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Shocking that the pardoned criminal has a different story.
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Six Oath Keepers who guarded Roger Stone stormed the Capitol

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Shocking that the pardoned criminal has a different story.
There’s more...
Six Oath Keepers who guarded Roger Stone stormed the Capitol

1) Stone was photographed with them at a hotel guarding him from death threats, miles from the Capitol, and left on a plane before it even began.

2) It's again guilt by association with no supporting facts. I could shake hands with Roger Stone and have someone take a photo. It wouldn't prove Roger Stone is a friend of mine, or that I have any political or social connections with him. All it would prove is he's a friendly guy who shook my hand.

3) If it were a "siege" or an "insurrection" or a "storming of the Capitol", Oath Keepers boasts of about 36,000 members nationwide (although federal agencies and SPLC estimate them to actually have less than 10,000 members) . If it were a military coup they would have come in with AR-15 rifles and grenades instead of tear gas and riot shields. They would have come in several thousand strong, fully armed, if it were a military coup and a serious attempt to capture the Capitol and/or take prisoners or hostages. No, despite the propaganda "insurrection" liberal media narrative, it was just a riot. With about 30 Oath Keepers at most. That's what Oath Keepers' own social media posts say they expected to show up on Jan 6th.

And the real violence, as I've said previously, was by John Earle Sullivan and his little band of Antifa/BLM infiltrators, *pretending* to be Trump supporters, who caused the ONLY killing that day. These Oath Keeper guys are heavy duty seasoned and decorated veterans, who could certainly take the Capitol building, if that were truly their intent.

But in any case, Roger Stone had no involvement, and he just accepted their offer to protect him as he left his hotel for the airport. As Stone himself said, he didn't even know the names of the guys protecting him, who turned out to be Oath Keepers.

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Democrats were for occupying capitols before they were against it

opinion by Marc A. Thiessen

“Thousands of protesters rushed to the... Capitol Wednesday night, forcing their way through doors, crawling through windows and jamming corridors.” That is how one newspaper described the storming of the Capitol — not the one in Washington last week, but the state Capitol in Madison, Wis., a decade ago.

Back then, thousands of pro-union activists — many bused in from out of state — rampaged through the historic building in an effort to stop a vote on collective bargaining reform legislation. So, when I saw the images of a pro-Trump mob rampaging through the U.S. Capitol last week, my first thought was: What is Scott Walker thinking right now?
“It’s like I’m having PTSD from a decade ago,” the former Republican governor of Wisconsin texted me.

Most conservatives have condemned the right-wing mob that assaulted the U.S. Capitol.
But 10 years ago, Democrats embraced the left-wing mob that occupied the state Capitol in Madison. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) praised the occupiers for an “impressive show of democracy in action” and tweeted as they assaulted the Capitol that she continued “to stand in solidarity” with the union activists.
In other words, Democrats were for occupying capitols before they were against it.

Walker and I co-wrote a book, “Unintimidated‚” in which we described the attack on the Capitol in Madison. “Standing on the capitol steps at dusk, [Secretary of Administration] Mike Huebsch watched as an army of thousands formed on State Street and began marching toward him,” we wrote. “Soon they had descended on the building, banging on the doors and windows, chanting, ‘Let us in! Let us in!’ ­The small contingent of capitol police was quickly overwhelmed. Protesters ripped the hinges of an antique oak door at the State Street entrance and streamed inside. Mike watched in disbelief as the window to Democratic Representative Cory Mason’s office opened right in front of him and protesters began crawling into the building. Once inside, they began unlocking doors and bathroom windows until a sea of thousands had flooded the capitol.”

The police retreated in the face of the horde, giving up the first floor, then the second. “The protesters ran amok, chanting ‘­This is our house!’ and ‘This is what democracy looks like!’ ” we wrote. “And they then began searching for the Republican senators who had dared to defy the will of the unions.” As the crowd scoured the building looking for the offending legislators, police sneaked them out through an underground tunnel to a government building across the street. But a Democratic representative posted on social media that the Republican senators were escaping through the tunnels, so when the senators came up into the lobby, the mob was there waiting for them. ­

“The tall windows that framed the lobby were plastered with people yelling and banging on the glass,” we wrote. “They were trapped. ­The senators hid under a stairwell, out of view, while the police ordered a city bus to pull up in front of the building. Officers then formed a human wall on the sidewalk, parting the sea of protesters and creating a pathway for the senators to reach the bus.” ­Once the senators were on board, “the mob on the street began punching the windows and shaking the vehicle. … The police told the senators and staff inside to keep their heads down in case a window shattered.”

Thankfully, no one was killed. But during the course of the occupation, Walker received a steady stream of death threats against him and his wife, including one that promised to “gut her like a deer” and one threatening to kill his sons. Police found dozens of .22-caliber bullets scattered across the Capitol grounds. The occupiers drew chalk outlines of fake dead bodies etched with Walker’s name on the floor, and carried signs that read “Death to tyrants,” “The only good Republican is a dead Republican” and one with picture of him in crosshairs with the words, “Don’t retreat, Reload.”

I asked Walker this week what lessons we might take from the two occupations. “On the positive side,” he said, “the angry mobs did not deter elected officials from their responsibilities in either instance.” The Wisconsin legislature approved Walker’s bill in 2011, just as Congress reconvened to certify Joe Biden’s victory last week.

The good news is that our democracy has once again proved itself resilient against mob rule. The bad news is that some on the right now emulate the left-wing mob Nancy Pelosi celebrated and conservatives rightfully condemned in Madison a decade ago. That will be among President Trump’s most shameful legacies.

That Madison Capitol seizure 10 years ago seems to equal if not exceed what alleged Trump supporters did on January 6th ("alleged" because many indicted now include John Earle Sullivan of Antifa Salt Lake City, and dozens of others boasted on Sullivan's Antifa Facebook and Twitter pages that they were there in pro-Trump disguise as well).

I'd point out that Pelosi endorsed that violent mob as "an impressive show of democracy in action" that she was "in solidarity with", whereas Republicans across the board have condemned the group of alleged pro-Trump rioters inside the Capitol on Jan 6th.

I disagree with that last sentence by Thiessen about this staining Trump's legacy, Trump was clearly not responsible for it, the planning of it way preceded Trump's speech that day, and Trump instructed his supporters to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice your support", not to riot. But I guess that's the required narrative for Thiessen to insert, to be permitted to post a conservative opinion in the Washington Post.

But the rest of it is pretty spot on. There have been a lot of Democrat attacks on a lot of state buildings nationwide over the years. Without a whiff of Democrat condemnation.
No, FAR from Democrat condemnation. "Solidarity" !
Many of the local Democrat governments in liberal states won't even jail or prosecute Antifa or BLM. Staffers of Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris herself, set up legal funds to bail out Antifa rioters, even the ones with the most violent criminal records!

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Oath Keeper claims she was VIP sec...ays she met with Secret Service agents
“ A leader in an alleged Oath Keepers conspiracy in the US Capitol insurrection claims she was given a VIP pass to the pro-Trump rally on January 6, had met with Secret Service agents and was providing security for legislators and others, including in their march to the Capitol, according to a new court filing.

Attorneys for Ohio Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins detail how the efforts among paramilitants who are now accused of conspiracy on January 6 were closer to the apparatus around then-President Donald Trump and his rally than was previously known.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Oath Keeper claims she was VIP sec...ays she met with Secret Service agents
“ A leader in an alleged Oath Keepers conspiracy in the US Capitol insurrection claims she was given a VIP pass to the pro-Trump rally on January 6, had met with Secret Service agents and was providing security for legislators and others, including in their march to the Capitol, according to a new court filing.

Attorneys for Ohio Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins detail how the efforts among paramilitants who are now accused of conspiracy on January 6 were closer to the apparatus around then-President Donald Trump and his rally than was previously known.

CNN, anti-Trump propaganda spin central, with a long record of being factually wrong to the point of firing multiple CNN reporters...

Who ever heard of Oath Keepers before Jan 6th? Not many.

She was probably given a VIP pass based on her decorated veteran status, with no knowledge of her Oath Keepers membership. Oath Keepers up till now has been known as an organization made up current and former military and police veterans. Until Jan 6th, that would not have raised any flags. Despite what you and rabidly anti-Trump CNN would like to insinuate.

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FBI refutes claims that Antifa added to Capitol violence

Militias and white supremacists trump supporters.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
FBI refutes claims that Antifa added to Capitol violence

Militias and white supremacists trump supporters.

FBI director Chrisopher Wray's testimony is absolute garbage. He bent over backward to avoid saying anything clearly enough to incriminate himself.

It's an absolute fact that Wray's own FBI arrested Antifa member John Earle Sullivan, and that Sullivan's own videos and social media accounts document Sullivan and others in his group dressing up and *PRETENDING* to be Trump supporters while committing vandalism and violence inside the Capitol on Jan 6th.
FBI director Wray would be well advised to read his agency's own indictment of John Earle Sullivan, and look at the abundant evidence he pretends doesn't exist.

Wray also denies that Al Qaida and ISIS are actual terrorist groups, that they are an "idea", an ideology, and not actual terror groups.

