Originally Posted by iggy
Called it!

There's nothing to call, troll dipshit, it's just a fact.

Media Research Center, "Media Bias 101", citing 50 years of quantifiable liberal media bias

For 50 years, given the categories of "very conservative", "conservative", "neutral", "liberal" or "very liberal", reporters have SELF-IDENTIFIED as "liberal" or "very liberal" consistently at a ratio of 80%, for over 50 years. And even higher since Obam's 2008 campaign, where they abandoned all pretense of objectivity, and became openly liberal/Democrat activists. Becoming even less objective and openly activist in the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011 or so, some of whom reporters were fired for their open bias.

See the book BIAS by Bernard Goldberg, a 30-year self-identified liberal journalist for CBS, who was ostracized from CBS for simply writing a Wall Street Journal editorial opening up the mere question of liberal bias.

See the book LEFT TURN by Tim Groseclose where he also quantifies liberal bias in the media, and despite that he was a tenured college professor when he wrote the book, he too was ostracized and harassed to the point that he left the university (academic bias being if anything worse than liberal media bias.)
Groseclose wrote that the Washington D.C. based liberal media voted in 2008 for Obama at an incredible ratio of 93%, which he points out is a more dense ratio than even the most leftist/Democrat regions of the country in the Boston, MA region, and the Berkeley, CA regions of the country.

And then there's the Harvard study that shows the media reaching 93% anti-Trump coverage:

And here's Greg Gutfeld iciting in the last month the selective coverage ignoring Biden's failures, and obsessing over Liz Cheney's removal from leadership in the Republican party (i.e., "hey, look at this shiny object over here!" rather than reporting nagative facts about Biden), giving 5 times as much coverage to Liz Cheney's removal, rather than the suicidal destruction of the Untied States on multiple fronts resulting from Biden's policies, such as:
- Biden's resultant catastrophic inflation;
- Biden wastefully subsidizing millions of workers that is stalling the economic recovery with only 250,000 new jobs rather than the expected 1,000,000 new jobs;
- 6 trillion in new debt pushed for by Biden;
- and 171,000-plus illegals and criminals a month flooding across our borders and being secretly moved by Biden untracked and undisclosed to local authorities to every city in America. And the tens of thousands of rapes, murders, deaths, drug trafficking, human trafficking and other crimes, against both illegals and aagainst U.S citizenss that enables.

Press is ok with being unethical if they think they're right = Gutfeld, May 22 2021