Biden is in charge and Trump is out, and they're right back in business. Endangering the U.S., endangering the world. Whereas Trump with a wise use of soft power and diplomacy, made the world a far safer place.
After Trump I question the wisdom of having the President having the lone power to launch nukes. I’m not the bitter and hateful partisan that you are WB. I never felt that way with other republican presidents but trump really scared a lot of people outside of your cult. His reaction to his people invading and beating on cops as they tried stopping the election from being certified would have been scary enough but knowing that sociopath had the power to launch a nuke strike made it even scarier.
After Trump I question the wisdom of having the President having the lone power to launch nukes. I’m not the bitter and hateful partisan that you are WB. I never felt that way with other republican presidents but trump really scared a lot of people outside of your cult. His reaction to his people invading and beating on cops as they tried stopping the election from being certified would have been scary enough but knowing that sociopath had the power to launch a nuke strike made it even scarier.
Because Trump launched so many nuclear strikes.... As president, Trump skillfullly pushed back the aggression of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. And completely annihilated ISIS in Syria and Iraq. WITHOUT starting any wars. Trump proved himself to arguably better exert soft power than any U.S. president EVER.
I'm not hateful or bitter, it's YOUR OWN PARTY that wants to take away Biden's ability to control our nuclear weapons. And it's not "bitter" for me to point out the terrifyingly obvious, that Biden can't even read his scripted comments off a cue card.
Just today, Biden couldn't remember the name of the defense secretary that he allegedly appointed ! In that same press conference, he couldn't even remember the name of the Pentagon !
I don’t watch videos and I wouldn’t watch one posted by someone who plays the bias card on anything they don’t like than feels entitled to post Hannity propaganda. I watched enough Trump the previous 4 years suggesting bleach injections to gushing over Putin. Trump by any measure left the country in far worse shape than when he came into power. I don’t think you can even work the stats that show his failure.
I don’t watch videos and I wouldn’t watch one posted by someone who plays the bias card on anything they don’t like than feels entitled to post Hannity propaganda. I watched enough Trump the previous 4 years suggesting bleach injections to gushing over Putin. Trump by any measure left the country in far worse shape than when he came into power. I don’t think you can even work the stats that show his failure.
That's hilarious from a guy who gets his facts from Media Matters, and other far-Left sources.
Hannity is a partisan, unquestionably. But he presents quotes and sources that are undeniable. Things Joe Biden and others in his administration said on-camera that are absolutely beyond denying, that Hannity plays the video of, and often quotes even from the New York Times and Washington Post, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, Factcheck and Politifact, showing that the facts cited are undeniable, even to the liberal media.
Here's some Senate confirmation testimony of Vanita Gupta, who the Biden administration wanted to appoint to the third highest position in the DOJ. Her own self-incriminating posts are thrown in her face over and over, and she denies what she clearly advocated online over and over on social media less than 9 months ago. In classic Democrat style, she just repeatedly evades the question, changes the subject, and denies what she clearly said as somehow not representing the full context. These people are America-hating Bolshevik fanatics, and it truly terrifies me that many are being appointed to positions of power in government of a nation they want to destroy, many of them clearly saying that. In this one case, Gupta's nomination has been retracted.
The Clintons, the Obamas, Bernie Sanders and many of their staffers openly quote and praise Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hugo Chaves, Che Gueverra, Saul Alinsky and other marxist fanatics. In the case of Bernie Sanders, he has for over 50 years praised every Communist regime in the last century, and yet has absolutely nothing good to say about our free capitalist Constitutional republic.
Democrats in the Clinton and Obama administrationss, openly praised and quoted Mao, Hugo Chaves and other communist and anti-American leaders. And I've posted the video of them saying it many times. Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom, Cass Sustein, Mark Lloyd, on and on. They openly talk about wanting to dismantle and de-platform any free speech they don't like. People in the campaigns of major Democrat presidential candidates such as Sanders, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have endorsed taking away 2nd Amendment rights, while simultaneously de-funding and taking away police protection, denying citizens the ability to be protected, or to protect themselves! Eliminating protection of our southern border from illegal criminals, and wanting to "crush" all conservative dissent and free speech rights. Wanting to de-platform all conservative news from cable television.
Which perfectly follows the models of Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Mao, all the murderous dictators they admire and quote. What people within the Democrat leadersship have openly said they would like to do here, what they are trying to actually do. Silencing all dissent. Putting their opposition in Gulags and "re-education centers". Taking away Trump supporters' children and raising/indoctrinating them by leftist state officials. And many Democrats even openly talking about killing Republicans. Project Veritas, among others, have caught many Democrat campaign officials and staffers openly boasting on-camera about these plans, which I've posted here repeatedly.
These are the maniacs who are truly running the government now, for which Joe Biden is just a figurehead. If Biden has any clue what is going on, he is a willing participant enabling this Bolshevik power grab, the destruction of our Constitutional republic.
I don’t watch videos and I wouldn’t watch one posted by someone who plays the bias card on anything they don’t like than feels entitled to post Hannity propaganda. I watched enough Trump the previous 4 years suggesting bleach injections to gushing over Putin. Trump by any measure left the country in far worse shape than when he came into power. I don’t think you can even work the stats that show his failure.
That's hilarious from a guy who gets his facts from Media Matters, and other far-Left sources.
Hannity is a partisan, unquestionably. But he presents quotes and sources that are undeniable. Things Joe Biden and others in his administration said on-camera that are absolutely beyond denying, that Hannity plays the video of, and often quotes even from the New York Times and Washington Post, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, Factcheck and Politifact, showing that the facts cited are undeniable, even to the liberal media.
I can’t remember the last time I was on the Media Matters site and it’s probably been a couple of years since I’ve posted something from that site. Compare that to your steady output of Hannity while bitching about bias and it’s not hilarious but pathetic. What I’ve come to expect though.
And while you stew in partisan hatred Biden just signed a bill that will lift a lot of kids out of poverty. Real values imho.
While Hannity injects his editorial opinion, he is quoting and citing facts without twisting them out of context. Hannity is conservative opinion, yes, but also nightly often quotes or directly interviews award-winning journalists such as John Solomon, Mollie Hemingway, and even on a number of occasions Bob Woodward, and other highly regarded experts such as Alan Dershowitz, among others.
That is a far distance away from the pure malicious paraphrasing and distortion on a daily basis that Media Matters deliberately indulges in, lying about the facts in a fanatic attempt to destroy Fox News and other conservative media, deliberately misleading the public. As opposed to Hannity, who simply presents the facts that the 80% liberal media doesn't want to report.
I don't "stew in partisan hatred" of Biden. I simply state the facts. Biden is not making the decisions, he is a clueless grinning buffoon being used by others. The cultural marxist lunatics in your party just signed a $ 1.9 trillion bill with money the nation doesn't have, the largest spending bill in U.S. history. And it's purpose is not to help "kids out of poverty" or to help anyone else. It is to consolidate power of your Democrat-Bolshevik party in its quest for absolute power and authoritarian one-party rule. Less than 9% of that bill goes to Covid-19 funding or "the poor".
This legislation pays decades of debt piled up by irresponsible Democrat governors and mayors, it funds far-left groups like the Planned Parenthood, and universities and National Education Association and other teacher unions, and federal employee unions such as in the DOJ, IRS and other federal agencies, where they reward Democrat political leaders, and these same political leaders get them raises and benefits way out of proportion to those of the private-sector taxpayers who fund their salaries. This bailout bill rewards Democrat failure and debt, and punishes states like Florida and Texas that havee been economically and fisscally responsible. This latest 1.9 trillion is a slush fund to aid Democrat candidates and their allies on into the 2022 and 2024 elections. Just as Obama's "Stimulus" bill and "omnibus" bills did in 2009. Only the deficit spending is far higher now. And it is essentially state-run capitalism that Democrat leaders use to force the dependency of ALL Americans on Democrat leaders and their Democrat allies, for housing, for healthcare, and for everything else.
This is not caring or generosity or "help for children". This is a Democrat weapon for control. What Obamacare did to require everyone to buy their product, this legislation is to do the same to every other aspect of the economy: energy, housing, whatever, it requires taxation and dependency on the Democrats and their allies in every aspect of their lives. This is an authoritarian takeover.
And it was voted for right down party lines, because there was not even an effort to work with Republicans. After multiple bipartisan bills while Trump was president, this, the first under Biden, was completely divisive and partisan, and that divisiveness and lack of attempt to work together at all was completely on the Democrat side. And even so, there still were even a few Democrats who wouldn't vote for it.
"Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation. I ask every American to join me in this cause.” President Joe Biden spoke these words at his Jan. 20 inauguration. Since that day, we have seen everything but unity. My colleagues on the other side of the aisle just forced a costly bill through Congress disguised as relief—a bill that will burden our children and grandchildren with a debt they cannot repay.
After emphasizing the importance of unity, President Biden and the Democrats fully rejected attempts to work together to find bipartisan solutions to the ongoing pandemic. Instead, they opted to ram through a hyper-partisan agenda. Throughout this rushed process, my Republican colleagues and I introduced more than 250 amendments to ensure transparency, accountability and fairness in this relief package. All but one of our amendments were rejected on straight party lines. Certainly, this can’t be the unity the President had in mind.
Just days before I was sworn into office, the 116th Congress passed a $900 billion bipartisan COVID relief package that was signed into law. Since the pandemic started, approximately $4 trillion has been allocated and roughly $1 trillion remains unspent. Instead of spending taxpayer funds we don’t have on partisan pet projects like pension bailouts or a Silicon Valley subway, Congress should be focused on domestic issues like infrastructure repair, healthcare and ensuring unspent funds reach individuals and small businesses truly in need.
House and Senate Democrats used a budget tactic called reconciliation to pass this costly $1.9 trillion partisan spending spree innocently called the American Rescue Plan. This package is cluttered with provisions that will harm small businesses and stifle the economy, yet the plan fails to target those most in need of COVID assistance.
Despite $60 billion in unspent school funding from prior relief packages, this package allocates another $100 billion to schools without requiring them to open. Thankfully, our schools in Florida are open, but across the country, millions of kids are still struggling with online learning. They continue to fall farther behind because the president refuses to honor the science and stand up to the teachers’ unions. While targeted relief is crucial to help American families, borrowing money against our children’s future for a partisan wish list is irresponsible. The Congressional Budget Office estimates our economy will grow by 3.7% this year without this spending spree. The U.S. economy is currently healthier than previously projected, yet Democrats chose to add to our staggering national debt instead of focusing on targeted relief. Even some of the president’s closest economic advisers warn that it’s precisely this overspending that could cause interest rates to spike and send our economy into recession.
At a time when unity is the stated goal, my Democrat colleagues categorically reject any attempts to work together. I came to Washington to help make a positive difference in the lives of the people of Florida’s 15th Congressional District, but Democrats’ continued dismissal of any input from the Republican side of the aisle silences our constituents. I opposed this reckless partisan spending package because it does too little for those most in need while saddling our youth and future generations with its exorbitant price tag. Congress must do better. _________________________________________________
U.S. Rep. Scott Franklin is a former Lakeland city commissioner in his first term in Congress. He represents Florida's U.S. House District 15.
The gop talking points you presented debunked. This was a good bill imho that is popular even with a lot of republicans outside of the beltway. Unity is nice but let’s face it, you guys can’t even accept losing an election. The party is currently eating it’s own for those few who chose country over corrupt trump. Glad Biden got this out. Republicans can try to misinform all they want as the result helps people that actually need help. They voted for the stimulus that bailed out the cruise line industry, this got a solid no.
The gop talking points you presented debunked. This was a good bill imho that is popular even with a lot of republicans outside of the beltway. Unity is nice but let’s face it, you guys can’t even accept losing an election. The party is currently eating it’s own for those few who chose country over corrupt trump. Glad Biden got this out. Republicans can try to misinform all they want as the result helps people that actually need help. They voted for the stimulus that bailed out the cruise line industry, this got a solid no.
That's some carefully worded deceitful liberal spin. It's like an unedited press release directly from the Biden White House.
The fact is, less than 9% of the $1.9 trillion is going to actual covid relief. The rest is a Trojan horse that goes to the Democrat/Left and their allies, and hundreds of billions to pay off the debt of Democrat-governed cities and states, debt that FAR precedes the Coronavirus crisis and lock-downs, funds targeted to sweep away accountability for DECADES of Democrat-governed states' irresponsible spending policy. It punishes states that have been fiscally responsible, and it rewards states that have done the wrong thing at every turn.
The piece-of-shit Democrat party is in the process of destroying the country, allowing hundreds of thousands of criminals and Covid-infected illegal-immigrant scum into our country. Biden is even releasing illegals who are Covid-positive and busing them to scattered cities all across the country, to spread Covid, criminals, and new welfare dependents to already Covid-strained regions. HOW IS THAT "CHOOSING COUNTRY"?!? The talking points you are fronting are absolute shit garbage. Completely untrue. THE OPPOSITE of true. Trump was rebuilding this country, jobs, factories, border security, energy independence, national sovereignty, increasing wages, and rebuilding our military, and crippling the world's worst players (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea) with punishing sanctions that prevented them from funding new aggression. The only purpose of the policy Biden and his puppetmasters are enacting is to destroy what Trump created, and to hurt the American people. And replace them with a Democrat-compliant foreign electorate.