Likewise Christopher Wray's opinion in past Senate hearings on Antifa and Black Lives Matter. But regardless of these evasions and lies by Wray, the rest of us know the truth: As long as Wray denies the truth that these groups exist, his 97% Democrat-donating FBI has the wiggle room to not round up the members of these groups, so they can remain an intimidation arm of the Democrat party.

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What FBI and DHS officials testifying yesterday and today absolutely refuse to acknowledge:


Sullivan started attending Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests from June 2020. According to Lex Scott, the founder of Black Lives Matter-Utah, none of the activists knew him before that.[7] He also has engaged in anti-government commentary, calling for burning down the current political system and replacing it with another system, so it benefits the people and grants them more freedoms.[3]

Sullivan founded Insurgence USA, a group participating in the protests against police violence. The group's web site says it was founded "in response to the George Floyd tragedy" to "end police brutality" and "empower and uplifting black and indigenous voices".[10][non-primary source needed] Sullivan organized events in Provo, Utah. In one event, he invited the Proud Boys to speak to the black activists.

He also organized another event, a counter-protest to a pro-police event on June 29, 2020,[11][12][13][14] where a Back the Blue protest was held consisting of a number of vehicles driving around the Provo police station. Sullivan and others organized a counter-protest blocking vehicles. At the protest, shots were fired into a vehicle and one driver was injured. One man, Jesse Taggart, was charged with attempted murder.[15][16] According to a police affidavit after the shooting, Sullivan damaged vehicles and cooperated with Insurgence USA to recruit protesters for a protest. Sullivan indicated that he thought the driver who was shot at was trying to run over protesters.[17][18]

On July 22, 2020, Sullivan held a solo, armed protest at the Utah State Capitol, carrying an AR-15. The protest lasted a couple of hours, during which he was confronted by twenty armed men from Utah Citizens' Alarm.[19][20]

Sullivan was treated with suspicion in left-wing activist circles. Labor activist Talia Jane said he is "reviled throughout the activist space", and noted he had been escorted from a December 12 event at Black Lives Matter Plaza after he was identified.[3] Many suspected him to be a double agent working for law enforcement. An activist from Portland warned people not to trust him, after he got local activists arrested in September 2020 by leading them down a wrong route and into a police kettle. Anonymous activists from Seattle published a memo in November 2020 accusing him of being an agent provocateur, pointing to his getting activists arrested or exposing their identities. Activists noted that his brother is a pro-Trump supporter, a supporter of the "Blexit" movement and speaking at a Proud Boys rally. After a man was shot in Provo during the protests in summer 2020, a right-wing militia started appearing to police Sullivan's group. During one of his rallies, Sullivan handed the microphone to a Proud Boys member. According to Lex Scott, he [Sullivan] told them [Proud Boys] that his group [BLM-Utah] wanted to work with them [Proud Boys], which led to other left-wing activists refusing to work with him [Sullivan]. He [Sullivan] later got his group firearms training. As he [Sullivan] began carrying assault rifles to protest, this invited hostility from both the right and the left.[3][7]

Others believe Sullivan exploited the racial justice movement for self-gain. Lex Scott [of Proud Boys] said that Sullivan seemed to have "a death wish" as he thought it would be "cool, or amazing, if he was killed at a protest and it started a revolution". She [Lex Scott] has also denied Sullivan is a member of BLM-Utah and expressed suspicions of his seeking fame, adding he [Sullivan] never attended any BLM meetings nor worked alongside them to advance their agenda. The Salt Lake Tribune reporter Robert Gehrke also stated that he had been selling merchandise and indulging in self-promotion on many websites; his Insurgence USA website sells protest-related gear, such as black clothing, gloves, and gas masks, branded "bloc gear collective".[3][7] In Signal chat groups, Sullivan would discuss himself from various sock puppet accounts.[6]

J. Hoberman, a film critic writing in Artforum, reviewed Sullivan's film Shooting and Storming of the US Capitol in Washington DC, describing it as "cinema as forensic evidence" and comparing it to the Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination.[21] Parts of the footage were used in the Second impeachment trial of Donald Trump.


During the storming of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, Sullivan entered the building with documentary filmmaker Jade Sacker and took extensive video, including video of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.[2][1][22][23] Sullivan could be heard saying "Dude, this shit’s gonna go viral" after Babbit's death.[6]
Sacker, a Los Angeles-based independent documentary filmmaker,[24] was filming John Sullivan as part of a documentary on him and his brother, James.[25]

Sullivan later spoke to police and FBI agents about the shooting.[26] His involvement in the riots was cited by pro-Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and The Gateway Pundit as part of a conspiracy theory alleging antifa's involvement in the riots.[27]

After the Capitol storming, Sullivan said he is not affiliated with BLM or Antifa, nor with the pro-Trump crowd, although he supports Black Lives Matter. When asked about the use of antifa hashtags in his social media posts, he rejected being associated with the group, but has stated that he, along with his group, is anti-fascist. He also has called himself a citizen journalist. Saying he was at the Capitol storming as a photojournalist, he filmed himself chanting "we about to burn this shit down" and "we accomplished this shit. We did this together. Fuck yeah! We are all a part of this history", "We gotta get this shit burned", and "It's our house, motherfuckers!" He also used a megaphone and shouted support. He said that he only said and did these things to "blend in" with the pro-Trump mob.[7][13][3][28] His brother, James Sullivan, said that he sent the FBI tips about John Sullivan about a week after the storming.[6]

On January 13, 2021, an arrest warrant with three counts related to the DC riot was signed by a magistrate judge. The affidavit was based on work by the Counterterrorism Section of the United States Department of Justice National Security Division and the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia. The affidavit stated that Sullivan entered the Capitol's west side by climbing through a broken window. He later approached another window and a knocking noise was heard, after which it was broken. Sullivan stated, "I broke it. My bad, my apologies. Well they already broke a window, so you know, I didn't know I hit it that hard. No one got that on camera." One charge, "40 U.S.C. § 5104(e)(2)(D)", is a specific crime of entering or remaining in the House of Congress without authorization. He also offered a knife to the protestors while they tried to break a window.[29][30][31][32][33] In the video, he also asks the police to not obstruct the protestors as he doesn't want any harm to come to them.[28] The arrest document also stated he had made a statement outside the Capitol about "burning this shit down" and "ripping Trump out of office" during a speech he made in August 2020 while pointing to the White House.[34][35]

Sullivan was arrested in Tooele County, Utah and appeared before a judge on January 15, 2021. Two computers, two cell phones, and camera equipment were siezed by the FBI. He was released with strict pre-trial conditions.[6][13][36][37] An FBI affidavit disputes the claim he was a photojournalist, as he had no press credentials.[2]

Federal authorities had not identified Sullivan as anti-fascist[5] and the FBI had announced on January 8 there was no evidence of Antifa involvement in the siege.[38] BLM Utah had for months disassociated itself from Sullivan on concerns that he might be associated with the Proud Boys.[39][40]

Sullivan's own videos posted all over social media, of himself gloating about putting on clothing posing as a Trump supporter, and alternately putting on a camera and posing as an uninvolved/neutral "journalist", show that he clearly identifies as a BLM activist. I've also seen articles and video that identify Sullivan as Antifa.

Further, on Sullivan's various social media websites with his posts and videos, there are **dozens** of other BLM and Antifa activist comments, who openly gloat that they disguised themselves as Trump supporters to participate in the violence right by Sullivan's side on Jan 6th.

Watching the hearings right now on OAN, the assistant FBI director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn (answering Sen. Ron Johnson, R-WI ) just said that **NOT ONE SINGLE FIREARM WAS RECOVERED FROM THE CAPITOL ON JANUARY 6th **[. That they have made "over 300 arrests", with no clarification of how many are for violent offenses, and how many are for just "trespassing" or otherwise simply being inside the Capitol, **NOT** for violent offenses. From other sources, we know it is less than 50 arrests for violent offenses.

So this was not an insurgency, not a coup, and not a "storming" of the Capitol as the Democrat narrative tries to portray.
Senator Amy Klobuchar is pushing hard to portray it as a "white racist" paramilitary insurrection, and there is no evidence of that either. She simultaneously makes clear while questioning officials of FBI, DHS, Pentagon bureaucrats and the commanding Washington DC National Guard general on Jan 6th, that advance information shows the riots that day were pre-planned, and then almost in the same sentence lyingly insinuates Donald Trump somehow "incited" the violence. It's like attempting to nail jello to the wall trying to get a straight and coherent answer out of these bureaucrats, how they try to be as vague as possible to avoid saying anything self-incriminatingly lucid.

The evidence is that the Capitol police chief was frantic for National Guard to send reinforcements which he requested SIX TIMES, but the General in charge of the DC National Guard called and spoke to the Washington DC Mayor and police chief, and the Pentagon generals above himself, especially chief of staff Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, directors of the Army for the Joint Chiefs, who were reluctant to send reinforcements because the "optics" would look bad, or might incite the mob. His deputy assistant chief of staff Lt.Gen Charles A. Flynn was on several of the calls[/url], and said he needed Piatt's authority to authorize any deployment of troops. Which is horseshit, a show of strong military presence is always a deterrant to violence. As I've seen it, the Sgt. at Arms of the Senate, the Sgt. arms of the House, and Nancy Pelosi herself were the ultimate authorities that declined the request for reinforcements that were offered to them.

