You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers
When a network uses this as a legal defense for his bullshit. Given how many people take him as factual though it seems like a false rationale.

And Attkisson was able to use Erik Wemple as an example because the media really isn’t what she alleges. However looking at her body of work in the last 4 years I see her as following a conservative narrative. Attkisson had built a reputation for being able to ask tough questions of whatever administration was in the WH. That isn’t the case anymore from what I’ve seen. She wrote a piece last fall about Trump was going to surely win the election. I don’t see any semi current work that deviates from a narrative that even comes close to upsetting a trump voter.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2021-04-18 11:43 AM.

Fair play!