The stimulus checks are being sent to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ! Hidden in the "Covid relief" bill is forcing U.S. taxpayers to pay for all the processing and economic aid for all these lawless third-world illegal immigrant scum who shouldn't even be here.
There are also earmarks for museums, Planned Parenthood, and thousands of other liberal-progressive causes and Democrat-supporting leftist groups. And as I said, over 91% of that is unrelated to helping Americans stricken by Covid and the lockdowns. Most of that 1.9 trillion is a slush fund, to aid Democrats and their political allies through the 2022 and 2024 elections.
Already debunked the 9% lie WB. Sourced actual amounts. Honestly, why bother lying?
The "de-bunking" is what's a lie.
It is a fact that less than 9% of that funding goes to Covid-19 relief, and that the majority of it goes to bailing out Democrat cities and states with hundreds of billions in (newly printed) federal dollars, debt stacked up from DECADES of irresponsible Democrat leadership. California being a prime example.
That is not "Covid relief". That is DEMOCRAT relief. And it is done by printing another $1.9 trillion that our nation doesn't have, with newly printed currency and no assets to back it up, that makes every dollar we each have in the bank worth less. And on top of that, the Biden administration is talking about another 3 trillion in infrastructure spending with money we don't have, that will also be printed in new dollars. Our national debt now exceeds out annual GNP for the first time ssince World War II. We are entering Weimar Republic territory. This is the path to collapse of the dollar.
According to The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board, a “generous definition of Covid-related provisions tallies some $825 billion,” in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, while the rest goes towards “bailouts for Democratic constituencies, expansions of progressive programs, pork, and unrelated policy changes.”
The editors conclude that it’s disingenuous to call it a COVID relief bill when in reality it’s a “progressive blowout for the ages that does little for the economy but will finance Democratic interest groups for years.”
Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld called the bill the “political version of money laundering” and compared it to “Breaking Bad,” whose main character Walter White bought a car wash to launder money for his illicit meth business.
“I’m going to point out something that is either so obvious it is idiotic or so obvious it is brilliant,” Gutfeld said on “The Five.” “The stimulus is a device for the government to give itself more money, think about it, we are watching an entity writing a check to itself, sure, we are getting some money out of it, which was oh, by the way, our money to begin with, but this is now a political version of money laundering.”
He continued, pointing to the “Breaking Bad” reference: “Our government is laundering our money to indulge their constituencies and their causes, they see the pandemic as their car wash. They are pushing billions through it through programs, through pork and bailouts, using people’s suffering as their cover.”
1) Biden has signed executive orders to stop the Canadian Keystone XL pipeline, that instantly eliminated 15,000 high-paying American jobs (each about $200,000 a year), and also signed a bill to stop oil drilling on federal land and adjacent private lands. Where Trump had made the U.S. energy-independent and therefore insulated from foreign wars in nations we previously got oil from, and draining about a trillion a year leaving our U.S. economy and going to nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Mexico and Venezuela, countries that hate us, to build their economies and their ability to wage war and oppress their own people, Trump had eliminated that for the first time in 70 years. These nations no longer had the revenue to wage war, they had less money to even protect their tyrannical regimes from revolution by their own people. And they were not involving us in new wars, despite many deep state/globalist insiders pushing Trump to launch a new war in Iran or North Korea. Now with Biden in office dropping sanctions or enforcing them less strongly, these genocidal regimes are back in business!
2) Biden signed executive orders that immediately stopped construction on the almost completed Southern border wall. Despite that the materials are piled up RIGHT THERE on the border, that would only take a few more days to complete. Stopped cold, and another 5,000 high-paying jobs immediately eliminated. In one section, there was only about 1/2 mile left to close the wall. The materials to close that gap are now rusting in a pile a few hundred yards away. And guess where the illegals are now pouring in every night into that county? Yes, through that half-mile gap. Biden telegraphed for a year he would stop deporting illegals, and would instantly stop construction of the wall. Give them free health insurance! Give them Covid checks! Which has happened, encouraging an instant flood of illegals across our border. In that one county they estimate about 3,300 adults and about 800 minors a day flooding in. The Mexican drug cartels and human trafickers are back in business, each making an estimated $14 million a day on the crisis Biden created. The cartels LOVE Biden!
In Democrat states, people are still trapped in lockdowns, unable to work, and children unable to go to school. But Biden and the Democrats allow thousands **EVERY DAY** to flood across our borders, not even screened for Covid-19, catch and release,free to move God knows where within the U.S., with absolutely no screening for disease or criminal history. Murderers, rapists, drunk drivers, child predators, human traffickers, drug cartels, people with all kinds of diseases, just running wild across America. The cartels LOVE Biden and the Democrats.
3) Biden is ramping up trillions in new spending, with money the nation doesn't have. Again, fast-tracking a collapse of the U.S. dollar, with trillions more in new printed currency, with nothing to back its value. The Weimar Republic plan.
4) Biden is pushing for crushing new taxes, on people who are still struggling to recover from Covid-19 shutdowns. Many have lost their jobs and businesses and homes, been evicted. And Biden's solution is.... the most punishing tax increases in 50 years? Insane.
5) Biden is weakening the U.S. by re-entering the Paris Accord, that further cripples U.S. businesses, despite that without being in the Paris Accord, the U.S. decreased its environmental emissions by 3%, better than any nation in the agreement! And that the Paris Accord gives the world's worst polluters (China, India, Iran, Pakistan...) no requirement to comply as "developing nations", while the U.S. is crippled and the other nations continue to pollute with ever greater annual emissions. Even John Kerry admitted the U.S. complying while these nations don't makes no difference.
6) Biden reversed Trump policy and now fully finds the World Health Organizaion (WHO) just like before, requiring no change in policy or leadership. Which just encourages them to go on as a lapdog of China and infect the whole world again. With Trump, he enacted a common sense de-funding of WHO until they change their policies and leadership to prevent a similar crisis. Biden just hoses away billions and openly encourages corruption and a repeat of the same crisis happening again.
7) Ultimately, a "C R 1" passed through the House and now an "S 1" bill in the Senate, that is nothing less than a corrupt Bolshevik takeover of our election system to have it controlled by the Democrat party for the next hundred years. The end of our 2-party system and all Constitutional checks and balances. And after that, taking away guns, and increasing restrictions of freedom by the ruling Democrat-Bolshevik party, until there is nothing left. Absolutely the end of our Constitutional republic, with no checks and balances left on Democrat-Bolsheviks' absolute power. After which the complete destruction of the nation will begin in earnest.
And that's not even a complete list. In less than 60 days, but with these alone Biden and the Democrats have put this nation on the path to national suicide. Even in Biden's first 60 days, the only thing keeping it from collapsing is the strengths Trump created in his previous 4 years as president:
* Trump's rebuilding of our military. * Trump's border wall, and securing the Southern border, and the now-crumbling alliances toward that end with Mexico and Central American countries. * Trump's building the strongest economy in over 50 years, that allowed the country to bounce back quickly from the tyrannical Covid-19 lockdowns in Democrat states. * And most importantly, the fast-tracked vaccine Trump pushed for, that NEVER would have occurred under an incompetent corrupt Biden, or probably under any other president of either party. If Trump were still president, the immunization would be closer to completion, but it is occurring anyway, IN SPITE OF Biden, certainly not because of him.
Biden is running this country on the last fumes of the great engine that Trump built, that they "resisted" kicking and screaming every steep of the way for 4 years, and in spite of them, Trump prove in the end with each that he was right and they were wrong. And now they want to destroy it, just because Trump built it. More than that, they want to destroy THE NATION that Trump was elected in 2016 just in time to save from 30 years of their Marxist/globalist plans. I pray to God we can survive 4 years of Biden. I have my doubts. And the Democrats cheer like Biden wasn't destroying us. Cheer for a "leader" who can't remember anything that isn't written in advance for him on a note card by his puppetmasters.
Washington, March 25 - Neftegaz.RU. U.S. refiners have turned to Russian oil and petroleum products to fill the gap that sanctioned Venezuelan crude and drastically reduced OPEC shipments have left in U.S. imports, despite the energy standoff between the U.S. and Russia, Oilprice analysed.
In 2020, the U.S. imported more oil and refined products from Russian than from Saudi Arabia, with Russia’s share of American oil exports at a record-high 7%, Bloomberg News has estimated based on customs and EIA data. Russia mostly displaced the market previously held by Venezuela - now unable to sell its heavy oil to U.S. refiners because of the American sanctions on Nicolas Maduro’s regime.
U.S. oil imports from Russia exceeded last year even the imports from OPEC’s top producer and de facto leader, Saudi Arabia, which - after briefly flooding the U.S. market with its crude in April 2020 - drastically cut shipments to the most transparent market to help inventory drawdowns amid collapsing fuel demand globally.
As per Bloomberg calculations, the U.S. imported on average 538,000 barrels per day of oil and oil products from Russia last year. This was higher than the average American imports of oil from Saudi Arabia, which is estimated to have shipped on average 522,000 bpd to the U.S..
Russia thus became the 3rd-biggest oil supplier to America in 2020, according to Bloomberg’s estimates. In 2019, the top 5 sources of U.S. total petroleum, including crude oil, imports were: Canada, with 49 % share of imports Mexico with 7% Saudi Arabia with 6%, Russia also with 6% Colombia with a 4% share
Valero and ExxonMobil were the biggest buyers of Russian oil and oil products last year, according to customs data cited by Bloomberg. Most of the oil that U.S. refiners buy from Russia is not crude oil, but fuel oil they use to produce gasoline in the absence of Venezuelan heavy oil supply to complement the imports of heavy Canadian crude from the oil sands.
Energy consultants and analysts told Bloomberg that they haven’t seen any concern in the White House about the rising imports of oil from Russia, while the new U.S. Administration continues to threaten sanctions on partners of the Russia-led Nord Stream 2 project in Europe.
Under Trump, that might have been a temporary concern. But as Biden is with executive orders crushing the infrastructure to domestically produce that oil, our foreign oil -dependency will only increase over the coming months.
The chaos in the biden administration continues. NO ONE in the Biden administration is apparently in charge of resolving the border crisis. Which mean an estimated 6,000 Covid-infected illegals, drug cartels and other criminals, terrorists and predators will continue flooding over our borders every day, released into our country unscreened and untested, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
This is good for our nation... how? Only if you hate America and want to endanger the American people does this make any sense. Or in other words, only if you're a Democrat.
Which crushes small housing investor landlords, and helps the corporate housing investors (i.e., large Democrat campaign donors) get an even larger market share, to further destroy the middle class.
But hey, nothing to see here, everything's great under Biden. It's NOT AT ALL like we're moving toward corrupt one-party authoritarian rule.
Oh, the irony.... from the guy who has already said he'd prefer to be like a Jewish guard at Auschwitz. Pandering to the authoritarian liberal mob, to be the last one thrown in the ovens.
I make"vulgar" look good, you mentally ill wanker.
The profanity-laden hysteria and personal invective you post, and I'm the "mentally ill wanker" ?
I think it's pretty clear you're the one with issues, I just cite the facts. I don't speculate that the Left is dangerous and has violent Bolshevik intent, I just cite, source and link exactly what they themselves say of their stated intentions. I know it's something you're unfamiliar with, but the rest of us call those FACTS.
Mexican criminal cartels—not U.S. border communities, nor illegal immigrants—are the beneficiaries of President Joe Biden’s open border policies. Biden’s neglect of border security is feeding the money-making machine of the Mexican cartels, a criminal enterprise that exploits immigrants by taking their money—and sometimes their lives.
“[The cartels] have the northern border of Mexico sealed,” Jay Whetten, a rancher residing in Cochise County, Arizona, told me in an interview. “Nobody comes through that border illegally without their authorization.”
In May 2021, Border Patrol encounters with illegal immigrants from the Mexican border increased 674% as compared to May 2020, demonstrating the magnitude of the increase in business for Mexican cartels. And, according to a veteran Department of Homeland Security law enforcement officer, these are only the crossings of which Border Patrol is aware. The officer, who wished to remain anonymous, has extensive border experience and estimates the number to be 20% higher. He told me in an interview, “The cartel makes more money on people than they do on dope.”
For illegal immigrants, working with the cartels is their only option. According to Dan Cantu, a recently retired Border Patrol agent, no one “freelances”—or crosses into the U.S. from the Mexican border without cartel permission. In most cases, those who try are instantly killed. “They call those [who cross on their own] ‘chapulines’ … which means grasshoppers in Spanish,” Cantu told me in an interview. “It’s common knowledge that the minute they try to freelance—as soon as they do—smugglers and recruiters [for the cartels] will notice … [and] they’ll flat out kill them.”
According to Cantu, cartel scouts oversee certain zones or corridors of the border. They patrol ridge lines and mountains in search of “chapulines” walking on their own. If found, the chapulin is approached by a scout and asked for a code. Those who don’t know the code, Cantu told me, are often tied to a tree and beaten, raped, or killed by cartel operatives.
“The chapulines experience all kinds of torture,” Cantu emphasized, “because [the cartels] have got to send a message … there is a price for attempting to traverse the border yourself.”
The message, says Cantu, is clear: “Do not attempt to do this yourself.”
Cantu gave a chilling example of how the cartels punish “chapulines”:
I debriefed a smuggler who said, ‘If you go up to a certain mountain, you’ll find seven bodies.’ In this case, the bodies were [freelance] drug smugglers [killed by the cartel].