This much is absolutely true: Donald Trump personally requested 10,000 National Guard troops, to insure the peace and safety of events on Jan 6th.
And ironically it is Trump, who requested troops that were denied, who the piece of shit Democrats are trying to blame !

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NYT: Cellphone Data Tie Proud Boys Member With Trump White House Before Capitol Riot

“ Federal law enforcement officials have uncovered a contact between former President Donald Trump’s White House and a member of the far-right nationalist group the Proud Boys mere days before the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. The FBI obtained “location, cellular, and call record data” that revealed the information, reports the New York Times, citing an unnamed source who was briefed on the investigation. The FBI hasn’t been able to figure out what the two discussed and the source wouldn’t reveal any names of the people on either end of the call.

Word on the call comes as the leader of the group, Enrique Tarrio, confirmed he called Trump associate Roger Stone days before the assault on the Capitol. Tarrio called during a protest in front of Sen. Marco Rubio’s home and he put Stone on speaker phone to talk to the demonstrators. An official said that wasn’t the call in question. That means two members of the Proud Boys were in touch with people associated with the White House, illustrating how extremist groups had ties to people close to the Trump administration.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
NYT: Cellphone Data Tie Proud Boys Member With Trump White House Before Capitol Riot

“ Federal law enforcement officials have uncovered a contact between former President Donald Trump’s White House and a member of the far-right nationalist group the Proud Boys mere days before the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. The FBI obtained “location, cellular, and call record data” that revealed the information, reports the New York Times, citing an unnamed source who was briefed on the investigation. The FBI hasn’t been able to figure out what the two discussed and the source wouldn’t reveal any names of the people on either end of the call.

Word on the call comes as the leader of the group, Enrique Tarrio, confirmed he called Trump associate Roger Stone days before the assault on the Capitol. Tarrio called during a protest in front of Sen. Marco Rubio’s home and he put Stone on speaker phone to talk to the demonstrators. An official said that wasn’t the call in question. That means two members of the Proud Boys were in touch with people associated with the White House, illustrating how extremist groups had ties to people close to the Trump administration.

This is just another red herring by the New York Times, to re-direct attention away from

1) the fact that John Earle Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa group were at the center of the very worst violence that occurred on Jan 6th, where the ONLY person was murdered that day.
2) the fact that the "FIVE PEOPLE KILLED BY WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS" has shattered, and even the piece-of-shit New York Times has been forced to retract that narrative. The "FIVE PEOPLE KILLED BY TRUMP SUPPORTERS" has turned out to be four people who died of strokes and heart attacks, and one Trump supporter (Ashli Babbitt) shot dead for no good reason by a Capitol police officer.
For those paying attention, that means:
**ZERO** people killed by Trump supporters, only one Trump supporter killed by a trigger-happy cop, WHO WILL NOT BE PROSECUTED, AND WILL NOT EVEN BE NAMED !!!

Whatever alleged phone calls happened between Proud Boys and whoever, that's just smoke and mirrors to hide the above FACTS. Roger Stone was given a security escort to the airport well before any of the rioting began on Jan 6th. That's the full extent of his involvement. The rest is just a NY Times/Bolshevik narrative, to try and change the subject from their paper's PROVEN false reporting for the last 8 weeks.

It's over 2 months now since events of Jan 6th at the Capitol. And I think we've learned as much as the FBI and the Captiol Police want us to know. And they have been trying to hide the true facts I just cited above. Police officer Brian Sicknick (who was a Trump supporter by the way, who wrote multiple letters to Senators and Congressmen in opposition to the Democrats' Jan 2020 attempt to impeach Trump) was first alleged to haave been "KILLED" by a Trump supporter. Facts revealed by other officers and by Sicknick's family finally revealed that he collapsed hours later, AFTER the riots, at the police station, and was rushed to the hospital.
And weeks later it was revealed (reluctantly) that Brian Sicknick's appeared to be a stroke (although his brother told a reporter that on Jan 8th), and that despite video of hours of security camera footage of Sicknick and other officers clashing with rioters inside the Capitol, there is not one point where an extinguisher is ever seen thrown at Sicknick. And despite the medical opinion that it was a stroke, medical examiners still say Sicknick's determined cause of death is still pending! Despite that they rushed to cremate his body.
No, it sure as hell doesn't.
It says that Democrat partisans in the FBI, Capitol Police, and the coroner's office are trying to hide the truth. And the fact that they cremated Sicknick's body before determining a cause of death, and yet are still keeping his official cause of death as "yet to be determined" has a clear political motivation.

And what exactly did the Proud Boys do that was so terrible on Jan 6th?
The worst violence was by BLM/Antifa that got Ashli Babbit killed. John Earle Sullivan led the rioting and destruction that led to her death. Aside from that, the most organized violence was by 30 or so people in the Oath Keepers group. As FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism Jill Sanborn admitted (not freely, but only when asked directly by Senator Ron Johnson, R-WI) THERE WAS NOT ONE GUN FOUND OR CONFISCATED IN OR AROUND THE CAPITOL ON JAN 6th !
Further, Sanborn admitted that the only gun fired that day was a Capitol police officer, who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt.

There was no "insurrection", there was no "storming of the Capitol", there was no organized "armed" military coup to kill or kidnap House and Senate members. That's all proven to be false narrative now, every last bit of it.
There were just some rioters shouting in the Capitol halls, rushing a few officers, smashing some windows, to try and intimidate House and Senate members, and express their outrage. And likely none of them would have done the little vandalism they did if they were not unkowingly led by John Earle Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa infiltrators, *PRETENDING* to be Trump protestors. THAT is the narrative the New York Times is trying to hide with this latest Roger Stone canard. Par for the course from the New York Times, to try and re-direct the narrative yet again.

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I’ve watched the videos of trumpers attacking the Capitol. You are not going to spin it away. I expect it will be in many campaign ads in 2 years. And correct me if I’m wrong but to this day Trump hasn’t expressed even pretend regret over his “special people” trying to stop the certification of the election.

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The defense secretary is Lloyd Austin, another Democrat-idealogue politician who pretends to be a soldier, what are you babbling about?

CNN is just rabidly anti-Trump Pravda, not actual news.

That hit-piece also ignores that despite this turncoat's out-of-his-ass opinion, the records of FBI, DHS and Capitol police all CLEARLY show the attacks were
pre-planned as much as a month before Jan 6th, so it's just more propaganda to allege that it's Trump's fault. It was planned way before anything Trump said.
And as I've made clear repeatedly there was nothing in Trump's speech that "incited", no rhetoric that hundreds of other Democrats and Republicans have not similarly used almost verbatim the same in speeches on the Washington mall over many years, as Trump did on Jan 6th. Trump urged his supporters to show strength and "PEACEFULLY and patriotically voice their support."

I can only guess that former defense secretary Christopher Miller is auditioning for a consultant job at CNN, to say something so in opposition to the facts.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I’ve watched the videos of trumpers attacking the Capitol. You are not going to spin it away. I expect it will be in many campaign ads in 2 years. And correct me if I’m wrong but to this day Trump hasn’t expressed even pretend regret over his “special people” trying to stop the certification of the election.

I'ver de-constructed your lying narrative multiple times already, in this and other topics on the subject. Trump has nothing to apologize for, he did nothing wrong. He repeatedly instructed the protestors to protest PEACEFULLY.
There is a lot of narrative you try to gloss over while slandering Trump, such as the fact that many protestors entered the building with police letting them in, and no violence. In the only cases of REAL violence, John Earle Sullivan and his group of Antifa/BLM infiltrators, *PRETENDING* to be Trump supporters, and openly gloating about doing so, ON VIDEO, which the FBI used to arrest him and make a case against him. There were 5 poeple who died on Jan 6th, and this group of leftists were at the center of it all, smashing windows, committing violence, and inciting others to violence. When the *ONLY* person was killed that day (5' 2" Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt) , Sullivan and his group were at the center of it, inciting it, causing it to happen. She was shot and killed by a Capitol police officer that Sullivan's comments (ON VIDEO) made trigger happy.

And of the lying narrative of "FIVE PEOPLE KILLED BY WHITE SUPREMACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS", there were exactly **ZERO** who were killed by Trump supporters. Four died of strokes or heart attacks, including officer Brian Sicknick (who was a strong Trump supporter by the way). And the only person actually "KILLED" was Ashli Babbit, *NOT* by a Trump supporter, but by a Capitol police officer, who was directly incited by John Earle Sullivan (ON VIDEO, VIDEO POSTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA) just a few feet away, inciting the officers.

So spare me the B.S. about how Trump is "responsible". Beyond bumper sticker slogans, you can't make a logical case for Trump causing it. The evidence is that planning of the riots **FAR** preceded anything Trump said on Jan 6th.
And what Trump did say on Jan 6th was only to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically" express support for House and Senate members legally challenging the election result.

The people who rioted are part of fringe groups like Antifa, BLM, Proud Boys, Boogaloos (the latter tied to BLM), and Oath Keepers, all of which have years of violent history long before Jan 6th, and arguably not even Trump supporters, just groups using the Trump protestors as cover for their own agenda.
As FBI, DHS and Capitol police all documented days before the Jan 6th protests, from these groups' online communications.