The [cartel] left the [marijuana] bundles with the chapulines and put a tag on [their bodies] that said, ‘Por ser chapulin’—‘for being a chapulin.’ They didn’t even care about [taking] the marijuana.
The message was: ‘Do not do this, you will die and it isn’t worth it.’
‘Por ser chapulin’ on a little sign pinned to his chest. All the other drug smugglers that use that particular trail would see that. It’s a strong message … it’s a pretty strong message.
Chris Farrell, director of investigations and research at Judicial Watch, explained to me in an interview how the cartels’ control of the Mexican border is driven by profit and dehumanizes the people they traffic. Farrell, a former Army counterintelligence officer, has over 18 years of experience investigating the U.S.-Mexican border, including a narco terror plot against Chicago launched from Juarez, Mexico. “When Americans hear about the humanitarian crisis at the border,” said Farrell, “they should remember that it is fueled by a sophisticated criminal enterprise that is subsidized by the Biden administration’s failure to secure our border.”
Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, former head of the Sinaloa Cartel, was listed in Forbes magazine as one of “The World’s Most Powerful People” from 2009 to 2014 and in Forbes “World’s Billionaires List” in 2012. “The Mexican cartels have a valuation greater than Walmart,” said Farrell. “They are not a bunch of thugs hanging out in a trailer someplace.” As Farrell explained, illegal immigrants who pay cartels are considered “contraband units” that must be moved across the border, not valuable human beings.
“Once they cross the border… humans are a commodity that are expendable. If they die in the desert, the ‘coyotes’ won’t be held accountable,” Farrell said. “Let’s say an alien is injured and can’t continue. They will leave them to die in the desert. A coyote would never leave a bundle of drugs out in the desert.” This is corroborated by Arizona rancher John Ladd, who told me he has found 14 dead bodies on his property, which runs along the border wall—bodies of immigrants who crossed illegally into the U.S.
Illegal immigrants by the thousands are risking their lives daily to cross into the U.S., with the “help” of a brutal criminal enterprise, rather than through a safe and legal process. This is the direct result of foolish and deliberate choices made by Biden. The Biden administration’s reversal of Trump-era border policies—despite its false narrative of “humane” immigration—has given Mexican cartels an enormous opportunity to exploit immigrants for financial gain. This criminal and inhumane system is a direct consequence of Biden’s open-door policies and willful neglect of border security. ____________________________
Shea Bradley-Farrell, Ph.D., is president of Counterpoint Institute for Policy, Research, and Education and a policy fellow at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government.
Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc.
Originally Posted by WB
My cited evidence, vs. your easily disproven lies. The sources I've cited are telling the facts.
The liberal media you guys cite have been proven to be liars over and over. They OPENLY BOAST that factual journalism "is over-rated", and that their job is to prop up the Democrat narrative and slander Trump any way they can.
How many times do I have to beat you morons over the head with the facts:
Your unhinged liberal cultism is put on display by the facts you ignore, even as you try to perpetuate another false narrative, that conservatives and other independent thinkers are "cultists" for rejecting the clearly false narrative and exhibiting critical thinking. But you cling to liberal media lies, even after the ethics and credibility of your mainstream liberal sources have been PROVEN discredited liars, dozens of times over. And openly say they are proud to be liars, for your Deep State/Democrat cult.
Thank you for two decades of showing yourself to be an insufferable prick that alienated everyone at this board by being unable to show the same respect he demands of everyone else. Again, go fuck yourself.
What's that? You appreciate fucking yourself so you keep this round-and-round going. That's demented. Get help. This is why no one loves you and you couldn't even keep friends on an internet message board.
No, there's just no point to what you're saying, and this sums up EVERY POST of yours so well :
Originally Posted by Iggy
Nyah nyah nyah, you're a poopy face, fuck you, fuck your mother, fascist, doofus, etc, etc.
Your posts are just pure antagonism with no meaningful content, because you're a miserable foul piece of excrement, and everything you post is the equivalent of vandalism, with no further point worth responding to. Other than pointing out what you are.
Although "incompetence" only half gets it right, because it's clear at this point that these are deliberate failures by figurehead Biden, and the puppet-masters in his administration who are truly running things. To the American people who see gas prices doubling, the collapse in Afghanistan, hyperinflation in food prices, huge layoffs of 30% or more due to vaccines that don't even prevent infection of spread of Covid, but are now mandating the layoff of already short -staffed police, fire, teachers, doctors, nurses, military, and other government and private sector employees, is a policy calculated to create chaos and collapse our society.
If Biden were a Russian or Chinese spy sent to destroy America, he and his Bolshevik administration could not be doing more damage to our country. And it is not by accident, it is by design. It is deliberate.
Steve Hilton gives an interesting alternative perspective on his show. He was previously an advisor to British prime minister David Cameron, so has the perspective of someone who has overseen things from the highest level of government. He also has run a business/tech company. His show is equally critical of Democrats, and of Republicans who are part of the same "swamp" of self-serving political ccorruption, who are more interested in cashing in on their political position than acting in the best interests of the nation and its people. * Lisa Boothe's comments about how Biden's presidency has been built on lies from the very beginning, deliberately misrepresenting the true facts at every turn from the start, particularly resonated for me. * Former ICE director Tom Homan detailing the actual extent of illegal immigration under Biden, deliberately hidden from the American people. * Jonathan Turley, talking about the over-reach of federal power, "flipping of the script" of what was intended in the Constitution, destroying the checks and balances that are supposed to prevent creation of an authoritarian federal state. * Merrick Garland's weaponization of the DOJ and FBI against Jan 6th protesters, and now against parents simply voicing opposition to critical race theory and mandatory Covid-19 vaccines for their children, re-branded by Garland as "domestic terrorists" and sending the FBI to intimidate an arrest them, to further silence first amendment political dissent.
A good overview of some, not all, of the crises the Biden Administration has deliberately created.
A new Quinnipiac poll dropped on Tuesday, and it’s a doozy for President Joe Biden, whose approval rating just keeps reaching new lows.
According to the poll, which surveyed 1,342 adults nationwide between Oct. 15 and 18, Biden’s approval has dropped to 37 percent — despite the fact that only 23 percent of respondents were Republicans. The poll was D+4. Only 38 percent of those surveyed said they have a “favorable” impression of the president. That’s less than Trump’s 39 percent “favorable” rating in the same poll, despite the sample group leaning blue.
The poll indicates Biden’s approval has slipped across demographic groups. Not only is he a staggering 39 points underwater with white men (26 percent approve to 65 percent disapprove), but he’s also lost the support of white women and Hispanics. Approval among white women is down to 40 percent, with 53 percent disapproving, a 13-point deficit. And among Hispanics, it’s a gaping 18-point difference (33 percent approve to 51 percent disapprove).
The Democrat president’s support hasn’t just waned in quantity, but especially in quality, with enthusiasm swinging against the president. In other words, Biden’s critics dislike him more passionately than his supporters like him. While only 18 percent of respondents indicated that they “approve strongly” of how Biden is handling the presidency, 43 percent said they “disapprove strongly.”
The poll also shows that more than half the country believes we’re worse off now than a year ago (52 percent), as the president who vowed to “shut down the virus” instead has routinely mangled COVID-19 messaging and sent the economy spiraling into disaster, with worker shortages, supply and shipping crises, skyrocketing inflation and high prices, and medically coercive vaccine mandates that have led to strikes and unjust terminations.
Though the White House likes to say these failures are a result of the administration’s preoccupation with stamping out COVID and “saving lives,” polling shows the American people aren’t fooled. When asked, “What is the most urgent issue facing the country today[?]” the plurality responded that it’s the economy (19 percent), not COVID-19 (16 percent). Close behind is immigration at 14 percent, as the Biden administration continues to exacerbate its humanitarian crisis on the southern border.
It's worth noting that this was a liberal poll weighted with a higher number of Democrats than they are as an actual ratio of the counrty, and polls a smaller number of Republicans. So as low as this poll shows Biden, it is still actually a better spin than the real numbers would reflect.
Shocking (not) that polls like election results are only acceptable when you like them WB,
I've said multiple times that polls, whether they gel with my opinion or the reverse, are a "survey of the uninformed", that it measures public perception rather than their knowledge of the actual facts. That I like when they agree with my opinion, but either way they are not absolute.
But in this case... As I showed in the above link at Redstate.com, that shows a list of ALL polls and an average of all polls, there is a clear and growing universal disdain and massive drop in support for Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks, not just one outlier poll. Because the Democrat leadership have demonstrated such contempt for even the grassroots Democrats who voted for them, who voted for Biden as a promised moderate, whose policy has gone instead hard-left radical, the furthest radical-Left ever in U.S. history, and are ramming their covert agenda down all our throats:
* Biden lying about what his generals advised him to do in Afghanistan, and Biden did the exact opposite of what he was advised, with hundreds of Americans STILL, EVEN ALMOST 90 DAYS LATER, trapped in Afghanistan, threatened, abducted, and tens of thousands of our Afghan allies, some of them spouses and children of U.S. veterans, trapped in Afghanistan and threatened, some of them beheaded. With the Biden administration doing NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to rescue them. The opposite of helping, actually obstructing private attempts to rescue them and fly them out to neighboring nations. Biden has not even mentioned the hostages trapped in Afghanistan in about 80 days. No effort to help them.
* Biden immediately cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline, and banned oil drilling on public lands and adjacent lands that Trump had previously opened up to drilling. Making the U.S. oil independent and a net exporter of oil and natural gas for the first time in over 70 years. And then Biden pretends he doesn't know why oil prices are rising, when the Democrats deliberately created an artificial scarcity to make oil prices "necessarily skyrocket" (Barack Obama's publicly stated vision in 2008) , to push the American public to use so-called green energy sources instead. This is all deliberately caused by the Democrats. And it is not only creating artificial scarcity and a price rise in the U.S., but also worldwide, thinning the global supply of oil by suddenly and arbitrarily slashing U.S. oil production overnight.
* Through spiking oil prices, Biden has caused a stifling of employment with stay-at-home subsidies for workers, thus thinning the labor pool, implementing laws and executive orders that prohibit non-union truckers in California, further thinning available labor at ports to unload ships, and creating a scarcity of truckers to transport good from ports to retail stores across the country, through firing at least 20 to 30% of workers nationwide overnight: police, firemen, hospital doctors and nurses, restaurant workers, dock workerss, truckers, military contractors. ALL these things combined are creating shortages of goods, an increase in prices, and causing the closing of many businesses. ALL this is Biden's fault, both Biden and his puppetmasters. * inflation caused by the above closures and labor scarcity.
* Multiple huge new Democrat trillion-dollar spending bills, that are basically slush funds for Democrats to reward their friends and punish their enemies, to consolidate Democrat authoritarian power over the entire nation. - A $1.9 trillion deceitfully named "Covid relief bill", of which in truth at most 9% was actually used for Covid programs, the rest used for funding Planned Parenthood, NEA, PBS, and other Democrat allies. - A currently proposed (and failing) $3.5 trillion "Infrastructure bill" that is another Trojan horse for Democrat Bolshevik power consolidation, buried within it a proposal to take away power of individual states to legislate their own individual election laws and allow either party equal election monitoring and ability to challenge elections as corrupt, with new rules only allowing the party in power (the Democrats) to challenge or monitor elections, and once that happens Democrats with a federalized central control over all state elections has permanent control of all future elections, and the Democrats never lose another election. Sen Joe Manchin just today said that the lower $1.75 trillion proposal is another Democrat trojan horse, that the bill initially priced at 1.75 trillion actually opens a door that requires further spending that would rise to or exceed the initial $3.5 trillion price tag. He called his own party's bill a smoke and mirrors deception, and called for honesty and a fully written bill, not another "you have to pass it to see what's in it" scam.
* Critical race theory in schools, that as demonstrated in Loudon County and other very blue regions. When even parents in very DEMOCRAT regions show up angry at PTA meetings and demand teaching critical race theory be abolished and that PTA leftist radicals who snuck it in to schools resign, teacher unions wrote to the DOJ, and then attorney general Comrade Commissar Merrick Garland weaponized the FBI to declare parents domestic terrorists (just like the Jan 6th false narrative) to be "domestic terrorists", to suppress parents from overturning the schools' radical Democrt-radical-orchestrated Cultural Marxist /CRT curriculum. The results of that power grab, at both the DOJ and PTA levels, is being seen tonight in the governor races in Virginia and New Jersey, both deeply blue states that (by the highly disputable official Nov 2020 numbers anyway, if not unquestionably rigged ) both New Jersey and Virginia in just oen year now have swung almost 20 points the other way, where both Republican candidates are winning by 3 and 4-point margins. Because of outrageous over-reach on Critical Race Theory in a secretive and deceitful manner by Democrats, in schools and states nationwide. Likewise the Covid-19 vaccination mandates for teachers and children, despite that even many vaccinated people get Covid anyway. There is no science to back the vaccine mandates, the vaccine neither stops infection or speead of the virus, even after vaccination. And children are more likely to die of vaccine complications than by covid infection itself.
* Hyperinflation
* Open borders
* offering $450,000-per child "compensation for emotional trauma" to ILLEGALS breaking into our country, putting millions in their accounts, while Democrats in the proposed 3.5 trillion "Infrastructure Billl" are legislating a more than doubling of the current 75,000 IRS agents, adding another 87,000 agents. And new laws buried in the (again deceitfully named) "Infrastructure Bill" forcing banks to report any transaction of $600 or more to the IRS, so they can harass and audit any halfway influential into bankruptcy and submission, from billionaires to blue-collar Republicans they want to target.