I say it again: What happened on Jan 6th doesn't even rise to the level of violence in a typical BLM or Antifa protest. The BLM seige in May 2020 on the White House that forced Secret Service to evacuate the president, or the sieges on federal buildings EVERY NIGHT FOR OVER 3 MONTHS are far worse.

Or the leftist/Democrat violence at the Madison, Wisconsin capitol 10 years ago I posted an article recently about. Where legislators were led away to escape on a bus, and were in true danger that didn't exist for House and Senate legislators on Jan 6th.

Your side exaggerates Jan 6th way beyond reality, and twists the narrative, while ignoring **ACTUAL** insurgency and violence and attempts to kill federal officials *EVERY NIGHT* for months, that have caused dozens of innocent people to die.
The pieces of shit on your side literally burned whole blocks and businesses in 275 cities, including over 500 businesses in just your own native Minneapolis.

Jan 6th was a few broken windows and minor vandalism in ONE building, and House and Senate members were back completing their business in joint session less than 3 hours later. As contrasted witht he thousands of business owners who had their stores looted and burned to the ground. And the tens of thousands who worked for them who permanently lost their jobs as a result of the destruction. And dozens of federal agents who in multiple attempts by BLM and Antifa in Seattle and Portland were almost burned to death, INTENTIONALLY, by BLM/Antifa maniacs who purposely tried to deliberately trap and burn federal agents to death in federal buildings attacked.

I could quote verbatim from Youtube video comments (and already have here, on multiple occasions) where the likes of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ayannna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and others have UNQUESTIONABLY incited violence directly with their rhetoric, that in the cases of some Antifa/BLM they were repeating as they shot up federal buildings or ICE compounds or Border Patrol stations. Rhetoric that none of these Democrats want to respond to their own words inciting.
And nor do you, M E M.
You're as bad as them for fronting their lying murderous narrative. These people truly want to destroy this country. And apparently, so do you.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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You’re deconstruction was bullshit though. No matter how much you repeat it there is still the videos of Trump’s special people feeling so full of entitlement as they beat on officers with American flags and spray them with chemicals and pelt them with whatever. Shit was smeared on the walls of the capitol while confederate flags proudly waved.

I know how much you really support democracy now. The country knows it too

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Sicknick investigation continues with multiple charges brought against two in connection with attacks. No murder charges as of yet, but that seems a possibility still considered some of the charges seem to be "with a deadly weapon" type stuff.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Sicknick investigation continues with multiple charges brought against two in connection with attacks. No murder charges as of yet, but that seems a possibility still considered some of the charges seem to be "with a deadly weapon" type stuff.

How do you still investigate the cause of death AFTER the autopsy? After the almost immediate CREMATION? The autopsy determines the cause of death, yes? Unless there is a desire by Democrats to create a political fog of slander, even after the autopsy. And if there was any question of the cause of death, why would they immediately cremate Sicknick's body? That again manifests a secretive motive to leave the door open, to twist the narrative.

As I quoted earlier, Sicknick's own brother said it appeared to be a stroke that killed him. Could it have been bear spray that contributed to his death? (For those not in the know, a stronger version of mace or pepper spray, that will more greatly immobilize them from attacking the person who sprayed it. Presumably for people to use in the wilderness to defend themselves against bears that might attack.)
Sicknick could have reacted so strongly to the bear spray that he had a stroke, but that's still wild speculation, good luck proving that's what killed him. But the fact is, if a reaction to the bear spray is what killed him it seems odd that he continued fighting protesters for hours after sprayed, and only collapsed about 6 hours later, away from the Capitol, after returning to the police station. Good luck ever proving that was the cause. And I'd like to know if there are any other examples of people having a stroke after being administered bear spray. Let alone hours later.

Again, I find it highly suspect that Sicknick was cremated immediately after his autopsy, despite that there was question about the cause of death, and despite that it was such a controversial and nationally visible death. I'd like to know the party affiliation of those in the coroner's office who are keeping it open to speculation, and I'd lay money they are Democrats who did it to ambiguously serve their narrative.

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Sidney Powell argues in new court ... would believe her election fraud claims

I think a lot of people believed her lies. Trump certainly found her useful.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Sidney Powell argues in new court ... would believe her election fraud claims

I think a lot of people believed her lies. Trump certainly found her useful.

Powell is a highly accomplished lawyer, and not a stupid or deceitful person.

What she said is that she had a huge volume of leads, "like trying to catch water from a fire hose" the volume of leads reported to her, that she did not have the resources to investigate all of them herself, and therefore not conclusive. But certainly, enough leads to warrant a large-scale investigation of a massive conspiracy to rig the Nov 2020 election. And from the opposing side of Dominion Voting Systems to intimidate into silence any who push for that investigations by serving all exposing that election fraud to billion-dollar lawsuits. And that is certainly what has happened to Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and dozens of other lawyers and public officials nationwide who have pushed for that investigation. And Fox News, Newsmax and One America News.

There is a difference between Powell saying none of it is true (which she did not), and saying that the sampling of evidence she was able to find and make public warrants a much larger investigation (which she did) to fill in the gaps she could not fully investigate on her own. She is saying this for legal reasons, because Dominion, a multi-billion-dollar corporation is putting a gun to her head, trying to crush her with their unlimited cash for lawsuits against her. The same reason Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN are backing off. Not because they are wrong, but because Dominion can put a huge financial dent in them, regardless of right or wrong.
The same way National Periodical Publications drove Fawcett out of business with their deeper pockets for litigation in 1953, and then once bankrupting Fawcett, DC began publishing Captain Marvel themselves. Not because they were right, but just because they could.

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Powell is a lying hag that deserves to be held legally accountable...
“ Statements like "President Trump was the better candidate," or "I don't trust voting machines" express opinions. Statements that "up to 7 million votes were switched from President Donald Trump to Biden via rigged election software," or that Dominion is tied to former Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, on the other hand, are factual in nature because they are capable of being proven or disproven with evidence. Factual statements, when false and when made with knowledge or recklessness as to their falsity, can be the basis for a defamation claim.
Powell was even put on notice that her statements were contrary to all available evidence and were considered by Dominion to be defamatory when Dominion sent Powell a "cease and desist" letter in December, demanding a public retraction.
Powell did not retract her statements; in fact she made additional claims about having evidence of fraud even though courts had already rejected her lawsuits for, among other reasons, failing to provide any evidence of fraud. This underscores yet again the fallacy of Powell's defense here: a claim for which evidence can exist to prove or disprove the claim is not, by its nature, an opinion at all.
There is little question about what Powell and certain of her colleagues were trying to do by spreading these lies. They were not, as Powell now claims, merely offering their own opinions about what may have happened during the 2020 election, and they were not just previewing legitimate lawsuits that had been filed. They were doing everything in their power to convince Trump's supporters that the election was stolen from him through fraud.

They created and fed the big lie. The big lie harmed Dominion and others who were the subjects of false statements, damaged voters' confidence in our government and electoral systems, and motivated thousands of Trump supporters to come to the Capitol on January 6 where hundreds of them engaged in a violent insurrection. This -- not the mythical Kraken -- is what Powell and her cohorts helped unleash. And if this latest filing is any indication, at least as far as harm to Dominion Voting Systems is concerned, it looks like Powell may actually be held accountable.”
Sidney Powell's ridiculous defense in big lie case

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Powell is a lying hag that deserves to be held legally accountable...

Wow, not at all personal. Why would I question your unhinged lack of objectivity?

Originally Posted by M E M
“ Statements like "President Trump was the better candidate," or "I don't trust voting machines" express opinions. Statements that "up to 7 million votes were switched from President Donald Trump to Biden via rigged election software," or that Dominion is tied to former Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, on the other hand, are factual in nature because they are capable of being proven or disproven with evidence. Factual statements, when false and when made with knowledge or recklessness as to their falsity, can be the basis for a defamation claim.
Powell was even put on notice that her statements were contrary to all available evidence and were considered by Dominion to be defamatory when Dominion sent Powell a "cease and desist" letter in December, demanding a public retraction.
Powell did not retract her statements; in fact she made additional claims about having evidence of fraud even though courts had already rejected her lawsuits for, among other reasons, failing to provide any evidence of fraud. This underscores yet again the fallacy of Powell's defense here: a claim for which evidence can exist to prove or disprove the claim is not, by its nature, an opinion at all.
There is little question about what Powell and certain of her colleagues were trying to do by spreading these lies. They were not, as Powell now claims, merely offering their own opinions about what may have happened during the 2020 election, and they were not just previewing legitimate lawsuits that had been filed. They were doing everything in their power to convince Trump's supporters that the election was stolen from him through fraud.

They created and fed the big lie. The big lie harmed Dominion and others who were the subjects of false statements, damaged voters' confidence in our government and electoral systems, and motivated thousands of Trump supporters to come to the Capitol on January 6 where hundreds of them engaged in a violent insurrection. This -- not the mythical Kraken -- is what Powell and her cohorts helped unleash. And if this latest filing is any indication, at least as far as harm to Dominion Voting Systems is concerned, it looks like Powell may actually be held accountable.”
Sidney Powell's ridiculous defense in big lie case


Their corrupt ties to Georgia officials who are now Dominion executives or Dominion lobbyists, harmed Dominion.
Dominion's lack of lack of transparency or availability to media questions, hurt Dominion.
The fact that Dominion shared office space and an address with Soros-funded leftist groups, HARMED DOMINION.