On and on, the Bolshevik authoritarian controls introduced, and the holy war on a independent and conservative dissenting thought, using the full weight of the IRS, FBI, ATF and other federal law enforcement branches, the DOJ, the CIA, NSA, OSHA, using the education system (through CRT and Covid vaccine purges) , using military contractor companies (and their Covid purges of dissenting employees), mandating Covid-purges of employees in any large company with 100 or more employees , and in every other weaponized branch of the federally controlled public and private sector, to crush and destroy all opposition to the Democrat-Bolshevik rationalized Covid-power grab. But even doctors and nurses, those most familiar with the science on Covid and the vaccine offered, are refusing immunization, and are choosing unemployment rather than compliance. That tells you a great deal, right there. Held up as heroes for 18 months, and then suddenly demonized by the Democrats and Orwellian liberal media, fired for allegedly being a"super-spreaders". These doctors and nurses have been on the front line of Covid treatment every day, are the people who best know the vaccine mandate is a lying Democrat narrative, not backed by the science.
The ultimate goal of the Democrats is socialism, or outright communism with no "socialist" or "Democrat-Socialist" euphemisms. The Democrat leadership's goal is absolute control of every aspect of Americans' lives, where people cannot even feed themselves and survive through a job, or keep a home without government assistance. The goal of Democrats is to create individuals' complete dependency on a Democrat socialist state for everything they have, so as to guarantee they will re-elect the Democrats who have set up and provide everything they need to survive. Because that worked so well in Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Vietnam, Camodia, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua...
For over 100 years, every one of these marxist regimes has seen complete collapse of their economies, and authoritarian zealots keeping a grip on power only by through football fields of unmarked mass graves of the bodies of their political dissenters, each with signs of torture and a uniform bullet to the back of the head. THESE are the fanatical regimes that Obama, Hillary, Biden, Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar and the rest of the Democrat-Left admire and emulate. I've quoted them many times before :
Ron Bloom, Obama's transportation czar: "We agree with Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun..."
Mark Lloyd, Obama's FCC "diversity czar", discussing Hugo Chaves' seizure and takeover of Venezuela news media: "Very effective, and a good model to follow."
All cultural marxist radicals to the core. Many key Obama officials. And many similar-minded officials that are less visible behind-the-scenes puppetmasters in the Biden administration: Susan Rice, Anthony Blinkin, Kamala Harris, Lloyd Austin, Janet Yellin, Xavier Bacera, Denis McDonough, Alejandro Mayorkas, Avril Haines, Ron Klain. All previously in high positions int he Obama administration, now given even more power to advance their radicalism in the Biden administration. These hidden officials are the actual power and source of radical policy, for which Biden is just the half-conscious figurehead.
These Democrat lunatics routinely fantasize about putting Trump supporters in Gulags (Project Veritas again, said by seversal Bernie Sanders' highest campaign officials, recorded saying it on video.)
Multiple Democrat campaign consultants on social media were ecstatic about Rep. Scalise and others being shot at and almost killed, at the Congressional baseball game, describing the shootings as "a good start" and openly hoping for more Republicans shot ! Not just random basement-dwelling yokels, these comments were said by Democrat pollsters and aides!
A PBS lawyer executive (taped by Project Veritas) called for HHS to take away children of Republicans/Trump supporters and have them raised by the state to break their parents' ability to instill them with conservative values.
Jennifer Rubin of the New York Times called after the Nov 2020 election to "Crush the Republican party so completely it can never come back."
Former Bill Clinton cabinet member Robert Reich called in an editorial for former Trump officials to be forced to confess their crimes in publicly televised show trials. Literally, those kind of "five minutes hate" show trials come straight from Stalinist Russia and Maoist China.
On and on. These are just a few examples.
The Democrat party expresses its hatred for Trump supporters and broader Republicans, calls for violence against them as somehow justified, calls for them to be put in Gulags and tormented, crushed, humiliated, EXACTLY the tactics of the Soviet Russians and the Maoist Chinese. Even Democrat media rhetoic has the same wording and talking points as the Chinese Communist government. And somehow grassroots Democrats don't see the radicalism and danger to the entire country from this, the outright marxist radicalism. These Clinton, Obama and Biden officials openly admire people like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Che Gueverra, Chaves, the Sandinistas, Saul Alinsky, and openly advocate their lawless tactics of violence and intimidation. And even when Democrat leaders have implemented massive weaponized abuse by government on their political opposition, it somehow doesn't register to grassroots Democrats in their indoctrinated minds that these Democrat leaders are destroying our Constitutional republic and moving toward a similar genocide as the marxist regimes they admire, that these Clinton/Obama/Biden appointees emulate, in no uncertain terms. Democrats from the grassroots to the leadership level openly advocate this weaponization of government, its violence, and its purges.
Although it's comforting that up to 20% of Democrat voters are repulsed by this marxist power grab, and voted for 2 Republican governors tonight.
I frankly prefer not to spend too much time thinking about that one.
Western Journal took the high road and said President Biden has plenty of shameful things in his presidency to criticize without exploring the details of his visit to the Pope in Rome.
Regardless of what is true, all of Italy believes it happened, and likewise Russia, China and Iran believe it, in Biden's physical fragility, and in the diminished strength of the United States under Biden's leadership, militarily, diplomatically and economically, as his every action seems to weaken us as a country : * hyperinflation, * an artificial scarcity of oil and gas, * destroying the fossil fuel industry that makes us vulnerable and more dependent on "green" technology and supply from China and OPEC nations, * a weakened military and business sector and medical field, as Biden implements vaccine mandates that take as many as 40% of workerss out of those fields, and threaten to collapse industry and the supply chain. * And a wide open Southern border that invites in drug cartels, human traffickers, murderers, rapists, drunk drivers, child molesters, Islamic terrorists and other criminals completely unvetted, to prey on Americans. And Biden potentially gives them up to $450,000 per child for entering the country illegally !
These people want to destroy this country. What other conclusion could be drawn from the damage they've done to the nation in just 10 months?
All because of Biden's demonstrated weakness on the international front. The Russians are emboldened and confident that the U.S. under Biden will do nothing to stop Russia.
The Associated Press even reported that Biden talked to Ukraine and secretly asked them to cede the parts of Ukraine occupied by Russian separatists.
...China is flying about 150 military planes over Taiwan air space, in a clear precursor to a Chinese invasion. That again, Biden doesn't even voice any rhetoric to threaten retaliation if China does so.
Likewise Iran, that is going full speed ahead on an accelerated creation of weapons grade plutonium for weapons. I trust Israel to pre-emptively strike in their own defense, long before Biden would ever do anything to stop Iran. Far from it, the Democrat party at its core at this point is anti-Israel. And many (Rashid Tlaib, Ilhan Omar...) rabidly antisemitic. Rep Lauren Boebert rightly called them the "Jihad squad". These are U.S. Representatives who literally travelled to Israel and the Palestinian territories and met with terrorist leaders. Whose trip to Israel, it was later revealed, was partially funded by Islamic terrorism backers. And they have the audacity to call for Rep. Boebert's removal from committees, after their own rabid anti-Americanism, Islamic radicalism, antisemitism, and open treason. The irony is staggering.
We don't have to fight a war with any of these countries, we just have to make clear we'll provide Taiwan and Ukraine with weapons, missiles, and other logistical support so they can defend themselves. I frankly think Taiwan should have developed a nuclear weapons program years ago. They are a sane nation that could be trusted with a nuclear deterrent, and that would insure China doesn't invade Taiwan.
Keep in mind that Hunter Biden (Joe Biden's bag-man) received $3.5 million from the wife of Moscow's mayor (a personal friend of Vladimir Putin). And keep in mind Hunter Biden (again the bag-man) received $1.5 billion from the Bank of China (which is to say the Chinese Communist Party) to invest, of which Hunter Biden's windfall is estimated to be at least 20 million dollars. A deal that the finest investors on Wall Street have never been offered by the Bank of China, strange that China would offer that to a drug addict with a further addiction to strippers and hookers, who was thrown out of the U.S. military right after his father pulled strings to get Hunter Biden in, when he shouldn't have qualified in the first place to enlist. THIS is the person China trusted with $1.5 billion. With 20 to 50% in these Hunter Biden deals with Russia and China set aside for "the big guy" (Joe Biden) , as Hunter has described in the e-mails on his missing laptop as percentages that "pop" regularly takes from Hunter's bag-man activities, supporting the entire Biden family, for decades. Plus supporting any number of hookers, strip club dancers, and at least one illegitimate child by one stripper, that Biden for all his wealth tried to evade supporting, until said impregnated stripper sued him for paternity.
As with the Clinton Foundation, these payments from Russia and China to Hunter Biden are a clear "pay to play" operation. As is Hunter Biden's exorbitantly priced art painting business, canvasses selling for more than those the finest living artists' paintings sell for. With both Hunter Biden's paintings, and $1.5 billion from the Bank of China, it's clear that what's for sale is influence over president Biden, not financial payment for Hunter Biden's talent.
I increasingly think President Joe Biden is the ultimate Benedict Arnold, paid to sell out the United States to Russia and China. And these are just the treasonous payoff millions that we know about, that have been pipelined through Hunter Biden. This is the damage that Joe Biden has done to the country, in barely 11 months. If these corrupt Bolsheviks are permitted to remain in power, they could kill us all, or at the very least collapse the nation.
And what's the alternative if Biden is removed or resigns? Kamala Harris? Nancy Pelosi? Name one person in the current presidential line of succession who could be trusted to lead the nation and protect us.
China Russia, Iran, North Korea, Al Qaida, ISIS, or internally Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the rest of the domestic Soros-funded insurrectionist Left ALL see we are completely unprotected, and that they have 3 more years to run wild. This invites a world war. And/or a n internal Bolshevik revolution. Whether by incompetence or design, we are completely unprotected.
I see evidence it is by design. Not by Biden or Harris, but by their puppetmasters in the shadows. THEY, not Biden, are the ones who orchestrated the Afghanistan collapse, orchestrated the vaccine mandates, the weaponization of the DOJ and FBI, the Jan 6th hoax, and now the handing over of Ukraine and Taiwan, on the way to handing over the United States itself. The nation is in great peril.
“It’s undeniable. Joe Biden is hurting in the polls right now and it’s due to a number of factors,” said Erin O’Brien, associate professor of political science at UMass Boston. Those factors, she said, include the nagging pandemic, soaring inflation, lingering doubts about Biden’s foreign policy chops after the botched pullout from Kabul and lingering legislation.
The Journal adds that with Biden flatlining in the polls, he won’t be in a position to help Democrats fighting to keep their jobs in the midterms.
This comes as Democrats hold a slim majority in the House, where the split is 221-213, and in the Senate 50-50, with Harris as the tiebreaker.
It’s all showing in the polls, with the Journal adding 63% of voters said the country had gone off-track, with just 27% saying the nation was on the right course. Some 61% said the economy was headed in the wrong direction.
Only 33 percent of adult citizens approved of Joe Biden’s job performance, a record low for the president in a Wednesday Quinnipiac poll. The poll revealed Biden’s approval rating has dropped three points since November. Biden’s 33 percent beats former President Trump’s worst approval rating by one point, according to Gallup polling.
Among independents, the Quinnipiac poll showed 25 percent approved of Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent of independents disapproved. Moreover, just 75 percent of Democrats approve of Biden’s performance. Fourteen percent of Democrats disapproved. In November, 87 percent of Democrats approved of Biden, 12 points more than in January.
Registered voters marked Biden slightly higher at (35-54 percent). November’s polling marked approval of Biden’s job performance three points higher (38-53 percent). Respondents also gave Biden marks in the 30s for his management of the economy, foreign policy, and coronavirus response:
The economy: 34 percent approve, while 57 percent disapprove
Foreign policy: 35 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove
Coronavirus response: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove
The poll sampled 1,313 adults nationwide from January 7-10 with a margin of error of 2.7 percentage points.
And that's with a liberal polling agency, that probably under-estimates how unpopular Biden really is.
7% inflation in one year, the highest annual inflation in 40 years, a doubling of gas prices in one year. Enabling and encouraging Russia, China and Iran to military aggression through Biden's incredibly weak foreign policy. The collapse of Afghanistan, and no generals or defense officials were fired, for the most colossal failure in U.S. military history. And these woke/leftist incompetents are who we still trust to defend the United States itself ! Over 2 million illegals pouring across our border completely unvetted. Supply chain breakdown and empty store shelves. An explosion of violent crime in major cities... I'm frankly wondering how Biden can even show 33% support at this point, even among Democrats.
And the Democrat leadership are now so desperate, because both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are so incredibly unpopular and unelectable, they are already floating the idea of running an equally corrupt and baggage-loaded Hillary Clinton as an alternate Democrat presidential candidate in 2024. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/...-clinton-as-potential-2024-front-runner/
Ryan Struyk @ryanstruyk · 13h President Biden's overall approval rating in the last seven Quinnipiac polls: 49%, 46%, 42%, 38%, 37%, 36%, 33%.
Scott Boras @NotScotBoras Replying to @TomBevanRCP
There are a lot of prominent names in the Twitter comments to Bevan's post : Sen. Tom Cotton, Jack Posobiec, pulitzer winning journalist and author Glenn Greenwald, Ben Shapiro, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Rep. Thomas Massie (whose observations here are particularly powerful), Rob O'Neill (the guy who shot Bin Ladin?), Brit Hume, Bill Hemmer, Donald Trump Jr., Sen. Rand Paul, on and on.