About 300 Dominion employees who *ALL* posted rabidly pro-BLM, pro-Antifa, rabidly anti-Trump posts on Facebook and Twitter, HARMED DOMINION. The fact that they all closed their social media accounts and went into hiding unavailable for any media questions, harmed Dominion.

The fact that Dominion's vice president and chief of cyber-security Eric Coomer had rabidly anti-Trump/anti-Republican posts all over social media, and participated in Zoom calls with Antifa, and when asked by others concerned Trump would win re-election, said "Trump won't win re-election, I made fucking sure of that," HARMED DOMINION. The fact this person then closed all his social media accounts to conceal his self-incriminating rabidly leftist pro-Antifa words and went into hiding unavailable for media questions, also harmed Dominion.

The fact that every permitted examination of Dominion voting system machines, in New Hampshire, in Michigan, in Georgia, in Arizona, have **ALL** shown discrepancies in votes, ALL reveal thousands of flipped votes, *ALL* flipping 3 to 6 % of Republican votes to Democrats, HARMED DOMINION.

All of these things occurred independently of anything said by attorney Sidney Powell.
Who again, preceding the election, has been for decades a highly accomplished U.S. attorney, a special investigator in the Bill Clinton Whitewater investigation, and has successfully reversed multiple cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, on behalf of wrongly convicted Enron and Arthur Andersen executives who needlessly spent years in federal prison. And just prior to the 2020 election, Powell successfully ended the FBI prosecution of Michael Flynn, exposing the rabid Democrat partisanship of the judge involved in the case, and the corrupt Democrat-controlled FBI that was fanatical about maliciously prosecuting Flynn, despite the judge and the FBI's clear prosecutorial misconduct.

CNN is partisan and rabidly pro-Democrat, and as trustworthy as a press release from Pravda or the Chinese Communist Party. A CNN link to "evidence" is worthless. Many others, not just Sidney Powell, have made the point that the Nov 2020 election coup was a Democrat collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party and an army of Chinese hackers who altered the vote, WITH DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, to hand an unearned election victory to Joe Biden.

There are multiple others who have independently confirmed much of what Sidney Powell has said. In the 2-hour documentary released by Mike Lindell (a k a the MyPillow Guy) multiple cyber-security experts show their evidence to that effect, one of them retired U.S. Army colonel Phil Waldron who was contracted to investigate Dominion Systems' voting machine security for the government prior to the election, and Col. Waldron was alarmed at the visible breeches, and even more so that many he appealed to in federal government brushed aside his warnings, and were hell-bent on allowing those breeches to remain open to corrupt the election.
As I've linked before, some of these, and hundreds of other witnesses to election fraud, testified in televised state legislative election hearings, in all six of the contested states.

Despite being wrong, Dominion is attempting with billion-dollar lawsuits to intimidate those exposing the truth, to make investigators and witnesses back off their truthful exposure of Dominion with the facts, or be bankrupted in litigation by Dominion. As I said before, that is precisely what National Periodical Publications did to Fawcett in the 1940's, and once they bankrupted Fawcett, they bought the rights to CAPTAIN MARVEL and published it themselves. That's not right or truthful, that's just an abuse of money and power. To bury the truth.

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Just being honest about a hag who tried to throw my vote away with her lies. It’s was to be expected that she would go with the “no rational person” defense that is a staple of the entertainers on FOX.

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Sidney Powell gets 100,000 bill from Wisconsin

Gosh maybe Trump turd could lend her some of that money his sheep donated to him for this court stuff.

Glad she’s getting all these opportunities to present under oath some of that rock solid evidence, lol.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Just being honest about a hag who tried to throw my vote away with her lies. It’s was to be expected that she would go with the “no rational person” defense that is a staple of the entertainers on FOX.

You're such an indoctrinated liberal-talking-points zealot, M E M.

It is YOUR SIDE, the piece of shit Democrat party, who cheated millions of Republicans of their votes in Nov 2020. There is increasing evidence to detail what Sidney Powell only presented the skeleton of in Nov and Dec last year. Multiple states and local districts are now doing re-counts, and as I've said repeatedly every one of them, from New Hampshie to Arizona, to Georgia to Michigan to Wisconsin, shows a rigged 3 to 6% flip of the vote from Trump to Biden, exactly as Powell described Dominion voting systems orchestrating. When actually investigated and allowed by legislators and judges and local officials,the evidence supports Powell, Giuliani and others who cite foul play in the 2020 election.

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Republican Lawmakers claim Jan 6 rioters were just friendly guys and girls
Hey, remember that January 6 attack on the Capitol? Was incited by Donald Trump, who sicced his supporters on the building in the hopes that they would overturn the 2020 election? Involved rioters savagely beating officers and chanting “hang Mike Pence”? Left multiple people dead, more than 100 injured, and caused depression and PTSD among law enforcement who were there, to say nothing of the ones who later committed suicide? Republican lawmakers claim to remember it but their memories appear to have taken a stop at Delusionville on the way to What the Actual Fuck Are You Talking About Town.

During a Wednesday hearing of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, many GOP lawmakers proudly rewrote history as part of the party’s official policy of blatantly lying about easily fact-checkable matters, especially ones that could make Trump look bad. Rep. Paul Gosar—a 2020 election truther whose own family members endorsed his opponent and appeared in an ad begging people not to vote for him—called the individuals who violently broke into the Capitol “peaceful patriots” and claimed that the Department of Justice is “harassing“ them. Amazingly, Gosar, who has described Joe Biden as an “illegitimate usurper,” claimed that “outright propaganda and lies are being used to unleash the national security state against law-abiding U.S. citizens, especially Trump voters.” He also described the killing of Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter who was shot by the Capitol Police while trying to break through the chamber as an “execut[ion].”

Then there was Rep. Ralph Norman who, like colleagues before him, cast doubt on the fact that the crowd that attacked the building was actually made up of Trump supporters, despite the fact that Trump had invited his supporters to D.C. for his “Stop the Steal” rally and then literally told them to march to the Capitol. (Also, there’s the minor matter of the fact that many people said they were acting on Trump’s orders.)

The most absurd statement, however, came from Rep. Andrew Clyde who said, out loud, in public: “Let me be clear, there was no insurrection and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bold-faced lie. Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”
Yes, just a normal tourist visit if normal tourist visits involve zip tie-toting tourists dragging officers down steps; shocking them with stun guns; smashing their heads with baseball bats, pipes, and flag poles; and causing concussions and at least one heart attack. Usually those sorts of tourists would be asked to leave the premises immediately by security, but apparently they’re alright in the f--ked-up alternative universe Clyde lives in. “

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
The most absurd statement, however, came from Rep. Andrew Clyde who said, out loud, in public: “Let me be clear, there was no insurrection and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bold-faced lie. Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

That's Wondyland level stupid...

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Republican Lawmakers claim Jan 6 rioters were just friendly guys and girls
Hey, remember that January 6 attack on the Capitol? Was incited by Donald Trump, who sicced his supporters on the building in the hopes that they would overturn the 2020 election? Involved rioters savagely beating officers and chanting “hang Mike Pence”? Left multiple people dead, more than 100 injured, and caused depression and PTSD among law enforcement who were there, to say nothing of the ones who later committed suicide? Republican lawmakers claim to remember it but their memories appear to have taken a stop at Delusionville on the way to What the Actual Fuck Are You Talking About Town.

During a Wednesday hearing of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, many GOP lawmakers proudly rewrote history as part of the party’s official policy of blatantly lying about easily fact-checkable matters, especially ones that could make Trump look bad. Rep. Paul Gosar—a 2020 election truther whose own family members endorsed his opponent and appeared in an ad begging people not to vote for him—called the individuals who violently broke into the Capitol “peaceful patriots” and claimed that the Department of Justice is “harassing“ them. Amazingly, Gosar, who has described Joe Biden as an “illegitimate usurper,” claimed that “outright propaganda and lies are being used to unleash the national security state against law-abiding U.S. citizens, especially Trump voters.” He also described the killing of Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter who was shot by the Capitol Police while trying to break through the chamber as an “execut[ion].”

Then there was Rep. Ralph Norman who, like colleagues before him, cast doubt on the fact that the crowd that attacked the building was actually made up of Trump supporters, despite the fact that Trump had invited his supporters to D.C. for his “Stop the Steal” rally and then literally told them to march to the Capitol. (Also, there’s the minor matter of the fact that many people said they were acting on Trump’s orders.)

The most absurd statement, however, came from Rep. Andrew Clyde who said, out loud, in public: “Let me be clear, there was no insurrection and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bold-faced lie. Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”
Yes, just a normal tourist visit if normal tourist visits involve zip tie-toting tourists dragging officers down steps; shocking them with stun guns; smashing their heads with baseball bats, pipes, and flag poles; and causing concussions and at least one heart attack. Usually those sorts of tourists would be asked to leave the premises immediately by security, but apparently they’re alright in the f--ked-up alternative universe Clyde lives in. “

There is video surveillance footage that shows a majority of the 280 or so who were investigated by the FBI just wandered into the Capitol on Jan 6th, and were NOT involved in violence or riots.