That's some powerful and influential conversation.
Last week, several news outlets cited this as the worst week of Biden's presidency. With his hate-filled speech comparing his Republican opposition to Bull Connor, Confederate president Jefferson Davis, and George Wallace, all three of whom Biden didn't seem to realize were Democrats. Particularly George Wallace who Biden has many times on camera for decades boasted was a friend and political ally of his, and he shared George Wallace's racist attitude toward integration of schools, Biden in one famous televised speech saying integration will turn our schools into "racial jungles.
How can anyone, even your average Democrat voter, not see that Biden BY FAR more closely resembles the racist hatred of these 3 cited DEMOCRATS ? That Biden "racial jungle" video clip, by the way, is from 1993, not that long ago. As I recall, this was part of the push for legislation for 100,000 more police nationwide, and the "three strikes you're out" mandatory sentences for repeat offenders.
And that's just one piece of Biden's 50 years of vocal racism during his political career. Biden's "Bull Connor" speech last week got a lot of pushback, even from Democrats. And Biden's polls dropped even further.
Then there's the Russian army massing on the Ukranian border. In his press conference 2 days ago, Biden said that Putin will invade and get away with it. Now into the third day since that disastrous press conference, Biden's pundits in the media are still trying to walk that one back, and attempt to gaslight the public that Biden didn't say what he clearly said.
Russia, China. North Korea. Iran. Al Qaida, ISIS, the Mexican drug cartels, are all elated and slapping each other high-fives. They can't believe the self-destruction of the United States under Biden, and the opportunity for them to run wild for years under him.
I'm deeply concerned that over the next year, Russia and China will simultaneously invade Ukraine and Taiwan, and possibly a simultaneous assault by Iran on Israel. Another world war. The danger of them pushing the limits of brinksmanship is that it could go farther than either side intended. That's what happened to begin both world wars I and II.
On the positive side, at some point, the Democrat-Bolshevik push seems to have crested to its high-water mark and receded. After trillions in wasteful spending bills, it has finally reached a level of unpopularity that House and Senate Democrats (enough of them, anyway) have backed off and not supported new Biden legislation. The $ 3.5 trillion-dollar "Build Back Better" bill was rejected. The "H.R. 1/S.R.1" nationalization of elections bill was rejected. The attempted circumnavigation to ram the S.R.1 bill through anyway by abolishing the filibuster, to pass it with a simple 51-vote majority (in a 50-50 Senate with Kamala Harris as the tiebreaker) ALSO failed.
It made sense that at some point the Democrat-Bolsheviks had to back off and start thinking about re-election as the 2022 election got closer. And it finally happened. The level of backlash hostility toward the Democrat leadership after a year of unprecedented destruction to the nation, skyrocketing fuel prices, hyperinflation, pointless and ineffective vaccine mandates that don't even work, to a point that many Democrats, at least 30 so far, have announced they're not even going to run for re-election, seeing their inevitable rejection by the voters.
I said it pretty well at the beginning on January 6th: Biden and the Democrats' reign of terror began the moment Trump conceded the election on January 6 2021: The immediate purge of Trump by Facebook, by Twiiter , and by 17 other social media sites occurred within hours of Trump's concession speech. Then the purge of Trump conservatives even within the military began, using the U.S. Postal Service, and even the NSA to surveil soldiers and officers for "extreme" ties , i.e. Trump-supporting social media posts. (conversely, radical Marxist posts by those in police or military, or posts in support of Black Lives Matter or Antifa are not considered extreme by the purging elite. Only political expression by those on the right , for far less, for merely supporting Trump were labelled "extremist" and subject to purge from the military.)
And then the second wave of the purge: vaccine mandates that further purge mostly conservatives from federal jobs, military careers, federal contractor jobs, teachers, university professors, doctors and nurses in hospitals, and other executive , mid-management and laborer positions in the private sector. For no reason. We now know the vaccines don't prevent infection.
In the last 3 weeks since Christmas, about 30 House, Senate and White House staffers have contracted Covid-19 "Omicron" strain, despite all being either double- or triple-vaccinated. The mandates clearly have no preventive effect, and only exist at this point to purge conservatives from jobs. And of course, replace them with like-minded Democrat zealots. Further eroding Republican/conservative representation and our 2-party system. Because the goal is a one-party authoritarian Democrat-Bolshevik system.
A system that will hopefully itself be decapitated and purged by a majority of voters in the Nov 2022 election.
The former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, giving an insider's perspective of Biden's press conference, and the free pass the media has given Biden, despite the great danger the country is in under his mistakes.
Threatening war when we don't have the military forces and logistics to fight a war in Ukraine, is very similar to Britain's "war guaranty" to defend Poland in 1939. Hitler knew Britain didn't have the military forces to back their threat,of war, and invaded Poland. Hitler expected Britain to sue for peace, having no viable way to attack Germany. Instead Britain and France declared war on Germany. Starting a world war, far more than either side intended.
Did anyone listen to Biden's State of the Union on Tuesday night?
It was 1 hour and 2 minutes of unintentional comedy gold. The blatantly untrue things said, polar opposite the truth, the weird stuttering and grasping for words by Biden, even straining to just read the words from the teleprompter.
I burst out laughing when he said "Not de-fund the police, FUND THE POLICE!" As if he and his Bolshevik-left party haven't been saying the exact opposite for the last two years.
Likewise, I couldn't restrain the laughter when Biden said : "We need to secure the border!", at which the Democrat trained seals stood up and clapped. As if these Democrat lunatics haven't been undermining border security for the last 5 years,. As if they haven't willfully let in over 2 million illegals in the last year, since Biden was inaugurated,. Not even screening illegals for Covid, not even screening out and deporting criminals, letting in every drug trafficker, human trafficker, child rapist and murderer, and we've seen in the news all the lives destroyed by these criminals who should never have even been in this country to prey on U.S. citizens. Enabled by Biden and his corrupt party, who have tried to abolish ICE, and to undermine and demoralize the Border Patrol at every turn. "We need to secure the border," right.
It was pointed out by Tucker Carlson and others that Biden talked more about protecting Ukraine's borders than about protecting the borders and people of the United States. That Democrats at the SOTU address costumed themselves in Ukraine flag pins, but none of them wore an American flag.
And that even in the case of Ukraine, that Biden and the Democrats give lip service to protecting, they've sat on their hands since November 2021 while Putin built up 130,000 troops on the Ukranian border,. Unlike Trump, Biden (and Obama in his 8 years prior) never sent the Ukrainians the guns, ammunition and artillery to defend themselves. Only now, when Ukraine is on the brink of destruction does Biden give lip service to defending Ukraine. If Biden had simply armed Ukraine in advance over the last year to defend themselves, this alone would have deterred this Russian invasion from ever occurring.
As it is, I thought even before this invasion ever began, that Putin has 70% of his military in Ukraine. He is over-extended. He can conquer Ukraine, but he cannot occupy it, at least not for long. If Russia tries to occupy Ukraine, they will be picked off by Ukraine geurilla defenders every day until they leave.
The morale is already low among the Russian conscript soldiers even in the first days of the Ukraine invasion. Many of them didn't even know in advance they were being deployed for a Ukraine invasion, let alone bombing and slaughtering civilians. Many are surrendering, or deliberately dragging their heels to avoid entering cities where the combat will be fierce. Only 8 days in, the Russians already have about 600 dead and 1600 wounded. And possibly 4 or 5 times the casualties as the official reported numbers. Flat tires, supply and fuel issues slowing advance, tanks and trucks breaking down, a 40-mile line of tanks and artillery that hasn't moved in 72 hours. It's an embarassment for Putin. But Putin a few days ago ordered his nuclear forces on high alert. So anything could happen at this point. A bluff, that could go wrong, and result in a nuclear war no one wanted. And all because Biden showed a level of incredible foreign policy weakness, that gave Russia the green light to invade.
And China is on the sidelines, also emboldened, waiting to see how fierce the opposition is toward Russia, before China goes ahead with its own invasion of Taiwan. Iran on the brink of completing their nukes, already threatening Israel. North Korea stepping up its aggression as well, firing missiles over Japan and South Korea.
Hyperinflation domestically, 7% in just a year, a spiking double of oil costs, the infuriating collapse of Afghanistan, all a direct result of Biden's bad decisions (and/or the puppetmasters who run things because Biden is incompetent to do so himself.) NONE of this would be happening if Donald Trump were still president.
Also fun to watch in Biden's address were Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, who both awkwardly got up to clap at inappropriate moments in Biden's speech, their choreographed fake applause moments out of sync with Biden's planned speech lines. Their fraud on full display.
And the odd all-brown suit V P Kamala Harris wore, that some social media poster photoshopped into a big brown M & M !
Another disturbing but funny moment was when Biden cluelessly referred to Ukrainians as "Iranians". Kamala Harris , sitting behind Biden alongside Pelosi, visibly cringed and appeared to silently mouth "oh no" as Biden said it.
. When the White House posted video of Biden's speech on their website, they cropped that section of the video so that Harris's face was not visible. Biden's Ministry of Truth at work, airbrushing that detail out of history. Biden's weird angry shouting, drifting from one disjointed random sentence to the next, the stuttering. Whopper statement after whopper statement that was clearly opposite the actual truth... it was uncomfortable to watch from start to finish. It would be outrageously funny, if the stakes were not so serious for the nation. And for the world.
Pelosi and Schumer were waiting for their choreograhed lines to stand up and clap to, and they looked stupid because they messed up their timing to do so on key. At least this year, Pelosi didn't rip the president's State of the Union address pages to shreds.
It's hilarious to me that they railed on Rep. Lauren Boebert and Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Green for their alleged uncivility. But nothing beatss the uncivility of Pelosi shredding Trump's SOTU speech itself during the Jan 2020 SOTU speech. And she spent pretty much the entire speech barely listening, and creating little tears in the pages to easily shred it at the very end right behind Trump. As petty and malicious as it gets
I'd agree that Boebert and Green were inappropriate to comment during the speech, they would have been better off to comment to reporters after the SOTU speech. Their comments during the speech could at least be interpreted as rude and inappropriate, and they were inaudible anyway, so their actions and comments required some explanation to even understand, that the liberal media will never provide. Better to make a complete comment in self-contained full context to reporters after the SOTU speech, rather than the questionably effectiveremarks they both made, basically heckling Biden during his SOTU address.
About 2 months ago now, but these remarks by Kamala Harris for me are a prime example of the ineffectiveness and lack of substance of not just of Kamala Harris, but of the entire Biden administration.
Originally Posted by Vice President Kamala Harris, during interview by NBC reporter Craig Melvin
“It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down”
One generally has to crack open a fortune cookie to read something that pseudo-philosophical and utterly meaningless.
Pete Buttigeig also makes similar profound-sounding but ultimately meaningless word-salad type comments all the time. When he's not just being insultingly elitist and out of touch in his comments, from his Soviet apparatchik seat of entitlement: https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1501304323761836034/photo/1
It underscores that the Biden administration as a whole has no plan, is hiding behind meaningless and obviously untrue public comments, in the absence of any plan or actual substance. Oh... AND they clearly hate America. To them, America is the problem, and its economic independence, energy independence, and strong military are all intentionally being destroyed, to make us all subservient to the planned globalist/socialist government. To them, the United States is the problem that has to be destroyed. And terrifyingly, these Democrat Bolsheviks are running the government, have absolute control of the country they want to destroy. With the Democrat-occupied IRS, FBI, and other intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement branches eagerly doing their bidding, to help them do it. Labelling and arresting /harassing the patriots trying to save the country as "treasonous", "radical", "right-wing", and "White supremacists". And since Biden became president, a similar purge of patriots in the U.S. military, replacing them with more Democrat-Bolsheviks who will help the Democrats further consolidate power.
Led by a Joe Biden presidency that has sold out to the Russians for $3.5 million from the Moscow mayor's wife (i.e, from Putin), and another $1.5 BILLION from the Bank of China (i.e., from the Chinese Communist Party). Look up the term "elite capture". Biden is the Benedict Arnold of our time. And his Bolshevik administration. And we're stuck with them for another 2 years and 8 months, if the nation survives that long.
And I'm so relieved, it also "expands diversity" at the office of DNI. Because that's so much more important than having a strong military,and reliable intelligence to prevent a nuclear war, or to prevent military overthrow of the United States.
Like the country needed another $1.5 trillion in spending, on top of the 7 trillion already spent by Biden in the last year. I wonder if a single Senate or House member read the 2.741 pages of waste spending legislation they just passed. As bad or worse than the Democrats spending federal tax dollars like crack addicts, are the Republicans who ALSO signed off on it.
In typical Democrat-Bolshevik "Cloward-Piven strategy" (ramming though wealth-redistribution spending under cover of a manufactured crisis) they used the crisis to ram through over a trillion in unnecessary spending, using Ukraine aid as the excuse for urgency of passing this legislation, despite Republican attempts to separate the Ukraine aid into a separate bill. Aid to Ukraine being about $13.6 billion, out of that $1.5 trillion, less than 1%. Another Democrat Trojan Horse for massive spending on leftist projects. The legislation guarantees billions to secure the borders of 8 other nations, but ZERO funds to secure the southern border of the United States from another 2 million criminals, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and other parasites eager to begin receiving welfare in exchange for their guaranteed Democrat votes in future elections.
How Biden's actions are undermining the value of the U.S. dollar by creating massive inflation. And how that threatens to crash the dollar way beyond even that, as it positions the U.S. dollar to be removed as the global reserve currency. That most disproportionately impoverishes the middle class and poor.
Biden tries to blame this all on Putin's invasion of Ukraine (also caused by Biden's weakness, that encouraged Putin to invade).
But that is yet another Biden lie, that ignores oil prices began to spike days after Biden was inaugurated and immediately signed an exectutive order to end the Canadian Keystone XL pipeline, ended oil drilling leases on government land, and ended Anwar drilling in Alaska, that began the doubling of prices over a year ago, long before Putin invaded Ukraine.
Discussing how Biden, whose Democrat lockdown of the U.S. was waning, as Covid-19 ceases to be a credible national threat, is instead now using his powers to expand lockdown powers again under another pretense, as a war president. If you don't support him, you're a "traitor" whose bank accounts can be frozen. A move that will further elevate already spiking prices of energy, food, lumber and other prices for the middle class and poor.
And how Biden is blaming all the failures of his first 16 months, particularly the rising energy prices and hyperinflation that Biden's policy immediately began to spike since Jan 2021, are now deceitfully alleged to be caused by Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Points well made, about how "green" energy will make Europe and the U.S. completely dependent on Russia and China for energy supplies. Especially K T McFarland at the very end, about how cutting Biden's executive orders from the opening days of his presidency has put us in this situation: spiking energy prices domestically, forced European nations to turn to Russia for oil and natural gas, that have enriched Russia and funded their military buildup for war on Ukraine,. That Biden's executive orders from his opening days destroying U.S. domestic oil production, eliminating export of U.S. oil to European allies, has weakened the U.S. and its European allies internationally, and triggered hyperinflation both in fuel prices, and in the wider U.S. and global economies.
All directly attributable to the specific actions of the Biden administration and the House/Senate Democrats.
By Charles Hurt - The Washington Times - Monday, March 14, 2022
The abused, burdened, innocent American taxpayer can hardly afford a gallon of gasoline these days. But they sure are investing heavily in those little stickers of President Biden saying, “I did that!” pointing to the price meter on gas pumps all over the country today. This would be the same Lesser Bozo of the Bozo Duo that famously harangued small business owners back in 2012 that it was, in fact, the government who built their businesses.
“Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive,” former President Barack Obama lectured during his reelection campaign about the real secret sauce in business success. “Somebody invested in roads and bridges,” he said. “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.”
That’s right. You didn’t build that. The government did.
It is always amazing to hear someone who never created a single job in his life lecture the small business owners who create half of all private sector jobs in the United States about how to create jobs. Even more insidious, government leeches like Mr. Obama cockily claim credit for bureaucratic jobs they “created” with government — where “demand” is forced by fiat and “investment” is taken from innocent taxpayers at the point of a gun and under threat of jail time.
And then once that job is “created” by government Bozos like Obama and Biden, any rare successes are massively regulated to death and the far more common failures are subsidized for eternity. These are the same losers who cheated at Monopoly as children and then bragged about “winning.” And just think: Mr. Obama was the smart one. Now comes the dumber of the duo.
The only silver lining to all the misery and mayhem around the world and in America today is that every shred of it can be blamed entirely on President Biden. His 50-year career in Washington is a record of failed ideas, self-dealing and lies. Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Iran, Mexico — the trail of misery around the world goes on and on. And no single leech in Washington has been a greater “foreign policy” expert than Mr. Biden himself. His religious zealotry for “green energy” created the war in Ukraine today.
It is truly delicious that Mr. Biden now sits alone at the banquet table he has set before himself — unable to leave until he has eaten every last rotten vegetable he has sown over the past half-century. Here at home, the misery is ever worse. Open borders. Rampant crime. Rotten schools. The suffocating poison of welfare. Gas prices. Every bit of it can be laid entirely atthe feet of Joe Biden and his horrible ideas. Down in Georgia, former President Jimmy Carter marvels at the totality of Mr. Biden’s disastrousness. “Broken supply chain?” Jimmah says to Rosalind, incredulously. “Why didn’t I think of that!” But the biggest calamity created by Mr. Biden has yet to entirely hit the innocent American taxpayer.
You think Mr. Biden’s inflation is bad now? We still have not hit rock bottom. And just you wait until you see what we have to do to finally get it under control. For years, politicians like Mr. Biden — and plenty of Republicans — have perpetrated the biggest government lie ever told. Going on two decades now, they sign up for every credit card they can get in your name and max it out. They steal trillions of dollars from our children. And they print new money to keep the whole Ponzi scheme going. Literally, if anyone outside of government did this, they would be jailed for the rest of their lives. But it’s politics, so Mr. Biden gets promoted to president.
Now we are on the brink of running out of federal ink and paper. It is getting near impossible to print enough cash to keep up with inflation. Already, you need a wheelbarrow of money to buy a gallon of gas. Soon, you will need two wheelbarrows of money to buy a loaf of bread — if you can find one.
Obviously, the biggest reason Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine is because he could afford to. The only reason he could afford to is that Mr. Biden’s blind assault on American energy independence drove up oil prices so much that Mr. Putin and Russia became rich as you and America became poorer.
Surely, in the back of Mr. Putin’s mind when he invaded was also the realization that inflation and debt after 50 years of Biden policies were about to explode America’s balance sheet.
Mr. Biden and fellow Democrats, of course, will now do all they can to lie and claim that they had nothing to do with this current debt and inflation bomb. Already, the White House is ordering up gas pump stickers that say, “I did that!” with pictures of Vladimir Putin instead of Mr. Biden.
Don’t let them get away with it and keep putting up the Biden stickers. ______________
Charles Hurt is the opinion editor of the Washington Times.
As gasoline prices skyrocket, drivers are targeting President Joe Biden at the pump. Stickers of a finger-pointing Biden with the words “I did that!” have been appearing on fuel pumps across the country, including here in Minnesota.
“Now it’s like almost an everyday thing,” said Hajra Akram, a cashier at Stockmen’s Truck Stop. “The minute they pile up and it’s like, ‘Oh, I got to take time from out of being here and scrape it off first.’ So, you know, just keep it off of there — maybe put it on your own car on the back.” The Minnesota Service Station and Convenience Store Association, which represents more than 300 gas stations in Minnesota, issued a statement on the stickers: “Retailers in the fueling industry don’t like high gas prices just like everyone else. As for the President Biden ‘I did that’ decals that may be attached to fueling dispensers, fueling retailers continue removing these decals as fast as they are placed by a third-party individual,” said Lance Klatt, executive director of the Minnesota Service Station and Convenience Store Association. “A retail business is no place for politics.”
If I were a gas station employee, they'd remain up for at least the 8 hours I was there. I hope there's a lot of attendants who feel that way, and leave them up. There's no place that message has more impact than when you are at the pump filling your tank.
First Lady Jill Biden was against choosing Kamala Harris as her husband Joe Biden’s running mate after she attacked him during a primary debate, according to an upcoming new book.
The first lady’s vexations were revealed in a bombshell new book by New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns titled “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future,” due to be released in May.
“There are millions of people in the United States. Why do we have to choose the one who attacked Joe,” Jill Biden said in a conversation after learning that Harris was the leading candidate for the job, according to an excerpt of the book provided to Fox News.
Many from Biden’s inner circle, however, believed that Harris would give the president the best chance of winning the election, according to the book. Ron Klain, the current White House chief of staff who was tasked with vetting VP candidates, believed that Harris was the best-qualified candidate for the position.
“Yes, Harris had attacked Biden more harshly than any other major candidate in the Democratic primaries. Yes, the Biden family had seen it as a smear and a betrayal. In Klain’s assessment, that would work to Biden’s advantage,” the book states. “Choosing Harris will show people that you are magnanimous and forgiving, Klain told Biden. It will show the country just what a unifying leader you can be.”
If only Joe Biden had listened to his wife.
Although really, you can go through the entire top 16 in Biden's presidential line of succession, and there's not one I would trust to be competent to run the country. The same people who set up the Talibaan's over-run of Afghanistan, the same people who caused Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Not one of these incompetent Bolsheviks has been fired. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession
President Biden officially opens his administration's Ministry of Truth (a k a, the Disinformation Governance Board, a subdivision of the Department of Homeland Security) :
I thought the Soros-nurtured lunatic appointed to head that ministry was named "The Mary Poppins of misinformation" by Fox News. But it turns out she dubbed herself with that label in one of her singing Youtube videos.
In her closing days as White House press secretary and already announced move to hyper-partisan MSNBC, Jen "Psucky" Psaki was asked about the new Ministry of Truth, and she (oh yes I know, SHOCKING!) defended the new agency headed by Nina Jankovich :
Comrade Commissar Psaki said she had no information, you (the reporter asking) have to ask DHS about her appointment, that it's not hers or the White House's realm. Which is just further disinformation and lying. Because quite obviously, the White House would approve Nina Jankovich before she was ever sent to DHS for consideration.
This remains one of the most absurd and iconically symbolic events of the "Weekend at Biden's" puppet presidency.
Biden is taking orders from the EASTER BUNNY, grabbed on the shoulder and redirected elsewhere, when he begins answering the most basic of questions.
Making crystal clear that Biden is not the guy in charge. There are many examples like this, of Biden not being in charge and being redirected by others who in any other presidency would be his insignificant subordinates. THE EASTER BUNNY is directing him !
What else is there to say, how could the situation be more absurd? We could any day be at total war with China, Russia or both, or even nuclear war (Russia has already threatened to fire on American cities), and yet... who is actually in charge? Certainly not the clueless Joe Biden. It is at once absurd and laughable, and simultaneously terrifying. This administration (whoever is actually running it) could kill us all.
Nothing much to worry about from a rigged election in 2020, empowering Biden and his Cultural Marxist puppetmasters to take control of our counrty. Just hyperinflation. And supply chain problems that could easily escalate into food shortages. And spiking gas prices (even as Biden sells our reserves to India and China, that the Biden family profits from, at our expense and endangerment.) With no steps taken to secure our national fuel supply, to prevent a shutdown of our economy. And $56 billion hosed away in Ukraine military and economic aid, with no oversight to see where the weapons are going. With hundreds of billions more to follow. (While not even spending $20 billion to secure our own southern border, while a record 3 million or more completely unvetted illegals pour into our country every year.)
While China pulls ahead of us economically as a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic (and the Biden administration is too timid to even ask how that pandemic was released, incentivizing China to unleash on us whatever other killer viruses they're developing as bio-weapons.)
And while pissing off Russia so much that they threaten to use nuclear weapons on U.S. cities, that apparently Biden, while assuring us it's under control and just a threat, takes it seriously enough to run public service commercials on how to survive a nuclear missile attack. ("You got this." Yeah. Right)
Nope, nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. I'd love to know who these 32% are who still support Biden in the most recent poll. I pray we can survive till January 20 2025. This is just the damage done in the first 18 months of Biden's term. It's terrifying what more could happen in the next 30 months. What has occurred in just this much time would be unimaginable, if we hadn't seen it happen. Although financial experts, military experts, energy sector experts, did warn the incompetents in the Biden administration this is exactly what would happen. And it did. Out of warped leftist ideology and a hatred of the country, I think this is exactly what many Biden officials WANTED to happen.
Brian Kilmeade said that whoever is writing the cue-cards and what's loaded in the teleprompter is our real de facto president. And that Susan Rice and Ron Klain are the chief puppeteers when Joe Biden's lips move. But that it is in fact Obama who is the puppetmaster-in-chief. That it is Obama who (consistent with his ideologies of Cultural Marxism, Liberation Theology, and Anti-Colonialism) is trying to implode the United States, and transfer its wealth and power to nations of color, to nations of Marxist ideology, or just straight up to China. For ideological reasons, but also perhaps to make millions for their treason in the process. It is impossible to overstate what danger the country is in.
Just because you are mentally unhinged and completely driven by emotion and a need to insult those who disagree with you, that doesn't make my reasoned arguments and linked sources any less valid.
My detailed and sourced arguments, your petty insults.
Again, see newest report from Ted Olsen and others. He lost. Deal.
Your saying that, just repeating the Democrat party line, isn't the same thing as reviewing the actual evidence.
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Jan 20 2021
It was NOT a legal election, it's just an election where those who rigged it had powerful friends who allowed them to get away with it.
None of the state legislators or state/federal/U S supreme court judges ever actually weighed the evidence. They dismissed the case without examining the evidence using tricks like "lacks standing". They either were part of the Democrat election-rigging cabal, or were intimidated by the Democrat mob that would riot or be in their faces and protesting outside their homes and personally threatening them if they challenged it.
Also of note, you use the word fact like you're trying to convince yourself and pivoted away from the fact that you spun cable ratings into being representative of the majority opinion of Americans. Suck. A. Fucking. Dick.
No, I cited facts.
It is a fact that Democrat election officials prevented Republican observers across at least 7 states from actually observing counting of the votes in Nov 2020.
It is a fact that they made them stand at ridiculous distances away that they couldn't possibly observe as votes were fraudulently counted.
It is a fact that in many cases, in multiple cities, they threw Republican observers out of the counting rooms so they couldn't observe the fraud occurring at all.