It is also a fact that the overwhelming majority of people arrested for being inside the Capitol were arrested for "criminal trespass" or for "violating curfew", NOT for engaging in riots, vandalism or other violence. Out of over 100,000 Trump protesters present that day, less than 50 (of whom many were BLM/Antifa) were charged with violent offenses.

It is also a fact that "insurrection" has a specific definition, that the events of Jan 6th do not conform to :


1. an act or instance of open revolt against a civil authority or government
(from the old French insurrection, from Latin insurrectio, to rise up. )

Synonyms: rebellion, revolution, revolt, riot, mutiny, insurrection, uprising, coup d'atat, putsch

insurrection and uprising denote armed attempts to change authority.

So... as the actual definition clearly denotes, Democrats are clearly misusing the word, to exaggerate and misrepresent what actually occurred on January 6th.

As I've factually detailed, REPEATEDLY, in the Senate hearings on events of January 6th, Jill Sanborn, the FBI assistant director of counter-terrorism said in answer to Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson that NOT ONE GUN WAS CONFISCATED ON JANUARY 6th in or around the Capitol or surrounding grounds in Washington. NOT ONE !

Out of over 100,000 protesters in Washington Square that day, out of 6,000 directly around the Capitol, out of 600 protestors who went inside the Capitol building (including Antifa/BLM, Boogaloos, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, 3 Percenters, definitely NOT all actual Trump supporters, John Earle Sullivan's group OPENLY BRAGGING, ON VIDEO POSTED TO TWITTER AND FACEBOOK they were PRETENDING in disguise to be Trump supporters, to either have Trump supporters blamed for their own violence, or trick some into joining them in violence), out of ALL these people, not one firearm was found and confiscated by the FBI.
As was verified by FBI assistant director Jill Sanborn herself.

So... how does one have an armed "insurrection", without any arms ?

It's a lie and a false narrative by the Democrats, and allied liberal media, and a few lying self-serving Republicans trying to capitalize on Trump's departure by joining the Democrats in kicking Trump down and slandering Trump as the alleged cause of riots that he clearly had nothing to do with.

As I've cited before:

1) Detailed in intercepted communications by the FBI, DHS, NYPD and Capitol police, these fringe groups (NOT Trump supporters) planned their attacks on social media up to 4 weeks BEFORE Jan 6th. They were clearly not "incited" by Trump, they planned their attacks in advance, and planned to use the Trump protests as cover for their own plans..

2) The timeline doesn't match up for the Democrat narrative of "Trump-incited" riots in the Capitol. On Jan 6th, Trump spoke from 12 noon to 1:11 PM, the earliest riot attacks began about 12:40 PM. Where Trump spoke in front of the White House, it takes about 46 minutes to walk from there to the Capitol building. And one has to walk, there is no mobile transportation. That means when the first attacks began, a person who was outside at the White House where Trump gave his speech WOULD HAVE TO HAVE LEFT 5 MINUTES BEFORE TRUMP EVER BEGAN SPEAKING to bee at the Capitol at the time riots began !
It was also pointed out that there was no possible reception to have watched the speech on cel phones from elsewhere, as there was no reception.
This again proves it is a lie to blame Trump for events of Jan 6th.

3) In his Jan 6th speech, Trump urged his supporters to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically" walk over to the Capitol and express their support for the Republican Senators and Representatives opposing the electoral certification, Republicans who were pushing for 2 weeks of joint-session televised debate of the evidence of fraud. There was nothing inciting in Trump's speech, he encouraged his supporters to peacefully "fight" for their cause, as hundreds of other political leaders, both Democrat and Republican have said in political speeches , for years, on those same Washington protest grounds.

4) Trump throughout the day, about once an hour, posted on Twitter for his supporters to protest "peacefully". When rioters finally reached the inside joint session chambers inside the Capitol, Trump prepared a statement on video expressing that he appreciated the protests on his behalf by his supporters, that he understood their frustration and agreed we were wronged, but that there was no purpose in continuing to protest that day, and in the interest of peace to immediately go home. WHICH THEY DID.

5) There was a Democrat/liberal media false narrative of "5 PEOPLE KILLED BY RACIST WHITE SUPREMACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS". That was PROVEN to be false. All who died were Trump supporters, 3 deaths by heart attack or stroke, 1 drug overdose, and 1 Trump supporter ( Ashli Babbitt) shot for no good reason by a still un-named Capitol police officer, VIDEOTAPED, FROM TWO SEPARATE ANGLES, in a clear case of excessive force.

6) There was a lying narrative of "WHITE RACIST TRUMP SUPPORTERS KILLED A CAPITOL POLICE OFFICER". From the very first day, officer Brian Sicknick's brother told reporters that Brian Sicknick had died of a stroke, NOT an attack by protesters.
But the media still deliberately sold the narrative that Sicknick was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher.
When that narrative fell apart, the liberal media clung to a second false narrative that Sicknick was sprayed with mace or bear spray or some other chemical. But there was security camera footage of Sicknick every second of the hours he was clashing with protesters, and Sicknick was NEVER sprayed with anything.
Finally, 3 months later, long after that false narrative had been disproven, the New York Times finally admitted they had reported inaccurately the cause of Sicknick's death.
And some weeks after that, a politically motivated clearly Democrat coroner's office, over 3 months after Sicknick's body HAD BEEN CREMATED, revealed the actual cause of death (BY STROKE, AS HIS BROTHER SAID TO REPORTERS THE FIRST DAY) was, in fact a stroke, with no violence occurring or contributing to Sicknick's death. A prognosis they delayed to support and prolong the liberal narrative.

7) It is also an absolute fact that the IRS, FBI, DOJ, FISA court, OSHA, EPA, ATF, NSA, CIA and just last week the USPS postal inspector's office, among other federal agencies, have been weaponized against Tea Party, Trump supporters, and other Republican conservatives, and are in the process of purging anyone who is even a Republican conservative from the U.S. military.

So it is not Rep. Andrew Clyde who is delusional or "lives in an alternate universe" it is the vicious fucking liars in the Democrat party and the Bolshevik-Left liberal media who are creating an alternate universe, who sold what is now PROVEN to be a false narrative.
Those are the facts, and they are verifiable. Unlike your lying narrative.

And Vanity Fair, by the way, is a hyper-partisan woke/Left media source. If that wasn't abundantly obvious in their above quoted hit piece. They can be counted on to rabidly attack Republicans every time, on every issue. Now they are attacking Rep. Andrew Clyde. Gee, what a shock.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
::Homegrown terrorist supporting screed::

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“ So... how does one have an armed "insurrection", without any arms ? ”

Chemical sprays, American flags, bats, stun guns were all used to viciously beat and injure law enforcement. The capitol getting attacked isn’t ever going to be okay and I think the country has gotten a very clear look at the threat.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ So... how does one have an armed "insurrection", without any arms ? ”

Chemical sprays, American flags, bats, stun guns were all used to viciously beat and injure law enforcement. The capitol getting attacked isn’t ever going to be okay and I think the country has gotten a very clear look at the threat.

lol lol lol

You're straining to make an argument, in the absence of having any facts in your favor, M E M.

There was NOT ONE gun confiscated on Jan 6th.
There was no "insurrection". An insurrection is an armed military attempt to overthrow a government. There were no guns, there was no "insurrection" army, there were no grenade launchers, no artillery, no cyber-attacks, no seizure or occupation of any territory or infrastructure or communications centers.

You had a handful of guys who rioted with cops, smashed a few windows, in one case urinated on a House member's desk, and stole a few of Pelosi's personal letters and a podium. The only fair description of that would be "riot", not "insurrection". Not even close. House and Senate members came back not even 3 hours later and went on about their business, certifying the election. Nothing was destroyed.
Compare that with FIVE MILES of permanently destroyed storefronts in Minneapolis immediately after George Floyd's death. Hundreds of businesses, thousands of jobs, permanently destroyed.
Likewise duplicated across 275 cities nationwide by BLM/Antifa. And countless other smaller towns. THAT is "insurrection", and destruction on a massive scale.
Compare with the seige on the White House that also occurred in may 2020 by BLM and Antifa, where Secret Service pressed Trump to leave the White House. And when Trump the next day walked across the street to the historic church BLM burned, the whole world could see the war-zone level devastation that mob left behind.

Compare that with what occurs nightly in Portland and Seattle, in coordinated attacks on federal buildings by Antifa and BLM, in sustained orchestrated NIGHTLY attacks, and attempts to kill federal agents and police, is far more in the realm of "insurrection" than anything that occurred on Jan 6th in the Capitol.

You twist the definition of "insurrection" to fit your lying narrative. But there are the facts. And you certainly seem to have no compassion for police and federal agents injured or killed by Antifa and BLM, in hundreds of cities over the last year. Your outrage over police attacked is exclusively limited to a handful of officers who faced rioters on ONE DAY on Jan 6th, while you ignore the attacks thousands of times greater by your side, in cities nationwide, AND STILL ONGOING. And even in the case of Jan 6th, you lyingly allege it was Trump supporters, when it is clear much of the damage was done by groups like John Earle Sullivan and BLM/Antifa, the BLM-affiliated Boogaloos, and other groups openly hostile to Trump and attempting to frame Trump for their own destruction.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Trump’s special people after told them to fight like hell...

It’s to well documented WB

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Already asked and answered in the Maxine Waters topic:

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

I'm sympathetic to the fact that officer Fanone had a traumatic experience. Who identifies himself as an "MPD" (Maryland police dept? DC Metro police dept?) who was called in to back up Capitol police. Don Lemon was a moron as usual, asked stupid and obvious questions with obvious answers, and attempted to exploit Fanone's comments beyond the facts.

Any in the crowd who were TRULY Trump supporters should be prosecuted and punished. But I don't see it clearly established that any who assaulted Fanone were Trump supporters and identified after arrest and prosecuted as such. They could have been BLM, Antifa, Boogaloos, Oath Keepers or other groups, all distinct from Trump supporters, who were all present, and BLM in particular hates cops.

Fanone establishes only that he was attacked, not WHO attacked him. And *actual* Trump protesters standing 50 or 100 feet away, could not even know what a few infiltrators with ulterior motives were doing to the officer. He or other officers did not arrest these attackers, so they cannot say precisely who or what these people were, what the ideology or motivation for attacking him was.

I would also point out that neither he or other officers were killed or seriously injured, nor were any House or Senate members killed or injured. If these presumed "Trump protesters" had a true motivation to harm or kill Fanone or anyone else, they certainly had the opportunity to do so.

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Originally Posted by MisterJLA
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Nothing says "defending freedom" like letting the destroyers of our national monuments and federal buildings get away with it.

Saying you won't prosecute these crimes clearly says: Do it again! Tear down those monuments and statues, burn down those federal buildings.

Like the open southern border crisis that Biden created, this as well invites repeat of a problem Trump had solved as president.

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President Joe Biden is supplementing his calls for national unity with fervent denunciations of extremists, insurrectionists, and domestic terrorists, as well as comparing Senate opponents to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Biden is now in charge of the world’s largest law firm – the U.S. Justice Department – as well as armies of federal enforcement agents. Biden and his Democratic allies have the tools to assure a steady stream of denunciations and indictments in the coming years against Americans targeted for their political beliefs. .
Democrats are already vastly expanding the only crime defined by the Constitution – treason. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared that Republicans who signaled they would not ratify the Electoral College results earlier this month “gave aid and comfort to [protestors] with the idea that they were embracing a lie… that the election did not have legitimacy.”

As law professor Jonathan Turley noted, Pelosi’s use of “the treason language in the Constitution” suggests that Republican members were more than just politically at fault… they were traitors.” A court of law would never convict Republican members of treason, but Pelosi can convict them in the court of public opinion, thanks to the hanging judges at CNN and MSNBC.

Opposing Biden becomes the equivalent of opposing democracy, and fuels demands for expelling more than a hundred Republicans from Congress. (RELATED ‘The Enemy Is Within’: Pelosi Calls For More Security To Defend Against Members Who ‘Want To Bring Guns On The Floor’)

After the clash at the Capitol on January 6, President-elect Joe Biden declared that the action of the rioters “borders on sedition.” (Actually, Republican members of Congress who objected to the Electoral College verdict were being denounced as the “sedition caucus” even before January 6).

Federal prosecutor Michael Sherwin, who is handling the January 6 cases, said he has given other federal lawyers “marching orders… to build seditious and conspiracy charges” against the most abusive rioters. The federal Seditious Conspiracy statute declares that if two or more persons conspire to “oppose by force the authority [of the U.S. government], or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law… or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States… they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both."

This is a sweeping legal drift net that could spur 20-year prison sentences for anyone who helped the dude who proudly carried off Nancy Pelosi’s lectern. Many members of Congress want all of the 800 protestors harshly punished for “desecrating” the “temple” of democracy, their “hallowed halls,” and their “sacred space” — even though most of those present committed no violence and left peacefully of their own accord after a few hours.

There are ample federal laws to vigorously prosecute and harshly punish the people who violently attacked Capitol Police. But blanket charges of sedition against protestors who were guilty merely of unlawful entry would mean scourging them as if they were political heretics.

While it is unclear how many protestors will be charged with sedition, reliance on that legal penalty blew up prior administrations. The Sedition Act of 1798 briefly helped President John Adams persecute newspaper editors who criticized his policies, but outrageous prosecutions helped Thomas Jefferson defeat Adams in the 1800 election.

In 1918, the Wilson administration responded to rising criticism of the U.S. role in World War One with a Sedition Act that “made virtually any criticism of the government or the war a criminal offense,” as historian Arthur Ekirch noted. Government propaganda fanned intolerance and torrents of informants. Congress repealed that Sedition Act at the end of 1920, but other Sedition Act provisions remain in place.

On Inauguration Day, former CIA chief John Brennan declared on MSNBC that “Biden team” members “are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements… an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, Nativists, even libertarians.”

Americans who hold ideas that politicians associate with any of those groups could be in the cross-hairs of federal investigators in the coming years, according to Brennan’s warning. Beyond treason and sedition, more than 4000 federal criminal laws provide ample opportunities to hammer potential or actual government opponents. (RELATED: ‘QAnon Shaman’ Prepared To Testify In Trump’s Impeachment Trial)

Will Biden’s denunciation of protestors as “domestic terrorists” spur a bureaucratic stampede to “round up the usual suspects?” Prosecutors will find a ready tool in the Patriot Act’s provision that defined “domestic terrorism” as violent or threatening private actions intended “to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.”

A few scuffles at a rally can transform a protest group into a terrorist entity. If the violence at a rally is done by a government agent provocateur – as happened at 1960s antiwar protests – the government could still treat all the group’s members as terrorists. “Material support of terrorism” is also broadly defined, which could allow the feds to drop the hammer on anyone who donated to protest groups capriciously designated as terrorist entities.

Federal agents have a long record of creating the crimes that politicians rush to exploit. The FBI admits that it formally entitles its army of informants to commit more than 5000 crimes a year. FBI crime sprees have been propelled by decades of Supreme Court decisions that effectively defined entrapment out of existence.

Almost anything that an undercover government agent can do to induce someone to violate the law is fair play. Federal judges have even countenanced undercover agents who enticed their targets into sexual affairs to lure them to their legal doom.

In the coming months and years, many people will likely be convicted not for violent acts against the government but for unwise or reckless words that they uttered in proximity to government informants – regardless of whether they were coaxed into saying things for which they could be legally impaled.

Critics of the Biden administration may suffer the same law enforcement abuses that Muslims suffered after the 9/11 attacks. The vast majority of people charged with international terrorism offenses in the first decade after 9/11 were induced by the FBI to behave in ways that prompted their arrest, according to Trevor Aaronson, author of “The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism.”

Federal agents targeted numerous young Muslims who were mentally feeble or psychologically disabled in order to pad their conviction counts, thereby helping score bigger budgets from Congress.

The American media mostly ignored the due process travesties that occurred in post-9/11 terrorism prosecutions. Considering the histrionic effort by pundits and Democrats to portray the January 6 Capitol clash as the equivalent of the 9/11 attacks, we can expect similar media nonchalance over federal abuses targeting Biden’s enemies.’

Targeting individuals for entrapment and prosecution based on their political beliefs and associations will help tarnish Biden’s political opponents across the board. CNN’s Don Lemon recently denounced all Trump voters as guilty of siding with Nazis and the Klan, and prosecutions of anti-Biden activists could help tar any Biden critic as a potentially dangerous zealot.

The Department of Homeland Security issued a warning on Wednesday that “ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives” pose a threat to public safety. Once politicians establish that extremism is intolerable, the definition of extremism will be consistently expanded to justify outlawing more ideas.
The FBI could become the 800-pound gorilla in efforts to police thoughts. The FBI brazenly violated federal surveillance laws in recent years but suffered no real punishment from the courts, Congress, or various administrations.

Many liberal Democrats are grateful to the FBI for its role in hobbling the Trump administration, making it less likely that the Biden team would leash the agency.

From 1956 through 1971, the FBI’s COINTELPRO program conducted thousands of covert operations to incite street warfare between violent groups, to get people fired, to portray innocent people as government informants, to destroy marriages, and to cripple or destroy leftist, black, white racist, and anti-war organizations. A 1976 Senate report explained that the FBI targeted and harassed vast numbers of peaceful protesters because of its “belief that dissident speech and association should be prevented because they were incipient steps toward the possible ultimate commission of an act which might be criminal.”

That report concluded: “The American people need to be assured that never again will an agency of the government be permitted to conduct a secret war against those citizens it considers threats to the established order.” But legal restrictions on FBI operations are mostly a mirage at this point and the agency operates with near-total impunity. (RELATED: Ex-FBI Lawyer Receives Probation For Altering Email About Carter Page)

Don’t expect an official Federal Register notice if the FBI decides to revive its persecution of dissent. The original COINTELPRO was kept secret for 15 years until a group of patriotic citizens burglarized an FBI office in a Pennsylvania suburb on the night of the first Ali-Frazier fight. They sent newspapers copies of the damning files they seized, spurring J. Edgar Hoover to shut down the program.