It is a fact that in Maricopa County, AZ, the elections officials didn't have the knowledge to count the votes themselves, and relied on Dominion Voting Systems to count the ballots for them (a group that to a man and woman despises Trump) and whose director of systems security said to a witness "Trump won't win, I made fucking sure of that."
That Dominion shared executive office space with George Soros-funded leftist groups.
It is a fact that virtually everyone in Dominion are supporters of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and more broadly the Democrat party, and many even to the Clinton Foundation, and that they scrubbed their social media accounts to hide the venom they've each posted extensively online. Proof they were all deeply invested in Biden winning, and had the technological means to make that happen.
It is (again) a fact that Trump was winning in all 7 contested states, and then the election count was stopped at 3AM, and then at 8 AM, with no Republican observers perrmitted to be present to legitimize and confirm it, Biden pulled a few million votes out of a magic hat and won in all 7 states.
It is a fact that local state elections supervisors, that state House and Senate members, that U.S. House and Senate members, that state judges, that Supreme Court judges, faced threats and intimidation if they challenged the rigged 2020 election. It is a fact that multiple streams of election fraud have been found and reported by investigators in Maricopa County, Arizona , in Atlanta,Georgia, in Philadelphia, PA , in Detroit, Michigan, in Wisconsin. And investigators of Dominion machines have found massive vote rigging in rural Michigan , and in New Hampshire and in Montana, among other places. All of which I linked previously.
It is a fact that the state of Texas before the 2020 election declined to use Dominion voting machines, because multiple investigation consultants called to check their reliability were alarmed at how easy the Dominion machines were to hack. One of these private consultants was former army intelligence cyber-security expert Col. Phil Waldron. That these consultants tried to inform multiple federal agencies of the risk that still existed in other states using Dominion and other voting machines, including attempted warnings to the 97% Democrat-donating FBI, to DHS, and federal elections officials, but these investigators were ignored, almost as if these agencies wanted election fraud to happen.
It is a fact that 3 Senators (Amy Klobuchar, Ron Wyden, and Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, two of them presidential candidates) and 1 House member Mark Pocan all vocally warned of the easy hackability of Dominion voting machines and risk to the nation this presented, presenting a signed statement to Congress pressing to protect election integrity by not using Dominion machines. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/...n-voting-machines-prior-to-2020-election
But y'know, then their team won by election fraud in 2020, and it was scrubbed from their three official Senate websites, and suddenly they had no interest in the threat of election fraud. Oops. Never mind.
It is a fact that even CNN warned of the threat of election fraud using Dominion machines.
I love how OAN does this in multiple stories. If OAN simply reported on election fraud in their own words, they would be dismissed by the other media, they would be dismissed as "paranoid" or "right wing propaganda" or "tin foil hat conspiracists".
But instead, Pearson Sharp quotes other mainstream liberal media stories from CNN, the New York Times, Politico, Washington Post and others, showing they reported the exact same facts that OAN is now accused of being "conspiracists" for airing. It's bulletproof on OAN's part, OAN indicts the liberal media with their own past liberal-media reporting. And further shows that when the liberal media could portray Donald Trump as having won the election by fraud, they were eager to report these exact same Dominion voting machine easily hackable vulnerabilities.
But when Biden won in Nov 2020, precisely because of these vulnerabilities, suddenly the mainstream networks made it off-limits to report the exact same facts. Instead selling the narrative that the election had perfect integrity. OAN makes it clear the liberal media were reporting the facts in 2017-2020 to damage the integrity of Trump's 2016 election victory , and are censoring those facts now, in their role as the Ministry of Truth for the Obama administration. Sacrificing their journalistic integrity and lying to the American people, in an effort to keep Biden in power.
Your evidence was rejected on the merits in 30 cases. Your evidence sucks. Cope harder.
A number of judges, states, local election officials and audits, also held up that there was clear evidence of election fraud in cases, and/or tampering with Dominion voting machines. As in examples previously cited in rural Michigan, and even in places such as Montana and New Hampshire.
So you're cherry picking cases when you say "30 cases rejected", 30 isn't all of them. Not ALL judgements went against those who filed cases of election fraud.
The most disappointing was when chief justice John Roberts wouldn't let the U S S C hear the cases, and it was clear he refused because he is afraid of controversy involving the U S Supreme Court in possible involvement in a presidential election, as there was in 2000. Which is a sad and cowardly political decision, not a judicial decision based on the rule of law. As I recall, Justice Clarence Thomas said that the U S S C should have heard the case. I don't know if Samuel Alito also made a public statement, but at least behind the scenes he also wanted the cases heard by the U S S C.
The report was released shortly afterward from Russell Ramsland Jr., a former Republican congressional candidate and the co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, members of which were present for the forensic audit earlier this month. The security group also said that it visited Central Lake Township, Star Township, and Mancelona Township on Nov. 27 to examine Dominion tabulators and tabulator roles.
“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results," Ramsland said. "The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that the Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified."
The Antrim County case has gained outsized attention from President Trump's legal team and its allies, given that it was the same county where an apparent glitch temporarily invalidated 6,000 votes erroneously tabulated for President-elect Joe Biden instead of Trump. Despite the broader implications related to the presidential election, voter William Bailey filed the litigation to challenge a local marijuana retailer proposal that just barely passed because a few damaged ballots were not included in a retabulation.
The report said Allied Security Operations Group observed an error rate of 68.05%, which it said is far above the "allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines" at 0.0008% and "demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity." The report also included a jab that appeared to be directed at Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy, a Republican, for not updating the software, which resulted in the vote flip that temporarily put Biden ahead of Trump.
"Antrim County failed to properly update its system. A purposeful lack of providing basic computer security updates in the system software and hardware demonstrates incompetence, gross negligence, bad faith, and/or willful noncompliance in providing the fundamental system security required by federal and state law," the report said. "There is no way this election management system could have passed tests or have been legally certified to conduct the 2020 elections in Michigan under the current laws."
"Dead voters" weren't the only problem. Multiple streams of election fraud, observed in virtually every state, but especially in the 6 most contested states.
But these are the Democrats, would they ever tell us the truth, if Biden were seriously ill, unconscious or dying? You know the answer.
Think back to when Hillary Clinton passed out on a street during the 2016 campaign, and they brought her back to her apartment to keep it quiet rather than take her to a hospital and let the truth be known. Think back to when Joe Biden pooped his pants in Italy when he was supposed to meet with the Pope. Think back every day of the last 18 months, where Biden often calls a "lid" and cancels all his appointments for the day, because he's obviously having a bad day of dimentia, unable to do the most basic functions. And even on good days Biden is nonfunctional, barely functional at best. Ron Klain, Susan Rice, and Anthony Blinkin are the true defacto presidents, and perhaps Barack Obama (in a rented home just two miles outside the White House) being the ultimate puppetmaster-in-chief above them. Who script and stage-prop Biden's every move.
If Biden were to die, who would know the difference? Except that maybe the puppetmasters would have to come out from behind the curtain.
This country is struggling to survive another 28 months or so. Regardless of whether Biden continues to have a pulse or not. Sick, healthy, alive, dead, he is clearly not in charge. And everyone, including Russia, China, Iran, N.Korea, Mexican drug cartels, Al Qaida, ISIS, almost certainly infiltrating among the millions of illegals pouring into our country, know it.
Dementia Joe getting covid after telling us Exxon gave him cancer is pretty good evidence that being god awful seems to be a feature of being president and not a bug.
That was a ridiculously short editorial, whose OPINION is attributed to no one by name.
The editorial ignores : * that Trump ordered up to 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol, four days in advance. * It ignores that Trump, in that "three hours and seven minutes" period, Twitter-posted roughly every 30 minutes urging his supporters to remain peaceful, and then gave a video statement in the late afternoon urging all his supporters to go home. Which they immediately did, and police who routinely control Washington DC political crowd demonstrations (large protest rallies literally occur in DC virtually every day, and they have organized police surveillance of crowds who manage each of them daily) were astonished how quickly the crowd disbursed at Trump's command. * It ignores that the worst offenders on Jan 6th were not even Trump supporters, that the worst violence and vandalism was orchestrated by undercover FBI agents *DISGUISED* as Trump supporters (i.e., at least 20 "un-indicted co-conspirators" as described in the FBI's own January 6th investigation reports), as well as around 20 "Antifa Salt Lake City" agents provacateur*DISGUISED* as Trump supporters, who openly boast in their videos they planned to do acts that would be blamed on Trump supporters, and gloated they would trick Trump supporters into following them into violence. NONE of this is mentioned in the above OPINION editorial. An editorial that was unsigned.
Clearly N Y Post is a generally conservative publication. And I commend them for posting a dissenting unaligned opinion. ( A minority opinion to be sure at the N Y Post, but certainly an opinion widely held among the rabid Trump-hating majority among the rest of the far-Left mainstream media. ) But there was no factual case cited to back up this opinion editorial.
While WSJ perhaps appears more conservative than most of the hyper-partisan Leftist mainstream media, the WSJ has been drifting left over the last decade. Above this linked editorial is a video clip of the thoroughly discredited Cassidy Hutchinson's "January 6th committee" testimony . Whose testimony made many Secret Service agents rush forward pressing to testify how absurdly untrue her testimony was (her alleging Trump jumped from the back of the limousine to grab the steering wheel, and allegedly grabbed one or two Secret Service agents in a steel vice-grip that bruised the clavicle areas of their chests, in Trump's pulp-hero alleged efforts to commandeer the vehicle, to allegedly try and force agents to drive the limo to the Capitol instead of the safe location they were driving Trump to. Laughably and cartoonishly, like a scene out of a cheap action movie. The agents dismissed her account as absolutely false. Your above-linked WSJ editorial opened with this little fluffy corsage pinned to its chest.
2014 Pew Research Survey found that 41% of the Wall Street Journal’s audience is consistently or primarily liberal, 24% Mixed, and 35% consistently or mostly conservative. This indicates that a more liberal audience slightly prefers them. Further, a Reuters institute survey found that 46% of respondents trust their news coverage and 27% do not, ranking them #4 in trust of the major USA news providers.
So WSJ's editorial is just pandering to their audience.
Again, without facts to support their allegations, and ignoring the exculpatory fact that Trump ordered 20,000 National Guard troops who would have prevented any possibility of even the most minor rioting, the minor rioting that ended up actually occurring thanks to Pelosi, Schumer, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser, ALL THREE refusing National Guard troops ordered by Trump. Why are these three not the ones "unworthy of further office", in this editorial hit piece? They, not Trump, are the ones who incited, and then obstructed deployment of police protection. They are still inciting violence against justice Brett Kavanaugh, sitting House member and N Y governor candidate Lee Zeldin, the baseball game attacks on Republican House members where Rep. Steve Scalise was almost killed and spent months recovering from his bullet wounds, attack and intimidation of Sen Mitch McConnell in a crowded restaurant while just having dinner, the attack in a movie theatre on former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi, threats against Rep. Matt Gaetz by a recorded caller to his office to "blow off your head like a watermelon from a mile away, anytime", on and on. Incitement of very real violence against Republican members apparently doesn't matter. Only what can be weaponized by the DNC against Republicans. One-sided justice.
But this WSJ editorial is at best a Republican-establishment hit piece on Trump, yet another in an endless series of hit pieces on Trump over the last 6 years, and on 74.3 million Trump supporters like myself , who plainly see the lack of facts presented by WSJ, and so know to discard it like the other partisan hit pieces against Trump over the last 6 years. It was particularly funny when the Republican-establishment globalists brought out Mitt Romney and George W. Bush to criticize Trump in 2016 , and for years after throughout Trump's four years as president. Guys who never once criticized Barack Obama's bolshevik revolution and erosion of freedoms any time during big O's nation-destroying 8-year presidency.
So... we (the actual Republican-conservatives, or populists, or Tea Party, or Freedom Caucus, or Reagan-conservatives, or Paleo-Conservatives, whatever term you prefer) know where this latest bit of propaganda is coming from. Not from anyone truly conservative, just from the GOP hijackers like Liz Cheney, Romney, and the Bushes all losing their power over the party, desperately trying to crush Trump's support by any half-baked rationalization.
Everything consertive outlet that disagrees with me is establishment RINO.
When lifelong Republicans are called RINOs or GOP hijackers by a guy who touts his Nader vote in 2000 as a signal of his not being a cult member, the terms have been completely untethered from reality.
Everything consertive outlet that disagrees with me is establishment RINO.
When lifelong Republicans are called RINOs or GOP hijackers by a guy who touts his Nader vote in 2000 as a signal of his not being a cult member, the terms have been completely untethered from reality.
You can't even spell conservative.
I voted Ralph Nader for reasons clearly stated at the time and since, for over 20 years on these boards. Nader, while to the left of my own politics, has spent a lifetime in Washington fighting for the interests of the average man against the Washington swamp machine. While Nader has never held public office, he had up till that time (2000) about 40 years of experience dealing with the beltway politics of both parties, from the inside, while himself remaining an outsider. In some ways similar to Pat Buchanan, who was ostracized when the Republican neo-cons took power in 2000 of all three branches. Buchanan wrote a book in 2004 titled WHERE THE RIGHT WENT WRONG, where he criticized the Republican party for abandoning Reagan-conservative principles, and for the new GOP's embracing of big-government Republican policy. His predictions of that hurting the GOP came true in the 2006 and 2008 elections. If I had a better understanding of Pat Buchanan at the time(that I later got from his books, beginning with DEATH OF THE WEST), I would have voted Buchanan in 2000. Not that it would have changed the outcome.
I've also explained that while in 1992, 1996 and 2000 I voted independent to try and push the GOP to have more conservative candidates in future elections, I ultimately decided that was only helping to elect even worse Democrats, and so I don't vote independent anymore. Donald Trump pulled the ultimate trick, he is essentially a Pat Buchanan-variety independent, who ran as a Republican so he could actually win, and not just get 1% or 2% of the vote as all others have. Trump was elected on the issues Pat Buchanan has championed for 30 years, and Trump's entering as he did in 2015 bypassed the mainstream-establishment wing that's controlled the GOP since Ronald Reagan left as president. The RINO wing.
Yes, they are RINOs and GOP hijackers, because people voted for them to defend conservative-Republican interests, and they have over and over betrayed, caved in, and sold out to the Democrats. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomey, Susan Collins, John Thune, John Barasso, Roy Blunt, Joni Ernst. These are people who campaigned to repeal Obamacare, for example, in 2010, 2012, and 2014. And over and over once again elected, each instead voted to fund it !
Even when Trump became president after 2016, McCain in particular, betrayed not just Trump, but his own Arizona voters by maliciously casting the deciding vote IN FAVOR OF Obamacare, that prevented its complete repeal. Just to spite Trump. And McCain at that time and in at least the decade prior, was quietly an ally who received contributions and traded favors with George Soros. The McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill is what allowed Soros to fill the void of excluded Democrat large donors, and seize control of the Democrat party in 2004. A campaign finance reform bill that McCain drafted and co-sponsored. And the Democrat party has gone more increasingly lunatic-Bolshevik-Left every two years since then.
Soros has allies within the GOP, but as David Horowitz says in THE SHADOW PARTY, it is the Democrat party that is the chosen instrument for Soros and other Marxist-Globalists to destroy and overthrow the United States. But as several big-legislation votes have proven, they have just enough Republican turncoats who allow the craziest Bolshevik legislation to pass. Likewise the Kitanji Brown-Jackson confirmation to the Supreme Court. This nutcase is so far left and un-tethered from Constitutional law that she can't even define a woman ! But because a few RINO Republican senators crossed over, she now sits for life on the Supreme Court, to destroy from within.
Likewise with the Biden legislation in 2021-2022. Even with a 50-50 Senate and V P Kamala Harris as the tiebreaker vote, Democrats should NOT have been able to pass ANY of that legislation. The "firewall" and all that. The conservative pundits assured us each piece of legislation was dead on arrival, that it would never pass. But then each time at the last minute, these RINOs by the purest definition voted with the Democrats to allow the most insane trillions of waste and hyperinflation-causing spending to go through, with 3, 4, 10, 12 Republican senate votes on various pieces. Not one of these RINOs should be re-elected.
And ultimately Mike Pence's betrayal on Jan 6 2021, giving final approval to the elector votes of a fraudulent election. He had full authority and justification to delay certification of the electoral votes, to open up several weeks of joint-session debate, that would have been covered in those weeks on national television, in a way that the liberal media could not filter and hide the truth. The evidence would have persuaded the majority of the public that the election was fraudulent. What Pence did was allow the media to dismissively cover up election fraud, and allow Facebook, Twitter and the mainstream media to block it from even being discussed. Pence enabled the aggressive Democrat-Bolshevik purge that, as I said in another topic, is a reign of terror that began the moment Trump conceded after Pence's decision on January 6th.
These RINOs are responsible for what has happened to the country in the last 19 months, they are as responsible as Biden. They have enabled it with their legislative votes. And with those legislative votes they have done THE OPPOSITE of what their own voters in their respective states elected them to do. That's betrayal. That's being a RINO and a GOP hijacker, pure and simple.
. Trump's speech today, defining Biden and the Democrat/Left's incompetence, and how a real president would resolve the problems Biden and company have created.
FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump at AFPI Policy Summit in Washington D.C. on July 26, 2022
What Monica Crowley a few weeks ago called the Democrats' "controlled demolition of the United States".
This is not mere incompetence, or an accident. This is deliberate transformation of the United States, away from a Constitutional republic, and into an impoverished vassal state.
Although at this point I don't see it as mere incompetence. But as deliberate destruction of the United States. Whether out of Cultural Marxism, selling out as a modern Benedict Arnold for tens of millions in payoffs from Communist Chinese government, or because through the vulnerability of Hunter and Joe Biden to blackmail, either way they are selling us out both economically and in terms of weakening U.S. national security to favor China, Biden is "compromised", as the mainstream media, even Fox and Newsmax, euphemistically phrase it.
Or as Monica Crowley termed it above, the Democrats' "controlled demolition of the United States".
Carlson cites that we had about a 25 day supply left. And that was 6 days ago. Which means that at the very least, the price of everything is about to go up even more. If not a capitulation and surrender of the West to to the Russians over Ukraine. Or possibly an even worse scenario, the complete overnight stall and collapse of our economy.
This is the fourth I've watched of Hawley exposing these Biden nominees for the demented hyper-partisan nutjobs that they are.
It's terrifying that any of these fanatic leftists could be given power. And yet many of them are, under a Biden presidency. Remember that Biden was elected as a moderate, but the very first day in office, Biden quickly revealed himself to be an immediate enabler of the most radical Bolshevik elements in the Democrat party.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Almost all of the U.S. Republican governors have signed on a statement backing Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in his bitter fight against the federal government over border control.
The statement released Thursday on the Republican Governors Association website criticized the Biden Administration and said the state of Texas has the constitutional right to defend itself. This week, Texas officials and the Department of Homeland Security sparred over barbed wire along the Rio Grande. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal agents can cut through the razor wire the state installed to deter people from crossing.
“We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border," the letter, signed by 25 Republican governors. "Because the Biden Administration has abdicated its constitutional compact duties to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation.”
The White House addressed the governors' statement at a press briefing Friday.
“I would say to them that if they truly want to help with the issue at the border, with the immigration system, that they need to talk to the congressional members, the senators in their state," said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. "They need to ask them to make sure that they have the resources they need within their respective states to take action to actually deal with a broken system."
More: Texas gov transforms immigration from a border issue to a backyard one. Dems aren't happy.
Governors from the following states signed the statement supporting Texas Gov. Greg Abbott:
New Hampshire
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott is the only Republican governor who did not sign onto the statement to support Abbott.
That map is remarkably reminiscent of... the Confederate States seceding in 1860. The only one not part of that former 1860 map is North Carolina.
Except that now there's a lot of Northern states that align with and are supporting those Southern states.
What would happen if Texas state Department of Protective Services (DPS) were to get in a shooting fight with Federal troops trying to cut down that Texas-border barb wire? A second civil war?
Then Biden would have the excuse to call his opposition "insurrectionists". Although he has been calling them that already for 3 years, without a shooting war between Republicans and Democrat-Bolsheviks.
About 2 months ago now, but these remarks by Kamala Harris for me are a prime example of the ineffectiveness and lack of substance of not just of Kamala Harris, but of the entire Biden administration.
Originally Posted by Vice President Kamala Harris, during interview by NBC reporter Craig Melvin
“It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down”
One generally has to crack open a fortune cookie to read something that pseudo-philosophical and utterly meaningless.
Pete Buttigeig also makes similar profound-sounding but ultimately meaningless word-salad type comments all the time. When he's not just being insultingly elitist and out of touch in his comments, from his Soviet apparatchik seat of entitlement: https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1501304323761836034/photo/1
It underscores that the Biden administration as a whole has no plan, is hiding behind meaningless and obviously untrue public comments, in the absence of any plan or actual substance. Oh... AND they clearly hate America. To them, America is the problem, and its economic independence, energy independence, and strong military are all intentionally being destroyed, to make us all subservient to the planned globalist/socialist government. To them, the United States is the problem that has to be destroyed. And terrifyingly, these Democrat Bolsheviks are running the government, have absolute control of the country they want to destroy. With the Democrat-occupied IRS, FBI, and other intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement branches eagerly doing their bidding, to help them do it. Labelling and arresting /harassing the patriots trying to save the country as "treasonous", "radical", "right-wing", and "White supremacists". And since Biden became president, a similar purge of patriots in the U.S. military, replacing them with more Democrat-Bolsheviks who will help the Democrats further consolidate power.
Led by a Joe Biden presidency that has sold out to the Russians for $3.5 million from the Moscow mayor's wife (i.e, from Putin), and another $1.5 BILLION from the Bank of China (i.e., from the Chinese Communist Party). Look up the term "elite capture". Biden is the Benedict Arnold of our time. And his Bolshevik administration. And we're stuck with them for another 2 years and 8 months, if the nation survives that long.
Only 4 months now.
It's hilarious that they dragged Biden over the finish line with a rigged election in Nov 2020, thinking they could jettison Biden, and then move into 2022 and 2024 with Kamala Harris as the new president. But Kamala Harris is EVEN MORE unpopular than Joe Biden, so now the Democrats are screwed.
And so are the rest of us, if Biden were die, and Harris actually became president.
And the country is especially screwed if Russia, China, Al Qaida, Iran, or the Taliban were to attack the United States, and the rudderless ship that is the Biden White House had to deal with it, while Biden wanders off like a 4-year-old with attention deficit disorder, and White House staffers run around like headless chickens not knowing what to do without a competent executive that SHOULD be in the White House, and just minutes to respond to nuclear missiles in the air, about to strike U.S. military bases, and major cities and population centers naionwide. If we can avoid that situation for another 5 months till inauguration on Jan 20 2025, we can all breathe a sigh of relief we dodged a major bullet.
And amazingly, about 42% of the country will have voted to re-elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. What planet are these people living on? The rest of us have to live on THIS planet.
It's an absolute fact that Kamala Harris had a longtime extramarital affair with the speaker Willie Brown of the California state assembly, and that she was handed the district attorney job in the San Fancisco area as a direct result of that. And then California state attorney general. And that same exramarital relationship got her picked and fas-tracked to be Senator for California. It's just a fact that she would never have been selected as candidate for any of those jobs without that extramarital affair.
Before that, Kamala Harris was having an extramarital affair with talk show host Montel Williams.
The point is, she is not an accomplished person, she did not earn these positions. And when she ran for president in 2020, that incompetence became readily apparent, even to her former proponents on the Democrat/Left, and in the liberal media, who initially praised her, but then aftter a series of unforced errors by Harris, ultimately let her crash and burn on her own. In the 2020 Democrat presidential primaries, Kamala Harris had less than 1% support in the polls even in her own state of California, when she dropped out before the first primary to avoid further humiliation. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, in one of the Democrat candidate debates that year, just before she Harris dropped out, completely eviscerated and humiliated Harris.
And then Joe Biden (or more accurately, Biden's puppetmasters) pulled her out of the trash heap, and appointed her as Vice President on the 2020 ticket. Where she has been humiliating herself at every turn ever since.
Harris was appointed immigration czar to solve the border crisis, where she has done absolutely nothing. Monica Crowley described Harris as "hiding in the bathroom, waiting for Biden to die, so she can become president."
Feel free to name any accomplishments by Kamala Harris I might have missed. She is a political disaster for the Democrats. And poll after poll shows that, as unqualified and unpopular as Joe Biden is, the public has an even lower opinion of HER ability to be president.
It's also hilarious to me that in another 2020 primary debate, Harris called Biden a racist who opposed bussing (which he did), to "prevent a little girl from riding the bus to school, and that little girl was me" (race card). When in fact, Harris might have briefly ridden a bus AFTER segregation ended when she was in kindergarten, but is half black and half indian (India-indian, and actually Jamaican black, not African-American)) and she came from wealthy parents and attended school mostly in Canada, and went to exclusive private schools. I'm amazed she is not called on this utterly untrue debate talking point more than she is. Jill Biden is well known to despise Kamala Harris, and strongly opposed the puppetmasters' appointment of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's VP in 2020.
Yeah. Look, I don't know. There's a culture gap I am having trouble traversing. We do politics here differently. Someone's private life here is private, even if you're a public figure. The only time something private has come out in recent years in Australian politics was the conservative Deputy Prime Minister who campaigned on family values, and then announced he had left his wife and moved in with a staffer who had fallen pregnant to him. Otherwise, I can think of one senior conservative politician here who had a longstanding affair - used to bring her along to functions in Canberra while his wife was back home - but the press didn't report on it.
I read a Bob Woodward book, can't remember the title, which talked about how until Richard Nixon the press in the US gave no airtime to politicians' affairs. (I anticipate back in the day such infidelities were endemic in the political class.) Once Watergate broke, the press started paying a lot of attention to politicians' private lives, which culminated in Clinton's impeachment.
I've no doubt cronyism and nepotism is rife across the political spectrum. Many political operatives are very intelligent and ambitious, and the only differentiator they have are contacts and benefactors. The thing I object to though is tying that to sexual promiscuity. If someone chooses to fuck like a rabbit, it does me no harm and good luck to them.
Which leads me to this question: Can I safely suggest that you have the view that Trump's infidelities have no proof? Wondering how you reconcile that with Clinton's extra-marital affair. Or, as a matter of facts they are beyond controversy but it doesn't matter because of his other merits?
And the spin is it’s the reporter who is the villain for exposing them. It wasn’t long ago that national security was a shared value between the parties, Trump and maga land have jettisoned that. We are in big trouble with these guys.