If the FBI revives its COINTELPRO-style targeting and mass subversion, would Americans have to wait until 2036 to learn of the scandal?

Power-hungry presidents have perennially portrayed their critics as public nuisances, but the Biden administration seems hellbent on doing far more than finger-wagging. Perhaps the feds will overreach and finally awaken more Americans to the peril of letting their rulers judge their thoughts.

In the meantime, prudent dissidents and wily cynics will avoid writing anything in an email that they don’t want to hear read out loud in federal court.

James Bovard is the author of “Attention Deficit Democracy,” “The Bush Betrayal,” “Terrorism and Tyranny,” and other books. Bovard is on the USA Today Board of Contributors. He is on Twitter at @jimbovard. His website is at

Or as another admired figure of the Democrat/Left once said:

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“ President Joe Biden is supplementing his calls for national unity with fervent denunciations of extremists, insurrectionists, and domestic terrorists, as well as comparing Senate opponents to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.”

How dare Biden denounce domestic terrorists! Lol, and Biden just honestly pointed out how Goebbels operated. Hopefully voters will choose to reject crappy liars like that. I don’t miss the orange pos loser hating anti-fascists. I understand why anti-fascism is a threat to him and the big lie party though.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by MisterJLA
[Linked Image from]


Nothing says "defending freedom" like letting the destroyers of our national monuments and federal buildings get away with it.

Saying you won't prosecute these crimes clearly says: Do it again! Tear down those monuments and statues, burn down those federal buildings.

Like the open southern border crisis that Biden created, this as well invites repeat of a problem Trump had solved as president.

I would point out that Biden actually is doing what Trump did here. You might not have noticed but the article you link to says that these people were already being let go under Trump. I do think that for those that were not peaceful should face consequences for their actions. It is refreshing to not have a President call them “special people” “that we love” anymore. Than again I hate fascists and love democracy. We have different principles and values I guess.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“ President Joe Biden is supplementing his calls for national unity with fervent denunciations of extremists, insurrectionists, and domestic terrorists, as well as comparing Senate opponents to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.”

How dare Biden denounce domestic terrorists! Lol, and Biden just honestly pointed out how Goebbels operated. Hopefully voters will choose to reject crappy liars like that. I don’t miss the orange pos loser hating anti-fascists. I understand why anti-fascism is a threat to him and the big lie party though.

The point is, as I've proven: BIDEN LIED.

Biden divided the country with false and divisive rhetoric about an "insurrection" that never happened. It wasn't an insurrection. There was no rebel army to oppose the government, there was no armed military seizure of buildings or territory. It was about 30 guys (out of over 100,000 PEACEFULLY protesting) who wrestled with police, shouted in the halls to intimidate people, and were pushed out in a very short time. There were about 250 other people, many of whom the cops just let in and didn't make any effort to push out, the overwhelming majority of the 280 investigated, who were wantered around inside the capitol and left, and later were charged with "criminal trespass, or "violating curfew", non-violent offenses.
It was NOT and armed "insurrection".
It was a riot. A riot. Not the Civil War, not 9-11-2001, not the war of 1812, not Pearl Harbor.
A riot.

Much as the Democrat-Bolsheviks you side with want to lie and exaggerate it into something far more.
It doesn't even reach the level of any one of the 275 cities that BLM and Antifa ravaged over the last year.
It doesn't even measure up to ONE DAY of the nightly attacks on Federal buildings in Seattle and Portland by BLM and Antifa for the last 6 months or so.
It doesn't equal the damage of the BLM seige on the White House in May 2020.

What you say is a lie, and as many times as you repeat it, it will remain a lie, whipped up to deceitfully serve the larger Democrat narrative.
But a lie, nonetheless. Exposed and disproven.

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Originally Posted by M E M
I would point out that Biden actually is doing what Trump did here. You might not have noticed but the article you link to says that these people were already being let go under Trump. I do think that for those that were not peaceful should face consequences for their actions. It is refreshing to not have a President call them “special people” “that we love” anymore. Than again I hate fascists and love democracy. We have different principles and values I guess.

You're a cultural marxist zealot, who is aiding your Democrat-Bolshevik party in overthrowing the Constitutional checks and balances of our government, to establish authoritarian one-party rule over the U.S.
And you seem to fully endorse any kind of weaponization of our federal government to purge or even imprison Republicans on made-up charges.

While simultaneously not prosecuting people who are clearly guilty crimes, such as Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Joe and Hunter Biden. And the 7 who plotted the framing and malicious prosecution of Michael Flynn on Jan 5 2017 in the Oval Office: Barack Obama, Joe Biden (who suggested it!), James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, Susan Rice, and if I recall, then chief of staff Denis McDonough, as well as Peter Strzok and others in the FBI who carried out their plan to frame Flynn. Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, who destroyed evidence and obstructed justice, among other offenses. Lois Lerner and John Koskinen, who weaponized the IRS against Tea Party Groups and other conservatives to rig the 2012 election on Obama's orders. For openers.

The latest FBI midnight raid to intimidate Rudy Giuliani is just proving that the authoritarianism, intimdation and federal abuse of power hasn't diminished the slightest bit under Joe Biden's presidency. Although a former U.S. attorney is not likely to be intimidated. That dog and pony show was to intimidate 2024 Trump supporters, and Trump political and financial campaign supporters.

Reading more about the release of Portland cases...

... I get two impressions:
1) under A G William Barr, they were not seeing evidence of knowledge by low-level defendants that they could use against the larger organization of Antifa, so they were willing to give them lesser charges and lighter sentences, proportionate to their less organized less connected crimes to Antifa
2) As the Biden DOJ was coming in and less interested in prosecuting them, without a 2nd Trump term, they didn't work as hard on those cases, since the incoming Biden DOJ team made them a lesser prioriity and woudl have let them go anyway, no matter how hard the outgoing team worked to convict them. Attorney General Merrick Garland, revealing himself to be a political zealot, has made it clear his priority is malicious prosecution and "making an example" of Trump supporters who did next to nothing on Jan 6 2021. They have inflated the investigations from 280 (almost all nonviolent "trespass" charges) pushing it up to 400. Some of whom (the "Quanon Shaman" guy for example) who did nothing resembling a violent crime, and yet was kept in prison for months. While BLM/ANtifaa leader John Earle Sullivan WHO LED VIOLENCE, AND GOT ASHLI BABBITT KILLED, DELIBERATELY PROVOKING VIOLENCE, ON VIDEO NO LESS, political hack Merrick Garland doesn't make a priority of prosecuting, AND LETS OUT ON HOUSE ARREST, TO CONTINUE SPREADING HIS POISON ON SOCIAL MEDIA. But Quanon Shaman guy and the Texas real estate lady who only walked inside the Capitol are kept in jail for months. While violent BLM criminals are given probation and community service. rolleyes

Beyond that, the big thing is, whether strictly enforced or not the THREAT of long sentences mandated by Trump was an instant deterrent to further attacks on federal offices and monuments, that instantly stopped these crimes, regardless or not of actual prosecution months or years later.
But now Biden has eliminated those severe penalties, which as I said above, like the flood of illegals at the southern border, Biden has similarly invited a new wave of attacks on federal buildings and monuments.

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Looks like a failed effort to stop democracy brought on by a big fat orange loser lying about the election to me.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
people not established to actually be pro-Trump protesters beat up a police officer (and it looks like the ACTUAL Trump protestors saved him)

Looks like a failed effort to stop democracy brought on by a big fat orange loser lying about the election to me.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Already asked and answered in the Maxine Waters topic:

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

I'm sympathetic to the fact that officer Fanone had a traumatic experience. Who identifies himself as an "MPD" (Maryland police dept? DC Metro police dept?) who was called in to back up Capitol police. Don Lemon was a moron as usual, asked stupid and obvious questions with obvious answers, and attempted to exploit Fanone's comments beyond the facts.

Any in the crowd who were TRULY Trump supporters should be prosecuted and punished. But I don't see it clearly established that any who assaulted Fanone were Trump supporters and identified after arrest and prosecuted as such. They could have been BLM, Antifa, Boogaloos, Oath Keepers or other groups, all distinct from Trump supporters, who were all present, and BLM in particular hates cops.

Fanone establishes only that he was attacked, not WHO attacked him. And *actual* Trump protesters standing 50 or 100 feet away, could not even know what a few infiltrators with ulterior motives were doing to the officer. He or other officers did not arrest these attackers, so they cannot say precisely who or what these people were, what the ideology or motivation for attacking him was.

I would also point out that neither he or other officers were killed or seriously injured, nor were any House or Senate members killed or injured. If these presumed "Trump protesters" had a true motivation to harm or kill Fanone or anyone else, they certainly had the opportunity to do so.

Why do you pull this garbage, M E M ?

You're just a broken-record lying talking points machine, repeating the same DISPROVEN lying narrative, over and over again.

Repeating the same lies doesn't make them more true.
And whatever your pretenses of being "on the side of Democracy", you are in truth on the side of the authoritarian Bolsheviks, Black Lives Matter, and "de-fund the police".

Whereas I (and the cop your BLM/Antifa pals beat up) am on the side of ACTUAL Constitutional democracy.

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